Add slot machine loot.
Rename to “Diablo 3”.
That’s all the game needs (especially #1). It is exactly the same as Diablo, but in a persistent world. Exactly the same. Well Diablo is a popular format, it’s just the game was sold as the sequel to Build Wars, the "M"MO for discerning players. It’s like if Eve Online 2 would be Wing Commander.
So just stop trying to cater to the GW1 crowd, announce the game stands on its own two feet, and add tons of loot. Loot keeps people playing, and spamfest gameplay is par for the course for a Diablo title.
So you see this as a Diablo-ish clone..?
ok, I wrote something up for TSW a while back.. though it was “focused” on TSW ~ the spamfest combat is still kinda the same in GW2.
I’ll quote it below, and would like to get your opinion on the “theory” of my writeup (if you’re interested)
The real problem with TSW is the combat.. yes.. we’re back to that again, but just hear me out.
Look at dungeons in todays games.. how many types are there?… countless right?
Meh, not so much.
**There are 2 main types of dungeons.. “Progression and Grind”.
What’s the difference?
Progression is more commonly found in Console games via::
1. Legend of Zelda
2. Bioshock
3. God of War.
These are “Dungeons/Zones” that you’ll generally spend the majority of your time *(hours at a time) exploring them, looking for secrets and.. mainly, “backtracking” to older areas to find tools/items that let you progress further into the dungeon via story mechanics.
Then you have Grind, now please note this is NOT a negative word and only used to convey it’s general purpose ~ They are more common with MMO’s and Dungeon Crawlers via::
1. Diablo
2. World of Warcraft
3. TSW
**Even some console games like Castlevania 2, Simons Quest.
Grind Dungeons are for the most part are pretty “short” in duration.. and designed for you to run through them, spamming your spells and killing kitten.. and I mean LOTS of kitten! ~ all in an effort to collect “statistically superior loot” ~ again and again, you’ll be coming back to that dungeon to kill kitten till you get that uber piece of gear or that “quota” filled via typical NPC quest.
The real difference however, is what mechanics they facilitate in your game…
Progression = Slow paced + Story Driven.
Grind = Fast paced + Loot Driven.
Now I could spend hours talking about this, but for the sake of sanity and reading comprehension.. I’ll “try” to keep this short.
The Secret World is designed as a progression based MMO via single player game mechs *(IE: Story driven w/atmosphere, puzzles, ect)
However, they included a combat system in the game that was designed to let players “rip through content”. *(IE: They’re using spam combat, w/o limitations ~ as if we were playing your standard Diablo clone with a different camera angle).
This speeds up player progression and promotes a “run and gun” game play to both the normal quests AND dungeons.
Which again, is NOT what the secret world was being designed around. *(Story / Atmosphere / puzzles / ect).
Using this combat mechanic means.. that players don’t have to take their time.. they aren’t “counting each shot” *(unlimited ammo) and more importantly, they’re getting bored at the lack of content… why?… because Funcom used the wrong combat system which in turn, made the rest of the game feel “tacked on” or lackluster.
Sure you can also point to the “immersion breaking” chat via spoilers.. or the floaty animations… but at the end of the day, can you really say that you prefer TSW with it’s “Grind-based” combat design.. *(speed/loot) ~ instead of what it should’ve had *(Progression)?
I never said, I was right and you were wrong ~ I implied that you aren’t willing to look at it subjectively.. yet you were posting a counter argument on a topic that talks about::
Identifying possible problem mechanics within GW2 and to encourage the community to offer up suggestions that could improve the game.
But to quote you:
I have no reason to look at it subjectively, I see the game for what it is to me.
Says that you like the current direction of the game and see no reason to change anything.
Which is fine
but it’s not a very constructive outlook to have, because you’re more inclined to tell anyone with an opinion/critique of GW2 that “it’s all in their head”.
Basically limiting GW2’s potential to what it is now, rather than what it can be in the future *(years from now).
