Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DaShi.1368
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DaShi.1368
Its so simple.
Don’t gate what lets you personalize your character abilities. (how you play)
Gate status symbols, achievements and progression intended to provide very long term benefits (masteries).
I’ve never seen a game expansion do such a terrible job of recognizing this concept.
Remember the previous trait system where you had to unlock traits. Did Anet actually think about how they could make it worse with elite specs?
Can someone please explain to me why sooo many people have such a huge problem actually playing the content they paid for in order to progress their characters. I mean why even buy it if you are so against playing it. I just dont get it x.x
lol. I didn’t pay for this. I paid for elite specializations, not to grind for them.
HoT doesn’t have enough content. That’s why they padded it with grind. What’s surprising is how many people are eating it up.
HoT specifically zero. I want to enjoy it, but I’m spending too much time grinding for elite specs, which were the primary reason I bought the game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DaShi.1368
I’d be playing the game with my elite specialization and avoiding all the stuff that I hate, such as the hero points.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DaShi.1368
Ugh, this is so unpleasant. I just want to get my elite spec so that I can play the game. Having to do all these chores to get it first is not fun.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DaShi.1368
I also want to play the elite specializations.
Never finish it? Mastery is account wide, if you can blow it through in a week then what is the point of having this system. People wanted progression and here is one. Were people complaining new gears require you to play the actual game to get?
Most complains I’ve seen are about hero points, not masteries. Big difference.
If no hero points are required or too little are required then the hero points system will be non content that meant nothing. Some of the points are hard to get because of mastery, but mastery is account wide so you don’t have to level it up twice.
That doesn’t make sense. The elite specializations are content regardless of the hero point requirements.
Why do you assume people want it in a week?
Because it’s easier to assume an argument you think you can win than listen to other people.
Good games allow you to play your way. Bad games require you to play our way.
Despite being the former at launch, the game has drastically shifted to the latter since the NPE.
Anet give in. It’s better to have people play the game and have a positive experience than to never finish it with a negative experience. Please think of your players.
Just suck it up and take it. It’s not like you paid….nevermind.
First, let me state that I really do like this game. The art is beautiful. I find the movement and combat to be one of the best I’ve ever played in an MMO. There are numerous things to love about this game and they keep me playing.
However, Anet has been seriously dropping the ball lately. There’s been a decline in quality with an increased emphasis on the gem store and some questionable practices. I’m going to highlight a few of the more recent and significant ones here. I’m sure there are more and others are free to post them. But the general theme is the same. Less quality for us, more money for Anet.
1. Halloween. It’s broken. Anet has admitted that it’s broken. I can accept that these thing happen. However, Anet has also said they are not going to fix it this year. Sure, they have an excuse. But it’s an excuse that no one outside of Anet can validate. What’s worse is that it rings similar to their poor response to the over-hype Mordrem Invasion event not too long ago. There they admitted that they screwed up, but also said they weren’t going to fix it. This is becoming a highly discouraging pattern.
2. Anniversary Sale. Sure there were some items that people were happy to buy again. However, very few of them were among the highly requested (were any?). Those items that people have been waiting over a year for never showed up. Why were people waiting for these items? Because they were pulled from the gem store to create artificial scarcity among several other items. This along with Anet’s tampering with the gem-to-gold exchange last year made a lot of us seriously consider whether they had improving the game on their list at all.
3. Heart of Thorns. This is the big one. This is the one that Anet should be hanging its hat on. It’s the one that often used as the excuse for everything else. Living Story 2 short and lite on content: HoT. Bringing back popular events/festivals: HoT. Fixing broken events: HoT.
When the prepurchase for HoT started, many people reasonably pointed out that the price seemed very high for what Anet had told us was in the game. Others pointed out that we might not be seeing everything yet. Yes, in a way, they were right. There were some skins that we hadn’t seen yet. But does HoT look like $50 worth of content today?
