Showing Posts For Anton.1769:


in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


^ thread I posted

^ link I posted in that thread

So why does this thread get necroed regularly? It’s definitely gone >30 days at least once (staff are welcome to waste time checking themselves; at least a couple are capable of writing a couple of lines of code to do so quickly).

are you kidding? pls ask google what is ‘necrothreading’ and what is ‘hot thread’.
Or in your opinion all threads whith age of 1st message more then 30 days must be permadeleted?

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


A lot of people, including myself, do not thing Moa form has any room in PvP. The skill is simply too good.

the skill is simply too good so noone mesmer except hotjoin use it

Patch Notes 07/29

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


No, Anet so scare mesmer reaction after last patch, so we see no mesmer “bugfixes” at this update)

Why are Mesmers moaning?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


The moment watchwork portal device works in all modes, the mesmer class itself will be obsolete, i know this even though i never played mesmer beyond level 23

It’s sad when people like you think all Mesmer is capable of is porting. What’s even more sad is that there are a lot of people like you spreading these sob stories. Mesmer is not drowning in misery, it’s just the overreactions to the little stuff like the ileap update as if that was the issue with ileap.

Ask for bug fixes and trait merges, quit whining because you can’t spot the retaliation boon and mysteriously down yourself or that null field isn’t good enough. Its amusing to look at for only so long when Mesmer’s believe they aren’t viable in any part of the game.

Please explain all the viable build diversity available to us in the different game modes (stuff that actually works and is not either hard countered by something in pvp/wvw or totally replaceable by something in pve), because obviously I can’t see it.

You act like viable means its best in slot or something. It means it works, and does its job. I don’t fret about guardians being able to face tank pve content and still deal great damage compared to my thief but I don’t shelf my thief from fractals or any pve content. Same way I can make a venomshare build for wvw be viable however it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m having a blast and doing a better job than the rest (although mine does a good job for the most part).

You need to stop looking at other people’s unbalanced builds and look at what you can make viable.

-There are builds that can hold point for days in pvp even in outnumbered situations, there are builds that can roam between points and blow others up in pvp.

-there are builds in wvw either power or condi (usually condi) that melt people, and there are builds in wvw that can safely stand with the front line and dish out great support and moderate damage.

-As for pve, Time warp is hella nice sword ain’t half bad for stacking especially if its dredge, mass invis to skip parts, temp curtain to fix a stack, you have feedback on a utility and on raise which is great for numerous boss fights, you can trait for temp curtain to also reflect, etc. There is a lot of utility to Mesmer in pve content, a lot of it being very strong. Sure you can’t spawn a fgs and melt a boss in less than 10 seconds but you do have time warp which is pretty nice in comparison.

Oh I have always made and discovered my own builds, even if they turn out similar to other builds – never blindly copying other peoples.

Anyway, yes you’re right – it’s not about being best in slot, just being good enough not to feel either a burden or ineffective in any particular situation.

I’ve played shatter in pug dungeons for example – while nowhere near the most effective way to play, you can say it still functions. Because pve enemies are not other players, you can argue anything functions – just some more effective than others.

Mainly it’s bugs that prevent a lot of things from working correctly – focus for example. And that does cover a lot of problems – the reason why different weapons, skills and trait setups are not commonly used.

But I must say – in any large fight in wvw options are extremely limited and nowhere near as effective as they should be. When you say great front line support and moderate damage – can you give a build example? I am not aware of anything half decent in this department, since glamour confusion got demolished. I’m assuming run mimic, null field, feedback, staff or something (and have very little in the way of personal survival).

Then Mesmer’s need shouldn’t be complaining about nerfs directly, it should be about bugs. After the ileap “fix” it was just a flare of Q.Q threads as opposed to asking htem to unbug the illusion’s leap.

I’d have to ask my guildie what the build was but it was based on mantras. He was up front with us, constantly staying afloat and still swinging with the ethereal field here and there. Sure he wasn’t bragging how he spiked someone for 7k+ but he was up front and those with him were noticing a nice little hps.

mantra build at wvw? He decided to be not utility bot, not berserk for dd(he was easy at front), so… what he actually did?

