Showing Posts For mongolianmisfit.8350:
So, I purchased this skin set today and upon doing so, it automatically unlocked the skin in my wardrobe across all types.
I am confused as to what I should do with the actual skins because all three are still in my bag. Is it okay to delete them and still have the skins unlocked, since I do not have to apply them manually anymore? I figured I would ask just to make sure.
There needs to be a page for all the funny screenshots people are taking. I cannot stop laughing.
Some of you really need to lighten up lol.
Also didn’t the Chinese release include this exact same system already, in which they already mentioned the changes in the unidentified dye drop rate and availability?
LOL, the toy story meme is hysterical. This makes me want to play the game and farm for a legendary even more so actually.
IDK if anyone has noticed or said anything yet…..but they had this implemented in SPVP already. We had a locker for all the skins we made for our chars!!!!!!!! So after almost two years , they FINALLY decided to bring this over to PVE? Why now? I mean, I like the changes, it makes sense. But that makes me curious as to what they plan on doing with SPVP locker.
Around the time the game first came out, I bought a skin which I used for SPVP, without honestly knowing I could only use it once. Not that big of the deal at the time, but if ANET plans on fusing every single locker across all play, it would be nice to use the skins I have collected in SPVP, on the PVE side of things. But I doubt this would happen considering I bet a lot of people bought the racial skins (for only 60g) prior to the glory change. A lot of people would probably be kittened that they had to spend more gold and time on it.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
Stopped playing around last summer when the buffs and nerfs came around. Plus the game was really whiggin out my PC from the poor patches/memory loss.
So what’s the deal now on profession balance and has A-Net optimized the game yet with any more fixes, I’d like to come back and play.
Game crashing computer at random intervals
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mongolianmisfit.8350
You guys are beating a dead horse. Arenanet isn’t going to issue any statement because they obviously see these dozens and dozens, possibly even hundreds of people complaining about freezes or BSODs….as a non important issue. The game will be closing its one year soon and there has not been one performance update, WHICH IS WHAT THIS GAME NEEDS! From it overheating computers, screwing graphics cards/drivers, mem leaks, or buggy clients, we’ve heard it all. It is the game, not us.
I uninstalled back in May/June since those updates, and I have not had ONE issue with my PC since those freezes and BSODs while playing GW2. I was hoping to come back a few months later, thinking there would be some fixes…guess not!
GG Arenanet!
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
Low FPS and nVidia employee response.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mongolianmisfit.8350
Ha, well it just makes perfect sense now, lol. Love how we haven’t had any issues with our PC since we dropped GW2 all together. Been playing Defiance and other games, no issues. I only wish we could get a refund. Honestly, never would have invested time into GW2, nor bought the game had we known there would be this many issues, and let alone a poor business decision to not actually work on and progress a game to function as smoothly as possible. Yes, let’s just throw out so much content out there to make our paying customers happy. Let’s just make as much money as we can, but have a build of a game that can at times for many be completely unplayable. Awesome.
I don’t know what others have done in the mean time or plan to do, but I will not touch GW2 with a 10 foot pole until they make an official statement about them bothering to fix the issues or if they actually update and fix the game performance wise….which might not be anytime soon.
why GW2 keeps crashing, BSOD, my theory...
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mongolianmisfit.8350
So, as a lot of you have noticed, for the past 2 weeks in particular (throughout the past year there have been other cases of the same issues but it is more rampant now than EVER), many have come across not just crashes, but BSODs while playing Guild Wars 2.
My husband and I upgraded recently to Windows 7-64, and upgraded to 8gbs of RAM. The thing is, we did not have any of these issues prior to doing so. It wasn’t until recently, and while playing GW2, that this fiasco began.
After following multiple procedures to fix the game, none have worked. Unfortunately, even after uninstalling and deleting all GW2 files, our computer continued to BSOD randomly afterwards. I looked up dozens and dozens of possibilities and still have not been able to pin point the issue. Although, my husband did take some advice via tech forums to solve the BSOD in particular, we are crossing our fingers that it worked. (And yes, we checked everything!)
