Bad Analogy Time.
Waiter, I would like Pickles and Onions on my Burger, Please.
Madame, just because MacDonalds offer those is no reason for you to expect them here. We are NOT a MacDonalds Clone!!
eh.. I just like pickles and onions. Gosh, Im sorry.
Well, if you aren’t among the Chosen, you get nothing.
I will not buy HoT. I guess I’m invisible and unworthy of any future consideration.
Doesn’t matter that I’ve bought gem cards worth far more than the cost of that sorry, single demographic, feature sized “expansion”.
Why won’t you buy HoT? Just curious.
Simple. I am disabled and play with only my right hand and a single usable digit on my left. Why buy a nightmare? Sadly, platforming and vertical have become the norm, and not an interesting option for those who enjoy that. Single demographic. If you can’t/don’t like platforming, go away.
I can play Core, even though I am gated from an increasing number of options/achievements there, I can’t even enter Dry Top in spite of hours spent attempting it before giving up. And no, I refuse to be “carried”, If I cannot do content myself, I won’t.
Although I did raid in WoW, Everquest, AoC and EQ2, I am too slow and imprecise to do group content now, I cannot carry my weight. I solo in Core. I do have 8k ap and rank 250 in wvw, not much, but I try. AP comes very slowly now. I have 13 80’s and now a 52, I bought another slot again because leveling a char is something to do.
I play core because there is still an option on how I can play. I watched hours of HoT footage, and there is simply no options for me there.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Personally, I don’t find terribly much difference in terms of writing quality between GW1 and GW2. I mean, when you think about it, many of the elements that fans rage about in GW2 existed in GW1 as well.
“Because Scarlet?” I raise you with “Because Abaddon.”
Predictable storylines? Friend, you would to be blind and deaf not to see Vizier Khilbron being the Undead Lich coming from halfway across Tyria.
Trehearne stole our story? Kormir was stealing our stories before it was cool.Come on, guys. Let’s not pretend GW1’s storytelling was amazing. If it was better than what GW2 has told so far, it’s not by so much to be a particularly kitten ing criticism.
What it is (in both cases) is… passable, which (sadly) is still superior to pretty much anyone else in the MMO genre. It’s like having a pinched nerve in a world where everyone has their spines crushed.
/shrug. Abbadon was a God. Scarlett was a snowflake vegetable. Bit of a difference there.
You can say both both GW and GW2 aren’t the pinnacle of of fantasy writing. Fair enough, but, one worked, one didn’t and hasn’t.
Had the same writers done GW, we would have spent 40 mins on a cutscene with Saidra and Evennia discussing all the curtains they would never pick out together. We would have known Saidra was doomed the first time we met her.
We would have sent Tahlkora to ask Koss to arrange meetings with Kormir.
The Gadd/Vekk father/son drama would have been worth an hour of dialog. Same with Koss/Melonni. Cynn/Menlo would have been at least 3 Campaigns worth of domestic squabbling breaking out at every turn.
Varesh would have laughed more. Lots more. Muahaa haaa laughing. After which the Harpy/Hylek alliance would have jumped in, followed by the Djinn/Eboga alliance. Then, in the middle of the wastes, we would have been beset by a gigantic wooden Badger and Corsairs on flying Carpets.
All thoughts of Shiro would have vanished as we became totally committed to solving the mantid mystery of Shing Jea island after the Harvest Temple. Togo would send Devona to his brother to arrange a summit.
LEY LINES!! And NOBODY in Tyria would ask what a “ley” was.
and so on
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863
15% of 20 is 3 hours, and you said it didn’t even take that. No wonder you declined the challenge. Thanks for the laugh.
In GW Anet balanced skills in PvP separately from PvE and attempted to keep the PvP meta in balance without impacting PvE. They did not mandate a purchase of EoTN by allowing those factional skills into PvP, and it was a smarter move. However, PvE elitists demanded those skills from groups, and it did hurt players without the Expac. Ursan anyone?
Now? They would rather leverage a HoT purchase. Same as nerfing Core guilds into nothing and taking features away, instead of adding to content people had for years.
And why would I buy HoT? Gliders annoy me. Gimmicky puzzle zones and mazes annoy me. The callous killing of Eir annoyed me. DE2 annoys me. I’m sick of Sylvari centric everything. I don’t want an ersatze Druid nor would I play one.
