Showing Posts For ATC Alpha.4098:
Agreed, having more than one character makes it hard to know on which character you’ve done the bosses on. Especially when your alt is almost identical to your main -_-
It has identical attack animations as karkas.
Got this bug twice the past weeks, solved by restarting game. No idea what causes it.
Holding a few stacks of mystic coins gathered from dailies/monthly and some bought, anyone got any idea of how much they could be listed for? Will they go up to 15s-ish again?
(edited by ATC Alpha.4098)
I visited gw2lfg and found:
Citadel of Flame (Explorable) need warrior dps cof1 speed farm run
Citadel of Flame (Explorable) LFM::::::::::::::GS WARRIOR::::::::::::::::: COF PATH 1 FARM !!
Citadel of Flame (Explorable) need warrior dps cof1 speed farm run
Citadel of Flame (Explorable) Path 1 farmruns! Lots of them! Need 3 full dps berserker warriors! C’mon! [2/5]
Citadel of Flame (Explorable) Lf1m War full berseker p1 farming exp only ( no thief,elem etc) !
Should I make a warrior too? Since the demand on warriors seems high, it’s tempting to try one. Only time someone wants my elementalist is when I drop frostbow in AC.
Hello, posting some QQ here again that loot.. well, sucks. Nothing but x3 blues from chests and tons of gray trash stuff. Last time I posted I shortly after got an exotic so I’m hoping it might work again. My acc is perma DR bugged!
(edited by ATC Alpha.4098)
To begin with, this isn’t a recruitment thread but an idea of a secondary-ish guild for making competent dungeon groups. Me and a few gaming friends made a small casual guild and I’d like to take it a step further.
Idea. Being able to jump between guilds is a nice convenience, I was thinking that you could basically become a member of the guild, represent and ask in guild-chat for any specific dungeon run or if anyone is setting a group up. So you can still have a main guild.
Benefits. This way you can avoid less wanted players you find in some pugs, for example: griefers, kids with parent aggro (sudden offliners), slackers or exclude magic find users if you want.
Hoping this’ll make it easier to find high level fractal groups and for other dungeons, speed/farm/daily runs whether it is somewhat skilled/experienced to superultraelitenomistakesperfectionist players you’re looking for.
Even at level 10 fractals there’s a chance you’ll be grouped with lolwut’ers you’ve found on gw2lfg which I have experienced myself, (Jade Maw is solo/2man-able! :/ ) and I don’t wish to go through 2 fractals then have the group fall apart.
For this to work requires a large amount of guildmembers, structure and some organisation.
I didn’t put that much thought into this yet so any feedback is much appreciated before I set this idea into motion.
Other info: Guild is EU, Imperial Kittens from Gandara.
Also experiencing the bugs mentioned here. They should be fixed and our class’ damage balanced and mechanics adjusted. Feels like I’m playing on some private server.
I’m a staff elementalist and I enjoy it somewhat in dungeons.
Don’t nerf AoE in PvE and dungeons. If you believe it’s a huge problem in PvP then so be it. It’s already difficult to hit with ’em since mobs runs faster than you. We got some skills to keep the enemy in place for a few secs so the AoE abilities to deal some damage (3 CC fields) which are on really high cooldown.
I’d like to see the developers run difficult dungeons with engineers and staff elementalists. Without any tanky players (guard/warr) holding aggro for you, let’s see you try hit mobs with lava font and maintaining any good damage compared to other proffs.
Should have a timed dungeon race: Developers using engis and staff eles vs. 5 hardcore PvE players with guards/warrs. That would be a good laugh.
I’m a PvE elementalist and this AoE nerf is worrying me greatly. I’ve invested all my game time on my staff ele, it’s already a peashooter as it is but the aoe’s makes up for it—a bit, if it even hits, usually npcs walk outta em.
Discuss each of these topics on seperate threads and get specific feedback on each matter. You’re currently doing it wrong. Communicate more, ask the players because we’re the ones playing the game. You’re just making it less enjoyable and push people away.
