Showing Posts For Beorn Raukar.4328:

Patch Preview?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

1st day:
Precursor crafting – It’ll definitely come!
3 months later:
Some things such as precursor crafting might get delayed.
6 months mark:
Precursor crafting – Definitely within the next 6 months!

Like all these previews we get, they are always subject to change. Reactions like this is what makes devs not want to share development plans with us the players. Because some people take an intent of design into a promise of delivery.

If things get changed or rescheduled it’s the end of all things /sarcasm

new hardcorse bosses down site to server

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

People were worried about the same issue on Tequatl, once people figure out the correct strategy and most players know what to do it will be less of an issue. Of course people will always guest but not as much.

Can you win event when in overflow?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Marionette, yes I have beaten it in OF.

Triwurms, doubt it as it is now. There are weird problems in scaling that make organizing for the fight problematic, unless you start assigning builds to all 160 players. We have started to do this at Blackgate and we are almost there. But makes organizing in OF difficult.

When are we getting new class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

well, its been 1 and 1/2 year. with no expansion planed so when will we getting new classes? i hope Anet doesnt plan to let us play all these class for the rest of GW2 life time?
game like diablo 3 and many other MMo would introducing new class not longer than 1 or 1 and 1/2 year.
i remember we getting 2 new class after 1 year from GW1.

More likely is that they will add new races to not upset the balance. As combat gameplay expansion I think it is much more likely that they add new weapons, skills to reinvigorate the class. Plus a sub-class system has been already been mentioned as a possiblity in the CDI Horizontal-Progression thread.

note: sub-class would be different than dual-class

Gear question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Is there going to be gear above ascended? I need to know if im wasting my time getting ascended or not

If Legendary gear is ever added it will be the same stats as ascended with the added convenience of being able to reset stat sets out of combat. The official statement from ANET said they expect to not add any more tiers of gear for the forseeable future. Colin Johanson said that while the game might add them later down the line he expect as Game Director there will be no new tier of gear. sources below.

Matt Visual Interview: (2 min mark)

(edited by Beorn Raukar.4328)

Is anything else happening?

in Living World

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

First, just because an event requires large numbers of players does noy mean it is zerg content. The phrase comes from the starcraft zergling that is mindless and just has basic attacks. Tequatl, Marionette and Wurm require some strategy and forethought. Hardly zerg content. Second, you supported they idea that they abandoned the idea of dynamic events, which they haven’t. And maybe you don’t like these events and that is ok. But clearly they have been adding dynamic events in the game semi-regularly.

Will China get to do existing living story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

They could just start up on Season Two of the living story

Is anything else happening?

in Living World

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

You mean new Dynamic Event chains? Anet has given up on those.

So true – so sad.


Didn’t they put new event chains recently into Kessex Hills after the fall of the Tower?

They did. They added a lot of dynamic event chains in Kessex Hills. They also added the toxic spore events in other zones like Queensdale, Brisban and Gendarran. Also the new bosses are still working on Dynamic Event framework. They clearly have not “given up” the DE mechanic. People just choose to ignore some facts in order to justify their arguments.

Any use for leftover Tricolor Key?

in Living World

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The chest for the Tricolor Key is still located by the tower’s wreckage. Mobs in the area still drop pieces of keys as loot and you can buy pieces from Marjory’s Assistant near the camp for Toxic Spores.

So I brought this again: The Scavanger Hunt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I would assume it will come on the Feature only patch after the LS S1 ends. This is only my speculation of course.

New race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

One think I’m most impressed with regarding Guild Wars 2 is the fact that the developers didn’t feel the need to slap breasts on the females of every race.

Funny story. In GW1 there were no female Charr, as per the lore the Flame Legion were very chauvinistic in the sense that they kept them out of any sort of political/combat role as they deemed them unworthy. One of the main characters during the uprising was a female Charr from the Iron Legion. Anyway, into the funny story. While in the development of the concept art for the Female Charr it was discussed if they should add breasts to them. One of the concept artists proposed that it should none or six, due to them being based on cats that have six nipples. This was in an interview pre-release that I’m too Lazy to find.

No more loading screens

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I completely agree with you, Firefly, and Dean is correct. Not to let you down, but this is certainly a no-go. Even if all players on the forums signed.

Not just that, but I am somewhat sure that this, exactly this, is the thing that allows ANet to keep the game free-to-play. A server to handle instanceless games is a huge deal.

Look at that: Remember that video? That gave me a lot of hope back in 2009 that the game would be instanceless (no loading screens), but no. You can see the portals there. I am pretty sure ANet forgot to remove the video from YouTube, since it is inaccurate today. What’s that, Black Citadel? What’s that bone dragon entrance? What’s that Rata Sum entrance?

Who knows maybe Guild Wars 3…

An instance is very different from a series of maps. While you do have to load up every map independently each map is persistent, it always exists regardless if you (or any player) for that matter is there or not. While I do agree that the design decision of cutting it to maps has something to do with lower budget in server infrastructure and development maps, keep in mind that the overflow system exists because of this design. If we had one single huge map, overflows would be unusable, because a lot of people champ farming in Frostgorge would create an overflow of the entire map, waste of resources and making each overflow (outside of this farming areas) feel more empty that it already feels.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Horizontal Progression and Hard Mode

- In my opinion, one of the best, easiest ways Anet could add a Hard Mode to the game…..

  • Every Player can toggle their own Hard Mode in the Hero Panel.
  • Enemies deal 25% more damage to players in Hard Mode.
  • Players in Hard Mode deal 25% less damage to Enemies.
  • Conditions Inflicted on Players last 25% longer, boons are 25% shorter in Duration.
  • Conditions that Players in Hard Mode inflict on Enemies last 25% shorter.
  • No other player is affected in any way, because the effects of Hard mode only affect the Players that toggled it. Even if you join an event with 50 other players, the event is more difficult for only you and any other player that toggled Hard Mode, that way, players that don’t want to do it don’t have to.
  • If it does need to be more complex than this, add in special conditions enemies can inflict that only affect players in hard mode, (like conditions that lock a player’s ability to dodge, dropping endurance regen to 0, Reversing the effects of damage and healing for a short time, etc.)

- Players that Toggle Hard Mode can get better Rewards anywhere they play in the game……

  • Enemies are 25% harder to kill, so you get 25% more Experience.
  • 25% more Karma when completing events, 25% more World Experience. 25% more Gold. 25% more Tokens. 25% more of everything. (Shoot…., Anet, give us hard mode in PvP, that should be interesting…..)
  • Magic Find should also be increased by atleast 25%.
  • Add in Special Weapon and Armor skins that can only be unlocked while playing this mode.

How do we address Normal Mode players helping Hard Mode buddies?

The simple and elegant solution would be to use the down leveling system. Simply players with HM would be down leveled on a harder curve in order to increase the challenge proportionate to the increase in rewards.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

In my view there are two sides to Horizontal progression that need to be addressed in Guild Wars 2. Skills/Traits Progression and Cosmetic Progression. Below are my proposed ideas for each.

Skills/Traits Progression
The most important thing in progression is the feeling of advancement and progress of a character in the world. Horizontal progression needs to provide the feeling of advancement and progress not by making them stronger but by increasing versatility. The most important thing that needs to be added to the game is a constant stream of new heals/utilities/elites and weapons to each profession.

Heals and Elites are situational and can be added with minor impacts to the dominant meta of the game. They can be the backbone of the skills added (maybe once every 2 months). Utilities can change the meta dramatically depending on design so they can be the next step in the skill additions (maybe every 4 months). Finally weapon skills have to go hand in hand with new traits that synergize well, this is the bread and butter of combat in GW2 it will completely redesign the meta and open up new builds for every profession (maybe every 6 months).

Cosmetic Progression
Second, we need a better tracking system for our armor sets. I understand that the transmutation stone system as well as the armors sold in the gem-store were designed as a monetization system for the game. I will propose an alternate method I think is more robust, much simpler.

There are several complaints regarding armor sets (either in game, or gem store). The main ones are that once you purchase a set in the gem-store you can only have one, if you only wanted one piece of the armor you need to store the rest, and you cannot reuse it in a new character. Other people feel that there are a lot of armors added to the gem-store and none added in game. Finally a lot of people think that it is not a good idea to use the transmutation stones as they destroy one of the skins used.

As many have sugested the best option is to have serchable/organizable wardrobe where we can store our armor sets. It could be organized by armor piece, or type, or by date added for example. While many people have failed to notice is how will this decision impact the current gem-store armor and their transmutation monetization. First, I would suggest that any armor that was purchased from the gem-store goes directly to the wardrobe. Second, a new gem-store item would be added that takes an armor piece, converts it to an armor skin and deposits it in the wardrobe. Once in the wardrobe any armor might be taken out as a transmutable skin and mixed with any other statted piece of the same type, similarly to how the HoM and Achivement Point skins function currently.

This would add incentive for ANET to add armors both to the gem-store and to the game directly. The new stones could be sold for 100 gems each, or a pack of 6 for 500 gems. This would make transforming any armor in the game to a permanent skins making the new wardrobe system just as monetizable as the current transmutation system.

New healing skills in PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Hi Roc,

Actually you don’t need to go to PvE or WvW at all. There is a glory vendor next to the trinkets in the HotM (a Kodan Bear I think) that will sell you items for both glory and gold. Now that you get gold for each PvP match played you should be able to purchase the tome of knowledge that lets you unlock one PvE level, this includes a skill point that you can use to unlock the new skills.

WvW scores should reset with daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

This would discourage holding, since the bases are gonna be lost in a day. ANET should do things to improve defending not make it worse.

Direct Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The entire point of the TP fee (actually it’s 15%) is that it is the best goldsink in the game. As bad as inflation is now, without this fee it would be worse. I would be ok with direct trade as long as it charges the same (10%+5%).

New skills added...healing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

You are only partially correct, my friend.

-"We’ll begin regularly adding new skills and traits to the game for each profession to expand your characters and builds! "

So…adding skills and traits to each profession. So yes, skills and traits for everyone.

The ony skill they did add was healing. They are adding another healing skill. Who cares about healing? People have been pining for more abilities, weapon skills, etc. Not healing skills. Sorry, if this is what they meant by adding skills…one or two skills every month or two that are utterly useless, than again they fail to live up to what they say.

They need to add more things we can actually use. I dont know anyone that used that anti-toxin heal.

Agreed that the antitoxin skill is useless, but it’s a start. Also if they add 1 healing skill for each profession (making a total of 8 new skills) that is a fulfilled promise, if they do that on next release then they did live up to what they said. You might not like healing skills and think they are useless, but they never said we will add utilities or elites or weapons; they just said skills and that includes healing.

New skills added...healing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

First, in the blog post they said the will start adding skills in 2013. They already have added one and now they are announcing they are adding more. They never said, you will see skills for every single slot available, that is you OP expecting way more than they promised.

Second, in no part of the recent Blog it reads that the skills they are being added are for everyone. It seems that there are several (as in more than one) being added, it could be perfectly reasonable to expect that what they mean is they are adding one per profession. There is no reason to call A.NET lazy when you really don’t know what they are coming out with.

Running GW2 in latest ubuntu?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328


I run GW2 with Playonlinux on Ubuntu 13.10. There is a configuration setup for GW2 that does everything for you, it is however in the testing section of the setup menu. It is also recommended that you install the Guild Wars 2 variation of wine. I used this video to set it up,

The video is a bit old, so use the oldest versions available.

Transmutation Splitter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

It gives you back the skin you used and an item with the last stats you transmuted. There is no transmutation history whatsoever.

Tequatl Terror Squad (JOIN NOW BEAT TEQUATL)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I’d like to join in as well.

[Spoilers] What happens to Scarlet??

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Actually, we never really kill her. Right before her health completely goes down she turns invulnerable and she mumbles something like ’it’s not my time to die’ and then laughs maniacally and teleports (you can tell by the animation). We never truly kill her, that is why later we see her at the funhouse, and she keeps invading after this LS chapter ends.

So about the legendary rework... [SPOILERS]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I think my main concern with this right now is that “legendaries” were supposed to always be a fancy skin that had the same power of the current top tier weapon. Not stronger or weaker, but equal to the top tier.

Now it seems they are going back on that philosophy.

Either “legendaries” are going to be weaker or they are going to be stronger. Look at it this way. If they remove the sigil slot and replace it with an infusion slot, they are going to be weaker. But if they keep the sigil slot and add an infusion slot, they become stronger than the current top tier. Meaning they are going against their whole cosmetic philosophy on what “legendaries” are supposed to be either way.

And then there is this whole “other functions and stuff”. What other functions? Is it something that will give an advantage power wise? Give you a buff or a fancy debuff to your target? Or is it just some flashy special effect? Again, one goes against the whole cosmetic thing while the other is for it. But to call an effect a function is wrong. So what could this function be, that won’t give someone an advantage over anyone else?

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me, but Anet seems to be going backwards on a lot of their philosophies about this game. This whole “legendary” deal is just one of them.

I would assume that other functions is the ability to change the stat combination when out of combat. This has already been announced and is nothing new, it is a convenience that legendaries would have so it IS a funtcion. It is not better power and it is not cosmetic.

So about the legendary rework... [SPOILERS]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

stat boost to legendaries?
let’s definetely bury the manifesto?

Did you read the entire entry? They are bringing stat boost to legendary to match ascended weapons. Like before the game released this means that legendaries will be always best in slot items. They are not burying the manifesto.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The invasion events happen in the same time in overflow servers as in the main server as long as said overflow is created within 10 minutes of the event start. Meaning once the event begins you have 10 minutes to get there, either to the main server or an overflow. This is to avoid giving rewards for someone just coming in and killing Scarlet for the reward.

Focusing crystal not dropping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

A guildie is having the same problem. A fix is urgently needed as he cannot finish his achievements. In the meantime I recommend getting someone to run you through the instance to get the rest of the LS.

Add person's guild to the leaderboards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

After you sign into your accounts, if you go to the leaderboards you can select any of your current guilds from a drop down menu. The options are,World, Guild and Friends and they rank you accordingly to the option you select. If you choose Guild another drop down appears where you can select your guild.

Dragon Bash Experience achiev still possible?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The answer is yes and no. Yes, you have missed the achievement regarding the fireworks as that only run during the past weekend. However, for the meta achievement and the reward (shattered wings) you only need to obtain 8 out of the 13. You can obtain it without the fireworks.

Patch download failure.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Mine seems to have been fixed and is now working. I just let it open for a really long time, took about 10 minutes.

Patch download failure.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I got the same problem on a PC

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Limited time things gives the illusion of a dynamic world.

Although I do not know. I think the original idea of dynamic events were that they would make the world feel more alive. Like what you do has consequences. The problem is that the scope of the events are relatively small and repeat too often.

Temporary content is suppose to make the world feel like a real place.

Not only gives the illusion of a dynamic ever changing world, which is a good thing, but it also gives some sense of exclusiveness to players. Meaning, that players who were there when a certain content happened can say, “yeah I was there when, so and so”. It also keeps players coming back to play more, because there is always something new to play. I think this is a wonderful approach to a dynamic world in MMOs.

Moving Guilds to other servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Ehmm any guild you create exist on any and ALL servers at once already and can have members from multiples servers as well if they feel like it. Influence and upgrades bought with influence however is NOt shared amongst servers however but each server has its own pool of influence, guild chat works fine cross server however and such

From what I heard a guild once moved to another server and they had to restart from NULL.
Guess it was a bug then? Just like the bug that you can’t see the trek points of guild trek when you’re guest on the respective server.

It is not a bug, while the guild exists across all servers in your region (EU or US) as a unique entity all guild related rewards and unlocks are tied to the server the guild is on. This means two guilds cannot have the same name even if most (or all) of their members are based on different servers. A single guild can have members on different servers, but each member only contributes to his own servers “chapter” of the guild. If the entire roster of a guild moves servers they will start from NULL (as you put it) in rewards and unlocks, however if they move back the upgrades from the original server will be there.

Clarification on Guild mission mechanics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

There are three things you need to consider. First, you can only do one mission of each tier per week; e.g. one tier 1, one tier 2 and one tier 3. Second, you can only get a maximum of 25 merits per week. Third, you get the amount of merits indicated in the mission menu and they don’t add up. For example, if it says tier 1 gives 15 merits and tier 2 gives 20 merits and tier 3 gives 25 merits; you can do a tier 3 that will give you 25 merits. However if you do a tier 1 it will give you 15 merits and then a tier 2 it will give a total of 20 merits (5 extra). Namely the amount of merits indicated is the total you would get if you do at least that tier for the week.

Guild Bounty boss question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Plain and simple, none of the guild events should be done with less than 10 people, and I’d recommend a lot more than that if possible.

In my guild we finished a guild bounty training mission with 4 people without scouting first, so it is quite possible. We got Poobadoo, that is an easy boss but with a big route.

To the OP, it really depends on the boss. If you can find him you will need 4-5 people to kill him as the bounties are Champions in a group event, even then with such low numbers you might need some real organization since there are some special mechanics to the bosses. However if you are shooting for a 1/5 chance of success I think it is quite likely you can achieve that, as long as you recruit at least 3 more players.

Guild Bounty Bugged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

An officer has to talk to the Bounty NPC an option to engage in combat will appear, only then can you attack. If you know the option is activated by officers and an officer tried to talk to the NPC I would assume that, like you said, a bug happened. My guild did a T2 on Sunday and a training previous Wednesday and it worked perfectly.

Guild Bounty Bugged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Just did one on Sunday with my guild and it worked perfectly. Keep in mind that there is a special setting for activating the guild bounty targets, by default this is only set up available to the guild leader. In our guild we have it set up so that officers can activate them as well. If your leader has not changed this setting it means that while you may be able to activate the bounty mission, only the leader can activate each target individually.

New in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

A.NET said starting on October the game will see monthly content updates that will keep evolving the game world. Some of this updates were seasonal holidays (and this you won’t be able to play again until the holiday comes back next year) others were one time events (that you will not be able to play but you will be able to see the consequences of the events) and the third is the living story content (kind of a story spanning several months that you can do at your own pace, but once that chapter is gone you cannot play it again). All of the updates come with new features that stay in the world and you can experience such as new zones, dungeons, puzzles, etc. The updates we have gotten are below

1. Mad King (halloween seasonal event)
2. Karka Event (one time event, Fractals)
3. Wintersday (christmas seasonal event)
4. Flame & Frost – Prelude (Living Story ch.1, QoL update)
5. Flame & Frost – The Gathering Storm (Living Story ch.1, Guild Missions Update)
6. Flame & Frost – The Razing (Living Story ch.1, WvW update)
7. Flame & Frost – ?? (??)

On regards to the books, they are available electronically on amazon for a price. I am not sure about for free, but they are worth every penny. The first one (minor plot summary)follows a group of heroes as they seek to take a relic needed for the peace treaty between the Charr and Humans the second one (minor plot summary)follows the five heroes that eventually form destiny's edge on their first adventure.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I would suggest finding a group of friends you can constantly do dungeons with. This would help your overall team performance. You won’t run into this issues with people who prefer to run with specific professions. You can’t blame ANET for how their players and community build the META. Onto your suggestions, my oppinions are,

- A random dungeon finder is a bad idea. If anything it promotes the behavior that you are complaining about. If the party does not like what they are getting they just “kick” and get the next person in the que. It also is very anti social.

- The skipping Bosses and Mobs I agree, but it is extremely hard to design this. Players will always move on the path of least resistance and there will always be people who will try to either exploit or speed run content (I know speed running is not exploiting btw). As designers ANET have to balance difficulty/reward without crashing the economy while avoiding all the issues that players might use, this is really complicated problem.

- This is already in place with the DR system for dungeon tokens.

Necro's scythe animation on Final Rest?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I completely agree with this, having the shadow scythe animation appear below the actual scythe art makes it look really odd and ruins the entire feel of the weapon. I love my staff Necro and it is my main character for support.

Asc. gear, guild missions.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328


Let me give you my opinion on your concerns, again let me make it very clear it is my opinion and what I do personally in game regarding what is bothering you with he game features. Regarding focusing everything into main characters I do not believe it is the case, what I do is pick one (or two) to run FotM and I am gearing only those with ascended items. Those are the only ones that really need said armor since are the only ones that are going to need Agony Resistance. I am totally fine with the currencies that this game has, it allows me to progress to meet my goals by doing a certain type of content that I choose to. The only thing I wish is that there would be a way to store them in the collectibles tab in the bank. The guild mission system I like it as it is right now for two reasons; first, it adds a sense of progression to the guild meaning that they didn’t just add content they also added the idea that guilds have to do things together to unlock new mission types. In my guild we have been doing events, dungeons, fractals, WvW and of course guild missions more often because we are saving influence for the unlocks. Second, it gives them enough time to expand on the system by adding new missions and mission types that can be unlocked and played through the current system. Overall my point is that there is a greater view and just because the content is not designed to be consumed in 3 hour timespan it does not make it a bad content update.

Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I believe it’s possible to give anyone access, you just need to enable it in ranks. Still need the leader to do that, though.

Yes, that is true – the problem with absent guild leader remains.

But it is a problem with your guild leader being absent, not with ANET not giving you the tools for other people other than the leader to activate missions. For us we contacted our guild leader and asked her to log in as soon as possible to give us access to activating missions as soon as the patch hit.

Other ways to get tokens from dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Would be nice if all the currencies were interchangeable somehow, but that’d just lead to exploiting and farming whichever is easiest to earn and exchanging them. If you didn’t notice, Anet is trying to spread players out as much as possible, there’s no way they’d do something like this.

well what ever happen to " play the game how you want to " is that a lie too ?

I am really tired of this argument, there is really nothing preventing you from playing your own way. People assume that just because the rewards for doing a certain type of content are different from other it means you cannot do that content. All exotic armor sets are the same strength (with different stat allocation). You play however you want to play and get rewarded accordingly for your effort. It is not I can play however I want and get the reward I want. If you want a particular set you have to work for it, period.

Last 2 updates worth of an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Colin came out to the forums to clarify peoples expectations on his remarks. He said there will be no new professions, maps, weapons or any sort of content of that type. From what I understood when I read the news this comes to “an expansion worth of content” not “an expansion of content”. Meaning that he was talking about quantity and scope, not type. I think we have gotten (and will get) our worth of content between the living story, guild missions and the delayed WvW update. This including a lot of tweaks to reward systems and existing content like Orr, Dungeons as well as the Meta Event Chests. To top this off we have gotten quality of life updates such as the dailies, the achievement tracker and the trading post preview.

Guesting + Guild Missions = personal rewards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

How did you participate in the mission? The guild bounty unlock upgrade takes 72 hours to research, even with the Asura Contract it will take more than a few hours to finish. Any other sort of events are time restricted by the acquisition of merits and further tiers in the guild upgrade tree.

Guild Missions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

This is the way it currently works, it uses the DE system. So once the guild who did the research activates the mission anyone on the map where the event happens can help. They will get loot and rewards for it.

World transfers are too expensive.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Can’t you just make a new character on this other server? Or do all of your characters have to be on the same server? What if you delete all of your characters and remake?

all characters are on all servers just you can only go on one server

For WvW purposes, you need to be on that server. I was curious how the above worked. Even though Fergs are awful, I’m content with the server I’m on for the time being. Would be nice to know I could make a character from scratch on another server if I wanted to though. Like if I found some long-lost guild I haven’t seen since my UO days or somehting.

You can’t make a new character in another server. In GW2 it is your account that has a home server, not any of your characters. Meaning, even if you delete all your characters and start fresh your account has the same home server. I would not recommend doing this.

Fractals of the Mist - Broken Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

you can target and hit the cage door and it will open.

In my opinion, Fractals of the Mist is a complete fail.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328


My guild finished 2 sets of difficulties with very few party wipes. We died a few times, but it was due to the fact we were experimenting with tactics and once we got them down we rocked the dungeon. If you are having problems with the difficulty at lvl1, yes the problem is on you. Maybe dungeons are not the type of content you would enjoy.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I got disconnected just when my party got to reach the boss in our second time into the third fractal. When I logged back in and entered the dungeon instead of getting me into the fractal (and checkpoint) we were at it disconnected every person in the party and sent us to Lion’s Arch. Very frustrating considering we were almost at the boss fractal.