Showing Posts For Dardamaniac.1295:

They broke Ranger even more.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


You no judge whos good and whos bad
Most of the initial players stayed away
Active playerbase dropped
Trying being good at GW2
Noone cares
People play WoW
People watching LoL
Still was a fun game
Don’t know what went wrong

They broke Ranger even more.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Retired player
Came back to check out GW2 again.
Log in with Ranger.
Soulbeast they said, it will be fun they said
No fun
Clunky clunky all the time
Other classes OP
One shot you


Greatsword skill #5 range increase?!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Well did it happened or its just my idea..?

I have a long time to play

Is anybody running this?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


But i found this build quite interesting. Is anybody running something like this? What do you think?

DH are fine.. Not

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


My armor was 2900..


Vigilant Amulet balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Hmm..Maybe a remoresless ranger would be good too

Watching Gw2 spvp tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


You cant.. I mean this is the least watchable gw2 spvp i have seen so far. I dont know what is happening and most important i cant tell what players are doing, their skills animations etc cause trap Guardians burn down the whole point..


64 beta client doesnt working at all

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


1D is invalid instruction. For the most part this happens because CPU feature set detection is done with assembly but Windows’ “valid” list comes from Windows’ updates.

Eg. you upgraded your rig with a Haswell CPU or newer but are still running Win7 without SP1 including some updates after it (or worse, any version of XP). The game will try using the new instructions because the hardware says it’s supported, Windows doesn’t know about it, thinks it’s a corrupt exe, and kills it.

Thank you good friend.
Im using windows 7.
How do i fix it?

64 beta client doesnt working at all

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


—> Crash <—
Exception: c000001d
App: Gw2-64(1).exe
Pid: 5692
BaseAddr: 000000013F1D0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54655
When: 2015-11-10T11:46:45Z
Uptime: 0 days 0:00:00
Flags: 0

—> System <—

What is it?

Druid/Ranger build

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Hey there people.

This is the new build that im trying out lately and i found the whole gameplay very fun and exciting.
The great mobility, the synergize with the pet for stacking might, the healing burst, the ranged strategic positioning.. I love em
You may think that the dmg is too low but i will strongly disagree. Provided that you will stack 20+ might all the time and with the pets having great F2s for bursting someone down im pretty sure that its not bursty enough but it can put great pressure to someone..

My only problem is the Wilting Strike trait.. It seems that i doesnt work with the new pets F2, take Natural Healing instead. I hope they will fix it soon

Thoughts and critisism are welcome

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Says max leash range 600, but has anyone tested lately I’m getting under 300 range on the leash which really makes it useless, I’ve been thinking of using it in new build as more condition remove, heal and blind. Damage is a joke with almost any build and heal is meh as well.

Ive use it lately and i can see the line extend to 600 range. My problem is that sometimes when i use it i see no line attached to foe. It seems undodgeable and unblockable. Need more testing

Glyph of Unity

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Has anyone aproach this glyph? Have you put it in action?

I found that with a tanky amulet has many potential.. Ive run a build with sentinel amulet, full glyphs and runes of the druid for the extra healing power that im missing.. And im doing great amount of dmg through glyph of unity

What do you think?

The process of buffing/nerfing...

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


…how does it work? Is it the devs themselves that plays around in pvp matches and find out that this needs to buffed/nerfed?

Or do they read the complaints here on the forums? Observe matches? Collect data in some other way? Or do they talk to some special individual top tier players about it? Are all classes equally represented, without bias?

Anyone in the know here about this?

ping @Josh Davis, for example.

It’s a bit of everything.

In order of highest priority listings to least priority.

1. Tournaments
Believe it or not, Devs look at tournaments as a strong foundation of where certain classes stand in TPvP. Mainly due to player synchronization – you just can’t consistently get these results in your average pug match. The skill cap is definitely higher here.

2. Forums
From bugs to repetitive posts saying to nerf something, Forum feedback is the best tool they have to research an potential issue. If a 20 page thread gets created by players asking for a change, addition, or a nerf to something, odds are, it’s going to happen. A prime example is RoF nerf, Turret Engi and Ele Might stacking and even GvG back when that thread became popular. All these came to light.

3. Obvious Power Creep
Ranger’s 10k pet damages and mitigation, Test of Faith’s 4procs in half a second when you cross the field, Engi passive sustains from a single trait. If it’s obvious for us, it’s obvious for the Devs too. That said, not everything is obvious, there’s a lot of l2p issues in soloq compared to Tournament play. This goes back to itemizing the two seperate gamemodes because what’s OP in soloQ pvp play may not be that big of a deal in tournament play. EU and NA both.

