Showing Posts For Allaraina.8614:

More Gear, More Meaning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I would love love love love love love love this. This has been a major problem I’ve had with the game – I want to earn things by playing specific content, not by swiping my credit card or trading gold for gems.

Also more gowns. Actually just more everything. More plate armor with skirts. More plate armor without skirts. More skirts. More DRESSES. Beautiful TA dresses. And non-TA dresses. Do a google image search for ‘Miss Universe Gown’ for inspiration.

/goes back to staring at pretty dresses

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I’m finding that as I do BB a lot of people just don’t read map chat. Often people have it turned off altogether. That might be one reason.

In terms of being poor design…

I actually like BB but I think maybe in the future it could be executed better. Does anyone know if Claw of Jorlag can be pushed/trolled/unintentionally killed in this same way? Maybe it would help if either,

1. Anet designs more major encounters like Claw where it is difficult to do anything other than go with the group (this could have pros and cons).

2. Bring in more ways to communicate/coordinate in the game. I’m not saying put in a voice-client or anything like that, but maybe something could be brainstormed? I’ve run into a lot of players who simply didn’t know that they were being counter productive to what a group was trying to accomplish and were entirely nice about it when it was all explained. So maybe we just need more effective ways to get people’s attention and explain stuff?

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Favorite HoM Guide?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


So I recently bought GW1… mostly because I want the ranger pets in GW2. I mean, I want all 50 points eventually, but I’ll start with the first uh, 30 or whatever to get all the skins and stuffs. Compared to GW2 eeeeeverything about the game feels massively different and I am completely lost. I still spam spacebar out of habit or try to dodge out of the way when I see enemies come at my poor Sunspear character. And then her corpse stares at me like “I hate you, why are you doing this to me?”. So anyway, I’ve been poking around at different internet guides for the Hall of Monuments/linked account achievements (and also how to not be a total scrub).

Does anyone have any suggestions for a guide they find to be exceptionally good? Are there any good guides that keep in mind the person might be totally new and have no back knowledge of the game?

Random aside: I’m actually super excited to be playing this. It’s really neat to live through some of the lore and I feel like the locations in GW2 are becoming more meaningful to me as a player as I poke around GW1 (and also get my butt handed to me).
Disclaimer: I wasn’t sure if this was the right subforum or not…. I’m sleepy <3

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

The Arc, Dialog, Writing and Season 2

in Lore

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I loooooooooooooooooove this game! It’s beautiful! And big! And epic! In terms of wanting to be hero/not a hero….

I am going to use an example from Lord of the Rings.

Aragorn is the embodiment of the ideal Leader. He is humble, yearns earnestly to return home to Gondor, but is deeply afraid of his own legacy. What if he makes the same mistake as his forefathers? But as the books progress he proves over and over again that he is his own man. He states overtly that he doesn’t have all the answers and defers to the wisdom of others. He brings out the best in each member of the Fellowship. And he isn’t a ‘useless npc’ – he kicks some major kitten in Moria and without his expertise the party would not have lasted.

I would follow Aragorn to the ends of [Middle]earth.

I want to be in a group like that. No single character is a hero, but each has a unique strength that it brings to the fold. Each has a personal downfall and struggles with their own weakness throughout the journey. Each character is a hero and without every single one of those characters the Quest would have failed.

In my mind, that is the middle ground for PC characters in MMOs. We cannot save the world ourselves, but we each bring a unique strength and perspective when we need to step up to the plate.

I think the biconics are beginning to look like that, so that’s a good start. Keep pushing them.

But one of the best examples I can point to was the Wrath of the Lich King expansion in WoW.

This is a beautiful example. It was a point where the things the PC was doing were absolutely evil. Torture? Yup. And we signed up for that by rolling a death knight. And the decisions we made haunted us through the rest of the expansion.

Son of Svanir

Sacrilege! We gave that wolf enough strength to rule ten packs and twist them all to Dragon’s will.

In my personal opinion ‘twist’ was the wrong word to use here. Earlier in the dialogue the Son of Svanir says the wolf was ‘blessed’ by Jormag. Then he uses the word ‘twist’. That’s a bit contradictory and this happens a lot with the script. Either the Sons believe they are doing something morally good or they don’t. In my opinion, villains that believe what they are doing is justifiable are much scarier than villains who are doing evil for the sake of being evil.

