That’s just how much the devs rewarded him. They gave him an extra precursor.
I only use it when I’m still in inspiration ankitten ot using an glamours. Then, I’m using it more for the distortion than the boon sharing.
I’ve said this before, PBS in open world is probably the biggest reason people end up disliking rangers. That skill has probably done more harm to the ranger reputation than the minor benefit it brings when used correctly.
To increase the pool of players and reduce wait times.
Very cool. Apparently, I suck at thief, but am pretty good with guard and engy.
Should thieves be in every team comp?
I really don’t think or want the dragons to be different colors of the same thing. I like that they each have their own quirks and distinctions.
It’s really unfortunate that the two maps that require the most teamplay are on the pvp mode that has the most soloq.
I wouldn’t discount reporting these, when you’ve found them. While Anet won’t respond to your reports, but I’ve noticed the behavior stopping after a report has been made.
Just for posterity sake: Last year, when they changed how the PS worked with the NPE, people were claiming that the prices of Black lion skins would sky rocket due to the “nerf” of key farming. (
From what I can tell, the price of the skins has remained pretty steady, the only major changes are when the item is no longer available.
So I don’t believe that this change will have too much of an effect on prices.
Plus with an increased drop rate in open world, it might actually help drive prices down, as essentially, you are introducing more keys, thus more skins, to the general population, rather then the small handful of key farmers.
The problem is that some of us have god awful RNG and are lucky to see an exotic a month and rare a week. Getting a key would be a miracle. Key farming was one of the few ways we could keep up with the economy and it wasn’t even that great for it.
A few farmers will get less keys per week and the whole player base gets more from random drops, i dont see how this will impact bl skin prices in a bad way.
So, do you think that the majority of the BL weapon skins are from people buying keys and not key farming? If most skins are from key farmers then this is a serious hit to supply. It takes on average 30 keys to get one skin. Since I sincerely doubt they will be dropping at a rate of 30 keys per player per year, then they aren’t going to be replacing even one competed set of key farming per year. The average key farmers who does his weekly key farm is going to get maybe two tickets a year. The only way that supply isn’t going to be hit is if the main source of skins is from people buying keys, not farming.
Yes, in my opinion, only a small minority of opened chests was from farmed keys.
Then I wonder, if only a small minority of opened chests are from farmed keys, then why did ANet go out of their way to nerf farming keys? Normally companies don’t invest time and money changing issues of small importance to their pocketbook, especially a situation where they had already said that they were fine with people farming keys. To reverse a long standing policy of this nature suggests that there were a substantial number of farmed keys. Enough to impact them financially.
I dont think they did this change for financial reasons, otherwise they wouldnt have buffed the droprate from random mobs. I guess they dont want people to create a character, do the same story mission over and over again and then rinse and repeat but rather have them play in the open world with other players.
And reversing a longstanding policy where they said it’s fine. If the number of keys being farmed like this is small, as you suggest, then the number of people who were doing this is smaller, which means they reversed a long standing policy and spent the time to code this in in order to affect a small number of people. If the number of people who were tied up with this is so small, and it’s not affecting much, why should ANet care enough about it to nerf it?
Because they dont want new players to see this repetitive gameplay as the best way to earn wealth. They want them to experience the full story line and open world pve or other parts of the game.
This opinion might be worth considering, if they hadn’t already said they were fine with it. If it actually was the best way to earn wealth. If there were so many key runners that new people were rushing to join the crowd. If they had put in the nerf 3 years ago when key running appeared.
Sorry, at this point you’re reaching. Either there was enough people doing key runs that key running was making an impact and was nerfed. Or there wasn’t many people doing key runs, not enough for ANet to go out of their way to nerf. Not your opinion that there were few yet these few were impacting the game enough to need a nerf.
Pretty much this. If we take this to its logical conclusion the only thing we should be doing is the Silverwastes. The rest of the game is just a tutorial for SW that they plan to phase out anyway.
They should reduce the ticket price of all BL skins to 1 ticket. That would make purchasing the keys more worthwhile and balance out a bit the market impacts of this patch.
What they should do is drop the requirement for the BL skins to 1 ticket regardless of skins. This would make paying for the keys a bit more palatable.
The next playable race is Karka.
Karka – Bubbles
As for number 3 those players were exploiting, and it’s surprising how long the key farm thing lasted. I knew they’d eventually do so. I never got around to doing it myself though
For me, the only thing that made the Black Lion Keys justifiable to farm was that the results from the chests were RNG. Paying real money for RNG is just ridiculous.