4. Their own data collaboration
I imagine they collect certain surveys in regards to X classes winning X Amount of games. I’d be surprised if they actually had a data pot that kept track of certain class specific traits and skills.

5. Casual Dev Team Players
Last but not least, the casual gamers within the company itself. There’s a constant collaboration of sorts within the small Anet community that are also wondering what’s OP and what isn’t. The above items are a bit more prioritized than the chit chat rumors that goes on during lunch hour.

The above is my experience of almost 2 years of watching Anet’s responses to the power creep. Sometimes they would buff or nerf something completely random like .5 seconds icd of a skill. It’s usually because they were literally observing a fight and the class would have performed better if it it lasted half a second longer.

It’s beyond amazing by how fast they’re currently responding where before, it was literally every 6 months before you saw any type of change – if that. Thankfully the game is successful enough where more money is put in the Tournament pot while at the same time, bugs and balance is of high priority. Expect a patch every two weeks or 2 ESL tournament matches for the sake of the meta shift and settle.

I cant believe they watched any tournament with all these dd cele eles and nerfed em so little…

400% "shave" for Lingering Light

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Having a 400% nerf to a GM trait is not acceptable. 5-6s cooldown would have been fine. Don’t nerf something to the point where people won’t use it anymore. Just make small changes, not huge ones like these.

My thoughts exactly..
I wonder why did they think that after this nerf ppl will still use somehow this trait.. How did it cross their minds? How and Why?

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

Be prepared for a Ancient Seeds nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Y i think they have their eyes on Ranger for the moment.. We all know how the “fix” things..(Hello We heal As One) Expect some nerfs, lets all hope that Ancient Seeds its gonna pass the test..

Something needs to be done with Ancient Seeds

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


The Lingering Light nerf was too much. I understand that it may needed a shave but this thrown the trait into oblivion and made Ancient Seeds the more appealing choice..

Ancient seeds its indeed a strong trait.

My question is why shouldnt Rangers have strong traits?
Why every time you see something strong in a Ranger ( hello We heal As One ) you should ask to be nerfed into oblivion?

Marauder Staff Might-Stacking

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


So far the strongest build ive played.. The burst, the survivability, the mobility, the healing support and the CC are outrageous. Mark my words, theres a nerf coming

Please do something about Druid healing

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


No matter how much i want to bring out the tears bucket you guys exaggerate…

Is this DH Nerf Enough to Calm the Tears?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I main a Ranger and i have a bucket right here besides me for the moment that i will start collecting those precious tears…
Its empty for 3 years and you Guardians can raise the sea level with those..

So to answer your question OP


Bristleback ISSUE on F2

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Ive noticed too some issues with the F2.. Mostly that it doesnt responds well when i use it. Delay, going on low cd etc..

Just L2P right?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


You survived 4x your HP in damage over a full minute and you are complaining that its OP?

Yeah you falsy OP.. Get your facts right like this guy did….
Strong facts, hard to counter em…

What are we listening these days…

Just L2P right?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


If you get instant killed its your fault. A dps guardian will do the same to you xD
I played med guard against burn guardians and they die. I play mesmer, thief against burn guardian and they die if they are not better in playstyle than me. They are not op at all.
You can kill them in 1v1 without condiremoves, thats even some kind of beeing underpowred imo.

Excuse me..
How can you survive when you have 14 stacks of burning on you and no cd on cond removal?How dont you get insta dead?
I usually take 6 stacks, ill admit that…

Still i find myself many times with those stacks of burning, full life and no cond removal cd thinking " well i cant do a kitten, ill just wait to die here "…

No thief ever did to me, even when i had like 2k armor.. i could still run, i could hide, i could do something.
With guards is “oh you didnt dodge my teleport ultra OP skill that its instant and there was no obvious animation, hmmm to bad, take now 6 stacks of burning and die in the corner”

Just L2P right?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Its ridiculous to defend burning guardians at the moment imo.
Its a instant kill and its unfair..
Ofc and i bring cond removal but dont you find the irony into suggesting a player keeping any active cond removal for the moment they face a burning guardian. Or picking a bunch of cond removal skills, traits, sigils and runes just to be prepared to fight a guardian that will apply you 14 stack of burning the moment he takes a glimpse at you..
Its ridiculous to ask players to build around countering a single class cause other way you are dead for sure…

I'm Going To Main Druid No Matter What

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Forcing us to pick druid traitline for high end gameplay is gonna be the next thing in these forums. Mark my words

I'm Going To Main Druid No Matter What

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Im calling it now. Druid will be better than ranger at every aspect of this game.
We are actually the weakest class in the game right now. Rangers are bottom tier.. Y they roam but they are not staff ele, yes they kill in 1v1 but they are not dd eles, yes the frost spotter build is in a good spot but they are not warriors..
Druid cant be that bad and if it probably noone will play ranger at all….

