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Moa doesn't really fit Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Bran.7425


I wonder how badly it will work underwater? Tuna everywhere, except the things you were trying to aim at.

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What about Hide in Plain Sight?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


There’s 2 “while reviving” traits for ranger, while all other professions got their various revive traits rolled into one. This might open up a spot for hide in plain sight. Other options include just adding it to the falling trait or (and this one is most logical), roll it into Shared Anguish.

I have a feeling that ranger may be stuck with the 2 revive based traits as they seem to have a tough time designing anything for the base ranger.

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Ranger Revamp Discussion/Feedback Megathread

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


With inconsistency of pet attacks landing I would prefer current EB over that.

But I don’t want EB either, I want another on demand option. Remove 2 on pet swap would do the trick. That plus evasive purity and healing spring is all you would need.

Unfortunately, that sentiment is basically the problem* of the ranger in general. The problem is that unless they change their stance on the improvement of pets (which I am not sure if that will remain as they are willing to do a lot more work on the engineer so maybe their is a chance) the ranger will always be sub-par. The reason I suggested the additional way for the pet to get rid of condition is partially to help deal with the bad design choice of ‘your class mechanic’ suffers for the sake of a traits design. Empathic Bond is a grandmaster and that should mean something.

*The other part of the problem being perception, if the pet works at a level to be competitive and not just a detriment then there will be people who cry ‘easy mode/I win button’ or the keep AI (I hate that term for it by the way it is a behavior setting at best not an intelligence) out of pvp (the cries of petting zoo is annoying if the spirit could fight I could see the issue, but they were basically a weird banner that could be kill).

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Dear Robert, why clone death matters

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bran.7425


Wasn’t there was discussion about the issue of replacement unintentional counting as a death for the purpose of traits. Something tells me that this interaction probably was a minor (if not major) part of those traits being removed.

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Compilation of small QoL Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


When look at the request for baseline additions between profession Fortifying Bond is no where near as much of an issue in comparison.

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Compilation of small QoL Suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Ranger could use some built in boon removal.

Also pet only traits need to be looked at as they are not really adding enough to the over all effectiveness of the Ranger + pet focus that they want to use.

Fortifying bond (as it is now) probably needs to be made baseline then have the replacement trait increase duration on pet boons applied to the ranger and ranger boons applied to the pet.

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Much needed staff change.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bran.7425


0/10 Would not read again.

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Falling Traits Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


thanks for the posts and for the infos you players provide and one interesting thing i saw was one person suggesting to merge the falling traits with the res traits, this fits in my opinion very well while not removing them but still opening up one trait for other stuff

They’d have to look at every revive trait before making that call as many of the already have been part of mergers and rangers for some reason have two different ones one to place a trap and one with swiftness applied/increased revive speed.

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Make (Fast Hands + Warrior Sprint) Baseline

in Warrior

Posted by: Bran.7425


Agreed on this. These are pretty class-defining traits.

I’d be careful about using that wording as Elemental Attunement is consider by the elementalist to be a defining train and now it competes with Evasive Arcana trait for grandmaster.

It would not be too much of a jump in logic to have fast hand (which does change how you play some) to be place as a grandmaster. That being said the entirety of this is still a work in progress so until it is released we will have to see how the development goes and send input in as need.

Too many additions to baseline reeks of power creep and what kind of balance reductions will have to be done to all for that kind of functionality.

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Ranger Revamp Discussion/Feedback Megathread

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


This would be far more amazing than anything Anet is capable of. Literally would make it GM worthy if the pet could transfer all three conditions on it on attack. Would also make taking wilderness knowledge less of a certainty, because you could transfer condis instead of cleanse them.

I was thinking one condition transfered per strike that make multiattack pets have synergy with the trait as well as with signet of renewal. A well placed drake lightning breath perhaps, devourers being a possible choice instead of spiders.

