Showing Posts For arjeidi.2690:

Cannot Patch; Crashes Constantly

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Bumping this because I’d at least like to patch the game

Cannot Patch; Crashes Constantly

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


This issue started happening with the previous patch (not today’s 3/30). I launch GW2, the patcher gets a tiny portion, and then it gives me the crash alert. I simply cannot patch the game anymore, let alone play it. The crash report says:


Wasting maps, becoming a new trend, why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Temporary = “Limited time!” = marketing hype = $$

[Suggestion] Learning racial skils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I already see what will happen from this :

to unlock your own racial skills in future you need to have 100% world completion and do all dungeon ways, or you can pay 500g and 2000 SPs

Please .. don’t ask for anything like traithunting in GW1 anymore … please please ..

I have to agree with Beldin here. EAnet has given us absolutely no reason to trust they can handle changing skill/trait mechanics in a reasonable manner. Until their lead designer (or whoever approves of the things like the trait system) is replaced, then I’d rather they just get up and walk away and leave GW2 as it is before it gets even worse.

Combat Email

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


So if they’re 2 years late on this… does this mean we might start to see some fixes to 2-year-old bugs? And here I thought they just gave up!

How to spend 12,99 Euros/ monthly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


A different opinion

The ranger subforum says hi!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I sure wish ANet had some people from Carbine. Namely communication. ANet is absolutely horrible at it. And don’t give me the “but the forums are mean”. Players can deal with it, so can they. Its their kittening job.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


At this point I think its obvious that ArenaNet cares about one thing: Gemstore sales. They do not care about the players at all, only how much money they can get from them. You’d think happier players would be something they want with the idea that happier people spend more money but they must be making plenty to decide they don’t have to care about it after all.

Our loss.

One handed hammer and Two handed axes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


2400 gems and sure, we’ll give you a 2h axe. Pony up

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


From Ronah Lynda.2496’s suggestion thread.

Makeover Kits merged into the Hero Panel

A summary of details in the request:

  • Makeover/hair kits removed from the Gem Store
  • Adjustments require Alteration Charges which are added at the same cost/amount as Transmutation Charges to the Gem Store
  • Charges are used on a ‘per-feature-adjustment’ basis

My reasons for supporting this request:
I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase “charges” (or whatever) to make frequent changes to my appearance. If charges are priced like current Transmutation Charges then I would welcome them and buy them often.

As it is currently, needing to spend far too much for a single kit to make a single adjustment to my appearance causes me to not purchase any.

If I were charged on a per-feature-adjustment basis, I would make changes and tweaks constantly. This ‘fee per adjustment’ plan would result in plenty of appearance charges being used. Spending a ton of gems for a full kit just to tweak the color of my sylvari’s glow so it will match her new armor color scheme…no thanks, not buying those. I’d rather make a new character than buy a kit to tweak one small detail on an existing one.

My girlfriend and I would absolutely love for this to be the system. Huge support from us for this suggestion as well!

Best news since launch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


It’s a smart business model. It’s totally optional, but even if you miss it and want it it’s a meager $2.50

It’s $10. You cannot buy gems for only $2.50 so while it may only use up $2.50 worth of gems, you have to pay $10 to get it. Please make that distinction.

Living World should NOT cost gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


And yet people still claim ANet is focused on making a great game rather than just selling gems. Mmhm.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: arjeidi.2690



I notice there is no longer the icon available for any item to buy it as a gift for another player. Is this feature permanently removed or just a temporary bug?

Edit: As of 9pm Eastern US time, I am able to gift things again. Cheers!

(edited by arjeidi.2690)

Ancestral Outfit now in the gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Dear ANet,

Normally I glance at the armors and outfits you introduce in the shop and roll my eyes. The absurdity never ends but today I log in and find this newest outfit to be very pleasing. I like it. I want it. Except you’ve designed it so I have to wear it as is and cannot mix & match it with my armor. Which is an absolute turn-off. I want my character to look like my character. I appreciate that all players have the same resources in that regard (skins in the game) but I like to be very selective and pick and choose which top I wear with which boots with which gloves and et cetera.

Your design to make oufits a single piece is actually a barrier to me giving you money, at this point. I hate the idea of spending money for gems in your game but you’ve actually (for once) come up with something that makes me want to. Except for the silly limitations you impose on the item.

Please do your players the kindness of separating outfits into pieces so we can mix and match them. You might actually see more people like myself buy things from the gemstore if we have the ability to use them the way we’d like instead of how you’d restrict us to.

