The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Group was not looking for a ranger and specifically said so.
You joined as a ranger.
Group kicked you, because you know, they didn’t look for a ranger.
You come here and complain on the forums about being kicked for being a ranger trying to join a group not looking for one at all.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
ESO is a generic MMO with outdatted quest system that will only last because of fan of the series.
The problem is, that ANet gave up on quests all together. Those heart things? They are just too random to tell a story, they are just like tasks, fire and forget. The personal story is actually the same as the outdated quest system you are talking about, but it just ends, and is gone after Zhaitan.
The LS has no quests, just random zergs and close to zero story. You can not just get rid of so called “outdated stuff” and not replace it. Offering nothing instead of the little you had before does not sound like a good deal.
Everyone who likes a good story is hopefully lost in GW2.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Anet is making a change to the LS lately, they are shifting away from on-time LS to seasonal content and permanent content.
Why do you think they do so? The setup of a one-time event mmo was doomed to burn out players. And as I have explained will not bring back those who left.I am 100% certain, that at one point most of the content will be permanent/seasonal and content that will disappear will mostly be just gem store fluff…
They did that because thats what a lot of players asked for. There is notion that Arenanet dont care about what their players said even if time and time again they course corrected based on feedback yet each time we act with surprise like this is the first time it happened / like they’d been forced to do it because they had no other choice.
The player feedback was probably no longer logging in and not returning. If you think any other feedback is sort of priority, you are delusional.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Why replace one trinity with another, where is the gain in doing so?
Your idea is to replace the trinity from other games that works, with a trinity that might not work, in a game that has no trinity.
What’s the point?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
They wasted way too much playfields for level-up zones. They should have made leveling faster and at least half the zones level 80. Without the kitten scaling, all zones could have been made challenging and not the mess, that scaling gives us now.
They could have these “endgame” zones to give the best rewards.
But now, the new players in Queensdale are run over by the Zerg™, killing every challenge there.
Honestly, I have a hard time to somehow see a way how to solve what this game has become…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
1. Mesmer: Least played class for a reason. Bugs, bugs and bugs again. Not in the PvP meta, pretty much usless in zerg Wv3 outside being a bot. Build variety in PvE equals zero, weak PvE performance in general. Main class system (shatter) hardly utilized.
Probably just not enough people playing a mesmer though, so it won’t be high on the list anyways…
2. Necro: Seems like the profession goes nowhere and the Dev’s do not know what to do about it. Rethink the concept of the profession and create a solid base.
3. Ranger: Make it work.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Seriously, it is just steampunk fantasy.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I could you redirect here:
Should work for any situation.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I switched from mesmer to necro as my main. Strange… ^^
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
OK, this thread is still alive. Than I can clarify some things. Obvious things, where denial is hard to keep up.
1. The personal story failed.
We have not seen any new personal story in over a year. In fact, Dev’s have said that is very likely we never see any personal story ever again, as it was replaced with the so called Living Story.
The fairlure of the personal story is, that it offers very few quests per player compared to the effort needed to produce quests for everyone. It further excludes players from parts of the story. It diminished the time and money put in development so hard, that it is simply not economic. So what to do:
One story line for everyone, called the Living Story. No choices, no alternative routes, every one gets the same dish, everyone swallows the same stuff. Choice in a game is an illusion anyway, as you cannot influence what is going to happen next, the programmers do.
The personal story is dead, because it was bad game design. If it was good, it would be still alive and we would have seen more (the pact rotting in fort trinity and stuff).
2. Casual players do not play as much as you think.
A casual player, which is the majority of the players in game are not playing more than 5h a week. In fact, in a game as old news as GW2 is, they spend even less. That is why ANet focuses on bi-weekly releases, so that people feel the pressure to log in to see the content.
In short term, this is a valid and working strategy, BUT, this strategy has great risks:
- Burn-out: Players feel they are forced to do the content and stop enjoying it.
- Giving up: Players feel like they can no longer keep up with the content and simply stop logging in as it feels futile to play (like you stop watching a drama, if you missed too many episodes)
- Repetition: There is only so many things you can do in short time frames, which results in very little Living Story and tons of “go here and there” stuff and zerg events, zerg events everywhere.
