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Poison Master - A few more effects

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Might be better to use the threshold system so having poison stacks after X (applied by the ranger or the pet) remove a boon.

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[suggestion] Let's fix Beastmastery

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I am just going to keep my expectation low and maybe they will surprise me (and not in a bad way).

Depending on their timeline maybe once they’ve finished rebuilding engineer there might be some time to work on the pet behavior and pathing, but I am not sure where ranger sits on the to-do list.

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[suggestion] Let's fix Beastmastery

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Kind of the MO unfortunately look at what happened to spirits from the betas until today, pretty much the kind of whack-a-mole development that was stated as something they didn’t want to do.

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Mortar Kit and Rune bonuses

in Engineer

Posted by: Bran.7425


How do you all think the Mortar Kit will interact with on use of elite skill bonuses from rune sets?

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[suggestion] Let's fix Beastmastery

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I prefer the pet’s stats being separate. It lets you build tanky while getting good damage from your pet. You should pick a pet that fills the gaps in your own style. It works far better than the pet just being a weaker version of yourself.

What they need to do is give certain pets condition damage and healing power in their stat pool. If devourers, spiders, and certain cats and birds had about 650 condition damage base you could trait it to get 1,000 condition damage on your pet. Then the difference wouldn’t be as severe and the pet would be an extra source of conditions.

Likewise if the sylvan hound and moas had around 650 healing power you could trait to 1,000 and have your pet function as a nice source of passive heals and a regen bot for builds with lower sustain.

It is playing to that ‘strength’ of the ranger that got the pets an across the board nerf in damage (which they didn’t really need in PvE/WvW, spvp was arguable) and with the addition defense they are looking at giving to both ranger and the pet they might very well do it again.

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Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: Bran.7425


Umm it’s a huge part of most fractals, and the AegisX2 per shield is nice as well for doing things like facetanking Archie to keep him stable for faster kills, and mossman for reflect and aegis.

MoC traited, WoR, hit shield at 22/23 on WoR reuse, when shield falls you’ll have WoR popping back up for near complete overage for about 36s.

And this is why Anet stated making unblockable attacks more common in PvE.

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Blinding Befuddlement, icd makes sense?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bran.7425


Not trying to derail, but I think that icd’s are part of th ‘numbers’ that are skill a very up in the air part of the development.

Without too much focus on the numbers (as they can easily change those) how is the functionality compared to other choices you could make in builds?

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[suggestion] Let's fix Beastmastery

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


That is a side effect of having the pets have completely separate stats from the ranger. It also allowed for the amount of ‘filler’ traits in current system designed solely to deal with the issue of not giving the pets secondary stats.

Not arguing for or against that design choice, but it does bring situations that are not (really) occurring in other aspects of the game. The closest comparsion would be mesmer interaction, but that isn’t really accurate as they are designed with very different thought processes and intentions.

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I don’t think that there is anything that really needs to be talked about with you. You have your opinion and other will have their, your ‘facts’ here can mostly be boiled down to “No you are wrong” this isn’t as simple argument of fact as opinions are the basis of what is being discuss, but I think that this is probably pointless as you are going keep this going back and worth adding little to nothing to the discuss and boring me at the same time (the worst of the two things in my view).

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


You are not understanding I will try to explain this to you in a better way, with an example.

Perception: “Rangers are garbage in dungeons”
Actuality: “Spotter and Frost Spirit provide party buffs before pets abilities are taken into account”

So presentation is important, sometime more so than fact as arguing with anyone that thinks the longbow is out of line, especially when all projectile generally use the same basic mechanics.

I can agree to disagree on the perception on presentation, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t something that needs consideration and if you are so immature not to continue use the ‘its laughable or you’re being too sensitive’ may you choke on your own eyes.

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(edited by Bran.7425)

What do you think turrets will play now?

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


hmm what else is ai based and u can check your facebook midfight with? MM necros? PU mesmurs? Spirit rangurs?
but in all hoenstly AI based builds should not reward anyone, they belong to pve environment with all other passives….

Stop lumping spirits into that grouping only for the body blocking, they are just bad banners that can be killed with a secondary effect with two interrupt chances.

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


And that adds what to the general discussion. That you find people disagreeing with you laughable, I’d hope not as that is kind of sad.

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


It was more the seemly general lack of interest for myself which wasn’t really there in the section on the warrior which was after ranger (so the length of it had little to do with that).