I never said, I was right and you were wrong ~ I implied that you aren’t willing to look at it subjectively.. yet you were posting a counter argument on a topic that talks about::
Identifying possible problem mechanics within GW2 and to encourage the community to offer up suggestions that could improve the game.
But to quote you:
I have no reason to look at it subjectively, I see the game for what it is to me.
Basically says that you like the current direction of the game and see no reason to change anything.
Which is fine
but it’s not a very constructive outlook to have, because you’re more inclined to tell anyone with an opinion/critique of GW2 that “it’s all in their head”.
Basically limiting GW2’s potential to what it is now, rather than what it can be in the future *(years from now).
Seems you’re missing the point… and you aren’t willing to look at GW2 subjectively.. as you’d rather blindly defend their choices..
IE: Say that it’s “all in my head” ~
While personally, this isn’t a bad thing.. (you enjoy how it is) at the same time, it’s not constructive nor is it beneficial to helping GW2 evolve over the next few years.
IE: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it ~ mentality.
@People like Kasama, that want to know more about game mechanics and how something is BAD in one situation.. but AWESOME in another.
But what the white knights/fans don’t seem to account for::
1. World Events, Bosses, Dungeons have No risk / Reward loot.
2. Stale (Spamfest/zerg) combat, trivializes encounters, events and even dungeons to some extent.
3. Can’t ever put together a group or find people to actually have “fun” in the world, anyways =/I’m sorry that you feel this way, but all of these points are personal problems, not problems with the game.
1. If you want risk, then take risks. Everyone can stand at max range and just spam one button in any game, and then claim there’s a minimal risk. If you are making the game boring, you can’t really blame the game for that. You could also choose run around and revive people, or play melee and get up in the bosses face. The game has, and never will be, about rewards. The game is build for people who enjoy the gameplay first, and then consider rewards as a bonus. Computer games are not a gamble, they are meant for entertainment in the same way a book is.
2. The majority of MMOs are about dealing damage, but just like point 1, it doesn’t have to be only about that. It’s a bit ironic that you have a choice to play any role with any profession in Guild Wars 2, yet you make a choice to only play a damage dealer, the role that requires the least risk. Why not make a different choice? Instead if spamming the door until it goes down in Worlds PvP, you could run around all over the map and take Mercenary and Supply Camps instead. A task that revolves a lot more risk.
3. Have you tried having a conversation with people first, and actually get to know them? If a random guy comes up and say "do you want to do a group event", no one is going to react, because thanks to the removal of the holy trinity, they aren’t forced to anymore. So just like in the real world, you have to actually make friends with other players. Then when you ask if they want to join you, they’ll know you are a great person, and will want to play with you for that reason.
Ok.. uh, I’m not sure you’re reading what I wrote.
When I talk about "Risk Vs Reward" ~ I’m saying that content that’s "labeled" as challenging (elite mobs/dungeons/ect) the rewards don’t meet how hard the content is touted to be.
Basically, this has nothing to do with "my" playstyle or how much "risk" I’m taking.
(the rewards are trivial).
Point #2 looks beyond that and makes reference that the game isn’t immersive and more often then not, you just don’t feel like "you" matter.
IE: ~ ZERGS kill mobs.. NOT skill, NOT class choice, NOT gear sets/ect... it’s all about spamming and zerging down events, mobs and combat in general.
*Please know that I’m NOT saying GW2 needs the trinity.. I’m making reference that YOU don’t matter.. the choices YOU make are irrelevant to the outcome.*
IE: No real tactics involved.. just spam/aoe.
Point #3 was my biggest problem... in that I can look past a game thats not as immersive as I would like.. and I would even be fine with grinding some dungeons for nothing more than some neat looking skin...
but.. unfortunately, I’ve been playing since pre-launch and the only dungeon I’ve EVER found a group for.. is AC.
Even then, I was only able to do it a few times.. before people lost interest and stopped caring bout them.
Would I like to run all the dungeons?.. HELL YEA!.. can I actually find a group or guild that wants too?... nope.
I’ve even jumped from server to server, guild to guild over the past month.. looking for people that’re interested.. and more often then not, it’s like pulling teeth.. (IE: No one wants to, cause it’s not really "worth it").