I have a theory to run by you guys, because well some of you probably know more than I or my husband about hardware/software. Our theory is: that because GW2 has a tendency to really push a system, and because of recent wonky programming and coding or patches (some have looked into plenty of memory leaks), that the game could possibility corrupt drivers or system files and cause computer hardware to the extremity of causing BSODs, and in turn causing damage to systems. It could be small, or even to just push some system parts to become faulty or corrupt in general over time due to extensive game play. (I think I put in about 400-500 hours give or take a few hundred since the release, and sometimes anywhere between 1-2 hours or 5-8 hours of game time throughout a day.)
This is just a theory, but it seems very likely don’t you think? I just don’t find it to be a coincidence that SO MANY are experiencing these issues and ultimately don’t find a fix, or have to essentially replace old to new parts for a fix. I know it is a stretch because there aren’t many cases of game files to do this, but it is about the only one right now that makes sense.
Reinstalling is not a perm. fix. Did this yesterday and the BSOD still happened. My husband and I knew it wasnt our PC because we did not have any issues up until a week or so from GW2. Just for our curiosity, we decided to run cc cleaner, avast, a memory check, etc to see where the under lining problem could be. Nothing. We did though install whocrashed because our system decided to BSOD after uninstalling GW2. It summarized the dump files and tracked it to something windows and directx/graphics related. We will continue to investigate. Will post a thread if we find the source of the BSOD/crashing.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I thought it would solve it, but of course, it didnt.
Deleted all GW2 files and reinstalled new file/client. After doing some spvp for about an hour or two, the game didnt even crash, it went straight into the blue screen mode. I was in the middle waiting for a tourney to start, I clicked on the trading post and the screen went black and the computer restarted. Going to do another run from game advisor and send anything else the I find to tech support. So, they have a build which is almost unplayable and can potentially cause system failures? Are you kidding me that we have to wait around twiddling our thumbs?
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I am 100% sure it is the client/game files and they just havent pin pointed the issue and have no clue what to do or else we would have heard something. If this issue is causing our systems problems, of course they wont say, “Hey guys, by the way, yes there is a problem and our game might cause crashing and screw up your computer!” They dont want people to panic or stop playing. Duh.
Of course we upgrade to 8g of ram and we get problems now, not when we had 4 lol.
I’ve already posted plenty of times, and I am just warning all of you, its best not to play until a fix has been officially implented. Back up your important files, or just delete all GW2 and dl a new file/client to be on the safe side. Dont bother trying to find a fix or mess around with it. We followed instructions from tech support and it made our system worse. One game and faulty programming isnt worth it.
Using 64 bit Windows 7 here have 8gb ddr and same errors as all these fellows here. This happened tnx to latetst patch and somehow my windows got buggy after that since that patch if gotten 2 blue screens.
After i posted this i got the same bluescreen. Memory Management Windows 7 Bluescreen.
While GW2 gives memory error?? accidentally did not think so..Repair option does not work getting same errors…
You arent the only one. Since the last patch the game has effed up our system so it seems. I sent in a ticket with some crash files and ncsoft adviser files and the tech guy gave us some instructions. My husband followed them and it made our system restart and go blue screen more than once. What the bloody hell?
We did a system restore and I think we just plan on deleting the game and all of the GW2 files and downloading a new client/ file. We cannot risk any more errors. We have artwork back uped if there proceeds to be any more errors, but this issue is very serious.
OP is exagerating. Although there is a niche to every class and a set meta, I dont mind. It is the people that bother playing these builds over and over and over again until they know it backwards and forwards who are the pros. And well you can tell just by fighting them. You can tell a newbie mesmer who just started, verse a veteran mesmer by experience when you come across them. I agree with Ostricheggs.
I wouldn’t mind more “viable” builds to play but if I wanted that, I probably would just play PvE or WvW. There will always be a set meta for competitive PvP in games like this. Unless its like these contrived dota clones where you have a billion characters to choose from….for a reason, there is no need for a plethora of pvp builds.
