shatter mesmer need a nerf into the ground, its zero fun to play vs this spec since release…
the shatter dmg, clones, ports and stealth is just ridiculous op.
also every game with mesmers in general is not much fun with this npcs everywhere running around (but thats another problem of this game)in this forum peoples complain about rapid fire on ranger at the moment
first nerf the mesmer dmg, its insane op and this profession have more as enough survive mechanics compared to the rest of zerker builds to nerf the damage of mesmer allready!there is not much you can predict when you get shattered out from stealth and after that this the mesmer just port away again and you dropt bellow 50% hp
really nice to fight this kitten profession if you are not a thief.
Such persons are the only reason mesmers continue play their class. Even if they have ability to play 2 times more useful classes. The best class to make enemie angry )
make sPvP f2p but other content paid
ok give all classes a skill that is not always useful but once it lands you have a 90% of killing the enemy
Ranger>>Rapid Fire/Entangle
Engi>>Supply Crate
Thief>>Heart SeekerNot “I win button”, but the win-rate is probably the same.
All the examples you gave let you still make use of your skills, utilities and have some counters.
lich: remove stability and chain cc, reflect his projectiles, use line of sight,….
most burst skills are ok and balanced. rampage: when was the last time you have seen a warrior using it?
ranger: 1 condi clear, teleport or destroy the vines and you are free. you can reflect rapid fire, staff eles do it all the time
supply crate: this one is close to moa but at least you still have your skills to use,
heartseeker: it is not op,moa: you cant use your weapon skills, cant use utilities, cant use your class mechanics. without that you nullify the enemy entire build and traits that synergize with the active usage of skills.
moa: It can be blocked/blinded/evaded. Not enough? Ok. At moa form you can evade, use leap and “charge” with evade effect.
btw, look at topics xDudisx creates: “nerf zerk mesmer”, “nerf zerk necro” and …“add critical effect to healing”. Can you guess hiss class? Right, guardian.
ok give all classes a skill that is not always useful but once it lands you have a 90% of killing the complete noob
fixed for you
another mesmer that thinks that everyone has to learn to play and everything on mesmer is balanced.
why is mesmer the only class that needs endless tutorials to fight against?
and why only mesmers call people noobs all the time?why is mesmer the only class that needs endless tutorials to fight against? If you can not learn 2 skills of moa I have bad news for you.
and why only mesmers call people noobs all the time
1. because only noobs wine about mesmers and cry how they OP
2. they never played mesmers before
3. when they create a mesmer to become easy at Top10 pvp (as they think) they unexpectedly lose 10/10 matches, delete their mesmers and continue cry at forumare you schizophrenic?
i did not call mesmer op is said moa bird is an i win button.
give my guardian a skill that turn mesmer weapon into a flamethrower that he cannot use properly and has 60% chance to burn him self and when u die i call you noob.
With big pleasure. 180s cd, 1s cast time, that can be dodged and blocked. Which even will not interrupt an enemy’s finisher.
ok give all classes a skill that is not always useful but once it lands you have a 90% of killing the complete noob
fixed for you
another mesmer that thinks that everyone has to learn to play and everything on mesmer is balanced.
why is mesmer the only class that needs endless tutorials to fight against?
and why only mesmers call people noobs all the time?
why is mesmer the only class that needs endless tutorials to fight against? If you can not learn 2 skills of moa I have bad news for you.
and why only mesmers call people noobs all the time
1. because only noobs wine about mesmers and cry how they OP
2. they never played mesmers before
3. when they create a mesmer to become easy at Top10 pvp (as they think) they unexpectedly lose 10/10 matches, delete their mesmers and continue cry at forum
ok give all classes a skill that is not always useful but once it lands you have a 90% of killing the complete noob
fixed for you
The “nerf” needed is just a tutorial area where people can be turned into a moa and learn the skills.
mesmer npc at the Hotm
Yes, I agree ith OP. May be some noobs will take this skill instead of Suply create, Lich form,warrs signet/banner, and I will be happy)
(edited by Anton.1769)
gw2 is an MMORPG before anything else. I dont see anywhere stating this game is an esport.
