Showing Posts For Dardamaniac.1295:

April's State of the Game w/ Karl and Sharp!

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


No just because its the same team over and over again..I would like some other guys from the top leaderboards.
Empathetic Fighter for example..And another dude for Curse team,i dont remember his name,with long hair,not the italian dude.
And why should i have some personal hate?Its just a game..Sometimes tho i react bad to bad statements

Leaderboards are awesome - stop moaning

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


“I will never quit on my team, the only time I can assure you will quit is when my team does; we had an internal chat after the patch and came to the decision that we are not going to quit just yet. nothing else influenced me to stay apart from that.”

I don’t understand at what point that I told you I don’t want to quit so you don’t, but then again these are the forums and I suppose people like to make kitten up, so please don’t put words in my mouth.

Thank you.[/quote]

It wasnt I and was my team..for that im sorry…But still why should i quit if your team does?Do you think that you have so much influence on ppl?And yes these are forums but no i dont come here to say random stuff,its a waste of time.And sorry again if you misunderstand something,my english are not perfect.I didnt meant you said that you dont quit cause you dont want me to quit.Just the statement “you quit when my team does” is at least disrespectful for me

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

April's State of the Game w/ Karl and Sharp!

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Not Team Paradigm again..

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Again picking an Asura for that extra edge seems more stupid to me that making an RP in your character..If picking a barbie doll give you 50% better perfomance would you choose her? I wont,how can i make an RP with a barbie doll?“One day Sindy went shopping,then she decided that she must go to a frozen battleground to slay some Charrs cause she didnt find a match for her shoes”

Sidenote: If your wife is pregnant I think she is cheating on you. Sylvari are UNABLE (as in sterile) to produce offspring.

Ta ta tatatan(great reveal music)..How can this be true?Oh Lord..Is my love strong enough to forgive her?Curse you Taym..

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Sure I won’t argue that it would be better if the choice were purely out of rp considerations, but as it stands right now it isn’t. I personally don’t play min size asura but I’m not extremely competitive.

One nitpick about your rp background; while sylvari can have intercourse they cannot actually procreate, so your character can’t really have any children, only siblings born from the mother tree.

Actually im aware of that..Ive met Dardanam in frosty mountains,in an old tavern that i used to go and relax after a good hunting.It was love at first sight..But this relationship was doomed from its start..She was a proud Norn and i was a Sylvani…I decided to stand against the rules and mary her.We lived in a small hut in Wychmire Swamp where we can hide from the world..But they found us,i managed to escape but my pregrant wife was captured..Ive never saw my children,but every day my rage grow deeper in my bones.Soon, i will be strong enough to return,and when i return noone will stand in my way

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Again picking an Asura for that extra edge seems more stupid to me that making an RP in your character..If picking a barbie doll give you 50% better perfomance would you choose her?I wont,how can i make an RP with a barbie doll?“One day Sindy went shopping,then she decided that she must go to a frozen battleground to slay some Charrs cause she didnt find a match for her shoes”

When did video games become so "serious"?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I mean im not so old but still theres something wrong.Im posting this here cause im talking about the competitive part of the games and particular GW2..Ive been watching a stream in twitch with a “pro” guy playing some pvp matches.He was playing a Ranger and i asked him if he can link hes build.Hes exact answer:“I wont cause i dont want and this is how this game is”.Ok i know that some ppl are rude by default but i came here to ask if its something with the “pros” and this all esports thing.This guy has like 13 viewers and he was all like “Im so good at everything that everything seems boring and my face is like i just woke up cause im cool”.
In addition why everyone picks Asura to pvp?I know that they are small and hard to click but dont you have a kind of RP in your head..?My Sylvani Ranger is an outcast that does tournaments to feed hes 4 children that he have never saw after the accident.
I know that all this may sound silly but i remember that we used to have more fun with videogames..I used to spent hours with friends talking about the game and funny incidents and i knew back then that THIS IS JUST A GAME..
Anyway i dont want to make this any longer i just think that at early 90s there was more fun with videogames,this esports thing destroyed everything..

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

Leaderboards are awesome - stop moaning

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


OP is telling things from his own point of view and its quite understandable.I said before that theres a game out there that has big success and has a nice solid soloq option..I strongly believe that the soloq is a must right now in every competitive game.Every game is played by thousand of soloqers-casuals and less “pros”-team players.As much as we need the top teams so the top teams need a big casual-soloqers base.
In patch 26 feb,Xeph made a thread and was outrageous about that patch.I asked him if he considering of quiting and he said yes..A day later he said that he reconsider and when i asked him why he said that I will quit if he quits.Ofc was offensive and i didnt answer that kitten but still proved something.First Xeph is having a narcisism problem.Second the top leaderboard dudes must start thinking differently,you are not alone,dont see things from your own point of view,i paid for this game so are you,both customers must be satisfied..