I'm Going To Main Druid No Matter What

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Your are not the only one..
Think about it..
Noone will play regular Ranger after 23..

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Yeah.. It was a perfectly balanced game till the WhaO came in making Rangers unkillable gods..
Thats why they respont so fast and didnt leave some time to test it like they did with every other class

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Ranger has been the only class generally known for the need of buffs and quality improvements.. For a long time.

Are you kittening KIDDING ME?

This persecution complex is NOT HELPING.

Yes. Ranger has problems. Serious, systematic, intractable issues. But DON’T go around trying to play a pity card like all other classes are faultless paragons of blissful gameplay.

Its not a pity card. Its just what i think of. Its the fact that i dont like at all the way they treat my favourite class.
Ive played since launch and i watched many things on other classes that made them unfun to play against. Ive seen warriors outheal every dmg with healing signet. Ive seen necros doing huge dmgs with duhmfire without being able to counter play. Ive seen thieves evading everything. Ive seen ele sustaining two foes on point. Ive seen guardians throwing at me 7 stacks of burning. Ive seen it for a long time…
The moment a ranger was able to get 20 stacks of might they nerfed it to hell immidiately.. Well how can you blame me?

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Ranger has been the only class generally known for the need of buffs and quality improvements.. For a long time.
Placing a might cap on the skill was harsh.

And kept me away from game for another time..
I wanted to start playing again my ranger but im out guys.. Its nothing interesting in playing a mediocre class

Signet of the Wild

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Well i dont understand.. From my point of view i log in and i want to have fun.
I randomly used SotW underwater and i noticed a quality that i wasnt used to most of the times..It had less casting time and it was so much fun to use.

Now my question is that it is really that important to have a 1sec casting time? I mean the skill is there. Just copy it..Im not a game designer i dont know details but logic implies that since it is there how hard could it be?

Or there is a thin thread holding the perfect balance right now and it would destroy everything if SotW becomes more functional?

Signet of the Wild

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Someone plz give me a logical explanation on why does Signet of the Wild has a 1/2 sec casting time underwater while out of water is 1 sec..

Seriously what is this?
Why dont you keep the same casting time underwater..?
Its a way of telling ppl play SotW underwater?

Drakes cleave with auto?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I dont know if its new but im suprised.. As far as i can recall they didnt

Druids Healer Gear for raids

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Im thinking of some mix settlers with clerics..
Some bosses need cond dmg as far as i played the raids in beta and i think it may be usefull some cond dmg to the party..

What do you think?
I was mostly a spvp player but i didnt like the stronghold dat much and i liked raids a lot..

Reward track rewards in beta

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Sadly every reward that you took with a beta character is lost..
I really hope Anet will do something about it..
Although i doubt cause i dont think there is a memory big enough to save every item weve been rewarded from pvp reward track.

Its kinda unfair tho cause this way they are pushing us not to spvp with the new specializations..
Even tho the rewards aint that important for dedicated spvpers i really wanted to keep those 2-3 tomes of knowledge

Rangers are beyond OP

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Its not like i felt like a top tier class-build ( d/d cele ele ) and its not like i agree that it should stay that way for months ( d/d cele ele ) but it leaves me a bitter taste that i had no chance against a certain class-build ( d/d cele ele ) for so long and the moment i had a small chance into winning against it ( d/d cele ele ) the forums went crazy and the devs started to looking into it…

I main Ranger and i stopped playing this game for some time now cause i didnt want to play the most effective class-build ( d/d cele ele ) and i wanted to play my favourite ( Ranger )..

But it felt pointless. D/D cele ele could run, dmg me, condi me, outheal every dmg i put on them…
I know some time some players are better than me and they will win.
But that wasnt the case..

D/D cele ele is flawless. It simply has no counterplay

September 29th Patch Notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Rangers back in the meta confirmed

Todays update

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Is today the patch day with the balance changes that they announced at twitchcon?

