Btw, why is there a cap on conditions? If there needs to be, why not make source based?
Why is there a condition cap? And if so, why isn’t that cap set per source?
Curious on it will stir things… although i didn’t even thought of that increase of scrutiny
So far the ratio doesn’t seem game changing tbh.
Even if it’s less effective doesn’t mean it’s ineffective.
Too bad this will encourage other builds while the PVT-ranged-campers will keep the delusion that they are saving the team and not the reason the others are downed in the first place.
Guess it’s easier to mess with coeffitients and stats than it is to overhaul combat mechanics.
Still curious though.
Not so sure the range would solve, i think the animation is clunky, could be wrong though
Well, but it’s. easy to control right? Like if you know you placed a fire field first, your blast is a guarenteed might. Apart from the odd ocasion when it can happen a split second missed oportunity, the “First come, first serve” basis, still offers a reliable combo.
I started a thread focusing in the idea of secondary professions. Although i have a different approach to it. Basically, only one type of skills (traps, cosecrations, gadgets, etc) from the secondary profession would be avaiable to slot in.
In depth discussion can be found here:
I posted a suggestion that certaintly caters to your opinion.
It’s about to introduce secondary professions back to Tyria
Agreed, it would be better to keep healing skills out of secondary profession access. Not so much the weapon skills though.
Besides how would you manage that? I mean, would you be able to wield all the weapons from the secondary professions? What about overlapping weapons? If two professions share profficiency with a certain weapon, which would be prevalent?
Now utility skills are unique and easier to balance and better to produce good synergies.
Ex:a mesmer grabs guardian as secodary, chooses consecrations and becomes specialized in reflections
@ Neko: Like GW1, the idea is to have only one secondary profession at a given time. So yes a Warrior could bring Wall of Reflection but never one Wall of Reflection and Feedback at the same time.
@ Ancient Ranger: Well that would be great because if everybody is grabbing Warrior’s Signets, Anet would have data to support that those skills (particulary the healing signet from your example) are too OP for people to pass.
I just think that this feature would encourage build diversity and reduce the stigma of not bringing a certain profession based on the lack of utility.
Ex: A necromancer/guardian gets his spot on a CM run because he pings Wall of Reflection on party channel.
Also this isn’t exactly new. Anet has done this, even when the game had about 150 skills per profession, adding to a whopping 300 skills to balance.
(edited by Ariete.6509)
Oh just to be clear i meant non-elite utilities only
I’m not sure if this has been brought up before, but how woderfull could it be to have the secondary professions idea from GW back to GW2.
I can see this being a nightmare to balance out, hence why i’m proposing this to be a PVE only feature, also another important aspect, would be not to add all the skills from one profession to your own, but instead bring only one school of skills from another class.
Ex: Rangers having access to thieve’s traps. Thieves having access to warrior’s shouts. Mesmers having Arcane spells, etc
Furthermore to keep things balanced, we could make so that the 4/5 skills brought could never be affected by traits.
Ex: A Warrior with shorter cooldown on shouts wouldn’t have a reduced recharge on the Guardian shouts.
Is this too far fetched? I really think this would solve shortcomings that so much people cry about.
Ex: Mesmers have no AoE, Necromancers are unwanted in parties etc…
For PVP and WvW, it could be added after a potential success in PVE.
the weirdst thing, i’m standing here with Tiggs, this NPC doesn’t have such item, but even so, a guy standing next to me says Tiggs does have the item for 24 silver :s !!!???
TP has it so it’s ok, still weird though…
(edited by Ariete.6509)
Also there’s a new 25% speed consumable that takes the place of a potion slot you can buy so you pretty much have what you want.
Wait, what? What’s the name of this sorcery?
I think you get the jist of the thread just from the title. Basically the idea is to give shout effects to the ranger.
Would it be too op?
Protect me would be a problem, what if the shout did no longer apply to the pet? Maybe make it across all shouts? “I see the pet, now where’s that pesky ranger?”
Maybe Search and Rescue could become a channel utility to revive an ally within the 1200 range it has?
What if guard effect broke on movement?
For sick i guess it would work as it is?
It was nice in WoW because my pet could actually take a few hits from a raid boss before dying. Now they pretty much die when a champ looks at them.
And those who know me already here’s the… 6th, 7th? (I lost track) challenge: add my gametag, i’m EU, let’s do a <insertcontent> i’ll show you how to keep the pet alive.
Spoilers: nobody takes up this challenge, ppl complaint for the sake of it.People don’t want to take up this “challenge” of yours because pet management is not hard at all, so i have no idea why you keep acting as if it is.
You see how you answer DeadlySynz.3471 “complaint”? That’s how i feel answering your “issue”, and so does every other Ranger out there who post guides, tips and tricks and thrive to have fun with their own ranger.
