1.Matchmaking and all in-game things work as they are
2. There are 2 leaderbords: “Solo” and “Team”
3. Players have 2 MMRs accordingly
4. When you play at party only Team MMR matters, and the same with solo play
As result much less “500-0” matches and more balance.
It works pretty well at other games
Wars a good as they are, just ele/engie broken
F5 – detect all invisibles around clones
I’ve been playing PvP for over a year.
http://www.gw2score.com/PvP says OP lies) or PvP were hotjoins, but who cares
I suggest OP to return to PvE if he can not kill mesmer with engineer
9/10 ppl voted for map A, 1/10 for Skyhammer.
90% chance to play at map A and 10% at Skyhammer. All is good
same problem here
may be it is already exists, but who knows.
-If 2 ppl in party and their MMR is X and Y, their total (summ) MMR must be not X+Y but (X+Y)*k, where k ~1,2. Coefficient must grow with increasing of party size.
nerf evades I can not kill dat cheaters with autoatack >_<
If everyone is using it then it is balanced even playing field. Life ezier for devs. Solution, remove all the other amulet.
1 problem – not all proffs can use it
Putin region eats NA and EU at breakfast
I feel a big fire at …. one place of OP )
points are pointless
Which stats prefere Elementalists and Mesmers in guild raids? Celestial (for ele) or Soldier? Knight for mesmers?
what’s wrong with spawn camping? I think it’s smart tactic move.
Generosity >>> Purity
for mesmers
PvE skills can not be devoted from pvp/wvw – it’s Anet words. That changes are very bad for spvp/roaming , so, no thx
The Glorious Hero’s Armor is a skill-based reward.
At current moment only Anet fail-raiting-programming will be rewarded
1) 2×1 and they will die in 10 sec cause of 0 escapes
2) dominate 5×4 other 2 points – easy winnot true their 3s block on 16s cd + perma swiftness + frequen stunbreaks and slick shoes if they run that as well as many skills that make it hurt to follow mean its actually rather hard to 1v2 unless youre playing full burst like mesmer
turret engie has nothing at that list
1) 2×1 and they will die in 10 sec cause of 0 escapes
2) dominate 5×4 other 2 points – easy win
What I always want to write at such topics:
look likes all is OP, so all is balanced)
Well you could say ‘if pet dead no heals!’, but then Rangers would only have 3 downed skills, since when a ranger is downed their pet is usually dead too.
Ranger have 5 downed skills, don’t forget F2 even when downed. Wolf Fear works pretty well.
So OP. You play necro huh?
or guardian )
i’ll tell you this Stealth is not a Reactive Damage migration, its a Active Damage mirgation , if you play stealth reactively you’ll loose out because of that said lack of blocks or Protection.
play stealth Agressively not Defensivly and you’ll be good the rest is knowing when to stealth before the attack happens.
Now PBs has a wind up to the cast. (kneeling shot ) you can expect a RF right after or a Barrage + pet f2 look the kneel and Stealth ether before or Right after make sure if it is right after do it instantly, or you’ll be the target of the Rf channel.
using stealth as a reactive damage miragtion goes against the idea of stealh , making yourself untargetable.
This. If you play actively, the ranger has no target to cast RF on. Stealth is not an “o-shi-” card. If a ranger initiates RF before you stealth, you got outplayed.
“outplayed”? Lol )
when I press 2 by CD on my ranger, I don’t think I “outplayed” someone. If 1 thief already at invis I will just press 2 to another thief from 1500. )
Everyone saying “oh but there’s counters” and “you can do x/y/z to beat turret engies” that’s completely besides the point. The fact the build exists is the problem in itself.
Its actually REALLY good for a game to have really simple builds, as they let new players hop in and be effective, without needing a ton of skill, yet not being an optimal strategy at all. Perhaps it could be a little bit less effective so that vets aren’t as drawn to it, but I don’t think it needs to be nerfed into oblivion.
Turrets is not an example of a build that helps people learn how to play. In fact, if anything it’s a build that stops new players from learning how to play due to how it doesn’t teach the fundamentals of the game. It encourages poor rotation (camping), it doesn’t teach new players how to set up and execute burst, or even perform a rotation. It doesn’t teach cooldown management, and even worse, it frustrates other new players trying to learn actual builds to the point where they either quit, or roll turrets as well.
This game has plenty of simple to understand builds with low skill requirements to perform decently on in low tier pvp, such as:
-Power Wells/Lich Necro
-Trap Ranger
-Condition Warrior
-Meditation Guardian
-Shatter/Phantasm Mesmer
-P/P Rabid Engineer
-S/P Thief
-D/D elementalistAll these builds are very viable in solo queue, and while playing them you learn how to manage cooldowns, dodge, swap weapons, make use of your profession mechanic, and most importantly, rotate. Yes, a new player will be less effective than a vet while playing one of these builds, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be. But, while playing a build like this, a new player will still retain a degree of effectiveness, and they will be learning the game a lot faster than they would on turret engineer.
It’s not a secret that GW2 is one of the most casual MMORPG. And half of players don’t want to waste 1k hours to become master at Mesmer. They want log in 2 times a week, pick turreter and have at least 50% winrate while playing with cup of tea at other hand.
Turets bad at WvW
Turets bad at PvE
Turets bad at TeamQ
Turets not bad at SoloQ
I think turrets must be buffed, simple mathematics – 3>1
I take it you are newer here. The channel skill has been like that since the game launched.
