Haven’t played an elementalist in almost 2 years. Are they still limited to two daggers or a staff to be effective, or have wands and other weapons been buffed?
If you are going to force patches through torrents, make sure you actualy have a torrent that can send out patches at speeds faster than 50 kb/sec. Not to mention minutes of time with ZERO data sent…
It appears this patch involves redownloading the entire game. HUGE number of files. Blah.
This new Trait system feels like Anet is abandoning the US and going all-in on China. If the game does well in China, Anet will be ok. If it flops, welll…
I wonder who will be crying the loudest when servers start getting shut down in six months, because new players will be told to avoid this game, due to horrifically bad leveling?
Nothing will change unless a dramatic portion of the player base leaves, or lots of negative news about the game shows up in regular gaming forums.
Bank tabs, armor sets you like, maybe a gathering tool.
And yet, you will be lambasted on these forums for saying that. There wasn’t enough gold in game before the patch (barring a few heavy farmers). It’s going to get much worse now. For brand-new players, they may as well just give up getting anything good.
(edited by danbuter.2314)
They added those Tormented weapons skin weapons from GW1. All it did was cause a massive whinefest thread about people saying it shouldn’t have happened. Better to give the GW1 people nothing than hear them cry.
(edited by danbuter.2314)
I am wondering if NCSoft forced this through, in an effort to kill GW2 so all attention could be focused on Wildstar. (Kind of like what they did with City of Heroes just before GW2 launched).
(edited by danbuter.2314)
Yeah, they really need to make this set available in PvE. Then again, I’ve been asking for it since game launch, and we all know how that worked out.
I champ farm when bored or just looking to map chat. If I want real money, I got to level 40-60 zones and farm.
I’m running pistol/pistol because it’s a lot of fun. I know it’s not as uber as other builds. However, what rune/sigil set would best benefit this weapon set (also, no stealth.)
Some WvW, but mostly open world pve.
I suspect in a couple years, this Trait “feature patch” is going to be looked at the same way the patch that killed Star Wars Galaxies is today.
Don’t Lose Your Way!
It will be great if you are on some dinky server with no pop. It will probably screw you over if you are used to TC or other big servers.
Also, put zergers on one map and people who whine about the zerg on another map!
I would also really like this. Every other mmo lets you move stuff around, but not this one.
This is a move to get you to buy gems in the gem store with real money, and then convert it to gold.
Low level zones should not be designed around level 80s. Instead, level 80 zones should be made worthwhile for 80s to explore.
This is a terrible idea. Traits should not be locked in any case.
Most vistas are easy. There are a few that are basically jumping puzzles without the reward, though.
Zerkers still best gear! Until condition cap bumped up or removed, this will always be true.
What is “spotter”? It’s not a skill.
April 1 will likely be super adventure box.
The worst part of this game is 1-10, while you wait for traits. Now that wait will be even longer. I’m making sure any character I want will be at 80 just to avoid this fiasco.
Also, doing quests for traits is dumb. Yes, the first month, everyone will be doing them so they will be easy to get. 6 months from now, new players will have an interesting time getting anyone to help them go out to some out-of-the-way map to get a trait. It’s hard just to get help in Queensdale for the Franklin skill point. Trying to get people to change maps will be even worse.
Reducing number of traits and making them very easy to swap was a great idea. Adding in this unnecessary complication was not.
I remember that many said at least iZerker was broken. Is it still? Or have all the weapon sets/skills been fixed? I don’t want to be using something that is broken.
AND kits are based on rare weapons, not exotics. They auto-kitten level 80 damage.
“My main’s an Engineer, I want it too.” – If Colin’s main really is an Engineer and he really does want to get Engineers melee weapons…Well, it’d just be nice if he’d weigh in, I think.
It would help to establish more of a feeling of connection, and we could maybe get a couple ideas on how it’d work. Doubt it, but still.
Colin also hates hobosacks. He even said so over a year ago.
I don’t use minions and hate the Reanimator trait. Would just skipping the Death Magic trait line kitten a staff-user too much? I know I’d miss the bigger/unblockable marks and the staff cooldowns, but I really, really don’t want to be stuck with Reanimator.
Get rid of Reanimator.
This would not involve transmutation crystals of any kind.
And that’s why it won’t happen.