Illusionary Leap

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


1. devs fix only those bugs that can be fixed with 1 stroke of code (see those: ‘bla-bla-bla, we can not fix ileap because it’s terrain issue etc’)
2. devs don’t read forum, only moderators are here
3. devs don’t care. What will bring/hold people (we know 90% are pve players): new living story or bug fixes, that mostly apear only at pvp?

Why are Mesmers moaning?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


how much their bugs can call rangers ? could even 1? or 5?
every mesmer can call 30+

Mesmers are OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


“I am scissors, but I do not know how to beat paper, nerf paper.”

look likes xD

Are there any viable zerg Mesmer solo builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


As a main mesmer I use this at WvW zerg environment.
Works pretty well

Mesmers are OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


GAIZ, GAIZ, MESMER IZ OP!!!!11111oneone


Power PU Discussion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769

and yes, don’t waste utility and trait slots for condie clear. If you do it – you play something wrong with PU mesmer

Help me before my soul is gone

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Now that im done complaining, whats the big PVE and WVW builds these days? im so lacking and far behind in the mesmer world… I need help… thanks guys, sorry for the long post

You have ele for it. Don’t create problems for yourself with mesmer

Simple deal with 4x5

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


What will stop people being like:

“Ill pay you 10g if you altf4 right now so I dont lose MMR b/c were about to lose”?

current situation:
to 1 enemie “Ill pay you 10g if you altf4 and I WILL RECEIVE +MMR and you will lose few MMR”

my situation:
to ally “Ill pay you 10g if you altf4 and I DON’T LOSE MMR and you will lose 3 times more MMR”

So no more questions?

Simple deal with 4x5

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


it’s for soloQ:
losed team with 4 mans at end doesn’t receive minus to their MMR (doesn’t change place at leaderbord)
Man who lived receive tripple minus to his MMR

An Idea: Siege Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Anton.1769


15 war pets//////////


Chaos Armor (effect)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Chaos Armor mostly HARMS to mesmer because due to it even last enemie noob see where is real mesmer.
So ‘+’ of skill equivalent to it’s ‘-’.
As result: wasted slot at staff skills

Top 3 bugs to fix:

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


2) Staff 2 should only work when you have a target available, because otherwise we can teleport forward with about face and that is basically hacking.

you forgot it can be used if you are stunned, so fix it too )

Really fun pvp match between NA super pugs

in Community Creations

Posted by: Anton.1769


You deserved this win a thousand times. Those players that you fought always abused cheese tbh, good job beating cheesy rich kids I suppose.

Are you crazzy or trolling? 2 mesmers at team mean autolosing, so they was good and achieved ~500-500 at end of match

SPVP build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


This is the perfect mesmer build. You can kill every other mesmer easily, great in team fights, hardly ever downed. Great at melee combat, able to engage and disengage at will, enough stealth to leave the enemy with nothing to hit. Trust me, if you run this build you will be the best mesmer around.

Make sure to change your clothes to purple. If you feel lonely, you can swap elites and even get some clones. Make sure to make shatter sounds with your mouth as you go along! Best of luck!

This guy is right.

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


there is no such thing as a weak class in gw2. just whining ppl with all their complaining about not being able to play their “good ol’ builds”. personally i main mesmer i love it and there is no kittenin nerf that could make me reroll.

when your professional lvl will up you will see problems around mesmer. At your current state “pink butterflies!!!! I like those blink effects and GS at my sexy mesmer!” such messages are okey.

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


I’m quite happy with my Mesmer as my main. I don’t pve and tpvp but for everything I do, mostly wvw roam I find Mesmer to be very good maybe even a bit over powered. I can surf a zerg good enough and most of the pve content is a joke anyway other than FTOM but I never do FTOM so I don’t care.

