Fort Aspenwood
Fort Aspenwood
I liked a lot of maps! Most maps were either good or amazing, or at least I got the point and could enjoy my time on the map. I haven’t played Heart of Thorns, so I can’t comment on the expansion maps.
I think Harathi Hinterlands is the only PvE map I actively dislike. The centaurs are boring and repetitive. I feel like there is so much good lore in GW2 that the centaur aren’t up to snuff and it’s not fun to run through the area, either.
I like most of the areas of Fireheart Rise but for some reason I don’t like the map as a whole. Brisbane Wildlands wasn’t very compelling. What little I played of Dry Top kinda killed my interest in PvE.
I really didn’t like Desert Borderlands. Killed my interest in WvW
Fort Aspenwood
A long time ago, I used to play a lot of off-peak hours. I’d say supply was my biggest hurdle – if I wanted to grab a few people to do anything out-numbered, I’d need supply. Supply isn’t very well scaled down to out-numbered situations. Even if all you could do was flip a few towers back and forth for 40 minutes, that’d be a little more interesting that getting scouted and blobbed for trying to do anything. I’d recommend the out-numbered buff to reduce all supply costs to 1 for siege.
Fort Aspenwood
I wouldn’t mind an experimental week of three Eternal Borderlands maps with each map having a different color setup. I’d also suggest a rotation of alpine, desert, and triple EB. Thanks for giving us some attention either way!
Fort Aspenwood
It’s kinda interesting how many people are sounding off about their distaste for “open field siege” without really reading the OP’s situation. Which is… trebs on a gate.
Eh, read what he specifically asks and not the situation which resulted in some mapchat explosion.
Open field siege – we all got bored with putting siege down and creeping towards each other fairly quickly. It’s regressive and centralizing.
Also, a commander often wants that supply to go take objectives, so if you are not the tag then you are luring militia to throw supply at something the commander didn’t want to use it on.
Fort Aspenwood
yeah well dragons
Fort Aspenwood
There’s a lack of feedback for individual players about their contributions. A bigger problem is that there isn’t much in the way of proper tools players can use to join up together. My time in Dry Top so far has been fairly casual and I don’t care if we only get T2. Why should people who want T4 get stuck with me? And if I wanted T4, why should I get stuck with people who don’t really care?
There is also a lack of feedback for players about their individual contributions, and players who don’t contribute are rewarded just the same (in terms of map rewards).
The first solution that pops into my head are raid sized parties where people can group up and start new maps if needed.
Fort Aspenwood
what? no. it took weeks with poor communication, and if you don’t give these people hell then they won’t give you anything. We’ve offered reasonable discussion of issues for years and what sort of response have we gotten? unless you are confusing us with the BLTC/LS forums
Fort Aspenwood
Maybe the devs or moderators can help out here?
I laughed so hard that I puked!
Fort Aspenwood
You look like you need a beak and feathers…
Fort Aspenwood
I threw dungeon token weapons a while ago into the forge and suddenly got the storm (pre-cursor for meteorlogicus). I didn’t expect anything really.
I was about to give up with incinerator cause I can’t play my thief properly so I bought the bard (pre cursor for minstrel) for my mesmer 2 days ago. Now I am confused what to craft lol.
But the real problem is the T6 mats. They are so expensive right now. I’ve got some from making the clovers but the amount I acquired is much less than the needed mats.
How do you get T6 mats easily? Is transmuting the materials worth it for making T6 mats? Thanks!
I advise against crafting Minstrel because it’s just not a great looking legendary. I think it’s a cool item but it just doesn’t compare to the others, and it’s not even the best looking focus.
WvW map completion can be the biggest headache. Go in right now, get your server’s garrison POI/vistas, and the two northernmost towers on your borderland, especially the northeast tower. Go to eternal borderlands and get the POI/vista for your keep and the four closest towers. If your server controls the castle in the middle, get everything there. Then go back through everything and pick up everything that your server controls. Fridays can be your best bet for picking up map completion because the matchups restart, so people k-train all day and then on reset, there’s a bit of volatility with a lot of the holds. You may even decide you like WvWvW.
Map completion is a nice start because you will explore the entire overworld in the process and see all the nooks and crannies and fun stuff in the game. Even if you decide that a legendary item is too much work, map completion is a big/fun task.
Don’t waste skill points. You need them for clovers/bloodstone shard. They aren’t hard to come by but you don’t want to be 50 SP away from the shard and you have stuff like Mortar on your engineer.
Fort Aspenwood
Blackgate did very well against DB/Maguuma in season 2
Fort Aspenwood
I think if they broke up WvW into 8 hour chunks (similar to the 3 hour chunks for EotM) that could be good. EotM’s color-based teams wouldn’t work for WvWvW but maybe we can get some inspiration, and increase volatility while decreasing matchup length.
To throw GvG a bone, put Obsidian Sanctum onto the megaserver system. Guilds may have to taxi in, but, that seems like it’d be way better.