People just don’t want to bother with dungeons or events that don’t have at least "something" at the end of it ~ via a chest or awesome skin/weapon/ect ~ (risk vs reward)
Do you see how all 3 of those points are connected?
IE: If the content is repetitive or grindish.. people will still do it, IF they it’s at least a little "fun" (subjective) but if it’s not, then they’ll just look for the "easiest" content via how much effort they have to put into something Vs. what they get out of it.
1. Grind?
2. Fun?
3. Reward?
lol, Sorry for the long read.. if perhaps, you need me to explain something specific about this what I wrote above, feel free ta ask.
Making games isn’t easy.. nor is explaining mob mentality or "why" a game is or is not perceived as "fun".
I too play a Necro ~ and I also agree… other than the Flesh Golem in PvE.. the elites for a Necro are virtually pointless in PvP/WvW/Dungeons.
+1 to the idea of other utility skills in place of elite.
Another one of these endgame threads? kitten stick to one thread already. Getting old. You Hardcore content killers are getting old. Go back to rift and wow and games like that already.
The mods should not have to babysit these forums..
If you cannot be bothered to read the OP, then please do NOT replyI did read the OP. theres about 30 duplicate threads of his post A DAY. grow up please.
If you had, then you would KNOW that this thread is about GW2 as a whole.
IE: How it plays like a single player game and has mechanics that don’t work well with one another ~ further talking about people/trolls/knights like YOU that are a detriment to the game and it’s community.
Imagine IF the Knights put half as much effort into making legit suggestions to improving GW2 as they do trolling the forums…
Also, if you continue to “troll” this topic or derail it into a flame war, I will not hesitate to report your account.
#Can’t we all just get along?
With all that said, I think your suggestion is a pretty awesome one. You probably should have posted it in the suggestions subforum with a more obvious title, though.
I’ve been posting a lot of suggestions lately.. most don’t get much if any attention/replies ~ so with this, I wanted to see what the communities response to the idea would be, before taking it to the suggestions area..
lol, though that doesn’t stop a mod from simply moving it XD
Another one of these endgame threads? kitten stick to one thread already. Getting old. You Hardcore content killers are getting old. Go back to rift and wow and games like that already.
The mods should not have to babysit these forums..
If you cannot be bothered to read the OP, then please do NOT reply
@Hellkaiser ~
While I do agree on the “rag doll” issue’s consistent with true action combat.
At the same time, can you truly say you prefer GW2 to focus on it’s aoe/spam > weighted attacks?
Keep in mind, I’m asking about the “concept”… not just what C9 had to show.. but the concept as a whole.
Think about it.
Right now, content is trivialized.. the events only scale in mob count and hp/dmg.
They don’t get more “tactical” to cater to the amount of people present, but instead.. just make the mobs more “hulkish”.
This is what my suggestion of “fixing combat” revolved around.
My personal feeling is that without “weight”.. your attacks don’t matter, just spam.. but WITH weight, you would also have to have balance!
Otherwise, you just get that whole “rag doll” effect of tossing mobs around “Dynasty Warrior style”.
Though perhaps that could be a good thing?
lol, it all depends on implementation and how they balance the rest of the game around it.
(basing it off the concept that “Combat is a core mechanic the rest of the game must be designed around”).
Curious tho..
If you would like to see some of what I’m talking about… (evolving mechs via “scaling” events) ~ check out my thread:
*@Kimbald ~*
Thanks for seeing the bigger picture
In all honestly, I expected this thread to be trolled to death within a few minutes.. resulting it simply being closed due to the ensuing "flame war" within.
However.. You, Zale and a few others have taken the time to not only read the topic but also write feedback/suggestions.
This proves to me that the forums are not a completely lost cause.. and even further, I’m not sure you noticed but there were acouple "troll" remarks at how I should L2P ~ which were deleted from the topic.
This shows that ANet are also willing to support critiques (as they could’ve just as easily, locked this thread).