So. Why should I waste money on it. I’ll buy when they add features I want. I will not buy because they marginalize the core game to leverage it.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Just what we need in the game. Yeah, I play MMOs to rehash tired old N64 garbage. Wow. They took development hours to do this.
Incredible. Just.. speechless. This is just more worm Pac Man and Asura Pokemon, both failures in GW1.
And the vast majority of those that are happy with them are not posting either, so I don’t really see that as a strong argument for most people disliking it.
I doubt that anyone, pro or con, finds your input credible or unbiased anymore. Conjecture is not fact, at any time, or for either side.
No one knows what the silent are doing. Playing.. or quietly moving on.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
It doesn’t take the place of any of the chest items, it’s on a separate table. So again you have no reason to complain. This is easily seen in smaller chests or if you actually knew how many items you were suppose to be getting from the chest you did open. For example I’ve been doing an easy jump puzzle with 5 characters to get some coins, its chest gives 3 items, when there is a coin, it’s a 4th item and I’m still getting 3 items in addition to it. Basically, you were complaining about getting a free item that in no way affects your other loot gain.
Basically I loot that chest every day on 6 chars. Basically I know how many items are in them. Basically, the coin was not an extra item. So, Basically, you aren’t a dev, and basically don’t know any more than I do. Basically. But thanks for the Lecture. Its not a JP Chest
I’ll determine if I have a reason to complain, thanks. Not your call. And basically, my op is asking if it is on a separate table, a question you are not qualified to answer. If indeed it is a separate table, ofc, no problem.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Perhaps then you could point out the “better” versions of the things I listed. I can’t seem to find them in my copy of GW2.
Just sayin.That is because your views are ridiculously scewed do to your personal bias of GW1. I could linst the portions of your list that are better in GW2, but then my hands would be cramping after all of the typing.
- A good story: GW1 story was amazing. I don’t have to remind you of the public opinion of the GW2 story…
Wow, how fast we forget. You had to ignore A LOT of things said about GW1 if you are naive enough to believe the story in GW1 was loved by all as you are appearing to portray it.
I rather enjoyed the story in GW2 and feel very many did.
Feel free to cramp your hands typing out to me what of these things I listed is even in GW2.
Configurable UI. Particle controls. Appearance slots. Functional LFG. Flexible graphical settings. Enhanced guild management tools particularly the over simplified bank.
Also, you might take note that I was not comparing GW to GW2. I was comparing GW2 to all of the other major MMOs I have played.. and only in reference to above features.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
It is opinion, taste, playstyle. You will never “make” something attractive to people who find the base option unattractive.
I like hamburgers. I do not like veggie burgers. Nothing done to a veggie burger will make me want one. The simple fact that I like hamburgers does not carry over.
Anet keeps trying for some reason. They would be better off insuring that the quality of different content appeals the most to people who WANT to do that content and realizing not everyone will.
But, this also happened to GW1, when everything is solo-able, to an extend people will most likely solo it. People that want to group will have even more trouble finding a group (why ask, everything is solo-able, you’re bad if you cant solo). It will hurt the game if every single thing is solo-able.
Snipped your Quote to the part I wished to address.
Yes, most of GW1 could be done with Hero/hench, later Heroes. But, the option to group with players never left. Given the choice, people chose not to group, or chose to group with 1 or 2 friends. Forming pugs just became the least popular option, and that should have given ANET pause when designing story content that requires pugs. Contrary to assertions, pug grouping is not as popular as some would have us believe, and GW1 is proof of that.
Pugging died in GW1 because it wasn’t forced, people voluntarily took the other option. Players were given a choice, and made an overwhelming choice away from pugs.
Mandating a singular group only playstyle for content that should be for everyone is a bad move. Fractals, designated group zones are for that.. optional content. Forcing it into general storylines and personal stories, No. It is a step backwards.
Oh, you lost a personal story mentor. Join the crowd. That is what Extras in Red Shirts do.
“apples for sale” Tybalt
Forgal … doesn’t even rate getting his note finished.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Were Ursan and PI popular skills ? Of course they were, but claiming that everyone used or relied on them is ludicrous.
No, it’s evident now you were not active in GW1 during that time. Ursan Blessing was used everywhere, from DoA to FoW/UW, all the way to solo elite mission clears. Other metas at the time, such kitten, almost went defunct.
Anet nerfed it due to complaints about everyone requiring R8 ursan, and that is a fact.
