The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Colin Johanson:
“Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base. The rare stuff becomes the really awesome looking armours. It’s all about collecting the unique looking stuff and collecting all the other rare collectable items in the game: armour pieces, potentially different potions – a lot of that is still up in the air and we’ll finalise a lot of those reward systems as we get closer to release. And those come off of things like the bosses at the end of dungeons – the raids.”
That’s on what the Manifesto is based, read the rest. I really don’t care how you interpretate the Manifesto, I just take what the DEVs said about their goals, that’s good enough for me. And that Manifesto is dead.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
ESO is far away from being able to compete to GW2. They are doing some things right but so many other things wrong, it is at best on par with gw2, but then there is something called monthly fee that makes it far far under par.
ESO is not even close to GW2. Have you played it? The combat is so bad.
it’s at least dynamic…..unlike the hoop jumping in GW2…..
There is nothing dynamic bout ESO and it is more linear then GW2
Nope. Both are theme park MMOs in PvE.
But you should give Cyrodill a try even as a PvE player. Compared to Wv3 we have some sandbox there even for PvE content.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
My 4 year old nephew stopped liking pirates when he was 3. Could we get some real nemesis please… All those left over elder dragons look terribly bored.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
NCsoft is selling it on, not a fraudulent practice involved for sure.
Technically it is a pre-order till tuesday, but than it is a pre-purchase working the same way as ANet’s offer.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
In the end, the thing that people can not deny is:
This “Big Feature Patch” offers very little for existing players. Most of the changes are a result of the China release. Some minor QoL changes like a wardrobe, accountbound dyes (should have been like this from day one) and the loss of the laughable repair fee.
The new trait system would have been good if it was part of the release, but now? Who cares? They reworked it for the China release, and now they just put it in the Western version too, even though it makes litte sense. It punishes new players and give old players an edge. How does this make any sense?
The only thing big about this feature patch is the way, ANet has announced it. Calling it big was one reason for the hype. They should have called it a minor upgrades to some game systems.
But ANet tends to suffer backlashes from their own marketing constantly and they seem to not learn from it.
What stays is a bad taste in the mouth, disappointed players, and happy developers of other online games.
Thank you ANet for the “Big Troll Patch”!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The DE nerf is not really a critical nerf to shatter specs, it just causes the players to use clones and dodges up more wisely. It’s not that hard to send 3 clones to shatter before dodging again since every shatter skill sends clones into seperate queues until it hits the target. But, it’s definately a critical nerf to clone-death builds.
I am still suprised how little people know about shatter after all this discussion going on on the board. As if it was about just getting out three illusions and blow them up and that’s it.
In the end, I think most people do not play shatter, because they have no clue about how it works, about positioning, about targeting, about spreading out clones, that you do not just shatter because it is off cooldown.
It is hard to blame some random Dev’s not knowing about the nuances of the mesmer gameplay, if even the mesmers themselves have no clue…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Wow, going all the way back to November 2012 with all the ascended hate. The gruntled are really bored if they come back to troll the forums about this all over again.
It was an obvious break of trust, probably the most visual one too. And it happened really close after release, like less than three monthes after release. Of course people will look back on impacts like this as long as GW2 is around.
To be honest, it still stings me a bit too. Even now I still think it was the wrong decision. I really hope they will hand out free ascended stuff like candy in the expansion to even out the imbalance they created back in the days.
Then again, this game is B2P, which will pretty much stop ANet from doing so, because monetization and stuff.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Well, some people like to get their balls kicked, people like different things. Doesn’t mean that all or the majority likes to get their balls kicked too, does it.
Scarlet was probably talking about the connection of the Sylvari to Mordremoth, probably being his minions and therefore immun to other corruption.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Many players = more people who complain.
Few players = less people who complain.
I am not sure if you really should be happy about this development.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
It’s an older game, half off sales are common for older games. Maybe it means we’re getting an expansion soon?
they already said there won’t be an “expansion” this year.
However LS2 is meant to bring in(in total) an expansions worth of content.