If you want to make class changes, do them seperately for PvE, PvP etc like you did for the nerf on boon duration runes in PvP.
Stop crippling classes in PvE because someone whined about ‘OP this and that, NERF!’ in PvP.
Communicate more, discuss, talk to the players.
A game is supposed to be fun. You’re taking the fun part away with nerfs.
/Frustrated, unsatisfied player
I’m an elementalist(main)/mesmer(alt) I’m mainly into dungeons and I’m familiar with almost all of ’em and their different paths. Completed all Arah paths once or more.
I’d like to progress in fractals to high levels and get the weapon skins, been pugging up till Lv.13, got 20 agony resistance on my elementalist. I know the class inside out and I’m mainly playing with staff, scepter/focus and use abilities to best help the group.
Also, I like fashion (dyes/skins), trade on the TP, spontaneously roam around in Tyria, or semi-afk in LA.
Send me a message if you have an active guild buzzling with activity!
I’m Zilih/Zilh in-game.
Anyone else only getting x3 blues from chests and barely get any greens from mobs?
The picture says it all.
Tier 3 human cultural light armor pants. A part of the dress expands when doing animations. Guess they’re magically elastic.
Pretty big deal for being t3 armor if you’re picky about looks. Have anyone else taken a notice to this? Seems like no one else have reported it.
Geez, reading stuff like this makes me wanna take off my t3 armor and fancy weapon skins lol
When i just got hacked, they transmuted all my cultural to non-acount bound crap and stole it all. Nearly all my fancy weapons too. Absolutly gutted!
Thing is, where can you put it where it’s safe and whats the point, why have it but not wearing it for fear of loosing it when getting hacked?!
The hackers might be active in-game and when they spot you in shiny stuff they’ll go after you! :S
Staff is alot of fun and effective in dungeons, the aoe and combos are cool. However, it could use some improving. It could use 1 more blast finisher, perhaps on ice spike?
It’s a bit annoying having to switch to earth and pull off an eruption in a healing field.
Aaaand my utility bars got other stuff so no arcane wave, would only heal at my location tho so I’d have to run up to a friendly and put down a field first but in a dungeon people never seem to stand still!
One of the best combos is blasts in healing fields, assuming your teammates doesn’t dodge out of the eruption thinking it’ll hurt them -_-’ noticed only a few people on high lvl fractals knows about this and usually runs into the eruption. Spread this info to everyone! If an eruption isn’t near an enemy, a heal is incoming! Well, other classes got healing fields too but most people never bothers using finishers/projectiles in them.
Earth (eruption) > Water (healing rain) works fine
Earth (eruption) > Water (geyser) works fine too
Water (geyser) > Earth (eruption) is a no go due to geyser duration is 2s, it could use an increase so you can pull off combo starting in water.
I have some trouble fending multiple ranged enemies with staff, much easier with X+focus tho. Give me weapon swap! Could be out of combat swap or in-combat swap like other classes BUT cooldowns remain from the staff abilities you just used.
That’s all I had in mind for now, will post more once I come up with stuff. Feel free to contribute with anything fellow elementalists! Opinions, feedback, whatever or just say hi.
Geez, reading stuff like this makes me wanna take off my t3 armor and fancy weapon skins lol
Yeah and those sets with procs on getting hit, fairly useless since you don’t want to get hit in the first place. Those with defensive procs might be good but not offensive ones. Might boon on hit? Naw I’ll pass.
I like my gear to be all around so I just chunk in ruby orbs, can be used for basically any set/build.
Wondering the same thing about the asura t3 focus.
I’ve read through the whole thread till here and most of my concerns have been mentioned already.
Nearly all dungeon chests contains plain 3 blues, sometimes 1-2 greens instead. I mainly run AC, CoF and some Fractals. Here’s what it looks like:
Usual dungeon runs: 3 AC paths, 2 CoF paths.