Meta isn’t “everyone”. Never has been. Even during the ursan hype people happily played the game with viable builds that did not include it. Facts..Not “everyone” had EoTN. Not “everyone” with EoTN had the rank to use it. Nobody in PvP used it.. they couldn’t.
“Everyone” didn’t use it, or feel compelled to. It got nerfed because it was OP.
I’m 59 and started playing mmos when my spouse died. I had no wish to date, still don’t. TV was boring and depressing. Games are a decent and cheap way to socialize and stay exposed to a younger generation (good and bad lol).
Ranger is versatile and very survivable and forgiving in PvE. I would stress that a new and less confidant player steer clear of the more judgemental aspects of the game, Dungeons and WvW/PvP. Even some open area events can be pretty rough. I would advise a new player to largely ignore the content “prompts” the game imposes on your screen until you have become more confident just playing open world pve.
Crafting and harvesting were fun for me in games that emphasized them more. Home decorating is also fun in games that have homes and place-able decor. It is a shame that GW2 tends to ignore a lot of alternate playstyles. Conversely, this game allows you to always overlevel most content, and it is no shame to do so. A downleveled player is always stronger, and a new player can stay in “easier” content for a long time with so many new player zones.
I wouldn’t push Personal Story to an older brand new gamer till they are at least 10 levels over for the 1st run through. The leveled rewards aren’t good enough to worry about.
I was fortunate that my first big MMO was SWG, where I was confident enough to be a non-combat Dancer and crafter. It took me 6 months to actually go out and shoot a Nuna, which owned me. Eventually I got better.
My sons encouraged me. They thought it was cool I was doing “real gamer” stuff, and so did I. Had I been pushed off onto some of the feeble, online “bingo browser” games I would not have stayed with them. I still have no interest in them. Don’t sell us “older” folks out, we can do real games.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Anyone not buying HoT and still playing ?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863
Thanks for that Clarification, Gail. So the Anet position is “We don’t Care”? I suspected that.
I had intended to continue playing without purchasing. I still will not be purchasing, and it looks doubtful, now, that I will follow through on still playing.
Because “reasons”.
Why would you assume that? It’s not even remotely logical.
There are many comments in this thread, both positive and negative, that, when on topic, remain in place. Our point here is that the OP asked a specific question, and the thread is being use to state (and in most cases restate) opinions that are off topic to the thread.
The topic — which is quite interesting — is not “Will you buy the expansion?” Look for those threads elsewhere. There are many of them and we have no issue with whatever you wish to say, if presented in a reasonable manner.
This question is something different, and the OP’s intentions should be respected, as we expect of any thread, on any topic.
Pardon, I make the assumption because there are no Red Name statements on those threads. And I am sorry, because you are the last person I should vent at.
Amusing Vayne. You always resort to comparing to GW only. Apparently ANET did as well.
Overflows, no. In EQ2 at the zone in I get a list of instances if there is overflow. I pick one. I don’t get sent randomly to some mysterious “overflow” . All copies of a full zone are localized, on the same clock, and same event timer.
Crafting.. laugh. out. loud. Vanguard, Everquest2 have “crafting”. This game has harvesting with a 1 click button to make something.
Every single thing that you mentioned GW not having, and GW2 having are part and parcel of every other MMO I have played, have been for years. Features GW2 are missing also happen to be found in other major MMOs, have been for years. Features that are popular, add to all gameplay, and things ANET should have been aware of when releasing a new MMO to the MMO market.
Things like UI customization, particle control, guild functionality, guild halls that are GUILD HALLs, not pvp zones. Even first person being missing have nothing to do with GW and a lot more with actually stepping up to the plate in a bigger market.
It is a year later, Vayne. The honeymoon is over. If you insist on comparing GW2 to GW the amount Anet accomplished in a year improving the launched game there was far greater than here, and to me didn’t have the desperate sense of floundering around in search of direction I see here.
And it is funny. I went from a game, Everquest 2, to GW1. In spite of EQ2 having more content, more features than GW2 has now. It had.. and has.. unique gameplay good enough to overlook lack of amenities. And now, that is reversed, as I’m back to Everquest2 and only playing GW2 sporadically, because of those features EQ2 has and GW2 lacks, with no indication they will ever come.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Here’s a crazy thought OP… you could, you know… complete the events and push them back the other way? I know, I know, it sounds way WAY out there, but that option does actually exist.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to post a series of videos showing how a solo player, at appropriate zone level, can solo group Dynamic content, particularly those involving champions, to illustrate how simple what you are suggesting is, while remembering this often happens in new player and sub 50 zones.
