Showing Posts Upvoted By Mortifer.2946:

PLease do not implement PTR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


PTRs are hands down the best tried and true way of testing anything. “Don’t fix what ain’t broke” comes to mind in the argument against the OP. Time and time again with patch updates that include major changes to classes bugs still exist in each patch that they’ve claimed are gone, some of which stayed for months with no one listening to the complaints in the class forums about these bugs still being there.

Yeah I’d say it’s time for a PTR.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

PLease do not implement PTR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


I see no need for a PTR

Oh well, if YOU don’t see any need for it, then clearly they should just pack it up. That’s it guys, show’s over, random forum user #8415 doesn’t see any need for that project! kitten things like “good arguments”, or “research”. Someone doesn’t see any need for it.

Well, if you don’t see any need for it I’m sold then!

No living story deserves to be this hard

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Azraeel.1238


I agree with you that such achievement should be related to permanent content, not temporary. If it was single player, then the player can just keep trying until they get it. However considering this being a team related fight, between having a good team and a bad team makes a HUGE difference.
First Team: We couldn’t even beat Fizz without having 80% of the team dead by the end of it. Spent 3 hours, only one got the Faster Than Light achievement.
Second Team: We were aiming for Personal Space. During Fizz fight, one died, 2 or 3 got the Faster Than Light Achievement.
Third Team: We were going for Unfriendly Skies. During Fizz fight no one died, and no one got hit by Lazer. The fight barely even lasted that long.

Why such results? First team is mostly composed of noobs trying to get the first achievement. Second team was aiming for a bigger achievement, so the Faster Than Light was just secondary. Third team was handpicked to do the hardest achievement, and so the team was full of competent people which made almost every encounter in the dungeon look like a joke.

That’s my intake on the issue.

80 Necromancer (Main) | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 80 Warrior
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…

Personal Space: what needs to be done?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Wizzlock.3492


I realized it doesn’t matter anyway, it’s just a game. It was supposed to be fun, not to get crazy every two weeks with new set of bugs. And now, when they introduced bi-weekly updates I won’t be able to keep up with the game anyway. I already spent 1000 hours in it, time to grow up.

Actually I’m close to this conclusion as well. It supposed to be fun, now it’s chore like thingy. Don’t get me wrong – it’s still nice to play and all. But it forces me to do what I don’t like (or at list – I do not fancy this on that particular moment) and on their terms. If achievements like “personal space” would be bind to permanent content – it would be ok. I will get this in my own pace, when mood hits me. But now? My inner completionist force me to get all that I can, and while bugs prevent me from getting what I deserve…
I allready gave up PvP (for same reason), WvW became dull as hell. Maybe it’s time to find different game. Something harder, less casual, with more freedom.

sashimono: NO, Aspect: NO, cape: YES !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


title says it all,

NO to sashimono !!

NO to the upcoming Aspect back items

YES to capes, we want capes none of this BS compromise we want capes PERIOD

The New Blog Post for Second Half of Year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

New bugs every two weeks. Yay!

AR dungeon = best experience in the game

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: ithinkimhaunted.7412


Finally, something hard and challenging. Not for noobs who still dont know how to move around and dodge, For this Arena Net, I love you, I really do

For all those who cry about nerfing it: you suck

Gonna reword this to what I think it’s actually saying.

Finally, content that I consider hard and challenging. I don’t care if anyone else has fun, or how frustrating it is for low level or new players. For only considering one portion of the player base I love you Arena Net, I really do.

For all those who have legitimate criticism about it, and would like ANet to consider alternatives for future releases, not only does your opinion not matter to me, but I’m also going to insult you for not living up to my standards.

P.S. Please don’t reference my post later when I’m complaining that the world is empty and there are no new players entering the game.

So what would you have Arenanet do to appease their entire player base? Pretty much all of the living story content up to this point has been pretty trivial for a lot of people. Really, where do you get off insinuating that (its) not fair for Anet to throw a bone to the players that have been waiting so patiently for hard content since a month or two after release.