Compare mmorpg class balance with FPS is just dumb. Of course stuff is balanced in the fps and it is all about skill. If someone shot you in the head you will die. Everyone is similar, uses the same game mechanics (guns, grenades,…), they dont have unbalanced classes.
so if GW2 is MMORPG skillfull and high risk play must not be rewarded? Nice logic
If you want a “high risk” class go play a thief. Compare a ranged infinite kiting with high risk is a joke. Shatter mesmer current state has less risk and more reward than a longbow ranger.
I don’t know who sent you so crazy ideas, because at this topic it was 100 times showed your vision of pvp and especialy mesmer is incompetent. Your gscore tell your chars used at PvP: Ed Plaguebringuer, Ed The Mad, Ed The Fire Heart and I am sure noone of them is mesmer. So all your arguments is only your opinion and vision af game. But if we will accept only players IMHO then again >80% of this topic think you are wrong
They have shown previously how they dont care about the “majority of the forums” because it is not representative of all the playerbase. Porbably less than 1%. If they like the idea or suggestion they pick if they dont they dont pick it. If they were blindless following what the majority says this game would be 100% different of what it is now.
Tell me how do you use your magic powers to guess what classes do I play just based on the names?
The scores also only count the characters I use in tournaments. You dont need to know how to cook to say if the food tastes good or not. You also dont need to main a mesmer to give suggestions and opinions about the class balance.
You want to say I am wrong and one of them is mesmer?
“The scores also only count the characters I use in tournaments” Exactly! And tournaments are SoloQ and TeamQ. So you play as mesmer at hotjoins?
gw2 is an MMORPG before anything else. I dont see anywhere stating this game is an esport.
Compare mmorpg class balance with FPS is just dumb. Of course stuff is balanced in the fps and it is all about skill. If someone shot you in the head you will die. Everyone is similar, uses the same game mechanics (guns, grenades,…), they dont have unbalanced classes.
so if GW2 is MMORPG skillfull and high risk play must not be rewarded? Nice logic
If you want a “high risk” class go play a thief. Compare a ranged infinite kiting with high risk is a joke. Shatter mesmer current state has less risk and more reward than a longbow ranger.
I don’t know who sent you so crazy ideas, because at this topic it was 100 times showed your vision of pvp and especialy mesmer is incompetent. Your gscore tells chars used at PvP: Ed Plaguebringuer, Ed The Mad, Ed The Fire Heart and I am sure noone of them is mesmer. So all your arguments is only your opinion and vision af game. But if we will accept only players IMHO then again >80% of this topic think you are wrong
(edited by Anton.1769)
gw2 is an MMORPG before anything else. I dont see anywhere stating this game is an esport.
Compare mmorpg class balance with FPS is just dumb. Of course stuff is balanced in the fps and it is all about skill. If someone shot you in the head you will die. Everyone is similar, uses the same game mechanics (guns, grenades,…), they dont have unbalanced classes.
so if GW2 is MMORPG skillfull and high risk play must not be rewarded? Nice logic
The topic is getting too long I ca’tn read and reply everything. Anyway I have stated what I think about shatter mesmer. It is too strong, has way too few counters, and overwall toxic for the game. I would even go further and say zerker specs are the reason spvp is not a popular game mode. Probably there are more people doing living story or even jumping puzzles than spvp nowadays.
Bunker meta has killed pvp. The more harder is spec – the more dangerous it must be.
For exemple:
1) Dota 2: all heroes have ~3 active spells while 1 hero (Invoker) has ~20. So pro Invoker can be the Anigalator9000 when noob Invoker is a ballast for team.
2) CS: pro can win vs 5times more enemies due to skill.
And these games are real eSport games, when GW2 eSport at the larval stage.
can OP answer to
1. Mesmer solo can not kill any bunker in less than a min(Guardian/Warrior/staff ele or bunkerish spec (cele ele, war, engi, condi necro).
2. Many things can kill shatter mesmer Med guards, cele war, ele, engi, zerk lb ranger, condi necro/ranger etc…
3. Its a high risk high reward spec with counters and is not a req spec for a serious team
You have been able to reply to all posts in a timely manner got a lot of free time on your hands?
Any way guys I think that shatter mesmer is viable, more viable than celest ele? well its all a matter of opinion just like everything the op has stated through out this post.
A completely baseless nerf thread.