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Ranger Revamp Discussion/Feedback Megathread

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Would have been nice if they had empathic bond also allow the pet to apply the transferred condition on attack similar to the minion trait from necromancer,

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Bran.7425


I think ever necromancer player has their favorite line… Minus Blood magic because no necromancer player worth their salt likes blood magic.

I think that is a fallacy there if not the for the concept of blood magic. Otherwise there would not be nearly as many threads/post touching on how it could be improved.

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Most Dangerous and Light on your Feet

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


We may have to wait until they do an additional follow up (hopeful with the person who actually worked on the changes). Peters’ response to viewing the trait seemed a bit knee jerk at best (especially with near constant mantra of the numbers aren’t set and work in progress). They also seem to me at least to have an entirely different tone when discussing the ranger compared to any of the other profession.

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Falling Traits Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


The problem with that reason is the fact that they merge a skill type cd reduction trait onto the fall damage on necromancer so if you are interesting in running corruption you get the fall damage reduction as a added bonus not something they seem to do on (m)any of the other adept tier cd reduction traits.

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Ranger Revamp Discussion/Feedback Megathread

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


It would have been nice if they did a bit more with the minors (was there any profession where they said didn’t change more often) it seem the majority of the effort went to find whys to make the opening strike line work through adjusting major traits rather than adjusting the minor line.

Also why two revive traits one to place a trap and the other for increased rate of revival. If they are looking to make the choices have more meaning they really need to address the blah one that seem to just linger around.

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-66% cd on next skill after weapon swap

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I can see the mesmers loving the double rapid fire as they were handed out reflection hand over fist.

I know part of it was the length of the stream, but the way the presented themselves on the ranger section (along with Peters’ early comment make them seem to have something against the ranger profession in general)

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Falling Traits Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


So just now getting the watch the Ready Up from yesterday and I think the fall damage trait that have not been adjusted need to be looked at.

The Toxic Landing trait is probably the only one of its type to really have a place in the trait lines currently.

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Engineer Demand List for HOT

in Engineer

Posted by: Bran.7425


You forgot to ask for a chopper and large amount of unmarked gems.

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Yup! turret nerf inc!

in Engineer

Posted by: Bran.7425


Hopefully, turrets will get something in return when the nerf happens, but I don’t see anything drastic. Might see a band-aid compensation such as more armor or hp for turrets.

Doubtful not many negative adjustments get compensation, just be glad they haven’t started nerfing other options just to make the remaining ones look better.

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Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


Chill on slowing down cooldowns should come into this case, especially since Chill is something with fairly low duration and few application.

If the turret actually had a skill of it’s own beyond it auto attack that might work, but as it currently (as far as I know) the additional skill is the use activated skill on the engineer itself which you could already chill. Seems a bit odd to picture that working as you seem to think it does.

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Dumb luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


Better than anything I get which is usually a repair can or consumable. Last time was a single forge stone. Kind of makes me disappointed when its a black lion day.

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Pls increase ele base HP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bran.7425


Even with the current health pool without a complete (read not likely to happen) rebuild of the profession they are unlikely to make such a drastic changes.

Most of this as I understand it is that (the build that works best in spvp) elementalist is stuck in a place between garbage and godhood and even minor changes to just numbers could topple it to one side or the other. Much of this problem is systemic and most of the changes that could bring more diversity ultimately would throw the existing build into an area that would just see the entire profession nerfed far worse than any seen to date.

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Please Address the Female Human Animation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bran.7425


It all balances out as most of the armor sets seem to be primarily designed with human female in mind and the male set is kind of an after thought. So what’s less animations when compared to being the art department favorite model to work from?