I should have mentioned that I tried this with and without agility training and signet of the hunt. No difference.
I have the same access to the mists and know where the circling golem is. While my pet kills it yet again on the background, i’ll write this: I’m done!
It’s like i’m arguing with the Golem, it goes around and around in circles, after one goes down, another one emerges.
Have it your way.
Keep stroking your ego about being pigeon holed into specific trait and skill usage in order to get your classes defining ability to somewhat work. Don’t worry though, you’re the unique snowflake amongst rangers. Clearly you are the chosen one who will usher in a new age of rangers who will snub their noses at such things like ‘’better pet control’’ and ‘’Pet survivability’’ what are we basic plebeians? We shall have none of that on your watch.
Sorry my attitude spawned this flurry of sarcasm, Good thing we are all entitled to our opinion. In all cases “during my watch” pet’s still managed to get 71% hp buff, for spirits it felt ok, but for pets i still think it was uncalled for so there’s that.
I kind know the answear but can’t help myself to be cinical: did you had agility training on your build or did you had Signet of the hunt equipped? How many times did you chill/immobilize/cripple/knockdown/stuned the circling golem?
I know… i won’t lie i also have a sense of pride for being right, nevermind we’re only humans. Although never forget that forums falso serve to strenghthen the community through the share of knowledge. Just the other day i was offering my positive opinion on the 154279th complaint thread about one handed sword, when i learned an awsome trick from a fellow poster, after 18 months of playing my profession.
After onde more attempt i deleted my lvl50ish mesmer for good. I looked, searched, viewed, tryed many things but that hand full of issues i had with said profession made me eventually terminate the character.
Now i ask: how many complaints on the mesmer forums can you find in my post history?
Anyway i digress. My point still stands, i can only hope my two cents have helped somebody, the way i have been helped by that fellow player tip on sword thread i mentioned
I grant that i’m probably annoying to discuss with but some complaints are… so pets not hitting moving targets hein?
Well if that’s what’s troubling you, Agility Training is probably a must have in your build for 10pts in skirmish, to grant your pet 30% movement increase. Apart from that, there’s the Signet of Hunt option for 25%.
Although the biggest solution lies in snares. If you think of it, from the entire ranger’s kitten nal, only two off-hand weapons don’t have any crowd control. Besides, from those two, the Warhorn at least has a speed buff that also affect your pet.
The bottom line is that snaring is the bread and butter of the ranger and to add insult to the injury, you also have 2 traps, 1 survival skill, 2 spirit’s active and one elite to an overkill of snaring. Oh and did i mentioned that some pets bring even more to the table. Oh snap i forgot predatory insict got buffed recently to add yet another form of CC.
After all of this, are your pets not hitting their targets?
Please… if they were to add another form/fix/adjustment to make pets hit moving targets, all of these would have less weight than they have now to a ranger.
People don’t want to take up this “challenge” of yours because pet management is not hard at all, so i have no idea why you keep acting as if it is.
It’s bizarre, in a lot of threads that contain different suggestions to fix the pet, here you are, coming in with the same stuff, telling people need to learn about pet management and that the fix for pets is down to the player and not Anet, even though Anet themselves confirmed pets need fixing, but they do no know when or how they can fix the issue.
Thank you! I know it isn’t!!! Then why does op bring yet again the reduced aoe and this time… bravo! But why ask for “only” 90%, oh hell let’s settle for a 100% damage reduction.
Who am i to quote mine Anet, but i believe the admitance was in regard of F2 responsiveness… but hey who cares what i think, since even for that undeniable issue i found a few tricks to lessen the frustration and even making them work reliably.
Oh no, take me as a player who only played Hybrids in WOW. What i know of the hunter is by ear, long talks with a friend that mained one
. The other thing i came to know was that hunter pets could potentilly bring any buff a raid team needed. Also i believe spiders were important choices due to web snare and being in the class of tenacity, but i believe we digress…
I pug because my workschedule throws off any chance of organgized play.
A sharp 180 degree turn with the mouse (plus a slight nudge with one of the walking keys, if needed) instantly “unsticks” the animation for a successful dodge.
Practice makes it perfect
My current spec has guard to trigger nature’s voice with the bonus 6 from soldier runes.
The moving turret was more pve inspired although after its nerf to wall climbing and reduced range it became not worth it EDIT:for any tactical use other than the shout trigger in wvw.
Our pets don’t dodge but we can give them protection on our dodge with a minor trait, at least the glass is half full
(edited by Ariete.6509)
You are so wrong and it’s painfully obvious, while other classes dont have such a drawback – rangers limp handicapped in hint sight, ofc NOT only because the pet is utter crap but for tons of other reasons too ie. traits skills & weapons (which i assume is everything a class usually has[except for visual effects lol])
Rangers are hopeless as it seems, so I’m sticking to my ez mode mesmer to kitten ez mode thieves.