Example: Norman Bates. #1 scariest villain ever. He knows what he’s doing is bad but… he can justify it. And he experiences inner conflict.

I’m hoping more future villains go through something like this. I enjoyed killing Scarlet, but I would have liked to watch her transform further, even if it meant watching or discovering more clips from the past. Her journal was a good way to go, so maybe expand on that in the future? In short, fewer static villains and more villains with complex stories and personalities that we can discover as we progress.

later in personal story you need pact and the sylvari hero with power of cleansing ore( i forgot his name) and their ships to weaken zaitan greatly and finally finish him off.

I do want to point out that the fact that you cannot remember his name is important. I felt Trahearne is very bland and entirely forgettable. He is, in my mind, the representation of the game developer ushering my character along. I have no sense of his previous struggles as a scholar. No sense of his fear – his voice NEVER indicates fear – and no sense of pain or internal conflict from him. In fact, when Zott or the other named NPCs die, he doesn’t express remorse in any meaningful way. His tone is exactly the same as when he gets the sword from the pale tree (it’s the military, no one has time to really mourn, but please at least sound upset). I can’t quite call him sociopathic because my limited understanding of sociopaths is that they can pretend to have emotions.

That said, I started crying when Agent Zott died. I actually started crying. I tend to be overly emotional around story anyway, but I completely flipped out. Zott and Elli were probably in my top 5 favorite characters besides Carys and Tegwen and, of course, Tybalt gets #1.

What I really love(d) are the short stories from the blog posts. The only thing about those I really couldn’t stand was that they weren’t in the game.

I would like to see a lore journal where I can access posts like this. Maybe an Asura Infocube that collects and gathers data as scholars in the Priory dig stuff up. Make a dedicated space in the website with a collection of these posts, but please also make it so I can reference them while in game without having to alt-tab.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

"Do what now?" or "Why I'm not good at this game"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Thank you for the thread! Very eloquently written. I’m sure it took a long time!

I haven’t had time to read every comment in this thread yet but I wanted to just say I agree with the OP. It would be nice to see some sort of mini side-mission that takes you through different elements of game play (ex. “now drop an energy field and shoot through it to blast all the evil chickens! Quick, stop them from taking over Tyria!”). It would also be nice to have some sort of ingame tutorial that comes up with the ESC menu, something with definitions and things like that. I hate having to alt-tab out of a game to read up on basic stuff. I got lucky early on and had people willing to point stuff out to me but not everyone is that lucky.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Tournament of Dungeon Legends?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Did a quick scan so someone might have already said this and I missed it buuuuut….

I’ve been planning on recording full naked dungeon runs of every path of every dungeon in game (minus fractals cause AR). So no-gear is another option for a dungeon tournament. That way you don’t have to worry about ascended and whatnot. White lvl 1 weapons only. No trinkets. Your additional power/vit/tough is all derived from your traits/utilities/etc. So an ‘iron man’ like run could potentially include going gearless. Use 80s so that you can still make use of all your traited abilities.

Just another thought. These suggestions are fantastic =D

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Raid discussion: How it would work.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I think you are tackling raiding from the wrong angle. We can see the sorts of open access events that are now being put into the game instead of raids. We now need the game interface to support those events fully. This means better communications, organization, and command. Lets take all events forward for everyone rather than take a step backwards to recreate raids for a minority.

I can understand your sentiment. I have not ever led a squad so I don’t know what the UI looks like but I get the impression we need a general overhaul for open world events.

As I said above, I think there is a way to implement raids in a manner that is consistent with the rest of GW2 and it’s core philosophy in a robust and healthy way. Perhaps the greater discussion we should be having is what sort of future events we’d like to see and in general what else we’d like to see implemented in the game as well as how that implementation should take place?

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Raid discussion: How it would work.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


They really need to introduce more “hard” content via instances where you can have more control over who you are grouped with.

Generally I agree but we have to keep in mind the balance between having control and gating people out of content. I’m sure that there is an inbetween there somewhere though. The player base is quite savvy with these things so I’m sure we’d be able to figure something out.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Raid discussion: How it would work.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Now we get more in to the specifics I would like to see.

