Showing Posts For DaShi.1368:

Condi Mesmers.

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


They already have. It’s fill with the same mesmer haters.

Condi Mesmers.

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


He’s venting inappropriately. Frankly, Anet shouldn’t allow any nerf request threads like they do with the match up threads in WvW. Anet doesn’t base balance on them, and they only create hostility because 99% of the players who make them are angry because they lost and the rest have to deal with their irrational rambles against other classes.

Dear devs please

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Please nerf thieves.

Guild wars 2 anniversary sale [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Is this actually going to be a sale or just listing items that haven’t been on the TP for awhile?

See Behellagh’s post above you.

Why? You are the one having trouble with semantics.

Guild wars 2 anniversary sale [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Is this actually going to be a sale or just listing items that haven’t been on the TP for awhile?

"big announcements"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Maybe build saving.

"big announcements"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I wonder if this mean no new elite spec announcement next week.

Elementalist and Ring of Fire

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Actually, a short ICD (2-3 seconds) on the burning per opponent with Ring of Fire is a pretty good idea. Keeps the fire field for combos and gives opponents a chance to move a bit more freely when it is on the field.

(edited by DaShi.1368)

WhY NoT Daggers To Mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Thieves are already freaking out that we may be taking the role that they keep us from playing, giving us daggers will cause a riot.

So when is the ele and mes nerf comming?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Placing it strategically should be rewarding. It’s not really a strong skill because it can so easily be avoided. Eles who work hard to get you to go through it should be rewarded for that. Otherwise, it’s just a fire field or combo off of.

Lets see your BEST games

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


My best game has to be the one where my solo lord kill won the game by 5 points. That and any other close call games that challenges my abilities.

Yeah, solo killing the lord on my ranger to clinch a win on a match where we were struggling through out most of it was a great feeling.

Elementalist Vs Engineer Burn Damage

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I agree that engies have fallen behind significantly since the trait update.

Elementalist Vs Engineer Burn Damage

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Elementalists have burning as their single condition.

This is untrue. D/D ele has access to Chill, Immob, Burning, Bleeding, Weakness, and Cripple on weapon skills, Blinds on Evasive Arcana, and potentially poison if running doom sigils.

Besides bleeding none of these conditions do any damage, so burning is the only damaging conditions eles and guards have. Eles have 1 bleed skill and no trait support.

Eles have 3 bleed skills.. All in Earth.

Elementalists have burning as their single condition.

This is untrue. D/D ele has access to Chill, Immob, Burning, Bleeding, Weakness, and Cripple on weapon skills, Blinds on Evasive Arcana, and potentially poison if running doom sigils.

Besides bleeding none of these conditions do any damage, so burning is the only damaging conditions eles and guards have. Eles have 1 bleed skill and no trait support.

Eles have 3 bleed skills.. All in Earth.

Yes but one is the earth auto which nobody uses and another is churning earth which again nobody uses. The remaining bleed skill does a hefty 1 stack of bleeding.

Nobody? What if I say I do?
What if Im so smart I get stealth from thief, load up my earth 5 and open with lighting flash mid-cast to target and hit a lucky 4-5k with 8 stacks bleed? Not to mention I still need to start in fire hue.

You can see the earth 5 red circle and animation even if the ele is stealthed…

And here I thought I could start up earth 5 behind a wall and lightning flash to the target! Oh my!

It’s still not really worth using honestly. It slows down your rotation greatly and you’d probably do more damage and definitely bring more to your team if you’d just continued with the rotations. It hits hard and all, but with how long it takes to channel, only distracted players or bad players will get hit by it, and all that time you’re channeling your boons are running down. Lightning Flash is much better used to insure a Burning Speed hits as it not only provides burns, a fire field and high damage, but combining lightning flash with it allows you to utilize the evade effectively as well without having to worry about missing with your big damage skill.

Only time outside of hotjoin I’ve ever used Churning Earth is prematch might stacking.

Wait, people are complaining about Churning Earth now?

It’s stuff like this that makes it hard to believe the OP arguments. There’s simply nothing Anet can do for these players.

Elementalist and Ring of Fire

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Yup, Anet’ll reduce it to 2 stacks, people will feel safer walking through it and get even more stacks of burn. Their solution to this problem will be to come to the forums to complain about it.