Fort Aspenwood
EotM/Megaserver would help solve stale matchups, and with 3 hour scoring chunks would eliminate off-hour coverage/staying up late problems. With traps and automatic updates, you don’t have to spend a lot of time worrying about scout incentives.
However you would lose out on reliable groups, server cultures, and voice comm. The tradeoff isn’t really worth it.
Fort Aspenwood
EotM combines servers and there isn’t necessarily much week-to-week stability. You can’t really work on a map-wide voice chat, which pretty much kills it for anyone who wants to actually be competitive in WvW. Also it is unreliable in terms of getting your group onto a map. You can’t blame the players for any of that. 2014 ANet has given us some cool stuff but not really the tools to properly enjoy it as a community.
Fort Aspenwood
The reason infiltrator’s arrow, blink, spectral, etc work is that it has an animation before the effect happens. So, for infiltrators, you shoot the arrow and hop in before the arrow “hits” the ground. In order to change it, they’d probably have to either drastically rewrite the skill mechanics, or the golem pilot mechanic. For the amount of work they’d probably have to do, it’s not worth it.
Also, getting rid of the animation for infiltrator’s would probably cause more people to complain about thieves using it to just instantly teleport across a large area, since it wouldn’t have the animation delay (though it is short)
Eh if they put the effort into whirlwind weapon swap, they probably have an idea how to fix it for everything else. WvW just doesn’t have devs or PvErs who are kittened they can’t pull it off
Fort Aspenwood
The only thing with real incentives in EotM is ktrain (and trolling ktrains). Why go to EotM instead of BLs? Think about the overall WvW setup/scoring/etc.
Fort Aspenwood
I usually don’t care except for the 2 big world bosses and stuff like boss blitz. For those events, I feel like the dead should have countdowns and need to WP afterwards or the people that rez them get charged the WP cost. If you’re lazy during Shadow Behemoth, eh so what. But for Teq/Worms/boss blitz, it can put the whole thing in jeopardy.
Fort Aspenwood
FA, I just wonder how many of these guilds will stay with you, when season 3 hits? Will they enjoy last place in gold league, or will they jump ship for first in silver again?
If they joined FA knowing that we’re looking to go to tier 2 and they’d rather bandwagon away, there’s nothing we can do about that. Everyone knows what our goal is. People been worrying about our server’s stability for months now, just let it go. Worst case scenario, people that don’t belong in T2 helped people that do belong in T2 get there. The biggest issue for season 3 is that if it is anything like season 1/2, not just FA but how many people will play WvW period.
Fort Aspenwood
I don’t think it’s entitlement so much as customers complaining about the product. That’s an important part of the feedback process, though sure some people are unrealistic.
Fort Aspenwood
sounds like a matchup thread to me /lock no problems here
Fort Aspenwood
Forgive me if I am missing something but the moderator in one of the two links you replied with MisterBang just brings up “no match-up threads please”
I think Goonzu’s idea is a great one which deserves consideration and discussion.
Clicking a thread brings you to the last read/unread post in the topic.
Fort Aspenwood
The commander feature still works the same as ever, aside from not being shown as a buff to enemy players.
Fort Aspenwood
EOTM was badly designed unless it was designed as a ktrain. If you want to defend and have fun farming non-competitive players, that’s fine. The game mode encourages it. Just stop whining about the social pressure from the ktrain. If not for the ktrain you guys wouldn’t have these ‘epic’ stories of killing auto-run uplevels, after all.
Fort Aspenwood
There is no point to defending in EOTM other than to farm semi-AFK uplevels with an arrow cart. If you find that to be compelling gameplay then that’s cool, but it’s not what EOTM is geared towards.
Fort Aspenwood
It looks like on the TP you should be able to get one for ~70 gold. I’m not going to tell you if that’s easy to come by, but, I think it’s way easier than BLTC tickets.
Fort Aspenwood
When they were released, the notes said four weeks.
Fort Aspenwood
When I’m playing, a lot of people end up with Feast of Clam Cakes
Hey, it’s better than nothing!
It’s the best counter to getting rolled over by a zerg while roaming, that’s for sure!
Fort Aspenwood
My problem with the trait system is that I get to level 80 and haven’t been able to play around with all of the traits for 20 levels. I thought the system was perfectly fine before, though I do like being able to refund trait points on the fly.
Fort Aspenwood
I ended up picking the warhorn as there aren’t many good looking warhorns. Non-mist mace looked pretty awesome, but I don’t really play with maces. Just seeing what people liked and why, I guess. peace
Fort Aspenwood
When I’m playing, a lot of people end up with Feast of Clam Cakes
Fort Aspenwood
You won’t see our skill groups if you purposely play when they aren’t on the maps, good point
Fort Aspenwood
And I really hope you’re not serious about your good players comment. We were fighting Mag for months on end not too long ago. Believe me when I say that your guild groups are nothing remotely special.
I think the point is that for the first half of the season, we weren’t putting our best foot forward.
Fort Aspenwood
Engi’s dont need more weapons, Thats what kits are for.