Good Luck,

GW2 Female Armour [Poll]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Confirmed: People who complain about too much skimpy (light armor) and not enough modest armors, are nuns.


This would be a lot more useful if you define “skimpy” and seperate it by armor class.

Light: Fine as is.
Medium: We need more skimpy.
Heavy: We need generally more lighter looking choices which includes skimpy.

^ This x10000000000

(edited by arjeidi.2690)

Risk/Effort vs Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


You forgot the Trading Post.

TP = highest risk of all

edit: all other avenues have zero risk. You don’t lose gold doing dungeons or champ trains

TP = least effort. You don’t have to dodge or manage cooldowns/health sitting afk at the trading post.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Well we know they read the thread based on some of the changes they made in the last patch (which was a small, but good, start) but it’d still be nice to actually hear from these people, assuming they haven’t all replaced their english vocabulary for cantonese and mandarin.

Traits should still not be locked behind WvW, Dungeons, or Story. They should not cost skill points at all. New characters are severely restricted with their character building in ways they shouldn’t be. Having to go out of your way to do a specific task (or save up gold and skill points) to get a trait you wanna try and then find out “Eh, it doesn’t really work well. I think I need to change it” is a huge pile of bs. Then you have to go do some other task you may not be interested in or grind out more gold and skill points and hope that its better.

Yeah, I don’t see smart players going that route. Instead I see them going to the forums/wiki, looking for meta/flavor of the month builds, and then looking for the nearest/easiest champ train to get the gold/skillpoints in order to get their traits that they’re getting because it was the most suggested “build” on the forums.

Thats what this game is now, for new players, in regards to traits: A giant kitteng chore. Not fun, not intuitive, anti-experimentation, anti-creativity. This isn’t adding some new content thats underwhelming, this is fundamentally breaking something that worked just fine.


Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


As someone who gets no enjoyment from grinding the same content over and over zerging, dungeons, or group events but still managed to get 5 level 80’s I have to say…

I don’t know as I ever had 40g on my characters at any one time.
What this appears to amount to is a great big nerf to anyone who might be a tad introverted and doesn’t want to be surrounded by people all of the time. Which was the way I ‘play your own way’.

I have no problem with people who love being surrounded by a bunch of strangers all the time, but for me, I had 2 or 3 rl friends I played with or I solo played. So dungeons weren’t really on the cards and group events weren’t very fun for me.
I enjoyed the open world, I enjoyed the variance within which we could do our own thing. Get new gear by crafting, dungeons, random drops, zerg trains, it didn’t matter.

Now I won’t be able to even get all my traits. That’s not the game I purchased, it’s not the game I spent way too many gems buying character slots to play, and yea, I’m a little disappointed by this.

I hear that there are people in Orr again though, doing the events again, and I think that’s great. So i guess if you enjoy large group play, then this is a positive change, and I would never try to force you to play my play-style. If you’re someone like me, then this is a big downgrade.

I’m pretty much exactly in the same position. It absolutely sucks that they did this to game. No other word for it, it just sucks. Traits shouldn’t be locked behind dungeons or story or wvw.

If they want traits to be unlocked in this system, then traits should have an option in all modes: dungeon, story, open world, wvw. Then a player who loves dungeons can just unlock traits via dungeons, the content they like to play. A Wvwer can unlock them in WvW, content they like to play. And so on.

But ANet only cares about forcing (they say “encouraging”) players into other game modes so they can undoubtedly hype up their game in the next interview with RPS or IGN:

“In April we saw a dramatic increase in players participating in WvW. This is how you can tell we’re really improving the WvW experience for players and they’re loving it. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we have a lot more “improvements” to that mode to get even more players “interested” in playing it"

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I’d like greater armor variety in general. More skirts for medium (not trenchcoat or butt cape. Think studded leather gw1 armor), more non-trenchcoat tops for medium, more pants for light.

Of course I say I’d like more variety but it’ll only ever come in the gem store. Shame.

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Devout armor. There ya go.

[Gem adverts] Can we stop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


they have to make money.

That’s why they sell the game and not just give it away.

would make sense for a stand alone one-time release…..not a constantly evolving MMORPG.

That’s what a subscription is for.

Remember that attitude years ago “Subscriptions are a rip off, MMOs aren’t expensive to run, never pay a sub!!”

Now its “Give the poor developer all your money, they’re a BUSINESS and entitled to your pennies! How dare you complain!”

Talk about stupid.