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Ranger Pets

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bran.7425


The main reason I can guess at why people want to get rid of the pets can easily be summed up in three statements:

1)The pets underperform* (effect to effort on ranger is not even close to a good place)
2) Anet know the problems exist, but proper solution take too much time/effort/work hours, so they will only bandaid fix at best,
3) The pets are completely out of sorts in the action/active defense based nature of the game (they current pet system would be better suited a a 10 year old stand and cast style RPG than the game they seem to want gw2 to be)

*This also leads to a problem of perception if the pet performs at a level that it need to be to be truly part of the 2 as 1 ideal that ranger seems to try to be, then it will be viewed and despised by much of the competitive player base (more so than it already is) as they view anything that isn’t in the players direct control is anathema to PvP and anymore most of the technical direction/focus of the game is centered around spvp and the dream of e-sports.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Bran.7425


Their AI is bad because at one point they were so aggressive you couldn’t summon them in open world PvE unless you were going for a full map clear. So when they pulled this back they ended up with this insanely complicated aggro system that honestly sucked. Then they managed to “fix” that complication, but in the process minions became less reliable. And here we are now.

In PvE just desummon them when they aren’t needed, their issues are pathing related and don’t bug out until they move over weird terrain. Less moving = less bugging.

You were lucky back then when I attempted to use minions they just got stuck attacking nontargetable catapult (that is normal targetable during an event that was not up at the time) and it was probably a year later before I tried them again.

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Marksmanship Minor Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I like opening strike. Guaranteed first shot is crit is nice.

Design wise is kind of doesn’t work well with how the ranger works. The profession is basically death by a thousand cuts (often paper cuts at that) with the exception of maul there isn’t any large burst.

Just comparing it the similarly designed sigil which allows for the next 3 attack to crit kind of bring it more into perspective for me.

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in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I’ve never run the numbers, nor made that statement, but I can only guess it could have been possible, before the ‘animation fix’ nerf due to rate of fire. Would have to be single targer at that point. Not to get too far off topic, but before the greatsword chain hits are not really worth noting (see business a usual for ranger) with maul being there for burst.

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Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bran.7425


Just pointing out that the best you can hope for in a cool down reduction is provably 165 second matching the elementalist revive skill. Would you place it on your bar then?Probably not.

However outside of the warrior elite banner how many of the revive skills really see any play?

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Class Comparison: Vigor-on-crit

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bran.7425


The supposed idea was to reduce low investment access to vigor/endurance recovery, but they also missed the passive on signet of stamina.

As for the higher ICD it is identical to the guardian trait vigorous precision.

The issue with the elementalist is they may never really be balanced without a complete redesign, the profession is basically in a weird place on edge of garbage and godhood, and the adjustment keep it leaning towards one or the other.

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Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bran.7425


What: Signet of Undeath
Why: This active of this utility and it’s CD prevent a proper use of this signet despite the acceptable passive
Suggestions: Reduce CD to 90 sec, activation time is now 1 1/2 secs

Cooldown would be too low the only revive skill with a similar cooldown to what you want would be search and rescue (85 sec, but in spvp it has a 180 sec cooldown).

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in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


I’m not seeing from that what qualifies it as “a condition weapon” instead of “a hybrid weapon” or “a power weapon that can apply some conditions”.

Then you could basically call all weapons ‘power weapons that can apply some some conditions’. So where do we draw the line at describing weapons, beyond targeting type.

Ranger in general feels underdeveloped and clumsily assembled, stuck in a weird place archetypically between the thief and the warrior and saddled with a mechanic that would have been fine in a game that was 10+ years old not in the action based game that they claim guild wars 2 to be.

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Class Comparison: Vigor-on-crit

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bran.7425


It’s a Major trait. That’s why the ICD is smaller.

I think the problem is that while the investment on paper is higher they are unlikely not to be placing point in that tree so with the importance of endurance/dodge the trait is a bit strong as adept.

My stance on traits are they should have looked the just the profession as a whole before making broad changes, either that or just finish homogenizing everything they are not exactly good at different, but equal.

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in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Please explain how you are able to state as a fact that “Shortbow is a condition weapon”. Its ability to apply conditions are quite lackluster compared to other condition weapons in the game. On the other hand, it has a better power coefficient than several of those condition weapons.

We are discussing ranger here when has any one its options compared to other profession ever been anything other than lackluster.

