Prove that morrolan. How is ANet manipulating the TP?
Manipulation might not be the most appropriate word to use, but Anet controls all prices in the game…I say again…all prices in the game.
I would hope you don’t need a detailed explanation on how.
We as players are just left with the scaps to play with and set the prices. Again…we are only setting prices based on the scaps Anet gives us…should Anet not like the price we set they give or take away scaps and thus “Manipulate” the prices we see in game…Anet has done so many times…
When a developer has nothing better to do (no ideas) then simulate the real world economy…they HAVE to intervene and change prices as they see fit (“whats best for the economy”)…haven’t heard that before…lol…
@Vol Have to say man, you seem stressed lol, you never were this mean lol….
As for the OP, not sure how things are now. I quit the game after the VERY ridiculous nerfs to farming. Only log in every now and than so don’t know how hard it is to grind for gold now other than playing the TP, which I will never do…seems cheap and not really my style.
But I do know that before the hard nerfs to farming it would have taken a casual(which I am, not by choice lol) six months to craft a legendary…that still the case? If so, than I think skins are where they should be.
As one poster said, holiday skins should be taken off the “Ultra Rare and Expensive” list, it should be nothing more than Anet sharing the spirit of the holidays with their customers through art (skins).
The simple fact is that GW2 will be “that game” people hear about but don’t play. This could have been a WoW killer…
I just wanted to love this game so much…
The game didnt get rid of the trinity, they just made it more accessible so you are not forced to use very specific classes which at time were in demand because they sucked outside of their respective roles.
What GW2 has shown us though is that if developers make the roles less clear the obvious response by the player base is to pretend roles and synergy do not exist and that you should all just play like a collection of solo’ers. Why everyone needs to be spoon fed the obvious class synergies that exist in the game is beyond me, but really until ANET un-apologetically puts in tougher content that requires people actually working together to complete it, this game will remain in the low end of the skill pool.
There is nothing to be spoon fed…
4 Zerk Warrior, 1 Mesmer…
Class synergies? pssshhhh
[&AgEkuwAA] Chat code
1) +28 condition damage
2) -10% condition duration
3) +55 condition damage
4) +4% critical damage
5) -10% condition duration
6) When you use an Elite skill you inflict fear for 1 second on nearby foes.This rune is useless. WHY THE HELL condition dmg + crit dmg???
Death Shroud?
Don’t assume that every weapon category will get a new legendary weapon…that is all.
Why do you want it so there’s one guy specialised for support?
Do you get some kind of kick out of doing nothing besides looking at HP bars and boons?
How is that any worse than you getting a kick out of watching monster health bars go down?
I can honestly say I don’t stare at monster health bars…I glance at them periodically, but just watching them? Nope. Healers would literally just stare at party member HP. As an ex raid healer for several years I know for a fact all I had to do was stand at spot X then stare at health bars the entire fight. It didn’t matter what went on around me as long as I kept their HP up. It is a terrible way to play a game, I don’t know why I did it for so long. For the loots I suppose.
I don’t know what kind of raids you did, but as a former raid healer/tank/dps myself…I remember very few raid’s where I had the luxury of just standing in one spot watching health bars..
You see, the raids(and dugeons as well) I remember doing…healing was second to positioning. Healers had to play very actively during the fights to keep not only the team alive, but themselves as well…it was an intense, heart pounding experience…which is VASTLY lacking here in GW2!
I honestly don’t know what this talk about standing in one spot watching health bars is coming from…
As someone who enjoyed being a healer/tank. Yeah I do kinda miss it. And I don’t understand the hate OP is getting…
The hate OP is getting is from the baddies who could never hold down the role of tank or healer in traditional MMO’s…
I get what they did here, you know…the “everyone is special” kinda thing…but…
PvE and PvP/WvW has got really stale here in GW2 because it’s the exact same thing…zerk or tank/zerk hybrid…that’s it.
People are hating on the “Holy Trinity” because the claim they used to have to wait for “hours” to find a group in “other” games…
…now they wait because the groups here only want “Zerk” warriors…not a good trade if you ask me..
I honestly think the “Holy Trinity” would make this game a WoW killer.
I do think it funny and a little ironic that, according to Colin something that was bought in to slow people down in getting to BiS because exotics were gotten too quickly has taken people 3 days to do
Yeah, I don’t know why they do this. They can’t seem to except the fact that some people have no lives, nor do they want them. They will grind day and night to get what ever they want as fast as possible. Only average player gets punished for their decisions.