6. I think raids in GW2 would work best with 8-10 players. Or at least have only 8-10 players in a given spot. 40 players split in to 4 groups could work. It becomes exceedingly difficult for groups to organize for Triple Trouble because it requires 90+ people. Then there’s megaserver issues which brings up a whole other discussion point (which I will clarify in #7). Smaller groups are easier to organize, but since this is a raid, we want to create a sense of larger scale struggle that can’t be achieved in the 5 man dungeon setting.
8. The types of mechanics I would like to see in a raid are ones which don’t necessarily hinge on pure DPS. I like the fact that you need condi teams to deal with husks in triple trouble. I also like the way in which you need to stack explosives, gather toxins, or harpoon the wurm in order to make it vulnerable for a burn phase. These things allow for more than just pure zerker stack and kill gameplay. (snip)

Okay, so I’ll start by saying that if early on in GW2 if someone had said raid to me I would have thrown a potato at them. I used to raid lead in thegamethatshallnotbenamed and what finally killed it for me was the gear grind (I had a personal policy of not caring how well geared my raiders were – we were there to have fun and new people were always welcome. Made it much more enjoyable. But then the new expansion came out and the idea of grinding up again to just survive killed me a little on the inside.). Anyway, GW2 has no obligated gear grind (emphasis on obligated). That said I would be totally down for 10 man raids.

Except I think we should stop calling them raids so that people don’t get hung up on the word.

Why not call them Guild Dungeons?

It could work like you said – a guild builds up a queue like a bounty or whatever and then activates it. Non-guildies can join if the guild is too small to finish by themselves. There are other things that can be done to make sure it is not gated to those in small guilds. The purpose is to engage in content that has a higher difficulty than current dungeons with more varied mechanics that allow for a variety of specs so that people can play their favorite class the way they prefer to play. You prefer zerk? Great! Condi more your thing? That’s fine. You’d rather be support? There’s a place for you too.

Loot: Loot is a game-wide problem. I think that discussion deserves it’s own… encyclopedia. Textbook. Documentary. For content like this to work effectively the reward needs to absolutely match the effort while not punishing those who don’t enjoy doing it. In my opinion loot across the game needs to be adjusted. The finer details of this are up to debate and we can all have a (civil) discussion on what that might look like. Part of the problem, in my mind, stems from the issue that gold is a huge focus on end game. It feels easier to farm gold and buy stuff off the tp than to farm up the stuff myself. I would personally rather go get the stuff but it feels like it takes a lot longer than spamming some easy dungeons.

Raid gear: this is what tends to turn people off. Raiding is often associated with a gear treadmill but it doesn’t need to be. Raiding can simply be engaging in a complex event that requires more people than a dungeon group. And in a game like GW2 that is all it should be.

RAIDING is not a GW2 “thing”…..why try to make this game like another game?….go play that other game.

My counter would be that Teq has the same complexity as a 25 man raid in other games. We just aren’t calling it a ‘raid’ because there is no gear check and anyone can join. However it is, at its core, a raid. Which is fine! Raiding is not innately evil. It is not innately toxic. The parameters we put on raiding is what makes it toxic. What is being suggested (at least from my understanding) is a different type of event from what is currently available that is not gated and that anyone can get in on. We have no gear check in GW2 and I hope we never do – because that is one contributor to toxicity in other games.

The point is that there is an opportunity to create something more complex and require a greater group effort than dungeons, but smaller and more precise than Teq and THW. And there’s nothing wrong with that so long as it stays by GW2’s initial core philosophies on pve events – no gear treadmill, no gear check, everyone in to have fun.

For those saying “I don’t want raids go away” why not instead explain what it is exactly about raiding that you do not enjoy? And please be civil – we’re human and it isn’t nice to hurt other people’s feelings. We are all passionate about this game or we wouldn’t be here talking about ways we’d think would make it even better.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Eye of the North.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


It is a little sad that TEotN not really being part of GW2. It would be real cool if you could maybe rehab the area as a personal storage. So instead of display favorite armor sets and weapons. Different keepsakes from the living story. That way the need to pack them in your personal storage.

So like…. if you have stuff from GW1 merge it with… housing??

OH MAN. I would LOVE to have a house plot based off that area. With a historian tenant hanging around my library. Who gives me heritage clothes. And potentially other trophies for HoM stuff.

/swoons at idea of housing <3

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Guys, the last update was on Friday. Today is Monday. Contrary to popular belief, our developers have lives and families that they would like to live and see respectively.

Believe me when I say that we will provide an update as soon as we have an update to provide. Until that time, your continued patience is appreciated.

Actually, Mr. Katzbach, if you look at page 6 of your Anet contract it does indeed state:

“Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the WvW realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Dev’s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.”