1st chest: 3 blues
2nd chest 2 blues 1 green
3rd chest 3 blues
4th chest 3 blues
5th chest 1 blue 2 greens
6th chest 3 blues 1 green sigil
7th chest 3 blues
8th chest 2 blues 1 green 1 green sigil
Yeah, you get the pattern. Someone else in my group recieved Shield of Wings (~5g) and a named armor piece (~4g…) in 1 path and he spent most of his time downed. It’s hard to suppress the frustration while you’re getting blues yourself.
I never seem to get any rares, perhaps once A DAY from world drops and I’m 100% sure about that. Been playing since launch and gotten 2 world exotic drops. I’ve pretty much stopped doing events, except for one dragon fight/day since all of that only yields blues, greens and dragon chests might drop 1 rare in every 3 fights.
About DR, yes it’s like my account is glitched and I’m only getting trash all the time. Some people likes farming or hanging out in a few spot and smash monsters together. DR and low drop rates is seriously making people quit, it’s simply not rewarding/worth the time to play that way.
I’ve almost considered buying gems but you simply don’t deserve my money. I try to enjoy the game but I always find something disappointing, mainly in the amount of porous bones I get.
The way I see it, the best way to make money is AC with +gold amount drop buffs (don’t nerf that btw), mining with multiple alts or playing the TP.
I wanted a seperate thread but this complaint is one in many and would probably get modded/deleted. Hope this contributed to the cause for better drops and fixes.
Chests are most of the time filled with 3 blues, I can run dungeons for hours and not get a single rare, even when clearing dungeons. Rare materials seem to have stopped dropping, I can get one odd core now and then but never lodestones.
I’ve seen 2 exotic drops from dungeon chests in total. I want better loot, it’s a part of the fun and the game. I was considering buying gems but around almost every corner lies disappointment. I’m beginning to think DR is bugged or they just nerfed loot into the ground, perhaps both.
My looting experience.
-All combo fields for all weapon sets have been removed. Because that’s why.
-Damage of auto attacks is reduced from 1 damage to -1 because it hits too low.
-Dodge ability for elementalists have been removed as a fix to some unknown issue.
-Overall vitality and toughness stats have been lowered due to elementalists being 1shotted too slowly.
I’ve played since launch and haven’t recieved a single lodestone from any dungeon, I rarely see any core dropping or from bags/chests for me, perhaps 1-2 cores in 10 runs but depends on the dungeon. I’ve killed tons of elementals of all kinds and not gotten any rare crafting materials at all.
I did however get some corrupted lodestones from the jormag event about 2 months ago from farming the icebrood elementals that spawned. Whenever I do that event now I get nothing of ‘yellow’ rarity at all.
Personally, I don’t need them but it’s nice to get something somewhat valuable instead of trash all the time. Anyone else feeling the lack of RNG favor?
Would be nice with some frosty staff, like one leaving trails of snowflakes. Could have the recepie require glacial lonestones since I got tons :q
We already got corrupted branch with blue glow though. Anyone got the coldsnap scepter? It seem to have the same textures of the icebrood crystals by the looks of it when previewed.
My experience of personal story missions:
I randomly went roaming into Straits of Devastation and noticed: hey I haven’t done this mission yet since it has been bugged for ages so I guess I’ll give it a try. To my surprise I actually got to progress past the ‘defend gates’ part at the beginning which always bugged out before.
Alright finally I might complete my personal story. ‘Fights through hordes of undead’ then I realized they drop no loot at all. I’ve heard people have been farming this mission, restarting it for more loot long ago. But the loot has been completely removed. Not rewarding for taking the time killing ‘em, maybe you’re not supposed to but some people likes blowing stuff up.
Some extremely boring moments later of killing undead (had plenty of cursed shores farming before), I completed the mission. The reward: Blue level 70 gloves.
This mission, in my opinion isn’t fun at all, the end reward isn’t enough for such a lenghty mission (assuming you’re running solo). I’m full exotic geared though so it took like 20min more or less, didn’t time it.
I liked the first personal story missions before the Risen showed up, in divinity’s reach were more lively, interesting and fun. Especially the first few Order of Whispers missions. (Apples!)
Maybe it didn’t feel fun/interesting due to the long breaks between the missions, last time I did personal story was like more than 1 month ago.
