Showing Posts For judge.8754:

Payment Authorization Failed

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: judge.8754


Did have a problem yesterday with ingame purchase. Just a while back went to
From there made the transaction. Just needed to convert my phone number to international, with landcode in it. (numbers only)
Also had to remove the space in my postal code for it to work. Was able to make payment with online banking after that. (An option which was in game yesterday evening, but it got removed shortly after)
And had to add the key to my gw2/arenanet player account.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Are the new weapon skins seriously 2 tickets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: judge.8754


The “introduction price” of 2 claimtickets is too high. I don’t think it will promote the sales of black lion keys to the standards they are used to.

From time to time when black lion keys were on sale i bought various of those.
Results usually were:
from 25 keys i usually end up with 7isch ticket scraps from the black lion chest
from 50 keys average 1 claimticket from the black lion chest

I did like the introduction price of a new black lion skin type of 1 claimticket each, which it always had been.

For the current situation, 50 keys are need for 2 claim tickets, 4 scraps?

Let’s say on average you get 1 ticket for every 10 keys used. Assuming you buy the most efficient keys, you could get an old skin for about 10$. They just upped that value to 20$… For a single skin, part of a skin pack. If you wanted to try and collect them all through tickets, it would cost about 320$ for the set. Of course, as usual, you’re better off buying the skins for gold and converting gems, but this is absurd.

BLC were already one of the most complained about topics for fashion wars 2, now the problem has been doubled. Soon they will bring back old releases for 10 tickets a pop…

It is even worse on value. Might be even a bit over double on that.

some googling brought me this:
It is not based on loads of people but still, this actually makes a good repressentation of what to expect on average. It is currently based on 319 keys at the moment of writing. It is similar to what i did see from my own experience.

On that drop rate 319 keys got them (with combining of scraps and claim tickets) 15 claimtickets. Considering the 2 claim tickets for one skin, a whole set would easily take more then double that number.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Upset with the WvW update

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Extra pips for ranks is fine, just needs a tweak as the spread is too many. Currently a blobbing server winning matchup gets 3 pips a tick plus up to 7 for rank, giving ten, whereas someone of reasonable rank (2500)putting in the same effort on a losing server get 1 plus 3= 4.

Two and a half times as much isn’t a good ratio, pips for rank should be brought down to a range of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4.

Comparing a winning scrim situation to a losing scrim situation to point out the effect of rank?

The time you get +7 for rank is only when you have max rank 10.000! That’s not peanuts, it takes a lot of time and effort. Even 1 rank less resorts into a +6.

GW2 efficiency shows that atm of typing only 18 people on there have maxed rank! It is stil kind of rare.
(Not every player registered for that ofcourse, but still, it is a good indication of it.)

And yeah, you do NOT need edge of the mists for a good rank. It’s more fun in WvW anyways.
WvW always was a less profitable environment and it still is. But it is very nice to see some WvW reward changes.

The Loyalty Bonus will be added eventually, which is also good. I do think it balances things out a bit more.
Although it would have been more logical if the bonus would have been active already for all people. That would have been nicer to the newer people too.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

WvW crash when entering water

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: judge.8754


I pretty much doubt it is a driver issue. I am from the same raid group.

What already happened with us a couple times in bay:
1 We cata south inner bay.
2 We jump into the water.
3 A lot of our people crash at the same time.

The crash always:
1 involves 1 or more entering water
2 crashes multiple people (even people who didn’t jump in water yet)
3 When people have this crash they always crash at the same time

And yes, we do not always crash when going into water luckily!

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

(edited by judge.8754)


in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Last i checked i am one person, so “them posting” is nicely generalised but realy not the case.

And sure we had matches where we were dominating the matchup. But those aren’t the most fun matchups. I’m pretty sure RoF had those too. In my oppinion the most fun matchups is when the 3 servers are scorewise very close to eachother. Where the outcome of the match is determined on the last day. Win or lose, it’s cool then.

I do think it was the goal for the linking system, to create even matchups.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold


in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


heya funghetto and all others,
Anet should quickly relinking us from FSP. Better next MU than in 6 weeks.

- FoW to Gunnar’s Hold & Vabbi
- WSR to Aurora Glade & Ring of Fire

Please anet give us our joy at wvw back

Those links might have been close to balanced 2 years ago.
These days i’m not even sure if we in GH can remain a host server with our current numbers. Atm We, GH and Vabbi are vs Aurora Glade & Ring of Fire vs DL & millers.

This is by far not evenly linked. I’m pretty sure GH + vabbi vs AG without link would be an easy win for AG.

We in GH like challenging fights, but these days are just constant evenings of home border defends vs blobs / zergs & guildgroups.

And yeah we don’t have queues, sometimes not even when EB helps out home border.

But yeah we need better links for (more) even matchups to get our joy at wvw back.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Full again??? Are you trying to kill guilds?

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Sooo, originally we were medium populated on Gunnars Hold. After the “merge with fow” we were “full”. Couple of days ago i think we got from full to medium again. Now we seem to be full again.

