Can we get a trait what would make it scale with power?
Burn shood not stack or has to be nerfed down or accessibility has to be nerfed some guardian skills apply 11k worth of burning
If procession of blades hits 3 targets 10 times all 3 targets get 10 stacks of burning worth 14k for all
(edited by baylock.1703)
Can you feedback an entire city? Yeah, didn’t think so.
There is no cooldown on her timewarp eather
Uh, is this even a question? Queen Jennah obviously.
Long live the queen no 1 can beat Queen Jennah
Dedicated healers like druid ruind PvP for me I moved now on to For Honor what I’m tiered now also.
Also condi spam (and massive amount of clense) 2 menu deffencive abilities 2much of everything
First of I want to say ty anet for trying but these 2 skills are still not viable enywere sadly.
If eny other mesmer can tell where you use them let me know.
I don’t want them to be op but I want to have reason to take them somewhere.
I was thinking of removing cast time from both of them BC right now in PvP 1 second you spend on casting them is more valuable than what phantasm brings.
My ideas defender is insa cast and stunbreak also
Disenchanter maibe heals on condi remove and damages on boon remove(or applys confusion on boon remove)??? Dunno could not come up with anyfing eather
Eather way I will not be sad if it wount happen just wanted to tell ya guys these skills still not worth it.
PS: sry for my bad english
(edited by baylock.1703)
It actually does descent power damage on close range compared to greatsword on maximum range GS does roughly 10%, more DPS on 2600 power remember staff nb 2 hits 2 times single target (staff is not so good on multiple targets for damage but descent for single target) but you shood always have sword for damage)
Hahaa now revs are purple 2 mesmers influence is growing we allready have most powerful npcs on our side soon we will consume revenants also ? we will be rulers of gw2 soon
Getting CCD wile under confusion shood make spike damage of 2x confusion DMG on action only way it would not breake lore. It actually shood be added to mistrust trait
Make it wvw rank 1000+ and atlast 4 months in current server
Can some 1 explane chance to grace of the land target limit to 10 when most skills heal 5 targets max so what difference does 10 target limit do?
The old castime of spear of justice would be fine if pull part was canceled when going out of line of sight from guardian also spear of justice is seriously bugged skill if you are on reciting end I have died atlast 2 times in pvp from falling damage on flat ground beacose it tossed me up in air…
when you watch pvp league page game crashes
You’ll find them easier as you play more. However, necros will have a harder time against them than some other classes.
Necro wrecks mesmer when necro don’t get moad and if he does… Its necros play mistake
If you go in shroud vs mesmer expect moa , and D’s does not take away your ability to dodge..
Mistrust + gravity well is easy way to achieve this when enemy’s get inturupted
It procs with downed 4 were it has no cooldown ???? it is helerious every proc heals allys for 500 xddd
I actually think end score shood be increased to 1000 but time shood be left same it would make some maps more interesting like legacy were if you kill loRd would not mean soo much at midagame and games would end with time not endscore making you calculate more and gives more chance to comeback
Every season I have had around 55/45 win loss raitio so the problem must be between monitor and chair not balance mmr.
Hmm cind a true but I’m very dramatic xD
RiP inspiration no reason to go there eny way quess il play dom/illusion/cronomancer or dom/duel/cronomancer from now on
But probably il get on bandwagon enyway and play burn dragonhunter this season it will be crasy OP with new amulet and runes
(edited by baylock.1703)
I get why it was made like it is but maibe make it aoe heal around mesmer so it would be worth for mesmer to actually invest into healing power beacose just for self sustain healing power is not worth it
Also I got cool idea what if healing power increases area of aoe heal skills so let’s say 250 healing power increases range of all support skills by 120 making stat more attractive for all support classes
Play ranked like rest of us who are fed up with it
I am mesmer it’s my love in this game. This sayed I miss my enemy from beginning of game d/d thief were are you buddy? I want to feel the thrill of fighting you again .
So a net buff my buddy maibe make clock and dagger unblockable for starters there is so much block atm in game and missing it means basicly loss for thief.