That said, I only farmed the keys a few times (usually when bored or wanted a skin on sale ) because it gets tedious really fast. I hold no ill will to those who could bare doing it over and over again. In fact, I appreciate it because it kept the price of Black Lion skins at reasonable levels.
Nice and thoughtful changes! :b:
Ya i really feel this change will be bad for the overall ingame economy, except for those who have been hording the skins. Just seems like a blatant cash grab.(i know its a business, but still) Would be nice to atleast have the stuff be sellable instead of accountbound.
Lets just hope if they don’t revert the changes that atleast the increase of key drops in game is actually significant, so the change isnt a big deal . . .but i doubt it.
Of course this is a cash grab. They’ve been doing stuff like this for the past 2 years. They say they care about the game, but I’ve seen no evidence of that in a long time. However, seen tons of ridiculously greedy cash grabs like this.
Let’s see:
1. Have an anniversary sale for the items no one really wanted anyway.
2. Add horrible event, and not only admit it’s horrible but say that you won’t fix it.
3. Take away a popular farm and leave players at the mercy of RNG. And expect them to pay real cash for it!
Yup, this is Anet in promotion mode. lol
They always have sales. This one was just labelled differently.
Ugh, this event was not fun. I did enough to get the Scarlet Shoulders and quit. I wanted the Scarlet Gloves too, but just couldn’t bear doing any more it.
Since the Living Story 2, the word that has kept coming up with each new content update has simply been “lazy.” I really want to believe that it is because they have been devoting their efforts to HoT.
The awards still seem bugged since the last patch. The more events I do the less I get:
15 events = 25 drops
18 events = 20 drops
23 events = 15 drops
The map daily is completely random with either 10 or 15.
The grind for the potions was significantly easier and less tedious during the Attack on Lion’s Arch event than this event. All you had to do was run around a map once a day for a few days and you could get both potions.
I’m certainly getting less reward than others with lower stacks than me. And the daily varies from 10 to 15, not the 20 that others seem to get.
While there’s definitely an issue with how the drops are calculated, an easier fix would be lower the cost of some of these items.
So much for “calm down your taytays” when he was crying about the damage pool increasing and not getting carried by slick shoes anymore 2 months ago.
Sigh, the hypocrisy is just so real.
Perhaps he’s come to a realization. No need to attack him for being reasonable here.
Of course not. But it is not like people are sitting with 5 minute long loading screens frequently (and if they do, they probably have bigger issues to deal with than a tiny piece of text).
What exactly is a long wait time?
A small QoL fix that require time and resources.
All of them do. That doesn’t mean people don’t have the right to request them.
There is a rather large difference between getting revenue for views and selling something. Unless people actually buys the expansion ArenaNet earns a grand total of nothing at all from the ad.
And if they do buy it because of the advertising then they make a profit. This is basic marketing. How do you not understand this? It can be logically derived from your own argument.
Oh right. You’re just interesting in telling people to shut up. Why not just say that rather than appear so dense?
1) Long? My longest is usually 30 seconds at most, and that is with a rather old and bad computer. Not to mention the fact that there is nothing stopping anyone form just minimizing the game and browse the internet while waiting (the client does flash when it is done loading).
Your load screen experience is not the same as others. And minimizing can often make it longer or cause it to crash.
2) Actually, it is fully possible to play the whole game for free. Should they really waste development time on making a difference between account types for something like this?
Players are simply asking for a small QoL fix. Under your logic, why should they ask for anything? In fact, you do this a lot.
3) Why assume everyone is using AdBlock in the first place? There is of course also a rather large difference between the two. ArenaNet earn a grand total of nothing at all from this “ad” while pages usually earns quite a bit from their ads.
ArenaNet earns from their ad too. It’s basic marketing.
Seriously, everyone needs to calm the heck down.
I would love to read some proper feedback on how the X class is strong based on Facts and comparisons. Complaining about something via exageration or saying " Class X is Too strong or too tanky!!" is simply ignorable and childish.
If you want this forum to be taken any more seriously then please stop crying and start making some quality threads. I can almost get cancer from reading some of these posts.
Tl;DR: Stop crying and start making quality forum posts.
Thanks and bye.
Unfortunately, some don’t want s constructive discussion. They want to vent their frustration because they have unrealistic expectations of their class and ability.
Frankly, I think Anet should just ban “Nerf this” threads like they do for Match Up threads in the WvW forum. I only see hostility come out of them.