Brace yourselves, another expansions worth of content incoming.
Déjà-vu anyone?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Looks awfully official to me, NCsoft offering a pre-order that will become a pre-purchase on Tuesday, working the same way as ANet’s offer.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
How about we have now ascended gear you have to grind for weeks for tiny stat boosts.
PvE is more or less the same with some more zerg.
PvP is the same old same old.
So, the game’s PvE is still nonexistant, and the PvP still unbalanced?
We have two giant zerg raids in the open world, which probably equals ANets idea of endgame (rolleyes) and bi-weekly updates for what ANet thinks is a story (can’t roll my eyes that fast).
PvP is the same old just with more warrior.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
While I have created a second mesmer too, I would ask you to consider the following option:
Get another set of gear for your existing mesmer, buy some new weapons from the AH or craft them and retrait for whatever specc you want in WvW.
See if you like it, then decide. You can still level another mesmer, but at least you won’t be unhappy about the result if you know what to expect.
Honestly, it doesn’t matter if you level a character in WvW of if you just spend as much time with a lvl 80 there… ^^
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
If I’m not wrong, those aren’t all the april changes we’ll get, but simply some tweaks to prepare players in advance for what they should do or not do until then.
Please keep in mind that one or more announced features announced may be suspended indefinitely at any moment.
I laughed.
And then I cried a little.
I don’t care what they announce any longer. From now on, I have to wait and see what actually makes it into the game.
And soon afterwards it will get patched out of the game again…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Maybe we can pump air in them and use them as baloons…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I dare ArenaNet make a poll for every player to rate the first “season” of Living Story, the anticipation of the next season, and publish the result.
The sample size might be too small to make it a valid poll…
ANet does not really want to know what people think of their LS, they prefer to stay somewhere over the rainbow with unicorns pooping rainbows.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Polite PSA to Anet RE: server population
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521
They should have merged most servers anyway by now.
Got a feeling they want to grab more profit from selling gems for transfers though, so they can make a win out of the loss of all those players.
Anyway, this is just a bulletproof way to kitten their costumer off.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The guide in my signature might be helpful.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
OP I’m not gonna answer. It might confuse you and stress you too much.
I’m willing to take that risk.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Just so you know, you might have missed some games better than GW2.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Yeah, commanding all those level 3 to 14 to go to the boss might be a bit of a difficult task.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Btw, I’m planning to update the leveling guide today as some things have changed in the recent patch. This might come in handy… ^^
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
It is impossible to grief a certain player anyway, as you do not know any names. If a player decides to constanly die at a place crawling with enemies, it’s just a sign of his own stupidity, sorry.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
All the content that GW2 released with was designed for solo/small group play.
Never been to Orr, I see.
I have been to Orr, right after release. Before they nerfed the best place in this game to ultra casuality.
You needed a small group for the group content. 5 people knowing what they were doing could open all tempels. Maybe 10 for opening Arah. But not 150 people to succeed the event.
So what are you talking about?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I know the damage is already done with the ascended crafting materials and raising the crafting level cap, but I feel like ascended armor should be a reward from a questline.
Expand further on the background story of ascension and how it relates to fractals. This is the perfect opportunity to give what most GW1 players want to see, a return of familiar lore and possibly enemies.+1.
no ascended armour pls ANET.
you don’t make grindy games. you leave that to others.
Seriously, what game are you playing? GW2 is worse a grind than WoW was in his first year.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH…oh god, I can’t catch my breath.
Wait, you were serious, let me laugh even harder.
I am dead serious. There was no equal amount of grind in the first year of WoW compared to what we have over here.
The bad grind started later with tiering up for raids after Molten Core. And when dailies started to be a thing. Dailies yeah, ANet started with that sooner… ^^
I played sooo many AAA MMOs, and the grind in GW2 is for sure upper class.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Universal MMO forum rule that must be take in account is that angry, unsatified players are more likely to come here and post their feedback while satisfied players play the game and don’t care.
