OP, Would you please provide some substantiated evidence to support such a massive claim?
At this point you’re offering little more then an observation and speculation.
You have any idea how much work it would take to prove this? Not to mention I would need access to Anets files on players…All I got is observation and speculation, unfortunately that’s all we have since there is ZERO regulation of the BLTC.
(edited by Amun Ra.6435)
Um, I didn’t know ectos dropped to 20 copper. I’d be buying until I broke my mouse buttons at that price. But how is selling something cheap considered manipulation?
Never said it dropped to 20c…I said the difference between the sell price/bid has been holding stable at about 20c, leading me to believe this is market manipulation.
I find it highly unlikely that a player would not buy an item, no matter what item, for a mere 20c…
This is common in criminal cases where a person or group of persons buy and sell stock at close to the same price…AKA: Market Manipulation. This is not a conspiracy theory.
(edited by Amun Ra.6435)
As of this writing the prices/bids of ectos seem to be blatantly manipulated. Either the same person or group of persons seems to be keeping the sell price/bid within 20c or each other. I am pretty sure that this is illegal in the real world.
This the BLTC seems to be modeled after the real world market my question is…Why is Anet allowing this to happen?
Are they turning a blind eye to this?
Are they not aware of this?
Would like to add that this is not the only item this is happening with…or course.
I do the same thing you are accusing these “bots” of doing during my play time. I make my bids and during my grinding I am constantly checking in on them, will cancel and redo my bids when I need to up to a certain point of course. I mostly grind and just started messing with the TP. I can just imaging what a dedicated guild or person can do, which is more likely the problem.
I mean, depending on where these people work…assuming they work lol, it would be pretty easy to keep taps on your bids with an app, pop open your laptop or maximize your client and make all the necessary adjustments to your posts.
You made a statement about not wanting to outline how to make money on the TP which leads me to believe you think you have stumbled on items to make money you think no one else has thought of…do you really think that is the case? Of course I am just assuming here.
Well my job is complete…
/sigh Do you people go to the same site for these responses or something? Guesting is the problem here, it was poorly implemented and needs to be removed or changed, no one should be denied access to anything because of it, plain and simple.
Let’s make this clear. It is NOT your spot. You don’t have spot nor does anyone else for that matter. It is first come first serve. You want a piece of the action than do the time and wait in line.
Yes it is indeed my spot, who else would have my spot if not for guesting?
Really well you could always try and hold your breath until your face turns red like a petulant child and see if that works, since your temper tantrum isn’t having any affect. Or maybe stomp your feet really loud I hear some children have success with that. Or you can just grow up.
Nah, having enough fun reading your responses to my posts…glad I could get under your skin…good day sir
Except you’re not even succeeding in that. All you are doing is making a fool of yourself for the whole community to see. You just hit overflow again buddy.
Oh, sorry, didn’t notice you still standing there…you may leave.
Let’s make this clear. It is NOT your spot. You don’t have spot nor does anyone else for that matter. It is first come first serve. You want a piece of the action than do the time and wait in line.
Yes it is indeed my spot, who else would have my spot if not for guesting?
Really well you could always try and hold your breath until your face turns red like a petulant child and see if that works, since your temper tantrum isn’t having any affect. Or maybe stomp your feet really loud I hear some children have success with that. Or you can just grow up.
Nah, having enough fun reading your responses to my posts…glad I could get under your skin…good day sir
So much anger over just a few pixels and dear lord the entitlement of most. No one has more right to do an event over some one else be they native or guest. It does not matter is you agree with that or not. These are not YOUR events to be done. If you want to do them than be prepared to sit on your kitten and twiddle your thumbs for long periods of time as you will be waiting and waiting. Time which could be better spend actually doing “minor” content which in the end will get you more profit.
But of course greed is what motivates people here. Eventhough it is only perceived higher loot and due to all the waiting not really more gold earned. You know who the real people are that should be mad. It’s the people who want to actually do stuff ikittenone other than boss events. They get a desolate zone for the most part or are in overflow, because greedy players are taking up spots. Yes the people native are not better than the people they want removed for guesting.
Greed? You know the only reason I am forced to do these kitten dragon events is because of greedy people, due to the stupid price of precursors I am doing these events in hopes of getting one. I am not going to pay some greedy person an insane amount of gold for it.
But wait, you have all the answers don’t you…you should think about starting a cult of something..at least that would be more productive then you kitten answers.
