Showing Posts For saratoga.4872:
yeah the megaserver has really ruined TC in this capacity…and I suspect most of the other servers too
I’m going to point out what you people have failed to realize due to your lack of attention span…
There still hasn’t been a blog post/official reveal of the WvW updates. HOLD your sniveling until we actually get the information. Right now what you know is from bits and pieces of interviews/leaks. Hardly something to finalize your opinion about.
the Commander tag, Siege Disabler, and Golem mastery were discussed in great detail and demonstrated on a video at the european games convention… so as far as these three items there is No Need to wait…. we KNOW what it is…
Now if there are some additional changes then thats great…though if they are on par with these changes maybe not.
Yeah….. first the pop the bloodlust junk into the lake….then they give us 300 gold per color commander tags… and some siege disabler traps and golem mastery…. Really? I just do not understand how Anet plays WvW (and I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that they actually do play wvw) and comes up with THESE ideas as if they are good ideas.
Just astounding….
Unless Thursday’s blog says there’s a new map, I’ll be sorely disappointed by this “feature” patch.
I can’t really think of anything else they could say on Thurs. that would help.
At Thursday they will most likely announce the next WvW tournament.
Im afraid that with some of these changers our numbers on our server will likely be nosediving… a lot of people feel like WvW is being ignored by Anet for some reason and since it is the mode we love the most it is driving a lot of folks to playing wvw far less….
Hey guys what was that about holding judging til the blog posts came out?
If you have seen the video interview the Anet rep gave at the games convention in Europe you already know what the commander tag and siege disabler trick is all about. Why wait for some blog since we already know how we dont like it!
Rewarding defenders and sentries of towers in 2 years over due
This trick sure begs the question “What were they thinking?”
Only if you have supply….. how many times have the enemy starved the supply of the tower to zero during the period where your particular server has poor coverage….. you rely on your siege to help you have a fighting chance to hold onto the tower or keep until coverage improves…. however the attacker KNOWS what they are up to…they will have worked out supply for their siege and their need for a number of these siege disablers. If there are only a couple ACs protecting the tower this will be insanely cheezy and easy for the attackers to take it….
This is also Yet Another Great step toward the borderlands becoming simply Karma trains….
This is a poor change…..and I suspect it wont be until this goes Live that most people “will get it”…..
Siege disabler actually looks cool. It’s freaking out people that just want to karma train through WvW instead of have a strategy, which is good.
Actually it makes defensive siege worthless….so it “fill_in_blanks” the defenders.
I don’t think you understand how siege or traps work. This will be a huge benefit to defenders, not to the offensive focused people.
Meaning no disrespect but I understand Precisely how siege and traps work… and this is not a trap in the sense that the enemy trips it, rather it is referred to as a Trick by the Anet representative…….that can be AOE targeted just like a grenade from a range of a longbow (1200) with the AOE circle being around 450… if it touches your siege it is not working for 45 seconds…. so Clearly this is BAD for the defenders…. and actually quite good for the mindless zerg wanting to take down a T3 tower…..
In my opinion this actually makes it harder to defend and I suspect a lot of the players will think hard about whether it is worth bothering to spend the time and money buying and building siege.
Siege disabler actually looks cool. It’s freaking out people that just want to karma train through WvW instead of have a strategy, which is good.
Actually it makes defensive siege worthless….so it “fill_in_blanks” the defenders.
GW2’s opening day WvW was heavily inspired by Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot’s “Frontiers” where three “countries” duked it out daily for keeps, walls, castles, etc….with siege all very familiar to you in Gw2…… wide open large zones where the battles were Epic.
When Gw2 came out a lot of us were OMG this is awesome!!!!! …….and it was awesome too…. BUT over time the developers make changes that seem to overwhelmingly derail WvW from being the Awesome warzone that it could be…. in fact many of these changes are eroding the WvW in a downward spiral…..
Edge of the Mists is cool…. but the hidden dark side is that is sucks the players out of the Borderlands and creates the Ultimate Train Ride for those going to the Karma Station……
The Bloodlust addition essentially plopped a giant PvP map into the three borderlands….
Colored Commander tags are now given but with the caveat that it is treated like a very expensive Vanity item… 300 gold ($47 US Dollars if you buy gems and convert to gold in the gem store PER COLOR)….. really? What a Spit into the faces of the WvW community this gracious addition is at 1500 Gold (nearly $250 in US Dollars) for all five colors! Jeesh I could almost buy a precursor and the much of the supplies to make my kitten legendary for that!