Yet most of the days we don’t even have ANY queues!
Even when we have a queue at prime time on 1 map, it’s back to no queues in 1 or 2 hours tops.

How does this even work?

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

[BUG] WvW Guild Challenge Impossible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: judge.8754


Various of us in Gunnars got used to the oasis event. We started to inform our fellow gunnars about the event if it was up anywhere. We even had many of our commanders seeing the importance of it.

We did see various enemy servers also going for it often, this made way less pve then the PvDooring groups can do at times. Yes, fighting enemies during the event is legit as well as killing an enemy and steal their core.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

(edited by judge.8754)

Can't login

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: judge.8754


XS4ALL here also, but that runs on the kpn network also.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Can't login

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: judge.8754


Same here, but it doubt it is a patch problem. Currently rest of my guild is raiding.

Dutchies by any chance. Provider?

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

(edited by judge.8754)

27/9 Rof vs RoS vs Arb

in Match-ups

Posted by: judge.8754


Yes, it is sad We have noone from RoS/Arborstone to fight with on forum, so we just fight each other

Also, sorry for that veil in bay yesterday :P I didn’t even call for it, but our mesmers followed the usual schema anyway ^^

Aaaand sorry for the one person we portal bombed with 25-30 at the gate of lake. (Not sure which map.)

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

12/7 RoF/RoS/Dz

in Match-ups

Posted by: judge.8754


Good to see TaG again. Hope you guys had as much fun as we just had on RoS(?) borderlands ^^

-> BNF mesmer and HON mesmer + everyone who got involved into the fight Sadly, we had to run a bit after your zerg showed up but was much fun regardless

Very nice fight. Both when we were hitting vale as well as after. Not sure how long that fight was, but it was looong.
After the zerg arrived i was like: “Ooooh yeah, that hit was planned”.

And yes we are ghosts!

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

T9 : Vabbi - FoW - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: judge.8754


There are way bigger RoF zergs then that. But when one saw the arenanet guildtag, it did drew some attention. ^^

Nice surprise though.

And there i was hoping you people would drop precursors

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

(edited by judge.8754)

T9 : Vabbi - FoW - RoF

in Match-ups

Posted by: judge.8754


Dueling event started out nice. Seen some nice duels happening.

Too bad those Lagat Pls [PLS] people interupted the duels with 3vs1’s. It messed up all our moods.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Ruins of Surmia-Dzagonur-Ring Of Fire 05/03

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Yes you did, I saw the golems with my own eyes -_-
Several times you or NaZ would golem rush Cragtop…

We were on Cragtop on saturday, but only rams were used for that one. And ofcourse trebs for knocking on the garrison door to see if you people were home.

If you see golems and a guild TaG team you probably have to worry on other things then Cragtop and i don’t mean just camps!

Yesterday i was totally glad operation Fort Knox (RoF Hills fully upgraded & full of supplies & loooaded with siege) was a succes. That retake wasn’t easy.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Ruins of Surmia-Gunnar's Hold-Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


I would like to say one thing in defense of RoF: Italian community there has some numbers, and more than 2 commanders are Italian too; fact is, that days from 4/25 to 5/1 in Italy are vacation days when they come with sunday and saturday in between. So people luckier than me spend these days away from home and from wvw. I’m not saying only Italians play wvw, but this could be the cause you guys see less dedicated wvw’ers online.

Are you trying to get XxX there now? ;D sounds a bit like that lawl

I don’t know about people asking other guilds to join RoF: I spend more time on forums than ingame sadly, so I can’t answer your question.

Does sound like one heck of a nice & sneaky advertisement! xD

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Gunnar's Hold~Ruins of Surmia~Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


This week was a matter of missing our previous matchup vs gunnar and dzagonur. Despite Gunnars always came out first, it was a good matchup. Server ranks got balanced.

This week was rather bad for servermorale. As far as it looks now we tier down, for us it means a bit of breathingspace.

In our guild we did more in WvW then usual in this week. I think it was a cross between curiosity and challenge. (Our trip to RoS on tuesday evening was one of those examples for that. I think it was one of our longer bay fights ever.)

Latest transferes to RoS tell me that you people need to tier up for a bit to find a challenging matchup. Good luck on that.

As for Gunnars, we’ll be back! :P (and good luck on next week)

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

(edited by judge.8754)

Gunnar's Hold~Ruins of Surmia~Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Our surveillance teams have told us

Surveillance teams = spies?

We are a corporation that deals with injuries in the workplace, sexism and racism, future financial planning, tourism and leasure. We are not in the business of espionage.

Sird – 007ish.

(Why would we need to spy? Its not hard to see a huge force in front of you)

Tourism? But there is very often not many on your map! We did check with small group of people on days before. Was a boring situation, especially for tourists.

So yesterday we tried to make it more attractive with our guild (eventually some other RoF joined in) to make some holes in you bay outer walls. It seriously would make it more attractive for tourists.

Unfortunately our tourist program not realy being accepted by the locals. We tried.