This was not an issue before questing…I should not have to come earlier. Anet needs to make some changes to their servers. I paid to play the game, same as the person WHO TAKES MY SPOT when these evetns spawn, plain and simple.
Let’s make this clear. It is NOT your spot. You don’t have spot nor does anyone else for that matter. It is first come first serve. You want a piece of the action than do the time and wait in line.
Yes it is indeed my spot, who else would have my spot if not for guesting?
Can a dev please respond to this? I have been denied the last four dragon events I have tried to do because of guesting and overflow
(edited by Amun Ra.6435)
The same happened to me on Dragonband. Got disconnected and no chest.
Several times today I have been denied doing dragon events because of guesting. Why are other plays from other servers granted my spot on my server when it is time for these events to spawn? I can begin to explain how frustrated I am about this situation and I know I am now the only one.
Why is guesting allowed to be abused?
I mean I spend real kitten money every time I get paid…I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO EVERY KITTEN DRAGON EVENT ON MY OWN KITTEN SERVER!
Can a dev PLEASE PLEASE explain the logic of guesting if it hurts and blocks the play of origin server players? I have missed out on countless dragon chests because of guesting. I would really love to hear this from the mouth of a dev because this is exactly how I feel and a multitude of other plays feel….“WE COULD CARE LESS ABOUT SERVER LOYALTY AND COULD CARE LESS IF YOU ARE ABLE TO DO CONTENT OR NOT”
I really really really doubt if they added ascended items to the vendors in WvW it will be obtainable through badges. It will be though the same system as laurels/guild missions.
Do you really think they would tell PvE’ers: You have to wait to get yours while WvW’ers will get theirs in one month or less? Not going to happen.
PvE’ers already have 2 exclusive methods to obtaining ascended: FoTM and guild missions.
WvW’ers have none. Like some PvE’ers hate PvP, some WvW’ers hate PvE. If anything, WvW’ers are at a disadvantage when it comes to obtaining ascended. I don’t see a problem here.
Like I said, they would not just let all who had hoarded badges to just get a full set ascended gear while PvE’ers have to wait for theirs. And again, if they added them it will be in the same mechanic used in PvE, through daily/monthly and guild style missions. You are not at a disadvantage because nothing is keeping you from doing those dailies and getting your ascended gear.
Yes there is guild missions/fractals to but not everyone can do those obviously or dont like fractals, like myself.
I really really really doubt if they added ascended items to the vendors in WvW it will be obtainable through badges. It will be though the same system as laurels/guild missions.
Do you really think they would tell PvE’ers: You have to wait to get yours while WvW’ers will get theirs in one month or less? Not going to happen.
I have been having this crashing issues as well and it seems totally random. Could just be standing there, during an event or just trying to way point to a different location. This has been happening to me since the mini patch that was put in after this last big patch. Haven’t experienced anything like this before that mini patch.
Does anyone know if any Dev has responded to this issue?
This just hammers in it in more that the “other” classes need a serious buff. Because I have seen a single mesmer take out groups of people…that is just kitten.
So I take it that the lack of a dev response I could assume its pretty much “Casuals, if you want a legenday go kitten youself”?
I had the day off of work today and made about 3-4 gold grinding pent/shelter/jofast and only a total of 100 or so moldy bags. I used to be able to do that in 3-4 hours of grinding. I was so prepared to grind another 6 months or so go get my Twilight but with these stupid changes its going to take twice that, at least, assuming I keep playing this game. A casual who likes to grind should see some real results in 6 months…not going to happen with events the way they are now. I mean, I can only play 10-12 hours max a week.
I don’t think you guys get it. The point of events is that they all have roughly equivalent challenge and reward for the zones they are in. The point is that you shouldn’t feel it’s a good call to stand in one place and do the same stuff over and over again.
Plinx, penn/shelter, centaur bridge, etc. were outliers simply because of their design. Any event that hinges around large waves of enemies was originally designed to make the challenge a large wave of enemies, not designed to be a better source of loot. Sadly, the scaling was never right, so the largest waves of enemies simply drew the largest waves of players, which completely trivialized the events and turned the mobs in to worthless pinatas.
Arenanet doesn’t consciously design “farming spots” because they don’t want you farming in “spots” they want you farming via “adventuring” as in, going out, running around, looking for different events to do, and doing them because they’re fun, or because they’re next to that resource node, or because you hit them on the way to a merchant.
