Showing Posts For Clark Skinner.4902:

event difficulties

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I wasn’t trying to do the wasp event, I was ambushed with them + separatists doing the escort event. Also, I was using a level-appropriate melee character. When saying every event should be soloable, did they mean “by at least 1 build of one class in the game”?

Bag Upgrade recipes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Bags are a gold sink and gold sinks are important for stabilizing the economy. Furthermore, donate your old bags to the guild bank, send them to a lowbie friend, or an alt. A lot of people would be glad to have the bags that you don’t want.

What will happen in the world of games if more people like you come with good ideas instead of demand more and more things?

I will be more happy.

It was a good idea up until October. Now our guild bank has smaller bags sitting there. Everyone’s alts are full of them by now. I have bought 2 bag slots.

This suggestion is to make a recipe to upgrade bags to provide a use for the ever heaping pile of smaller bags with no value. It’s also better for the Tyrian environment to reuse bags.

I thought reward chests had 5 items

in PvP

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Has anyone else opened a deer chest? Can you say how many items you get?

event difficulties

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

In Fireheart Rise, there is an event in a very fiery area in the SW with a champ and some kind of turrets firing at you, and those flame birds everywhere respawning. Without the champion, it is possibly soloable, but the champ is the event. I don’t think I got to finish it as I died when I tried with a partner and no more came.

Just did an event in Fields of ruin, escorting someone. The event leads right into the freakin dual wasp champion group event and was swiftly wiped as it happened.

There are no strategies to use when a champ can down you in 1-2 hits. You could throw up invulnerability, use your dodges, and do 5% damage in that time. Once your tricks are done, you are dead.

But considering the promise about champions dropping loot was broken, it’s not worth it to even try these events. It’s a shame they put time and money into making so many events, caves and areas that players have to skip past now.

event difficulties

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Just got killed twice ridiculously fast around the lv 6 heart area in Plains of Ashford. In the ruins of Barradin’s estate there’s a champion boss + about 5 adds. They all aggro at once, even though they’re nowhere near each other. But that doesn’t matter as the boss takes 50% health each hit (which somehow fires through walls). Just died twice with my lv 29 guardian. Did I mention these are lv 8 mobs?

The only other player who I saw bother exploring here ran past me for the waypoint, dragging aggro onto me.

(edited by Clark Skinner.4902)

I thought reward chests had 5 items

in PvP

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Because I do.

I thought reward chests had 5 items

in PvP

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Just got my first Deer chest and it had:
-1 deer finisher
-1 tournament ticket
-1 pistol
-1 medium shoulder

Rabbit chests had 5 items, wiki confirms it. Do deer chests have less? If so why? It’s a lot more work gaining a level from 10-19 than 1-9.

Patch notes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.

Besides, they have done this in a recent patch with a nearly verbatim sentence, which is more of a shortcut to the actual patch notes. And that wasn’t on Christmas. And it didn’t have more details to follow the next day. A thread asking for details got ignored. No dice, Nibiru.

Bag Upgrade recipes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

The number of 8-slot bags are going to pile up the more people get better ones. It’s a waste to throw away a bag, when we just want 2 more slots in it.

I suggest a forge or crafting recipe to increase bag size. Something that, unlike most forge conversion recipes is actually not a worse deal than making a second bag.

8 slot bag + Upgrade Rune = 10 slot bag
8 slot bag + Upgrade Rune + 3 piles of glittering dust = 10 slot invisible bag

Of course it would have to be more complicated than that for different bag sizes. But the >2g it takes for a 18-slot should not be lost when making it into a 20-slot.

Patch notes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Someone found another farm, nerf’d with ANets swift justice….

Source? Or just guessing?

Patch notes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Oh kitten they did it again.

“We’ve updated the game to fix several exploits and bugs. ~RB2”

Because we loved when they didn’t tell us what they changed/“fixed” last time.

Any plan to fix sharded system for dead maps?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I doubt anyone would say no to the ability to choose a common server with all players when they are in PvE zones.

Never underestimate a human’s ability to fight against its best interests.

Patch notes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Cause: Shady updates
Effect: Players got angry.

Let’s release another update that’s shady and see if results vary this time!

Is running past mobs considered exploiting?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I don’t think anyone should be banned, of course.
The way I see it, when it gets to the point where you lose the interest in the exploration of a dungeon, it’s not that enjoyable anyway. Whatever works to keep playing.

Is running past mobs considered exploiting?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I was thinking that they placed the enemies there for us to fight, and for us to skip them, it is against the intended gameplay. They have made patches that prevent people from getting rewarded by skipping most of a dungeon.

The same principle but in a smaller degree would make sense here. That’s why I would love an official response.

I’m fine with it either way and am glad to see what players think.

Plan to deal with culling and thieves in wvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

It’s not like a thief is more vulnerable than others when out of stealth. They still have medium armor and mobility. Elementalists have light armor and can’t stealth through most of the battle.

They are. Lowest hp profession without protection, stability, aegis,blocks or invulnerability. There are shadowsteps, blind, and enhanced evasion.

Lots of blind. Evasion = invulnerability. Also immobilize and knockdowns. As with other classes, these are given at the expense of a utility slot.

