Gw2 was never advertised as a platformer. Why are they pushing platforming? I could understand if the game started out with these requirements but at launch jps were sideshow fluff for people who wanted to do them. I guess Anet has hired too many Nintendo junkies. Hell, we even got bouncing mushrooms. Anet, please go back to the at launch policy on jps.
When gw2 first started, jumping puzzles were a sideshow attraction. They were there for those who wanted to do them but they were never requirements for anything.
Unfortunately, Anet decided to change their stance on jps and platforming. Like a slow spreading plague jps and platforming have become required more and more over the past years. I hope it is a trend that stops with the next expansion but it doesn’t look promising. I am not interested in playing kangaroo wars. It is nice to have for those who enjoy but it shouldn’t be considered a serious part of the game.
I don’t enjoy jumping puzzles. Platforming activities don’t interest me in the least. I much prefer the world boss dailies to the jp dailies.
However, I realize that other players really like doing the jumping puzzles. With that in mind, I have to second DoctorDing’s call for more pve daily choices. Why not make everyone happy?
I much prefer JP’s as optional content. If they are going to start making JP’s a regular thing with the daily, we need more pve daily options.
Yes, Anet does do that with every change. I am saying they don’t have to turn off anyone. Just don’t implement this idiotic Sya idea.
Yes, it seems we have a divided crowd here on this topic. That is why ops idea is a bad one. Introducing Sya into the adventure would be divisive. Why turn off one portion of your customers just to pander to another portion of customers?
When the stated goal of op is to “educate” the masses I think there is an agenda there.
I though the Kas and Jory storyline was shallow as well. The dialogue between them was awful.
Which is an agenda and makes the story shallow
Op, if you want a transgender to be starring in the next adventure perhaps you should make YOUR character a transgender. Why does this have to be forced on everyone else?
I have been very critical of Anet since the release of Hot but I must say that they did good with this patch.
Soldier’s stats are terrible??? Well, maybe a full set…. I like to go half soldier’s and half assassin’s stats on my power based characters….. I seem to get good results….. To me soldier’s stats are great as a complimentary stat
Op, you have my sympathies….. Mastery points as you stated do indeed force players into content they don’t enjoy. I don’t know why filling the mastery bar with experience isn’t enough to get the mastery. Mastery points really take away the “play your way” concept that gw2 started with.
Good luck with the points. I chose not to pursue them since it involved content I really don’t like so I will be stuck on 30 mastery rank forever.
If you are confused why people are posting on this thread perhaps you should read all the posts. If you don’t like what people are posting, that’s your problem deal with it.
“the new expansion will not hinder the live game”
Yet we have advertised HoT content put on indefinite hold while 70 employees continue to work on the next expansion.
I guess Anet considers their customers gullible. Who is going to believe anything they say about the new expansion. Are players really going to get excited about any of the selling points of the new expansion?
No, I was referring to Morfedel altering someone’s post because it didn’t suit Morfedel’s sense of forum propriety.
Do we really have someone posting in these threads trying to be the moderator too?
We are complaining that content we paid for is being put out to pasture so Anet can develop their next money maker. They need to deliver the goods they promised. I have no interest in making a legendary the new way but I know players who love it. So once again, it is not about legendaries but about Anet delivering on what they have advertised.
False advertising is not good for the game. Losing players trust is not good for the game. They keep going back on their word. The new expansion will not be made at the cost of the live game. Well it seems that they don’t have enough employees to deliver the live content. The reason? 70 employees working on the new expac.
“No matter what’s printed on the box”……… That is their philosophy right there. They don’t mind building up their product and making promises(after all that really is the easiest part) they have a problem DELIVERING the product(and that is really the most important part)
People leaving? Perhaps they have embarked on a legendary journey in search of another game.
Hey Mike O’Brien, you still got 70 employees working on the new expansion??? I thought you said that new expansion would never hinder the live game. Seems to me that you don’t have enough people on live because you got them on the new expac. Looks like the new expac is already having a negative impact on live.
It doesn’t matter or not if Anet has the numbers. What matters are the numbers Anet gave us which is 16 new legendaries hidden behind another important number which was 50 dollars minimum U.S. currency for the expansion.
Besides Anet already knew long before HoT the numbers of people with legendaries and decided to do this anyway. Now that HoT hasn’t had the reception they thought now they are rushing another expac at the expense of promised HoT features.
There are many things but I will list the one that got me interested in the game. Back in 2012, I did a online search for best game coming out in 2012. I ran across a promo video for gw2 which had yet to launch at that point. When I saw the beautiful environments, the really nice character models and the interesting artistic style I was sold.
There are many other things I love about the game but that is the one I will go with.