While it might seem that the sky is falling and 90% of players hate the game the whole picture looks totally different with majority of players playing the game happily while a tiny majority is crying on the forums.
You should read the chat in LA, so many happy customers there…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I farm Orr events perfectly fine. Mesmers can tag all mobs, even if there are multiple groups at a time.
Leveling can be a bit of a chore in the lower levels, but it will get better at some point.
I wrote this leveling guide, maybe you can get something useful out of it…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
If I was their boss, I’d fire them all.
End of Story.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Honestly, if casuals are ok to be second grade citizens, they can play whatever game they want.
If they do not need the best gear in game, they can play any other MMO.
If they do not need to be at level cap, they can play any other MMO.
If they do not need the to see all content, they can play any other MMO.
What is the point in playing GW2? They expected GW2 to be different, and now it is like all those other games.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
It is a good change for PvE unless you are on a top 3 server or in a raiding guild.
I for one am not in regards of both, so I am looking forward to the mega server. The boss schedule might be a bit tight but I do not think it is set in stone forever this way.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
[Event] Frustrations with Knight fights.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521
If servers do not have enough players to get 150 people together at LA for the living story event, the great final, something is seriously wrong.
Why is ANet so resilient to the idea of server merges. The population of those servers must be abysmal.
Because they know the exact numbers and you don’t.
And from what I experienced ingame, they really do not want to share those numbers ever.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The whole system was more or less abused to get to higher levels anyway.
People want to be rewarded for that? You have made it, you got the loot (even though loot in this game fails) and the memories. Good enough I say.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I will try it this way:
Q: Topic: Why do people use Greatsword?
A: People prefer the greatsword as they do not have to know all telegraphs of boss fights in dungeons to succeed without constantly dying.
As more experienced players that can actually play melee leave the game out of boredom, you more frequently see new players with greatword learning the dungeons until they can melee the bosses, get bored and leave themselves.
On topic, clear as a mountain lake.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Exotic loot was the best available loot back at southsun.
You got BiS items as reward for the event. And a 20 slot box, that is still BiS till today.
Exotic gear boxes have a slim “chance” to drop exotic gear probably less than one in a hundred, I do not know how you can compare this to a warrented exotic drop.
And a lesser vision crystal, wow, that is really close to a piece of ascended gear…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
Imagine a new player defeating a champion for the first time and then get a reward that is actually useful. All the joy and the excitement. That is what these bags are for.
Now look at how you play and ask yourself: “Why would I do that?”
And then ask yourself: “Why would I expect to get rewarded for what I am doing here?”
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I have to admit, the 600 range feels very unnatural to the rest of the mesmer’s playstyle. AI could use some tweaking, but normally I am happy if the clone itself spawns… ^^
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
1. Combat in GW2 is boring and unresponsive most of the time. It’s fast which is fun, but there is way too much auto-attack spam.
2. I really prefer if gathering is sort of contested. If everyone has their own nodes, it takes away emotions (be it satisfaction to get there first or disappointment, when you are too late). Emotions are good.
3. Waypoints are lame. They make the world feel terribly small. I’d prefer mounts.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
My answer to your question would be : Nope.
Then again, this is probably for PvP. Not my field. Would still not run it though.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
So how do we all rate the end of LS season 1
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521
The average score so far seems to be 6.
If a game got 60/100 on metacritic it would be seen as quite the failure, I would not consider this a good result for Arena Net.
You know, they will tell you, that the people that actually like the game are playing it and all whiners are on the forum.
Then you go online, and the whole LA chat is full of rage. GG.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
If you want a class that’s easy to learn easy to master take the Warrior. […]
I fixed that for you.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
- may not be employed by ArenaNet within 12 months of acting as a Guild Wars 2 Forum Specialist
Poof, there goes my interest in the program.
You mean you prefer to get paid for doing your job?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Because people had the choice to buy it over monthes and then ANet reintroduced it three monthes after it became unavailable.
