These seems really important problems you guys.I mean the pet is the most important mechanic that a ranger have.You can expect to be broken in all other but in pets you mustnt have any problem or bug.
Now lets fix some Asura heads and lets nerf the 1 skill in shortbow so you wont spam 1
Oh wait you still spamming 1?
Im geussing some more nerfing may fix it.If 7% didnt changed it logic states that 20% will,or 30%
Never mind.Lets just delete it,lets leave the other 4 do all the damage
What a whinning community,doesnt know what is fun..
Yes it is a nerf but the pet hitting like 40% of the times aint fun
i play BM for some time now,both pve and pvp and i find it kinda ok…i mean i have some issues with the pet from dying and stuff but especially in pvp the hit hard.My precious Jaguar hits for 4k sometimes.And i can live enough with the heal signet and the elite spirit
And what do you expect they would fix in rangers?
I dont think they will be any magor fixes,just some big heads and small feet.
So heres how i think this thread goes
Fix animation glitch with SB skill 1
Players test it and felt like it was more than 40ms and noone ever saw this glitch-made a thread
Dev said will check it
Ppl went crazy waiting for a answer
Dev answered and said that its also a dmg downgrade and it was made not to spam 1
Ppl argued with this till now,felt disapointed from the answer and asked more
Sorry i cant see how this thread has many off topic posts
Mr Moderator i think that this thread it never went of topic.Its all about the fixing in the animation glitch and ppl are constanly saying that they dont truly believe what Mr Peters said.They still think that its not 40ms and also affects the QZ skill.And by not admitting something like this they express their general thoughts.Its just my opinion about this thread i dont want to be offensive in any way
No,the solution is to fix animations glitch and big asura heads
Ye good luck with that..1000 rangers are asking the same question…First it was just an animation glitch now its not to spam 1…seems legit
Hi Everyone,
Unfortunately we have seen a lot of off topic posts on this thread.
As it is really important for us to collect your feedbacks and opinions in the clearest way, I invite you to stay on topic and avoid posts that do not provide any meaningful contribution to the discussion at hand.
Thank you for your cooperation.
ok so since our posts are collected and you encourage us to contribute in meaningful conversation why didnt you change any of the bugs posted at the bug thread and instead you “fix” something that noone in this forum ever said?In the bug forum and in other forums too there are many posts that say how to fix spirits,onehand sword,etc and you go and change the animation glitch that noone cared about it.How you want me to believe that writting something in here makes difference?Offcourse i dont expect answer but im not stupid so first prove that you are listening us and then tell us to stay on topic
I mean straight answers
Why didnt we notice any glitch?
Why is not mentioned as a damage nerf in the update thread?
Why Devs gave to this animation that noone report it so much priority?
Isnt it obvious that all other skills from SB were situational?
Why the community is upset?I really want to know Anet’s opinion.
Please be honest and clear with us
(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)
How come and in pvp i have only 4 skills?
1throw dirt 2thunderclap 3lick wounds 4bandage
the animations at least are good
Right now this thread got 534 replies.Can someone find a thread in the other Profession forums with more?I mean i search a little and i didnt find one.If its really the most replied thread in the professions forum its kinda big.If this cant ring a bell to the devs i dont know what can.534 rangers-ppl-customers said this was wrong.How can we all be paranoid?Do we all want to ruin the balance in this game?Do we all dont know how to play with the other weapons?Do we all dont like spirits and dont know how to use em?If i was a dev right now i would be so much frustrated.534 customers are at my door and yelling at me…
Anet i think that are you doing something wrong.I wont tell if the change in the crossfire was good or bad,nerf or animation fix.Im just saying for 2 days now that it had created a frustation in the rangers community.Even players that never played with crosbow im sure they are pretty disapointed right now.I used and im still using shortbow and to be honest i didnt noticed much difference but also i cant ignore the fact that noone (including me) have ever seen this animation glitch,this bugg.I repeat theres a list with buggs in a thread and i have noticed them all..ALL of them.Right now you are loosing a “fight” with your customers.Its a “fight” between keeping the customer satisfied and doing things your way.This frustation im pretty sure it would spread and in other prof forums.When you change a warriors skill they will start to believe that they gonna have the “fate” of rangers..It would become worst when the paid tournaments begin.If theres no rangers in the teams cause some may be afraid that it wont work YOU are gonna have bad time in my opinion.I hope that in the next patch things gonna get better cause if they’re not WE are gonna have bad time
Ye i know that you all must have some of it since the change in the crossfire skill.But lets make a positive thread.I believe that the Dev team is working really hard to correct any nerf have been happened through this change and also are fixing some things that had seen in the Rangers forum where people are playing the profession and suggesting things to make it better
lets make some memes out of this.