Siege Disabler…. this seems to be actually WORSE than the Commander tag fiasco… Commanders and the groups spend money buying siege…spend time building and getting the supply to complete the siege…. people tick and sentry the siege for hours…. then here comes Joe havoc group with Siege Disablers with 1200 range and deployed like a grenade with an AOE of supposedly 450 turning off your defensive siege for 45 seconds…. plenty of time for you to watch your siege AOEd into Dust without you ever firing off a single shot.
Add this to the fact that Defenders get Zilch for defending…..and that most of us are in the poorest gold category if we play mostly WvW…and most certainly the least rewarded of all the other portions of the game….
With these types of changes it begs the question whether the WvW Community is really considered a valuable asset to the Developers…..
I could not more strongly agree…..!!!!
I wonder if it will nullify siege such as oil and cannons. I hope not. These are purely defensive sieges and should be left alone.
Doubt it will make a differentiation so it will likely be Yes…. hope I am wrong….and I believe all siege within the tower or on the walls should be Immune..otherwise this is just stupid.
yeah WvW is what brought me in the Door…. if I wanted all Pve I would have stayed in Wow. Now that is not to say that I do not enjoy the Living story and such because of course I do…. but what keeps me in Gw2 over the last couple years IS the WvW.
Anyone know how much it costs per use? Cause if its like 10g a use i doubt we’ll see that big of a difference.
probably comparable to the stealth and supply traps… so not really much….
better question is why all the work to merge the threads…but zero interaction with us by the WvW developers? They just launch these surprises without really any discussion with the WvW player base….. If you want to raise the price to 300 gold for the Commander tag thats fine… but then to ask for 300 gold more for each color is just Insane.
As a WvW player I have only had 200+ gold (and just barely) ONCE in the 700 or so days I have played this game… it is simply a fact if you play WvW and defend alot you are on the POOR side….our Commanders who blow tons of money for siege etc…and most of us donate siege too…all of that costs money. Dont get me started on this Siege Disabler where it will likely decimate the Defense of those towers……For goodness sakes make the Tower walls etc IMMUNE to this “trick”….
Dedicated WvW Players are probably as tired as I am of being the “afterthought”.
Video proof….official Anet interview with Guildmag, The Siege Disabler is at around 6:30.
If you think this is bad wait until Siege Disabler turns off all that defensive siege in your tower or keep that you spent money and supply building… ticking and sentrying for hours…. only to have Joe Havoc come and turn it off while they calmly AOE it to dust….
So much for Defense……
1200 range and is like a grenade with an AOE circle of like 450….no cooldown… and we know how some people are good enough to hit siege on the walls in places that seem impossible to hit…well wait until THIS is turned loose…
I would think this is triggered when siege is present near the trap, not people, otherwise it would be pointless. People can just run over it and trigger it without siege around.
For the people demanding an explanation, they have a blog named Tricks and Explosive Finales on Aug19th. Not that I agree with the day by day blog crap they’re pulling for the next three weeks, but it’s kinda obviously where they are going to explain this.
The only 3 things I really want to see this working on is golems, rams, catas.
Edit: Just watched the video, it’s not a traditional trap, it’s a grenade.
Yeah its going to Kill Defense….. It is going to be even worse than some predicted…
Defensive siege in and on towers should be Immune from this.
If this can take out my defensive siege that I spend hours placing, I’m not ever going to defend again. That is all I have to say about that.
Yeah that is precisely my concern…..
According to what was listed this will work on golems for 20 seconds
So since the Mods Merged this… NOW it is time to RESPOND to this….. not like the Mods can say they Missed the topic with a straight face!
yeah and if the attackers can deploy this against defensive siege on the walls it will be Horrible.
Imagine you buy the siege……you make supply runs to build it with….. you retick the siege so it does not despawn…you sentry the place (and no anet rewards for doing so)…. then Joe Havoc comes and his group keeps your siege disabled for 45 seconds while they calmly and cooly AOE it to dust. Now if that is how it actually will work that defender(s) spent a lot of time and money to never actually get to fire off a siege shot….
If that is the case: What is the point of defending?
Colour your commander tag! Only 800 gems a colour! Make your tag account bound, only 2000 gems!
Hope I’m wrong…
You were wrong…… its even more expensive
Due to the inequity of the WvW rewards system coupled with many commanders selflessly using what little gold they have to buy siege, upgrades, and food buffs, commanders tend to be one of the poorest populations in the game. .
