Showing Posts For Anton.1769:

Multiple trinkets for stat variety

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


At least in past we had 1 major and 1 minor amulets. Why have it changed? Casualisation may be…

League of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769



Slot Skills that are Banned:
Elite Skill Thieves Guild
Elite Skill Litch Form

WTB: Ele and Mesmer Balance

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Let me guess. You feel that Mesmer is balanced, right?

Now it is nerfed too much. Need remove GS2 nerf and will be ok

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


IGN: My Name Is Legions
Playstyle: PvP, WvW
Server: Desolation
Role: Scholar
Time Zone: BY

Untouchable PU Shatter Mez+Blinds Everywhere!

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Lol in past thief could kill memser 9 times from 10 in 5 seconds. So it was normal, but now “Mesmers are OP!!!!!1111one”

What Armor/build for WvW?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


with fullzerk PU I feel myself thief. Now it’s possible to run out from any fight what was impossible whis prepatch PU.

[suggestion] Moa on transforms

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Yes, moa hard counters lich.
But you should never look at balance by looking at two skills only.

That’s not what I am doing. Is it not, that the most common Mesmer build u find in PvP simply wrecks power necro (which is the only kind of necro that uses Lich, as far as my experience goes)? I do with my shatter and I have been wrecked many times over as power necro by shatters. Not even taking the Lich-Moa interaction under consideration. So how does Moa now contribute to this balance?

@pulsing stability:
To say that makes Lich immune to CC is simply wrong. Again, I have repeatedly interrupted/dazed Lichs on a double ranged shatter build alone both in PvP and WvW.

I gathered so far that the majority of Mesmers here would not support my idea. That is totally okay (although u are all wrong and you all will suffer the wrath of grenth^^). But what throws me off is that the same falsehoods about Mesmer Lich interactions are always repeated.

mesmers high counter necros, thieves high counter mesmers, etc etc
Do you want change either only 1 chain link or all system?

Congratulations Chronomancers !

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


You guys lucked out. Guardians are the new trappers…

At least they have not of-hand new weapon

Map and Say chat

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


dance at enemy dead body and listen his qqing – priceless

Ranked Q VS 5 Turret Engis ( Video )

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Even with the incoming nerf being announced , it seems to be turrets to the bitter end lol. I wonder what they will reroll to when its over. My guess is ranger.

they will rerol to your cele shoutbow or cele grenade spam engies)

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Yeah, turret engies need to be balanced, and I like the crit idea, but the condition thing bothers me, especially the justification that it makes it more like other minions. The thing that really turned me off of StarCraft 2 was that all of the races became much more similar to each other. The beauty of original SC was achieving balance with the races having distinct mechanics. Don’t decrease the diversity of the mechanics by making all minions the same. Instead make a weakness specific to turrets.

On the specific changes suggested, I suspect turret engineer will no longer be viable, but we’ll see. I’d personally like to see the crit damage added first, see the impact, and then add another nerf if the crit change doesn’t go far enough. IMHO better to do it that way than to over-nerf and then have to buff, or just allow turret builds to drop from play.

Would be nice to see something that makes turrets viable in WvW or PvE (imho they’re not currently). Or maybe some change to WvW that makes them useful…

Yea, we definitely should change aspects of wvw to make turrets viable there because all these poor players who rather depend on AI and not learn how to play the game don’t have a place to go to annoy everyone actually trying to have some meaningful pvp experience.

If people can not win vs stupid AI it means…. Oh, you understand)))))

Yup! turret nerf inc!

in Engineer

Posted by: Anton.1769


classic anet listening to whiney players

warrior is nerfed into near oblivioun…you don’t hear anyone about this…like the adrenaline nerf…could have been that you kept the adrenaline for about 10 sec when out of a fight…but it’s nerfed entirely….now the engi got what it deserved….you’re saying whiney players….reading your post makes me think you are the one crying just ask for a difference in pve and pvp skills…..makes more sense than what you are saying now….in pvp, this was needed for a very loooooong time…explain to me or anyone else why a turret can’t get critted or burn?….please do so explain

But after rebalance they can be bleeded and confused )

15 games, -2 points

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


So did some q’s today. Some were solo some were partial premade. All in all I probably won a little over half (or about half) of the games. Started the day with 58 points, finished with 56.

Honestly not sure what I’m suppose to do. Can I have a dev comment on this?

Pretty sure you can never get more than 1 score point for a win but you can lose up to 3 score from a single loss. This might help you understand.