And let’s not forget that stealth is total invulnerability to every skill that requires a target.

Even if stealth was taken away, a thief could do fine just building to different strengths and would still take less damage than an ele with equal stats due to medium armor.

Plan to deal with culling and thieves in wvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Thieves have already been repeatedly nerfed, to the point they’re lower dps than most other profs in pve while being the squishy-est.

Strange, because thief has the same health as elementalist, yet wears medium armor. If you don’t think medium armor helps, you could suggest they swap armor types with elementalists.

Also, Anet has said thieves get the highest single-target DPS. And they can down someone in under 2 seconds. No build of mine can come close.

Plan to deal with culling and thieves in wvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

An idea to make them transparent and blurry is misguided because we’d have the same problem with even bigger display load (so even more culling).

In a game where most attacks don’t need to be targetted, being able to see but not target is the same as being able to target.

1. No, it wouldn’t be the same problem because once a character is rendered, they don’t vanish again. The problem with stealth is that they get put to the back of the line for rendering each time they come out of it. Transparent + blurry would have the same culling as every other character. The graphical load isn’t related to culling.

2. Not true. Half of my attacks don’t work without a target. And that blur is very hard to see, especially when spell effects are flying around (especially Time Warp). It’s even hard to see yourself when stealthed in the EB jumping puzzle when trying to see where your feet are on a ledge.

Does the Basic Salvage Kit actually work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

The kits won’t give upgrade items if the upgrade slot is empty.

I am the topic creator and yes this goes without saying.

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Was this thread made so that they could lock that one without backlash?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

They need to choose a random sample of 1000, with the specific intent of getting the widest range of played time and times online, and track those 1000 individuals for 2 weeks.

They could easily increase drop rates for those 2 weeks, maybe even for those 1000 individuals, and say “see everything is fine!”. How are supposed to trust them when they are patronizing us in the OP, ignoring us for a month, and stealth nerfing loot rates. It’s sad that many of us have the mentality about Anet that we’d have with a known conman.

Plan to deal with culling and thieves in wvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

We could apply the same effect that a stealthed ally has to thieves. It makes them transparent and blurry.

If they applied that effect to stealthed characters on both players’ screens, they would never need to be re-rendered each time. It would also fix how the stealth character blinds the human controlling the character, rather than just the character.

It would still be very hard to track a quick thief, and you’d have to wait for them to leave stealth to target them. It wouldn’t affect PvE, and would actually make everyone else not complain about stealth being OP.

Does the Basic Salvage Kit actually work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I never use it on a yellow, except once to see if I’d get an ecto with it (I didn’t).

But I should have gotten upgrades from the lower level junk I’ve salvaged. I’m not hoping for it other than getting one more item to sell.

Is running past mobs considered exploiting?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Only one response? I was hoping to see more when I logged back in :/
Speak peoples!

Is running past mobs considered exploiting?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

There are dungeons with small gangs of mobs along the way that can be skipped safely and which don’t affect the chests or final reward.

Since they were placed there intentionally, does it make it an exploit to skip them to get the dungeon reward for less than the full amount of work?

(This is excluding cases where it is obviously meant to avoid a huge/infinitely spawning bunch of enemies).

I’m interesting in players’ thoughts and even more designers’ personal opinion.

Plan to deal with culling and thieves in wvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

It’s not like a thief is more vulnerable than others when out of stealth. They still have medium armor and mobility. Elementalists have light armor and can’t stealth through most of the battle.

People get angry at thieves because of the ones who do abuse this problem, and when they do, they dance over the bodies of those they cheat-killed.

Sure, it’s not fair to those who aren’t abusing it, but for 3 months all-but-thieves have been being victimized. It’s about time for the fraction that has had it great this long to be the victim of this unsolved problem. Other builds that depend on being stealthed at every possible moment can be adopted in that case.

Plan to deal with culling and thieves in wvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

^It’s nice to see a player of a thief respond with thoughtfulness and fairness, instead of making irrational personal attacks on people who want changes done to stealth. If you are the majority, your demeanor is stealthed, while the unsavoury types are very very noticeable.

event difficulties

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

The skill point in CoF that is in a lava pit crawling with mobs that respawn quickly, and the skill spawns 3 more with at least 1 vet. No room to even kite and a good chance of dodging into lava.

After dying there twice, I asked for help from my guild. 2 came, we got wiped. We tried again with 2 more people who wandered in and we BARELY got it (a level up healed me when I was near death). Hardest part in the game for me. Solo… hah!

Does the Basic Salvage Kit actually work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

20% chance of recovering upgrades.

I’ve never gotten a sigil, rune or jewel out of an item salvaged with the Basic Salvage Kit. Does it actually have a chance at recovering upgrades or is it actually 0% like the Crude Kit?

Plan to deal with culling and thieves in wvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Tab also targets moas and distant targets.

It’s just ridiculous that the plan is to just leave the game imbalanced as it is for a year or so until a fix is found. Just leave it. All that matters is that one day it will be balanced. The gameplay of thousands of people for their hundreds of thousands of game hours until then don’t matter.