I am just purposing if they had made jokes about Elemental Attunement how much more would the elementalist how would it have been taken?

While I think we all they don’t have to produce those live streams, but while you may have your view on the presentation understand that other may not be likely to share it. and perception of things can be more important the actualities.

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


That is a point there, I really like the idea of really strong skills having a drawback, and wouldn’t mind it at all, but some groups are really annoying to deal with whenever you try to learn or test something, and this is the reason why I don’t even use the LFG tool anymore… And for what I’ve seen, rangers also seem to get more hate on groups…

Sorry about the rant here, I just felt like ranting when I saw that lol

They would have to make sure that the greater risk for reward style skills actually have a place in the the content, however that would mean they would need to take in account the possibility of their use and with the general lack of thought that went into reflection and what it can do to content I doubt they would do much better with skills that could potentially cause more harm than good for players.

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


They do really need to work on how they choose to present the information about the professions, imagine if the engineer (or elementalist) changes were presented in a manner similarly to those of necromancer or ranger.

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I think we can all agree A-net hates Necromancer.

Not entirely sure if they really do, it could be a case that the nature of the profession (similarly to ranger and mesmer) to just bug out, much more often than the other professions and while being stuck in bug fix mode could make a person a bit burned out on it. I imagine a similar situation on whoever gets stuck working on adapting armor/outfit models for charr/asura if hypothetically they would rather be working on something else that could effect the quality of the work.

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Finally, turret engi has been fixed

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


Question for Arenanet developers: Why the turrets were nerfed in all game modes? Was there much complaints that turrets were overpowered in pve or WvWvW?

From everything they’ve done so far they are loathe to split the functionality of skills/mechanics unless give no other choice. However this being the sPvP subforum you are not really going to see much sympathy as the focus of many a poster is solely spvp despite there being additional game modes that are stuck with the changes for good or ill.

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How strong are Rangers?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Note that you have to keep track mentally of the cooldown of the aforementioned knockdown skill (It’s called Brutal Charge) as has a 40 second cool down and they didn’t do the best job in giving the player the information on tracking non-F2 pet skills.

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Traps and spirits were more interesting, specialized, and unique to the ranger in Guild Wars 1. These changes are, at least on paper, the first steps to get back to that. I don’t want traps to be just another arbitrary name for area affect spells, and I don’t want spirits to be just another arbitrary name for group buffs.

That being said, if they want GW2 spirits to feel more like they did in GW1, we need major mechanical changes. Edge of Extinction, Winter, Frozen Soil, and Quickening Zephyr were far more interesting than “X% chance for Y on hit.” GW1’s nature rituals also affected enemies and allies at once, making their use a much more interesting decision. In a good way, they weren’t always helpful.

Unfortunately, if they went back to that style effect for spirit the skill sets would see even less play than the majority of them do now. The first mistake some ranger made with them would have the ranger pushed out of group content.

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Is Ranger in WvW underwhelming to you?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Basically it’s a case of “Anything a ranger can do, another profession can do it better.”

I’d disagree. Coming from a Guardian to Ranger I think we can do many things more better. I’m actually surprised that I do 10x better on the Ranger in regards to surviving a fight or resetting than coming from a heavy armor wearing class.

Seriously. Even my guildies are irked in that I’m always on the Ranger now.

Edit: I should clarify – it is just my opinion. Not like it is the be all end all Just how I personally feel.

Somehow I picture most of that performance increase is in the form of a none rune based 25% movement speed. From what little I gather some of the guardians (and the mesmers for that matter) are convinced without that they are garbage for the mode.

More on topic: I see WvW as a mess in general:
1 They tried to force mass combat into working with a small scale engine/balance focus
2 They did a 180 on their stance of WvW ‘balance’ as from what I can remember they really didn’t what to balance the mode as part of its design
3 On the ranger specifically while it can roam well the mass combat in its of AoE heavy form make the ranger class mechanic more of a detriment than an asset

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Another patch elementalist nerf

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bran.7425


I hope you realize celestial Nerf is only for PvP not pve.

and who cares about trash pve ?

Likely the metric that pushed for an expansion and the population that is more likely to throw money regularly at Anet, but spvp can completely stand on its own and keep the company in the black.

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Predator’s Onslaught need buff..

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Hmm, after looking at all the trait notes again I think some of the issue here is that Anet is being inconsistent with what level of effect is appropriate with a trait tier. And as much as they probably don’t like profession to be compared they themselves did that when they started homogenizing similar traits in the past.