How is the current shatter Mesmer meta build damaging for sPvP? Does its presence exclude any other classes from this game mode? Is it integral that every serious tPvP composition includes a shatter Mesmer? Does it reach a point where shatter Mesmer begins to carry a team? Is the risk/reward payoff totally out of skew?
These are the sort of questions that lead to balancing changes. You can’t just say something needs a nerf simply because it exists and/or is currently trending.
Zerker and too high spike dmg classes dmg the spvp. Theif and mesmer make almost all the other zerker builds not viable. The reward for all classes should be the same if played right.
zerker Medi Guard eat thieves and mesmers at breakfast. When I play LB ranger I dominate mesmers with 22222., vs thieves not so easy but still I am not ‘not viable’ vs them.
There are no new finishers at boxes.
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
I think they should buff other support classes too, to create other valid options, but the guardian is not running around the entire map destroying people in a few seconds, the mesmers and thieves are. Also thief is a real risk reward class because most of their dmg come from melee range and they have less hp than mesmer. When was the last time you got killed by a guard? Try to put a mesmer to duel a guard. The max the guard will achieve is to take long to die and do no dmg.
But I still don’t understand: if mesmer so OP and sure -> guardian WHY we don’t see them at 100% of teams like guardins? May be that top teams just bunch of noobs and don’t see OPness of mesmer? Especially these dat NA teams. Need tell them how they are wrong
actually, guardian is not 100% anymore, atleast on NA.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU.
does it look like 100% to you?
yes, 95.29% presence of guardins at team views us Guardin is a base of team.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU
does it look like the same amount of gurdians(95.29%) and mesmers (27.58%) to you?
The percentage may be due to the fact it is harder to play mesmer than guardian. But from where are you collecting this data? Normal team queue? Most of the times the team that win Anet’s tourney have 1mesmer+thief.
If you will click link to reddit you ill see: “The tournaments that I have gathered info on are Mistpedia, ESL, ToL and MLG”
If anet ever make a 1v1 tourney prepare to see 100% mesmer or thief presence
Anet will never do it because they have told you 100 times they will not ballance 1×1 game mod
So did you agree with me saying that shatter mesmer is not a balanced 1v1 class? Having builds like that is what keep us from having new game modes, because if they add anything other than conquest everyone would see how mesmer op in 1v1 open field. Do you have the source from they saying wont balance things in 1v1?
Sw/dg thief was in a situation similar to what mesmer is now. No way to counter the mobility imune spam. What they did? Made a way to count sw #3. That was a 1v1 balance.
After this post I have a big question about your ‘3k hours pvp’ because you don’t know what look likes real 1×1 speks. For mesmer 1×1 it’s PU mesmers, Phantasm mesmers.
For thiefs it’s not Sw/dg, but condie P/D, D/P with SA etc.
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
I think they should buff other support classes too, to create other valid options, but the guardian is not running around the entire map destroying people in a few seconds, the mesmers and thieves are. Also thief is a real risk reward class because most of their dmg come from melee range and they have less hp than mesmer. When was the last time you got killed by a guard? Try to put a mesmer to duel a guard. The max the guard will achieve is to take long to die and do no dmg.
But I still don’t understand: if mesmer so OP and sure -> guardian WHY we don’t see them at 100% of teams like guardins? May be that top teams just bunch of noobs and don’t see OPness of mesmer? Especially these dat NA teams. Need tell them how they are wrong
actually, guardian is not 100% anymore, atleast on NA.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU.
does it look like 100% to you?
yes, 95.29% presence of guardins at team views us Guardin is a base of team.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU
does it look like the same amount of gurdians(95.29%) and mesmers (27.58%) to you?
The percentage may be due to the fact it is harder to play mesmer than guardian. But from where are you collecting this data? Normal team queue? Most of the times the team that win Anet’s tourney have 1mesmer+thief.