3. Not everyone can get BiS items.
Even though this was a major sales point of the game, this is no longer true. Saying that casual players will get them over time is just a cynic comment in regards of what they were promised.
It takes hours and hours of grind, and if you play 3 hours daily you are grinding the game maybe without realizing it, but if you try to get the stuff together to level and craft one ascended weapon, you will have to spend monthes in doing so playing casually. And you normaly use more than one weapon per character. It becomes a futile grind.
4. Bosses respawn every few minutes.
Just visit the labyrinth, that is your Living Story (replacement for the personal story). Mr. Legendary Skeletal Lich and Mr. Grand High Viscount want to have a word with you (or like a whole discussion, as they are horrible, boring HP sponges).
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
If everything becomes lore than nothing is.
How about bringing things in context, like:
A nice backstory of the deepsea dragon forcing the karka and kraits to leave their domiciles. Giving a real backstory to the karka event might have included it into lore.
Otherwise it is just a random place, where something has happened without any real context or impact. It was just too encapsulated, a bubble of an event too small to offer any importance.
Lore is the bigger picture. Killing some random Mobs on an island where nothing happens is not.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The problem:
After the bug fest and disappointment of the LS, I for one am not willing to spend any money for an expansion of this game. So many bugs have been here since before release.
As a result, they would split up the community into different zones, a thing that ANet tried to avoid like hell (for obvious reasons) and that would be very counter productive. Additionally, they do not want empty zones in early gameplay, new players will just see barren playfields and get frustrated.
We get one new zone for Mordi, and the new LS will just keep pushing us in mid level zones again. It is ANets disappointment that people rushed through the zones early and ignoring all the effort put in the zones, that is the reason for them to send us back with the message:
“You better take a second look at what we created! We spend sooo much time on it, and you barely spend some hours in it. Shame on you!”
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I would love to have the option, that when you gain a level on a level 80 character, you could “save” this level for an alt instead of earning a skill point.
It would solve the “switching character at the end of the dungeon” thing, and you’d still have a choice.
It would only work with a level 80 character anyways, which is sort of proof, that you were able to level in the first place.
I have no idea, why ANet has not yet implemented this idea.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Yeah, the METRIX™ told ANet:
“Noone is playing this kitten, make them do it, so your new God is happy.
Make them suffer!”
I for one welcome our new overlord!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
There have been other games with scheduled releases in relatively short timeframes way before Guild Wars 2.
Asheron’s Call 2 started out with monthly content releases, and that was when, 2002?
Players are not greedy, the companies are. The want to earn money, so they have to offer something to their costumer. You got it all the wrong way around.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Disclaimer: I do not mind the direction the game is going. Copying other successful games is quite common in this industry. I just feel like the development of GW2 with the new expansion is a step closer to the old-fashioned way – be it for good or bad.
Heart of Thorns is around the corner, and ANet surely tries to make it sound unique and innovative. But if you take a closer look, this expansion is a move back to the older days and away from the “rebel” image GW2 had since the Manifesto was released (no discussing the Manifesto please ^^).
While some stuff was labeled with different names, they are still just more of the same old same we have seen over the last two decades (for the better or worse).
Raids: Well, nothing to say about that. Hard content for bigger groups offering the fanciest rewards. We have seen this before in other games.
Trinity: Tank/Healer/DD, Control/Support/Damage, it is actually hard to see a difference. People will be locked into a role to make raids work. Replacing one trinity with a different one is just a camouflage. The fact that ANet is actually talking about a trinity is slightly irritating in the first place.
Gated Items: The fanciest items will be locked behind raids (legendary armor) and difficult group content (legendary backpiece). While people will tell you that you don’t need them, it is still a fact that the nicest, most convinient and most prestige items are locked behind raids and high level fractals. They are for the elite, which is being established in the process of creating raids btw.
Reputation Grind: Yeah, I know, ANet calls their reputation system “Masteries”. But hey, masteries are pretty much the same as a traditional reputation grind. You earn mastery for the frog people, they give you special rewards. You earn reputation for the frog people, they give you special rewards. Look, no difference.