You should have read BEFORE you initialed!!

I just about collapsed laughing. <3 Thank you Mark for the update and thank you Sir Arthur (perfect name for that btw) for the sillies.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

The horizontal carrot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Another example, what about a special “rainbow” SAB weapon? You get the last version of each tribulation mode for a specific weapon (for example green, yellow, red and purple sword) and after you put them in the mystic forge, you get and amazing rainbow sword with very cool effects or it changes automatically color. There is the sense of progression on it, there is the sense of satisfaction.

I would LOVE a rainbow SAB weapon. Love. Love. Love. And yes I generally think you are right. I like working for my ingame rewards but there is no boss-specific loot and pets are primarily gemstore buys. If someone killed the AC spider queen 1000 times and got a sparkly spider pet that carries a small backpack for you I’d be impressed. Or that got into a fight with another pet and webbed it. Or dug a hole in the ground and came out with some sort of mini-pet only currency that allows you to customize your mini pets.

….. actually that would be awesome.

Anyway! Point being, I agree. I’d love more progression that has reasonable effort without tossing hundreds of gold on the TP. Something where you can tell the other player put effort into it. Also would like to see more skins obtained through crafting and more unique crafty…. gimmicks? Town clothes for tailors, crafted pets (what), or something like that, crafted furniture for housing. Just flush out the professions more somehow. I don’t know how but I’d like to see it happen.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

How is Anet allocating teams?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


“The dungeon team was disbanded quite early on and amalgamated in to the living story teams.”

That only means that the dungeon team is working along with the living story team, instead of just focus on the current dungeons and fractals.
So they are still making new dungeons but now tied to the living story, like we are almost sure that there will be a dungeon in the Maguuma Wastes, the Bloodstone Fen source, and we know that the next living story will lead us towards the Maguuma, sooo … I expect to see that dungeon soon enough.

Ooooo I haven’t seen that map! That’s very cool. Thank you!

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

How is Anet allocating teams?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


We do not know how they’re split.

We do know the living story team is made of 4 teams and they’re just a subset of the overall team working on content. We also know there are 2 big projects going on since at least january 2013.

Technically I dont believe we even know that dungeon’s team was disbanded. I may have missed something but I dont think it was ever officially confirmed. It was mostly a theory the community came up because of what happened to a content designer that used to work for the dungeon team.

Thank you. That’s what I wanted to know.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

How is Anet allocating teams?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


It is not our business to know how A.Net allocates their teams of developers.

Why do we need to know this?

Because I want to know if the things I love doing the most have anyone working on them at all. I was super excited when the Aether path came out! And I was really hoping that there would be an armor set associated with it. I’m okay if it takes a long time for something to come out – I want the devs to feel like they got it just right and I want to feel like even if I don’t agree with them that they gave it their best. I’ll probably keep running the old dungeons/JPS/exploring old areas, but this is some of the stuff I love most about this game.

being curious about something is not the same as having any right to know anything about it.

I never said I had the right. I’m asking other players if they know of any official statements (sometimes info comes out in quarterlies, etc) because I haven’t found anything on my own.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

How is Anet allocating teams?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


It is not our business to know how A.Net allocates their teams of developers.

Why do we need to know this?

Because I want to know if the things I love doing the most have anyone working on them at all. I was super excited when the Aether path came out! And I was really hoping that there would be an armor set associated with it. I’m okay if it takes a long time for something to come out – I want the devs to feel like they got it just right and I want to feel like even if I don’t agree with them that they gave it their best. I’ll probably keep running the old dungeons/JPS/exploring old areas, but this is some of the stuff I love most about this game.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

How is Anet allocating teams?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


So I knew that a ton of resources had been poured into living story, but were all the other teams completely disbanded/reallocated in order to focus on that?

I recently stumbled upon this thread in the forums and found this:
“The dungeon team was disbanded quite early on and amalgamated in to the living story teams.”

I’ve been thinking a lot on what my favorite ingame activities are:
- Dungeons
- Finding fantastic outfits to mix’n’match
- exploring nooks and crannies in different zones with no particular purpose other than to see what’s there (“GUYS LOOK I FOUND A CAVE!” “What’s in it?” “Nothing but it’s an awesome cave!”)
- roleplay

And I’ve been frustrated that while we’ve seen SOME things added that remain in the game it just feels very sparse compared to the bulkload of living story stuff that was pushed through.