I guess I have different taste. Aside from the kudos I will grant for editing, I was not impressed with the music nor the game-play footage. I stopped watching after the first minute because fighting in hot joins and showing footage against inexperienced players is boring. I don’t understand your rune, sig, or utility choices, but I guess it is “fun” to play with all the evades and leaps…nothing more than that though.
Thanks for your honesty bud! Launching Mist League has left me with no time to compete so I decided instead to run into outnumbered situations with a weapon and build that isn’t used or even thought about. I did the same thing months ago with my trapper build when every one said rangers were underpowered. -
I take offensive runes because when your running with raw power players have the ability to heal too much unless you ‘spike’ them. The rangers defence often comes from his abilty to dodge, protection from dodge, traits and ease of access to vigor (dodges) so armour and hp aren’t high on the list for runes while running power or traps. The sigils you may of noticed remove conditions, those 2 + my utility combine to remove 3 conditions every 10 seconds leaving me without a weakness. This is especially essential in these current times as the META is based around condition damage. You may of noticed when I fight the necro I hardly lose any HP.
The utilities are signet utilities are traited to affect me as well as my pet. Stone makes me invincible for 6 seconds. When you are a highly ‘target-able’ glass cannon, immunity from another classes burst is great. There is the shout I could have opted for with a lesser cool down but it means my pets will die which is a massive hit to my damage.
In conclusion, it’s soooooo much fun to play but if it was to make an appearance in serious pvp it would fill the role of a roamer/spike caller/ and great team rezer with the immune and pet fear. Its basically a 100 blades warrior sacrificing a little damage from ALOT of survivability.
P.s. I know alot of people prefer entangle over ramapge for the elite, but when you fighting 3-4 players on your own stability is essential. It’s also great utility in team play for stomps. Entagle is too unreliable, it’s a long cooldown to risk a miss and can use its 5 charges on necro and mesmer pets
I chose to say I don’t understand your choices because I found some of them unwise. Although I’ve only tested the ranger this past month, I have some issue with your choices. For example, there are better rune choices for burst. I am guessing you took runes of the pack for the extra +100 precision? But why not use might ones instead. You would be relying too much on a removal of a condi from a crit based on chance anyway…and do two sigs of purity not cancel? I thought stacking two of the same type of sigil rendered one mute. If this is case, why not opt for sig of bloodlust to increment your power instead?
Also, you are right, as a dps or burst focused build, you want to rely on things like vigor, protection, or stealth for any sort of survival. You have access to heavy vigor uptime, weapon evades, and leaps, but you are lacking ranged damaged. You are not specced into BM, so aside from the small toughness bonus for your pet or the 6s of safety you do have, your pet wont stay alive long enough anyway to do damage because you have subpar healing power. Troll Ins, will not save you nor your pet w. the lack of traits, lack of wilderness sig, or burst received. If you were to get chained CCed on your end, vigor wont save you, and if that stone sig is on cooldown (80s ouch!) you are dead meat. On top of that you chose a quickness utility that lowers healing power that you barely have anyway. I feel like lightning reflexes would be a better choice since it would benefit from the cooldown trait and you can use it as another escape. And I, III or V on the skirmishing line would be of more value to you or your pet considering you using a jag.
I agree though with rampage, I use it instead of the other two because of the stability.
Idk, I could see this as a roamer, but I still find other classes to have better burst. Although this build has better sustain, in a 2v1, you’re teammate would have to do the initial rooting and CC for you to follow up especially verse a ranged centric class.
But….as long as you like it and are having fun…its whatevs.
Unfortunately the meta in spvp in almost set in stone. You can theorycraft and mess around in hot joins all day but in the end you’re limited for ranked play. You can rebel and choose a different sigil or utility but that’s about it. Pick up a class you enjoy playing, find the best build or two and go from there.
Practice, practice, practice.
A few guidelines: What is your class the best at? Can it 1v1? What does it bring to team fights? What are it’s pros and cons?
Lastly, knowing the maps and key mechanics is a big deal. Knowing temple buff times on that map is crucial for the win sometimes. Also class specific perks is vital. I ran into a r5x vet the other day that was flipping because he didn’t know why a guardian rallied in a 2v2 fight alongside a mesmer. He did not know about illusion of life and how it worked.