So when is the ele and mes nerf comming?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The d/d ele simply isn’t as OP as you think it is. 90% of it’s damage can be mitigated just by moving around. The rest you have blocks, dodges, blinds, and cleanse for. Killing a d/d ele can be tough, but getting killed by one…I can’t remember the last time.

So when is the ele and mes nerf comming?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Sorry that you’re having such a hard time as thief.

So when is the ele and mes nerf comming?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


OMG, comboing skills. OP! OP!

So when is the ele and mes nerf comming?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


3 burning stacks every time it’s crossed (plus physical damage at cast) with a short 10s traited cd is probably the most powerful burning skill in the game.

With absolutely no counterpla…wait, just don’t cross the flames. Who thinks crossing flames should be a good thing?

Burn damage vs Cleanse skill time

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Today I had 17 stacks of burn messing around in a hot join and I could not remove it fast enough with shadow step, shadow return before it mulled me down. Was quite funny and all I could do was laugh.

What did you do to get 17 stacks of burning?

D/D ele

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Burn damage from eles is very easy to avoid. When they shoot forward strafe to the side and toward where they came from. When they breath fire, walk out of the way. When they put down ring of fire, don’t walk through it several times. And if you do get burning, cleanse it. That’s 90% of their damage mitigated right there.

Celestial/water/cantrip ele is just op

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The problem isn’t the sustain in and of itself. The problem is that they do great damage in addition to the sustain. Before the condition patch I could easily fight a d/d ele to a stalemate because while I couldn’t kill them, they couldn’t kill me either, which is fine balance wise.

Now they do 1000000000000k burning dps on top of being unkillable. Which is just stupid right now.

Actually, because of the way ele’s burn, you do 1000000000k burning dps to yourself. Ele burning is the easiest to avoid. Doesn’t even require dodging.

This HAS to be the most confusing Teq

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I don’t understand this. They didn’t need to form a defense party to get guildies into the map, and kicking people from their party wouldn’t kick that person from the map. What advantage did it give them?

Chronomancer Changes for Next BWE

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Gravity Well is definitely an improvement that can make it worth taking over Moa for PvP, and useful for open world PvE. However, the float is really fun. How about making the third pull a float instead?

How and why is this happening?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Ugh, I just got 5 matches in a row (all double the average wait time) with 1st time pvpers. None of them went well.

I can play the game, but I’m simply not good enough to carry an entire team.

How and why is this happening?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The worst part of the matchmaking is that the longer you wait the more likely you’ll be put in a terrible match up. You’d think that by waiting it’s trying to put you in a better one. Instead, you wait a ridiculous long time just to have a miserable experience.

Devs check this combat log (burning builds)

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I wish more players would let me get those levels of stacks against them.

Is burning broken on purpose?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Meanwhile, Necros love the burn builds. Thanks for the free damage.

signet necro is OPer than dd cele ele

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


If you lost to it, it must be OP.

Is burning broken on purpose?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I always thought not cleansing 15+ stacks of burning is a pretty dumb thing.

gw2 dropping to #19??? where are the players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Stage 1. Raptr doesn’t capture the true number of players.

Stage 2. Raptr is lying, it’s no different than malware.

Stage 3. The expansion will change these numbers.

Stage 4. Why is this happening?

Stage 5. These low numbers are normal for a game like GW2.

(edited by DaShi.1368)

Why not replace Distortion with CSplit?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


No, they just want a flat nerf.

ArenaNet at gamescom -- Cologne, Germany

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


What was the big announcement they had there? Haven’t seen much news about GW2 coming out of it.

continuum split is op

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


the problem with CS is basic
1. short time to do anything vlauable and as such must have 3 clones up
2. when you do have 3 clones up which skill to use? do my group need time warp, do they need null field do they need well? if i just spamm tham all what will i gain. only the skill which was needed

thus the utilities must be choose to fit all situation

like well heal, null, time warp = you could heal your team ,remove boon and condition and give speed attack and slow. but in the right time so oyu must be very aware to your group

to use CS on weapon skills is useless for your team and just to spamm skills again for 1 trick pony of 90 sec which leave you with nothing after this combo

Add to the fact that someday some one will figure out that they can destroy the rift and completely wreck you, CS requires careful usage to make the best out of.