Ok gs has other things going for it but sword 1 and 2 need damage buff especially in pve I’m rusticated to play tank / utility in raids and other classes in dunceons bc I have around 10k dps on mesmer wile I achieved 41k on ele it’s 4x difference
Remove it all and make dailys not give ap and I do have 4k ap comeing from monthlys and 7k from dailys it does not show your real achivments it just shows you logged in for 10 minutes every day also lower cost of achivment rewards and add bonuses to titles and minis ty for listening.
Actually eaven at 1200 range scepters aa has better dps
Mesmer sword and GS auto is still in need of buff on DMG unless you are not planing to proc sigils its not worth using +30% seems reasonable
Could you plz make it bigger i would be sooooo happy.
Or we could let all classes wear all armors whit penaltys like heavy full set reduces endurance regeneration 50% medium ceeps it current and light increases 50% or make it 50/25/0
Opened 1 chest with free key got eagle wings backback
Give idk hearseeker 10 stacks of vunrebility it means player with 3k armor and 10 stacks of vunrebility will have 2.7k armor afterwards
It shood be possible to port out of it and blind guard and just get free pass with blind . Atm it’s so op that it ignores on wvw lords
I know ppl who run 20 dhs and kill buffed lords with it
Maybe he was just lagging really hard but in all seriousness you shood report hem
Could a net bring them back? It shoot last like a month and be like 4 times in a year. Just ceep rewards from last one what happened in 2014 and bring new achivments every tournament. I remember last time it happens a lot ppl came for temporary achivments it would bring more ppl to wvw
Yes for some reason you loose mantra charges in cs even when you use mantra only once in cs you come out and have no charges
10 to 15 seconds idc would be fine if daze on phantasm would be removed . It would actually be good on power mesmer bc power don’t randomly spam all he’s shatters.
All Sya needed was total makeover kit + name change kit roughly 1200 gems
Or she got lucky with mystic forge keys
Most players have hot but I would not mind vanilla seting for private servers were you can only play with vanilla for ranked it would be 2 much of a seperation depending ofc how popular it will be maibe give 3rd choice under ranked unranked for vanilla were you can’t use elite spec
All from above also try to make hem waste he’s stunbreaks with mantra daze + mirror blade u sealy works by he w8 for burst after mirror blade when he has used I think he’s 2 stunbreaks try catching hem into well of gravity and burst if you do it with continuum split also use shield 5
Build I use in pvp atm when enemy has slow and you get fury pop you pretty much crit all attacks
Moa has always been in pvp it’s good couter to transformations if you remove a counter you also need to remove what it counters so if moa is removed I will call for removal of minions astral form death shroud lich form plague form rampage and tornado from pvp
And when we continue in this path eventually pvp will be place were we can test who has best autoattack
why is it a instant cast then when almost all elites take a second or 2?
Get ur facts straight 1s cast time
I’m mesmer myself and I +1
I was in coma for 2 years and toght it’s 2014
Moa has always been in pvp it’s good couter to transformations if you remove a counter you also need to remove what it counters so if moa is removed I will call for removal of minions astral form death shroud lich form plague form rampage and tornado from pvp
And when we continue in this path eventually pvp will be place were we can test who has best autoattack
(edited by baylock.1703)
It has been like this from start and applys for all channel skills I made topic of it 2 years ago the worst part is when you have reflect on you when in stealth you get revealed.
Just make them free again … Make it that you get 5 or 7 days suspension in wvw or something but make it free again so ppl can move freely again you will loose ppl who are trapped in server they don’t want to be and can’t farm up to 600 gold to transfer and end up quiting
I would like to suggest it to be elite skill not utility but as elite it would be cool if it had 2 charges or recharge reduced beacose as it is atm is fits more into elite category also mass invis fits more into glamour than manipulation category.
This guy can’t deal with power shatter xdd so power burst mesmer bf he bursts you who gets off first wins.
I do not want to brag or enyfing but this and
devs actually listen and care
Removeing cleric was cind a stupid and I was all for cele removal give support amulet with hp main power and split vitality toughness than