Sanctum sprint and the aspects are so broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Using Light Dash while under the effects of swiftness (gained from the red crystals) extends the distance of Light Dash (as well as increasing the speed). Keep this in mind when you grab a red crystal and use Light Dash.

Personality system. Deleted or forgotten?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Just one of the things ANet made sound awesome on paper (in press) and never delivered on.

An End to the Queensdale Train

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Oh, and I love exploring and finding stuff, whether it’s a sarcastic NPC or a beautiful view or a champion event.

And this thread made me realize I just keep map chat turned off. I wonder if that gives me a more positive outlook toward the game and its player base?

I too have found peace in running combat log instead of chat. Though i miss guild chat messages…but that’s a UI problem.

Otherwise, while i have seen vitriol in the QD map chat, more often than not, it’s either quiet or just the occasional “train?” followed by a map location. I see the same amount of “toxicity” in QD as i do in WvW, dungeons, and LS.

Doesn’t that statement in itself tell you something of the toxic nature of trains… those same players take that same self righteous attitude into other facets of the game .. hence the word – Toxoc.

Nope. You have toxic pvp’ers who never/hardly ever train. Not the train’s fault. You have WvW’ers with toxic attitudes as well. Again, not the train’s fault. You have dungeon-runners with toxic attitudes. Not the train’s fault.

Why do some people have toxic attitudes? Because they’re human, thats all there is to it. They’re equally toxic about tv shows or music or sports or any other thing in their life. Its how they are.

You get rid of the QD train, you just relocate the toxicity. Maybe thats a goal, but I promise you it won’t be gone at all. So those new players will see toxic chat in a 25-35 zone, or a 50-60, or wherever. Please rationally explain how toxic behavior in one map is better than toxic behavior on another?

The issue is the attitudes, not the activity. I’m sorry to be insulting but if you think trains cause the behavior, you should try thinking about the issue for more than 5 seconds.

An End to the Queensdale Train

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Every person here citing toxic behavior as a reason to dislike the train and want it gone are justified. The toxicity is the problem, however, not the activity of the “train” itself.

If you remove the QD train, those toxic players are going to still be toxic about something else.

You can act like you’re doing this on behalf of new players, but be honest: there’s not that many brand new human players that are capable of taking down these Champs without the train. I think a lot of you people complaining are that you start new alts and have to deal with it. Sorry but boo-hoo, so what?

The activity isn’t the problem, nor is it the zerg kill-em-all mindset, its the players that have toxic attitudes, and those players will still be playing GW2 even if you eliminate the QD zerg, so if that’s your problem, lets hear some solutions focused on that. Plenty of calm people run the train but you want to ruin their playing as well?

Think it through.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I know people tend to say this a lot when complaining, but I think this whole trait mess is just evidence that the people at ANet don’t really play the game, not in the way players do. Maybe they play just to make sure things work “right” but I cannot understand how they could actively play the game as a player and think “hm, for an Adept trait at lvl 36… lets require them to 100% a 70-80 zone. That sounds about right”.

An argument could be made for that requirement if the trait was significantly better than all the other Adept traits but lets face it, almost all traits are equally rubbish. I feel that if ANet wants to keep these ridiculous requirements for specific traits, then they need to rework each trait and make them significantly better to justify it.

But thats a lot of work and would require more trait re-tooling than they’ve done in the 2 years since launch. The only solution I feel they’re capable of is to revert the system all together.

Realistically, though, this is ANet and they’re as stubborn as they come so we’re likely stuck with this garbage.

if it takes subscription

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


If Im gonna play a new game after Gw2, I will start lookin for subbing games. Im not sure I would sub gw2 if the choice comes up in the future, as Im not a big fan of some of the changes that has been done lately. But who knows.
I didnt buy gw2 because it was a “free” game, I bought it because I found it interesting and I wanted to try it. A sub back then wouldnt made any difference.

Trust me the sub games aren’t as developed or as good as GW2 cough ESO cough. If one game developer that uses the sub business model, they need to put out as much content and patches as A.Net does for a B2P game. Many sub games have gone F2P with CS or Freemium – SWTOR, TERA, RIFT, TSW, etc.

They go F2P or Freemium because its more profitable, not because it increases the quality of the game. Implying that games improve because they go F2P is pretty ridiculous, actually. GW2’s quality isn’t better because its B2P. I’d say GW2’s quality is on par with other MMOs, except ANet has a lot more stubbornness and incompetence than other developers.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I think people really don’t understand how Guild Wars 2 is supposed to be played, given how much they’re treating it like other MMOs.