What I’m seeing here is that some players want alternative roles for thieves other than their current. What I’m not seeing is suggestions for that. However, I will add that the Daredevil seems to be an attempt to include a new role for a thief. If upset thief players are truly honest about wanting their class to perform better in pvp and not be OP, then they should focus their efforts on getting adjustments to the Daredevil specialty and how it interacts with the current thief skills and traits. The beta tests are the perfect opportunities for this. Making vague complaints about how thieves are underpowered and other classes are OP, is not going to make the thief any better.
In the betas for GW2 portals automatically ported anyone who entered them or who had them placed under them. Anet clearly didn’t intend for this behavior to troll people.
This sale has been a huge disappointment for me. There was only one thing that I bought during it (Caithe’s Daggers) and it wasn’t even a discounted item.
Thieves are actually fine. It’s just a lot of thief players expect to be able to instantly down people without any risk to themselves. So when their fragile builds fail, they come here to complain about things being OP. It’s just more of the attitude of “My build is supposed to beat X” that is so prevalent here.
this whole argument fails when we take mesmers into consideration
Not at all. Mesmers have nothing to do with it. That they are being brought up only furthers strengthens my argument that this isn’t about thieves, it’s about the unrealistic expectation of some thief players.
Just look at all the threads by thieves complaining about other classes. Then look at how many threads are actually about thieves. The real problem is obvious and it’s not the classes.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
Thieves are actually fine. It’s just a lot of thief players expect to be able to instantly down people without any risk to themselves. So when their fragile builds fail, they come here to complain about things being OP. It’s just more of the attitude of “My build is supposed to beat X” that is so prevalent here.
Sounds to me like you shouldn’t have expected your shortbow to win you the match.
People have the right to complain about it. They shouldn’t be subjected to personal attacks because they don’t like an annoying ad.
It’s super annoying.
I don’t think playing full-glass is always the best way to go, but so many people are asking for buffs to it by proxy of nerfing other classes, especially conditions. The consequences of this wouldn’t bode well for the game.
Not long ago, I played against a team with 2 glass thieves. Either one of those thieves could down an unaware player in a few seconds. They, of course, played hit and run, which was the right strategy for their build style. However, while they could down players super fast, they also were likely to get downed super fast too, even to passive effects.
To me, this seems a fair trade for going full glass. If you want to kill fast, then you are at risk of dying fast.
In fact, I believe passive effects are a fair defense against pure glass. They require glass players to play smarter and not just repeat a combo over and over again. Of course, thieves hate them because they counter the way many thief players want to play. But the way that they want to play is not fun for anyone but themselves. No one likes going down in a few seconds with no chance to react. When thieves could do this, these forums were filled with far more complaints about thieves than thieves now are making about other classes. Passive effects give non-glass players a chance, and pure glass players need to adapt around them. This might mean reducing some damage for more survivability. Or a simple acceptance of the consequences of the build. Otherwise, the only counter to pure glass is to go pure glass and the winner is who presses 1 first. Clearly, this isn’t what Anet wants, and I doubt the majority of the players do either.
I think he has a point. More and more mesmers are using SoI. At this rate, Tyria will simply run out of boons. We need a boon conservation movement.
People would rather argue something they believe they can win than what is actually posted. I just finished dealing with another poster just like that.
I recently had 2 thieves on a few of my teams. I believe we actually won one of them.
I’d put engies and rangers well below thieves. Thieves have a role in PvP. They don’t like it, for some reason, but they have a role that they are by far the best at.
The problem is that people can’t say because this class is in a tournament, it is op. Also, they can’t say that because it is not in a tournament, it is not OP. What I’d like to see is less emphasis on what is OP and more emphasis on getting underserved classes (yes, even rangers) up to the level where they can have a significant role in tournaments.
He has a good point though. Master Fencer may not be the issue you are having and nerfing because you “believe” that you are losing to it will affect a lot more than sPvP.
If you really believe it is OP, provide some substantial evidence.
Yeah, their marketing needs a lot of work.
Based on what they shared with us at the beginning of the year and that they stated that LS 2 was so simple because they were working on the expansion, I reasonably thought that HoT could be released as early as March. I have no idea why they announced it so early.
It actually seems pretty OP everywhere. This one will definitely get adjusted before release.
Thieves have pushed out so many builds that the only builds left are those that the thieves can handle easily. They created their own problem.
Yes. You can report them for botting, because that’s basically what macros are.
People will use any argument they can grab to make their point. No one here can really say what is balanced and what is not.