Druids: Just kidding here, I love druids.
There are more additions, but I think you get the point. We are moving into the direction of most other MMOs out there.
With rep grind, raids and trinity as well as raid gated items being actually promoted as new core mechanisms of GW2, the game has moved away from it’s former image of being made for a more casuals crowd towards an elite audience. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing – and only time will tell.
But with all these additions, GW2 starts to feel way less unique, and that’s the part that sort of irks me.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
In matters of gold farming: ANet is doing the right thing to shut down methods to earn gold by farming. The gap between casual gaming gold earning and farming is already way to big.
Class balance is playing with number, and unfotunately we do not have them. ANet will try their best, though nerfs will always cause nerdrage anyway.What’s wrong with people making more money if they actually invest the time and patience into the boring repetetive work that it takes and save up? Isn’t that how the world works?
Also ANet needs player input before they launch class changes like I’ve said a million times now, that’s why they need a PTS server. If a class is yay or nay depends on it’s situational use in actual PvE and PvP content, not numbers done on a dummy.
If the inflation keeps on going by this pace, the only way for new players and casuals to keep up is buying gems and change them to gold. While this might look like profit for ANet at first, it will cause people to stop playing the game because it will feel like pay2win.
This is not what ANet wants. They try to fix their broken economy and I hope they can succeed.
You can get gear through crafting and drops and karma you know. Like I said, grinding is not requires nor should it be. Tons of gold is not required to gear up either.
So with that said, new players can indeed keep up, assuming they are willing to put effort into it.
Isn’t farming for days effort as well?
Have you looked at the inflation on exotic precursors? Chances to get the one you want by just playing the game are what? So the only way to obtain them is to get ’em from the ah.
What is the inflation rate from after 2 weeks ingame till now? 1500% at least. In 3 monthes. While there will always be some variation, this is just bad, really really bad.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I take it you’ve played literally nothing outside of a traditional MMO.
“Oh, so you think games are your ally? But you merely adopted the games. I was born in them, molded by them. I didn’t see the internet until I was already a man, by then to me it was only blinding. The games betray you because they belong to me.
Honestly, my first game has been asteroids on an arcade. I was hooked, and as soon as I could I bought my commodore C64. I have been playing games long before the internet has been invented, before “multiplayer” was a thing.
Over 30 years of gaming experience, I could write you a whole essay about the evolution of RPGs, the influx of early multiplayer and the whole development of MMOs.
Then you would understand, how games work, their limitations, the framework they give. Not in the mood though, it’s been a long day.
So for now, I will just say that I think people confuse in-character play with the term “role play”.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
1.2.3 Leveling 45-70: Leveling 45-70: Nothing but an illusion, until it blows up in your face.
So you made it this far. Good. Level 45 offers you another choice to make. Which trait line will you unlock next? If you want to make the choice by yourself, go ahead, if you want to make the right choice, read on.
The best choice (with exception of all others) would be investing heavily into Illusions. You will benefit greatly from the minor traits Illusionists Celerity and Master of Misdirection as well as getting a serious amount of extra punch from the major traits.
The traits you want to pick are Compounding Power (adept), Shattered Strength (master) and Master of Fragmentation (grandmaster). With Illusions as second trait line, you will generate illusions faster, have a shorter cool-down on shatters and hit harder than ever before. A win-win-win situation, especially for the play-style we use with this leveling guide.
Not much more to say here, all you need is to safe up 52 hero points for level 71. Depending on your focus (PvE/WvW) you should have enough hero points to spare for getting Time Warp by now. If not, remember that filling up trait lines as soon as they unlock should be your Nr. 1 priority.
1.2.4 Leveling 71-80: All good things come to an end.
If you have been following this guide and reached 71 by blindly accepting my questionable decisions, you will have at least 52 hero points to spare and a choice. Yeah I know, choices have not been a thing I have offered before, but it is time to learn standing on your own feet.
Luckily for you, I will give you some clear advices first. Your third trait line to pick shall be Domination, dump your 52 hero points there. Good.