If you will click link to reddit you ill see: “The tournaments that I have gathered info on are Mistpedia, ESL, ToL and MLG”
This info is made before ToG, and there is no ToL 2, you will know how old this is, and does not fit in to the current meta, but a pure static information study.
and from the exact same link you provide:
Profession Win Rate
Elementalist 58.86%
Mesmer 52.54%
Thief 52.24%
Guardian 50.24%
Warrior 50.00%
Ranger 50.00%
Necromancer 47.25%
Engineer 44.77%thanks.
have you want to say smth by your post?
if you cant comprehend it and can’t see through what is the main point and what is just a simple extra input of information, then i question your intellect, or you are simply trolling because you are proved wrong, then go on.
you have posted table of winrates without any comments, what was the aim of this?
you will know how old this is, and does not fit in to the current meta
So at past pach mesmer was piece of … and at current meta he has become OP?
(edited by Anton.1769)
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
I think they should buff other support classes too, to create other valid options, but the guardian is not running around the entire map destroying people in a few seconds, the mesmers and thieves are. Also thief is a real risk reward class because most of their dmg come from melee range and they have less hp than mesmer. When was the last time you got killed by a guard? Try to put a mesmer to duel a guard. The max the guard will achieve is to take long to die and do no dmg.
But I still don’t understand: if mesmer so OP and sure -> guardian WHY we don’t see them at 100% of teams like guardins? May be that top teams just bunch of noobs and don’t see OPness of mesmer? Especially these dat NA teams. Need tell them how they are wrong
actually, guardian is not 100% anymore, atleast on NA.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU.
does it look like 100% to you?
yes, 95.29% presence of guardins at team views us Guardin is a base of team.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU
does it look like the same amount of gurdians(95.29%) and mesmers (27.58%) to you?
The percentage may be due to the fact it is harder to play mesmer than guardian. But from where are you collecting this data? Normal team queue? Most of the times the team that win Anet’s tourney have 1mesmer+thief.
If you will click link to reddit you ill see: “The tournaments that I have gathered info on are Mistpedia, ESL, ToL and MLG”
If anet ever make a 1v1 tourney prepare to see 100% mesmer or thief presence
Anet will never do it because they have told you 100 times they will not ballance 1×1 game mod
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
I think they should buff other support classes too, to create other valid options, but the guardian is not running around the entire map destroying people in a few seconds, the mesmers and thieves are. Also thief is a real risk reward class because most of their dmg come from melee range and they have less hp than mesmer. When was the last time you got killed by a guard? Try to put a mesmer to duel a guard. The max the guard will achieve is to take long to die and do no dmg.
But I still don’t understand: if mesmer so OP and sure -> guardian WHY we don’t see them at 100% of teams like guardins? May be that top teams just bunch of noobs and don’t see OPness of mesmer? Especially these dat NA teams. Need tell them how they are wrong
actually, guardian is not 100% anymore, atleast on NA.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU.
does it look like 100% to you?
yes, 95.29% presence of guardins at team views us Guardin is a base of team.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU
does it look like the same amount of gurdians(95.29%) and mesmers (27.58%) to you?
The percentage may be due to the fact it is harder to play mesmer than guardian. But from where are you collecting this data? Normal team queue? Most of the times the team that win Anet’s tourney have 1mesmer+thief.
If you will click link to reddit you ill see: “The tournaments that I have gathered info on are Mistpedia, ESL, ToL and MLG”
Profession Win Rate
Elementalist 58.86%
Mesmer 52.54%
Thief 52.24%
Guardian 50.24%
Warrior 50.00%
Ranger 50.00%
Necromancer 47.25%
Engineer 44.77%thanks.
have you want to say smth by your post?
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
I think they should buff other support classes too, to create other valid options, but the guardian is not running around the entire map destroying people in a few seconds, the mesmers and thieves are. Also thief is a real risk reward class because most of their dmg come from melee range and they have less hp than mesmer. When was the last time you got killed by a guard? Try to put a mesmer to duel a guard. The max the guard will achieve is to take long to die and do no dmg.
But I still don’t understand: if mesmer so OP and sure -> guardian WHY we don’t see them at 100% of teams like guardins? May be that top teams just bunch of noobs and don’t see OPness of mesmer? Especially these dat NA teams. Need tell them how they are wrong
actually, guardian is not 100% anymore, atleast on NA.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU.
does it look like 100% to you?
yes, 95.29% presence of guardins at team views us Guardin is a base of team.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU
does it look like the same amount of gurdians(95.29%) and mesmers (27.58%) to you?