/Human elementalist
In Soviet Tyria, dye bottles grows from plants!
realizes that I just ran off a cliff edge “FML!!!11!§½!!” usually happens when I have autorun and typing to someone.
pulls too many mobs for my ele to handle “AWW FFFFFF£$€#%!!1!”
about to die, desperately mashes heal button when only a few sec cooldown left “HNNGGH!!1!”
How often do you get doubloon from pebbles/nuggets?
Ask RNG. Did some testing, sometimes you don’t get any doubloons after like 50 combines, a couple times I got 2 in a row.
Anyone tried it? Like would 4 trident precursors have higher chance to spit out a different precursor?
It’s at 20g now, not sure if anyone would buy at that price.
What people forget is that Chef discipline can craft Unidentified Gray Dye (rare), I got 2 Abyss Dye from it.
Got curious and bought 3, first 2 were crap but got black dye from the 3rd worth 8g so I got my money back thanks to rng. Asked a guildie whom has cooking to make one, he said the mats were expensive. Orrian truffles, coriander seeds, black beans etc.
Bought lots at 9s, seeing as people are getting precursors I think prices will go up again.
Disconnected/no loot/no mail
2 others I know have the same issue. We’re on Gandara.
I had issues with the client crashing and trouble connecting during the event, am I eligible for the chest too?
Sincerely hoping for one as well.
I have like 6 pages of rare armor pieces posted and prices have dropped around 5 silver more or less. I guess that’s because of the ecto prices going down a bit and people flipping them, ordering and reselling. Should I repost my items? :S
Alot of people have high hopes for this scavenger hunt and it’s hard to tell what it’ll be like since they haven’t said much. I think they’ll add something like:
X250+Y250 mats (X&Y=T6 mats?) to get Z (Z which can be a key or something) to progress in the scavenger hunt.
It’s just hard to imagine them giving away precursors so easily just by following a long questline. That’s what I think. I’d like to have the staff tho. :q
Could be worth to buy rares to salvage and hope rng is on your side then sell ectos once they’ve gone up.
There’s a button that can make your char spin around. It’s nice combined with updraft/burning retreat.
Alright so mint leaf, egg, saffron thread, glacials and I already got a supply of chocolate. Trying to find more ingredients!
Having a hard time believing anyone wants a nerf for ele. Not sure if srs or.. Well 20 or even 5 eles in one spot sounds very unreal, unless it’s an organized ele mistform guild of doom.
Sigh, I should just roll warr/guard/mesmer.
So what’s the next big thing? Egg, saffron threads, mints? As for glacial lonestones, they’ve gone up alot but the cores remain cheap for some reason.
I know we already have alot of flashy spells but some do feel lacking. Like glyph of elemental power, it should enchance the spellcasting animation or the projectiles in some way.
Problem is that none of those dungeons takes place “now”. They take place either in the future or in the past. Therefore anything other than the Mists would be rather weird.
Yeah didn’t think that far, I’m not familiar with the GW lore at all and the game doesn’t tell much imo. Isn’t the Ascalon the only one which is in a different time?
As I said, this idea is something I just spat out to see if the other players like it. This will help bring more people into dead zones though.
Staying in LA or roaming same level 80 zones gets a bit boring, this’ll add more variety and make things more interesting.
Need more opinions!
Here’s an idea to bring more people into less populated zones: Scrap fractals, add those mini dungeons into suitable zones.
Add some small barricade of mobs and walls to some of respective faction for the dungeon outside the enterence. Some sort of group event that is, some veterans or a champion that actually drops something other than bones/blues.
This is something I just thought of for a minute, you continue from here. Post your opinions, imagine if this actually came true and how it would be. Like/hate.
They’re not applied when picking up those you threw on the ground.
Also, the frostbow attribute shows as a boon, with that white timerthingy on the icon while none of the others have.
I don’t always get a dye, but when I do, it’s blue!
So do we have an update for those who missed out on the reward? I’d be happy with at least the karka shell bag.
Had an idea to make the karka final boss a mini dungeon with a chest lootable just once.