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

Ranger orb running...

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Its just a too situational build,i dont think that is so much unstopable but again is too situational to become OP or to need nerf.

Situational? When Spirit Watch is the only map Anet allow us to play, you are begging people to abuse this cheese.

Relax isnt as unstopable as op made it sound like.I would be fine to reduce the leaps range while you are carrying the orb..But again i repeat,its to situational to be looked at now,ele are op at more aspects and roles in any map..Keep an priority in your head ppl dont release the nerf bat again

Leaderboards are awesome - stop moaning

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I understand what you say very well and you are right..Still theres a game more succesfull than GW2 out there that has a good solid soloq option…
I can understand that to be at the first 100-200 players you need all the 6 things that you named before but you must understand that there must be some room for us casuals to have more fun too.I dont want to have the 6 things but still i want to play this game and feel that my efforts are rewarded and im getting better

Duels should be the only Ranking Factor

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I dont agree with the duel ranking.I think duels must a fun mode only.But i would like to see some more rewards on individual efforts.Since theres a soloq choice shouldnt be so unfair.It was better when you couldnt join solo in Paid tournaments

Ranger orb running...

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Its just a too situational build,i dont think that is so much unstopable but again is too situational to become OP or to need nerf.

About rating and leaving

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Is it possible that someone is losing-winning less rating when the match becomes 4-5 or 3-5?

Can i have a official response?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Thank you Empathetic Fighter,you are such a sweet guy..I not sure tho,maybe someone found a way

Can i have a official response?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


So i geuss i cant have an answer.I dont want to be ironic but do you think that my gaming experience is better when i know that some players MAY be cheating without any cost?

Can i have a official response?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


pshycological confuse.I just want to know if this is happening or not

Can i have a official response?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I dont like playing dirty..So i wonder,dont i deserve to know what is happening?And if the ones that play dirty are getting punished or rewarded?

Can i have a official response?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Ive seen some threads saying that if you leave before the match ends in a ranked game you dont lose,its doesnt count as a loss in your leaderboard rank.
Ive never even thought of leaving before of a game,ive never become disrespectful with my teammates..
Dont i deserve to have a response or should i start searching ways to cheat in matches too?
So if a player leaves before a match ends is it counting as a loss or not?

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

good side

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Its the whole concept that many ppl cant get it.Everyone wants their pets to be a passive constant dmg like a condition.Imo every Ranger has to put skill to maximize his pet dmg so theres a difference to dmg due to skill.The Ranger who can use his pet more effective can make more dmg.
The other think is weapons,most ppl want to stay at 1500 dmg and do like 5k dmg with every autohit..Anet said it before release that ranged dmg would be less than meele cause meele is more risky.Still Shortbow Ranger is doing the most dps in range..
And eventually skills and traits..Ppl dont understan the unbalance things that can occur sometimes..I was running a signet-power-crit dmg build in pvp and i picked singet of wild,signet of the hunt and signet of the stone with signet of Beastmastery trait and Rampage as one for elite.If signet of the wild didnt had so much cd i could have too much stability and its kinda op

GJ with Greatsword,Longbow now

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


A boost in projectile speed it will raise the dmg output overall as well.The longbow has allready a nice dmg skill so its not a dmg output problem,its actually the reliability of the autoattack.I dont want to stand in one point and just autoattack and do more dmg that using other skills but i want when i need to throw some fast and low dmg hits to have a reliable autoattack to support it.Anet said before GW2 was released that meele will do more dmg cause its more risky.Shortbow allready does great dmg and with it we can outdmg every class in range.Fast strong autohits with a lot of usefull skills in 2,3,4,5.
Imo the 3 fast but low dmg hits will make the Longbow reliable,punish those who try to run away from a Ranger and is steady in close range.

Change region affects Rank in Leaderboards?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


If someone was at a north american server when ranking started and moved to a Europe server he carries the same ranking or goes to 0?

