The different races are not played equally either, meaning most development resources should be poured into Humans whereas the least goes into Charr.
Looking at the armor skin designs that has been going on from the beginning.
Could you also get some screen shots with the combat log up that could possibly provide additional information as to what else is going on.
I think you expressed this very well, Pandaman, and thank you. It truly was not “every loyal player into the test” but just “We’ve inviting a few loyal players” with the knowledge that this is a brief stress test and there will be other opportunities in the future!
Just a brief question will there be a (more polished) survey system, similar (but hopefully improved) to the one used during the beta tests from before launch?
I really hope so the feedback could be very helpful.
Keep being hypocritical. You can keep listing how strong ranger are, but they’re still not making into the Meta because other classes are just BETTER! If ALL CLASSES ARE OP, THEN NO CLASSES ARE OP!
Added note: You can nerf ranger’s range, but you MUST come with compensation if you want to take away ranger’s only advantage because they’re nowhere near the top at the first place. If you decrease the range by 200, then take away the damage reduction from mid range and close range on LB auto-attack. I’ll call it even because you want us to have more risk by staying in closer range.
Not entirely true then it start to get in to vagueness of builds that counter too many other builds and such, but all in all I don’t see them doing much to the longbow at all short term or long unless they change out whoever is setting the professions direction and design philosophies (possible for the second or third time).
If the extra ranged that most (if not all the projectiles and many non-projectiles have) in the have is the real issue then that I could see might need addressing. If it just a couple of maps in spvp or locations in wvw then just take it as one of those things that you need to think about before engaging in those scenarios.
I am not saying ranger is the most powerful than all other class, i am saying that ranger is very powerful class. I believe you about meta
Let me ask you a question, why is ranger class afraid to have their ranger decrease a little? I play ranger too and i do die a lot by instant kill class when i play with short bow and when i get close. Is it because of that? Sometime i feel ranger short bow need 1200 range: would that help ranger class better? For trade off: longbow 1200-1300 and short-bow 1200 range?
They double-tap shortbow (once as an animation fix) as the second time just so that the longbow would look better/have a purpose. For most it isn’t about fear it is about completely losing the option, because the next thing would be complains about the now OP Shortbow if the change you suggested came to pass. The longbow really seeing play outside of the silliness that is the warrior version is still a very new thing (especially with the snails pace that is balance patches) people generally both want and hate change. They state that they hate the meta and hate exploits, but cry nerf and destruction of the (insert name of profession here).
(edited by Bran.7425)
Maybe get the staff involved and put a line down cross-sectioning it, I could only picture someone teleporting in for some reason and the character would probably look like it is having fit.
I wouldn’t even care if I was the one on the receiving end I think I would have to logout for the day after as I would be laughing too hard to play though. Kind of like how the centaurs in harathi finished some of my asura engineer’s map completion I got chain bounced across some of the map, was entirely my fault was trying to line up a screen shot of something bugged out (can’t remember now for the life of me).
Would you except one that encases you in bone, absorbed projectiles (either game some lifeforce on bone shield eating projectile or a protection during the duration), but cancels on movement? 3 second duration 25 second recharge?
So let me put description of ranger article here so other can see how “almost worthless” ranger is with 1500 range.
The Power Ranger,
Over 60% crit chance
AOE Cripple (Barrage/Muddy Terrain)
Near total condition immunity (thanks to Survival Skills)
Fear (Wolf)
Knockdown (Wolf)
Long range Knockback (Point Blank Shot)
x3 Immobilize, two of which are AOE (Entangle/Muddy Terrain/Spider)
Stealth from Longbow and exceptional for escaping: Hunters Shot > Greatsword > Swoop)
Immunity for 6 seconds (Signet of Stone)
Immunity for 3 seconds (Counter attack)
Long duration daze (Hilt Bash)
Long duration cripple (Counter attack throw)
1500 attacking range
Auto attacks that consistently hit for over 1500 from 1500 range
Enormous spike damage from Rapid Fire, on a cooldown of only 10 seconds
High mobility when using Swoop + Rune of the Pack
An Elite on a 48 second cooldown (Entangle)
I see you have fan into the dreaded 6/6/6/6/6 ranger scourge of all things balanced and truly a terror to behold, the ultimate predator, I can’t even finish that while a ranger could have many of those qualities that you are listing all of which require making choices and specializing for a purpose.