Anywho, you’re right and we shouldn’t dwell on negative attitudes.
#Here’s ta hopeing more people catch on (Devs included) and chime into the conversation via improving GW2 utilizing the community.
@Zale ~
Shatter:: One of the reasons events and dungeons aren’t very “tactical” (fun) is due to the combat limitations..
IE: Your spells don’t have weight and are easily spammed.
If you would like to see a good example of Action Combat with “weight” ~ check out this vid of C9.
#the guy is kind of annoying and repeats himself a LOT.. but it’s not bad for an overview of the mechanics of “action combat” Vs. GW2’s.
@Kimbald ~
lol, the first thing that came to mind after reading your suggestion… was a Genjutsu in Naruto (other players able to ‘break’ the CC on you).
Other than that, it sounds good in theory.. but what about the implementation? or diminished returns?
Currently, you can get stun locked via knock downs, stun, daze, ect… (painfully obvious in WvW and Orr, if you agro too many of those “yoink mobs”).
People seem to miss the point of the topic and are confused at how ANYONE could see downsides to GW2 design choices (without being a “Troll”) ~ So how bout a little “context” for those interested in game design and development::
Funny… even though I don’t really care bout the topic (Got my 60$ worth via console game mentality)…
I still find it funny that all the white knights/fans keep posting on similar topics as nothing more then elitist snobs. (not even suggesting fixes, just “justifying” why the game is “good to them”)
Anyone with experience in gaming knows there ARE legit problems that ARE causing people to “leave” GW2 ~ just like you would after beating the campaign in a single player game.
Main problem = Nothing to do but “grind” at 80.
IE: Same endgame as WoW but GW2 doesn’t “hide” the grind as well as WoW.
GW2 Suggested solutions via bias fans::
1. Go explore the world!
2. Puzzles!
3. WvWvW
4. World Completion 100%
But what the white knights/fans don’t seem to account for::
1. World Events, Bosses, Dungeons have No risk / Reward loot.
2. Stale (Spamfest/zerg) combat, trivializes encounters, events and even dungeons to some extent.
3. Can’t ever put together a group or find people to actually have “fun” in the world, anyways =/
At the end of the day, people like to feel like they’ve accomplished something (trivial as it is) and GW2 does a shoty job at it.
We’re constantly reminded that “grind” is the endgame via Legendaries or 100% completion.. or WvW = gate/door farming.
For me, I stopped NOT because of the grind tho.. but because I can’t find anyone ta do anything with.
Server jumping, guild prostituting, ect… no matter what, no one wants to do anything unless it’s exploiting the current system and/or has a chest at the end of it.
This makes 90% of the game simply a solo play campaign.
Which last I checked, GW2 was touted as an MMO.
Anywho, I digress..
I’ve seen countless threads in the suggestions area.. many of which are very well thought out and would improve GW2 greatly! ~
However, no one seems to care =/
They’re far more interested in telling other people they they’re playing GW2 “wrong” and/or expecting too much from it.
lol, imagine IF the Knights put half as much effort into making legit suggestions to improving GW2 as they do trolling the forums…
But then again, IF they did that.. they would just be trolled by other “fans/knights” or be completely ignored anyways..
#the vicious cycle ~
Personally, I made some suggestions to “fix” GW2.. and though they’ve pretty much gone unanswered ~ you’re welcome to check them out
Beyond that, to anyone wanting to “flame me” for my opinion that GW2 is nothing more than a single player game (campaign + multiplayer/co-op).
Understand, that I LIKE these types of games ~ hence WHY I’ve already shifted over to Torchlight 2.. and will be moving on to Borderlands 2 after that..
Anywho, best of luck to ANet!
You guys did a great job on the game.. but it would be foolish to say your game “works well” with all of it’s mechanics (you’re trying to please too many people / jack of all, master of none).
My suggestions::
Combat, Dynamic Events… what’s the point if they’re easy mode?
GW2, Challenge Mode Dungeons.
Zone Completion + Vista Theater?