GJ with Greatsword,Longbow now

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


And this is what i think.Longbow has awfull autoattack,every Ranger see that.If we want to be objective here not in terms of dmg but in terms of how an autoattack should be.Its a long cast uploading heavy dmg at max range.Still most Rangers use Shortbow even tho the autoattack is doing less dmg.In pvp for example,you see on your foe the aegis buff,so you let an autoattack to hit fast so you can continue your encounter afterwards..Thats imposible with longbow,it will take too long to generate an simple attack while its too easy for the foe to see it you gonna loose like 5 secs of doing totally nothing.
Imo Longbow autoattack must be seperate in 3 smaller arrows..Lets say it does 1500dmg at x range it should do 500-500-500.These numbers can change if the targets moves to you or away and does 500-600-700 dmg or 500-400-300.Same casting time,same dmg just a little more reliable.I dont think it will ruin the balance.
Plz check it fast,ive(every Ranger) been using Shortbow since release in EVERY build

ANet, take a serious look at rangers please.

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Personally i dont use either vigor trait,either the healing signet but i can understand that its more team supportive this selection.
Still with troll urgent is about ~1000 hp/sec(with natural healing) without the initial heal tho but with more secs.
The way i play in tournaments i find more usefull the troll urgent.I go far point and if its 1v1 i stay,if back up comes i go help closest point,i run a lot from nodes to nodes thats why i use Troll urgent.But all these in pug-soloq mode,maybe if i play with an organized team and im suppose to stay in one place all the time healing spring will be better

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

ANet, take a serious look at rangers please.

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


The troll ungent heals for roughly 1k every sec for 10s on a 25s CD.
If the ranger takes it, its brutal healing to beat threw.

why would you ever choose to run troll unguent instead of healing spring as a bm ranger in spvp?
healing spring is way stronger and it gives really good support in teamfights as well – aoe condition remove, 15 sec water field, aoe reg and aoe vigor, all in one skill – there is literally no reason to run TU on a bm ranger build. furthermore why are all people running LR instead of signet?
your pet can be in the midfight clearing all conditions on your allies, while you assault far point, defend homepoint or do some other objective – then you swap pet and all conditions are gone.

Well i personaly run Troll Urgent for 2 reasons
1.smaller cd
2.You can move more freely and i find it more steady.While the initial heal from Healing spring is good i dont think the regen coming after is a trusty healing source when you are in the middle of a teamfight.Some classes can remove-steal boons

The other thing you said with the signet i do it all the time and i find it awesome.Cleanse all cond and swap pet.Problem?

ANet, take a serious look at rangers please.

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Yeah it’s a bit ridiculous. People are to the point where they are even calling rangers in every other game OP, or telling me (when I’m on my ranger) that of course I’m doing well with my fotm ranger (when I’ve been playing ranger since beta and virtually the same build since launch, AND I only run BM maybe 10% of the time).

There hasn’t been a single change in this game since launch that has changed a single viable build for rangers (same builds since day 1). People are not used to the new quickness, and probably not used to people playing their class well, and that is going to be the biggest source of the “X class is overpowered” argument.

You are totally right.I have said this before,the traps are the same from day 1 and after a few months became op.Now im watching a very interesting thread in Rangers forum that describes the Chilly Ranger(Rangers got a lot of access in chill cond).Maybe in a few months we will see ppl at forums complaining about this op constant chill build that Rangers suddenly started using

When you think it can't be worse

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


It happened to me i think one time,it was hotjoin tho

Pathetic Perception of Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Also guys please,everyone is tired of this kind of threads?

“Rangers are bad,they do 0 dmg and their pets never hit”

This is not an thread that if i was dev i would like to watch over.Bring numbers to the table,make examples with situations and have clues.Not just rangers are bad i roll a thief and i m killing them cause @Ping.5739 you are totally wrong,no matter how many d/d 3 you spam you cant kill anyone just by doing this,you must be doing something else too.
Theres a nice thread called chill Ranger,check it out

Pathetic Perception of Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I know any GC or BM ranger is a joke as the pet has virtually no chance of hitting the player in a duel and with the quickness nerf they don’t really have the dps to out burst other classes.

Please guys stop saying things like these,we will make devs angry and they will hatenerf us.We are probably one of the best (imo the best) in 1v1,especially with BM build where you can have high healing-defense and high dmg from your pet(yes sometimes it misses but lets be serious,not all the times for God sake)

Chilly Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


This thread is gold..I hope we get some dev response,maybe they must make chill affects also the thiefs initiate regen

ANet, take a serious look at rangers please.