Some events require multiple people, not all do. There are some champions you can solo, others you can’t. Do what you can, ask in map chat for help with what you can’t. You’d be surprised how many people seem to show up out of nowhere when they see someone involved in an event.
And yet, on FA, some time frames we have to go beg in LA to get enough people for Jormag.. and fail anyway. Jormag.. not some obscure Jotun champ terrorizing an outpost in Dredgehaunt. For most of the zones, the option is “walk away”. It is a staggering amount of un-utilized content when you add it all up.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Without purchasing HoT you won’t ever build any upgrades again.
That ability was ripped away and put behind a pay wall. If you have an issue with them doing that, the thread will be locked. They don’t care.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Do people really get joy from repeating the same thing for almost two years?
Who me?
You, them. You just enable each other.
I’m not talking to them. The funny bit is, it’s not them that need to hear this. It’s other people.
The point is, most people who read forums don’t post in forums and many of them read casually. By posting what I post, I’m not trying to change Karla’s mind. I wouldn’t even begin to attempt it.
All I’m doing it showing a counterpoint to stuff I consider to be unfairly expressed (which I think it my right to do).
Do I get tired of it? Sure I do. And sometimes I take a break from it. But I think people need to see that the negative, which is far more prevalent on these forums, is not the only point of view.
And I do periodically get forum mail from lurkers who thank me for doing what I do.
Seriously? I don’t post for lurkers, fan mail or the 9 pages of upvoted comments I have. I could care less. There is one type of person I want to see what I write, and they work for Anet.
As in this thread.
I got blasted by the usual types. (/waves @ krall) I got all the grief expected for daring to post a negative view. No Dev responded and I didn’t expect one. But.. the periscopes were changed shortly after and I’d like to think the thread brought attention to it.
People say the LS storytelling has improved. Do you think that may have a connection to LS1 being blasted in the forums?
That is why I post.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I’m not a roleplayer in the commonly accepted definition anymore. I do see the major damage the megaserver has done to the RP community however.
My “RP” was simply trying to immerse myself. I could go to quiet Hoelbrak and actually feel like a Norn in a Norn town, free from the particle glitter and 4chan chat of LA. Now, I cannot, because that town no longer exists. I no longer have that choice.
I can see megaserver benefits for adventuring, even though I would prefer not being forced into them. I understand the positives, for many, of having more people in an adventure zone.
What I cannot see is any positive from forcing Mega upon cities. The only possible benefit I can see is presenting an illusion of population, and in a city, that is no benefit to anyone but ANET.
I would love my quiet city back. I would love to actually be on my home server when I am there. I would love for choices to remain, and for one size fits all solutions to stop replacing player choice.
Social Activism of any sort has an agenda.
SkyShroud.2865 …. seriously?
No kidding. Now he is telling us what we supposedly think.
I give up tbh. Some people just don’t get it. I can easily pay people to get a guild hall, but I can’t keep paying people to do a weekly event with me every week just to get what I used to get solo / duo the previous 3 years. and since launch in GW1.
Why fight for breaking smaller guilds when it don’t affect you the slightest? Its just being a kitten cause it dont affect you… Hope they nerf something you care about so i can troll you back…
They are telling Anet it is fine to take earned content away and paywall/gate it. Karma. I’ll laugh when it is something that matters to them.
Not allowed. The dev’s follow up clarified that.
People, as always, so quick to grasp at any straw to rationalize cheating.
It is unattended gameplay, pure and simple.
Adding Heroes and Henchmen would turn GW2 into a CoRPG and not a MMORPG anymore. You’ll have no one grouping just like we ended up having after Nightfall was released(things got even worse when EotN dropped).
Both Everquests now have mercenary followers and the CoRPG fairy didn’t transform them. Still MMOs. /shrug.
Grouping “dies” because pugging is like chimpanzee wrangling. Mercs are better than Pugs. They don’t replace guild groups or dedicated hard content groups.
Mega might even manage to put you and your Merc on the same map. Maybe.
I think your thread is a clever way to beat a dead horse.
Frankly, if Anet decide to make maps that purposefully waste my time so badly that I need a mount to get around, I won’t be going there.
This is hilarious, as Anet has indeed made that type of map, and it needs a glider “mount” to get around.