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What do you think turrets will play now?

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


Not sure you’d be happy as they’ve considered making the 1500 range and the rate of fire from Read the Wind baseline, unless there are different changes you were wanting.

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Predator’s Onslaught need buff..

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Quick question. How much of a factor is (in your opinion) that the trait effects both the ranger and the pet?

I am of the school of thought that if they want the ranger to be the pet class then they need to work more on the 2 as 1 aspects, and that they should not count effects affecting the pet again the balance potential of traits.

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Ele Weapon Skills: A constructive feedback

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bran.7425


Reserve for under water skills. Although I’m not sure if people care enough about it, nor if HoT will have underwater pvp combat.

I wouldn’t bother with underwater combat as part of the discussion, it seems to be a legacy item where pvp is concerned as they removed the ability to even interact with with underwater option in spvp. I’ll be kind of surprised if there is more than a couple of underwater areas in the open world maps added in the expansion.

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About the new Greatsword Training gm trait

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bran.7425


It seems to be part of their current design model as there are not many weapon based traits that effect two non-off hand weapons (and the majority of them that do just include an underwater weapon, with I think some part of the company wished they had never released).

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New Balthazar Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


To each their own, but I would agree that the bows not good at all, but how often do they produce bow skins on par with any of the others?

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Finally, turret engi has been fixed

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


So are you going with fixed as in neutered? I can see that as it seemed like the playstyle was reproducing kind of quickly, but that might have had more to do with engineer being on the dailies a bit more often than it should be.

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Weakness on World Bosses

in Living World

Posted by: Bran.7425


Anything with Unshakable also has a 50% reduction of duration on weakness place on it.

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Make clone death baseline

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


It really comes down to are they going to take the time to fix the coding of replacement find room for the clone death traits or are they going to use that time on other aspects of the profession. So how much of a priority would it be?

I would guess there are other problems in the game that would take just as much effort for aspects that are just as essential (if not more so) that they are avoided due to time/manpower constraints so this might be a pick your battles situation as the changes aren’t going to please everyone.

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Why does Anet Hates Thieves....?

in Thief

Posted by: Bran.7425


At this point I think almost every profession this making similar statement, except for engineers (who feel loved and I am sure many that do not play the profession are hoping it amounts to bad touching) and some of the guardians (mostly due to arguing about what category tomes among other skills)

As players that have thief characters or perhaps prefer their thief characters to other profession is the any that after seeing the proposal are in a worst spot (or with the tone of discussion more hated).

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I was just answering the question in the title

How about the thought in this thread?

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Shared Anguish

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Welcome to ranger.

In all seriousness the current traits are in such a mess that after removing/merging most of the pet’s don’t have gear/secondary stats one there isn’t even enough traits left to fill the list let alone be good for the tier they are placed in.

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Make clone death baseline

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


I think that most of the issue with the on death traits is the that someone coded replacement as a death. Then clone death traits are just as mindless (using scepter) as your issue with cleave.

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Can we all agree Anet hates Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I don’t think they hate ranger players, but I think the the limitation of set up by the profession from the beginning (which seems likely to have been worked on my people no longer working on it or at the company in general) and are stuck dealing with it is more of the problem. So that leads to less excitement about the profession, like the comment about making new ‘ranger’ skills versus new druid skills.

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Solution to fighting off points

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


Kills was on the daily probably has a bit to do with it, that and there are some with the opinion that any other objective beside kills takes away from what pvp is ‘supposed’ to be.

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Predator’s Onslaught need buff..

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I wouldn’t say that the ranger community is easily satisfied more likely (I can say this is the case for myself) we set our expectation low as that is what we’ve experienced from Anet basically since the beta tests.

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Predator’s Onslaught need buff..

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Somewhere there is someone counting the adjustment of the pet as enough to count as 15-20, it will probably be just like signet something that seem glaring obvious about 2 years and then they might think about fixing it.

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Remove quickness penalities

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


The other professions that have quickness that comes with a penalty are warrior and ranger. It was in a thread in the ranger subforum where this idea came from.

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Most Dangerous Game trait = Lame

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


The trait is plain weak for a grandmaster.
… Not bad for the early trait placement like it is currently proposed, but absurdly weak for the grandmaster. Just saying.