Now if you liked the way you have been leveling your Mesmer the last few dozen levels, you should get Empowered Illusion (adept), Blurred Inscriptions (master) and Mental Anguish (grandmaster). Your play-style won’t change much, but your shatter damage will significantly improve.
If you want to relax a bit while playing you can also simply use the trait setup found in the Lazy Kai Build below from now on. It is top efficient in open world and quite fun. You can also fool around with different weapon setups with your free secondary set while mainly using a greatsword.
That’s it, thank you for following this leveling guide.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
Kindof dangerous to have nothing for 10days
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521
I will laugh so hard, if ESO tells all those nay sayers a lesson on how something they don’t expect to work will actually do.
Don’t get me wrong, I won’t buy it, but all those people here expecting it to go F2P or having no long term influx on GW2 might get their eyes opened.
I played the beta up to level 25 and it is actually a solid game. And well, players can hardly get less endgame content as they get in GW2…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Why do those GW2 defenders always say critics should not talk in behalf of the community, but for them it is OK to use the broadest of all generalizations.
Seriously, look at the titel, you speak for EVERY SINGE PLAYER here?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
By the way Fay, the link in your signature to your guide is broken, you might want to fix that. ^^
It’s because it includes your guide and the compilation link.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I just see the game for what it is, and it is no longer true to the Manifesto.
I love the game, I am a hardcore player (as my /age shows 4 digits in hours and my APs are 90% crew high).
I can easily get all the stuff. Why would I care?
I just think it is ridiculous to defend something, that has changed so much, that it is no longer true, simple story.
The Manifesto is dead, long live what we have now.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I agree, Behellagh. I think the term is overused and used poorly.
To try to address some of the comments about “white knights,” we’re looking for people who know the game, participate in the forums, and engage well with others. These qualities means they won’t have a “speckled history” of a large number of forum infractions, suspensions, or what-have-you’s. We look for decent writing skills and a genuine interest in helping other players and our dev team with this project.
As to “white knights,” they can be white, brown, purple, or fuchsia polka dot.
They can be male or female, any age above 18, and from any part of the country. A qualifier is not “Do they post only good stuff about the game?” but more “Do they express themselves clearly and fairly?”
I know we have a lot of forum members like that, and I hope they’ll consider helping out.
Look, and there you started the trouble.
If you check through the post history of the so labeled “white knights”, you can see a shift in posting policy by them.
While the one I have checked this morning was ultra defensive up to the announcement, he/she (no name-calling I know) is trying to sound indifferent with the comments posted after the announcement.
I don’t buy this. And neither should you. This person is not true, and will do everything to please ANet, which will neither help the game, nor the community.
If “white knights” – and I will be honest, it doesn’t matter if you see it this way or not, it only matters how the community sees it – will become “specialists”, the only taste it will have is that you are creating a defensive police force to guard your forums.
People will get more defensive when one of these “spectres” enter a thread, which will be poisonous for any communication.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
The world is not dynamic any more since is started out at release. The LS does not know event chains, only success or failure. That’s partly why it is so boring: It is 100% predictable.
Effort is necessary for event chains, but with the tight schedule on the LS, being creative on events just seems to be impossible. Makes me a sad panda. :/
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
That’s definitely just a bug/forgetfulness, no question about it.
If they fix those bugs as fast as the mesmer ones this will soon be a feature.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Quaggan should become more important in cooking recipes
Fixed the titel for you.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Are you trying to destroy more content? Tequatl is deserted on most servers.
And you think, going to a low level zone, making the first encounter for newbies the most frustrating thing they have ever encountered in a MMO will help this game?
Only if the intention is suicide.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The Darkest Saddest Most Cruel Day in L.A.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521
Quaggzilla, sleeping under Lion’s Arch will revenge poor Quaggan!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Don’t get me wrong, I still play the game from time to time.
But I see no problem in missing a game and still quit it for good.
Maybe you miss a girl you once dated, but you decided to never date her again. With your argument, you would still be in a relationship. That makes no sense.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
This is by far the worst druid design I have ever seen in any computer game in the last 30 years.
This must be the most gated short duration class mechanic I have ever seen in a game ever.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
AHA! I got whats gonna happen! :DDDDD
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521
I know what Scarlet is looking for under LA: “The Manifesto”!