I’ve come to the conclusion that development here is driven by the Good Idea Fairy and random Tumblr blogs.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
Being the least mediocre in a sea of mediocre game releases isn’t a revolution in gaming.
Terrible analogy. It would work a lot better if for the last 8 years, the genre hasn’t been leading people around by the nose like sheep. You can’t go from what the genre has become to something totally revolutionary because no one would buy or play it. You have to change culture in baby steps.
Really. Given a context (land of the blind) and a slight advantage (one eye) elevates that slight advantage to a very substantial one.. in context.
Given a context (bland, carbon copy MMO releases) and a slight advantage (in my eyes, art and environment) elevates that slight advantage to a substantial one. In context.
Given a context (8 years of sheep herding) and a slight advantage (a baby step) elevates that slight advantage to a substantial one.
/shrug. Slight advantage is slight. IMO from my POV.
The analogy reflects my point of view. My opinion. In that, from my POV, it is valid.
End of topic on my end. Infractions, ya know.
It’s a bad analogy because it takes vision to know how much the market can take. That’s the thing. You’re assuming choices were made blindly. I’m assuming they discussed things that they wanted to do and decided the market couldn’t stand that drastic a change.
Just like they wanted to make the game all DEs and added hearts because people needed that direction.
You can call anyone a one-eyed man if you want, but you weren’t there at development meetings. You don’t really know if it’s a one-eyed man making these decisions or someone with two eyes, who had to drag an entire genre out of the spood-fed dark ages.
Believe me, MMO players are their own worst enemies.
Wow. Just… wow. The analogy has nothing to do with blindness or one eyed persons. Or development decisions. Or vision. Nothing. It is an adage, an idiom.
It is not an assumption. It is the only reason I play this game, at this time. My decision to play this is as much based on the failure of ESO and Wildstar, among many others, as it is anything GW2 has to offer. I am pretty much the “expert” on my own decisions, thanks. The idiom holds. It describes my viewpoint.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Thanks Ashen for sparing me the trouble.
+1Notice when he said I was making stuff up and I asked for an example he couldn’t furnish one. Nuff said.
Bowing out of an endless loop seems wise to me.
I assume our characters came to known the newest elder dragon name the same way how he/ she came up his/ her own theory on what Scarlet goal was (the character mention in sometime around attack on Lion Arch). In another word, he or she did some digging that we were unaware of despite controlling him/ her.
So, our Characters do things on their own? Well, this at least explains missing gold and random shiny junk objects in my bank.
“Dear Anet. I would like my ban lifted, as my Norn character was drunk and acting on her own. We have had talks re her foul mouth and she promises to stay sober.”
Not quoting another wall of opinions.
For the obtuse, for the nth time, I have no interest in buying HoT, and therefore my chance to restore my small guild to what it had is firmly locked behind a pretty hefty pay wall.
Not an opinion. A fact.
But go ahead, repeat your argument about no pay walls and no lock outs. Again.
Add an argument about how it is good it is to be forced to purchase an expansion a person doesn’t want, to replace something they had already earned in Game.
Carry on.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Still not enough info. Try to craft 100 yellow items of 80 lvl (light armor masks for example) and salvage them with most expensive kit from vendor. I receive ~90 ectos from same amount items salvaged.
I read something like this and wonder if I am playing GW2 in some alternate reality. I can’t visualize having enough fines to ever craft 100 rare 80 items. 1500? at the current prices of that level? with this drop rate? Posts like this floor me. Your game is not what I am experiencing.
My experience? 12 level 80 rare loots since my char got to that level in early December. Easy to count, as I saved them to salvage. Black Lion Kit. 3 ectos.
The RNG hates me so much, that putting 4 Level 50 rare crafted chests into the Mystic Toilet gained me.. nothing? Everyone tells me “nothing” is impossible, yet, that is what I got.
GW1 allowed Invisible log in. The fabric of the gaming world universe did not unravel.
Since my characters are by acct, and not allowed to be separate, yes, at times I wish to be invisible.
As the above poster, in other games I also had chars on separate servers, and also alts I never told anyone were me. Also female. At times I just want to get away from the attention of some, and still be able to play without rudely telling people to just go away. It avoids Drama.
Guys don’t get from guys what we do. You don’t get the “knight in shining armor” syndrome in which some otherwise Nice guy starts showing up to hold your lil helpless hand through the bad monstas. I don’t want or need help, but Knights take it very hard when told to go away.