Play ranger they said,it would be fun they said
Photo of a dev laughing: and then i said I’ll take a look on live right now!
No offense Anet im just want to put some humor in this really negative thread i know you are working for the best
they had to do 2 things.Make pets attack while moving and rework spirits.But no, lets fix the glitch first of all,the community is going crazy about it…………..
first of all lets fix the animation glitch….
its kinda strange..I had every bugg that is on the bug thread but never had any animation glitch.and from what i read noone else had.This is making bad things to the community.I was in work when i started reading the new patch notes and the responces from rangers fellows.I was terrified.You love your profession,you dont want the company to be bad about em.Sometimes is easy to blame the others when a thief is winning me in some pvp encounter.We blame the game and the balance.So lets take a break and think all things over.The fact though is that when i logged in after work something seemed different with my ranger and it wasnt the nerf.It was the feeling that someone is fighting you,that your efforts arent worth so much.I dont think that the Anet has something personal with Rangers,i really want to believe that they are working to fix the bugs.Guys take a look in other professions threads.Its kinda the same.“im quiting cause i cant kill everyone instantly with one skill”,“you nerf i quit”.What the comunity needs right now is a dev to state that noone is hating rangers.we are working to make em better,plz wait a little bit
i dont know,i cant tell for sure but i would like a responce from Anet that they test it and its ok though
Its a common prob with this site.Just copy paste the url in another tab..;TgAA1Ctoey8k4J7TunkPB
Now heres some tips.
1.Use troll heal from the time you see your foe.yes at full health.yes even though you have 25k life
2.i dont use QZ for 2 reasons:Guardians and Retaliation
3.Never,i mean NEVER use the active effect of Signet of the Wild.thats why i gave you Sickem
4.Stay close to your pet so you can remove some cond with the other Signet,thats why i use low range weapons
5.Abuse the Spirit of Nature and the rez :P dont be afraid to use it but find nice spots to summon it so they cant focus it easily
6.Use your 5 skill in axe offhand a lot.whenever its on cd
7.When you are about to finish a downed foes swap pets.the haste buff will down him instant
8.Use this haste swapping pet in casting heal and elite.Its more usefull than 5 fast hits
9.Be creative and have a keen eye
With this build you are the leader of the map..You go first (not recklesly).You defend,you roam and you dominate in 1v1.Always put attention on your kittens.Spent some time to get used of the build and practise the F2 skill of your pet.Its not totally bugged just need more attention.You can master it and do some nice moves with your pet.We Rangers are not weak,we are not need so much dev love as you may think.We are Rangers,We survive,We make the first step and the other will follow :P
im using a beastmastery build and since my pet does half of my dmg its not a prob.actually i use the haste from pet swapping for the casting spells and for finishing foes.i know that QZ in a retaliation foe hurts..maybe you can boost some of your healing spells to counter it,some signet or the spirit elite..more players throw their defensive skills at the start so they can have it at the end of the fight.focus nuking QZ in between
My friend Terroshard.First of all i cant tell much about builds similar to mine.But for my build i can tell you much.Investing so many in pet is paying you back.Ok i know that theres some pathing issues and some animation but there are not as much as you may think.If you spent some time to work your ability to predict the movement of the animation and your foe position you will notice that the pets do around 4k-6k dmg with some skills..also you dont investing only in pet atrit. but also in healing.Why you get eaten alive by projectile reflect since your pet does so many dmg?You know that pet also got his own bleed dmg…i mean skill 4 in shortbow with the bleed that kittens got from their skills its not something to ignored by any prof.the bunker guardian will die (slowly but he will be dead) from your pet all alone.he cant do any dmg that you cant heal.the kittens got like 2300 precision..try to estimate the crit chance and the crit dmg they got…and the good part is that they cant target em cause are tough and you can swapp em fast enough,while YOU will make em tone of dmg.eehh you noticed that you got 1960 power and 31% crit dmg and 16% crit chance?….wait,count the fury from the weapon swapping and u got some numbers.Ok i dont wont to be sound like a idiot that overestimate his build,but it works fine to me
You are right about the dmg the beta was too much op was common the greatsword-axe/warhorn build.they nerfed it,they did right in my opinion.we all know thats some probs in the dmg output but dont mean that because the other 2 prof are making 10000 dmg with a greatsword must mean that all prof who use greatsword must do 10000 dmg.So i think yes,some fixes with the maul ability it will add some potential in the greatsword and i dont want to make it like a warrior or guardian greatsword;TgAA1Ctoey8k4J7TunkPB
Now heres some tips.