Is this why we haven’t seen much development in these areas? Will we be getting a dedicated dungeon team back along with an art team to design armor to go with the dungeon? Was there a dedicated JP team? Are there any official statements regarding these things? Basically, are there teams that are/will be dedicated to building things outside of the living story for those of us who want to see the rest of the game expanded upon?


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

You-You-You heard- You heard- You heard Grast

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Wow, this thread made me happy….. <3

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

What race do you want playable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Largos, complete with an underwater town.

Yes. This all day, and possibly errday.

Yesssssss! With customizable wings.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

What are you all doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


- Maxing all crafting (5/8)
- working on a second ascended armor set
- completing my ideal ‘look’ for all 16 of my alts
- working on making ascended set pieces for my friends
- farming dragonite ore for ascended armor
- trying to max out luck (126/300 not counting achievements… so far to go T_T)
- Need to get back to farming tokens for the queen’s gauntlet…. I’ll get to it eventually
- Bazaar…. should go back there too before it leaves probably…..
- PRAYING that Anet puts it’s dungeon team back together so we can get some new dungeons.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Suggestion: Guild Island

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Well… maybe it’s floating in the sky! Like the castle over Kessex Hills? Take an asura gate there =D

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Arah p1 way it true?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Allaraina.8614



And it only took a year and a half for them to push that button.

Or maybe they flipped a lever.

Either way, christ — that fix was slower than Spire herself.

Hee, this post made me happy…

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


This thread makes me so happy….


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

[Suggestion] Free transmutation for Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I’m okay with this idea. I doubt they’d add it. But I’m fine with getting free Bolt transmutes on all my sword-wielding alts =D

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Polymock returning?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


So I only just started play GW1 for rewards but this looks entirely fascinating. This is… chess? 3-piece violent chess? It looks fun!

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

GW2 Female Armour [Poll]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


(Anise, I will start the first counterfeit clothing shop to knock off your dress, I swear to god. Then I’m coming for you, Norn shamans).


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

GW2 Female Armour [Poll]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Lights already have variety from mardi gras parade to church mouse.

This made me giggle. It’s so true!

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

GW2 Female Armour [Poll]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


This would be a lot more useful if you define “skimpy” and seperate it by armor class.

Light: Fine as is.
Medium: We need more skimpy.
Heavy: We need generally more lighter looking choices which includes skimpy.

Also more skirt-like pieces for heavy. I like the heavy zodiac pants minus the ‘turns your skin blue’ part. Otherwise I thought the skirt looked really cool.

For light I really want to see more gowns and dresses in the game. Seriously, give Oscar de la Renta a call.

Smooth gown

Fluffy gown

Slinky gowns

Nakedundermyclothes Gown

For medium armor, please take a trenchcoat break!

Also in general please don’t randomly chop pieces off of clothing. Like the masquerade set. That used to be an okay dress. Then the front of the skirt got chopped off and someone took shears to the top. What on earth?

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Call me carebear all you want, but Pet Battles kept me playing WoW at least six months longer than I would have otherwise. Aside from the people I used to play WoW with, pet battles are the one thing I miss. (Well, and the functionality of the auction house, if we’re being really honest)

I’d love to see fishing added, as well.

I put off going to the new continent in Mists because of pet battles. LOVED them.

So yes and yes. Give mini pets a function, add fishing, hell add a mini go-kart game. Some of these mid tier goals that aren’t just ‘grind more achievement points’ would be fantastic.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Zerker is fine

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614



I got it, i hope you dont feel offended. I just wanted to say, if i would change my gaming style / preference / whatever due to how pugs works in this game, i should run PVT warrior to never die. But instead i stick to my goal and try to learn everyfight and get better in berserker on ele. And usually due to superior DPS from FGS carries the group. But ofc when you have 4 crappy warriors and your FGS simply time out at Alpha, you cant do much just die.

Players should cooperate and synergy well. In a full zerk group i just breeze trough everything, going down a few times maybe due to my scrubbiness. But in a crap party (read: wvw players or the ones who dont give a skritt about efficiency) i just simply die, because my character isnt suited for 10 minutes afk fights and lacks sustain. And im a noob ofc.

No harm done. Sorry if I sounded snappy, it’s been a long day.