I’ve played MMOs for 10 years, and learned some hard lessons re privacy and transparency.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I played 10k hours of GW. Still play it. Bought nearly every item on store to support the game. I think I deserve my HOM armor.
I did not buy the CE of GW2. I do not deserve the Mist Wolf exclusive to that. I didn’t Beta, I’m not entitled to the T Shirt (wherever it came from)
Games need to stick to exclusivity for some items.
Personally, I think people should pay the small price to play GW simply to experience a different style of online MMO-type gaming that the genre may never see again. It’s about the same cost of trying a new restaurant.
People forget that GW launched shortly after WoW, and succeeded when WoW was wrecking the numbers of the rest of the Genre. That was a hefty accomplishment then.
I’m also glad I played Koster’s sandbox SWG. Fairly sure that will NEVER happen again.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Makes perfect sense in a game where Cantha seems to be off the table and a Canthan enclave in Divinity ripped out of the game.
Of course, they could be AetherNinja, Scarlet’s Blades, or some other “lore inspired” creation.
I’ll be brief. I have no problem with the dungeon/grouping concept by choice, but I’ve had it with new dungeons being the only answer to continued PvE development in the game.
Why does every major PvE concept, whether Personal Story, Living Story or special events have to end with forced group instancing? I’d like to complete my personal story, Flame & Frost and experience Super Adventure Box on my time without having to deal with the random and varied expectations of strangers, much less their schedules.
Grouping for anything should be a choice, not a requirement.
Give me slower progression, less reward per run. I don’t care. It gives me something to do when I play. As it stands, you only produce walls which actively discourage me from playing the game.
Hmmmm… MMO – Massively Multiplayer
This would tell me that I should be playing with others. There are games made for crabby people that don’t like to group up and they are called SPRPG’s.
By the way, the super adventure box can be done solo, it scales down lol.
Love the “M in MMO” crowd. Playing with others does not mean grouping. In ten years of supposed “M in MMO” games I’ve spent the bulk of my time ungrouped, crafting, exploring, traveling, leveling, etc, yet still interacting with other players.
Never fails to amuse me when brought up. Funnier still that most of the big MMOs have an “automatically reject group invites” checkbox as well. Now, if MMO means “group” why do they do that?
Please name one big MMO that does not require grouping to get end game gear. Besides GW2.
This is the least social game out there and the OP still has a problem with it. I don’t think MMO’s are for the OP.
So, you define all MMO gameplay down to getting “end game gear” Oki Doki.
The level of suck grows exponentially in regards the number of people who watched you do it as well. Been there, same spot
How is this any different than Eir’s “son” dropping in from the ether and the painful, strained retcon of that.
All this story shows is that the same people wrote it.
WvW is the only “Living” and actual dynamic content in game.
A fine example of the problem with RP, is it full of roleplayers who take themselves far too seriously.
There is always a certain few who declare themselves the RP police. Then they wonder why RP numbers decline.
And as to the OP.. there are certain types of “lore”, historical and cultural.. that should never be retconned or ignored.
In GW the Searing happened. Shiro happened. Glint was benevolent. Varesh Ossa tried to bring Nightfall. Khibron happened. A few examples of things that should not be changed, rewritten, or ignored. There are many others.
You can impose a different viewpoint on history, as the Sons of Svanir have re Svanir and Jora. Someone could admire Varesh Ossa. I still can’t stand Charr, regardless of the evolution of Tyria. But none of that changes the base lore.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I hate looking at silly plushy backpacks. Are they needed? Hardly. Do they fit in with “lore”? Please.
And yet, upon hearing they were to be added to the game, I didn’t storm the forums to spew forth drama and hyperobole at those who were in favor of them.
Just sayin’.
I would argue that mounts have the potential to be far more obtrusive than backpacks ever were. It’s sort of like noise pollution, or graffiti. The graffiti might be on someone else’s building, but seeing it slathered all over the city bothers people all the same.
And that’s just addressing the cosmetic argument. There’s still the practical side of the argument which as been discussed to death. Mounts are completely unnecessary to the mechanics and gameplay of this game. In fact they would harm the balance of environment size and design by trivializing travel time and geographic obstacles.
Obtrusive visual pollution? Like all of the unrelenting, unavoidable and mostly unnecessary particle effects in game? Effects that DO hinder visibility and frame rate for many, many people? TBH I would trade mounts off gladly for a few particle sliders.