1.Use troll heal from the time you see your foe.yes at full health.yes even though you have 25k life
2.i dont use QZ for 2 reasons:Guardians and Retaliation
3.Never,i mean NEVER use the active effect of Signet of the Wild.thats why i gave you Sickem
4.Stay close to your pet so you can remove some cond with the other Signet,thats why i use low range weapons
5.Abuse the Spirit of Nature and the rez :P dont be afraid to use it but find nice spots to summon it so they cant focus it easily
6.Use your 5 skill in axe offhand a lot.whenever its on cd
7.When you are about to finish a downed foes swap pets.the haste buff will down him instant
8.Use this haste swapping pet in casting heal and elite.Its more usefull than 5 fast hits
9.Be creative and have a keen eye
With this build you are the leader of the map..You go first (not recklesly).You defend,you roam and you dominate in 1v1.Always put attention on your kittens.Spent some time to get used of the build and practise the F2 skill of your pet.Its not totally bugged just need more attention.You can master it and do some nice moves with your pet.We Rangers are not weak,we are not need so much dev love as you may think.We are Rangers,We survive,We make the first step and the other will follow :P
i totally agree with the Maul ability.dont need that needs any other change..i could make it more reliable and in pvp if the change the Maul ability.seriously Arenanet…low dmg and bleed…….why condition dmg in a vitality boosted idea would be to do more dmg the more vitality you got.but i got the copyrights for this idea.if you change this skill to this you have to name it dardasomething;TgAA1Ctoey8k4J7TunkPB
test friend had a guardian and i let him play with my ranger a while.he totally dominate the Map
You dont have to have like a ton of power since your pet does a lot of dmg.keep swapping em and use the F2.its nice to use the heal after you swap the pet so it can be cast instant.or the elite..its dominated in 1v1 situation and very sustanaible in group situations.all this regen keeps you alive for a lot of time and you do a lot of dmg.the point is to know how to keep you pet alive,its your half dmg.dont pukitten recklesly in the chaos fights.try to stay close with your pet and pick clever targets to pew pew.dont exept to rush in and do like 10k dmg to everyone thats near.Like Arenanet said rangers have keen eye
Now heres some tips.
1.Use troll heal from the time you see your foe.yes at full health.yes even though you have 25k life
2.i dont use QZ for 2 reasons:Guardians and Retaliation
3.Never,i mean NEVER use the active effect of Signet of the Wild.thats why i gave you Sickem
4.Stay close to your pet so you can remove some cond with the other Signet,thats why i use low range weapons
5.Abuse the Spirit of Nature and the rez :P dont be afraid to use it but find nice spots to summon it so they cant focus it easily
6.Use your 5 skill in axe offhand a lot.whenever its on cd
7.Be creative
let it be heard.I know that many will follow this awesome build.I name this build DardaBuild.spread the word
ive test it.dudes its good..axe main hand and offhand and swapping in boost crit and vitality with traits and rune.heres the build:;TgAA1Ctoey8k4J7TunkPB
ive noticed that my pet does 3k dmg with sickem and around 2k all pet killed all alone a thief that ignored dmg from me at all.and ppl are stupid enough to keep hitting you with the 5 skill
its a fair question.either is or not a balance prof the ranger need some fixes and we didnt see any of them at the latest patch
So i wonder if you give 25 traits in beastmastery to take Natures Wrath and some to Nature Magic to take the Strenght of Spirit you can have enough Power without any need to trait it so you can be both surv and just testing this build right now,i see it interesting.i still havent decided in the weapons
i see a lot of mesmers in the first places and guardians as well..i (ranger) am also having problem with this classes but i dont think thats a balance problem.i just working my builds and testing em till i find the most changing my playstyle and focusing more in my movement.i rly like that after all this time im still trying builds and im still finding something interesting in them.y i know the cond-shortbow-QZ build its rly good since you can kill anyone rly fast.but the point its not only killing someone can defend,you can roam,you can protect,you can support and so many other things.btw here my list
Low Fps in dungeons and when theres a ceiling above me
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295
ive disable them..
Low Fps in dungeons and when theres a ceiling above me
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295
i mean i dont have like a trillion euros.i bought this laptop after i saw the req of GW2 just to play it.i bled to gather all this money.certainly theres a prob and maybe ArenaNet should have put more minimum requirments
Low Fps in dungeons and when theres a ceiling above me
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295
i got this laptop:Toshiba Satellite C660-2ML.the game runs smoothly at low settings but when i got for first time in Ascalon dungeon i have noticed that my Fps dropped very much.even if i down more the graphs still wherever theres a ceiling above me i have low the open sky its all good..
Me and my friend Sapismenos formed this guild.Our propuse is to have fun and to enjoy the game a little bit more through the company of other members.We are Greeks.Feel free to wisp us or send us an email.We are currently recruiting every profession.We only need from you to be mature