This is why they limit rewards from the same dungeon path, and this is why they’re making events scale better.
Now, there ARE problems with the implementation of vets/champs in event scaling however. Basically, the point of events was always meant to be the event rewards, not the mob loot. However, the event rewards have always, always, since launch always sucked. Thus, people used certain events as a farm for the drops.
The scaling needs to stay challenging, and I’d like to see the new penn/shelter scaling experiment proliferatred throughout the game, but not if event rewards aren’t boosted to account for the fact that gasp you might actually fail some events now.
You know those “screen chests” you get when you do zone completions, monthlies, and dailies? Why not just attach one to events, and make event-spawned mobs not drop loot at all? Then you’ve got a perfect system where people are actually doing events to… finish the event rather than to farm loot. People that want to farm loot can still farm loot from ambient mobs where the spawn and drop rates are tuned to what Anet obviously considers reasonable.
Yes, you used to get more loot from penn/shelter. No, that wasn’t the point of penn/shelter, and it was obvious it would get fixed eventually.
IMO events should simply be more rewarding than the mobs they spawn, which would encourage people to do events they like in stead of the events that are just a good farm.
Yeah, lets completly make Magic Find useless! I’m down with that, that gear and everything involved with it needs to Die in a Fire!!
What are you talking about…if you want anything top tier in this game you HAVE TO FARM and we need a effective way to do it. I am a casual gamer who can only play 10-12 hours a week MAX, and this is just a hunch, but i am guessing I am not the only one in that boat. I want a legendary and I am dedicating all of my play to FARM/GRINDING my way to my ultimate goal, Twilight.
It just so happened pent/shelter was my last hope if obtaining it. I am close to getting my legendary? Nope, I am maybe 1/6 the way there at best…but i was seeing progress and that made the grind/farm worth it. Now with the latest changes I am getting half of what I was getting before. I don’t mind the addition of Champs/Vets…I actually liked it, but they NEED TO MAKE IT WORTH WHILE DOING EVENTS.
People like me who who can’t play 12-18 hours a day running to all the events/dragons/temples should not be punished.
What do you people want? You want the BEST gear in the game for a legion of alts in a matter of weeks? Please explain how that makes sense?
Because it was possible in GW1. That’s how it makes sense.
You want to work your kitten off in order to play on a level playing field? You want it to take months to reach the stage where you know it’s your skill that differentiates you, not some arbitrary numbers on a fantasy construct that says its armour?
How the heck does THAT make sense?!
This is not GW1. If you want everything you had in GW1…play GW1. If you believe its only skill that makes the difference you don’t really need AG right?
What do you people want? You want the BEST gear in the game for a legion of alts in a matter of weeks? Please explain how that makes sense?
its a bit too late already.
legendaries shouldnt have been implemented as they were.
they are a burden the game need to carry right now.
the “endgame goal” is farmable… quite sad.
What “endgame goal” in the history of…anything has not been farmable..farm a boss for a armor/weapon token, farm a boss for a specific item…all end game is farm.
I am a casual gamer who can only play a max of 10-12 hours max a week. I was actually getting really excited that I am slowly but surely grinding my way towards all the mats I needed to make my gifts and slowly making enough gold to buy my precursor dusk(still only halfway there but it was inching my way).
Now with this change they have totally screwed me. I am getting less greens/rares/bags, about half of what I was used to getting before that patch. For casual gamers who really want to get a legendary this was my last hope of getting one….thanks for nothing Anet.
I mean…as a casual I new I was in for a grind, but kitten #8230;now with pent/shelter the way it is now its going to take twice as long.
All the items I decon’d was lvl 80 rares doing the penti/shelter grind. Got zero ectos.
Is there a bug with getting ectos from rares since this last patch? I was zero for 7 when I finally got tired of wasting silver pretty much. Like crafting what you need isn’t already hard enough with the rate as it was.
Well the title says what I am wondering. Is anyone else noticing this? It has happened to me with each patch. At launch I was able to do ANYTHING this game had to offer with little lag. But with each patch it has got more and more laggy. Anyone else seeing this?
I am having the same issue, running xp 32 and never had problems I have read about. Updated tonight and the client crashes my computer EVERY single time I try to launch it, again, not getting just a client crash but a FULL crash. I can’t get past clicking the play button.
(edited by Amun Ra.6435)