Sure we got FOTM in november. But that was 7 months ago. How long do you think people are going to grind the same FOTM maps OVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVERANDOVER.

I mean have you ever even thought about how many fractal maps you have to complete to get to Lvl 48 just to get to the point where you can grind them for a reliable chance at the fractal weapon you want?

Yeah, shame on you for thinking that the living story content should always and forever be easy modes. Whats so wrong with ONE content update having some difficult content for a change? Especially one that has almost ZERO story content.

AR dungeon = best experience in the game

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


Finally, something hard and challenging. Not for noobs who still dont know how to move around and dodge, For this Arena Net, I love you, I really do

For all those who cry about nerfing it: you suck

Gonna reword this to what I think it’s actually saying.

Finally, content that I consider hard and challenging. I don’t care if anyone else has fun, or how frustrating it is for low level or new players. For only considering one portion of the player base I love you Arena Net, I really do.

For all those who have legitimate criticism about it, and would like ANet to consider alternatives for future releases, not only does your opinion not matter to me, but I’m also going to insult you for not living up to my standards.

P.S. Please don’t reference my post later when I’m complaining that the world is empty and there are no new players entering the game.

AR is HARD (Thank you Anet!)

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I enjoy hard and challenging content, but I also like item acquisition and aesthetic character progression to be a part of my gameplay experience. When long and difficult dungeons that have high chances or failure don’t have appropriate rewards to compensate (I’m not talking about RNG rolls, actual solid rewards you know you will get after a reasonable amount of effort, like dungeon tokens and their sets) then the increase in difficulty becomes very annoying and the failure rate and challenge becomes discouraging.

It becomes hard to balance how much you enjoy content when it begins to compete with item acquisition and aesthetic progression. Most item acquisition boils down to gold, which is universally acquirable in GW2. This means the most efficient methods of acquiring gold become the primary way to play the game for people who highly value item acquisition and aesthetic progression, and challenging and difficult content quickly falls behind in the value of completing it. This is why the Arah dungeon set is much more valuable than the CoF dungeon set.

I’d be happier to see more challenging content if it was being rewarded properly, to do this they need to create rewards which don’t compete with the gold efficiency of common farms.

AR is HARD (Thank you Anet!)

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Enjoyluck.2618


I love the dungeon but hate pugs now

AR is HARD (Thank you Anet!)

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Shathron.5790


Just wanted to express my gratitude for this new direction towards living story content that is actually HARD.

I just finished the new dungeon today, ran it with pug groups and it took like 10-15 tries across 3-4 groups. Funny thing is, I’m enjoying failing in this dungeon more then i enjoy completing most other dungeons. Why? Because every failure makes me learn something new about my class, my tactics or the mechanics of the game. It brings in a form of progression i guess, a good kind of progression, a progression of skill. If i could steamroll this (like most other content) it just feels like a hollow waste of time.

Bottomline: if it aint hard, there’s no incentive to improve and no reason to. And that is what makes things boring.

Btw, here’s a couple of tips for other Mesmers running AR:

- Golem boss beams and walls can be passed through with blink, portal and shatter invuln. You can also be the teams savior by ressing people through the beam since you can invuln yourself during the res cast. Or portal the team to the same side of the wall so the golems wont run back and forth (portal entre, blink, portal exeunt).

- You can block the final boss teleport shot by dodging directly away from her if you have the clone on dodge trait. This way she’ll waste her big attack on the clone.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Hexternical.6804


I opened 500 regular coffers and got 4 risen knights and other crap.. -15g….. Opened 30 Rich Coffers and got a few risen knights, but no tickets.. Sorry ANET, but this is complete and utter bullsh!t. Also bought 20 of the previous chests last month in hopes to get a ticket for one of the eye skins. That’s 50 bucks with jack diddly squat. This is unacceptable.

(edited by Hexternical.6804)

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


every player would have multiple tickets by the time this event is over. Therefore, the skins would not be rare OR special AT ALL.

