But with another weapons (never use tourch at power build!), skills and correct gameplay it has chance.
I agree with both of the above posters, and have to take issue with the blanket statement about Torch. Many power builds also use Torch, and IMHO basically all PU builds should.
While the iMage certainly is among the weakest Phantasms, and we all hope it will see some love at some point, The Prestige almost entirely makes up for it even in a power build. The ability to chain an AE DD & Burn into a “from stealth” attack, makes for a powerful ability both offensive and defensively even without PU.
I’ve seen a lot of GC Shatter videos use Torch to devastating effect. It certainly doesn’t fit every power build, but to say it should never be used is not correct either IMO.
At Shatter build I am not versus Torch, and in this setup is very usefull, because after shatter all illusions mesmer is vulnerable.
BUT for those who use Torch at POWER PU build: you must rethink the essence of power PU. It’s not trol-condie-PU with whom you can fight 15 min. Power PU is about phantasms and you in stealth. With torch you loose 50% of damage(OP duelist) and good stun(and stacks of might on interrupt). What instead? Additional invis (now 4, was 3) and useless condie iMage. I used some times torch, but when I find pistol in this build it was air and ground.
I liked the vid, but may I suggest you to make more use of your shatter skills?
Even though your build isn’t focused on shatter and more on phantasms, shattering helps you to finish your enemy faster.
For example in the 1st fight vs. the P/D thief, you got him stunned and he was sth like 50% HP at max. Seeing a thief this helpless is a rare situatoin. Shattering right in this moment might actually have killed him, or at least but under some serious pressure.
I have nothing versus shutter, but don’t want lose phantasms. Untreited mindwrack <-treited phantasms. In some situations it will work, but when you have no time to calculate enemie die/survive I preffer to save them (especially vs invisers). Also can be used: GS 2->diversion.
I think, you should also consider, to run sth else than PU.
Besides my personal issues against PU, I think you somehow waste potential by going 30pts deep into chaos in order to get PU, while only having 2 stealth skills, from which one is an elite on a rather long CD.
When I started use PU in sPvP there are where 3 invis (veil), what was OP in 1×1 (harder hold point, but beat everything 1×1). Sometimes I swap veil-blink, but for some maps(Khyhlo) blink is necessary.
About 30 points: PU not the favourite cake but just good addition. Chaos line provide 300 deffence and 30% boon duration, what is good with Bountifull Interruption, minor traits, GS2 and runes/sigils of power.
So if -2 points in Chaos, I can only image +2 in Dueling (for pistol trait).
You have a very serious lack of condition removal in your build. Anything that applies a reasonable amount of conditions will absolutely trash you, and did. I’d recommend modifying your build to fix that.
This true, only 1 poor clear(generosity). But Mesmer can not just change 1 trait that will solve all condi problems like CI wars, AR engie, Condi-transfer-to-minions/ consume condie Necro. You can take http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAR8alknpYtNqxMNcrRiqxY6TSplT1EpCokdsNA-TpBFwAOOCAy3fo9DAYxBBoaZAAXAAA (use it at wvw) or pick mantra of resolve, but if you have 8 applied different conditions – doesn’t matter +-2 condi.
In my vision you must use and upgrade strengths of charracter. So + 150 power and 20% recharge at GS look likes better then random 2 condie clear every 20 sec.
Sometimes you have for exemple many stacks of 1 type of conditions(like bleed).In this case clears will be very helpfull. I tried many duels and vs condie class too, and , unexpectedly kill many of condie classes due to high famage of phantasms while kite,range and stealth.
It’s known PU builds not such successful at sPvP as at roaming. But with another weapons (never use tourch at power build!), skills and correct gameplay it has chance.
there are 3 games at SoloQ with comments: http://youtu.be/aKkhU6uhyG8 . To avoid factor of ‘enemie team are nubs’ only 1 game about win and 2 about loose. Build at description.
Why this guy don’t create topics about hambows,decap engies, perma stealth thieves? So pathetic xD
the best at low lvl
the best at mid lvl
the best at later lvl
A) go to a dueling server
Duel servers is 1% of amount of pvp servers.
