Showing Posts For Anton.1769:

Giving Counterplay to Minions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


Moa them, just moa

Deso's league celebration

in WvW

Posted by: Anton.1769


1vs2 alliance win, gz

Elemantalist and Engineer Unfair Advantage

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


if you are downed you deserve to be stomped xD

Suggestion : Choose the maps

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Next suggestion will be filter:
1) no hambows
2)no thieves (they have invis!! >_<)
3) no decappers
4) no rang 80
honestly… filters sucks

Elemantalist and Engineer Unfair Advantage

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769



It’s free, you should give it a try. Thanks!

thx you advice him LoL, because if advice Dota – it will be 100 topics per day at forums xD

Downed state change suggestion

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


What surprise me at this game that every player with l2p issues think he must create his own topic at forum

Elemantalist and Engineer Unfair Advantage

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Mist Form, Elixir S and Distortion have very long CDs, so you actually sacrifice a very good Oh kitten button to get a stomp.

This has nothing to do with cheating or “cheap tricks”.

Warr stances are long cooldown also.. And you need to blow more to get the same.. And even then its still possible to remove stability boon

Edit: @ Anton: that’s actually possible. Shattermes can rip boons within a whimp and interrupt you with another shatter.

Sure it’s possible, but you need:
1) be a shatter mesmer
2) have no cd at shatters
3) be near enemie at 240 distance
4) enemie must have stability icon in good for you place at buff line
5)you must see stabilty and don’t fail interrupt into it
6)use interrupt skill (which means it not has cd and your weapon swap has no cd)
7)don’t fail all this and do it in 3 sec

Downed state change suggestion

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


I see you play as Guardian, Ranger and Warrior which are good at current bunker meta. They have knocbacks/stuns at downed state, while others classes have teleports/stealth/mystforms. So you want take away last little advantage from these classes.

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


A good start would be to ban Asura characters from official tournaments, at least until you come up with a proper fix.

They are already banned at decent tournaments

Elemantalist and Engineer Unfair Advantage

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


all another classes can use stability for stomping. And you forgot mesmer’s F4 skill and portal-stomping trick , so you add mesmer to your list of OP cheater professions!!!
P.S. War can use stability+endure pain – another cheater! Now I will ask all people at sPvP match don’t use stability because I can not interrupt them and it’s mean they are unfair people

Boons can be ripped.. there is nothing you can do vs mist form

I newer saw situation where someone was in stomping with stability and in these 3 sec his stability was ripped and after he was interrupted. Look likes fairy tale

Elementalist and Engineer Unfair Advantage

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


OP why you duplicate topic at different subforums?

all another classes can use stability for stomping. And you forgot mesmer’s F4 skill and portal-stomping trick , so you add mesmer to your list of OP cheater professions!!!
P.S. War can use stability+endure pain – another cheater! Now I will ask all people at sPvP match don’t use stability because I can not interrupt them and it’s mean they are unfair people

Elemantalist and Engineer Unfair Advantage

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


all another classes can use stability for stomping. And you forgot mesmer’s F4 skill and portal-stomping trick , so you add mesmer to your list of OP cheater professions!!!
P.S. War can use stability+endure pain – another cheater! Now I will ask all people at sPvP match don’t use stability because I can not interrupt them and it’s mean they are unfair people

Downed state change suggestion

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


why you are always talking about 1×2? I play some another games, for exemple at PotBS you will never win 95% of your 1×2 due to game mechanic. But at DotA sometimes you can easy win 1×5. All games have different game mechanics.
About 1×2:
If I outdamage 2 opponents and 1 is down (not very common situation at GW2) I never had problem with stomping. Stability/myst form/invis/mesmer f4 and stomp.
Stomping is 2 times faster then reviving. Or just deal burst damage and interrupt/knockback reviever

Downed state change suggestion

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


OP think if he win 1×2 vs deccent players it’s only due to his high skill(and sure no due to his OP class and skillbuild). But when he lose in 1×2 it’s must be nerfed.
“My suggestion for a downed change is the following; remove all available skills while downed and raise the HP while downed by X amount.”
So why not remove all skills from all classes and let them only attack with 1111? It will be more balance.

Downed state change suggestion

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


@Deimos; the amount of things you took completely out of context just to justify your claims is incredible.
Your post lacks any constructive thought,

Deimos answer is very constructive, while your post look likes a cry from the heart

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Thanks for reporting this! This looks like a scaling issue where the effect is scaling the character’s size but the skill itself is not scaling. A fix for this will require some design work so I can’t say a whole lot in regards to when it could be fixed.

While a respect this honest answer, I’m really concernd that we didn’t even get a "soon™ ".

I wish I could say soon™. But this is a pretty interesting issue to address.

Easy fix:
Just make that if you enter a pvp match, you automatically get transformed into a human character, so no issues anymore (for the time you are in this match). Like when you use a tonic or so.
And btw I want an option for myself to let everyone be shown in a pvp match as a human so I finally can see the animations of the Freaking asuras and norn mesmers stop destroying my view…

How would this idea handle things like cultural armors? Won’t turning everyone into humans cause a loss of uniqueness in the game? Every player has specific facial adjustments, body types, heights, armor colors, and weapons; what happens to these?