Am I the only one to hang around whatever area I feel like simply because I enjoy the scenery and find the enemies fun to fight?

Are you surprised people get bored of fighting the same things in the same places and are now forced to go do specific things in order to get a trait? And have to do those exact same things on every single post-April15 character they ever have?

"Not so secret" jp portals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


As someone who takes pride in having completed every single jp on my own, I’m impressed to see such a spirit of generosity. I feel this community (all gaming communities, really) have too much of a “don’t help others get what I have, I’ll feel less special!” attitude so this is awesome to see. I probably wouldn’t use the portals but I hope you mesmers keep it up!

Pets, stats and Tooltip info

in Ranger

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Do you mean Expertise Training is bugged and does nothing? Or that it has a different effect?

Also, I was unaware that Beastmastery didn’t affect a pet’s CDmg stat. That sucks :/

What TWO Things Would You Like to See?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


*Less power/decision-making given to the sales team
*A new lead designer that actually understands what a mess the new trait system is

Do want this outfit, ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I like it. I want it.

Only if it can be worn piecemeal and dyed.

So much armor in this game looks so bulky. Or “revealing”. There’s almost no middle ground.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


*We shouldn’t be waiting until 30 to start getting traints.
*We shouldn’t need to 100% clear lvl70 zones for Adept/any traits. Make it a specific fight like Skill Point challenges? Sure. Clearing entire zones for a single trait? Get outta here.
*We shouldn’t have such a huge gap of 6 levels in between trait points.
*We shouldn’t have to wait until max level to get GrandMaster traits.

We should have the previous trait mechanics. Keep the free reset, keep the change of 70->14 (pointless but does no harm), but why on earth would you intentionally make such a vital part of character development worse by such a great amount?

Guilds need their own maps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Player guilds have nothing to do with the game being called Guild Wars. That aside…

+1 to this as long as its available to all guilds and not just the mega-guilds

Make Gold Un-tradeable, stop hackers/sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I’m all for getting rid of flippers but not being able to give my brother or gf some gold to buy something? Nope, not signed.


Guild Halls, Mail and Chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


As far as Guild Halls go, I’d love them but I dread ANet making them accessible only to large guilds or the richest players. I no longer trust them to make things available to all players

[Suggestion] Trait Challenges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I agree with stale, Thanatos. Reading your suggestion made me super sad. Sad that it wasn’t implemented like that from the start. Traits are just as important as skills for your character so it’d be cool if you could get Trait Points in similar fashion as Skill Points.

I hope someone from ANet reads this thread and thinks “you know what, this game really does deserve to have a well thought out approach to such an important part of character development, lets use this idea”. I can only hope, at this point…

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


I’m going to copy/paste my suggestions from this thread:

Hey everyone, I’ve been thinking a lot about the new trait changes and reading a lot of opinions, and that inspired me to come up with what I believe is a better solution. If you like what you read, spread the word and hopefully maybe ArenaNet will make some changes like these. Here goes:

For starters, players should unlock traits at level 15, and gain one trait point every five levels until level 80. Master tier once again unlocks at 40, and Grandmaster at 60. This is how it worked before the patch, only each point will still be worth five, and new players don’t have to wait to level 30 just to use traits. It’s a win-win.

Traits are still locked and can still be unlocked by purchasing guides, but acquisition out in the field should be different. Players will be able to complete specially-marked Trait Challenges for trait guides much like they can complete Skill Challenges for skill points.

Trait Challenges could be marked on the map as either empty or filled hexagons (similar to hearts), and are based on the type of profession you play: Soldier, Adventurer, or Scholar.
Warriors and Guardians will have to display their strength by dueling a NPC to gain a new trait.
Rangers, Thieves, and Engineers stretch their adventuring muscles by going off road and deep into caves and crevices to reach special chests containing their trait guides.
And since Elementalists, Mesmers, and Necromancers like to use their brains in battle, they have to complete mind puzzles or quizzes in order to win their traits.
We already more or less do these things for skill challenges, but they can be slightly harder and more specific to profession type.

Additionally, if your profession doesn’t match up with that specific challenge, then it does not show up on the map and it cannot be activated. For example, a Soldier or Scholar would not be able to see a hexagon on the map for an Adventurer challenge, and if they manage to reach the chest, will not be able to open it. Similarly, a Scholar or Adventurer will not be able to pick fights with Soldier challengers, though if the fight is in session, they can at least give aid.