The higher coefficient could have been placed there to ease the issue of the flanking requirement though the difference is only 0.05 and the ranged weapons that have it also have additional features (not projectile nature of necromancer scepter and the radius effect of engineer’s pistol. It is more likely the baseline single target nature is the reason for the power scaling.

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Class Comparison: Vigor-on-crit

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bran.7425


I really think they should never have trying to homogenize so many similar traits while ignoring other that are just as similar the traits should have been designed with the profession in mind kitten often it seem direct comparison between profession is frown upon.

But Anet seems to like to just go with broad generalized changes (possible for the amount of effect for the work hours spent)

You make a good point, Advent. I think its inline with what I was saying about Thieves.

I would be perfectly fine with the traits in question if the Mesmer’s trait had its ICD reduced to 5s like the Elementalist. If that’s still an issue given how the Elementalist trait is a Major Adept instead of a Minor Adept … give it something else to be “a little extra oomph”.

That really shouldn’t matter as Anet like to design things like this:

Master major for elementalist, stronger verison of the same trait adapt major for warrior.

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(edited by Bran.7425)

2 Evon Gnashblades? An impostor or a mistake?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bran.7425



/15 characters

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in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


In my opinion shortbow is perfectly fine.
1. As a condition based weapon there is zero reason to increase power scaling.
2. As for utilities it does offer an evade, interrupt an criplle which is great.
3. The flanking things makes it great. It makes the weapon actual skillful to be successive. Unlike LB…

1. It is a conditional condition weapon (and before all the changes to the longbow was a better power weapon as well similiar to the necromancer’s previous situation with scepter compared to axe)

2. They nerfed the auto attack mostly because they disliked the autoattack focused play on the weapon, well lets see they design 3(4 if you argue that poison is more of a utility condition than a damage focused one)/5 skill completely utility (and originally a damage lost to boot) that need to be used with some thought instead of just as soon as it recharges and then complain that people just autoattack (if that was the cast the entire game is in need of heavy adjustment)

3. The flank effect could be handled more creatively especially with the general death by a thousand cuts style that they favor for the ranger, the flanking is essential for it perceived use, yet its impact is not nearly as rewarding as the amount of effort require, but that is basically seem to be the core concept for ranger work 3 times as hard/long and you might get the a similar result as if you had chose a profession with better effort/effect rating.

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in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


They could remove the base flanking requirement for the bleed on Crossfire, lower the damage a bit, then have it do additional damage(or an additional condition) to flanked targets.

Might be interesting for them to add additional mechanics to encourage the ranger to flank beyond the one passive damage trait.

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Downed state needs homogenization

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


Why stop there why not just remove all the profession in spvp and give a ‘balance’ skill set based on the mode (conquest/deathmatch/stronghold)?

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Classes grossly imbalanced on stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


It will only be another source of problems if they attempt to balance a game around all the different modes (what is balanced in conquest may not be so in either death match or stronghold and the same holds true for each) and that is without taking either WvW nor PvE into account (both of which are at the balance mercy of spvp).

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Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bran.7425


Seriously… why the kitten haven’t the pets been fixed yet…

Low hanging fruit.

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Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: Bran.7425


6. They die. They don’t make any effort to dodge AoEs, and you can’t reposition them to keep them safe. This is especially a problem with the bow, because there’s no reason for it to be in combat at all. If they die, then it can put some gaping holes in your defences, or really neuter your damage or CC capabilities. With something like meditations, the opponent can’t really counter them so directly (in fact, they can’t even be interrupted, aside from litany of wrath, but that thing needs to be buffed ), so there’s less risk involved in those utilities.

There isn’t a similar function mechanic in the game that does not suffer from the doesn’t dodge/aoe problem, spirit weapons are not alone there just look at nercomancer minions, mesmer illusions and ranger (pets and spirits what was the designer thinking on that one)

Sure they made mistakes with the spirit weapons from the beginning, but I doubt that the designer really want to deal with the amount of vitriolic feeback that would come from improvements that would satisfy as ‘viable’ is not exactly a easily definable term.