What I’m trying to say is that its LTIERALLY impossible for me to get top top 500 rankings atm because even if I played non stop I apparently cant gain rank points anymore.

Why do you think you deserve to be at top500? It doesn’t depend on how much you play, but mostly depends on winrate

WAT. That’s EXACTLY on what it depends, on how much you play, not some freaking winrate. Guess why people don’t bother, because the leaderboards are broken, it doesn’t reward skilled play but the AMOUNT of play.

Devs change leaderboards formula from time to time, may be now it has other formula

Turret Engineer counters

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


As_shatter mesmer you can kill him very fast. With moa you will kill it even more faster

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Now all turreters will roll to even more brainless Shoutbow. Well done, Anet

15 games, -2 points

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


So did some q’s today. Some were solo some were partial premade. All in all I probably won a little over half (or about half) of the games. Started the day with 58 points, finished with 56.

Honestly not sure what I’m suppose to do. Can I have a dev comment on this?

Pretty sure you can never get more than 1 score point for a win but you can lose up to 3 score from a single loss. This might help you understand.

What I’m trying to say is that its LTIERALLY impossible for me to get top top 500 rankings atm because even if I played non stop I apparently cant gain rank points anymore.

Why do you think you deserve to be at top500? It doesn’t depend on how much you play, but mostly depends on winrate

Veiws on Hacking/Hackers

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


I fought 1 hacker that created dublicates of himself! He just Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and new copies were created faster then I killed them!
At 2nd, he used bug with weapons: he had GS, but it had RANGED attack – 100% cheater

I thought this was a port nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


I remember when phd couldn’t beat condi necro 1v1 using his kitten condiwar build he created the topic below:

no we can just ignore him)

People AFK because of engis

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


people AFK because lack of balls

Power Block and Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


anet programmers just failed in coding, sad, but they are simple people) It’s not rocket Earth-Mars, so noone cares if it will not be fixed. Except mesmers, but 100 or 101 bug – does not matter

Your Reasons for Not Taking Portal?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Because if I’m not in a coordinated team, it won’t get used. Just me using it isn’t enough to be worth having a 90 second cooldown ability on my bar that will have to take the slot of another important utility.

Portal works even better in lowskill pvp, because enemies don’t think about your ability to teleport.

Mesmer discrimination

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


wtf with anet? 11 and 4 while it must be 50/50

Team player dies - enemies get rezzed - I die

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Don’t forget spvp is team mode. So if you fought 1×2 it means your team fought 4×3.
4×3 and they still loose 1 player! And rally of downed by you enemies is good reward for it))

Turret... Turret...Turret....

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Why should I have to switch out a spec that is tested and true against all other builds in game to deal with one single spec.

“My build annihilates all others builds except turets, pls nerf them "

Mesmer is easier then Ranger?

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


OP you right 100%, but I will sugest you try fresh-air Ele! It’s even more faceroll then mes&rang! Semi afk while ownage all map!

Stability Changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


What about boon remove? 4 staks are removed like 4 boons or still like 1 boon? If 4 – it’s big nerf for shatter mesmers

Daily wins

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


If you are on the winning side once, you get autobalanced and bb daily.

If you get autobalanced you receive avtowin doesn’t depend on match result

3 Mesmers, 2 Ele's (Daily Mes/Ele Daily)

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


War/Ele comp is too strong in 2v2 and 3v3

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


what is Arena game mode?

Dire/Rabid gear help

in Engineer

Posted by: Anton.1769


sure you can use 2

mtd condi shatter [video]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


1. Any build can work at hotjoin.(cuz it wasn’t ranked/unrunked)
2. If aim of this video to show how good mtd is 1×1 then ok, but such mesmer can provide nothing to teamfight, can not roam because lack of mobility and can not hold point

major nerfs in the past

in Thief

Posted by: Anton.1769


OMG how OP thieves were before, fortunately they are repared

Other Balance Notes of Note

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


3-6 stacks might? GS 2 already grants you 9 …

GS 2 can give you max 6 stacks and only at close distance. At range you will receive 0

Sinister armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Not sure but think standart 4/4/0/0/6 shatter with Sinister stats with Torment trait instead of IP will be not bad

Other Balance Notes of Note

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


check out maim? o.O i don’t get it.

A nerf to might is a nerf to the most (some say only) viable tpvp build we have, which is dps shatter. I’m being cheeky when I say, as an alternative, people should check out condi shatter.

