Showing Posts For Dayra.7405:

Why imbalanced season after season?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


simply because incompetent people tend to stack on already stacked servers with looking for ‘better fights’ excuses.

human nature i guess

Human nature is one thing, the lack of any game mechanics to counter it the other. Season-rewards to even encourage it the third.

All together ….

You see it.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Why imbalanced season after season?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


This week is according to glicko, i.e. as balanced as possible, if glicko isn’t disturbed by transfers. Next week the Top Tier Server of each League will spread out to crush all Tiers. (Beside NA-Gold, which is different due to it’s only 6 server)

  • Top-Tier Winner vs Mid-Tier-Winner vs Low-Tier-Winner
  • Top-Tier 2nd vs Mid-Tier-2nd vs Low-Tier-2nd
  • Top-Tier looser vs Mid-Tier-looser vs Low-Tier-looser

And EotM will be ugly as well,

  • all Top-Tier Server of all (9 server) leagues will be green.
  • all Middle-Tier-Server of all (9 server) leagues will be blue.
  • all Low-Tier-Server of all (9 server) leagues will be red.
Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Why imbalanced season after season?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


And this is the most balanced round in the whole season.

Next week will be the most imbalanced one.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Ascended Water Breathing Apparatus?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


[ Ups wrong sub forum, please move to ]

I really want one!!!

Much more than the 100th different backpack

The main reason I want it:
All current ones are souldbound on use/buy and most not scrap-able karma purchases.

But I want to exchange it together with my ascended armor between characters, because I really hate to loose the powerful 6th rune effect whenever my head is underwater. I also do not want to put the expensive rune I put into my expensive ascended armor into the current Water Breather, where I neither can swap them between my chars together with the armor nor even get them out should something better be introduced.

Is there a chance to get one?

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Why imbalanced season after season?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


A tournament season could be the highlight of the (half) year, but only if the teams are balanced.

There are mostly 3 servers per league on par, everyone else is just there to get crushed. And in most leagues the winner was clear from the beginning. This of course is a setting where any tournament is annoying and not interesting.

It has a reason why the number of member is fixed in any sports league. Who would be interested in watching a football game of 100 vs 10 more than once in a lifetime? (Once can be funny, but week after week?)

Please ANet balance the teams first, then make a next league

Tournaments only work with balanced teams, without any balancing factor in game design they only lead to more imbalance season by season, as more and more people are an annoyed being overrun and move to the winners, increasing imbalance.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

No Credit For Kills

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


What is the reason for that mechanic?

The purpose of this mechanic has always been to mitigate spawn camping, kill trading, and as an added benefit, it also discourages botting.

The threshold of time before a player is worth WXP (and now also XP/Loot) has not changed, and is low enough that it is almost always the case that a player’s death will award WXP and loot in the time it takes for them to run from a portal keep to a nearby objective.

How about bloodlust-stomping score?

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Mists not in Tyria WvW not World Completion

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


5.World Completion should be a PvE task.

Why should legendary making include PvE? (Ignoring for a moment that WvW is PvE in ANets so far view.)
Make it a WvW only task! WVW is the most effective Gold-sink in the game. Therefore it would make more sense to depend the most effektive Gold-collection task of the game more on WvW than on PvE.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Possible Solution to 24/7 Battles

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Btw, 40 people at 2am in a single server is enough to be many??

No that’s only 10% of what fits into WvW at any time. 90% space left to be filled up by NA should NA/EU server be merged.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Possible Solution to 24/7 Battles

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


And Dayra, do you know there are a lot of people in EU that also play at night? And NA players that play during EU morning?

What’s many? And wouldn’t it be cool to be no longer that alone if you play in the night?
Or do you fear that you aren’t good enough to do anything else than PvD? Don’t worry you will learn it soon as you have opponents.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Possible Solution to 24/7 Battles

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


while in S3 reset all servers from gold league had queues in all maps.

Having queue on 1/3 of the server 4 times for 4 hours in half a year is not really a reason to keep that many servers.

A merge of 1 NA with 1 EU server would not really generate more queue as EU night is NA-prime and EU prime is NA day and OCX prime is EU-day. In fact this is the only setting where the current 24/7 matches would make sense, I.e. The currently misplaced anti covering nerf argument: your night is another players day, would really work.

But against the merge are the language specific servers. How many NAs would like to play on a German or French speaking server.