Just looking up things you dont understand or even asking questions goes a long way.
I guess I have different taste. Aside from the kudos I will grant for editing, I was not impressed with the music nor the gameplay footage. I stopped watching after the first minute because fighting in hot joins and showing footage against inexperienced players is boring. I dont understand your rune, sig, or utility choices, but I guess it is “fun” to play with all the evades and leaps…nothing more than that though.
1. Better match making, aka separate solo queue and premade queue or have separate ratings.
2. More incentive, aka better rewards and new skins!
3. New game mode.
Learn to dodge? Well not just anticipation of the combo but using terrain is vital. The pathing for many AI in the game is terrible. So run around something when you see 2-3 clones coming at you or evade away from them. Also stability is a plus. Most seasoned and experienced mesmers will temp curtain your ass, lock you down, and blow you to kingdom come. Watch dem pulls!
Since the 5:28 Patch- Crashing and skill lag
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mongolianmisfit.8350
Yep, and there are over two dozen threads and more individuals complaining every day especially since the latest patch. The game still crashes for me although not as bad. I shut down the game normally, and on start up, it still asks me to repair even though I repaired a million times already.
Before the game restarted for the new build, as I left Spirit Watch, it kicked me out and downloaded a patch or w.e, started the game back up, and it crashed when I clicked on the custom arena guy. Repairing, for the million and one time, as we speak, hopefully with the new build……I wont crash again…..ha.
Lol I saw someone’s screenie where they told them not to queue. I do the same thing! I’m sorry but it is grieving. It is one thing to do what you want because well no one else should tell you how to play or what to do…..but don’t be a knob. You ARE grieving your team by being inexperienced and joining RANKED tournaments by solo queuing and you have no clue what to do. Why not just keep practicing in customs? You aren’t hurting anyone who is actually being competitive! PLEASE! STAY OUT OF TPVP!
Or, how about A-net fixes their match making system/rating system. That would help everyone.
Well I hope this did fix the issue because it was pretty severe. My husband found a corrupted photoshop file of his artwork and he traced it back to an issue with the gw2.exe file! WHAT?! lol
I don’t want to stop playing a game because it is going to cause harm to my system or documents. So, this better be fixed.
The amount of crashing in just a few days is ridiculous, but I clicked on the button asking to submit the issue to A-Net plenty of times, so I hope others have as well. This should be a red flag to them. Key word being should. I played about an hour or two just doing spvp after the repair and all the characters being in HoTM. No problems so far. I am afraid to do anything else though.
I know it being an MMO, it really does push a PC, but the amount of memory usage after checking through task manager was wayyyyyyy up there and as others have suspected it might be a memory leak and it became worse with this last patch? Ugh…who knows.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
Tried to log into my character that was in Cursed Shore and it crashed again. Going to repair for the billionth time. Going to move and keep all my characters in Heart of the Mists and hopefully the client wont crash again but will report back if it does.
I crashed in pve areas, before it was Lion’s Arch two days ago, I moved one char to Cursed Shore, and it crashed there too. I cannot access this character at the moment. It asks me to repair every single time. I then proceeded to experience freezing randomly in spvp. My patience wore out not even an hour later, when worse, my system gave me that friendly blue screen and rebooted itself while I tried to enter Temple for Tpvp.
My husband and I upgraded our hard drive, ram, and to windows 64 a month or two ago and everything is running perfectly….so was GW2 up until the past 2-3 days. Mind you my husband plays TONS of other games with no issues either.
There is a problem and it needs to be fixed, this is outrageous. I will not play a game like this at this rate because I fear it is going to take a toll on our system with its instability.
Nothing but repairing and crashing for the past 24-36hrs.
It started yesterday. I was in Lion’s Arch and the game decided to crash. Then, it suggested I repair. So….I repaired. It then proceeded to crash the second time after I was in Lion’s Arch near the mystic forge. It asked to repair again. So I did a second time. Thing is it happened in Lion’s Arch about three to four times after that. Learning from this, I then removed my character from Lion’s Arch to another location because the client continued to crash but I was able to log into another character that wasn’t in LA.