A mint condition 1959 Gibson Les Paul is a rare and special thing. Only a limited number of them exist and, barring the invention of a working time machine, there will never be any more made. A blob of pixels on a computer screen in a video game is neither rare nor special. Their number is limited only by the dev-ine generosity or dev-ilish stinginess of game developers.

I like the looks of these jade weapon skins and I’d like to have one for at least one of my characters. I don’t care who else has them. I don’t care if every player in the game has a thousand of them. I just want ONE.

I think every one playing this game (or any other) should be able to have whatever weapon or armor skins they want without having to jump through a hundred billion flaming hula hoops while wearing a gasoline-soaked tutu and singing ‘I Got You, Babe’ in tlhIngan Hol (author’s note: hyperbole) or double click a couple zillion (author’s note: see previous author’s note) RNG boxes to (maybe, if the fhtagn stars are right) get them.

Furthermore! I will remember these RNG boxes and the dev-ine generosity or dev-ilish stinginess that produced them the next time a new NCSoft and/or ArenaNet game is released. Well. I’ll remember Paragon City the next time a new non-ArenaNet NCSoft game is released. Isn’t that special.

The table is a fable.

This game has completely lost its way...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


Yeah, no more progression since I hit 80 and got all exotic armor. I don’t even want to try getting ascended gear, since it’s utterly pointless. I have the same feeling with the legendary weapons. I’ve been playing WoW, Rift, and some other games until Guild Wars 2 actually gets better… which it probably won’t anytime soon. I realized that I was actually sad while playing Guild Wars 2 because I didn’t have any feeling of real accomplishment at all. Switching from GW2 to other games was the best decision ever and it made me happy.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

This game has completely lost its way...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rama.6439


My feeling, and it is just a feeling, is this. I think it matters little to Anet if people who have already purchased the game are playing anymore, unless their playing is bringing in revenue (gem purchases). Since they already have the purchase price of the game, the goal now is to somehow increase gem purchases even if they alienate players in the process. Why should they care if players leave who are no longer generating income?

I am not trying to be overly cynical, I think the changes to this game have simply been the result of nuts and bolts business decisions about how to keep the game earning.

Maybe they are right….because they already have my money for buying the game. Unless they can somehow manipulate me into buying gems they are not going to make any more from me. That’s business.

I’m with you on this, I think that they don’t actually care what the players really want, at least most of Anet don’t, cause I myself and a lot of the other players I talk to don’t care much for “temp” content, cause it upsets new players, and they don’t get to be involved in past “temp” content. It’s like punishing them for not being here from the start. And that is very lame.
I know that a lot of us want permanent content, stuff that is added to the game to be left in-game, not added for a couple of weeks then removed, that is a tease and cruel, I think it is just a way for them to make money and stupid people don’t get it, or they do and just don’t care and that’s what pises me off.

So Anet, what are PVE players supposed to do?

Why, farm slower of course. The longer the farm takes, the longer progression lasts.

Progression in this game is the biggest joke in any MMO out there…

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

This game has completely lost its way...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Stain.4169

The Stain.4169

I am hesitant to start another thread critical of this game…in a forum already buried in them. But I tried to play off and on today and just found myself shaking my head… At least as far as PVE is concerned.

Farming has been completely nerfed everywhere. Southsun is deserted of human players with all 4 of the major town events perpetually active (contested). The simple fact is that these events cannot even be attempted without a zerg of at least 20 players. And the WPs don’t show contested, so it is all too easy to WP in and insta-die. What is the future of Southsun? Is this it? As it stands now it is nothing more than a waste of bandwidth…

Curse Shore is all fouled up. Many events are completely gone…others are so messed up that no one even attempts them anymore (Risen Abomination, Grenth, etc). Today Jofast was permanently contested with no events spawning to deal with that. The few events that still start up in Cursed Shore are so far apart that there is no point even in waiting for them. If you do try to do one, you will be almost alone.