I disagree with Dwayna because I like asura and think the fault of players who complain about asura is that they didn’t roll asura themselves then…

I like asura because:
- their way of moving, it feels a lot better than human, charr, norn, sylvari
- they don’t fill up my screen, give me a way better view of my surroundings
- generally they’re so cuuuuuuute

I do not think asura make a difference in high skill games:
- With tab-target it doesn’t matter how big the character is
- I have lost plenty of duels against other races with an asura
- Asura have a disadvantage: their hitbox is bigger than their character, which makes it easier to hit them as enemies don’t need to come that close

- how much minutes we need press tab vs mm necro/mesmo/ranger team?
-pss, by secret except beeing asura you must have any skills
- look at and don’t imagine “disadvantages”.
And players don’t want delete your ‘musi-pusi asura’. We need option, which let display you at OUR monitors as normal human model

PU - Power vs. Condi

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


PU power for 1 minute fight
PU condie for 5 minutes in best case

Mesmer Help vs Thief

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


I wonder if its possible to defeat condition thief with p/d …. ofc without condition build , lets say with balanced or burst build. Its so annoying when they appear for 2-3 seconds and put tons of conditions on you and then goes back in stealth and just waiting. I started to hate gw2 because of condition builds …. with every day theres more condition builds its doesnt matter if we talking about pvp or wvw … its the same.

If you want power build use PU power. Summon 3 phantasms, sit at invises and use correctly skills… but it will be not easy in any case

is Chaos of Lyssa bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anton.1769


Worst part… it’s only the recipe.

So, the drop rate is bugged, what can Anet do about it? If they hotfix and sort out so that the item at least drops, what then about those who’ve already spent gauntlet chances in their 1000s trying to get the drop? Reimburse their Gauntlet Chances?

This is reason why they keep pokerface )

List of Mesmer Bugs (Older Thread)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anton.1769


This thread have 36406 views, but still new bugs appear faster then bugfixes. WILL EVER DEVS FIX THEM OR WITHIN 2 YEARS IT WILL BE LIST OF 100 MESMER BUGS.

knockback. knockback. this is gw2pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


use evades? stunbreaks? keep distance?

Make SoloQ Rank 20+ only?

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


It’s game for PvE players. If PvE player want go SoloQ and can not do it he will too much cry. Kind ANet can not deal with it, so make it free for anybody

"Too many here: GTFO" = bad design

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anton.1769


In that case: Come to any boss hit him 20 sec and go afk to waipoint or go to arena

WvW Shatter or PU ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


I think you should link me the build your talking about, looks like something ill try out.

Blurred Frenzy...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


veil/portal are god… but you need only 1-2 mesmer per zerk for it

WvW Shatter or PU ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


1. At current moment PU>Shatter in all game mods except high level tpvp (and only due to quick boon removes and point-capture system)
For those who disagree and will write about “skill”: With same skill PU>shatter in 10 of 10 fights. Good PU even don’t let shatter him.
2. PU (power ofc) have the same or even more chase abilities: cripple from GS,3 from SW and stun from pistol.
3. When you will meet ganking group( it will be more often then 1×1) PU have more chances to avoid fight


in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


always report such clowns

I will END her!!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anton.1769


If Anet think of this as an exploit, why didnt they fix it since this happened in the initial Gauntlet.

After all, we used nothing more than the game provides us.

Anet almost shout to criers at forum: “Don’t cry! We let you to receive mini, just use lifesteal bug if you can not win in normal way !”

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anton.1769


Then don’t?

She should be challeging, but not in god mode as is now.

But who are bunch of people who killed it? Gods? Or may be players who just use brains without pincers?
And what is challenge? Other bosses? No, I killed all of them in 30 min without problems(only few wipes at 1-shot sniper).
I think in this game people too lazy and become blunt. Stop thinking you are the center of universe and all content can be finished with pressing 2 buttons. Some achievements must be unattainable if you have no experience for it yet. This is challenge, not another 1000th word boss farmed.

Spvp Necro or Mesmer?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


If your criterion is “whith which weaponset my sexy girl will be more sexy” – remove “sPvP” from title.
If don’t read text but only title:
play 20 games with each classes and you will answer your question by themself. They are good both, but not OP.

No rewards for losing on arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


but winning team must receive 50% more then at current moment. So if your winrate is 50% it’s provide the same rewards as now, but 100% deffence vs afkers from start.

Don’t know about hotjoins, but SoloQ must have this rework

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anton.1769


When you kill 1000th champion you don’t feel satisfy ,it’t like a work. Only good competition can bring proud of your skills

Liadri: The L2P Issue

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anton.1769


From an Ele: Rune of Strength is too strong

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


yes i dont see the problem cause all i see is “some classes can this or this” " and oh it is like this so it have to be op"

cmon bring arguments WHY this makes 1 class more op than a other class

when you can´t than ye – whats the problem?

edit: oh and i talk only bout spvp/tpvp NOT pve or wvw problems cause i kitten dont care bout them…..