Seriously. This whole thread is a l2p issue. People Shouldn’t mindlessly spam their stealth. Headshot the rapid fire, dodge it, line of sight it, evade it. Seriously, people need to think with their head and not with their rotations.
Pretty much, yeah. He probably isn’t even new, he’s probably been aware of stealth-tracking skills since day 1, however now that they pose a greater threat to his build (i.e. the LB buff – let’s not kid ourselves, this is exactly what this thread is about) he wants a nerf. Whereas previously i’d have expected a nerf to the Ranger, it ain’t gonna happen this time, kiddo.
So don’t worry if I play Ranger, or if another dev plays Mesmer or Guardian or Elementalist or… you follow my drift. The team does what it does for the overall good of the game.
We all know that devs don’t play Mesmer )
That is why SoloQ is too much depends on luck factor: you lose if your team get more noob people, you can’t be game changer.
If you want be a game changer just pick turret engie and go far. Your team can be bad, but this move separates 50/50 your contribution to the win and contibution of other 4 teammates
Mesmer, Ranger – useless
Thief – OP
Dude… no one even uses Moa, and it has been like this for a long time because it is a clearly bad Elite, specially for PvP.
The only useful Elite that Mesmer has is Mass Invis (in PvP, the only place where Elite matters), and it will not make any difference if they nerf or not Moa because no one has been using this Elite for 2 years (just for troll porpoises obviously). I am a Mesmer main and I have to deal in daily bases with the “I Win” button from Engies and Necros, with conditions everywhere from every class, cele Eles/Warriors/Engies, point blank CoD Rangers players etc, etc, etc, and as bad as it is, I learned how to deal with it all
Then, after all that, someone comes to complain about a skill that no one uses while there are a lot of other things that are more broken and need more attention… like… sit down and think about all the game mechanics, classes, skills and specs. And then go make a research, play for a good time with the class, and after that think again and see if it is worth to complain or suggest changes about something that you don’t know about.
Actually at high level tpvp moa is used regularly.
I know that. The only time I saw someone using it was in a joke Torney against the Chinese team or something like this. It was Helseth that used it, right? And even the casters were like “lol wtf”.
MIM Eu winners of ESL last night ran moa.
99% times pro teams use MI. MI – ok.
1% of games pro teams use Moa. Moa – OP NERFZIS!
Those criers only see situations when they were Moaed, but do they know how match moa were failed to them? May be 1 success moa with 2 failed.
I think it must be like pre-patch wars F1: if evaded – it must not be put to CD
Make it a visible projectile that can be reflected. Give it another color and size and the caster can be in stealth.
Then it will became a high risk/reward skill.
ok, then change cd to 90 s
I will agree with OP if Moa became unblockable
Does it work with interrupting by trebuchet?
Don’t be angry to OP. When he played at least 1k matches he will understand his mistakes, and appologise for this rage to us. I think we all was like OP when we started to PvP: ‘Thieves OP!!, PU OP!!!, Wars OP!!’, but when we received some experience we changed our opinion. Do you remember? Someone need 100 matches to understand it, someone 500, Mans like OP 1000, but result will be similar.
with cheers
Thief right now is balanced because they nerfed sword evade spam. Mesmer still waiting for a balance like thief had.
All the metas for other classes are ok and balanced:
-celestial ele
-celestial rifle engi or condi engi
-zerk thief
-bunker guard
Phantaram, the best ele indaworld, thinks Cele ele and cele engie too OP
So, who is right, 1 of the best player in GW or OP?
Don’t be angry to OP. When he played at least 1k matches he will understand his mistakes, and appologise for this rage to us. I think we all was like OP when we started to PvP: ‘Thieves OP!!, PU OP!!!, Wars OP!!’, but when we received some experience we changed our opinion. Do you remember? Someone need 100 matches to understand it, someone 500, Mans like OP 1000, but result will be similar.
with cheers
Mesmer takes skill to be played efficiently. Please, do not nerf mesmers.
LMAO, no they dont.
I rolled one today out of curiosity. I played 8 Spvp and 2 Tpvp and facerolled everything i encountered. I barely knew what i was doing. I spammed 1 from greatsword and when cds was up 2,4 combo. And, of course my clones.
The argument can be used I went up against poor players, not 10 wins in a row. And won every solo fight, except against thief.
Mesmer are ezmode gimmick classes.
When you see S Y C L O N E coming your way, u better run because ill autoattck u to death.
Have not find you at http://www.gw2score.com/PvP , maybe you have confused with hotjoin or dungeons…
another air sigil
5 turret engie for win!!!
I think people will change graf. settings to min to fight mesmers then)
Good player that uses moa kills you point.
Moa at present is too strong, the streets are 3:1) Change the entire elite
2) Strengthen skills to transformed
3) Reduce its length up to 4-6 seconds
So why top mesmers (I think they are “Good players”) use MI instead of Moa?
Arbaletmaster with heavy armor!
Anyway… what about the OP Bearbow rangers? Do you manage them?
They OP only at hotjoin and sometimes SoloQ
no downed state – no teamwork
Gs/Stf Mesmer has the WORST type of damage: his clones start to move to enemy from 1200 range, after stop at ~0,5 sec and after shatter. So even oneeyed drunken 90 old year man can see that and prepare to deffence.