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I think its decided then.Rangers in BM build are very good at 1v1,got nice defense and dmg but they lack in teamfights.
I will add that they have nice mobility too.I use Greatsword and Signet of the Hunt and i can move pretty fast through the map.
Ranger imo are in a good state right now in PvP.I find 2 major problems tho
1.They can be easily replaceble(Example:“Dude we need a Ranger for our tournament team”“ehh i cant find one”“its ok lets take some other class(we are hoping for an ele)”
2.Not many speccs viable(Spirits not so good,Raw Power Rangers not so good,no burst build)

Chilly Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I had this crazy idea long time before.I noticed that there was a lot of access in Chill for Rangers.I also used the Frost Spirit,I got deeper in the Natures Magic traitline..For tPvP only.With Rune of Ice at my armor slots..I abandon this build cause i found it kinda boring…I had it in my mind like something supportive.Also i remember that i won 5 soloq tournaments in a row..Im not sure if it was the build or i had bad enemies

Ive been running this build for a long time

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Why are you running Signet of the Hunt and Agility Training?

I use SoH as a dmg skill for my pet and a mobility skill for me..I really like that has short cd and after entering a combat i use it for a nice maul from my Jaguar..Just imagine this.Go close to enemy—Shortbow#5—Swap to Jaguar—F2-hit SoH—swap to Greatsword—#5 Greatsword—#2 Greatsword for the lolz..Its not a instant kill but its a great dmg unload.ill try to make a number(not accurate).its about 8k dmg in 5 secs,not bad for a tankish build right?

Still not sure its worth it…I mean you can double pop SoH (preload it)

I’d think since you’re using Shortbow the Reduction in cooldown on its ability would give you more bang for your buck.

I do get your reasoning though..I tried switching over to it at one point when I wasn’t running Signet of the Hunt in my build.

Actually sr if i didnt mentioned it but this build is for tournaments,where you cant preload SoH.But still Shortbow reduction doesnt sounds bad,i think ill use it and see

Ive been running this build for a long time

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I would also replace sigil of earth since you barely have any condition damage or crit chance.

Well i got great access to fury,i swap a lot,i dont afraid to enter meele.i can escape easily with lightning reflexes and Swoop.I swap pets and weapons a lot,almost whenever is on cd so crit chance is a little more that it looks.In the other hand yes i dont have any cond dmg but i feel that Shortbow even as a power weapon needs this sigil.It helps me a lot with some tough toughness builds prof (Guardians).Its about balance imo..Why not put some cond in there and help a little your dps,even if its not big numbers i believe if you see the total results you will see more dmg at the end

Ive been running this build for a long time

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Why are you running Signet of the Hunt and Agility Training?

I use SoH as a dmg skill for my pet and a mobility skill for me..I really like that has short cd and after entering a combat i use it for a nice maul from my Jaguar..Just imagine this.Go close to enemy—Shortbow#5—Swap to Jaguar—F2-hit SoH—swap to Greatsword—#5 Greatsword—#2 Greatsword for the lolz..Its not a instant kill but its a great dmg unload.ill try to make a number(not accurate).its about 8k dmg in 5 secs,not bad for a tankish build right?

Ive been running this build for a long time

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


And i cant understand why everyone thinks that traps are the only viable solution in sPvP.
With this build i have great mobility(Greatsword swoop-SoH,constant weapon swapping),high defense(just check stats) and high dmg(me and my kittens).Just check stats..I cant nuke someone,it may take time to down a bunker(any kind,any prof) especially without Rampage as one but i can run from node to node easily and i can hold em for a long time.Im almost unbeatable in 1v1 and aoe fear from wolf is awesome.
The only “problem” comes in team fights,but i strongly believe that its up to your skill how you will help your teammates..Now check the build and i will love some criticism;ToAA1CtoqxUjoGbNuak1sAZUB

Post your matchmaking imbalance shots

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I had some imbalance matchmaking games and honestly i dont get it..I mean if someone is rank 1 and has 0 wins 0 loses its in the same ranking as someone who is 30+ and has 10-10?This invisible matchmaking is so wrong for me


Custom matches + 3rd party ladder/tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Great answer friend

It bothers me too.I mean ladders,matchmaking,rating in games like GW2 are not something new.You know that you will need em and theres the knowledge for putting em ingame.
I cant accept that Anet said “We want this to become a esport….oh kitten,we forgot custom servers,spectator mode,rating..”

Team Majava vs 0 ... jump game?! New meta...