Adept challenges could be found on maps between the levels of 15-40, Master challenges on maps level 40-60, and Grandmaster challenges on maps level 60-80.

Oh, and Trait Challenges should not count towards map completion.


My thoughts?


"Bearbow is the meta"

in Ranger

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


My main uses Lashtail Devourer and Blue Moa, and my second ranger is using Pig and Boar (but doesn’t have all pets yet). No bows though! Am I worse than bearbow?

When we will see that ranger fix update?

in Ranger

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Traps are fine the way they are. Traited they become ground targetable (big difference), double the radius iirc (nice bonus), and their inflicted conditions get doubled duration (eh). Any improvement to them would like come with accompanying nerfs to keep them balanced where they are. As a dedicated trap ranger in pve I do not want longer cooldowns or any other restrictions placed on traps.

Really, of all the Ranger utility skills (aside from LR, Frost Spirit I guess), traps are the least “inefficient”. Those shouts though… smh

PSA: 15 Character Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690



I love ArenaNet devs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


But yeah, I’d wish they’d release some kind of statement concerning the concerns of the community regarding the latest update too.

You mean something like this:

Although we’re excited that you have more players than ever to explore the open world of Guild Wars 2 with, our work is not yet complete. Our megaserver team will continue to monitor the performance of the technology on live and evaluate your feedback. We will continue to tweak and update the way the system works until it is providing even better megaservice!

Can you link their response to the issues/feedback regarding the new traits system?

Multiple Runes. Player friendly Yeah right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


You spent money in the gem store, thats all ANet needs to know. They don’t care about your feelings or your opinions, just if you’re willing to spend money or not. You demonstrated that you are, so they’re satisfied. Should’ve kept your wallet closed, I’m afraid.

Hey look... more discontent.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


wouldn’t that make it B2P actually?

Buying means that SOMEONE PAYED for it, so, any way you look at it, it’s still P2P.

Pay-to-play has traditionally (always?) meant to imply a subscription model. You continue to pay to continue to play. B2P simply means you buy the game to play it. Yes, you do pay money in both scenarios but there is a difference between a one-off exchange of money/goods and a subscription model.

Let us buy any amount of gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


While it’s a sensible business tactic, it’s not a consumer-friendly one.

It’s not, but a free to play game in of itself is. I’m not saying I disagree with the OP, but as you aren’t forced to buy gems, they have every right to have gem amounts set in stone.

Guild Wars 2 is not a free to play game. It is Buy To Play. There is a difference. $60 is not the same kitten

Hey look... more discontent.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


wouldn’t that make it B2P actually?


Name 1 thing you want changed/added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Changed? Lead Designer

Added? Non kittenty medium armors

Hey look... more discontent.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


So I’m not sure why people say GW2 is F2P. My internet isn’t free, the electric I use isn’t free, my computer wasn’t free… I figure it costs me about $80.00 a month to play GW2. Remember my friends nothing is free. Sure it doesn’t cost me MORE to play but it definitely isn’t free.

GW2 is feeling more and more like a facebook game to me, like farmville, I log on do my dailies and other time-gated stuff then log off. I have a lot of faith in them I hope they can get me excited again.

Guild Wars 2 is not Free-to-play because you have to buy the game. There is no without-purchase version. $60 is not free.

My opinion about the Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


Game needs more armors like the pirate outfit. Less of the “I’m wearing several blankets WITH SPIKEZ 4 TEH KEWLZ”.

Zerker meta: Possible solutions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


So many people crying about pvp in here, lol. The only way any build meta gets resolved is by splitting everything. PvP versions, PvE version. They should never use the same numbers/mechanics because they are never the same game. But ANet is stubborn with their delusions of “merging pvp and pve” into one unit where everybody can be happy, so nothing will ever actually improve, only change laterally.

Anyone sick of conditions in pvp should be arguing for a pvp/pve split so conditions can be reworked for pvp. Anyone sick of zerker only should be arguing for a pvp/pve split so zerker can be rework for pve. As it is right now, ANet probably looks "well these things are terrible in pve but strong in pvp. Thats balanced! Oh and this thing isn’t useful in pvp but is really good in pve. Thats balanced too! Guys aren’t we great? Our game is sooooo balanced! \o/ "

Rather than arguing amongst [y]ourselves, we should be uniting to convince ANet to give up their lazy dream of “1 Ruleset to rule them all” and wake up and split separate game modes into actual separate game modes. They learned it in GW1 with their skills and have intentionally taken a step backwards with GW2.