Your description of how you play is what I wish more pugs would do (at least the ones I run into). I actually made my guard specifically for CoE because groups just… kept… dying. It’s so frustrating! I’ve come across a small handful of players who use zerk builds and are absolutely AMAZING. But there seems to be this middle ground where players spec zerk, have a full exotic set, but haven’t mastered a particular dungeon and so turn to melty butter on the floor. I’d even be okay with that but it feels like (note word ‘feels’) the bulk of them come with an attitude. And that makes me sad because I love dungeoning.

Mmmn….. butter…. <3

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Love the Ancestral Outfit !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


what a shame that it can’t mix and match.


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Zerker is fine

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


So when they die your “tanky guard” can out DPS the healing of Alpha? Wow, you’re magic!

Do you have a better solution for what to do when everyone in your party consistently wipes but you? There’s still this problem with people dying. Your dps is 0 when you are dead. Most zerk pugs (in my experience) do not have the necessary gear/skill to pewpew down Alpha before taking condition damage.

This Nemesis logic kills me. Pugs are bad, so i should be bad too. Whyyyyyy? ( ._.)

Okay, minus the part “I should be bad too”, I can see where you came to that. I should have been less vague. I am a veteran dungeon runner and I pug a LOT. I run across many new players. And many players who spec/gear for zerk. These two tend to overlap. Result: a lot of dead zerk players. So I have traited a character to compensate for the ones I run into because I want to finish the dungeon and move on.

What I never said: All zerk players are bad. Zerk is bad. Nerf zerk. Zerk players are the enemy.

What I should have stated at the top, but forgot to because I am tired and also human: OP’s point to learn how to survive if you want to play zerk is an excellent one.

I have to agree with OP on several points. Yes the Beserker meta is fine. Yes it’s largly due to mechanical and content design that push towards glass cannon builds. However, my main issue with the beserker meta is that it tends to bring out the worst in players. I generally run PUGs with “any welcome” tags, and do quite well most of the time. They may not always be speed clears, but we generally have a good time. However we do get the beserker “elitist” jerk in the party occassionally who will insult the other players who may be having a hard time, or new to the dungeon. I get alot of flack for using a valk warrior axe/axe build with shouts or banners. I am good at this build, having spend alot of time and research into how to play it well. I don’t join “zerker only” or “speed clear” LFGs. If anyone wants to do a glass cannon berserk build. Great! More power to you! But please, for the Six sake, don’t hate on those who don’t feel the same way about beserker as you do. Don’t think that because we have a different play style/build that we are bad players. Our builds require just as much skill as beserker, just different. We still need to know when to dodge, watch telegraphs, when to pop a certain utility or weapon skill, use what skills at what times for combo finishers and fields, etc.

Thats all we ask, and thats why some non beserkers, at least from what I see, feel the way we do about beserkers.

^— This.

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Zerker is fine

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I bring my tanky guard into CoE because I constantly run the risk of the full zerk players dying and wiping…. it happens almost every time I go to pug it. I’d really like to bring my mesmer or warrior in there more instead but wanting to finish the dungeon in less than 2 hours kinda overrides that….

^—more to do with players not knowing how to play than the quality of zerk

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Tell us 5 weapons you would like to see

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


My mesmer wants a whip.

My necro wants a whip.

My thief wants a whip.

Hmmn…… conundrums…… what do I do if all my 16 characters want whips?

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Mini slot in Hero panel

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Yes please. Does want.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Dungeon Rewards might be a little too good.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I smell a troll….

Anyway. Overall the rewards seem out of proportion given the challenge/length to other stuff in the game. Maybe the internal data shows otherwise, but that’s my take.

(Might be nice to have an Emyreal sink or two. Those are piling up a a wee bit, too.)

That’s right. That’s because the rewards for doing other things in game are fairly minuscule (depending on what you are doing, of course, but loot has been a major point of contention recently).

Do AC p1/p3, SE p1/p3, TA FFkitten HotW p1 dungeon, those “easy” dungeons, with only a group of players that has less than 1000 ap and is doing the dungeon for the first time. I want to know how long it takes till you realize you are wrong. Oh, and bonus round: No instructing the players on how to play.

I love you.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Farewell GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I also agree with the OP,

GW2 feels more like a facebook video game version, is all about collecting dyed and customs and then show them off . GW2 should be call the other facebook, is just a social game.

The question is then, what should it be? I mean, why do we play MMOs? To play with other people. Why do we collect loot? To show them on our characters.

Doesn’t that make every MMO ‘just a social game’?