Oh, try something except roaming and you will see how you suks. Especially if you have another classes for campare

what do you do against pu mesmer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anton.1769


The stealth skills (Prestige and Decoy) are on a 24 and 40 sec CD, respectively (and 90-sec on MI if they’re running it). In addition, each time they stealth only 1 condition will be cleansed.

LMFAO depends on the build they are running. if they’re running the balthazar build they will cleanse a lot more conditions than you can think. Plus the torch trait removes 2 conditions per torch skill used. not just one. Just a heads up.

LFMAO the torch trait removes 1 condition per torch skill used

[MESMER] Buffs

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


no buff to mesmer let’s nerf it, it annoys noobs (Anet main auditory) and must suks.
Oh.. he already suks

Top 3 bugs to fix:

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769



The Family of GW2 Classes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


Mesmer is b_a_s_t_a_r_d, not even member of family(

s/tPvP R50+ ele rewarding?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anton.1769


very difficult to play against. Especially the PU mesmers.


OP mentions “s/tPvP” so presumably is talking about both hotjoin and ranked matches – and if you ever want to roam in WvW, it’s pretty important to be able to deal with PU Mesmers anyway, even if they’re never going to be viable in high-end conquest PvP.

Anyway yeah, Gokil’s post covers things clearly – Ele can do everything pretty well (while having to go farther and sacrifice more to perform more specific roles like S/D FAir Burst or Staff Nuker), and D/D Cele is especially versatile. Learning how best to support your team in different situations with your mixed bag of tools is the way to stay effective at higher ranks. Getting out of situations that you can’t help in is equally important to sticking around when you can!

at roaming PU condie is strong but he can not kill you. You just run and he has no abilities to fallow you. PU power has little bit more chase abilities but it is full bers, so find main mesmer and kill it.

s/tPvP R50+ ele rewarding?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anton.1769


very difficult to play against. Especially the PU mesmers.


Best Dueling class?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


Attention, Attention!!!
the best mesmer build in current meta that can kill anything smallest then Tequatl in 10 sec!!!!

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


ask every high end tpvp mermers ``If u play another class with same skillfullness, would u be better efficient to your team``

and if it is Yes so there is something wrong with class then..

Played as mesmer with team skills like portal, roamed between our 2 points, shattered boons when neaded, almost didn’t die (but feed thieves ofc) – stabel 97% at solo leaderboards.
Now play with another classes with 2 times less pains and as result – top 200.
So mesmer – high risk, lowest rewad?

Meta Builds Website (sPvP/tPvP)

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


15 charssssssss

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Who cares, honestly?

Yeah Mesmer is in a bad place, and thats why a few of these tear-filled threads are good to make sure the devs notice, but how many of you here play the class for a statistical advantage over other classes?

Exactly. We play the class because it’s fun, everything else is noise.

Exactly. Mesmer players are people who like mesmer playstile(clons, blinks, butterflies). If people will borring with that things – noone will play this class.
NOONE rolled, roll or will roll to mesmer due to his “OP at pvp/machine of death at WvW etc”. Often I hear mesmer is high risk high reward. But it is high risk kitten reward.

(edited by Anton.1769)

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


The problem is not mesmer balance….the problem people playing one class in only one aspect of the game. If you only play less that 5% of the game don’t expect to be able to do 100% of things.

Also….null feild is probably one of most op wvw skills. Mesmers also make extremely effective roamers and scouts when you’re bored. I enjoy the mesmer. It is viable in every aspect of the game, although I would personally like to see it buffed a little in pve, especially for low levels.

mesmer is useless at any aspects of game. It is said by main mesmer.
PvP – useless
WvW – veilbot + even almost 0 abilities to tag enemies to receive loot(“null feild is probably one of most op wvw skills” – Necros laugh at this xD.)
PvE – portalbot at CoF – nothing more.
Mesmers only viable at 1×1 or at small roaming groups at open field. You can enjoy mesmer, but if you play some different classes you will see his defectiveness.

as a wvw player, that mained a mes since release and now gave up and switched to necro, i have to agrre with u. thats exactly how i feel about the mesmer. we used to be great in wvw. now we are only there to put down veil and then try to stay alive while GWEN gets all the loot and u get 2 bags because u managed to aa people with gs 2…

Let me dry your Mesmer tears with the pelt of my Ranger pet that died 1.1 seconds into a fight and took a massive chunk of the class’s dps and traits with it.

