Well, Obtena, you think I am wrong and I think you are wrong so it appears we are at a stalemate, and since you don’t corner the market on what is the truth either I guess we will have to leave it at that.
That’s funny. I believe the core game is much more loved than HoT. I believe Anet is presently scrambling to put out another expansion because the lameness of HoT.
They should have kept the influence system instead of making players part with their earnings.
I totally agree with you, Gaile, on the namecalling. That is uncalled for. However, given the track record of some of yourcompany’s decisions. I can understand people jumping to conclusions.
You tell us that the legendary journey has been put on indefinite hold because you are “stretched too thin” while 70 employees are working on the NEXT expansion(yes, we haven’t forgot) gutted core content and put it behind HoT(guild boons, fractal rewards, guild influence was made virtually worthless) Just some examples….
Please, let’s not be to sanctimonious about the forums. You criticized the posters who made a mistake in their “tinfoil” hat theories. The theories came about because of the mistakes of your programmers. Everyone is entitled to mistakes though right?
There is no room for calling names. There should be room for customers stating their opinions whether they are mistaken or not. After all it is a forum.
Well, it sure is funny that for the first year and a half they had the game devised so that you really could play as you want……. I think they started listening to the wrong people…. That got us the NPE and HoT.
Gold sink/Mats sink
Good to hear that this was unintentional. Your spring update was such a positive thing for this game I would have hated for something like this to come along and ruin it.
Anet, why are you undoing the goodwill that you created with the spring update?
We are still waiting for an answer Anet. Please respond.
ANET can we get a response on the silverwastes rewards situation???? Is this an intended nerf? Why was it not in the patch notes? What was the rationale behind this move?
Please respond
Great job Anet!!! Just another way to kill people’s fun. Didn’t you learn with the dungeon nerfs?
I hope it’s a bug. If it is a nerf, that really sucks Anet.
I believe they started gw2 out with a winning philosophy and have lost their way in subsequent years. The worst update ever to me was the New Player Experience update in spring of 2014. I don’t know who told them that would be a good thing. Probably the same people who told them that HoT was the right direction to go for the game.
Well, “play your own way” means to me that you can choose to do whatever content you like an still progress. This philosophy was present at gw2 launch. I think the “twisting” might be coming from your side.
No, with “play as you want” you are not doing the same content over and over. For example, with one character I could level doing map completion, another character I could just hop around doing events to level up, with another character I could focus more on dungeons, etc….. With HoT you have to do the same stale hero points over and over, you are forced into specific content for mastery points as well
In the old system you could get skill points by leveling you didn’t ever have to do a skill point challenge if you didn’t want to.
Anet too busy developing another expansion to fulfill the promises of this expansion.
The whole mastery point/hero point system defeats the “play as you want” aspect of the game that was so strong at launch. Experience and skill points were fine. You could choose to do the content you wanted to do. Nothing was handed to you in that system. It just didn’t force you to do the same content over and over with each character you make.
HoT just furthered the monstrosity that was the NPE.
Continues emphasis on platforming and more multitiered maps
I think Vision of the Mists is a much nicer skin than Foefire’s Essence. I prefer the legendaries but if you are going cheaper Vision of the Mists would be my pick.
I was hoping that the biconics would go their merry way after HoT. I don’t mind a team but I don’t want that team. It would be nice to have some choices on who gets in with the team but it probably would be too much work.
I don’t have the reflexes or know how to survive in pure zerk or vipers gear….. For my direct damage characters I go half assassins and half soldiers and have pretty good results. For my condition characters I usually go all carrion and they seem to survive pretty well.
6 charrs
5 humans
5 norn
3 asura
0 sylvari
Op, let me see if I understand your general concept. For example, there are 2 instances of frozen maw events. The first instance to complete the maw event gets the loot and the slower instance gets nothing.
This is an absolutely wonderful idea if you are actively trying to run people away from gw2.
I am not a fan of the vertical maps. I do like Auric Basin but that is the only HoT map I really like.
The multi-leveled maps was the thing I disliked most about HoT. I hope Anet leaves the core game maps just like they are and I really hope the next expansion isn’t multi-tiered maps.
No. Rewards are fine as it is. I don’t want designers wasting time on platform related content.
Player housing would be nice, but after seeing the gold sink monstrosity that Anet made of the guild halls suddenly the idea doesn’t excite me as much.