You probably weren’t playing at the time, but longbow’s auto attack didn’t even require dodging you could just strafe back a forth and laugh. Now while they have made improvements to help with this it should have never happened the profession as it stands now would have been in a better place if it had never been released at launch and was being released along side the revenant.
This topic is pointless and rent, should be closed. You also seem very quick to go on the offensive there, I never
You guys try to nerf most nerfed profession… profession that already is poorly viable, and LONGBOW has a name for reazon … some staff ele or mesmer or warrior can shoot or cast a spell almost the same range..Message to OP if power LB is problem for you, you are probably countered, and build to prevent that.. if you cannot dodge two times then my you should probably play PVE, because ranger LB is not even OP.
You might want to look at my post history there bub, I’ve been trying for improvements and clearing up misinformation where I can pretty much from the beginning. So how about you post something constructive and less pointless. Until then think about what you are posting instead of knee-jerking and assuming I am trying to take the one thing about the ranger that makes if bearable for you. I never said a thing about the longbow, you can look at my argument with those that do, but it is much easier for you to just spew garbage and try to use not so thinly disguised insults.
Enjoy you dying mode on a profession that bias well more than likely force out soon enough.
And for the record the word is REASON, not reazon.
(edited by Bran.7425)
Personal amusement.
Due to rising player population, your sixth rune bonus has been hidden.
There title says it all, with all the complaint thread centered around ranger it could very well be only a matter of time before they just throw the profession under the bus to quiet the mass.
So with that in mind where can the profession give up ground that could shut the complainers up, but without ruining the profession?
Don’t their pets take like, 3 condi’s off every 10s? I dunno, I haven’t played ranger yet. But if I’m correct, that’s more than I can do!
Only if the have 6 points in wilderness survival and select that as a grandmaster trait, which most power builds will not have. But when you meet that paragon of power ranger perfect with a 6/6/6/6/6 build then the profession might need nerfed.
Half of the complaints about ranger would disappear if they release HoT and just removed ranger from the pvp daily list to make room for revanant. Most of the complains start from the time ranger is on the daily and the profession comes up just enough to keep vocal complainers from moving on to another target.
Do you know if ele gets ONE weapon, they get around 8 to 20 skills in total, while other classes only get 2~5.
What more can you ask?
They know, but that won’t stop complaint. I have no doubts that giving them a weapon swap would still be viewed as no enough.
You are right, my mistake, I havent used SoS in a while and i must have remembered incorrectly. I still feel like its a little strong in its current state. I would favor a length reduction with an added slight CD reduction.
It is probably just the perception of getting what was a grandmaster trait for free, but if it helps think about the 6 other profession that had that benefit from launch.
Or you can just blind or block while stomp as Guardian,
or you can open stability when stomp as Warrior, Ele, Guardian or ranger or engi
or you can stealth while stomp as ranger, mesmer, thief or engi
or you can use invulnerable when stomp as engi, mesmer (f4),or ele
or you can just dps the corpse to death.L2P… Stop QQ about ranger. It’s not like dogs make them to Meta.
Only 1 blind and not everybody has instant blind.
Not everybody can stealth.
Not everybody has invulnerability.
Can’t do that 1v1 because of the heal.Doesn’t have anything to do with the meta, it’s just not fun when you beat them and then can’t finish them thanks to a ridiculous mechanic.
It could also be said for any of the profession with a 2nd down skill requires a target, that facing any opponent that can stealth is just not fun, but should that mean that stealth stomping should be removed?
Well that trended didn’t last long guess it was the expection to prove the rule.