Visual pollution. I consider most Legendary weapons, nearly all backpacks, particle effect harvest tools, super saiyen hair and glowie, on fire armor as visual pollution. I don’t ask for those to be removed. I can accept that people want and like things I find to be jarring and just plain ugly. I don’t have to use any of them.
And how would mount speed change anything if kept to the % of speed already perma maintained by some classes in game?
I don’t care whether mounts ever get in game. I just really hate spurious arguments.
GS should be a giant 4 leaf clover GS that spawns leprechauns with giant greatswords spewing lucky charms zone wide. The Leprechauns would all be giggling. When you run it would make you skip merrily leaving a trail of little magic meadows with pots of gold and rainbows.
Longbow should be a scud launcher complete with thermonuclear air blast detonations.
When you run little mushroom clouds will appear.
Pistols should be sharks. In a sharkholder thing. they would have lazors and discoballs on their heads. Also play Disco. When you run, it would look like you are doing roller disco with rainbow glitter trails.
Staff could be a huge skull on a huge bone covered with skulls. All of the skulls would have laughing skull mouths that shoot out little skulls that form the shape of a giant skull that also laughs and shoots more skulls out. When you run little tiny skeletons should raise up out of your footsteps and follow you, cheering and shooting really tiny skulls out of their mouths.
Most of all they need at least 5x the amount of particles and the particle density should scale up with the size of the audience of people admiring it.
Rifle should be a GU 8A Avenger but made a lot bigger, with glowing spikes, shooting hundreds of little glowing snakes. when you run it should give the illusion of two or three turbojet engine exhausts.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
The epic ship has sailed.
Every city has a bank
Terminology. In GW1 every outpost had a xunlai chest. I’m sure the OP meant outpost rather than just City.
And every zone should have a bank outpost. Many have Black Lion Merchants, those that do should have a Banker standing next to them.
An ersatz Warden is not a Ranger.
Clearly we did play different games, because the game I played had armors of max power on sale for 1 platinum per piece. A few examples:
Never played at release, huh? Well I was actually referring to the game at the state of release until factions.
Because there wasn’t a horrendous mandatory grind in GW1. There was grind, absolutely, but the grind was actually optional.
Skills that get stronger by grinding more factionpoints isn’t mandatory?
It’s very difficult to argue that GW1’s grind is worse than GW2’s, or even comparable.
It was just flat out worse. Getting “perfect” gear is so simple in GW2 right now. Salvage some rares, craft your exotic stuff. Do every day Level 10 fractals to get the daily reward and do the dailies to get laurels.
You could play GW1 without perfect equipment, yes. But you’re living in a fantasy if you think that GW1’s perfect equipment was in any way nearly as much of a grind to obtain as GW2’s is.
No you just didn’t play the game at release.
And you pick and choose what era of GW1 you compare with to attempt to make your point. There were no faction required skills at release, or in Prophecies.
No one knows what the silent majority is doing. Silently playing the game, or Silently uninstalling it.
Except that one party does know what they are doing, and will make choices based on that. Namely ArenaNet, obviously.
Arenanet can certainly track acct usage, or lack of. In the absence of input, they cannot know why. If a person stops logging in, that is all they know, not why, if that person is “silent”. They cannot know if a person continues to play in spite of undesired aspects of the game in absence of input. If a customer is silent, they cannot track “why”, neither pro or con. Developers make disastrous decisions as well as good ones based upon their perceptions. All businesses do. None are omnipotent.
Nice open field ballista and arrow carts FA, really showing off those siege skills y’all have, all that silver league practice.
This coming from a server that drops an AC if they stop to farm an iron node.
We don’t need anything in the entire game. That argument is old, tired, and bad.
Find a better one.
And yet it fits quite well here.
People are complaining about the fact that a healing skill is expensive. But since you don’t need the healing skill, the fact that it is expensive is moot. Or should we start complaining about not getting Legendary Weapons by simply logging in?
If they take the “errbody gots tons of currency” approach and adjust the price of Legendary components up 4x then, yeah. Seems that attitude reflects in the cost of Ascended already.
But then, that would give you the shot to type.
“Incorrect” “You don’t need one”
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Options I would pay for.
Particle slider
“Hide all Backpacks/wings” toggle.
The core art in this game is very good, when not obscured by cheesy effects.
“Hide all legendary effects” toggle.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)