The percentage may be due to the fact it is harder to play mesmer than guardian. But from where are you collecting this data? Normal team queue? Most of the times the team that win Anet’s tourney have 1mesmer+thief.
If you will click link to reddit you ill see: “The tournaments that I have gathered info on are Mistpedia, ESL, ToL and MLG”
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
I think they should buff other support classes too, to create other valid options, but the guardian is not running around the entire map destroying people in a few seconds, the mesmers and thieves are. Also thief is a real risk reward class because most of their dmg come from melee range and they have less hp than mesmer. When was the last time you got killed by a guard? Try to put a mesmer to duel a guard. The max the guard will achieve is to take long to die and do no dmg.
But I still don’t understand: if mesmer so OP and sure -> guardian WHY we don’t see them at 100% of teams like guardins? May be that top teams just bunch of noobs and don’t see OPness of mesmer? Especially these dat NA teams. Need tell them how they are wrong
actually, guardian is not 100% anymore, atleast on NA.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU.
does it look like 100% to you?
yes, 95.29% presence of guardins at team views us Guardin is a base of team.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU
does it look like the same amount of gurdians(95.29%) and mesmers (27.58%) to you?
(edited by Anton.1769)
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
I think they should buff other support classes too, to create other valid options, but the guardian is not running around the entire map destroying people in a few seconds, the mesmers and thieves are. Also thief is a real risk reward class because most of their dmg come from melee range and they have less hp than mesmer. When was the last time you got killed by a guard? Try to put a mesmer to duel a guard. The max the guard will achieve is to take long to die and do no dmg.
But I still don’t understand: if mesmer so OP and sure -> guardian WHY we don’t see them at 100% of teams like guardins? May be that top teams just bunch of noobs and don’t see OPness of mesmer? Especially these dat NA teams. Need tell them how they are wrong
actually, guardian is not 100% anymore, atleast on NA.
and there are a lot of mesmers as well as guardians on EU.
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
I think they should buff other support classes too, to create other valid options, but the guardian is not running around the entire map destroying people in a few seconds, the mesmers and thieves are. Also thief is a real risk reward class because most of their dmg come from melee range and they have less hp than mesmer. When was the last time you got killed by a guard? Try to put a mesmer to duel a guard. The max the guard will achieve is to take long to die and do no dmg.
But I still don’t understand: if mesmer so OP and sure → guardian WHY we don’t see them at 100% of teams like guardins? May be that top teams just bunch of noobs and don’t see OPness of mesmer? Especially these dat NA teams. Need tell them how they are wrong
I have +than 3k hours in the game played all classes in spvp. If the shatter mesmer class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in almost every single successful team with the exactly same build.
You contradict yourself. Some EU and almost 0 NA successful teams use mesmers. BUT ALL of them use guardins!!!! It’s means you will lose 10/10 games without guards!
If the guardian class was even close to be balance it would’t be present in EVERY single successful team with the exactly same build Are you agree?
don’t accept seriously OP, he is novice at game and confused by clones. Give him few times and he will understand how kill mesmer in 2 shoots
Almost every single team in all Anet’s tourneys run a shatter mesmer. The best duelist class shoundt have so much mobility (portal,blink). The imune spam via evades was nerfed on thief. Now is time to nerf the imune spam via shatter F4/sword 2.
People claimed a nerf for hambows because everyone was running 1. Why dont we see the same with mesmer? They are present in the great majority of top teams. Be easy or hard to play shouldnt be taken in account for balance, they need to balance around how the top players perform with the class.
Suggestions: increase the base damage on F1 but reduce the way it scale with power. Increase base dmg but shatter cant crit. Change F4 from imune to -50% dmg, or only imune to direct dmg (like endure pain). Put a cast time on staff #2 (only insta cast weapon teleport in game? ).
lol, Guardin is at 100% teams at NA and EU, while mesmer may be 70% EU and 20% NA. So Guardian 2 TIMES MORE PICKABLE → 2 times more OP, NERF ZIS FAZT!!!! Yes?