These skins were probably directed at a small/ish and specific group of players and these players probably already have them.
I never expected these skins to be huge like the Halloween skins.
You know what’s really brilliant though?
Introducing a gold sink in disguise by encouraging people to use or TP blues/greens rather than vendor them.
Way more brilliant than the dust/ecto salvage fix.
Ive played a lot of MMO’s, but never one where the economy is as well controlled as it is on here.
That’s because the “other” MMOs don’t understand basic economics.
Those “other” MMOs also don’t tie stings to your hands and feet and scream “Move puppet! Move over here now!”
From one of the previous Dev posts I believe they said that Ascended weapons that drop from mobs are not bound…I may be wrong.
Chances are you will grow old and die trying to obtain everything you need to craft your precursor…careful for what you wish for! :-P
Does stats include Magic Find? If so, that is why.
Well that sucks…been reading the forums and there are a TON of bugs with this last patch.
Try posting about this in the bugs forums.
Welcome to FLASHBACK 2012.
This is what happens to the peeps who say “LOL you noob if you think GW2 is a grind you don’t know what a grind is”. Yeah, all that “We don’t make grindy games”, ‘we don’t have a gear treadmill’, etc. All the peeps that harped on those of us who complained when the first implementations of all this began to surface. Yeah…
To all those peeps who said it wasn’t a grindy game…LOL.
People on GW2 STILL don’t know a real grind. They’re just pampered and need some perspective.
You Pro dude! LOL, getting a Legendary weapon for most people will take about 6 months. I have played many MMO’s and I have never encounter an item that took that long to get.
One highly cosmetic item… completely unimportant to stats or game play.
That wasn’t my point was it?
Oh i’m not even paying attention to who I replied to here.
I have no idea who I replied to…anyways..
Yeah, Anet have become very tyrannical with their content. Instead of giving you the choice they try harder and harder to force you into content.
Welcome to FLASHBACK 2012.
This is what happens to the peeps who say “LOL you noob if you think GW2 is a grind you don’t know what a grind is”. Yeah, all that “We don’t make grindy games”, ‘we don’t have a gear treadmill’, etc. All the peeps that harped on those of us who complained when the first implementations of all this began to surface. Yeah…
To all those peeps who said it wasn’t a grindy game…LOL.
People on GW2 STILL don’t know a real grind. They’re just pampered and need some perspective.
You Pro dude! LOL, getting a Legendary weapon for most people will take about 6 months. I have played many MMO’s and I have never encounter an item that took that long to get.
One highly cosmetic item… completely unimportant to stats or game play.
That wasn’t my point was it?
Welcome to FLASHBACK 2012.
This is what happens to the peeps who say “LOL you noob if you think GW2 is a grind you don’t know what a grind is”. Yeah, all that “We don’t make grindy games”, ‘we don’t have a gear treadmill’, etc. All the peeps that harped on those of us who complained when the first implementations of all this began to surface. Yeah…
To all those peeps who said it wasn’t a grindy game…LOL.
People on GW2 STILL don’t know a real grind. They’re just pampered and need some perspective.
You Pro dude! LOL, getting a Legendary weapon for most people will take about 6 months. I have played many MMO’s and I have never encounter an item that took that long to get.
Thinking of it…isn’t it easier to grind for a legendary?
…to prevent people from continuing their thread titles in their posts.
I think Anet has finally realized that the game isn’t going to be the huge success it started out as.
It’s going to be the hardcore players that continue to play…the casuals will move on I bet and GW2 will be a game that you “hear” about but never play/play again. Kinda doubt it will last as long as GW1 either.
Anet has had zero idea on which direction it wants to go this past year.
The fused weapons went for $400 in the gem store?
Does stats include Magic Find? If so, that is why.
^What everyone above me said…
Why should you be compensated? You took a risk.
I have noticed this as well. This is all Anet’s fault. 100% their doing.
Anet couldn’t just leave a good thing alone. Things were great back when people were farming Pent/Shelt/Jofast/Plinx. The farmers were much more nicer and a hell of a lot more helpful back then.
CoF Zerk Groups stuck to themselves for the most part.
…I tried farming champs in Orr the other night and people were just kitten rude…people on both sides.
I don’t know, this game has really let me down. Anet was getting really tyrannical with their content for a while…forcing you to do the new content, rather than giving you the choice.