Funny my mesmer never made it past lvl 50ish and got deleted while my thief still sittin at 20ish for the longest.
Painfully obvious is that we all have different tastes perception and abilities.
The mistake is to force our opinion into constitute fact.
Keeping pet alive is nothing interesting nor hard. Using the pet in competitive environment and trying to make any use of it’s damage or RNG gamble utilities is what people complain about.
My Wolf, drakdhound, spider, Raven, a bunch of pigs, drakes and moas want to have a word with you. Plus i’m pretty sure i’ve had ppl hammering their desks when i train some of these with Malicious training.
Please don’t call a game where turning off growl and dismissing the pet before a jump within an instance are the only management that a pet needs, as an example to follow. Sure you have some other abilities, i even have fond memories of eyes of the beast, or having to feed the pet but please, pets in that game are shoot and forget.
Welcome to GW2! Where managing a pet truly matters, where there’s reward/punishment on timing returns and swap pets, where choosing the right pet matter.
when was the last time you brought a ranged pet to fight and walked to a certain spot and “placed” your pet to act as a pewpew turret? Do you use “guard” at all? Shame on you, because the ranger as a whole even though not perfect, is awesome! They even buffed the HP to dumb it down, which i totally was against it and still there’s complaint.
Get that in your head: you came from a “stay out of the poo” and “don’t mess your rotation” game to ACTIVE COMBAT. The business here is dodge or die and since business is booming, why on earth would the pet management be less active?
Dudes and dudettes face it please: it’s YOU! The “fix” is for YOU! YOU are broken!
And those who know me already here’s the… 6th, 7th? (I lost track) challenge: add my gametag, i’m EU, let’s do a <insertcontent> i’ll show you how to keep the pet alive.
Spoilers: nobody takes up this challenge, ppl complaint for the sake of it.
In that long hayashi rant, it hit me the Rampager being better for ranger bit. In fact i ran that set for the longest time. Lately though i joined the zerk mass. One single thing was the decisive factor, which is the way conditions work in PVE.
That would be good if at least the highest damaging condition would tick, but i’ve seen claims of ppl testing that a virtue of justice burn from a zero condition specced guardian, overrides my torch and/or Flame trap simply because it was applied lastly. Furthermore, what’s the point of having 15 seconds of burning on a 1%hp mob? Besides i don’t think i need to go over the cap on stacks.
Hence why zerk reins supreme even on a class that seemed more fit for another stat investment.
All of this from a PVE, more specificaly dungeons and world bosses, standpoint obviously. In other areas i’m quite fond of building conditions.
Lvl 30 ranger called Gume 35 AR is in…
Warhorn enhancing allies while debuffing enemies, i love it. Should’ve been in place from the get go.
This sounds very reasonable, i wonder how much coding hours this would require though…
Edit: i’m all about active gameplay. Thus in my opinion the 71% buff on the wrong direction. I woudn’t hesitate to revert back the hp and up with this idea.
(edited by Ariete.6509)
I feel the need to bring this to the table: players who add requirements to the description when they themselves don’t meet such criteria.
Double drakes grants you another blast in a 20 sec window, 15 when traited.
Was doing this famous one, but plz tell me if i’m mistaken.
At higher fractal lvl31 it gets tough. Why on earth is it not a good idea to kill the two mobs standing on the side that everyone ignores, when tehre’s a single blow left in each seal?
Let me make it clear: On the arms seal – the most troublesome, we skip the first two mobs; charge the hammer on the otherside; hit the otherside; charge again; hit the side where we are ignoring mobs and keep bouncing but only charging up the hammer by killing mobs ONLY from the otherside; when it’s about to be broken AKA, there’s one blow missing in each seal, please explain to me, why on earth is it not a good idea to: hit the seal of ignored mobs; kill one previously ignored mob; EDIT: hit the same seal again; kill the other ignored mob; run to the other side and finish the last seal?
Edit: and why on earth is it so hard for ppl to actual stop hitting mobs, it’s like i’m playing with hungry ravaging dogs, it’s like ppl have an obsession of killing everything asap. Sometimes there’s novices edit: not veteran up, while the hammer carry is making the stroll of hitting the seal, ppl instead of waiting on the hammer carry to come charge it, they proceed to melt everyone mob around. In my experience of MMO’s asking ppl to simply stop hitting something is the MOST difficult task.
Sorry for all the post editing, very angry rant here, sorry about that too…
(edited by Ariete.6509)
Didn’t understand point 1.
For point 2 have you thought on running 6x Soldier rune for condition removal on shout, then invest 10pts in BM to grab the cooldown reduction on shouts, then bringing guard for a 12 sec active condition removal?