Veil, Null Field, Mass Invis, Portal, and Time Warp are all insanely powerful WvW skills that can make or break large-scale engagements.

I’ll never understand why people bring a Mesmer into WvW and then complain that it isn’t an Elementalist.

I mean, if all you want is mindless “Tag for bag” game play, the Guardian Staff auto-attack is right there and nothing works better.

powerful in what way? the dmg it deals…oh thats right none of them does, because of theri low cooldowns?oh thats right they are all on massive cooldowns, portalbombs? cmon everyone is prepared for this…tw cannot make or brake a large scale combat , neither does any of the others at all!

So you want utility support and massive damage? Honestly Mesmer Q.Q from being nerfed is as hysterical as warrior Q.Q from being nerfed at this point. Not that they are equally unbalanced, but the fact that they can do so much and get upset for being toned down (and Mesmer takes 10000000X more skill to play than warrior). When you wana cry over being excluded from a lot of content look at ranger and thief.

1 problem – memser hass the worst support and the worst damage. As PVT warrior I deal 2 times more AREA damage then bers mesmer to 1-2 enemie

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


If you have a good mesmer in a good team vs. a team with the same comp, skill level, but some other class other than mesmer. Unless the other class is thief, the mesmer team will win for sure.

1 problem – almost all good team have thieves.

A proper mesmer brings so much more to a team in terms of DPS and utility than almost any other class.

staff ele can promote much more DPS to big area with more surviability.

Any class in a kittenty team won’t work well and will shine in good teams

If I won’t win at SoloQ I just pick engie and go far. There with 95% success i kill any at 1×1. 50% of winning 1×2. So even if my team full of kittens they still will win 4×3 at other point. With that I want tell this game very far from balance and mesmer is at the bottom of this balance.

(edited by Anton.1769)

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


A big part of playing mesmer right is communicating with your team to know where you’re needed. Without that, you can try to rotate properly but maybe the guy you went to will have no issue with the 1v1 and there is a 1v1 going on a different point where your friend appears to be fine but really is having a hard time. You have little to no communication with your team in sPvP simply because you can’t really type much.

So you agree with me if you haven’t high skill pvp team with good communication – your mesmer is useless.
+Don’t forget with communication and good team all classes are shine. But this is sweet addition to other classes while for mesmer this is strong need.

Almost non-existent in All-Stars Tournament

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Every class has a role and if you don’t like this one, then choose a different class.

99% of players don’t want be a utility bot so then reroll to another classes. And I never heard about people rerolled to be a mesmer.

About those top mesmers:
Sometimes I meet one of them, but it is SoloQ and there he …suks. His high skill mesmer can do nothing vs meta semi afking bunker builds. So even at sPvP mesmer viable only at high tier tpvp. And again, it’s great not because of super concept of this class but because 1 utility (portal) and 1 trait (reaping boons).

Time to buff other aspects of mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


theme was created 10 moth ago… but is still actual xD

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


The problem is not mesmer balance….the problem people playing one class in only one aspect of the game. If you only play less that 5% of the game don’t expect to be able to do 100% of things.

Also….null feild is probably one of most op wvw skills. Mesmers also make extremely effective roamers and scouts when you’re bored. I enjoy the mesmer. It is viable in every aspect of the game, although I would personally like to see it buffed a little in pve, especially for low levels.

mesmer is useless at any aspects of game. It is said by main mesmer.
PvP – useless
WvW – veilbot + even almost 0 abilities to tag enemies to receive loot(“null feild is probably one of most op wvw skills” – Necros laugh at this xD.)
PvE – portalbot at CoF – nothing more.
Mesmers only viable at 1×1 or at small roaming groups at open field. You can enjoy mesmer, but if you play some different classes you will se his defectiveness.