As a closing statement, I’d ask the rest here on the forums to make your own suggestions.. NO, they don’t have to be grand in scale.. but at least something that you think would benifit the game.
Make sure to include a REASON why your idea is good
~Saying the game needs mounts, because EVERYGAME HAS MOUNTS!.. isn’t very logical or thoughtout :P
#good luck to those that bothered to actually read this and will be helping ANet rather then “just” trolling the forums!
(edited by AlexanderFaust.4518)
ok cool, lol
it was from a previous thread that looked to have gotten deleted; it regarded umm, well “nekkid” characters in the world =/
lol, interesting..
Curious tho.. what do you think of the idea?
It did show a rather “risque” attachment though, right?
I know it’s late for me, but my eyes aren’t that far gone.
lol.. ya, I seen it too kinda freaked me out XD
? Attachment GoneWild?
I’m not sure what that is… o.O
The attachement I added was this one::
I’m sure by now, most people have at least 20-30 of these… sitting in your inventory.
Yet even though you CAN buy/find keys to unlock these chests.. honestly, I find that the items you get inside to be pretty lack luster… (Boosts, more keys, mob pots, harvesting tools, ect..).
Being that I can buy these on the TP for 4 copper each, seems ta say that most everyone else feels the same way..
So, I’m curious… would you (the community) like it if ANet allowed you to “upgrade” or alter your chest via the forge?
Like say… change it into a “dye pack chest” or a “Mini’s chest” or.. even a pure booster chest?
and if yes.. then are there other “recipes” for the BLC you would like to see added?
#This is all in an effort to make the BLC something we actually look forward ta getting.. rather then viewing it as normal “trash loot” ~ which in turn, would provoke more people to purchase keys from the CS .
why is this thread still open?
Good question…
I, myself have stopped playing ~ for no other reason that I can never find anyone around to do anything =/
Every zone I go to is empty and/or void of proactive people *(chat is dead, big events like lyssa, balthazar, ect.. are ignored.
My original thoughts were that people maxed to 80 and just WvWvW now.. no real PvE left *(other than dungeons).
But then I go to WvWvW and there’s MAYBE 30 people on the map… goto a different one, only ran into 5 people and chat was also dead…
I mean, it’s just weird… o.O
Maybe GW2 isn’t “dying” but at the same time.. if I can’t find anyone ta do anything with.. then what other conclusions can you come to?
@people taking screen caps of the “server pops” ~ unfortunitly.. that info doesn’t mean squat, as AN are the ones that dictate what “High” ~ “Full” ~ “Medium” actually mean and/or represent.
Despite server jumping over the past few days to “high pop” servers.. I still can’t seem to find any significant number of “players” to enjoy the game with..
Defend all ya like, but I stopped playing BECAUSE the worlds feel like they’re empty.. *(BotZerg’s, excluded).
Sounds like a pretty good way to recreate and reintroduce The Underworld to me.
lol, the Underworld?
ah, thx for the link
#Never played GW1
Hmm, interesting topic ~ though yours focuses more on the “spells” and abilities the Shatter Dragon goes through.. I’d recommend a topic I created on the evolution of DE’s like his.. making the game more fun and a bit more challenging
Link to suggested topic::
TSW is also incredibly unbalanced and this comes with too many abilities. Limits are a good thing. TSW is also a gear treadmill and all you will be doing is endlessly grinding for better stats exactly like WoW is still today…BORING… I am so glad Anet grew a set and made this game different and actually fun.
This is NOT a kitten contest! :P
TSW and GW2 both have good things and bad things about them.. each being subjective to the individual (IE: what I like about a game, you may dislike).
However, combat in both games comes off as just “spammy” ~ no weight, despite them touting “action combat” as a subtitle to their game(s).
Want real action combat? ~ go play C9, Vindictus, ect.. then come back and play an event in GW2 or a dungeon in TSW..
lol, you’ll be scratching your head going WTF IS kittenHT!