Everything was fine afterwards. But I log in to download the patch today and the client says it has more repairing to do? I repair AGAIN. The patch downloads. The game starts, I am at the character screen, I choose a character THAT IS NOT IN LA, and the game decided to crash and the repair screen comes up.
What the world is going on? I haven’t had this issue with GW2 doing this up until now. Any suggestions on my end that could solve this issue or is a problem with the client itself?
Just for ONE laurel?
1: Mini-map and party interface are the most valuable assests given to a player w.o voice communication, LEARN TO READ THEM PLEASE!
2: DO NOT roam if your class has crap mobility.
3: Do not waste your time 1v1ing someone on a node for more than 40-60 seconds if you cant kill them quickly. Disengage and run to another node of you do not expect back up. (Pro tip from some friends which should be ingrained into every newbies head.)- “Aint nobody got time foh dat!”
Thank you.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I find it funny even when sore losers in a tpvp match pull out the “Why are you running? FIGHT ME!” and then continue to spew nonsense. I guess they didn’t get the memo that the maps aren’t team death match or duelwars2.
Yep, they are detrimenting solo play by not showing all your teammates on your screen at times. As a roamer, I’ve honed my skills down to shift pretty well, but I will still not be nearly as effective of a player (or anyone for that matter) if our teammate’s positions arent shown. Same goes with enemy players, although that would be a plus, the first is necessary. There is also no reason why there cant be keybinds for notifications when someone needs assistance on a certain point.
Make dyes. And convert too..orbs into crystals and crystals into sliver. Blah blah blah.
I think they altered the drop rate for those skins btw. When they got implemented into reward chests I got the scepter, staff, and shield skins within a week or so. It’s been a month or more and I havent seen any new ones yet.
You just dont know when to stop do you.
This is the build I use on my D/D ele for roaming. Swoop in and out. Good support, dps, and survivability. I swap cleansing fire or teleport in for wave or armor of earth depending on the map or opposition. Works pretty well for me.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I just don’t solo queue anymore and I bet a lot of people are doing the same to avoid the frustration. But because of this not as many people are playing at the same time. I log in and stand around for an hour max for some peeps and if nothing happens I rather play something else. What game punishes you so bad for playing solo or casually? There needs to be a separate queue, period…or something else to reel others in with half a brain that hate hot join. Hopefully custom arenas and spectating will help to some extent.
Someone post good necro builds please for tpvp I need something new to try.
The underlying problem is inexperience aside from their faulty match making system. So a rank 10 wins a few games, why, or how who knows. So he might eventually be input with a 3-4 man team in their r30s. It will more than likely go down hill because despite their supposed system, the inexperience of these player(s) ruin the chances of others who know what they are doing. And then the vicious cycle starts over. That is why a rank 1 should NOT start equally with a rank 20 for example. They aren’t helping anyone by being there.
I was in a 4 man team (all we could muster up atm) and we lost the match against another premade on Forest because we had a rank 7 thrown in with us who had NO CLUE. Was running around aimlessly, feeding the enemy, not heading to right nodes, etc etc.
Either separate the queues by solo or team or have more than one queue for the “MMR” ladder. Maybe rank 1-25 and rank 25+ or by %ranking something along those lines.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
Kiting is part of any action style gameplay. Some people are just silly.
I have actually seen better warriors now than I have before. I guess the good ones actually stuck around and endured. Just imagine how better they will be once they are up to par.
Arcane thievary on ele once you’ve burned up his cantrips. Set up stun/daze or immbo, burst, GG.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I still don’t quite understand the leaderboards and the percentile.
If someone has more games and a better percentage “win/loss ratio” than others on the leaderboard, than what other statistics aren’t you showing us that would allow us to grasp why said person isn’t on leaderboards. There are obviously other variables that allow this calculation for all of this to make sense.
I went from 85% this morning….to 80% and have no idea why when my win/loss ratio was higher. So I’m guessing that means more people were playing that surpassed me? But like I said, what other variables are there so people can actually understand the differentials.