Maybe Anet has forgot that there is sPvP gameplay in its game?
I wish it would. Then they’d stop ruining classes to appease the PvP crowd.
You are incorrect about that. Maybe actually check before posting that something doesn’t exist.
This is just my wishlist of stuff that I think would help the game.
Easy Stuff
Add the pvp-only armor sets (such as Tribal) to the pve game.
Give sylvari females access to the mohawk hair style.
Keep at least one of each type of permanent harvesting tool in the gem store at all times (i.e one pickaxe, one logging axe, and one sickle). Change which ones are available to continue that “necessary” artificial scarcity if you really have to.
Get rid of the Reanimator Minor Trait, or at least let necros turn it off completely. It’s the most annoying trait in the game.
Harder Stuff
Add in an actual tutorial that teaches people how to play the game.
Add in Light/Medium/Heavy categories to the Trading Post armor search.
Fix the traits that still don’t work 1.5 years after release (and there’s a batch of them).
Let us turn down all the sparkly explosion stuff so that we can actually see what is going on in the game during a big battle.
Give an option to turn off the engineer hobo sack.
Work on the pet AI. It’s better than it was a year ago, but still should be better than it is. Also, give pets partial immunity to AOE attacks.
(edited by danbuter.2314)
I’m starting a staff ele, and plan on focusing on water. I figure 20 points into water just to make it good.
Any other traits I really, really should get, or should avoid?
Also, what slot skills/heal tend to go best with a water staff ele?
(I know I will have to change elements, etc., but for rp, I’m going to be water-focused).
No dungeons, but a little wvw is probable.
Which server has been able to complete new LS
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: danbuter.2314
Tarnished Coast zipped right through it when I was there.
Helped beat Scarlet. no helm/achievement
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: danbuter.2314
thanks! i’ll give it a shot later tonight.
Helped beat Scarlet. no helm/achievement
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: danbuter.2314
I’d need a group of others with me, right?
Helped beat Scarlet. no helm/achievement
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: danbuter.2314
Crud. Didn’t know there was one. I just followed the majority of players to the exit.
Helped beat Scarlet. no helm/achievement
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: danbuter.2314
I got the big chest at the end, but no achievement or helm. Not sure why.
No class changes should EVER occur based upon spvp. Maybe, and I mean maybe, 5% of the gamers play this. 95% of the player base should not be penalized to make that 5% happy.
Tarnished Coast gets it probably 2 out of 3 times.
Great event - too bad about all of the bots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: danbuter.2314
Love this event. Easily my fave since game release. However, almost ever time I do it, there are probably 15 or 20 people just standing either at a gate or in a hidden corner. It’s pretty apparent they run in, then shrink the game to do something else, while receiving bags for doing absolutely nothing. If anything, they are keeping out players who want to actively participate.
Alex/OP, what is your favorite class? Unless it’s ranger, I can list 4 or 5 reasons why it needs nerfed.
It has to do with botting? lol… Wow has alot more auctions a day probably than this game and they dont have the trading limit. Regardless it wouldn’t even stop bots? It just means bots will change the times at which they sell items(I.e. 10 items a minute). It will just slow them down a little.
WoW also allows botting.
You may not believe this, but it is nearly impossible to get banned in that game. As long as you pay your subscription you can do whatever you want.
Yup, in case of Guild Wars they don’t like bots because it can destroy economy and theoretically cause any player who bots to get all items in gemstore free because they have endless amount of gold.
There’s an economy? ahaha
Sick as in good, or sick as in bad? Also, stick?
LA has better rewards right now for higher level characters. Go there.
Stop QQ.
Thieves have become stealth dependent now, not damage dependent. Would give you many more dodges with +10% damage. Having stealth -10% damage is QQ.Maybe I’m misunderstanding this because it’s worded so poorly but not all thieves rely on stealth. I can’t even remember the last time I actually put myself in stealth on mine.
since the infil return nerf yes most of them rely on stealth atleast a little. there is no more competitive non stealth builds. go play high end TPVP …ull get the idea.
Except that no one other than a few hundred players play tpvp, and this nerf will affect the entir playerbase. Oh wait, anet still somehow believes that gw2 is going to be a sport pvp game.
Mounts would be fantastic. Sadly, the only people left on the forums are the hard-liners who think that nothing new will improve this game.