Druid are good for 1 thing.

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


The thing about stability is what bothers me the most.. Its true that offers no stability at all but offers an aoe stun break… Check the notes again

Rangers have good access to stability as it is already.

Strenght of the pack can go down to 42 s cd.

SotW also offers stability and its cooldown can be reduced also (from 60s) down to 40? Can’t remember exactly atm.

48 but it has an annoying casting time and not a long duration.. I dont take it cause stability is needed in times when you are in trouble. You are in panic, you cant wait to cast it.. You need it NOW

Druid are good for 1 thing.

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Here comes the facts

Seed of Life: Summon a seed that heals and cleanses nearby allies of conditions when it blossoms.

Lunar Impact: Call down a massive lunar beam to heal allies and daze foes.

Rejuvenating Tides: Gather tidal force to rapidly heal nearby allies(water field)

Natural Convergence: Channel your celestial powers, pulsing cripple and slow. Once the channel ends, any foes still within its radius will be trapped by a black hole, immobilizing them

Glyph of Equality: Daze nearby foes.

In Celestial Avatar: Break stun for nearby allies(what? a aoe stun break?we certainly dont want this for a team..)

Glyph of the Tides: Push nearby enemies away from you.

In Celestial Avatar: Pulls enemies toward you.

Celestial Shadow: Grant superspeed and stealth to nearby allies when leaving celestial avatar form.

Grace of the Land: While you are a celestial avatar, your allies gain reduced incoming condition damage. (33% decrease)

And i posted only the things that are unique for druid and very handy for a team.. Add the 5k heal spikes

(edited by Dardamaniac.1295)

Druid are good for 1 thing.

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


In pvp a full druid healer wont be a thing.. My guess is that it will be in pve or WvW

In pvp a hybrid healer, cc, daze, cond removal to allies dmg druid will definitely gonna be a thing.. See the notes again and check how many things druid has and no other class can offer.

The thing about stability is what bothers me the most.. Its true that offers no stability at all but offers an aoe stun break… Check the notes again

What do i do with all these sigils and runes

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


That i get from salvaging worthless items

No Third Party Reveal?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Confirmed today in Engi forum, they’re still working on it.

Confirmed they got their eyes on… This could mean a lot of things…

No Third Party Reveal?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I dont know..
Its been a mystery what they have been doing with druid so far.
Some ppl say that druid wasnt ready and thats why they left it last..
I have some thoughts that even in the release it wont be ready. They did something and this something seems that its causing them major problems.
I will wait till druid release and this is when i will decide if ill buy HoT

oRNG Lord rush... what? VoD of Todays Go4

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


sorry. I wish this would be enough to make me watch GW2 tournaments again.. But it wont.
Remove the Ele first and we talk later..

Transferred conditions still cause rallies

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I dont even..

Sic em state

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Y i know op.. And its not the only skill, many skills are similar with other classes skills. Only that Ranger always has the short stick for some reason..

I stopped playing GW2 and started another game and i feel better..It may work on you too

Surprise surprise, Druid's last!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Im calling it..

Druid will make plants grow and give buffs like spirits do, 1sec of might every 3sec for example..

They will be beautifull and they will have long casting animation..

They will fill you screen and probably will die in a sec..

In 1 year they will increase the health about 50%

In 6 months about another 50%

In two years they will make em resistant to aoes

In the next expansion they will make em trasparent and they wont fill your screen anymore..

Mark my words

Surprise surprise, Druid's last!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I think the reason is because we learned our specialization first.. When they announced specialization they mentioned the Druid for Ranger and they mentioned that we will wield staff.
So thats why i think they left Druid last.

Still yes, its gonna be hilarious. We will have the least time to test it,it will be full of bugs and as always we will get some bugged mechanic, tied with some other mechanic from the game ( cause its ready ) which is gonna be very hard to rework it so it will remain bugged

Tentonhammer posted an article

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Ive been playing GW2 since the beggining.. I dont play much these days.

My main problem with GW2 and Ranger is that pets are a bad design.
They took some power from the Ranger and put it in a AI. Huge mistake, noone will enjoy it. We all want to have total control over our class.. Noone wants his % dmg to run around in circles.. Huge mistake and never aknowledge it, at least not officially

Bleed baseline for every class

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I had this crazy idea that bleed should be baseline for every class and burning should be removed. The same way it works with the sigil. 66% chance on crit..

So what do you think?