Yes, I understand that, but the variables that show this are what I want to see on the leaderboard. What is the “worth” (or what variables represent this) then of the rated players on the leaderboard which give them the top 10%. I guess because I’m a numbers person, I want numbers to comprehend and I am sure others do to.
Just like everyone else that doesn’t have a persistent team, solo/premade should be separated.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I still don’t quite understand the leaderboards and the percentile.
If someone has more games and a better percentage “win/loss ratio” than others on the leaderboard, than what other statistics aren’t you showing us that would allow us to grasp why said person isn’t on leaderboards. There are obviously other variables that allow this calculation for all of this to make sense.
I went from 85% this morning….to 80% and have no idea why when my win/loss ratio was higher. So I’m guessing that means more people were playing that surpassed me? But like I said, what other variables are there so people can actually understand the differentials.
Honestly, more than 2 eles is a waste of time. Three might help depending on the skill level, but if the other team has a brain, its a loss. I would be more afraid of more than 2 necros or rangers. I’ve been in 2 ele, 3 necros team and won. I’ve been in a 4 ranger 1 ele team and won. Or 2 ele, 2 thief, 1 guard. I’ve also been stomped by an all engi team back in the day. Eles are not as overpowered as people make them out to be.
No point punishing anyone in such a small pool of players.
so you find it acceptable if 1,2,3,4? players of your team decide to quit in a tourney or just decide not to play and afk…. that is fair to you? they should not be punished? why? because of the lack of players? there is several reasons why there is a lack players, one of them being that any kitten will enter a tournie and not show up and another reason being this happens for 2+ hours some days.
The main problem is not the people that leave. That is something insignificant and really trivial if you consider other issues which is the bigger picture in here;
MMR and Com so in other words SoloQue.
People wouldn’t leave if soloque was enjoyable. That is the fact and that is the problem.
People won’t randomly leave things because they do not care; it is because they do not see enough reasons to care enough to stay.
So for example Spirit Map is the map I expect people to leave more often than other maps because it is pretty clear how easily the gap widens there.
So in other words, before you start blaming the people that leave next time think why they are leaving.
Yep. I used to have plenty of charisma and love for the game but since last patch I am extremely frustrated at the solo queue. So, if my team isn’t doing enough catch up, if the enemy team hits 450, I leave. Why should I stay? We will lose any way. We get nothing out of it. I get nothing out of it. I rather cool off and wait than be irritated.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
They might over buff warriors to compensate for the fail of the last patch. They need the most work, give them boon hate, and more cleanses (which they also need), and that gives them two buffs to remedy not only boon bunker classes but the surge in condition builds as of late as well.
Personally, I think it is deserved. I could see thieves and possibly mesmers utilizing boon hate as well, but not as effectively as warriors probably should. At least that could be an important passive to upcoming playstyles A-net plans on providing for them.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I purposely type into team chat what the strategy is to get people to talk and you know what the most common response is?
“Win!” or "Kick kitten " Something along those lines.
When that kitten happens to me I just log out for 10 minutes. I cant be kitten to play with a team like that, it’s as bad as walking in with 4 staff ele’s all in starter gear,
I love pvp even though I’m not that great, and I always took it like a champ in a winning or losing team. Yeah so what, my team is losing. I am still going to give it my all.
I have never been so frustrated while playing a game, than I have since this past patch. Why should I play a game that makes me mad? I hate finding myself typing in bad remarks to players because I’m so frustrated. That just isn’t fun for anyone. So, if I become that infuriated, yes I tend to log out and wait it out as well, why should I keep playing?
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
I purposely type into team chat what the strategy is to get people to talk and you know what the most common response is?
“Win!” or “Kick kitten ” Something along those lines.
I then become irritated at the gap in the scoreboard while my team loses. I won one out of the 5 or 6 matches yesterday and it was just mind boggling at how bad some of these people were. When I see titles like Golden, Dungeon Master, or other PvE titles, in my group, I cringe. There have also been times where I have called out positions for people, and they still don’t listen. I call out targets, and they still decide to auto attack a guardian.