Let’s look at what we did see during the beta weekends. We got full elite specializations available. We got smooth access to the maps that they wanted to show off. We got the impression of a game that appeared to start out strong and could only get better. People were excited to start playing their elite specializations and explore the new maps. And they thought (maybe wrongly) that this was just the tip of the iceberg of HoT. Rather the beta’s were the end game of HoT. What you could expect to play after hours of grinding hero points and masteries. Not the thrilling beginning we were promised, but a disappointing end state that doesn’t live up to the hype.
Frankly, I feel scammed. The game that was presented to us over the past 10 months and in the betas was very different from the game that was actually given to us. I see kitten expansion padded with tedious grind and gates to cover up that there is really only a $15-20 game underneath.
What’s worse is that I don’t see anything changing. There has been this continuing pattern from Anet from at least as early at the NPE. It’s simply a company that I can’t trust anymore.
The matchmaking has gotten unbearable. 5 one-sided losses in a row because of people playing for the first time. It doesn’t matter what you do when people run in to far and suicide over and over again.
This is not fun at all.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
I don’t hate tin foil.
Wow, I just waited 8 minutes in unranked to be put in a team that didn’t even know you were supposed to cap points. They just ran around fighting. lol
tbh, necros should get either 25% or 50% life force out of the gate anyway.
Longer queues usually equal terrible games for me. However, now they are all terrible.
Rocks are a hard counter against lawnmowers.
Sounds to me like you overpriced your item.
It’s the worst it’s ever been. I’m going up against tournament winners and coordinated pre-mades while my team doesn’t even know that capping gives you points.
So many pre-mades.
No fun at all to play like this.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
That dive isn’t too hard. I watched Dulfy’s and managed to do it on the first try. However, I found the the dive on the Not So Secret Jumping Puzzle to be very hard.
It wouldn’t be so bad, if the waits times weren’t so horrible. It seems that the longer you wait the more likely you are to be on a bad team.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
Not only am I on a horrible losing streak. I’m still fighting against tourny winners. Wth?
This is not fun.
There are so many of these threads that they should just be combined into one.
“I’m pretty decent at pvp, but since I don’t win every match and every fight, then the game must be broken. Here’s a list of build types that I’m having a hard time against. Please nerf and then the game will be fixed. Unless I lose to something else.”
Any investment has risk. Markets fluctuate. Be glad that you have some forewarning.
These past few days have been absolutely horrible. Even people with “champion” titles on my teams seem to have forgotten the basic rules of sPvP. Meantime, wait times have been longer and longer.
Actually, those maps are more suitable for ranked where there is more likely to be the team play that they require.
The people who play in hotjoin, don’t want to play unranked or ranked sPvP. Making that their only option will not improve the game for anyone.
No, I’d rather people who only want to do dailies do it in hotjoin. It is working as intended.
“1. T5 leather. This stuf has been sold to vendors for 3 years. It is the best bet you can make.”
Says someone who is sitting on boatloads of this.
You mean everyone.
I really don’t miss it. I don’t want the game to be decided by who pushed A first.
Wow, I didn’t know there was a forums war here :O
I remember Glaphen when he was playing around top 50-25 before the new queue system. He’s actually a very good player. People may doubt his Cleric thief, but it’s actually very strong. It has the damage of about 70% of a Zerker thief, but a sustain of a bunker Guardian.
It took a lot of effort to kill him. Most of the time I saw people having trouble because they didn’t expect a thief running around with shortbow to have that kind of sustain. Also, don’t say that his opponents were bad. We were matched against the top 100 at that time.
Disclaimer: not a friend of Glaphe, and I don’t expect him to know me either.
And yet, he’s struggling against burn guardians while most others here are doing just fine against them. Maybe he shouldn’t believe that he can beat everything, but that appears to be the argument here. What’s next after burn guard?
I miss her too, and felt she brought a bit of manic cruelty that made her fun to hate as a villain.
Let’s do this for all the elites:
Warriors should have to give up their main hand weapon to use Berserker.
Necros can pick one of the new reapershroud skills in their death shroud.
Engineers can’t use toolkit skills as Scrappers.
Elementalists can’t use fire as Tempests.
Guardians can only have 2 virtues as Dragonhunters.
Thieves can only steal gunk as Daredevils.
Revenants can’t weapon swap as Heralds.