It must have been burried somewhere there with all the good ideas. She wants to save Tyria from the neverending grind.
God bless you Scarlet!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
For clarity: i’m not the one, who complains about mesmers overpowered, but I think mesmer’s base health should be smaller.
Great idea. Let’s take away the illusions too, so that it is easier to target the real mesmer.
And yes, you are complaining right there, asking for a nerf is a clear sign for that, isn’t it.
Take this talk to the PvP forums, there you might find some other like-minded. Or you could jump on the D/D ele train, as this class has a low base health, low armor and incredible survivability (without clones).
Sometimes I ask myself how people with so little clue about the game mechanics get the feeling that they might have any capability to balance this game.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Good stuff, mesmers deserved a nerf anyway.
Yeah, the mesmer is probably the only class that hopes that there will be no more patches at all. Just wondering what they will nerf on 12/14, maybe our clones will start healing the enemy…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
If a lead developer explains the game, that was promoted by the manifesto, one would expect him to know what the kitten is going on.
Indeed, but Colin has never been a lead developer of this game. He is a game director.
Than it is even worse, as a director you are suppost to know simply everything. He gives directions and makes people do what he wants them to do.
He is the boss of the lead developers, he of all should know what’s going on.
That is nothing personal against Colin, because I am 100% sure he knows what’s going on, and he is giving the direction he thinks are right.
But in matters of the Manifesto, the past things said are no longer valid.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
Ravezaar is right though, the hype is pretty much dead and the expansion fiasco didn’t help much.
Other games give you an exciting homepage to explore if they are announcing an expansion, with Heart of Thorns we get a tiny bit here and a tiny bit there, and if you are not interested much in one of the tiny bits, you have to wait at least a week to maybe get some more information on the stuff you want.
They did something similar with the first “feature patch” and it just felt awkward to have a daily announcement for trivial stuff like taking away the costs for repairs.
This weekly schedule just feels like butter scraped over too much bread. It feels like ANet is trying to make the little stuff we get in the expansion look like something really big.
They should have called the expansion “Blowfish of Thorns”…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Actually, I am quite happy about the wider spectrum of shatter builds possible in PvE.
But, I am very unhappy about the GS trait being placed as GM trait, no cool. Should be a master trait as it is now.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The OP is sort of right though.
If you are a new player or someone who has been taking a break for a fairly long time, you are borked. The economy in GW2 is so inflated that the only way to get along with the prices is to either farm and grind your fingers off, flip the AH or buy gems to buy gold.
Pretty much F2P standard I know, but at one point, GW2 wanted to be different…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Masteries are just like reputations, it is like people calling “Coca Cola” “Coke”, doesn’t make it a different pop..
That is your opinion. I would say masteries are more similar to the increase in level cap most expacs bring to other MMOs.
Player: “Hey Mister Frog, can you teach me your language or any other useful stuff?”
Mister Frog: “No, you are unknown to my tribe, go kill stuff in my name, and you will be rewarded!”
Player: “I killed lots of stuff, tell me your secrets!”
Mister Frog: “Here, take this stick as reward, you have done well and are now known to our tribe!”
Player: “A stick, but what about your language?”
Mister Frog: “Kill more stuff in my name, and you will get a higher reward of our tribe.”
Wow, really doesn’t look like a reputation system to me, how could I even come up with that idea…?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The LS is soon to be over!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
They fixed Tequatl to make the encounter dead. We won!
I didn’t know that it was possible, but every time Tequatl spawns on my server, he does not hurt anyone for 15 min and then disappears.
This encounter is working as intended, as noone gets hurt and Tequatl is vanishing because of boredom without causing any trouble.
Do not disturb the peaceful equilibrium. Leave the dragon alone, as we all do. Shhh, shhhh…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Warrior by a mile. They have been the most played class the last time we got numbers and they only got stronger. No reason to play anything else beside a warrior, unless you get bored.
Oh look, another typical player who thinks Warrior is the best at anything.
Warriors are only useful until both Banner of Discipline and Strength are taken. After that, either pick up more reflections, or a higher damage profession.