Not quite. See when I play World of Warcraft it is to level up My character, see what skills she developes. See How those skills Interact with Mobs, so that I can improve my skill… I am playing 3 Monks. Yes 3. there is a reason that if you Know World of warcraft you don’t really need explained, if you don’t or haven’t played need to explain.

In gw2. By level 25 or 30 I have seen all the skills. Mostly after that it’s all refinement. Applying the right traits with the right polishing of already seen and experienced skills.

As an ex-raid leader in WoW I disagree. I can see where you are coming from but this was not my personal experience. I had probably about 8-9 max level characters in Cata (quit in MoP when I got sick of LFR/dailies/gear grind). Leveling was a breeze so I didn’t spend much time meddling with the nuances of any particular skill prior to max level. GW2 gives you new utility slots which kinda feels like WoW’s new skills.

Here is an example:
In WoW I mained a warlock. Eventually I got the lockbox skill. In GW2 I have a mesmer. Eventually (due to skill point requirements and it being further down the tree) I unlocked the portal utility skill. One is much more far reaching than the other but the cool down is WAY longer. One requires multiple players to activate, one does not.

GW2 does some things better (imo) than WoW. Gear grind? I’d rather grind out a set of legendary armor and have it be best in slot forever than grind out a purple set for at least 3 characters (so I can take up any missing spot in a raid) every 6-8 months… and then do the same raid over and over and over. After a while the gear treadmill felt like a waste of time – and it is because all that work gets flushed down the toilet the next update.

It seems to me that GW2 is trying to give players what they want but something is falling short and other than the loot problem I cannot say what exactly that is. They made pavilion and teq require organization. Players wanted a challenge and that was one answer. It sounds like players want more challenge (like queen’s gauntlet) so maybe adding new difficult content with a smarter AI is in order? I’m personally keep my fingers crossed for new dungeons, even if it makes it really hard to type!

This is all opinion and so in both our cases there is no “right” and no “wrong”. I also have played multiples of the same class in WoW and I play multiples of the same class in GW2. At the end of the day it’s about how you’d rather spend your time. Both WoW and GW2 have their strengths and if we were all on a WoW forum right now we’d be complaining about them instead and comparing them to what GW2 has to offer.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


So how many WoW armor skins had stats high enough to matter ?

WoW has a transmutation system as well.

Then apply that same standard to existing armor skins. When the female version has a skirt, then so does the male version. Yes, that will mean crossdressers. But if ANET isn’t comfortable seeing the same armor skin on a male human, female human, charr and asura, then they should never have put it into game in the first place.

So long as it gets edited/adjusted appropriately. Some of the light armor on lady norn just hangs awkwardly and we have belly button malfunctions! T_T


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Fashion Advice - Help a lady norn out!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


One last comment:

I saw a Norn elementalist in WvW with a set of ascended gear in pale blue/white with the dragonwings and a zodiac staff that looked spectacular.

…. Wait…. someone made ascended gear look good?! That person deserves a star.

Actually I like the top and pants of the cloth set but again, I like it better on a human. I’ll check it out again!

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Does Lord Faren count?


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


Most females are dudes IRL , skirts are better to look at.

By that logic, where are the super revealing tops for my male characters? What if I’d like the option to stare at my warrior’s finely sculpted physique?

It is true though…
Wether it’s also the other way around I don’t know.

…What about the ladies who like to look at ladies?

Heh heh just had to add it.

I would like more armor variety. And new armor. And more armor. To be acquired ingame. Also whatever happened to full-on gowns that DON’T have random pieces of cloth snipped out of them (looking at you Masquerade!)? I’d like Queen Jennah’s dress and more full gowns like the TA light set.

Because people like to wear things for different occasions. Sometimes my ele just wants some pants and a t-shirt and sometimes my guard wants to go to a fancy party in a dress.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Fashion Advice - Help a lady norn out!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


These suggestions are great!
Yoroiookami – How does the skirt move? I know on humans that the ribbon in the back is animated really nicely.

Taku – I like the tier 1 light armor but I was really hoping to find something that doesn’t have a sheep skull attached to the front. Tier 2 and 3 have really weird ropes hanging off the skirt. It does an okay job though.

Rouven – Thanks! I’ll check it out!

dkspins – I was using the top on that set with the skirt. I love the sleeves but I dislike how the front of the top looks like the divine powers of doublesided tape is the only thing keeping it on. GREAT coloring job by the way!