So Anet, what are PVE players supposed to do? You don’t want us to farm, I get it. So are we supposed to run around Lion’s Arch endlessing smacking dragon Pinatas and lighting fireworks? Is that NOT farming in the new GW2? What is the point in endlessly eating dragon-taffy and making upset stomach sounds? To hopefully earn holographic dragon wings? Seriously? I am completely bored and disgusted with the “Dragon Day” crap already and it only started a couple of days ago.

The game is still OK if I can manage to put together a dungeon group, but for me that is usually not an option. WVW is probably still OK, but I wouldn’t know because I don’t play much of that.

I guess I have made my point. From my point of view, single player PVE has come completely off the tracks. It has happened because of totally counterproductive changes that I do not understand the reasons for. If this was the same game it was 5 months ago I would be happily playing and avoiding negative forum posts….

(edited by The Stain.4169)

Looking for a casual guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: FlameKnight.9150


Just pm’d you now on the forums.

[OCX] OCEANIX – Sanctum of Rall – PvX Oceanic Guild.
OCX Officer
Guild Website: Oceanix

This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kadub.8743


Hope they don’t add RNG to the expansion $40 for the chance to play the expansion,might get the code might not.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I got a ticket on my fourth gem store coffer when I bought a pack of 5. I’m happy. It’s the same thing every time, people complaining about RNG. It’s supposed to be rare, not everyone will have one. I remember when MMO’s were far more frustrating then this to obtain pretty much anything you wanted, and nobody complained. All people want today is instant gratification. It’s like buying 100 lottery tickets, and calling the lottery office to complain you didn’t win when you should have due to the amount of tickets you bought.

You are really funny. I think your opinion would be quite different if your gems had turned just into candy and not a single ticket.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Animok.2789


1) For those that got their lucky tickets, that’s great. The attitude of “I got mine, working as intended” is not a great attitude to encourage in a player base.
2)Even should the price fall to <1’s a pop, how is clicking an inventory item 1000+ times good game design?
3) Prestige from chance is not fun. Giving players alternate methods to rng of acquiring content does not diminish the luck value of another path.
4) One player playing the rng game 1000+ times to no avail while another player gets the desired reward on their first go isn’t fun.
5) Yes it’s been out less a day, what an unpleasant experience it has been for many of your player base.

As a player who bought GW1 because they were excited about GW2, played the beta, got friends to buy it, bought a copy for a relative and has spent money in the gem shop on items I wanted (not a chance at an item I want), I’d love to continue supporting a game who’s art I find to be the best out there currently.

I hope ANET meaningfully addresses the rng frustration. If not I’m sure they’ll have plenty of players who like a company to let them buy non-power items they want and not play slots if they choose not to.

Lots of options on the horizon.

Battle Sims = GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Svetli.4276


hokey what is going on ? were is the EPIC BATTLES
all i see in this game is skin collecting, i don’t feel powerful at all no mater what you do !
why not get stats to every skin, that reelect the skin look

fire skin = fire damage or fire skills
ice skin = ice damage or ice skills
skin for a rifle that make it look bigger = more damage less acc
skin of a rifle that make it look smaller = more acc less damage

red dye = fire protection
black dye = projectile protection
blue dye = ice protection (here you can put like heavy ice map and to survive the cold you need to dye your armor blue the same go for fire dye IS NOT THAT AWESOME ? )

all i see when i log in is DEAM MORE LAG in wvw, pvp is kittened. all dunjens are the same GRIND GRIND GRIND for what ? a skin o_o most skins like like crap with NO imagination put it !

and put more maps in FOTM
make a difference when you input time in the game ! You are afraid that if you make some ppl to powerful others will complain, offcorse they will but most of them will strife to become that powerful !

that mean legendarys will give MORE stats and there is good reason to try to get them.
right now there is NO PRACTICAL REASON TO GET THEM !
it is all vanity THIS GAME IS ALL VANITY !
the hell o_o