For LS3 Please add more mastery point options
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
Actually the experience makes sense, the mastery point not so much.
For LS3 Please add more mastery point options
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
You can’t choose what content you want to play to get the masteries. You must acquire mastery points which seem to be an arbitrary assortment of content that in no way explain why your character can suddenly bounce on mushrooms, ley-line glide, etc.
The mastery points are the problem. Take those away and let experience filling the mastery bars be enough for the mastery and players would have real gameplay freedom.
Earning 2 gold really doesn’t involve much effort. Just go to Sparkfly Fen and run around gathering plat and hard wood.
It is one of the options to meet the daily requirement. If anyone did the jp today as part of the 3/3 to get their daily, that made the jp part of the requirement.
The op is trying to control how other players approach the jp daily. That is the mindset I was referring to.
So, the jp is listed on the dailies but it is actually not a requirement? So if I do the said jp I will not get credit?? After all you said it wasn’t a requirement.
I am against the mindset of players who have a need to want to control how other players play the game.
They have taken up one of the possible pve dailies with this jp trash. They are a requirement for a daily. If they were not in the rotation for dailies then I could agree with you the they are not required gamelplay.
Is it really lazy to want to skip through content that you can’t stand? This is a game not a job. It’s not the players fault that Anet has decided to make platforming more prevalent in the game.
It is possible that players are looking for ports because they hate jumping puzzles. With that being said, I would urge Anet to drop jps from the daily rotation. Please go back to the at launch policy on jps where they are there for those who like to do them but aren’t required gameplay.
For LS3 Please add more mastery point options
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
Actually it would be nice if Anet got rid of mastery points. Let experience filling the mastery bar be enough to earn a particular mastery. I’m tired of devs choosing which content I must play(adventures so terrible that they must dangle mastery points to try to entice, or collections that are gold sinks)
Let player freedom prevail like it was at vanilla launch.
GW 2 [HoT] - Worth paying and playing?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
The most valuable thing in HoT to me was the elite specializations. If you like to have a lot of alternate playstyles(I’m an altoholic), I would say buy it for that reason alone.
Most of what HoT brings is not entertaining to me(collections galore, horizontal leveling that squelches player freedom, one map is an openworld maze, verticality and Nintendo playstyle, gold sinks everywhere……)
If they would lose the mastery points and let filling the mastery bar with experience unlock the mastery, HoT would have been much better. This horizontal progression is nothing like leveling to 80. When you level to 80 you can choose which content you want to play in pve. HoT leveling funnels you into “Mastery points” therefore stifling a players choice to play content they enjoy.
HoT is all about preparing to have fun
I miss you passive influence system.
I hope they go back to flat maps. The vertical nature of HoT is my most disliked feature of the expansion. Minimap does a very poor job of translating multiple levels.
I do have fun in this game but HoT has some philosophical differences from vanilla gw2 that I don’t like. The reason a lot of people are critical is because they love the game and don’t want Anet to turn in a direction that disappoints them.
I for one don’t care for the new emphasis on platforming and Nintendo style gaming that HoT has introduced. I also don’t care for multitiered maps when the minimap is so bad at interpreting them. These are just a couple of things that turn me off with HoT. There are other things but I don’t want to go on ad nauseum.
The things I like about HoT are of course the beauty of the art is always excellent. The sound track is really nice. I like most of the elite specs. Guild halls was a good idea(but the new guild system is an abominable gold sink)
Forcing people into content they don’t like is one reason the company is scrambling to put out the next expansion. HoT wasn’t received well.
Why force players into content they don’t like? That seems like a bad decision by Anet.
I never was a fan of Nintendo and I also avoid platformer games like the plague. Why must I be forced to do this stuff to progress? Vanilla gw2 never did that to its players.
Mastery system would have been great if they had left out mastery points. The mastery points just force players into content they normally would never choose to play. Experience filling the mastery bar should have been enough to get the mastery.
There is a fun factor to HoT but only if you work hard enough. Lol what an advertisement for a game.
That you feel the need to give a “motivational” post speaks volumes about HoT and its effect on gw2.
Op, your post isn’t motivating. It is condescending and insulting of other players point of view. There have been many valid criticisms of HoT and how it has changed this game in a negative way.
I guess the difference between vanilla gw2 and Hot is that players didn’t have to force themselves into a certain “attitude” to enjoy vanilla gw2.