OMG why so panic? Shatter mesmer has 3-6 stacks of might (which is less then other classes), doesn’t use nerfed sigils and after patch has more advantages vs cele builds

Why is casting while airborn so bad?

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


almost all casts work in jumps

Mesmer's and Thieves the cause of PvP's Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


@inhearth: totally agree with you
yes thief is kitten…
broken evade spammability…stealth ( but it is even not the worst issue)
broken insta (read uncounterable without chance) gap closers
broken mobility…
broken damage in regards of their survivability

Mesmers are just as other squishies chained rapped by these ennemy they can even not run away.

What an epic failure anet seriously.

The funny thing is that thieves have never stopped complaining…
Being nerfed and nerfed again is not a reason to say thieves are underpowered…it can be a sign they were absurdly owerpowered.

and yet there is not a single person out there that wants more than 1 thief on team… but it is fine to have multple wars, guards, engis, eles, necros, rangers even mesmers on same team~

Having only 1 per team does’t mean the build or class is not broken. In football you don’t see 10 quarterbacks playing at the same time doesn’t mean they are useless. In soccer they only play with 1 goalkeeper, doesn’t mean they are not vital for the team.

If they stuff like canceling skills, sigil of air+fire and other exploits maybe thief becomes balanced again.

But of course if they nerf/fix thief they would need to tone down mesmers.

So it’s look likes cry: "nerf goalkeeper ASAP! they are OP!!! Can use their hands while others can’t!! "

Who do you focus as Mesmer in PvP?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


The priore target must be another mesmer, not only because it’s very dps and has poor armor, but because as a mesmer you can faster find real from illusions, Ctrl+T it and do it again if/after enemy drops target after invis. With good targeting mesmer dies in a second

Where does mesmer stand in sPvP?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


1 problem here. A good mesmer contributes to game the same like an average ele/guard/etc. But if you are not very good – you are burden for your team

Idea for profession swapping

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


For exemple I have 1000 mmr at my mesmer and 800 mmr at ele. I que up with mesmer, but in my team i see 2 another mesmers, so I can free swap without permalosing to ele.
Idea is to allow players swapping to their toons with LESS mmr they entered to match.

- this will not bring disballance because in general your team lost some mmr
- it’s allows to prevent stupid stacking like 4 thieves in 1 team
- nothing difficult for realization. Just show up ppl what mmr they have at every profs.

You know engineers are op when. . .

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


engi turret is imbalanced as kitten.. coming from someone who plays all classes.. the turrets alone kill people.. even if the engi isnt doing anything at all.. how is that not op? just like necromancer elite.. is ridiculous

Why pro teams don’t use it if it is OP? May be it’s OP only vs novices?

Vee Wee's Guide to Skyhammer!

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Another mainstream video where player logoff / jumps from cliff / afk at Skyhammer. Even now, when SH is separated from ranked, such videos appear. If ppl thought it’s wittily I have bad news for them.

It's impossible to sit at 2 chairs

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


GW devs must decide for themselves in which way they want balance PvP. Or you balance it for eSports (take into consideration only professional games of full teams and don’t listenaverage players) or stop trying to make it balanced eSport and create game only for average player. Many mmorpg games has 2nd approach, but true eSport games go in 1st way. Choosing the way of evolution will have a major impact. Just quick exemple, Turret engie:
1) eSport ballance: such engie is usless, so must be upped (reduce cd of turrets twice, etc)
2) ballance for average players: such engie is OP and must be nerfed (turrets not longer immune to condie, etc)

Spirit Ranger vs Turret Engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


rocket turret die in 4 hits, too tanky, pls nerf it to die when enemy just come in 1200 range

3 5x4 in a row

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


dat anet 2 years 1 problem with sollution even idiot can understand:
if match starts with 5×4 game must be aborted. Why it’s so diffucult for them to understand i dunno

Use blocklist as a matchmaking filter

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


will block you all except top pvp teams) OP also wanted it I think)

Are there hackers in sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


ahaha 4ITORS everywhere!!! (how about to read tips available at every map start? )

Mesmer phased out?

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


Mesmer suks because Anet to much care about skillles ppl. When 15k AP PvE heroes come to PvP with thoughts they can win anyone….what class they cry about most? Not about cele ele, not about cele engie, but about mesmers just because they have clones

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anton.1769


1 min latency in pvp omg

Seen in Ranked...

in PvP

Posted by: Anton.1769


butch – an overtly/stereotypically masculine or masculine-acting woman. can be used to denote an individual, or the dominant role in a lesbian relationship.
Didn’t know it before xD