So PU OP in 1% and suck at another 99% times
change bers to rabid and you will receive even more damage…
I run in circles like a crazy as bunker war/guard and can faceroll keyboard while drink tea with good winrate. The only moment when you need skill is defend point from capture vs 3 enemies while your team far away
They removed it because the new PvE players coming in to PvP were getting flamed for having a low rank. In order to cover their wallet, Anet removed a big part of rank-exposition.
And now i see “go pve back etc” even more, because if in past you could not tell it to rank 30+, but now people don’t see ranks and blame more.
So, the Mesmer bugs were fixed within days.
This one seems to be around for quite a while.
“Balance”. lolThe probably also wont fix the bug. I mean, it’s warrior we are talking about.
The probably only will shave the bug, so that the 6th signet gives 8% less power.
Arena very care about lowskill players in this game —> 80% of lowskill players are warriors —> so draw conclusions and stop cry about OP wars and their bugs. Sad but true
just report them and ask enemy team do that too
Let me guess, you were playing hot join and most players weren’t even able to find the real Mesmer?
sometimes hotjoin players can not find Necro in his minion zerg xD
So many mesmers defending PU. This is also sad, I play thief/engi/warr and I don’t defend fail builds like hambow, pistol whip and decap.
Can someone repeat to this troll kid, that all these “fail builds” are OP in sPvP except PU build, which is useless in current capture-orientized-pvp-system ?
GS vs Staff (both power builds with same second weapons). So GS look likes better
playing a lot of time with mesmer thieves was my pain.
Shatter had nice burst, but 1 error = death.
Condition PU has good survival, but enemie just run after understanding the situation. Interrupt – good build, but in roaming WvW not enough escape abilities.
After using this builds thieves became my welcome guest. Others too, but 90% of thieves use bers armor and have the lowest hp as ele. With good managing of skills you can kill some condition-dealer-classes faster, then they put full condition bomb to you. In my opinion threat is P/D condition thief, but I didn’t see big numbers of them.
Nope, just nope. Legendary as an ultimate goal of this game should only be given to those who play all game modes for least for some time.
I agree with it! And you must agree with me in next:
All who have legendaries but don’t have at least 30 rank spvp and 20 lvl wvw dont deserve it and their legendaries must be deleted.
Anet didn’t compensate time wasted in SPVP. ALL you must farm years before now will be available for any PvE player, that plays ~week as 80lvl. (except lol finishers).
So stop cry about legendary, it’s still better than transmuted weapon with same skin
LOL, all standart decap engies will laugh from you when you will fight them at point.
You will not even decap vs them. For exemple I have 6-controls-chain. Using it i can recap point while you flying cnockbacked around it.
And stop lie about ?1 :
sPvP rank 592
Personal best rank 55 (33 day, 1 hour ago)
sPvP rank 190
Personal best rank 115 (12 day, 4 hour ago)
Everything arenanet ever did for mesmers was creating two builds or so that are quite easy to play but are so vulnerable at some points they don’t satisfy when it gets serious. The real problems for mesmers aren’t getting looked at. I don’t think the profession gets a lot of affection from the developpers.
yeah we get nothing at all.they took gw1 mes and put all the gw1 mesmer skills into 1 condition called confusion and then they nerfed it to the ground. now we are stuck with no wvw raid builds, a ton of bugs, no attention, get useless gm traits like 1k healing power(what a joke), we got put into the role of a weaker hitting thief with less armor and power, we are 1v1 only now, have ai only, that has been bugged foe ages, f1-f4 is useless without ip…etc. but no attention from devs ever!they fix some bugs but wont help us to get anything for wvw…i feel so stuck with my mesmer!
still the best class for spvp and one of the top roamers when i play spvp with mesmer i can beat a lot people almost effortlessly and i dont even know the skills well
ill keep playing and exposing the game for creating the most annoying class ever
hotjoin? – may be
solo/team arena – sorry, no
“All you do with shatter Mesmer is spam clones iLeap+blurred and mash F1”
And few seconds later you are alone near angry warrior
To maximize your shatter damage you must be near enemie. In lcd build it’s not requireded
You need better reflexes and skill usage awareness than a shatter mes needs, and it is more unforgiving towards mistakes.
reflexes?? for what?? 50% of time enemie in stun. You have good deffence from staff and Chaos line. You don’t need be in close fight like shatter mesmer.