Rangers get 2 pets as Druids.
And then there is the massiv difference in cost between different armor types.
A light armor set cost more than twice of a medium armor set in ascended materials.…Does it really? I made my light ascended armor back in July, and here are the numbers I used:
393damask+12leather= 405gMedium
262damask+40leather= 302gHeavy
273damask+56steel= 329gWhile I agree that light armor shouldn’t cost so much more, let’s not overstate the case.
It’s possible the numbers have changed since then, or that someone could get different numbers depending on what mix of buy order / sell order / craft they use to calculate values, but I won’t believe it’s double unless someone can show me their numbers.
As of right now (rounding to the nearest number for price of mats), the cost of ascended armor with just ascended mats is:
(36 bolts of damask x 17g each) + (6 elonian leather x 3.5g each) = 633gMedium
(24 bolts of damask x 17g each) + (18 elonian leather x 3.5g each) = 471gHeavy
(25 bolts of damask x 17g each) + (16 deldrimor steel x 5g each) = 505gPrices for mats were taken off GW2 wiki under the “trading post” section of the mat summary on the right upper part of the mat page.
So, really, light armor does cost twice as much as medium armor (right now, only considering price of ascended mats).
Fixed for you, as you forgot to consider the damask for the insignias.
Thats light armor only around 35% more expensive than medium and that percentage would go even lower, if we consider all the other mats because they would add value equally to all three weights……..
Why do you say “only around 35%” as if it is an insignificant difference? 162g means a lot of a lot players. And it is much higher (nearly 5 times!) than the 34g difference between heavy and medium armor.
I’m expecting the same as last year’s halloween, but with some exploits fixed.
Some of us don’t want a berserker meta.
Certain classes/builds have always had advantages in different maps. Khylo is a dream for thieves. Ranger love the high ground and open field of Foefire. Necros also like those more closed in points for their marks and wells.
Again, it is also the case that a Heal skill that had no added functionality before the patch now has a nice little buff that it didn’t have before.
They could have kept their ‘nice little buff’ and just used that time to communicate to the community in clear precise language what they want from the profession instead of causing a skritt storm with knee-jerk reactions. At this point I would rather see the skill reverted to its pre-patch state.
The behavior of the ranger community is not Anet’s fault. They need to take responsibility for their own actions. The way some people were treated over this skill was uncalled for. It’s a shame that Anet had to close a thread because of such behavior.
At this point it’s no longer about whether it’s a buff or nerf anymore.
It’s how Anet sees ranger.
No, it’s not. The trait was not acting as intended. I’m sorry that you feel that rangers need broken traits to be competitive, but Anet is going to fix these regardless of what class. Both guardians and engineers had traits disabled because they were not acting as intended. It has nothing to do with class preference, but instead appropriate game balance.
Let’s not forget that it is still a buff from Heal As One.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
To be honest, it was an obviously broken trait. Ranger may need some support, but this was clearly wrong. What is also wrong is the personal attacks against the people who simply pointed this out.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
The skill was obviously behaving in a way unintended and broken. I know rangers want more, but this isn’t the way. If you just want OP stuff, you’re always going to be disappointed.
There was nothing in the patch about match making, so maybe they haven’t fixed it yet.
Ugh, this is definitely not fixed. After losing 3 in a row, I’m matched against tourney champs. lol
Please add courtyard too.
But unlike ele, guard and engy burning builds are very squishy. You can easily cleanse and kill.
The way that thieves usually lose a match is when they focus on 1v1. In fact, this is how any class can cost their team a match. But I’ve noticed that thieves do this a lot. I see a thief decap a point, so I go there and take it back. The thief attacks me, fails, and runs. Does the thief run to support his team somewhere else? No, he heals and comes back for more punishment. They believe that they should win every 1v1, and if they don’t they sacrifice reasonable gameplay, cost their team the match, and come to the forums to whine about how op other classes are.
I think the Druid is a great choice for the ranger. Anet is moving the game away from the zerk meta and Rangers are getting an elite spec that may fit right in the new meta.
Alright.. This settles it. There is some secret warrior agenda vs mesmer going on here…
It was never a secret.
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