Fort Aspenwood
There’s a guild called “overgrowth” in EotM but they only allow temporary membership and wipe their roster every friday night. I would start by looking there
finally a good post. what server is this on?
look for reps from KOME they will be able to help you
Fort Aspenwood
We need hammers like Cid in FFIV
Fort Aspenwood
It’s not really an issue of people here enjoying EOTM or not, it’s that EOTM doesn’t promote the long term health of WvWvW. And EOTM isn’t really WvWvW but seems to have taken WvWvW resources. Regardless of our opinions of EOTM’s quality, it’s not WvWvW so no one in this community is going to think of it as a WvWvW update. I think the issue here is a big disconnect.
Fort Aspenwood
I think HoD has whatever it wants on red BL right now. ktrain choo choo
Fort Aspenwood
Only limit I know of is self esteem. Do you buy a game to play it and accomplish things or buy your way through it to pretend you did the former?
For almost anything you get through the gem store, all you really avoided was a time sink in the game. You can’t really buy your way through most content that is a real accomplishment. I really wouldn’t drag this into a self esteem issue, that just seems like projecting or straw man. either way, just don’t do it.
Fort Aspenwood
Figured I’d post the math for anyone interested.
Fort Aspenwood
This particular area (Isle of Janthir Borderlands) has the Garrison, the Keep and one Tower that are perpetually red. I check it daily and have never observed a change.
Not sure what server you’re on but the longest i’ve seen in recent history to go through all 3 colors is 7 weeks. If it hasnt happened in that amount of time then you’re due.
This is one of the oldest debates in map completion and I wouldn’t expect it to change any time soon, but if you’re feeling really fiesty maybe you could talk your map hoppers into taking that keep in exchange for some scouting time
Good luck!
when was the last time HoD was red
Fort Aspenwood
Talking about the problem in past tense, and not using the trademarked soon. Not sure how to take this.
Sounds like the fix is in QA’s hands now.
oh we got a patch?
Fort Aspenwood
I don’t like the way WvW POI/vistas are setup for world completion. I don’t think they are ever going to change it.
If you want a solution, hop in WvW on reset night. It’s likely HoD (you can’t be FA – we were red last week) will get those objectives at some point. Also Friday during the day is karma train day (unless IoJ wants to finish ahead of you) so if you can get a commander to play nice with FA, you’ll possibly see those flipped a few times and have some opportunities to ktrain them.
Or maybe you’ll end up red next week. Either way Friday’s probably your best chance for those spots.
Fort Aspenwood
If you can run 12 paths and farm 9 world bosses a day, you are likely on the path to having the mats/gold you need for this. It just takes a while.
While waiting for the bosses, farm nodes and kill mobs. If you farmed a single copper node for two months, you’d pocket a gold. Half the bosses are near iron and one is near ori.
Leave alts near some good farming areas. Change it up for some variety – sometimes I just put everyone through a lemongrass run.
If leather drops from clovers give you heartburn, switch to the single clover recipe.
Fort Aspenwood
Please don’t change the reviving lords mechanic.
I wouldn’t worry about it >_>
Fort Aspenwood
Having made the Minstrel and another Legendary, I would advise against Minstrel. You may get more use out of Minstrel but you won’t feel like your efforts are rewarded with something truly special. I’d rather take a stats hit and get a much cheaper and better looking exotic, if I had to do it over again.
I’d much rather have an AWESOME looking legendary item that I don’t use as much than a lame one that I use all the time.
Cost of Minstrel isn’t as high and I can see why that has a strong appeal, but, keep in mind everyone who sees you with Minstrel is going to say “ah, that sucks”.
Fort Aspenwood
Resource intensive to design, code and balance/test the map. I don’t think the OS arena is a good indication of what the WvW maps take to build. Living Story maps were done ahead of time – the pace at which we received some map changes doesn’t necessarily reflect the work that was done on them.
I think we really need another map (can be an EB replacement, or once that replaces the 3 color BLs, or one that replaces it all for lower populated tiers) but I don’t imagine there’s a good ROI on a new WvW map. Also there is probably like 1 person on the WvW software team at the moment >_>
Fort Aspenwood
It could be worse. You could be making the Minstrel.
Ha I love how it sounds like you butterfinger the harp and drop it when you wield it.
They really need to give some love to the offhands.
Fort Aspenwood
I think the biggest laugh-out-loud moment was the congratulatory post on the front page showing a sylvari wielding two mistforged weapons. I mean, come on, how kittening funny is that? 1) You can’t even get two mistforged if or when this is ever fixed and 2) YOU CAN’T EVEN GET ANY RIGHT NOW
Seriously, ANet, stop making me laugh so hard.
Ha yeah.
Fort Aspenwood
Ps. FA will be in T2 again in 2-4 weeks.
What happens if they give us a timetable for season 3 in 2-4 weeks?
Ohhh oww we pulled a hammy, go on without us. we’ll catch up with you guys later
Fort Aspenwood