The arguement is that the combination of fire field from bow + 25 stacks of might (based on this rune set) + weapons like axe/GS/Hammer/whatever makes the warrior a killing machine without spec for it. You can go 0/0/6/2/6 with soldier amu and outdamage other zerker builds or pure condition builds. This is OP because other classes can’t do it.

The second argument is that this can be done in a normal combat rotation without wasting cooldowns. Other classes are not able to create such amount of might stacks. They are able to get ~12 stacks of might with sigil of battle but no more. It is only on Ele and warrior easy to get this might stacks without wasting cooldowns. You can get them during the normal combat rotation.

so what if warriors can ele can “easily” get 25 stacks of might?
it does not matter.

thieves / mesmers / necromancers can easily remove those 25 stacks of might.

to some degree, i think engineers also can remove boons easily.

We can only remove boons with mines. It was used for decap engis for a very short time to remove stability but is was not very popular because this skill is so bad. Now no build exists with this utility and engis have already a hard time and no space for this utility.

And it matters for sure if you can get it easily. If you get stuff for free that makes you so powerful and other classes can not. That’s not fair.

But ok, some people think the runes should be nerfed and some people think they are fine. We had a thief/warrior meta before the runes now we have a warrior/thief/ele meta. That’s not that bad

But your engi will decap point in 5 sec vs these classes even without any runes )

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anton.1769


Liadri is OK.
GW2 need more such bosses, that are not killable with spamming 1111.

From an Ele: Rune of Strength is too strong

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


May be OP not ele, but has big problems with ele… Who knows, who knows )

Strength rune is only way to be at one floor with condie bunkers.

[PvE] Endurance regen based on armor type

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


good idea)

Problem with mesmer clones and costumes

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


good bugs for mesmers – fixed in 2 days
bad bugs for mesmers – fixed in half year or never

Just deal with it

pu change possibilitys

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


return confusion damage and repair all mesmer bugs (~37 now), after nerf pu as much as you want.

a social solution to price undercutting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anton.1769


Just deal with it

I would still choose the cheaper option 100% of the time.

Solo Roaming profession typical encounter

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


80% of roamers are thieves and mesmers
90% of good wvw raid are wars and guards.

Give us the Choice to PvP ANYWHERE!

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


how about NO?

open world PvP would kill the game in 3 days flat.

You think? There are more people in WvW that in PvE.

There is a huge difference between WvW and Open World PvP – one Guilds seem to do more and more cooperation between guilds and the other is just out and out ganking. WvW is more organized than the other.

I think Open World PvP WOULD kill the game and the RP’ers would leave since it is immersion killing for them.

How about PvE servers for the carebears and PvP servers for us?

The game IS NOT DESIGNED FOR OPEN WORLD PvP – what part of that don’t you understand? has even said that in many posts.

Yeah I saw many games that are not design for something and ended up doing it anyways. Why are you afraid of open world PvP?

He scare to be alone at PvE server after this patch)

Give us the Choice to PvP ANYWHERE!

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


how about NO?

open world PvP would kill the game in 3 days flat.

As I said all carebears can safely crab their PvE megaservers.

Need help with a WvW Mesmer build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


• I prefer using the greatsword as my main weapon
• I prefer to do really high damage, ready to risk survivability for it.
• I focus on solo roaming or in small groups
• I really love using phantasms and clones

1. PU power build Gs – Sw/P
2. Full phantasm build – more dps from phantasms, but less abilities to escape

Give us the Choice to PvP ANYWHERE!

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Why carebears don’t understand no one force them to play at pvp megaservers. You can continue fight mobs at pve servers and never log to pvp servers.

Guardian Bunkers in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


you can decap point with engi, no reason to kill guard)


in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Mainly sPvP maps about bunkers capped their points.
Skyhammer is about controls, stability and personal skill. 1 wrong positioning = death, make combo of good positioning&knocbacks = win. All criers probably used to play faceroll bunkers with cup of tea in another hand and wine about 1sec dies. Or maybe to lazy to reequip some skills and weapons. If not – fight at mid without risk.
To all people will say smthg like: “I die in 1 sec when comming to point/laser”: You must know people want knocback you in those places! Use stabilities, invices to safe walk throw such places.Don’t stay between enemie and abyss etc,etc. All classes can play this map and have skills for it.

Guardian Bunkers in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


They nerfed crit damage because zerkers builds were a bit too overpowered and was all everyone was playing.. And now there’s hardly anything to counter these bunker builds.. So what’s next a healing power nerf? I hope so.. Because these bunker builds are just silly, how are you going to attract new players to pvp if you get 3-4 new players join a map to try it out and come up against a bunker who can hold all 3-4 of them off for a considerable amount of time.. In my eyes it ruins PvP

they dont nerf crit at pvp

{Phase 2} :Mesmers: Outsiders Perspective

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anton.1769


No offense but mesmers don’t need any buffs. And I don’t see how it can be difficult to chain a combo or whatever you say. Summoning AI that attacks passively doesn’t look difficult to me.

the mesmer hater again that cant get over it.

Now all clear