Devourers can be used underwater, as for the HoM versions of pets they are the same pet as one of the existing ones just a reskin they share cooldowns.
Also they need to either remove the ability for opponents to pickup the forage items or all opponents to pick up conjured weapons.
Pet res is OP whether or not you can do those things. It’s not a L2P issue.
Pet res used to be 2 times slower, and it’s proven one of the most useless F3 outside of PVE. And now people want it to be useless again, while not compensating with anything.
Ranger is not even in Meta, and not even the strongest class to fight, and not even having the best down state skill in PVP, yet people are still QQ about it…
What happened to the community?
It is perceived to be easier to pull other professions down than to hope for improvements to their profession of choice.
Line of Sight do you use it?
Imagine how annoyed the few pvp only players would be if the situation was reversed, like some sort of rally to the SAB or some such thing.
All in all I think it is more to make it seem like things are going on until the next time based content can roll around again. The whole game (with the exception of monitoring the precious spvp balance) is on autopilot while the company tries to push out the expansion as quickly as they can get away with it. The last patch is pretty much a sample of things to come until the expansion is finished.
Matchmaking has always been bad no matter what they done because the player base isn’t there and growing smaller probably.
Actually, i’m surprised they actually did so much for pvp considering how small it is compared to PvE/WvW
Someone very high up must be completely fixated on the dream of esport and so we get all this focus on it while they try to apply that focus on all three game modes. Not sure if there is anything that can be done as it seems much of the player base doesn’t seem to want to deal with any new influx of player.
I was wonder does anyone have a video of anyone getting trapped in small area created by overlapping Rings?
I could be possible that the poor matchmaking has pushed out too many people and the hemorrhaging of player base just compounding the situation. I know now I avoid un/ranked due too buggy queues got old.
And this is how I end up playing with the game muted until they fix this, somehow I can’t help but think it is this bug or the servers not working.
More likely it is a side effect of some other completely unrelated fix, probably whatever was causing the last server crash.
It is still very possible for the new weapon to be off-hand as that alone has more skills to balance than a two-handed weapon on any other profession. While getting an off-hand only is kind of crappy for anyone else it is kind of the place the developers have put themselves in in the general design of elementalist, similarly to how they will probably not (anytime soon) add additional conjuired weapon or kits utilities to the engineer.
The only area that could work out in the new model would have been over with the Ogres and Anet can’t keep Ogres from bugging out it like it is their racial elite.
Take your Reef Drake underwater :-)
The only reason underwater combat still exists is it is too much trouble to remove it and someone liked the idea of underwater exploration.
The original idea can’t work with the current game the why the pet behaves would just have the yo-yoing back a forth as players attempt to get control of the already unresponsive system.
At this point I think that the Necromancer has become the ‘face’ of conditions and with general feeling about conditions being what they are…
Here is mine, but this has nothing to do with which race is better.
The only reason I won’t make a Charr engineer is I already have medium armored charr and like the asura the lack of male/female armor differences make me less likely to create multiple of either with the same armor weight.
Is it just me or is RTL bugged since the patch? It seems like every time I use it it goes completely past the target instead of hitting and stopping.
Might be all the movement based skills I had a similar thing happen with Leap of Faith on guardian. Have you tested it a various ranges, it could be overshooting based on being a less than max range. Generally all the movement skills can have that kind of issue. Then again it could be a unforeseen side effect to the ‘Fixed an issue in which players could take repeated falling damage when running down steep inclines’ polish.
I didn’t think Black Truth could post without trying to plug his streams, learn something new every day,
On noes there is a bit of accountability on the internet whatever shall we do?
But seriously if you feel the need to kick people, then be prepared to deal with the possible consequences. Anonymity would only make it easier for the system to be abused.
this isn’t about balance. don’t make this about balance. this thread is about limiting gameplay, and people that just want to play deathmatch and/or warriors voicing their support.
Well the developers are potentially choosing to limit game play, and that is a option completely in the purview. If/when the change comes it will just be another thing to adapt to, or those that find it to be a deal breaker can just leave.