Your statement is correct…..I spend a majority of my time in WvW and it is quite true that we seem to get the lowest rewards for playing in what should be the shining achievement of GW2’s content….. Just plain sad.
It would be awesome if a Developer would clarify this since Anet gave this info out in an interview at some game convention in europe if I recall correctly….
I am beginning to wonder if Anet just simply Hates all of us players who enjoy being out in the borderlands for some reason…..
Kaos, if it does indeed work like a trap and only affects people crossing or on the same elevation as the trap then that would be decent… but with the way the Commander tag color thing is being rolled out it kind of scares me that it could be like a one user per purchase “spell” that has a range of 1200….
If it affects an AC or other siege on a tower wall by someone standing on ground level outside an unbreached tower that is where it would be BAD.
New trick consumable: Siege Disabler that disables enemy siege for 45 seconds and golems for 20 seconds. Cost of 10 supply and a 1200 range.
Excuse me? So now we spend money to build our siege in our keep and are desperately trying to defend it… BUT now the people outside can simply turn off our siege? What is the point of defending?
If this was for use against ATTACKING forces outside but unusable against any siege located on the walls inside the keep (the defenders) then it would be perhaps Ok)… But I imagine this will be for use against ALL siege.
Laying siege to a well defended castle should not be easy…. small numbers of men and women can defend against far superior numbers and it is the burden on the attacker to pay the price in blood to take the battlements and raise their flag. Yes this is a video game, but if these changes are real then Anet you are smacking the skulls of the WvW players who plan for defense and pay to do so with money, time, and supply. If a Havoc group can all come over with their “Siege Disabler” spells and nullify our siege in the time it takes to click their mouse… them 45 seconds to AOE the now useless siege until destroyed…..
If this is all correct from that article then I say this is a POOR idea that should have ever seen the light of day. Combined with the rediculous pricing of EACH Commander color (300 gold per color) makes me question HOW you all think these changes as being portrayed are a Great Idea in the first place?
My Question: “Anet why do you hate us WvW players so much?”
link below was linked to by Reddit… posted it as a reference…cannot vouch for it being 100% accurate at this time….
We call it “unnecessary”…
First let me say I do not do GvG….. but as a regular WvW player on TC I must admit I take offense to the attitude of the A-Net employee….. if he/she felt the players were violating something then they should have done something about it and not talked a bunch of immature trash-talk…. since the a-net person did nothing to anyone then it seems safe to say that the “official” view was that no violation had occurred which makes my opinion of this a-net employee drop even more.
Sigh, wishing that the captain sees the iceburg and averts the disaster.
I don’t know if I’m the only one who feels this way, but WvW is the only End Game to GW2. So why does it get the least attention?
This is a GOOD question that is spot on… would love to hear an answer too.
Absolutely Unacceptable bug IMHO
We have lots of people playing in TC and we have been playing better than ever since we got matched up with much stronger opponents. The numbers look like we are losing but we are getting better, more skilled, better leadership and strategy, better defense. Go ahead and quit.
As one of the TC regulars I can say that from what I have seen there seems to be a definite population drop in the three BLs (non-EB)…. perhaps at times there is a good number, but the pattern is clear: it is dropping like a rock at many of the times of day now.
I saw the garri fall the other day to what appeared to be one full party….. took them ages to take it….calls for help were met with crickets….there was virtually three of us in the entire zone it seemed. Garri had zero supply and all of the seige weapons had according to one of the others been non-existent for hours.
I know a lot of people are doing Teq, as I have as well… but the fact is that many people in the map chat are not talking good thoughts regarding the map and Bloodlust additions…
The grub managed to spawn on the walls of our keep, we were already outnumbered on the border, needless to say once the grub was done destroying siege we lost our keep within minutes.
Please fix this Anet, in fact just remove all the champions and pve mobs from WvW.
I guess that was not the funnest surprise lol
Would you give up the maps to get rid of bloodlust though?
Why Yes I would….
those cap points should be spread out to the remote corners of the map to force the server with the most population to at least have to work to keep them all…
AOE cap at 5 is yet another nerf to the nade engineer…as if we didnt already have quite enough
Play this song!!!!!!! It is a Classic!!! Those who played Command and Conquer: Red Alert know this one well!!