Why not replace Distortion with CSplit?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I don’t understand why some people think mesmers should have to negotiate with them at all. These suggestions are not only terrible, but they are extremely unfair.

How about this? Warriors lose rampage and in exchange get…a cookie.

Chronomancer is disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I think it perfectly describes the unreasonable attitudes of the mesmer haters. They are not interested in balance. They just don’t like the class.

Chronomancer has too many clones

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Let it go. Everyone can see you post history. Everyone can see that you don’t like mesmers. Everyone can see where you misrepresented mesmer skills. You aren’t going to convince anyone here.

[constructive feedback] Is chrono OP?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


So after reading this thread and the threads in the PvP forum, it appears that people think every single chronomancer ability is OP.


in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


In the previous meta, warriors used to decide matches. Since the update, they’ve fallen quite a bit. They could use a little buff, but rampage would have to be dealt with.

Of course, now that they can’t tank several mesmer bursts, they’ve been out in full force complaining about them rather than dealing with the deficiencies in their class.

Are my worst fears realized?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Judging beta as full game again…

There is supposed to be 3 lvls, Canopy, mid section (what was it called) and Roots.
Dunno this one seems more mid section with some extreme heights.

If people weren’t being asked to pay for a full game, then they wouldn’t be comparing it to a full game.

if helseth wins...

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Then why can’t they produce any evidence of it?

Chrono not OP

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Actually a good mesmer have not a single real enemy in spvp.

Except for good thieves, guardians, necros, and elementalists.

Warriors, rangers, and engineers do have a harder time with mesmers, which is why we are seeing complaints from the same posters.

Why you don't see Rangers in WTS

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Rangers need to get off the longbow. By this I mean that Anet needs to make their other weapons viable/superior alternatives to the longbow.

So, mesmer stealth...

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


If you want to take PU and still do strong damage, you have one choice for traiting: Dom/duel/chaos. Chaos has PU. Dueling has DE and blinding dissipation. Domination has CS, shattered concentration, and mental anguish.

So, if you want chrono, you have to drop either domination or dueling. Dropping domination means no stun, no boon strip, and no amped shatter damage. Dropping dueling means no dodge clones, no fury, and no blinds on shatter.

Essentially…no. It’s not possible to make a PU chrono build that still retains the strong damage and abilities of normal PU shatter. You’ll have a bunch of stealth, and then either really weak damage and control, or poor clone generation, lower crit chance, and no blind access.

True, but this won’t stop some players from losing to it and calling it OP.

Tomorrow's PoI: What do you want to know about Pact Commander masteries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I want to know whether the Pact Commander is connected to the release date in anyway.

I'm not buying HoT to play BWE

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Why post anything?

Ranger Hate...

in Ranger

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Why is there so much of it?

I just recently returned to GW2 after a long breakittenep hearing things like Rangers aren’t good for any game play.

I primarily pvp and WvW and keep hearing Rangers are pretty terrible. And I do see that they are under represented. In WvW I think I have really only seen maybe 10 other Rangers in the last 2 weeks.

I was told yesterday that most Ranger players are kittene but they still mostly win with LB and that is why people hate them.

I don’t really buy into the whole underpowered mind set but just curious where all this came from?

Point Blank Shot

What mechanic's do you want to see(more of)?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


More exotic and interesting jumping puzzles with lots of exploring.

Your Plans for the BWE?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I won’t be participating because I haven’t preordered. In fact, I might not play much GW2 during the event either. But I hope everyone who does participate has fun.

If Burn is OP...

in Guardian

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Eles were always hard for burn guards to kill. While burn guards got a boost from the burning change, they also got hurt pretty hard by the mesmer and necro changes. Good mesmers can avoid/cleanse much of the burn and kill the guard quickly. Necros can one-shot burn guards by condition transfer alone. So right now, burn guards need to be careful against all the caster classes.

3 Necros on team = win

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Big thing to consider when facing a team with necros is the Lich form. If ignored, it can do a ton of damage and even take down several people. I’ve seen too many teams wipe on the first mid battle because they forgot to pay attention to the necro’s Lich form. I’m not saying that it is OP. People just need to pay attention to it.