Well you just contradicted yourself telling me what REAL action is lol. The game is not a spamfest, try again.
lol, that’s so cute…
You don’t even want to admit there’s an actual difference in how combat works between a “real” action combat game like C9 or Vindictus *(IE: Attacks that cannot be spammed and have “weight”) and spamfests like GW2 and TSW.
ah well, to each their own.. but you’re not really helping improve GW2 with that kind of outlook/attitude :P
TSW is also incredibly unbalanced and this comes with too many abilities. Limits are a good thing. TSW is also a gear treadmill and all you will be doing is endlessly grinding for better stats exactly like WoW is still today…BORING… I am so glad Anet grew a set and made this game different and actually fun.
This is NOT a kitten contest! :P
TSW and GW2 both have good things and bad things about them.. each being subjective to the individual (IE: what I like about a game, you may dislike).
However, combat in both games comes off as just “spammy” ~ no weight, despite them touting “action combat” as a subtitle to their game(s).
Want real action combat? ~ go play C9, Vindictus, ect.. then come back and play an event in GW2 or a dungeon in TSW..
lol, you’ll be scratching your head going WTF IS kittenHT!
lol, since ya didn’t watch the vid.. guess you’ll never know :P
Engi is actually pretty boring tho..I don’t want to know really, I dislike easy mode builds and I have no plans to play the Elementalist. I typically find that archetype to be really boring overall.
I did not look at the video, the url looked like it was a scam site- ?
Uh, no, it’s not a scam site…
lol, as it has nothing ta do with “easy mode” ~ it’s really just your loss
36 minutes he talks about more than one type of build and goes over the elementalist as an actual class.
He also shows off blowing people up in WvW
GW2 Suffers from the same problem TSW has ~ no weight combat.
This is evident just by looking at events and how they all pretty much play out the same *(spamfests).
I made a few suggestions on to help “fix” the problem ~ so if you want to find a “reason” to stick to GW2.. why not check it out, show your support and/or drop a critique of your own?
Most professions have easy mode builds.
Tell me what the elementalist easy mode is please?
Maybe don’t know what the word “most” actually means; but I’m not playing an Elementalist to find out. They’re boring.
It’s like you didn’t even watch the vid I posted….
lol, would LOVE to hear how porting around and blowing people up is “boring”. :P
I did not look at the video, the url looked like it was a scam site- ?
it’s a “quick-link” ~ you get them by clicking “share” under the youtube videos.
the “long” or normal address is::
It’s like you didn’t even watch the vid I posted….
I didn’t; don’t feel like watching some English guy go on about Elementalists for thirty six minutes.
lol, would LOVE to hear how porting around and blowing people up is “boring”. :P
Because Engineers do it with more style. :P
lol, since ya didn’t watch the vid.. guess you’ll never know :P
Engi is actually pretty boring tho..
Most professions have easy mode builds.
Tell me what the elementalist easy mode is please?
Maybe don’t know what the word “most” actually means; but I’m not playing an Elementalist to find out. They’re boring.
It’s like you didn’t even watch the vid I posted….
lol, would LOVE to hear how porting around and blowing people up is “boring”. :P
I eat all of those alive in WvW… so… I’m curious by what you mean “unskilled”?
**I play a “counter” NecroThe most damage with very little effort.
Ah, so burst DMG or “one trick ponies”?
a vid you might enjoy then::
Elementalist destroying everything..
I’m still hopeing for an actual/better “auto-loot” feature ~
My guildies say YES!… though I’ve yet to see an official response from ANet.
I’d suggest just walking away like most people already have.
NO, that’s not me insulting GW2 ~ it’s just common sense.
IE: View the B2P GW2 as nothing more than a console game purchase.
In a few weeks/months, there maybe more “fun” content to come back to? well, that or maybe they’ll fix combat and DE’s to be more than simple spam fests?
So just move on and keep an eye out on GW2’s future developments.
If it’s worth coming back too.. awesome! ~ If not, then just like skyrim.. hopefully ya got your monies worth from the box price.
My problem with the endgame (WvWvW, Dungeons and Events) and suggestions to it!
in Suggestions
Posted by: AlexanderFaust.4518
I like some of your suggestions..
though, I have yet to play in any dungeon aside from AC.. lol, not for lack of trying ~ but I’ve got two level 80 characters and no one ever wants to do dungeons.. or events for that matter.