Im aTCer….a WvW regular who almost lived in the BLs for the past year….. since the map changes and the buff addition I have barely had an interest in playing WvW for more than a few minutes at a time now…. I posted on this Trainwreck before it was rolled out to the live servers, but many said how wonderful this will be! Now on TC and on many other servers it seems a lot of the core players are either leaving GW2 all together or at the very least doing more PVE stuff….. its a shame but in SPITE of the few who say otherwise this drag on to the WvW players has just begun to take its toll and if not addressed this will be a very destructive trend……
For the record I do not mind servers we are against… in fact prior to this patch I actually Looked forward to the “Against All odds” weeks against the Big Guns! Not only was it always School in Session, but it was also quite exciting…… but now with this sPVP map plunked down into the center of the map along with the buffs it just isnt really as much fun.
(edited by saratoga.4872)
On behalf of all of those who avoid and despise EB because we don’t like beating our faces against heavily fortified keeps, or being part of a giant clusterkitten with skill lag and arrow carts everywhere for hours and hours on end..
….and yet the Queue is usually for EB and not the other BLs on a regular basis with exception of reset night of course….
…………defending does need to be addressed so that the benefits are comparable AT LEAST to those you gain as the attacker.
Lordkrall, on the other hand, is like the mother of the two Boston bombers who is convinced they were set up.
LOL there are people like that on the Disney forums….. if Disney does something that is epicly wrong some of those folks would argue that it is really great and that we just plain do not “get it”…. their disconnect with reality can be challenging, entertaining, and something both at once
I think this might be a WvW fix that I have not seen posted or at least not read….. I do not claim to be an expert or whatever….. but since I love this game I thought I would share an idea that may make almost everyone happy….or at least I think it might.
There are many reasons but one BIG reason people love EB so much… epic fights over towers and a super fortress (SMC)……. the normal BL maps offered the same thing but on a smaller scale……
My advice is to remove the Bloodlust and the sPVP map they dropped into the center and replace it with a smaller SMC keep in the middle with two or more looooong bridges (can only be entered from land or the keep) crossing the lake (with its krait and quaggan nodes all there again) to the keep’s gates…. make it so NO seige can be built on the bridges….giving this center keep a MAJOR defensive advantage….. make the center keep multi level with Lords room up top and make it so seige at the higher levels CANNOT reach any of the towers that are anywhere near the lake (like briar).
If the maps need to be enlarged a bit to make this work then why not do it…..
Finaly, if people like the sPVP points (which I personally do not, but some maybe do) then SPREAD them out to the remote Corners (meaning ONE per corner or whatever so they are far from one another). If some buff is to be given out, how about a MF bonus, gathering bonus, or some unthought of Economy boost, or even access to some special area (Dungeon maybe or something…but it would be a seperate instance that would not count as part of the BL population such as how the EB JP is handled and when you exit it would put you in Lions Arch…if you are DCd or something you could log back in for so many minutes after the DC). The POINT is that these changes would give something SPECIAL for the sPVP points but would not Affect the actual WVW battle in any way….IE is BALANCED!
Anyways if Anet likes this idea please feel FREE to use it…..
Most ridiculous thread ever.
What should Anet do? Reward losers and people who fail instead?
It’s pretty well balanced as I see it, even a single person can cap an area.
Good Luck with that if the the other server has all three bloodlust buffs….. that really DOES take the FAIR out of the Fight.
Titles are account wide, WvW ranks are not.
They will be soon I think….as they are making your wvw level account wide rather than character specific
I agree…. if anet really wants these points in the BLs then spread them out to the remote corners (each point in entirely different corner)…and give us back the lake.
I wonder why they did not consider making some island keep with no land access out in the middle of the lake? A Mini SMC I suppose
Not sure your idea would work… but if enough players logged into the wvw zones and simply danced and all that in their spawns now THAT might be interesting.
My theory: Anet wants to kill small group and solo roaming. They want those people to move to sPvP (esports!).
Two things in response to that idea…..
1. WvW has been a mixed bag of goodies…. zergs run around rolling…and small teams or solo players run havoc…… Now if Anet’s intention today was to ruin that dynamic then I just shrug my shoulders in “Seriously?”
2. If the current situation persists I think that migrations by a lot of players will happen…but not to sPVP, but rather to some other game all together……. if this end result happens it will be a shame since the past year of WvW has been Amazing and brings back fond memories of the Mythic “Dark Age of Camelot” frontiers game days….
If this was April I would SWEAR this patch was an April Fool’s Joke…