Ill raise you with thief, except we don’t have anything close to veil or mass invis.

thieves feel good at spvp and are kings at roaming

Please stop comparing across professions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


The problem is not mesmer balance….the problem people playing one class in only one aspect of the game. If you only play less that 5% of the game don’t expect to be able to do 100% of things.

Also….null feild is probably one of most op wvw skills. Mesmers also make extremely effective roamers and scouts when you’re bored. I enjoy the mesmer. It is viable in every aspect of the game, although I would personally like to see it buffed a little in pve, especially for low levels.

mesmer is useless at any aspects of game. It is said by main mesmer.
PvP – useless
WvW – veilbot + even almost 0 abilities to tag enemies to receive loot(“null feild is probably one of most op wvw skills” – Necros laugh at this xD.)
PvE – portalbot at CoF – nothing more.
Mesmers only viable at 1×1 or at small roaming groups at open field. You can enjoy mesmer, but if you play some different classes you will see his defectiveness.

Why is there still no dueling?

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


- finally we could have guild wars without any trouble of buying pvp arena, paying for it time by time…..

haha, you wrote the reason why KittenNet will not do it

Turret Engineer (AFK)

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


I remember watching ostricheggs stream where he was playing a zerk dps ele. He and a necro went to fight a turret engi at a point. The turret engi took a whole dragon’s tooth pheonix combo and still manage to 1v2 only pressing 11111 and maybe the occasional turret active.

your post is rubbish and to make sure i went and watched all his vids on his ele and this fight in fact never took place. There was a fight however were he two shot a bunker guardian with his dragon tooth (If he did this to a guardian, an engineer stands no chance against the combo even if the stream existed which it doesnt btw.)ele and also in the same vid got one shot from 100% by a lich form necro. Please do not make up rubbish you only make a fool of yourself.

just because you are dumb and can’t find it, doesn’t mean i was lying you twit.

at around 45 minutes

maybe its you that should stop making a fool of yourself.

Eggs fought turret engie and had ready FGS, but don’t activate this skill vs him (1 shot all turret). And when he die he call him “f_c_k_g idiot”. Now i have questions who is “f.. idiot”

Tips on Fighting a Thief in sPvP?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Just created yesterday s/d thief. Now I can not see ways same lvl mesmer can win vs him. Mesmer ported at range? – F1 or 2. Then 3 3 3 3 evade evade heal 3 3 3 – all his shatter missed – repeat.
And I even don’t speak about some high skill thief tricks, so it can be more deadly

Turret Engineer (AFK)

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


warrior complain about engie, lol

No Love (need) for the Ranger :(

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


At least you are usefull at 1 game mod. Still better then be utility bot

List of Mesmer Bugs (Older Thread)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anton.1769


You may be right, perhaps this is why the devs ignore us. What shall we do now? Make 40+ new threads here?

Why not? dublicate bugs here and create 100500 threads at bug forum. May be this will force Anet

Autobalance moving winning to losing team!

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Oh, so now i see. This kinda makes sense now.
If you guys don’t normally hotjoin, then what do you guys normally do to play pvp?

solo/team Q?

ESL 2v2 Summer League

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


big thx!

If you want to win solo queue....

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769

Anton.1769 something intresting with that site

ESL 2v2 Summer League

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


can not find at youtube 2×2 at ESL to watch what classes are most used at this type of game. Any another sources? Especially with that rights “no 2 bunkers/celestial”

If you want to win solo queue....

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


BTW Anton, Moobs is at 149 on team queue boards right now. Just an FYI.

really? thinks different

List of Mesmer Bugs (Older Thread)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anton.1769


send all it to NcSoft?

If you want to win solo queue....

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


No offense, but if you’re struggling against a turret engineer, you need to learn to play. And I run a turret engineer. I know exactly what can completely own me without batting an eye.

Basically you’re a horrible player.
The only reason turret engi isn’t a massive problem is bc good players refuse to run it and the people who do are horrible at it (hence the no dodging BS)

May be when you come to top 1000 you will see how people deal with turret engi