You best improve tourism on your map. Keep an eye out for the people in charge of your tourism department!

Tourist picture from our base of operations yesterday evening after the bay plan was declined by the locals (and some of our people actually needed some rest):

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


[HT] Are a law unto themselves please dont tarr us all with the same brush. They are even rude and speak like that about guilds on GH so dont take it personally. They are genaraly rude to anyone that is better than them.

And please don’t put all [HT] members in with those who are generally not very nice. There are those who have fun in WvW and get along with the community.

I see no point in bickering on a game. Just have fun.

I’ve seen what it could do in gw1. I actually was in such a guild. In time i got tired of all the hate created in it. The actions of some reflected on the whole guild.

It’s even why our guild is called: Playing A Game [TaG]. We play the game to have fun!

Nice fights yesterday. Some big zerg fights on gunnar’s. Unfortunately in a while we were needed for a RoF hills defend vs dzago’s. But such is WvW. :P

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


As far as I was aware Anya was your leader, and how can I whisper you when I don’t know your name? Reason I whispered Anya is because I DO know their name. I’m not lying nor being immature.

However that very post came across as such in the way that you tried to turn it into an attack.

@ Yorric – we were in Dza BL the other day with your guild, you just weren’t there :P I wouldn’t say we’re focusing RoF over Dza at all. If we are it’s because we always enjoyed fighting them in the past, or because early this morning RoF bay was wooden so it was an easier target than anything in Dza BL. Once we’ve got a foodhold it makes sense to keep pushing the same zone so we can defend and attack at same time.

Actually i lead [TaG], i created [TaG] years ago in gw1. So far i didn’t bother to save up for a commander icon, not sure i ever will. Many of us [TaG]’s got their roots in gw1 Alliance Battles. (We played with eachother as well as against each other frequently.)

For WvW matters Anya mostly leads us, for good reasons i might add.

As far as the Unfortunate wall incident. I am 100% sure it was not intentional, it isn’t our [TaG] way of doing things.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


It was an interesting reset. After a while in our borderland we went to dzag with a small group. Tried with a few to get a few pults up near hills. After a quick resupply returned to get 2nd pult up we met a gunnar’s zerg who just capped hills. Due to their numbers we didn’t stay to say hello.

To the RoF Charr thief wearing GWAMM title trolling [NOX] near Vale a few mins ago,
those were some nice skills with S/D, gave me and guildies a good laugh attempting to get near you!
Also great fights all round tonight, was wondering if we’d meet again RoF!

The description sounded familiair, so i checked with a someone in the guild. He confessed the whole thing! (Seems it took pretty long too. ~ 40 minutes.)

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Ring of Fire vs Dzagonur vs Miller's Sound

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Nice Movies!
Had some familiair moments on some of them.

Too bad there seem to be multible forums on this matchup. Makes us feel lonely on this one.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Ring of Fire vs Dzag vs Miller's

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


They are great in numbers but short in brains.

I’m pretty sure all servers got their good and bad. Best is to not underestimate the opponents. Once you underestimate zergs / teams, it could be time to respawn.

The fights so far are pretty nice. Sometimes It’s just like a marathon, running like crazy to places!

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Ring of Fire vs Dzag vs Miller's

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Was quite depressing for a first fight, yeah ^^ But you had 1 add so i can blame him/her for my defeat :P

Had quite a fun time defending south camp on our homelands against both Dzagonur and RoF players. [TaG] from RoF seemed really good to me. Couldn’t kill each other (2 of them against me + camp guards) so they retreated but i’m looking forward towards more fights against you guys.

That sounds familiair!

I recall we were being at Hero’s lodge. Me with my Mesmer and a guildy with his Guardian. Originally we were checking the place out, campflipping way.

Arrived at Hero’s Lodge where we had that fight. Took a bit long, saw some hostiles arround as well as feeling some alarm bells triggered., so we decided to leave it at that. :P

Fun fights so far.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Ring of fire ~Blacktide ~ Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


My guildy on candid camera!

Yesterday some guilds were having some guild activities. So it was a bit more crowded in evening then usual.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

(edited by judge.8754)

Rof V GH V WS 12/01/2013 Take 2

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


Thursday Evening:
Jumped into RoF map. There seemed to be an attack on our garrison. Trying to reach it a couple of times ended up in getting hit by a bus. Unfortunately can only recall a part of the license plate, GH and some big number. That bus seemed to be driving for a long time in RoF.

Eventually that bus disappeared, we did restore the map, repaired gates & got some cannons up on the keeps. Due to this sudden change of enemy numbers, we decided to check where these went.

We went to GH map and knocked on GH’s south bay door, to see if anyone was home. After knocking a bit harder we noticed some people were home!

Friday morning:
I jumped in GW2 and checked wvw status. 2 camps , 2 towers. (Wonder if it was the knocking on the door.) WSR was hit even harder. I do still wonder on the full license plate of that bus, especially the number.

But luckily maps recover fast it seems.

ps. thursday evening and friday morning may be different on place one lives in.

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

(edited by judge.8754)