So far as math is concerned, these ‘buffs’ are barely buffs and come with a heaping side of “Lets make Lingering Curse not worth taking for scepter DPS” even though its commonly accepted as one of the worst condition weapons in the game even with its signature trait.
Current Scepter Auto
Sans Lingering Curse
(((0.06*1200)22)5)(((0.06*1200)22)5)(((0.06*1200)+ 33.5)4)
1362 damage
With Linger Curse at 100%
(((0.06*1200)22)10)(((0.06*1200)22)10)(((0.06*1200)+ 33.5)8)
2724 damage
New Scepter Auto
Sans Lingering Curse
(((0.06*1200)22)4.5)(((0.06*1200)22)4.5)(((0.06*1200)22)4.5)(((0.06*1200)+ 33.5)6)
1902 damage
With Lingering Curse at 50%
(((0.06*1200)22)6.75)(((0.06*1200)22)6.75)(((0.06*1200)22)6.75)(((0.06*1200)+ 33.5)9)
2853 damage
These changes:
A) Make it so the Lingering Curse trait has almost ZERO EFFECT on your auto-attack as compared to what it does now. At 1200 condition damage it is a buff of a mere 129 damage per auto attack chain, note not 129 per attack, but per the entire chain of attacks_carried out over 2.4 seconds. Netting us a roughly 40 damage per second. Woohoo…
B) Scepter is significantly more powerful (50% of original DPS added on to the new untraited) than it currently is WITHOUT Lingering Curses, discouraging traiting for the scepter.
But wait, there’s more!
Our second skill also applies conditions. How is it affected, well let’s see.
Current Grasping Dead
Sans Lingering Curse
With Lingering Curse at 100%
New Grasping Dead
Sans Lingering Curse
With Lingering Curse at 50%
Oh look, we lost A THOUSAND DAMAGE and 2.5 seconds of cripple. Assuming you use TS at its maximum uptime that means these ‘buffs’ have now cost us a net of 60 damage per second!
But what about the new skills? Torment! APPLY ALL THE TORMENT! Lets assume that Feast of Corruption keeps its ten second CD, the scepter is already significantly buffed for non FoC users so anything this skill gives is just gravy. But for FoC users what would it have to be to be for lingering curses to be worth taking at 50% effectiveness, since it is now the ONLY potential saving grace of this ill conceived fiasco.
We know the amount of torment it applies is going to be seven (giving the benefit of the doubt that you will always have five or more conditions before you light FoC up, haha, yeah right… but anyway) and torment deals ((0.045*CD)+15.9) per stack, doubled while moving, might as well give them that ‘benefit of the doubt’ as well. So assuming ridiculously ideal conditions are filled, depending on the duration they give the seven stacks of torment, with Lingering Curses the skill will deal:
1 second : 1467 total damage : 146 damage per second
2 seconds : 2935 total damage : 293 damage per second
3 seconds : 3914 total damage : 391 damage per second
4 seconds : 4890 total damage : 489 damage per second
5 seconds : 5871 total damage : 587 damage per second
6 seconds : 6850 total damage : 685 damage per second
7 seconds : 7828 total damage : 782 damage per second
8 seconds : 8807 total damage : 880 damage per second
9 seconds: 9786 total damage : 978 damage per second
10 seconds: 14760 total damage : 1476 damage per second
So at what point of scaling does Lingering Curses, our only trait that directly affects the scepter, worth taking for its effect over a single skill? How much DPS? Because whatever it is, it is in reality all we are getting out of these supposed ‘scepter buffs’ so it better be pretty freakin’ impressive.
EDIT: Shutting off auto formatting so it’ll stop screwing with my formulas.
EDIT: Whoops, forgot to add lingering curses 50% duration increase on the final chart.
(edited by Conncept.7638)