… Have… you.. really played a lockdown mesmer?
… Have… you.. really played a shatter mesmer?
Yeah I have, extensively.
You just said “lockdown Mesmer doesn’t require reflexes. You don’t need to be in a close fight like shatter Mesmer.” Both of which are pretty untrue from what I’ve seen.
That’s like me saying…“All you do with shatter Mesmer is spam clones iLeap+blurred and mash F1”
What kind of pure lockdown build did you run? And were you talking beyond 1v1s? How did you handle people focusing you?
not always 1×1, I used it in soloque
You need better reflexes and skill usage awareness than a shatter mes needs, and it is more unforgiving towards mistakes.
reflexes?? for what?? 50% of time enemie in stun. You have good deffence from staff and Chaos line. You don’t need be in close fight like shatter mesmer.
… Have… you.. really played a lockdown mesmer?
… Have… you.. really played a shatter mesmer?
You need better reflexes and skill usage awareness than a shatter mes needs, and it is more unforgiving towards mistakes.
reflexes?? for what?? 50% of time enemie in stun. You have good deffence from staff and Chaos line. You don’t need be in close fight like shatter mesmer.
I play both of that playstile together (shut+lcd)
When I played with specific build for each playstile i can say Shutter is more skill required the Lockdown
Yup you were quick as hell. There were already all at 20+ silver when i figure out the trick to get a kitten load of unidentified dye on the 15th.
Too bad. Stupid work always interfering with GW2 lol
Sadly, but when I wanted to buy 100500 50c dyes to sharewith my alts they already were 20s (
Congratulation to those first people downloaded the game update and bought all dyes by old price! xD
stop talking abou ‘no fun qq’.
Yesterday I fought as decap engi vs similar decap engi at 1 point 2-3 times all battle.
It was 1000 times more fun then playing vs rats-perma-invis-thieves or 2-buttons-hambow-wars.
P.S. engi not is my main classI doubt our concerns are only about “fun”.
1 engi per team – equal fight, i am wrong?
stop talking abou ‘no fun qq’.
Yesterday I fought as decap engi vs similar decap engi at 1 point 2-3 times all battle.
It was 1000 times more fun then playing vs rats-perma-invis-thieves or 2-buttons-hambow-wars.
P.S. engi not is my main class
Anet can make a really nice patch, but as long as decap engi is so overpowered you cannot enjoy PvP in this game.
They have not introduced anything to counter them yet they want the meta to settle for another 4 months. This doesn’t make any sense.
angry thief can not kill engi?
skyhammer is the best map.
Close tread
III. Build: I call this the Maniac Magician.
I use this build in PvE, WvW, and sPvP.
This build only provide super survivability.
1. Useless in PvE – it’s all understand and no need to explain
2. Useless in sPvP – yes, you will survive long, but you can not capture and defend points in invisibility
3. Useless in roraming in WvW – yes, you will not die, but you will not kill also, due to enemie running
4.Useless in mass WvW – only 1 usefull skill (Chaos Storm)
PU is useless in tpvp, easy avoided in wvw and sucsesfull only vs noobs
There is no still adequate answer from ArenaNet except lol
“it wouldn’t be fair to the players that used up all of their boosters ".
O M G !!!
They used their boosters and RECEIVED PROFIT. We hadn’t enough time to consume all boosters – we DIN’T RECEIVE PROFIT
Omg, Norns elite Bear form is the best of other race abilities. 5th skill charge at 100500 speed to 100500 range 2 times in this form. Easy to exit/enter battle in wvw or quick movement in pve
- Signet of the Ether (Mesmer)
- 113.33 hps to…… 325.33 hps [if 3 illu available at the end of 3sec interval time (possibility is very low) if not use the signet yet.
…It’s ‘0 hps to…’ since with 0 illusions it doesn’t heal at all.
is true, so
so it requires more wide theorycraft
it does not requires more wide theorycraft and we can conclude: Signet useless anywere except may be pve