I just had a game against 3 guards on temple map and it was the least fun I have had in GW2 in a long time. It was non stop spam of heals, boons and again heals
I just had a game against 3 turret engies on temple map and it was the least fun I have had in GW2 in a long time. It was non stop spam of turrets, suply creates and cc’s
I just had a game against 3 mesmers on temple map and it was the least fun I have had in GW2 in a long time. It was non stop spam of illusions and butterflies
I just had a game against 3 thieves on temple map and it was the least fun I have had in GW2 in a long time. It was non stop spam of blinds,evades and 1shots
I just had a game against 3 necros on temple map and it was the least fun I have had in GW2 in a long time. It was non stop spam of fears/minions
I just had a game against 3 eles on temple map and it was the least fun I have had in GW2 in a long time. It was non stop spam of boons and heals
I just had a game against 3 hambows on temple map and it was the least fun I have had in GW2 in a long time. It was non stop spam of cc’s and firefields
Just make x4 gold for winners and 0 for losers. The average reward still x2, but it’s prevent spam of abusers and noobs
People with less skill should always lose to people with more skill. always.
It’s look likes “Ninja that spent all life to become master of sword must allways win vs noob who have riffle” But who is smarter? Sure noob with riffle, because he will win.
What OP want? May be to give 5 turret engies the same chances like subj team? What is unusual at subj? 2 dps roamers + 3 bunkers with a lot of boons. Why it must not be an optimal choise?
even if its solo q or hotjoin you think its fair to have so much advantage ?
shall we all roll mesmers if we want to play solo?
Yes! Yes! Mesmers are OP new meta!!! Pls roll to mesmer (and don’t forget to call us as spectators to your matches. Will see comedy with popcorn xD)
A single Mesmer can oneshot people with direct damage and clones alone are almost impossible to outsustain.
lol wat? mesmer can 1shot nobody even with bers amulet. Warriors F1 axe deal the same damage as full shatter combo
Mesmer/Thief combo is op because of their broken damage.
Especially Mesmer damage is broken while thief fits more the mobility role.
A single Mesmer can oneshot people with direct damage and clones alone are almost impossible to outsustain.Finally somebody who speaks the truth.. i always thought i’m the only one thinking that mesmer damage is crazy…
show me any video when mesmer 1shot anybody at sPvP
couldnt resist lol
12x Halting Strike from mesmer F3 look likes just bug.
A single Mesmer can oneshot people with direct damage and clones alone are almost impossible to outsustain.
lol wat? mesmer can 1shot nobody even with bers amulet. Warriors F1 axe deal the same damage as full shatter combo
Mesmer/Thief combo is op because of their broken damage.
Especially Mesmer damage is broken while thief fits more the mobility role.
A single Mesmer can oneshot people with direct damage and clones alone are almost impossible to outsustain.Finally somebody who speaks the truth.. i always thought i’m the only one thinking that mesmer damage is crazy…
show me any video when mesmer 1shot anybody at sPvP
guardian doesn’t hurt anybody. that’s why people complain less
2 minutes of killing 2×1 guardian at a point hurt me more than subj )
Guardian is better then subj.
Must I create topic: "Basically any Guardian team has had a significant advantage over others in this game for quite a while now. Almost all the high rated teams/players in EU now play in teams and pugs which use the Guardian.
The combination of Guardian+4 any pretty much makes it hard to play with every other comp. " ?
And permaban all who 1×1 at OS and WvW!!! They deserve it!!!
You can now find them at the bottom of Materials in the bank.
after 9sept. patch all minis at wardrobe disappeared. Those, what was at my inventory are ok. Any ideas?
Only problem I have with increasing the gold in pvp, is the amount of bot and farmers it will bring. Nobody will actually care about pvp, they’re just there for easy rewards.
Make for exemple 4 times more gold for winning team and 0 to losed. You will see no afkers after that
They should remove torment from all classes by the way.
My general rule of thumb, if the skill can not be found in League of Legends then its bad for pvp.
1 charracter at Dota have this skill…So devs play dota more then lol )))
Dota2 pulsates it’s icon at Start panel at such moments
Turret eng only does ok at low levels of play. At higher levels they just die to aoe, the eng gets cond bombed, etc.