I really wanted to love this game…
Isn’t Molten Facility coming back? If so, those prices will drop like a rock.
I don’t think you understand what the definition of the word “monopoly” is….
About 10 Dusks gets traded in a day. Give it a few hours and it’ll get undercut.
Monopolies are thus characterized by a lack of economic competition to produce the good or service and a lack of viable substitute goods.3 The verb “monopolize” refers to the process by which a company gains the ability to raise prices or exclude competitors. In economics, a monopoly is a single seller. In law, a monopoly is a business entity that has significant market power, that is, the power to charge high prices.
You are absolutely correct on the definition of a monopoly. However, it doesn’t apply here.
Whoever listed that Dusk for 999G though has absolutely no way to control the supply of Dusk. And 10 Dusks per 24 hours does get created in someway.
As long as he has no way to control incoming supply, there is no monopoly
See attached. The two Dusks listed at 999G are still there, and undercut 6 times.
I feel bad for whoever was silly enough to list them at 999G.
I think you fail to see the point. Some people have the gold just to be kittens…someone wanted to drive up the price of precursors, someone may have succeeded…if prices stay between 700-800 gold…they have succeeded…
…or they probably have inside info on what it will cost to craft precursors and are trying to set the price of precursors to match it
I bet on the latter, because we all know how good Anet is at leaking info to the right people…
And why the kitten would you feel bad for some rich TP trader trying to manipulate the market by pricing the item at 999g? Trust me…that is peanuts to him.
The loot system is completely different from most MMOs, because you’re not rolling against other players. That, to me, is a major upgrade. Everyone rolls for loot if everyone participated.
I meant more of the RNG part, would have loved to see a harvesting system or something that would allow the players, who are actually participating in the economy, to decide the influx of goods, rather than influx being controlled by some hidden percentage decided by a developer who is but one person in that economy.
What I’d love to see is logical loot. I don’t want to kill a deer and get a longbow. I want to kill a deer and get meat, and hide. It’s just silly.
I had actually expected this game to be more immersive than it is (and immersion is what I wanted). I like the game…but there are far too many things that pull me out of it to make it great.
I have to agree completely…probably for different reasons though, but nonetheless the result makes me sad, I wanted to LOVE this game.
Yeah, this is not the players fault at all. Anet purposely created this environment. Back before Anet beat farming to death with the nerf bat, people were happy farming Pent/Shelt/Jofast/Plinx. People were making friends, making decent gold and overall having a good time.
Now…man, as farmer I have to say thing have got out of control. I recently went back to Orr to try out the champ farming….and wow, the tension was HIGH between the DE farmers and the DE finishers….actually it was just down right hostile.
But it is neither the farmers fault nor the finishers fault. The blame here lies solely on Anet. They could have left good enough alone…but I think they have ruined a game that had greatness in its future.
Back to 759G now. Nothing to see here.
Back to 759g? Lmao…you don’t get it do you?
Nothing under the NCSoft tag will ever have 1v1 balance. They favor a system which allows one class that will pawn all others. There will never be balance in a NCSoft game.
A more in-depth response:
PvE: Superior AOE. Better range abilities. Better survivability and mobility. Can maintain nearly 100% uptime on swiftness with 2/3 utilities.WvW: Superior to warrior. In WvW, zergs are dominant, so guardian has higher chance of surviving. They also provide good CC with the hammer and staff. Also a badge dispenser. Superior healing abilities with altruistic healing and empower.
PvP: Cannot comment since I don’t do spvp
just came here to tell you that you have no clue what u`re talking about. none whatsoever.
Perma speed(if wanted), perma stability(if wanted) and many leeps and decent CC…what’s not to understand?
In terms of PvE, Warrior is simply the best solo class. It has the best self-buffing capabilities, DPS is pretty high and it has the highest mobility of any class (Vol apparently has never played a warrior, warriors will dumpster guardians in a race), other than maybe thieves, but it’s pretty close.
Warriors are utilized heavily in WvW, usually in the form of a Hammer warrior jumping around stunning people. If you want to be open world farming, I wouldn’t really recommend a warrior. If you do plan on solo’ing a lot, I’d recommend a Warrior.
Guardian has the best survivability in PVE so I don’t know how you can say Warrior is “simply the best solo class”.
This is just too rich, people who have cleaned up making 100’s of gold, now concerned that the rest of us will also cash in.