IE: If there’s no chest at then end, we should we care?
Anywho, I’ve made a few suggestion topics.. if you’re interested.
Check’em and drop a comment if ya like’em and or have a critique
@OP ~ I’d suggest just walking away like most people already have.
NO, that’s not me insulting GW2 ~ it’s just common sense.
IE: View the B2P GW2 as nothing more than a console game purchase.
In a few weeks/months, there maybe more “fun” content to come back to? well, that or maybe they’ll fix combat and DE’s to be more than simple spam fests?
Regardless… ignore the whiteknights “hate” and childish comments.
Point of Fact, yes… ANet advertised GW2 as a “living world” via PvE ~ nothing the Whiteknights can say will change that.
So just move on and keep an eye out on GW2’s future developments.
If it’s worth coming back too.. awesome! ~ If not, then just like skyrim.. hopefully ya got your monies worth from the box price.
lol, this thread is full of win XD
I made a similar suggestion via “Vista Volumes” ~
Honestly.. I don’t think it would be too big of an issue to also be able to “re-watch” your story missions there.
Combat, Dynamic Events... what's the point if they're easy mode?
in Suggestions
Posted by: AlexanderFaust.4518
Save the chaos, serging and marabuntas for massive world battles, and the complex, better rewarded and harder stuff stuff for instances.
Hmm.. other than "griefing" via limited world objects like the cannons ~ I can’t really back up "dumbing down" the world.. just because there are more people in it.
IE: people are upset because the world is too easy and unless there’s a chest at the end, they don’t care about DE’s. (they’re all the same).
So why not incorporate fun and interesting battles/events to keep people entertained and actually wanting to come back for a chance at the "loot"?
Besides, a simple fix for the cannons is to put in a "burn out" timer via covering a player in "flamable" debuffs for each shot he takes and or has posession of the cannon ~ thus he wont be able to "hog" the cannon for a set period of time.
Not to mention, the dragons can periodically "nuke" / "fear" that location ~ allowing new players to grab the cannons.
Regardless, you can also put in other weapons..
lol, there are many ways to "fix" the griefing problem.. so I just can’t get behind the idea of only having "the good content" in dungeons :P
I created a “suggestion” topic on this if you’d like to stop by, show your support and/or offer up a critique / suggestion of your own
Combat, Dynamic Events... what's the point if they're easy mode?
in Suggestions
Posted by: AlexanderFaust.4518
What’s needed is a self-deelvel system, in which you can decrease your own level on purpose.
That way you can make things harder for you, without making them harder for others.
While I wouldn’t oppose the idea.. unfortunately regardless of your level, mobs are still just HP punching bags.. and there’s no real tactics in beating events/mobs/bosses/ect.
#spam ftw
Suggestions to give a bit more depth / reward for players that have 100% zone completion::
1. Teleporting to waypoints in those zones is WAY cheaper.
2. You can see EVERY dynamic event going on, via your map.
3. "Hearts" reset and have a bonus to the mobs/tasks involved *(think "New game +" Mode / nightmare difficulty).
4. Can purchase "Vista Volumes" from certain NPC’s that are useable at your character select screen or in game via a "theater" like the one in FFX.
Suggestions?.. Critiques?.. Votes?
If you guys like these ideas and wanna see’em in game ~ Post::
“+1 ~ I agree and would like to see this in game”
How bout it ANet?
Allow players to use the “who is” command in chat to see who is in their current zone.
Also include fictitious “players” as well ~ that way, you can use your “fake” names that get mail sent to them via bots trying to exploit the system *(ban them outright).
To make it even more useful, have a script that runs a kitten line of dialog every 15-20 mins or so. (IE: lol, love me some cooking ~ woot lv4 ~ omg that elemental boss hits hard!)