It’s akin to a minion necro… that has minions that never move…
At tPvP may be, but even at high soloQ works pretty well
You thilly bear you! Pausing exists in Legendary League! Pausing exists in Dota2! Don’t know about CoD or BF, but pausing exists in Counter Strikes, most esports shooter! Pausing is esports!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
HOWEVER, like someone said, perfect pausing isn’t possible in any REAL SPORT either. Basketball players don’t freeze mid-stride, with the ball in mid-air.
Basketball players don’t cast fireballs and not cause 20 stacks of bleeding to enemie(sometimes but rarely).
But all REALLY esport games (like dota2) have pause. Even more: there is autosave every time interval, so if server crashes – game can be replayed not from start.
If a WvW roamer comes into sPvP and studies the meta, learns the rotations, tailors his build to his desired role, really learns exactly what his role entails etc then there’s no reason why that person can’t do well.
I can say more: If a PvE player comes into sPvP and studies the meta, learns the rotations, tailors his build to his desired role, really learns exactly what his role entails etc then there’s no reason why that person can’t do well.
If you give mesmers AA torment, GW2 will turn into mesmer wars 2, at least until they make another class completely op.
Because Mesmers are all over the game modes right now. /sarcasm
Your sarcasm is ill placed, the key words in the above post was TURN INTO. Your sarcasm seems to be aimed at the present. A reading comprehension mistake on your part.
If you give mesmers AA torment, GW2 will turn into mesmer wars 2, at least until they make another class completely op.
Ahahahaha, warrior detected.
Can you tell us in which game mod condie mesmer will be OP?
- wars OP at pve, mesmers useless
- wars OP at WvW, mesmers useless
- wars OP at SPvP, mesmers useless unless 1 man at all mesmer community
oh condie pu mesmers immortal 1×1 but also can not kill someone because have not chase abilities.buddy, I play EVERY CLASS. I have 8 80’s. Guard, Necro, mesmer, warrior, engineer, elementalist, thief and yes even a ranger. Did I say anything about warriors? You can’t just automatically assume someone mains a warrior just because they oppose a ridiculous change to one of the most well equipped classes in the game. I think we all knew that the warrior needs nerfing, but completely breaking class balance is not the answer.
Now to your original points:*who gives a kitten about PvE? When you make class balance changes they have to be based around PvP settings. This is just the way it has to be or else you end up with total imbalance.
*Mesmers useless in WvW? You obviously do not play WvW.
*You just made my point!! If you give condo PU AA torment it will= god mode because moving while under the effects of torment it does extra damage to moving targets and chasing will no longer be necessary!!! Torment stacks not only duration but intensity as well and when you can apply torment every 1/2 a second it just spells disaster for class balance. You would think this would be completely obvious, but I still have to spell it out for some people.
The mesmer is in a GOOD PLACE. If I can kill any class by learning and adapting a strategy for facing said class/playstyle SO CAN YOU.
Based on most of your comments, I think you just haven’t learned to play your mesmer, considering I’ve never had any issues killing warriors on mine, and I use an interrupt mes tank build I made myself.
- who gives a kitten about Solo Roaming? Because anywhere except this PU is useless. Even buffed this build will be not king of roaming. Why? Because it has zerro chase abilities. Smart enemie will tipe /laugh and run in 1 second from you.
- Mesmers not useless at WvW? You obviously do not play WvW. The only 1 thing why you see memsers at wvw is their Veil. Very rarely Portal.
- “The mesmer is in a GOOD PLACE. If I can kill any class by learning and adapting a strategy for facing said class/playstyle SO CAN YOU.” It’s not problem to kill other with mesmer, problem is killing enemie with another class is much easy while required less skill/buttons/strategie/rotations.
- “I use an interrupt mes tank build I made myself” Oh, we are see you are pro mesmer
(edited by Anton.1769)
In best case you can make distance and receive 1 shoot from each turret
In worst case – maybe 2-3. Ppl losed because fight to end at this forest of turrets
It’s pretty clear that they don’t intend to have Power Block have any special functionality towards Initiative skills.
No, they just failed again and added 1 more bug to mesmers 30+ list of bugs
Hmmmm, if engie used SC – just get away from range of turrets? Or it’s too hard to understand?
It’s MMORPG not f… MOBA. At MMORPG players can play 1 class with 1 spec and never change it. If they want change some – it must be their choise not because Aztex and 4 morrons at enemy team don’t let him use some gear and skills