“What you wish for may not be what she wishes for.” – Skull Knight

The fanbase resents the RNG chests

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: mrcrabcore.2781


After me and many many people final saw glimmer of hope that this and future events had finally got a solid way for us to buy skins they introduce we only find that we have been cheated out of the money we WORK for again. youre fan love the art and design of these weapons but dont you understand, we can enjoy the event till we at least have one off these skins as it just feels like we have missed out on the most important and best part. i know you could say just dont buy them but i honestly thought we had a good chance of a drop this time. if your going to do this then at least tell us the drop rate fact instead of cheating us. i know alot of people are heartened by this and i would be surprised if a lot of people quit now. this is not the way a GAME should be ran. seriously, i would rather you not put any skins in at all.

Glasidria – Asuran Necromancer – Commander ~
Officer Glas – Asuran Guardian ~ Gunnars Hold
Guild – Dark Reavers [DkR]

Moa races temporarily disabled?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


really? you can stun the Moas….ahahahahahaha, is any of the content released with this patch not a bugfest or exploitable?

Anet, hire some QA people please.

I doubt that you could do it any better.

Actually he could, and me and you and about 10000 other players, if ANet would start using a proper testserver.
Like pretty much every other MMO out there.

But they seem so fond of falling flat on their face after pretty much every new content launch, oh well.

it is sad that i’m not even supprised anymore. Its so standard for content to be a total bugfest that I’m not even mildly shocked. Disappointed that they dont learn, but not shocked.
Anets rep is rapidly becomming one of untested, buggy, exploitable content with no quality control.
Which is a shame as they started so well.

free dragon bash mini pack

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: William Fairfield.1428

William Fairfield.1428

Game Designer

These are being given out in waves to avoid a strain on our mailing birds. They are not super birds!

T6 Dust Crisis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

“Globs of Ectoplasm can now be salvaged into Piles of Crystalline Dust. This change should help Globs of Ectoplasm maintain a strong value in the economy and lower the cost of Crystalline Dust.”

Thank you. Now if we could have a solution for lodestones that would be awesome!

Additional ways for other items like lodestones will arrive later this summer, there part of a much larger reward overhaul (outlined in very high level detail here) we’ll go into more low level detail when we update the status of this blog:

The dust solution was a quicker low hanging fruit change outside of the larger reward system overhauls, so we figured we’d get it out quickly based on all of your feedback.

As always, thanks again for feedback folks!

Where I do commend Anet for “trying” to solve this issue, its not really solved, the loot in your end game 80 zones is still no where to be seen, all you did here was move the attention away from 1 T6 mat for a few days, some weapons requires a lot of dust and ecto, but now we have to salvage the ecto to get the dust,

Why could you not just FIX THE LOOT in your level 80 end game zones, this is poor.

I agree the LvL80 zone loot tables need an overhaul. +1, but, TY ANET for what attention you do give the community.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

Dragon Bash: Acct Bound Weapons Tickets, why?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Mirta.5029


A lot of people continuously pointed out that the RNG ticket system is a bad idea. The problem is that gambling obsessed people gamble hundreds of dollars in gems just on that, so it’s profitable.
If people want the company to change vote with your wallet – every time there’s RNG chests on the gem store don’t buy them and stop your family and friends from buying them. Every time there’s a skin that you can buy straight off the gem store and you like the appearance of – buy it with real money. That’s the only way you can make a company change its ways.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: kishter.9578


Thanks for supporting Aion next expantion.

We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


I bought 25 hoping to find at least 2-3 tickets, hearing from those who reviewed it before it was released, but i found NONE. This is the same as the southsun supply crates, if you hated them then hate these ones too.

Crab Toss Daily Champion bug...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Cow King.3086

The Cow King.3086

As if being forced to play this game every single day to get all the daily achievements wasn’t bad enough, now it doesn’t even work. Crab toss is the worst thing to ever happen to the daily rotation. I was praying it would be removed with the monthly reset, and I’m hoping that has something to do with it, because I’m sick of playing it.