Again, bots will try to “collect” / “spam” your fake names.. thus allowing YOU ta insta-ban them
~ just my 2 cents ~
Anyone that supports this idea, post
“+1 ~ I agree and would like to see this in game”
Combat, Dynamic Events... what's the point if they're easy mode?
in Suggestions
Posted by: AlexanderFaust.4518
zomg TL; DR too long
i am guessing your bashing that the events are easy and are not worthy of the game taking to long, and dont reply saying “L2R, or read first” i am not going to.
No offense.. but since you didn’t read what I wrote.. you don’t know that this has nothing to do with the “trinity” or even “how hard” bosses hit.
It’s focusing on making the encounters MORE than just “spamfests” ~ which is what they currently are and WHY they suck/aren’t fun/ect…
Not only that, but they’re also centralized into only ever being in “one location” at a time.. thus the “zerg” of players can wipe all the events without any real effort.
IE: As you said, one person holds “agro” ~ others just zerg the boss and being that the ONLY reason he’s hard is due to his HP/DMG (no tactics/brain required) ~ other players just spam till he falls.
If anything, this is IDENTICAL to the problem associated with the “holy trinity” in that it just isn’t fun/rewarding. (meaning this shows that the Trinity was NOT removed from GW2 during these events).
The suggestions I listed make it so players have to split up.. and use their heads in order to “win”.
Beyond that, I also talk about making the level of scaling increase.. the longer an event stays “safe”. (IE: Centaurs NEVER capture the outpost, thus they get more and more desperate, thus the event gets harder.. despite the same number of players always there to defend).
This pushes the world into always changing and always being something “new”.
Anywho.. based on what you said, you’ll still likely NOT read my OP ~ but you’re welcome to suggest new and/or different ways to make the world feel more alive… lol, but then again, who’s to say I didnt already talk about what you had in mind?
Anywho.. based on what you said, you’ll still likely NOT read my OP ~ but you’re welcome to suggest new and/or different ways to make the world feel more alive… lol, but then again, who’s to say I didnt already talk about what you had in mind?Guess you might wanna read the OP anyways
#A thread I created on the topic that applies it’s own take ~
More than welcome ta check it out and drop a comment or two via critiques
Ya know.. honestly, just start reporting “those” types of people in those areas.
If anything, it’ll prompt ANet to take action on those events and get’em “fixed” ~ as well as warn/ban some of the people that are simply exploiting the game.
Sure you might have a few “casualties of war” ~ but honestly, it might also prompt ANet again, to take action and create an RP server
lol, really… at the end of the day, it’s common courtesy to simply “move” if someone says that you’re unintentionally causing a problem.
But to downright “ignore the trolls” ~ lol, you deserve a ban IMO.
This thread isn’t going to end well.
I agree..
Right now, you’ve got::
1. The OP asking any RPers to simply be “courteous” and remove themselves from a location in the event that an actual “event” is bugged thus counting the RPers as participants.. thus raising the difficulty.
2. Then you have others thinking that perhaps the reason the RPers don’t want to move is because they KNOW the event is bugged.. and are exploiting the system for free rewards *(if the event “counts” the RPers, simply because they were “there” when the event kicked off).
3. Finally, we have the VERY defensive RPer(s) that aren’t looking at the situation properly (IE: what the topic is actually about) and are getting upset that anyone dares to tell them “where they can or cannot RP”.
lol, good times on the Internets
#gets popcorn
*IE: Final Fantasy X – Luca Sphere Theater *
Not bad idea buuut i would also like to see place/places in lvl80 zones that is full of Veterans/Champions that could provide more challeging Solo/AoE fram content outside of dungeons.
Ofcourse there should obiviously be more than one that kind of places, due one being camped to death by lots of players.
With the Anti-farming code in place.. not sure “solo-farming” would be very viable.
If you’re looking for “challenge” outside of dungeons (IE: Content you wont need to “group” for)
~ I created a similar topic to this one bout it::
Feel free ta drop by that one and see what ya think ~
Not to be mean.. but that’s kinda silly.
Why not just limit the amount of items they can sell at a time?
Most games that I’ve played limit you to 10x items/slots.