This expansion is falling apart. [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
Well their not doing it is at OUR expense….. After all we paid for an expansion that proudly hyped 16 new legendaries. 3 right after launch and others delivered in set intervals.
The 6 employees should have been yanked from the new expac……
This expansion is falling apart. [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
They can do it(legendary journey) but choose to work on next expansion at its expense.
This expansion is falling apart. [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410
They can do it…. there are 3 new legendaries to prove it.
Perhaps a legendary journey to Cantha will be one of the advertised features of the next expansion
sorry I just couldn’t resist
“if you like the game just for the legendaries or you bought HoT only for the new legendaries it was totally your fault not the devs”
Yes, you legendary lovers!!! How dare you buy HoT expecting 16 legendaries??? I know Anet advertised 16 new legendaries but they have more important things to do right now. It’s all your fault!! Not the company who used it as advertising. It is your fault for buying it.
So you are saying anyone who buys a product based on what Anet advertises is at fault?
Raids weren’t at launch either but they were definitely a selling point of HoT….. I believe that would be the “challenging group content”
So I guess when people paid for HoT they weren’t paying for raids either…… hahaha
Please explain some more Brother Belial
I don’t think the anger would be as intense if Mike O’Brien would have also announced that the next expac had been suspended indefinitely. Then it would be seen that they were doing everything they could to work on HoT.
Achiever – 73%
Explorer – 27%
Griefer – 27%
Socializer – 73%
Anet would rather work on content that they can package and sell to you in the future(new expansion) They have 70 employees allocated to this project. No mention of any of the employees being taken off the expansion project.
Anet would rather not work on finishing the content they already sold customers(HoT). Legendary journey put on indefinite hiatus because they are “stretched too thin”. They already have your money from this project so I guess its not a priority.
Not keeping their time tables is a little different when they have 70 employees working on another expansion. The “stretched too thin” argument is very lame when work on the new expansion continues. Anet has an obligation to their customers. They are ditching content customers paid for to speculate(new expansion) on future sales.
The whole problem for me is the 70 employees they have allocated for a future expansion. If it wasn’t for that, I might not see anything cynical or sinister in the latest decision.
I want this game to succeed but I fear that this latest move hkittentered the trust of many gw2 customers. How does this decision affect pre-orders of the next expansion. I am railing at this latest move by Anet because I think it is bad for the future of gw2.
I bow to your expertise Vayne.
Everyone ignore my bait and switch comment and please substitute false advertising in its place.
Bait and switch also has to do with the substituting of inferior goods than the one you bought. When parts are missing I would say that that makes the product inferior to the one advertised.
When you buy a product and parts of it are missing that makes the parts that you actually received more expensive. Since the product is missing the parts you thought you were buying that makes it a different product.
Bait = 3 new legendary weapons and will be releasing the remaining weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of 16 is added to the game
Switch = We are “stretched too thin” and will have to put legendary weapons on indefinite hold. We do this so we can bring you living, breathing world that everyone can enjoy.
They are paying 70 employees to work on a future expansion. Why is Anet hiring 70 people to work on a future expansion when this one isn’t finished??? They don’t feel the need to make good on the selling points of their CURRENT expansion but they are quite content to leave the 70 employees of the NEW expansion untouched.
Why hasn’t the new expansion been indefinitely put on hold?
They have 70 employees working on a NEW expansion. This is why they are “stretched too thin” and can’t deliver on the selling points of the current expansion. Instead of taking the 5 or 6 employees away from the legendary journey, they should have reassigned some of these 70 employees who are working on the new expansion.
Yeah, that’s the tough part for me too….. I really want this game to succeed but they need to make good on advertised content. Anet you still have a chance to reverse course and make this right.
Luckily the good news that comes with Easter overshadows all other bad news.
There will be villager with torches if Anet releases any of the 12 remaining legendary weapons behind the next expansion’s paywall.
Would you defend them if they released a raid wing once every three years? How about a living story episode once every three years…. those come at intervals too…… Are we so jaded we would defend deceptive advertising?
Funny…. I didn’t know bait and switch was legal
Op, I wouldn’t expect any compensation…… The only compensation Anet is interested in is the customers plunking down another 50 to 100 dollars on the next expansion that will have a multitude of advertised “features” they really don’t mean to deliver because they “reserve the right to change their product” which means they can charge you for a list of empty promises.
I reserve the right to point out their shady business practices. Hopefully the shame gets unbearable.
The point is they have 70 employees working on an expansion when they haven’t delivered the promised content of this one.
The new expansion should be mothballed until this one delivers on its advertised features.
They shouldn’t be focusing on another expansion when the current one is incomplete.
Not delivering on advertised content shouldn’t be how a business focuses and gains direction.
They said that that legendaries would appear at intervals until the full set of 16 legendary weapons were added to the game…… That was part of the HoT advertising.