Kitten, you can still buy it today. How can you compare that to the LS that is gone?Thats not the point, the point is how was the experience people who didnt buy that mission pack negatively effected? answer it wasnt. Its just an optional nice to have. Same thing here, Obviously its way better to have experienced every single part of the LS but how will the next update be negatively effected if you didn’t play say the MA dungeon update. Answer: it wouldn’t not in a single way.
But it is, people can live with not participating with content as long as they have the choice to do it at one point. This will let them play at their own pace.
It is all nice and well that you think that people should do this and that, and that there is still stuff ahead, but that is unfortunately not how most humans work.
They look back over the last few monthes and count what they have gained by not playing the game. Why it would entertain them again. Telling them what they have missed and what is lost forever will not motivate them much, even if there is stuff ahead.
There is no bargain in returning to the game to overcome the reasons they have left it for in the first place.
This is human behaviour 101, not rocket science.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Obviously they are working on stuff, to be more precise, they are working on another:
Lol, yeah. All those not-so-white knights will believe it when they see it. Because, you know, fool me once…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Kindof dangerous to have nothing for 10days
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521
^Go WvW and try reach rank 10k maybe?:D
Patience is everything, in EVERY game. I personally can wait and hope for something good in Season 2.
You mean I have to create my own carrot on a stick to keep me entertained in a theme park MMO?
That is some new approach to the genre. What is next, do I have to imagine conversations between NPCs myself? At least Braham would shut up then.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
These answers are not helpful. Think outside the box. Class X can’t do job B because it’s role is N has been proven wrong too often by creative minds.
Time for some brainstorming:
- Trait: Illusionary Defense
- Skill: Phantasmal Defender
Should help to absorb a fair amount of dmg.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
If this becomes another raiding game, where people wait around in cities for their queues to pop, I know I won’t be very happy.
Think this through. Think about how these events actually work. Are you saying that waiting at one spot in the open world is preferable to waiting at one spot in a city?
Supporting a living world is one of the reasons I believe true raid-like events should be instanced. Because they are inappropriate for the open world, they will only serve to empty the world in which they take place. Sure there will be some interest initially and Teq is a good example. Go there and you will find it dead compared to what it was before. Open world raids are bad for the living world. If this is the direction they want to take the game, open world raiding is the last thing they should do.
Some people are waiting at one spot and some people aren’t. That’s the point. If they have to be in that zone anyway….which they do, they’re now NOT in a city, that’s the point.
Did you see what Kessex was like during the last living story. It had been a mostly dead zone and suddenly it had it’s own champ train.
But if you make it an instance that anyone can just enter, at any time, from any city, yes, that WILL take people out of the world.
You didn’t see people running all over Lornar’s Pass this week? Because I sure did.
And Kessex Hills is dead again, and so will be Lornar’s Pass after super mario is gone.
LS is a bandaid fix with a best before date written on it.
And if I wait an hour in a zone being it a city or somewhere else, just to be part of a raid, it is still waiting for a raid.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
So the whole build is around getting some boons and share them whenever possible?
If you want to support people with boons, a guardian might be the better choice.
Your damage is abyssmal with this setup, no matter what you do. No crit, no condition dmg, no phantasm traits, no shatter traits, no weapon traits. I just don’t see the point of a dmg soaking sponge in PvE, that hits like a wet noodle, not even as support.
So my tip is, if you want to be a might sharing bot, forget the other boons, and make a build that involves supporting the group with you actually doing damage. And get some gear that has power/precision/crit or, if you want to go with scepter and staff (torch seriously is a no-go in PvE), than something with power/cond.dmg.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
Really, one year of disappointing story telling and we get told to wait to the very end to see that the boring story had a reason to be boring?
Now we have three updates left, and honestly, if you play “The Sixth Sense” with us, let me tell you: This won’t work in a video game with the very little story streched over a whole year+.
The LS is bad, even a fulminant ending won’t save that this 90 minute movie was boring 85 straight.
Good luck with your next story though…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
That’s not a window, it is a giant emerald!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium