Showing Posts For Beorn Raukar.4328:

Luminous Weapon Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

It is good we have some nice exclusive skins. Probably from the 5th birthday forward you can get 2 skin choices from the set which I think rewards loyalty to the game.

HEro point only giving 10 points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

New specs will require unlocking with special missions from what we heard already. NPCs are actually teaching you how to become new profession.

So what I think this means is that in order for my newly made thief to become Deadeye without jumping ahead in the story, it will only have to do PS, LS2, HoT, LS3 and ONLY THEN go to PoF and unlock the bloody spec? Screw that so much.

I don’t like the sound of that, I really don’t. Hopefully it’s at least account-wide.

Given that you are not required to own LS, or HoT in order to play PoF this is not accurate. A brand new thief can go to PoF and do the story to unlock deadeye. You are thinking progression in GW2 as if it was vertical when it has always been designed as horziontal. You can unlock deadeye without ever unlocking daredevil.

Why no elite spec testing I'm PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I’m only interested in testing the elite specs.

Well, I am! So, did I get this right? We won’t get to test the elite specs this weekend??

Next weekend is Elite Specs demo. PvP and WvW,

Request - Raptor 2 Dye Channels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

My guess is that gemstore mounds will come in time, some of those will have more dye channels.

Why no elite spec testing I'm PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

You can test everything in the PvP lobby. Against golems and other npcs if you want.

In PvP gear. Not PvE gear.

And not against enemies I know how easy or hard they are for me at my skill level.

It’s not the end of the world and I’ll probably end up going there to see how things look, but I can’t really do any testing that’s meaningful to me. And was just wondering if there was a reason to only do WvW and PvP for the test.

You can test your PvE gear in WvW against NPCs in some places

Mount usage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I hope not, LA’s janitor has enough baggage with all those charr running around.

Confirmed to be usable in all GW2 maps. Core, HoT, PoF, LS and cities.

PoF Demo - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

It’s a non-issue, because the mounts feel great, imo. Oddly enough, they’d be a lot more generic if they controlled 1:1 like characters do on foot.

The thread is there to post your first impressions and not about to argue about.
I ordered the deluxe edition Im kittening kittened off about what Im about to get here. And I dont give a kitten if you dont like it or not because its my money that I want to have back and not yours. Get it.

There should be a motion blur setting somewhere

PoF Demo - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I just pre-ordered PoF after spending 10 minutes in it. I quit because of HoT. There was just nothing in it I wanted. This demo is what I wanted back in 2015 out of an expansion. It looks great.

My feedback would be this: Are we going to get guild halls that are less tied to HoT? I just went to my guild hall for the first time since HoT came out and SO much of it “requires HoT”. Would be really nice for players who just aren’t interested in HoT to use their guild halls to full potential.

Great work so far on the new expansion though. It has me genuinely excited for the first time in ages for one of my favorite franchises of all time. Consider the Guild Hall stuff though please. Enjoying a guild hall shouldn’t require specific content in my opinion.

There’s a new guild hall for PoF

While there is a new Guild Hall in PoF the actual Guild Hall features are an HoT expansion thing. So you cant start a capture mission if you dont own HoT, and if you dont own HoT you cannot use any of the guild services it provides.

4 hr 2do 1 boss in a raid is unacceptable

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

And people are doing 4 man matthias while this guys complains

Future of Group Content

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

All they mean is that the story of Arkk is done. New fractals with deal with new storylines but they will continue to be added.

Action camera in raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I wanted to craft mesmer gear for raids, but looked at builds and they use ground-targeted wells. It is convenient to place wells with action camera mode? Or pick another class? How good necro, elem and war are played with action camera in raids, mb other classes are also useful? Playing druid now.

I am the main Chronotank of my guild’s raid group and I exclusively use action cam. It is a steep learning curve, but we have managed to consistently do all bosses in the raid. So it is possible, but it takes a while to get used to it since you have to angle your field of view to the ground every so often to cast the wells.

2-3 months between LS3 Chapters

in Living World

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

What I don’t understand is people were complaining that raids were getting so much high quality content, and that is one release every 4 months. We told them that those release were HoT content spread out over time. Now that they are getting the same cadence that they praised before with raids (and even much much faster at a chapter per 2 months) it is “too slow” and “locking content”. ANET can never win.

Raid Narrative and Lore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The raid team could be making new dungeons or fractals, or just like the cancelled legendary team they could be helping with living story.

Raids are costing us content. Fact.

Raids are content, and that is a Fact.

Content that less than 5% of the playerbase consumes. Why are raiders incapable of thinking about other people and the survival of this game? Wasting dev time on content only a small percentage of people will ever see is how games die.

Why can’t you see that the 5% of the playerbase also matters as well. The fact that only 5-10 devs are dedicated to raids in a company of 300 people means that only 5% of the company is dedicated to raids. 5% of the company creates content to 5% of the playerbase seems fair. If anyone is incapable of thinking of other people is you, saying if it is not content you personally like (or that the 95% of the playerbase likes) it shouldnt have any resources devoted to it. I hope you get Living Story soon, I wish no ill on any other player and having more people engaged and playing is good for the game. Let us have our little slice of the game while you enjoy the rest.

Raid Narrative and Lore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The raid team could be making new dungeons or fractals, or just like the cancelled legendary team they could be helping with living story.

Raids are costing us content. Fact.

Raids are content, and that is a Fact. It might not be content you enjoy, but it is content. It is the most replayable content in the game. Living Story is coming out soon, and we know new fractals and fractal redesigns are coming as well this year. The current raid that we have gotten is part of the expansion it is not content that you got instead of living story it was sold as three wings staggered in time every few months. They were developed with HoT and probably tuned and polished in the months after. Living Story on the other hand they probably started after HoT launched which is why its taking a while. It would of been the equivalent if you would of gotten the HoT maps every 3 months, at this point you would be only getting Tangle Depths or Dragon Stand.

Shadow of the Dragon is impossible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

did you try to kill the shadow skelks periodically? they are the ones that put the fires out

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

@Heibi : They are not elite, they are nothing but a bunch of kittens who thinks they are “elite” just because they are doing raids. You cannot reason with them.
To be honest, cant wait for Anet to fail that much, until they will remain only with their so call “kittens elite”.

Funny you should say this, because most people that raid are actually quite welcoming. PUG raiding is hell, but get together with a group of friends and learn. You are dissing “elite” when that is a label that non raiders in this thread have thrown out. You are generalizing something on your preconceptions. All that raiders ask is to have the little corner of the game while other people can have the rest of the game and everyone else is welcome to try and join. But I would say there is much entitlement from people that think that they should get everything in the game without any effort.

The main issue here is that people think that every part of the game should be catered to them. I agree that ANET has always said that all game modes should be accessible by everyone, and Raids fall into that category. You can do it in exotics, all you need is to practice if you desire.

It is time for ANET to realize, despite their best intentions, that there is a real issue here – one that needs to be addressed and fixed sooner rather than later – even if it means postponing the third wing of the current raid.

The release of this Raid, which comes in three parts is something that comes with the expansion. The development of all three wings was probably done together and that is why it is ready before Living Story which comes after the Story of HoT.

Raiding, in the form they have chosen to release it, turns the game away from that direction. It also happens to happen (by design or not) during the longest open world content drought the game has ever seen.

There is no drought, content is being released. The content itself might not be for the open world players but that is OK. Not every patch should be for everyone. I could on the same token say that raiders have had the absolutely longest drought of content. Since the launch of the game until November of 2015, over three and a half years, and complain there was no content. But that would be ridiculous, there was content just not the content I played.

Earlier, I outlined a concept for scaling raids based on a simple gold/silver/bronze reward system (just like we saw at game launch) that would allow raids to retain that difficulty while still offering a path forward for the general population – all without making major (or in many cases, any) changes to how the current fights are designed or scaled.

I really do not see what harm it would do – and it really is time the ANET team accepted that something has to be done sooner rather than later.

The harm it would do is that it would completely destroy the entire concept of Raiding. It is entirely based on the difficulty it has and by undermining that difficulty it would destroy everything they are built upon. Again, no one is excluded from raiding like in other games all it takes is the desire to do it.

Why were dungeons abandoned?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The reality is people do not miss dungeons at all, they miss the easy gold. Plain and simple, if you liked dungeons you will always be able to find like minded people and still run them. There are guilds that are devoted to this, they are still there to run.

As to why were they were abandoned it was because ANET tried several times to improve them. You say, why don’t they just revamp them. Well they did (AC), people started to run them less. You say, why don’t they make new ones with better mechanics. Well they did (TA:Aether), people don’t run them at all. So why should ANET spend time and money (development resources) on a part of the game that people don’t run. People are complaining not because of lack of dungeons but because the easy gold is no longer there, that is the hard truth. Now if you want that gold it is hard and it takes time to learn, people don’t want to put in the effort.

Plain and Simple.

Temple Defenses locking Collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I think they changed that to where now you can also do the defense of the temple. If a collection is not unlocking when you do the defense you should report it as a bug, specifically for which collection item.

MOP: Adding Sloth Raid boss feels like fluff

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Adding lore would be a huge plus. Right now we got some chick named Sabetha that kidnapped a couple Pact members and we gotta go through some magical foresty temple thing to rescue them. Did Sabetha just pay Vale Guardian to stand at the gate or something?

There is lore, you just got to pay attention. Flavor dialog and the journals are your friend. It is clear that Sabetha is not running the operation, she herself says as much I feel we will hear much more on the further wings.

Ad Infinitum: Update?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

For full disclosure, I completely agree with you, but I can’t really change ANet’s mind on their corporate policies unfortunately. I wish they would be more forthright about their targeted schedules, while making it clear that they’re targets and not definitives.

They always make it clear that they’re targets and dates are not set. That does not stop the community from flipping out when things get delayed. I keep hearing about how ANET should improve communication, but that goes both ways. Communication is a two way street and the community should think about how to improve their end before demanding anything.

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

100g for 400gems is imo a felony that should be punished if it was real life

No felony here

it’s like hey here you want this awesome keychain? Well it used to be 70€ but this month we’ll ask 100€ no one couls so this unless ofcourse they have a monopoly

They are not randomly spiking up the price, the price is fixed always it is 400gems which corresponds to 5€ in Belgium. What is changing is what that corresponds in gold, as the exchange gold to gems can fluctuate. In your example is not like they increased the price of the keychain in euros, but the price of that keychain is fixed in dollars and so many people from the EU want to buy that keychain that they cause the price of the dollar in euros to increase. In a virtual game where gold can be generated out of nothing (as opposed to a currency in real life that needs to be backed with productivity and international exchange) the exchange can have a lot of volatility.

Returning after 2 years, HoT questions...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Ok, first let’s go over some of the features you listed.

- Heart of Maguuma (Storilyne + new zones).

Correct, 4 new maps they and have 3 biomes. Essentially each biome (canopy, jungle floor and roots) represent a map on top of another, this gives each of the maps, a sense of verticality and aditional space on each. Also they come with events, map wide meta events, world bosses. We haven’t heard how long the storyline is, but I anticipate probably as long as Living Story Season 2, so about a third or half of the personal story. You will also get access to free Living Story updates in the future as they said those would require HoT.

- New mastery system (the old trait system reworked).

So actually Mastery system is their version of L80+ progression system. In other games with an expansion you get higher level cap and a new tier of armor. In GW2 neither of those apply and as such what you get is a lot of passive and active new abilities that horizontally expand your character. You have things like gliding, ability to unlock merchants in the new maps, ability to use mushrooms to move around, ability to craft precursors, etc.

- Specializations (no idea what is this, like unlocking radically different gameplay skills and mechanics for your class after level 80?).

Specializations are what you listed for masteries, they are a new version of the trait system, this are already in game. Now you select 3 specs (previously trait lines) and out of those select one trait out of 3 possible on 3 tiers. However what is coming with HoT are elite specializations, where the elite replaces one of your core specs. Aditionally to being like a normal spec with traits, it unlocks a new weapon for your class and a new class mechanic. For example Necro is now a Reaper and can use now Reaper shrowd, Mesmer is now Chronomancer and can use time to rewind time by shattering his clones. The reason we are only getting one new class is because every other class is also getting a revamp by the use of elite specs, you can switch to the elite spec and back to the core profession out of combat anytime. I suspect no new classes will come into the game and only new elite specs will show up.

- New class (revenant, just one?).

see above

- New pvp and wvw maps.

WvW is getting new borderlands, but they are also getting a revamped commander system and a whole lot of upgrade revamp and new guild claiming mechanics. PvP is getting a new game mode called stronghold that comes with its own new map. There will also be new reward tracks and pvp leagues with it’s own armor and rewards, including a legendary backpiece.

- New guild stuff (after so much time without playing I don’t really carea bout this).

Guild Halls where you can build and decorate is actually quite a big deal, I understand you might not be interested yourself but it is quite a big thing for a lot of people. Most notably it has a brawling arena that is customizable with props and supports up to three teams and 40-50 people (maybe?)

- Raids and Fractals (added by me)

You will also get a revamp to fractals and increased fractal cap to 100. They are gonna add more fractals in the future. Also Raids are coming shortly after launch, the first wing (out of three) for the first raid has 4 bosses to defeat and is supposed to be really difficult content. Rewards are the pieces needed to craft legendary armor (which have the same stats are ascended but have cosmetic appeal and convenience by allowing you to change stats out of combat.

- Core game goes free, and veterans (ppl who bought the base game so understand I’m a veteran lol) get a character slot if prepurchase expansion, nothing more.

The expansion is the same price for everyone, you as a veteran get the perk of a free character slot.

As for what happens if you don’t buy the expansion, the answer is nothing. You can continue to play the game exactly as you do now. You will get access to PvP Stronghold (but cannot upgrade to new Heroes), PvP Leagues, new WvW borderlands and you can enter an already claimed guildhall. Everything else you need the expansion, new zones, elite specs, masteries, new class, story and future story updates. As for “getting stuck” at 80, guild wars 2 does not do vertical progression and as such there is no additional levels or gear. level 80 will always be level cap and ascended (legendary) will always be top tier gear.

Agony Infusions?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

They will still be required, but only for FotM

Cross Guild Chat = mass confusion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I’d image that the final system will say the guild tag rather than G3

You’d only really have confusion if you were in two guilds with the same tag which… I mean that doesn’t sound like a huge problem.

In the picture it shows both G3 and the guild tag. I imagine this is to avoid such confusions as to when two guilds have the same tag.

Cross Guild Chat = mass confusion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

At ANet anything within double parenthesys is a testing string. Most likely final version will just say G3 instead of ((G3))

Cross Guild Chat = mass confusion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Actually if you looked at the stream next to the person’s name it says the guild tag.


Scrapper, how it should have been

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328


What I am suggesting is a change in the mechanics. A new set of toolbelt skills, from the current to a gyro-centric set. It is a lot like the dragonhunter loosing access to his current virtues and gaining access to the new ones, or the necromancer loosing death shroud and gaining reaper shroud. I guess an offcombat switch to select if you are using gyros or toolbelts would not be the worst, the button could work similarly to the ranger’s menu to select the pet.

If you have any ideas on how to improve the mechanics I am suggesting I think that would be great. While I do believe that it is way to late to change any of them, since release is only 3 weeks away. Maybe give Irenio some ideas on how to change it post HoT launch.

Scrapper, how it should have been

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I’d add that the gyros should be able to function underwater since right now none of the new elite spec’s skills can function underwater.

Agreed, this should apply to all elite specs where they should work underwater in some way. Hopefully we can get an underwater revamp where all skills and traits work (in some modified way) in the next expansion.

I like that as well.
I also think that Elite Specs should replace a part of the core mechanic of a profession for something different. As you described it now simply adds to the core by giving you an additional weapon and some extra skills. The core function of toolbelt does not change.
So yeah, a trade-off like this seems good.

I don’t think necessarily they should replace the core mechanic (like in the dragonhunter, reaper) they could perfectly add to it (like in the druid, chronomancer), the problem is that the extra mechanic is almost unusable unless in two very specific situations, it is complicated to target and apply which makes it mechanically convoluted.

thing only is op… without the toolbelt engineer looses a lot of stuff like blast finishers, stun breaks, the ability to throw potions, nuke turrets for finishers, knockbacks, condition pressure, strong attacks and much more :\. Id alter your versiona little.. basically a “toolbelt switch”. Basically you can swap your toolbelt like a rev does his legends, the entire bar gets replaced with a gyro remote that lets you deploy and nuke em what gives you their toolbelt effects… basically nuked medic turns to his waterfield toolbelt skill while sneak does its reveal move and purge unloads its poison field and so on. If you swap your toolbelt you get the entire swarm of gyros swarming arround you what gives the enemie sorta an indicator that you are about to command your gyros and to swap back to the regular toolbelt gets a reasonable cooldown of 15-20 secs to not be able to just spam skills like a madman, also you need to judge if you need the gyro itself or just its toolbelt, cause if you need the toolbelt you gotta destroy it so there is the element of strategy and also counterplay. The drones themselfes keep their high cooldowns and low HP cause you dont need to sacrifice your already rather limited utility slots on the drones and the (imo completely stupid) function gyro gets activated while in gyro remote mode too. There.. engaging mechanic where you need to judge if you need your toolbelt that wont be available for a (in a battle) long time or if you need your gyros to use a different tactic. But noooope, lets make the mechanic a pretty stupid and easy to kill gyro that you only see at two situations that can happen in battles, make it 30 second cooldown and make the rest of the spec skills (CEPT the hammer) underwhelming compared to kits and elixirs… oh well… atleast ireno´s favourite child the druid turns out nicely…

First, let’s not turn this into a thread of attacking other elite specs. I love the druid and what it brings to the table. Let’s keep the conversation on topic and exclusively to what the engineer brings to the table.

Second, I think it is OK for engineer to loose some mechanics from the toolbelt. Essentially it becomes a cost of opportunity and that is an important trade off of being a scrapper. It cannot only be gain extra things without loosing anything, specially when our traits and weapon already synergy well with other stuff from the Engie. I do agree that maybe giving enemies the hint of what you are going to do depending on your bots might be problematic, however the herald works similarly with the glint auras. I think this adds counterplay to the gyros if you pay attention to their design, this justifies the buff in HP and utility. I think tho adding a second skill on the toolbelt after you summon (which could be the current toolbelts for gyros) could be useful. They could modify them a bit so the Scrapper does not loose as much utility from sacrificing the toolbelts for the gyros.

Scrapper, how it should have been

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I love the Scrapper specialization. However it is mostly due to the hammer and the specialization tree itself. That said, the unique profession mechanic is lackluster and situational at best and the skills added are useless due to the gyro’s low HP and not great IA. I have read a few threads on how to improve the class mechanic and this is my take on it.

First, the class mechanic is almost non existent and really hard to use. It offers no mechanical difference from the engineer and there is absolutely zero cost of opportunity for bringing the elite spec in this regard. Here, every other spec wins some mechanic but looses on another. What I suggest is transform the toolbelt skills to gyro skills, where all the drones will be here and all skills in your utility will no longer give you a skill in this bar. You would have Medic Gyro (F1), Blast Gyro (F2), Bulwark Gyro (F3), Purge Gyro (F4), Sneak Gyro (F5). This would add the cost of opportunity of the scrapper. Additionaly instead of having a recharge these would function on a fuel system which mechanically would work like upkeep skills on the Revenant, where there is a regeneration rate and each gyro you maintain consumes an amount of fuel per second.

Second, the skills we would get would be survival skills that can fit the scrapper theme nicely. All these skills would be centered at fuel management and generation. The heal can give a certain amount of HP and fuel gets refilled (the more fuel you have to regenerate the less HP you gain). The utilities can grant an aditional regeneration rate for some time, a flat amount of fuel gets added, faster recharge of gyros, consume all fuel and explode all gyros. The elite can recharge all fuel and heal gyros.

Finally, gyros themselves need a HP increase in order to survive most situations. Also, they need a speed increase in order to keep up with the engineer. I read somewhere that the gyros themselves can maybe use the mobile AoE technology to be on the Scrapper at all times and this would work great.

Let me know what you guys think of my ideas. And yes, I know it is probably too late to implement any of these changes.

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Ten Ton Hammer published this article about the Tempest. Between the flashy overload attunements, the shouts and the non traditional warhorn it seems to me it’s time to by excited. CHOO CHOO!

Where did the mobile app go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Keep in mind that the new API does actually count. It allows developers to be granted permissions to certain aspects of your specific account. So there have been some new apps by third party developers that can read your inventory and your trading post history.

Guild Halls - moving to new one?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

3. #needatleastfifteenrytlocks

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

How are they scamming you? You might consider the price too high, and that is OK you are entitled to your opinion. But this is how markets work, supply and demand. As suppliers they are free to set any price that they feel like and you as consumer are free to decide if it is too low or too high. But it is certainly not a scam, that involves deceit and here there is none.

An Honest HoT Assessment

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Traits are now becoming specializations, which is what that quote is referring to. This change is actually coming with a patch before the expansion. All specializations (i.e. trait lines) are getting restructured and rebalanced, losing some traits, merging some and getting new ones. Grand Masters are getting the biggest overhaul as we can now only choose from three loosing versatility but gaining in power of each trait. The only thing that is locked are ELITE specializations. This whole system if balanced properly will not leave players without HoT “in the dust”. Players with the expansion will only be more versatile. You will still be able to compete in every aspect of the game PvE, WvW and PvP.

And as for new content, of course it will be mostly focused on players with the expansion. That is what expansions are for.

Currency Exchange?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

As a security measure for stolen accounts the currency exchange is blocked for some time after you activate your account. I believe it’s 2 days (might be a little more or a little less).

Server Transfer Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Your bank and your wallet are account wide, everything that is there will move with you once you transfer servers. Any item that is soul bound however, I recommend you delete before you move. Any items that you have in your guild bank, as well as any updates on it will stay on your previous server.

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Crafting is not in general a good way to make money.

T7 deldrimor steel, elonian leather and bolt of damask strongly object to your opinion
not to mention those T7 insignias and inscriptions that sell for 50g+ each

Now at what point in my GW2 career will I understand a single thing you just said?

When you dedicate yourself to crafting. It is certainly not for everyone but if you enjoy it and are willing to be consistent you can make money by crafting the highest rarity materials.

Another problem I have: I can’t find anyone to play with that has a mic!

Join a Guild, mine is pretty friendly we have a TS that you can join. Usually people get “interviewed” through the TS, but unless they are total jerks there is no problem with anyone joining in.

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The most important thing of GW2 is that it plays very differently than other MMORPG. By that I mean that you need a different mindset than to WoW or RIFT. I am in Blackgate, message me in game I would be happy to guide you along.

Dev livestream: Ready Up: Feb 28 @ 12pm – Devs storm EotM!

in PvP

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Can the Dev’s please just clearly answer the following questions in the most simple fashion with no strange innuendo or undertones that hint at something else:

Should everybody blow all their Glory savings at the vendors before March 18th?
Yes, they have been saying for months that glory would be taken away as currency.

What happens to any left over Glory?
It will get removed

What do people do with the multiple stacks of PvP Glory Boosters they can’t possibly use up before March 18th?
They can delete any stacks that were not used. Again, they said several months ago that Glory will be removed. People had plenty of warning to use glory boosts. Glory Boosters that were purchased with gems, are eligible for a refund, you should submit a ticket.

That’s the main concerns of the hundreds of people I know, we can endure change but nobody likes to be screwed over basically because they mistimed something or had to make choices based on speculation.
There was no speculation, the announcement of glory removal came directly from the devs several months ago, they added the glory vendor and recommended people to spend all their glory. This was almost 3 months ago.

EDIT: if the answer really was as simple as “glory is gone” than upset people are upset me included.
Again you had plenty of time.

Take out overflow from events

in Living World

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

You guys do realise every map in this game is an instance, right?

False, if every map in the game would be an instance it would mean that every person that goes onto a map would get a separate distinct copy of the map. You would never find other people in the open world, outside your party. In GW2, maps are divided into smaller sections connected by portals. But the whole world is still open world and uninstanced.

Marionette plans after this chapter?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

For instance, upon her final defeat, she could maybe just collapse on the ground and stay there as a mini jumping puzzle.

This would be AMAZING!

so Radiant/Hellfire boots...

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

It should most definitly not be at 12k. There is a clear progression about the Radiant/Hellfire skins. They unlock every 3k AP, first the Helm, Gloves and Shoulders of both (3k, 6k, 9k, 12k, 15k and 18k) and then you will unlock under the same mechanics the Boots, Chest and Pants (21k, 24k, 27k, 30k, 33k, 36k). I’d like to point out I am nowhere close to the 21k mark, but I am happy with the skins progression of the AP.

ANET! You Delivered :D

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Thanks for posting this. A lot of people complain, and when something gets added to address those complaints, instead of recognizing it they just move on to the next thing.

what is the point of this edge of the mist?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

However, the eotm progress does not count as world experience, wvw points, glory and such

Just so you know, the only thing you cannot earn is score towards your server score since all servers of the same color are piled together. You can still get loot, world xp, ranks, badges, etc. Everything else you would earn in your normal maps you can earn in EoTM.

The design of the EoTM is meant to be a testbed for new mechanics for WvW, since the scores are not changed by this they can add new types of gameplay without affecting standing and seeing if the community likes them. Second, it allows players that would otherwise be waiting in LA to do something. Third, it’s design clearly favors roaming groups because of the large amount of choke points (for now we are still seeing a zerg vs zerg because its the new shiny).

Blackgate got first NA wurm kill!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Screenies. Congratz to everyone who joined for over a week to try this until we got it.


Feb 4 Patch - EOTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I just want some story instances…Hope it will be more than just new WvW map.

From the Massively article it sounds like there will be a couple of story instances that reveal more about scarlet’s plan.

New Super adventure box?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Almost zero since Scarlet Arc is ending in two patches, I doubt very much that they will head over to SAB before April 1st.

Max Players Overflow/Home?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Exactly, No. Aproximately we have tested on Blackgate during the worm event to be around 150. The reason why they are so low is because the zones are smaller, when you have bigger zones you expect players to be more spread out easing the load on the servers. The reason why we have smaller zones is the overflow systems, that was designed to avoid sitting in a que.

how do I stop autoattacking...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

((ctrl))+((mouse left click)) to enable/disable auto-attack on any skill you want. You can if you want set your heal, utilities or elites to auto-cast also.

How to make the Marionette into a Fractal

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I think a good way to do this would be to split each player into each lane of the boss fight, acting as the commander of that lane. He gets a bunch of NPCs to aid him in defending the corresponding lane. Once all charging steps are completed, all players go into the platforms at the same time. Each person gets the current wardens (with some reworking necessary) and they have to kill the warden and break the seal to break a limb. Repeat 5 times for all limbs and the win. Outside you would get the epic feel of being in a group and commanding your army against the hordes of Scarlet and inside you get to be the lonely hero against the boss.