Sounds too much like, hey I got mine, quick turn it off so I can enjoy a significant advantage over those who missed out (on vacation, sick etc.) for the last week or so.
My guess is everything will revert to the same old gray, nothing is worth farming landscape once the celebration is over.
We get used to hearing this from certain people. But it’s pretty much that.
Any clues on which champ drop which skins? Like in the case of Final Rest….or all random drops?
And what makes you think its guesting? TC is always full.
It is not fun at all, but I still plan on beating it just to say to myself that I beat it. Definitely don’t plan on making a “I finally beat her!” thread as this really is a cheesy fight. Was expecting something a lot more epic.
Do you really think that Anet management, having hired a professional (and no doubt fairly well paid) economist to keep the in-game economy from self-destructing would allow developers to make changes to the game that could potentially do just that without consulting the economist (the one they are giving a nice paycheck to) about it?
That would be like driving on the interstate and forgetting that the car has a brake pedal.
Agreed. I am pretty sure John has massive influence/say on content created.
./sigh guess I better start logging in again to make some gold before the nerf’kitten. Haven’t had the heart to play lately…lol.
I still have a huge stockpile of recipes that I got from the Zephyr Supply Boxes, and I jsut banked them in hopes that prices would rise. Seems like I will need to do some price checking when I log on later.
Same, just don’t know who would want these stats. They don’t fit in anywhere other than it looks cool to have a wall of stats lol. Guess i will make some gold when I get home if people are actually paying these prices.
At least in this game you can wait. In LOTRO you pay a different fee based on how long you wanted to list it for before it expired after which it would be mailed back to you and you had to then relist it and pay the listing fee again.
Yeah, I played LoTRO for years. We need this system in GW2.
Sounds more like a speculator bought out all the recipes below a certain price to drive up prices and sell back a few at a time later, possibly after the MF change.
This is most likely what happened. Probably expecting make a huge profit like people did with the Sentinel’s items.
I really don’t think there is going to be a huge demand for Celestial items though.
Undercutting: What is the problem?
eating listing fees as losses.
When you have all of 7g to your name, losing 2g in listing fees isn’t something you just shrug off.
Why would you invest every cooper you have? Save more, invest a portion?
I really don’t get what “nerf” people are talking about. On day two I was able to get to Liadri, had trouble beating her so i decided to farm Deadeye because I heard it was a good farm…
It’s was my experience that his teleports were always random, sometimes he was not tele and other times he was tele 3 times within the first few seconds.
If they did “change” anything they probably simple fixed a bug that caused this not to happen to some accounts.
It is still a good farm.
His first teleport was always directly to where you spawn, second was directly across. the arena.
Not for me, the first time I faced him he just stood there and died. The 2nd, he tele’d like 3 times within like 5 secounds. 3rd time, stood there died. It was always random for me.
I really don’t get what “nerf” people are talking about. On day two I was able to get to Liadri, had trouble beating her so i decided to farm Deadeye because I heard it was a good farm…
It’s was my experience that his teleports were always random, sometimes he was not tele and other times he was tele 3 times within the first few seconds.
If they did “change” anything they probably simple fixed a bug that caused this not to happen to some accounts.
It is still a good farm.
To ANET: I found Swiftness (or having some kind of mspeed buff) was maybe a little too effective overall. Possibly in future encounters you could have a hard movement debuff that stacks in intensity per hit, with each condi clear removing one “stack”.
This is actually true. As long as you’re not doing the “run at the edge of the room” tactic that people were pushing early on for some reason, ANY kind of runspeed is completely overpowered for phase 2.
Perma crippling a player does not make for a more challenging encounter. They could actually come up with better boss mechanics instead on depending on one-shot mechanics.
Legendary weapons are best shown off. The Guardian will be better at doing that, by a huge amount.
Guardians are also very useful and viable in small skirmishes, taking forts and large battles in WvW, just not the best solo roamers.
I think there are also better matching Great Swords for the Mesmer like Vision of the Mists. If matching is your thing.
Yeah, the reflect change is BS. But as far as I know, his teleports were always random.
I was suspicious as soon as GW2 updated. Entered with just one gambit instead of five, and sure enough deadeye now pull aggro from all around the arena. I think he also teleports more often.
Yaay! Now I can finally go back to doing more interesting stuff. At least I milked it for all it was worth. Got 80g in the past two days.
I think its totally random. I tried farming this for a little and he always changed his pattern, at least for me…