I would agree with you, but so long as the developers (read Peters) think that it is too strong to remain as a adept choice they will change it. It still think that Peters had not been keeping up with was being worked on where ranger was concerned and was blind-sided by the trait and had a knee-jerk reaction.

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Weapon traits should not be in Beastmaster

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


That is an ele trait?

Yep and one they view as garbage, if you look at all the traits (currently) they feel aren’t good it can be kind of depressing looking at the ranger list.

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What happened to Eagle eye?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


One source on Reddit has it becoming a base line, but it merely states “range increase”, it does not say exactly what the range will be.

On a similar subject, is Piercing Arrows being removed completely, or am I misreading things?

Longbow uses lead the wind for gain piecing and shortbow light on your feet.

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Adding 'emoticon-styled' icons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


Here is my suggestion once the icons for the various traits have been designed add the ability to post them to the forums so when they are used when you hover over the trait it tell the name of it (maybe add hypelink effect to the wiki) that way there is a system in place beyond knowing the name (which many do not as they are called the line and the number currently) and it easy enough to use avoids trait abbreviations that are often shared.

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Power of Inertia with new Specs

in Thief

Posted by: Bran.7425


They could consider adding might onto the successful evade on feline grace.

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Most Dangerous Game trait = Lame

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Something tells me they will worry about its interaction with fortifying bond and would like to avoid having it work on the pet as well.

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Balance between male and female.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


There are so many same sex relationships in the game, do we even have any heterosexual relationships represented by the main characters anywhere?

Jenna and Trahearne are secretly lovers (don’t tell no one).

I would have thought Anise and Canach had something going on, but it would probably be a bit alternative (some domination is probably going on) for it to be vanilla.

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Falling Traits Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


The falling damage reduction ones purposed for thief and necromancer aren’t nearly as bad as they are built into different traits while other profession kept theirs separated not entire sure what prompted that decision other than lack of ideas on what else to put there.

As for the revive traits I don’t know again it might be lack of other option and just needing something to put in a empty place. Odd thing I’ve noticed is the ranger managed to keep two major revive traits while all the others have one.

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Most Dangerous Game trait = Lame

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I have a feeling it will not be buffed (at least at first) when it is moved to the Grandmaster tier. Peters didn’t seem to like the trait even as a grandmaster, I just hope it isn’t reduced to useless as a grand master when it launches just so they can play it safe.

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Locked into lines we don't want?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bran.7425


Have you looked at the relocation/merger of the traits and seen what build would play in that spirit? If you were focused on clone replacement death traits then it might be one of those bad for the player good for the game changes.

Yes I have, the build is simply not supported by the new system.

The idea is that clones are indistinguishable from the mesmer (so auras are to be avoided except when the guano hits the rotating blades) and actually put out a fair bit of damage (not nearly as much as a more bursty build but trickster is a long-term strategy) while active, so it’s in the interests of the mesmer to keep them alive and casting until summoning skills (aside from dodge which is generally used for dodging unless it’s a faceroll fight in which case builds are pretty much irrelevant) refresh sufficient to bring a full set of 3 straight back; Shatter is not something that gets used very often (except in faceroll fights). So ideally all clones should be active, so the idea is that if one is destroyed then they apply a few conditions as a sort of consolation prize. The clone-bomb can also give a bit of breathing space to summon a replacement.

Trickster is probably not “meta” but I enjoy it as a build, it works well enough, and it feels very mesmer-y … even though it doesn’t utilise shatters.

The new traits don’t support any retaliation on clones, includes shatter skills everywhere and also has traits that either apply an aura or require an aura to be active in order to function … thus utterly breaking any chance of hide-and-seek.[/quote]

So you want to play without using your class mechanic unless you have no other choice? This seem like more of play style choice that build doesn’t really effect. So accessing 3 grandmasters in three line can’t even get you in the ballpark of what you were doing?
The removal of retaliation (don’t phantasms still have it, but that is not the point) from mesmer and thus clones was a design decision they made as it (from the live stream) didn’t feel mesmer-y as you put it.

I have some empathy for your situtation that aspects of play you preferred were moved away from, but the more I re-read what the issue is it isn’t the locking of only 3 trait lines, but the design shift on the profession you are playing.

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(edited by Bran.7425)

Revival traits and HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bran.7425


You think those by themselves are bad they left one completely untouched on ranger trapper’s defense is looking to just be place a spike trap while reviving. The increased speed is on a different trait in a different line (it grants swiftness so…)

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