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Please bring back mimic!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bran.7425


What put salt in the wound was the fact that mimic would be perfect in the LB ranger meta. Simply put, it seemed ANet thought Mesmers might be too strong with Mimic and all the other reflects against a ranger, so they nerfed it to something nobody needs. Therefore, they should at least give us something useful if they don’t want us to have the shield-bubble. Maybe if this current mimic could let us copy Defiance from a boss, it could be good in PvE, but right now it’s all-round bad.

Highly doubtful as judging by how most things work mimic would just send back one of the shots. The ranger attacks are mostly death by a thousand cuts (maul being about the only exception) and as for it being meta how many did you see at a tournament.

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Should spectral wall reflect projectiles?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bran.7425


All the people in the group are in berzerker/assassin stats so I’m not sure how that would change the damage…. even if damage where not even reflected back at the mob the fact that you’re defending against something like an Orrian Hunter’s bouncing axe that nukes people for 6k+ damage per bounce would still make it so classes are favored.

The harpy fractal would be no different, or Mossman, or the amount of mobs and bosses with lethal projectiles. The damage from reflection is really the icing on the cake, the not getting downed in 2-3 hits from a projectiles is the actual motivator.

The mob have inflated stat just to have a chance because the behavioral design is generally poor (see how the Jungle Wurm in Caledon had to be adjusted as it would could kill itself with a reflected attack).

As for wanted access to it I can understand that, but how angry would you be if they gave you addition ways to deal with projectiles, then suddenly there are nearly no projectiles or those that used are not subject to the reflection/absorption.

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Class "racism" within community

in Engineer

Posted by: Bran.7425


I can only blame the education system. Profession Biased (more likely Build Biased) would have been a better choice, but could be seen to acknowledge the those that favor a profession/build can be just a biased towards it a those against it.

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Ranger pet - aggressive bug 1 month already!

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


That thread go locked due to the last post (off topic lecture/name calling) I think.

And this one is probably going to end the same way as somebody like to complain about these types of threads.

From nearly the beginning the developers and this subforum/subste of the community have not gotten on too well. From the ‘big’ changes that lead to the aquaman patch, the ‘animation fix’ nerf (grow a pair and call a spade a spade would do wonders for the communication by the way) and the need to make use the ‘rainbow jellyfish’ was actually a different enough model, to the admission that they pet issue will only be bandaid fixed (low hanging fruit) almost forgot (more like repressed) the farce that was the Ranger CDI.

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Does Invigorating bond even work?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Instead of bumping this thread you might want to start another in the bug subforum if the log isn’t working that seems to be something that might go there. Then again they might just move it back here (they haven’t done that with bugs in a while, but you never now).

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Is this intended?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Please! read again: hard evidence=picture, factual not opinion. Opinion do not have evidence.

I am not “crying”: i am standing by evidence that is all

Only because the ‘evidence’ supports your views and bias opinion. Didn’t they delete you similar complaint thread. But how about you spend less time here on the forums and more time on learning to play the game and understanding (nearly) universal intended mechanics.

Also the Original Poster seem to have abandoned this weak and poorly thought out attempt to complain enough to get a profession nerfed on the stance of ‘Bugs must be fixed’ Here one the passive setting on the pets no longer works (and hasn’t for a while) as it was designed to, where is the need to fix that, ‘Oh right it involves the pet and anet can’t spare resources for something like that’ so where in your little fantasy world would they attempt to change a universal mechanic to no longer apply to one profession just because people like you don’t want to learn and adapted.

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(edited by Bran.7425)

Can we get to be dwarves in the future?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bran.7425


The Lore has spoken!

Unless they retcon it, but then again Mist are all kinds of messed up paradox waiting to happen. (Still see my above post on my stance on dwarves, I just like discussion).

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Invisible Players in matches! Games unfair?

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


I am sure it is known, but bugs base threads should really be in the bug subforum.

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Why do people get mad...

in Thief

Posted by: Bran.7425


I see they got rid of the utsusemi skills (from FFXI) guess they finally learned that if you build it they will blink tank with it.

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