Malicious training on Marksmanship can help you
hit enemy twice. drop target. Hit 1 twice in quick succession. You are now already 600 range from your opponent.
turn and use hornet sting, turn and use monarch leap. There you go.
I’ve never had too much problem with the sword but as i was reading this i got a sense of wonder: “how about that!” Ty for the tip, i’ll give it a whirl.
Trust me i was one of those who resisted the so-called zerk of going all out damage. Although giving in to the movement and running with like minded players just makes your game better. Sorry to burst your bubble but you’re not a special cookie to finish a 50% boss on your own while sitting on ranged, you probably were the cause of everybody else dying in the first place.
I know, it’s a hell of a thing…
Idd. Often i run shout mastery since when i know conditions won’t be a problem to the team, i swap out signet of renewal giving up my stunbreaker (sometimes i go further to switch sick’em for QZ since i have a mental block of feeling naked without a stunbreaker) but getting a 60ish sec search And rescue.
Still pairing that Mighty Swap with Beastmaster Bond can really add up.
I honestly thing builds do have some room to personalization without becoming notoriously sub-par, on the contrary, i’d go as far to say it outwheights the cookie-cutter build. Just two cents though.
Quick tip: doing a sharp 180 mouse turn, you instantly unstick the chain allowing you to dodge immediatly. Using the about face turn key doesn’t fair quite the snap response though.
Ok, let’s point the discussion towards 5man dungeons. Zerk supremacy isn’t going anywhere, we see daily its effectiveness. In order to go full damage specs, one has to rely on damage nullifiers, dodge being one of them while also being the backbone of the entire combat system.
That said my point stands, since we crown spotter as being corner stone to any build, some even regard it as the only reason to bring a Ranger to a group and the precision gain given all around doesn’t account for 10% of a character total amount. So in the end i’m giving one extra crit every 15ish attacks.
Now on to vigor, math is not my forte but i’ve seen somewhere that the 5s vigor uptime shaves off 3s for the next possible dodge, i think that’s a huge impact while mesmers can bring the same thing with same but having to basically Throw away 10 points in their vit/hp while we can boost our pet’s attributes which directly boosts our damage while keeping a bit waste in HP also.
I sketched a build to ilustrate;4wE-u-d2oDk-0;9-04;1JE-EJ06-0;33;029;7zxrUzxrUU-F;7VOVTWYXcYi3o_61V-70HQ
This is a Beastmaster trait that gives party wide vigor on pet swap.
The latest major patch brought nerfs to traits that granted endurance increases across the board in pretty much all classes.
Given the state of things, i believe that giving vigor every 10ish seconds has become as much importance as frost spirit + spotter to a party.
Therefor i believe this trait is being tremendously underappreciated and often overlooked.
Would 30AR be sufficient for 30+ or do i have to wait 6 more days, get my second acessory to even try?
Sorry to hijack the thread but my two cents are that the general conseus is zerk all the way, best defense is not being there plus agony hits per health percentage so more vit helps very little.
By the way i found that casting either attack or retreat right after the swap and before the cast of F2 greatly improve its response.
I’ve been in that same boat: i kept getting frustrated, a few pounds on the table, a hundread more “sighs” and now? I keep preaching that instead of wanting the whole game mechanic to change for you, do the one change you can control – change yourself.
And for the 5th or 6th time now, i can’t really recall for sure, i’ll throw it up there: add my name in-game, let’s do a <insert content>, i’d be happy to show how you can work with your brother in arms.
Regardless on wheather you take my invite or not, trust me, the grass is much greener on this side of the fence.
Using TU i tend to lean on evasive purity so that poison does’nt mess up its potential heal Because i know a dodge removes it. 10 points more in the same trait and get Nature’s voice, bring Guard with 10 in BM for 20% off cooldown, add in soldier runes to remove condition on shout and you get a recipe for 12 sec on demand condition removal with the bonus perma regen/swiftness.
Pure awesome.
What’s the poll?
Anyway, honestly pet AI isn’t bad nor good. There isn’t any!
It simply starts running to close the gap of it’s attack range when you start hitting a mob and it uses its abilities in sequence. Devours only have a script to evade when attacks along with bear’s Defy Pain.
Other than that there’s the pathing chapter which isn’t perfect but let’s be real, it can ever be perfect, still you can help to mitigate it by issuing ocasional retreat and attack commands.
Bottom line you control the pet entirely it merealy follows inputs. If you conceive this, your frustration will be lessen.
Great thread. I’ll chip in.
Having the habit of issuing the attack and retreat commands to the pet helps to override a lot of the pathing and queue ability lags the pet has. I’m very close to get a perfect Mai’tin cannon barrage fight In that fractal without the pet dying once. While avoinding the huge number of circles, i keep spamming retreat with roughly two second time gap and it’s noticeble that the pet corrects its trajectory.
And that’s just one example.