Fractal improvements... End of January ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

If they give us 1000 fractal tokens to compensate us for our 2 months worth of programmed griefing, I’ll be okay with the lateness of a fix.

event difficulties

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Basically every cave I won’t even touch anymore because of the crowding of mobs, no room to kite/dodge, and respawning, preventing me from backing out if it’s too hard.

After dying in caves so many times, I just quit them. It sucks going past each event and place that I just don’t get to do because there is no one else in the area.

This is the best they improve FOTM?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

They will fix it at the end of January. So just a lot of toil and wasted time until then.

I expected these changes by now. I also thought they’d increase tokens given after each, as I don’t plan on running a dungeon 200 times to get anything from the merchant.

The fact that they said nothing about that, and that it’s another month before it works properly(who knows if I’ll even be playing then) has at least given me the clarity of mind to decide to just write off FotM altogether.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I’ve seen “prove it” written by the people who have all the evidence, so many times here.

They can easily change the loot rates back, then say “write your loot rates down and tell us what you get”. It’s like going to trial with unscrupulous opposing counsel.

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

“Perceived” and “questioning” were patronizing. “Experienced” and “noticing” should have been the words chosen.

Personally, in the last day or so my drop rates have been better.
The fact that this message saying “please start taking notes about your loot drops and post them to prove us wrong” is given after 5 weeks just as my rates have started increasing again… Shady.

I feel so disrespected by every “move” this company makes in the game they’re playing with us.

Mystic Forge Downgrade--Possible bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I haven’t gotten an upgrade from the forge in a week. It used to be 1 in 5 is an upgrade (approximately). Now I’m not even sure it will upgrade anymore.

Have the upgrade rates been changed since launch?

how do I sell my endless tonic?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Halloween must be different than Toymaker in that respect.

I’d ask support for help, since it is for sale for others.

% chance of rarer materials

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Does this mean a % chance to get an ori instead of mithril from a salvaged item? Or does it affect ecto rate?

If it’s the former, does that mean crude salvage kits are just as good for salvaging ectos?

Toypocalypse Cancelled. How we did it!

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Sounds great! Let’s make a group and— oh wait.

Toypoclypse - I want to start a new game

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Also, the reason people leave ones already in progress is because the group is terrible. New people are just wasting their time with these doomed instances. Those groups should be allowed to die and new instances should start.

Toypacolypse Ruined Wintersday....

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Yeah that running thing was happening to me too, like I was feared. Grr

PARTY WITH FRIENDS in holiday events....

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I agree. It is a crap.

Finding my girlfriend in the Toypocalypse?l

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I wish there was a staging area so that we could prepare first and organize. Strategy obviously makes a difference but there is no time to strategize.

And having users read the rules for 5 minutes while taking a slot in the instance is stupid. Rules should be available outside.

Wish I'd Known About Presents in Toypoc

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Me too. I thought they were items to use in the battle.

Jormag drop rate [Merged thread]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I was told the targetting thing ISN’T a bug, they changed it so you have to use teh bazookas to target the wall. Bazookas have 2000 range I think, which means you can use them from a distance that the 400 DPS won’t hurt you.

As for the adds. If everyone “did their part” and smashed the wall, the adds would come and attack people from behind. Is the proper way of doing it to just leave them?

In the second part, I can’t survive the insane DPS if I stand up close even with all of those water fields. The only way I can survive the fight is by being at the back and darting in to throw an AoE down on the ice pillars. If I get too close the Gods— I mean Vets on the ledges kill me asap.

Also, strangely the window started 2.5 hours ago and no Claw has shown up. With the constant increases in time between spawns, the sometimes huge wait times when the window opens, the lower loot rate, and them taking the small elementals loot from us… I get the feeling they just don’t want us to do it anymore. I’m feeling very edged out of the game. It’s really killing my motivation to do anything.

how do I sell my endless tonic?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

Not true. I tried my endless Toymaker’s tonic and then sold it.

Game of the Year by Gamespot!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I’m surprised by that. With all of the people unhappy with the game here and in my guild, and in map chat… I wouldn’t expect players to vote for it to win.

Lodestone prices [Merged]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

If I told friends who haven’t played MMOs, and who haven’t been trained to slowly accept ridiculous things, they would say that is absokitteninglutely insane and a waste of life.

I just pretend that ascended items and forge unique weapons don’t exist. I won’t ever get them intentionally. Yes there is cheese there but it’s not worth breaking my neck to eat it.

Anti-fun gameplay

in PvP

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

The way you do it does sound boring

Anti-fun gameplay

in PvP

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I’ve never heard of anyone in-game saying they don’t like downed state.

It seems kind of silly to be standing and fighting a peak condition and then drop dead when 1 more HP is lost.

Personally I’m not a fan of finishers. They’re too easy. Killing a fighter should be a dirty, bitter fight to the finish, not a 1-button insta-kill. I’m kind of sad to see a good fight end because of 1 button and sometimes I prefer to do damage until health is gone. Some classes are easier to finish that way anyway.

And when a player is 99% of the way back to standing up, it should take something more to finish them than when they’re at 1%.

When both are downed, I find that really interesting.