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


the real question is “Is this better or to face 5 soloqers with 1-2 rank 1?”“Is this better or your team to have a 1hour(or more) waiting time every match?”
The problem is not the matchmaking but the low population imo

What will be "custom" about custom arenas?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Imo a custom arena with all the things OP said and more will totally make this game the top esports game in a few weeks.If you give a lot of options to ppl they will soon find the right combination.Even if its not in balance terms it will be defenlty in fun terms.And i believe that this customization must be free for anyone.If you raise the population you can lure more new players.If your population is low and its dropping day by day no matter what you do ppl will keep leaving.Do you think that games like LoL or WoW are perfect or have great mechanics?They have balance?Diversity?
GW2 is right now the best game,just need to raise his population.These games need a high population more than anything and 3 ele nerfs and 5 buffs here and there wont raise the population

Speculation on the fixes from March Patch.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Maul will get more bleed damage… for a weapon that has absolutely zero condition support.

The more bleed dmg its a dmg boost in anyway,just remember that conditions ignore armor

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

Which Profession Does the Most Ranged Damage?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


According to Anet tho Rangers are the masters of ranged combat.Its kinda true since Shortbow has a very good auto attack.Rangers cant burst but they can stick to a target with their pets and do some serious dmg over time.And imagine that it was nerfed a bit,combined with haste even more..Before this nerf was hell itself

SotG drinking game

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Epic the thread is epic

I thought there was a matchmaking system?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Its not so hard to make a MMR even when you are making premades facing solo q..When you lose to an opposite soloq team you lose 40 points (example) and when you win 40 points again.But when you lose to a premade you lose 10 points (or less depending on the difference in points,if the match ends 450-500 for the premabe that means that the soloqers did a great effort against a premade with teamspeak and better communication,and its not a game like LoL where you can “carry” your team) but if a soloq team wins against a premade they deserve a great reward like 80 points.
Just use logic its not so hard.Its like: effort/reward=1

State of the Game w/ J Sharp & Tyler Bearce

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I would really like to hear about the state of the game 5 months ago.When there were a lot of people playing it.Now the population is low and as we speak for the state of the game more and more people are quiting.My friends in real life did it but I wont quit,i really like it and i dont want to be offensive by any means with what i say but the state of the game for me now is sad.You see i really like playing this mmo with a lot of people and my friends..
So if i wanted something to added in this SOTG is my saddness for a downfall that seems unstoppable

maps updated & 8 team rewards increased

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I wonder if Anet has numbers that showing that pvp population is increasing…

Robert Hrouda on pets in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Why dont you just reduce the time pets stay dead when they die?Or make it heal with our healing abilities..Make a bar that we can fill if we start healing like crazy..And it makes a nice combo since the BM traitline has healing power

Ranger Signet buff

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


ive never understand something in the Signet of renewal.Its ok when its not traited so the active effects applied to the Ranger.I mean i can active it to clear my cond and other teammates too and then swap pet so it wont die.but I dont want to take every cond team has around me..For what reason since i will be dead?I cant make them into boons like other class do and i cant clear them all at once.
Except the Signet of the hunt the other signets need some rework too imo.But the Signet of renewal is totally broken traited,unfinished job

Thank you, Xeph!

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


After the february patch Xeph made a thread named “is this a joke?”I asked him directly if hes thinking of quiting and answered hes considering it.The thread was deleted and now Xeph is inveted in the next SOTG.Dont know who raged you and for what reason but i would like to hear if you still considering of quiting..Or the 3 ele changes that were not in the first notes made you change your mind.And cause im a casual player i didnt notice any major fix with eles,they are still pretty overpowered and still a contsant picking.So im also asking you if you think that these 3 changes make it for the lacking first notes and now eles are more “tolerable”?

maps updated & 8 team rewards increased

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


dont you guys expect visible rating or leaderboards soon…They are like 3 ppl working in the pvp section and they have no idea what they are doing…Just testing things still.Its ok to be carefull and go thinks step by step but every step must be steady and forward.Introducing paids,removing paids,insert rating,not visible…thats ridiculous.i cant understand why they are doing it.I i were them i would say clear and strong..“No rating guys,im still working it..No,im not gonna put paid and then remove it,paids are here to stay,i will just work on them to be better”“ele are op and im trying to fix em or ele arent op guys learn to play against them”
Straight and clear answers.In SOTG none of the major simple issues are adressed…Just all around conversations and yes-no-maybe answers

Lets make Spirits viable

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


i think that a spirit that doesnt follow you its pretty lame..The aoe radius aint that good and that way can be easily nuked down by some random aoes.So if you are suppose to use spirits u must take the proper traits..At least the 99% rangers that i have seen are doing it.
Untraited spirits are something that are not something popular