There are people who have “friends” or teams to play with. There are people who could care less about improving or even winning or losing, they are just there for a daily and a monthly achievement. Then there are the people in between. The poor folk who are pretty decent and don’t have time to look for people to play with, they just want to jump into a match without having to worry about zergs from hot joins or team mates with bad builds and no experience. Well guess what, now solo queue and even duo, is just as bad and as pointless as hot join.
If they want to keep chugging PvE players into SPvP then they need to input a better internal communication system. All of your team mates should appear in your party list, ALL players should appear on the mini map, even classes should be displayed. Those are just a few improvements that NEED to happen, not should.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
Not to be rude Chiggs but you should be taking anybody that isn’t a total newb that shows some skill. Most people hit there skill caps on a class probably around rank 20 or 90%+ of it. Also, I have seen you around in plenty of tournaments and I don’t remember losing more then half the time at most and I solo queue 75% or more. You’ll be much more successful casting a wider net and putting down more realistics guidelines. Most of the high rank people left this game.
You can reach rank 20-30 pretty easily if you put in the time. It is after that where hours equal notible experience. Strategies for maps and fighting specific professions, is crucial, and just as important as knowing your own class. I have been input with other players around 20 and 30 that still do not engage or disengage properly, they do not keep an eye on the mini map, or know when to peal. You cannot gain instinct through glory.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
Love the sunday players posting troll mesages on forums ! When an elite skill is nerfed 50% its a big nerf mate , so l2p ! And if you didnt play mesmer in PVE for the TW then YOU played the mesmer wrong !
Not to bash you bro but if you are playing mesmer for just that one skill, you really should delete yours.
a. We are the only class that can stack 24 stacks of vulnerability, instantly and on multiple targets if you trait for it. thats a 24% damage bonus right of the bat for the entire group. This actually will outtrump TW over time, cause its up every 35 seconds.
b. We are the only class that has a group teleportation spell. Situational? Yes, but useful nevertheless.
c. We are the only class that supplies glamour fields for confusion and chaos armor. Chaos armor is an incredibly powerful defensive boon.
d. Signet of inspiration doubles buff durations on the group for everyone but the mesmer, and doubles might stacks.And TW is still the single longest quickness buff and has zero downsides. While we deal less damage than warriors, we still have craploads of utility. And our damage isnt that bad.
1400 achievement points player telling me to delete my character
) ! you’re pathetic bro !
What do achievement points have to do with anything? Oh so if someone has 6k points, does that mean they are a better mesmer than someone with 2k? Funny. That is as bad as saying because you spent 10k hours farming for rank 70 in spvp, you are better than me. Just because you have 100k kills in WvW you are better than me. Just because you spent x amount of money you are better?
Quickness needed a nerf. That affected our TW. Big deal. Sure it was an ADVANTAGE. But, good mesmers do not have to rely on it to be successful in spvp, WvW, or pve.
Mesmer Condition Removal Options:
- Utility: Null Field
- Utility: Phantasmal Disenchanter
- Utility: Mantra of Resolve
- Utility: Arcane Thievery
- Trait: Cleansing Inscriptions
- Trait: Mender’s Purity
- Trait: Shattered Conditions
- Combo: Focus Temporal Curtain + Phantasmal Warden
Then there are Sigils and Runes.
We’re not like Elementalists who can currently have condition removal from all 3 utilities and their heal and have the utilities also be stun breakers, give vigor, give regen, and do other effects and then also have weapon skills that heal and remove conditions … but that is a bit OP and hopefully to be nerfed one day (ArenaNet has mentioned they’re looking at Elementalists for some nerf-bat action.).
All invalid in spvp/tpvp if you actually want to survive and be useful to your team. With null field being the one exception if you are using endurance sigils to compensate for clone generation. Conditions are applied too fast regardless, we just do not have access to convenient condi removal within our competitive build…..or builds if you can pull of a confusion condi or “bunker” version in tpvp.
So with that being said, like others have stated, condi removal and mobility are our biggest downfalls.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)