Back then Quickness what was made Warrior somehow viable back when it was 100% attack speed increase. Right now apparently it is the same analogy for Thief and Mesmer where abusing vertical range is what makes them viable.
The difference between the two is that Warrior back in the days was completely crippled by the incompetent nerf for Quickness because EVERYONE knew that they would need heavy compensation after the Quickness nerf.
Thief and Mesmer on the other hand will need to wait whether they will need that compensation or not because I don’t believe that this nerf will make them completely useless when the nerf happens as soon as the patch hits.
If they had only hit the quickness on frenzy then you might have add something there, but the warrior community has a habit of claiming every universal change in the game is a direct nerf to that profession. As the player base improved that took out a lot of strength of the aforementioned play style.
Tail Wind and Furious Grip probably wouldn’t break the game if they worked out of combat isn’t of in combat only. It is also a pain that the pet attribute based traits only function in combat as well.
Then again they entire profession feel underdeveloped, rushed, and has most likely changed developmental focus a few times, but with little to no adjustments just band aid fixes to keep it afloat.
Line of sight also stops the damage completely.
Also with the activation time it is a lose of damage compared to just auto attacking with the sword.
Deathmatch needs to be an option – no objectives
It would easily be the most popular game modeI seriously doubt this. There is a reason why courtyard is not voted often. And it is not that it is about teams. It is about missing objectives.
I think at this point it is more that the game isn’t balanced around deathmatch and that some profession just do not do well in that.
All in all the new mode isn’t out yet and even once it is out no one is forcing anyone to play it you have choices and option.
If someone wants just deathmatch set up an arena for it, people with come and play if they also share that interest.
Its just one of the many terrible grandmaster traits we have!
That’s nothing new to the game as a whole terrible traits are kind of universal I can only guess that Anet as group is fond of ‘trap’ option,
Feels like the ‘a kill is a kill’ movement is trying for a revival (kind of ironic in a way).
I think a this point it is kind of understood that only the minimum amount of thought goes into how the changes they choose to make will effect any aspect of the game outside of spvp. It is just bad for business to formally announce such a stance as it would cause them to lose too many people who couldn’t care less about the dream of esport.
Here is their stance on it unless they come out and change it this is what we are stuck with:
’Pets that delay F2 use isn’t some wait script we put into their skills it has to do with core AI behavior shared by all pets and creatures and how they decide tasks. Rewriting that has the risks of breaking millions of unknown things so we have up until now band aided the solution. It is something that needs addressing but won’t be addressed until we can kitten how and when we will test it. ’
So outside of the standard PR bull of ‘we know and want to fix it, but we can’t (read won’t) not sure why they even felt the need to release a profession that wasn’t ready yet other the the fear that the lack of archetype at launch would hurt sells/retention.
The whole mechanic is a holdover from when from a disign point giving Ranger stealth was viewed as making the profession too much like thief and in classic Anet design fashion they give the ranger a similar, but poorly implemented version.
After they placed stealth on longbow they should have thrown the camouflage mechanic out the window and just reworked it as stealth.
I’ve been this conversation in game for about a year now, As for the races it is funny there are some of the female norn body type that will cause clipping issue (curves as you put it) being hanging outside of their cultural set.
But something make me think that designing for the non-human (potentially male humans included) are a pain for those that work in those departments.
Necros, thieves (heavily speculated), guardians, rangers, and engineers.
We don’t have any info on warriors or elementalists.
If there really is just one weapon, mesmers seem certain to be the worst off.
Doesn’t really matter what they give the elementalist as by virtue of that profession’s design they will have more added skills than anyone else will be getting.
I can only venture the assumption that these skills (in their design) are a byproduct on Anet’s obsession with node capture conquest spvp.
It just like the backpack not sure who thought either was a good idea. Fine if a individual want to see/hear it then let them have that option, not force it upon everyone nearby.
It was probably the same person who thought having everyone see the flash of level/skill consumable was also great for the game.
There are 10 more between now and the 9th of April