Lilith Ajit – The incarnate top totally looks like a bathing suit top – just wish we had cute bathing suit bottoms! I like the boots but I wish they stopped at the ankles without having the weird sock things. The shoulders are nice and low key.

BY THE WAY I just discovered Dulfy’s datamined outfit. I want this….. I REALLY want this. I hope to god it isn’t a one-piece set but can be broken into individual pieces.


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Fashion Advice - Help a lady norn out!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I really like the Arah sleeves. I just with the rest of the top was less ‘bony’. Whispers top is nice, especially for showing off tattoos. I feel like the leggings look so much better on a human that it bothers me.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Fashion Advice - Help a lady norn out!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I love my norn ele but it’s so hard to find a nice, elegant outfit that looks decent on her. My humans are all decked out but it seems the tailors of Tyria just don’t make clothes to fit my norn’s curves. Most of the armor feels like the designers took the human version and stretched it, causing them to show off weirdly or make her look (heaven forbid!) dumpy. I included a screenshot of one of the worst offenders. It’s so small it’s riding up so her belly button shows in the least flattering way!

Does anyone have any outfit recommendations for a female light armor norn? Any outfits you want to share? I’m looking for elegant but at this point almost anything will do.


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Stacking Legendary Aura GONE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


If we ask nicely do you think they will make more backpieces to match legendaries? I need something better than a zappy popsicle to go with Bolt. Zappy popsicles might have their place, but they don’t match.

No backpiece showing is now my meta people complained about having too many… but there really aren’t enough options..

… That crying asura broke my heart…

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

I want my old town clothes functionality back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I would absolutely love something like that. @ – @ They did state there was some sort of clipping issue but then there are clipping issues with regular armor. It seems to me (this could be complete crap, just my guess) that with finite resources it’s a matter of allocating them according to priority and… well… town clothes are pretty near the bottom of the list.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Fashion Contest [Completed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


This is a genius idea….

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

Stacking Legendary Aura GONE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I feel sorry for you, but on the other I am quite happy I don’t have too see anymore a festival of lack of good taste and tacky decisions to be flamboyant from players who have no sense of fashion or originality at all, like a cosplay of Virgin Mary would be any interesting.

Btw, people should try to coordinate the colours of their luxurious and exquisite legendaries with their armors. I see so many people with legendaries dressed like beggars or morons, is dreadful.

If we ask nicely do you think they will make more backpieces to match legendaries? I need something better than a zappy popsicle to go with Bolt. Zappy popsicles might have their place, but they don’t match.

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

I want my old town clothes functionality back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


I just see no point to this argument when there have been several developer comments saying “We could not please everyone, this is what we decided on to move the town clothes and outfits forward, we’re sorry you don’t like it, here’s a refund for every piece of this if you want it, we won’t even make you delete these things.”

It’s just… I miss town clothes too. My Norn was kitten sexy in those khaki shorts and all that jazz. But the fight is over. And seriously I’m not kidding when I say my body has a vicious reaction to the phrase “mix and match”. It is over.


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D

I want my old town clothes functionality back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614


From the other lengthy threads on this topic it appeared that the reason the devs did not change the individual townclothes was because of needing to remake them. People complained and they changed the flamekissed light armor. Keep the rally cry going and it is always possible they will implement a better version of townclothes later.

That said it’s probably helpful to post in the townclothes thread instead of making a new one. It can be found here.

I’m not sure flame kissed is a good example. Because it only took them 24 hours to make the decision to pull the armor. It’s been over a month, almost 2 since it was announced.

True, but it was the best example I can think of at the moment, especially since both involve the redesign of a piece of armor (granted town clothes is a 4th weight). But I’m not sure I’d take the ‘ignored’ as specific to townclothes. The devs were silent on a lot of things shortly after the april patch and from the few posts that showed up in the last (two?) weeks I’m guessing it is because of China. I’m still holding out hope anyway.

There are a lot of problems in the game that people have been voicing opinions on. All of these opinions – even if I do not agree with them – are valid. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it isn’t that the devs can’t fix or do a better job implementing town clothes, it’s that it isn’t top of the priority list. Hopefully if players continue to let them know that it is still something part of the community values then it will remain somewhere on that list and not get scratched altogether. Which is why I am suggesting that Meow post in the original thread (plus then that will bump the thread).

That said forum communities tend to be divisive. Rather than split the player base over party lines let’s combat that, shall we?

My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D