But @OP, Warrior is the most used class for the wrong belief they are the best damage (they are not, Thief, Mesmer, Ele and even Guardian are all higher in PvE).
The titel of thread: “PVE most used class”
Which is warrior. Which is the best PVE profession. Which is why you have so many of them. Which is why I posted it.
Let’s look what a base warrior offers:
Highest HP
Highest toughness
Highest armor
Highest mobility
Highest damage
Highest condition removal
Highest weapon swap time
Highest healing without even healing
All at the same time.
It is hard to fail in PvE as a warrior.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Of all things, the story is the biggest let-down of GW2. Not just the Living Story, which is as entertaining as watching an ice cube melt, but the personal story too.
“This is my story!” And with my story, I mean the first few missions, before everyone becomes the pet of Trahearne.
But hey, I am sure, Scarlet is corrupted by Mordremoth. And one day, after countless more filler releases, whoever is left will see another dragon that will just be ignored.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Players like to play. At their own pace. MMOs offer content, you can explore at your own pace. Normally, Devs add stuff, so there is more content you can discover at your own pace.
One time events are rare and between in other MMO’s for a reason, they annoy people who can not participate.
Making a whole game dependend on one time events (call it Living Story) destroys most players intent to play at their own pace, because it becomes mandatory to play at the pace of the dev cycle, if you want to experience the content.
The game changes from a hidden grind (most games are, some more hidden than others) to a count-down grind, which feel like pressure. People want to get away from the everyday pressure if playing. This produces a paradox, and people will stop enjoying the game.
End of story, they will avoid the stress that is the result of the new content.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
We are not really beta testers, as as soon as the content gets sort of fixed, it gets deleted.
Sounds more like we are hamsters.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
All those people who are super excited to “play” the beta and to get a key are probably the wrong group for testing the expansion anyway.
I have not signed up for the newsletter, even though I have tons of experience with beta testing and QA. Would I take a spot and do the job if necessary? Sure. But right now I just enjoy the idea of playing the expansion around the release, enjoying all the new stuff without being spoiled and burned out before it is actually available.
Beta testing comes with a high price, but many people are too blinded by the hype to see that. It is like opening a gift before christmas, only to see that it is not yet what you want. It no longer matters if you actually get what you want for christmas afterwards, as the damage is already done.
Be careful for what you wish for. My advice, if you get a spot, try to test as if you got paid for it. Try to put on a professional mindset. Wait a day before you start to nerd-rage. If you cannot handle it, stop beta-testing.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Switching tactics is a valid thing in video games. Also, I think illusions were not meant to be permanent.
But you think that illusions – a classes mechanic which is affecting at least two of this professions weapon skills at any given time – were meant to be instantly destroyed at the moment they are created is OK. That the player has to get creative on when to trick the encounter so those skills are actually working, or avoiding those skills if possible?
No profession without pets has to fight the encounter and its own mechanics to be successful. And while I can run my necro without pets and be efficient, the mesmer has been designed around using his illusions with any playstyle they decide on. You cannot play a mesmer without illusions and be effective. And therefore those encounters become a chore.
Noone wants illusions to be permanent, people ask to make them actually be of the same usefulness as other weapon skills.
Kitten, run those missions on a warrior and tell me you have to change your playstyle for success.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
though i find it kinda hilarious, the idea of writing a letter to the pale tree.
I imagine you need to be careful what to write it on. Need to find yourself some parchment as paper would likely be offensive.
Just write it on human skin.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The game launched with 8 dungeons which most people don’t like.
As someone who always chides others for making unprovable statements like this, I would have hoped you’d refrain. You have absolutely no idea if this is true.
Well, dungeons were and are still trash filled nighmares, with some hp sponge bosses in between. How would anyone like this kind of stuff anyway?
You’re projecting your dislike for the game onto others.
Ok, I will reformulate it a bit.
How could anyone, that has been looking for an exciting new experience, made for people who do not like MMOs enjoy gameplay, that is the essence of what most people see as main part of MMOs nowadays in MMOs, dungeon crawling.
Especially as those dungeons were made in the same scheme: Trash, boss, trash, boss, rinse, repeat.
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