Maybe making 11 English + 1 Spanish EU/NA server that play 24/7 and 3 German and 3 French server that only play 16/8 or 12/8 could be a solution. Germans and French that prefer 24/7 over their language then of course can play 24/7 on an English server.

If this should really be over populated (which I do not believe) an EB map as an alternative overflow map to the EotM map could help.

If only ANet would like and be able to do it

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Seize of Borderlands/Eternal Battlegrounds

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


That’ s a top-secret of ANet and also a parameter that they tuned a bit from time to time.
Approximately 100 per map and side, EB maybe a bit more than BLs.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Which EU server for a new player?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

I'm Confused

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Fortunately as Veteran, I can skip the confusion of being below level 20 more often than I will ever have too

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Want your WvW queue photos!

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Haha nice, you should open a second team

  • Seafahres Rest I and
  • Seafahrers Rest II

With 400 on map and 500 in queue that shouldn’t be to difficult.
You could even play against each other, if you run out of opponents!

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

I'm Confused

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Isn’t that a skill point challenge?

Are skillpoint challenges now disabled at level 7?

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Clarification on the matchups this tourny

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


It would be theoretically possible in 4 matches you face 8 opponents and you have 8 other server in your league, but it would have nothing to do with Swiss tournament, it would be everyone vs everyone. So at least on of their statements about that isn’t true.

I guess the “you face everyone once” is the marketing texters version of we use the same system as last league.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

tournament queues

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


^^ Nice that at least once in a while overstacking hits back
I would place a bet that over 50% of servers do not have a queue on all 4 maps

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Matchup wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


oh wait, tomorrow season 3 of tournament play starts, right?

if that’s the case disregard the probabilities, matchups during season play do not use randomness.


It’s looking like the first match in EU was seeded by RNG.

No. It’s strict according misses the last hour since we have summertime and some ranks changed in the last hour.

Edit: Or the missing update of ANets board last week caused some errors. The differences in in Glicko are to much for 1 hour.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

who will win best EU tanking server?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


FSP is doing nothing.

Haha thats a really funny answer, true in both cases

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Boost Defense or see the death of wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Not true at all, defense is already OP imho => it is still possible to hold out 50+ blob with 2-3 ppl on trebs/mortars/ballistas/acs.

Lol. 50 vs 2 and the 2 should have a chance to win?

Here a not counterable strategy: split the 50 into 15:15:20 attack different points of the keep or SM (i.e. 15 per gate, 20 with catas on a wall or on the 3rd door of SM) At least one of the three groups will have 0 opposition

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Boost Defense or see the death of wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Seriously…. without people defending structures the game will descend into eotm-style karma blobs.

What do you mean with “will descend”? All night and day WvW is more pvd-blobing and less fighting than eotm. Better organized map-hopping, and not for karma, but for points, but …

This is not a new development. I remember my reaction to the April 2013-Patch:

Not on the server i play on. We fight AND we defend.

Cool, which server is it (Hm, Offair, hm, the large Deso-guild that went NA-T1?)? We are currently EU-T2 and during night and day we (and our opponents as well) are rarely more than 30 per team, which isn’t really enough to scout and defend your 1/3 of the objectives (4 keeps and 10 towers).

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Boost Defense or see the death of wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Seriously…. without people defending structures the game will descend into eotm-style karma blobs.

What do you mean with “will descend”? All night and day WvW is more pvd-blobing and less fighting than eotm. Better organized map-hopping, and not for karma, but for points, but …

This is not a new development. I remember my reaction to the April 2013-Patch:

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

City exploration EXP nerf?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dayra.7405


With my quite new (made 2 weeks ago, I.e. Before the patch) Twink level 28 i explored Lion Arch yesterday.
I got 9xp per PoI! (I got 139 for a PoI in Metrica) Was it always that bad?
Got it nerfed? Or did I hit a bug?

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

EOTM team balancing

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


The eotm team assignement via WvW-color is a mess. A random asignment including rebalance as in random sPvP would be better.
I hope will see that soon as well.

Second problem is that the minority teams are fractioned over to many instances as soon as the mayority team needs a new instance. Such that everyone in the mayority team has some minors to slay.

Here is an idea how to change the later by organizing us a bit better.
Every EotM-commander (or a player, if his commander did not so far) that like to get more fighters for his team types /ip in chat
and posts NA/EU, color, last group of digits of ip and time into a specific forum thread here and ensures that he has at least one free party space. Everyone player that want more balance looks up this thread for a fitting instance he could join by
/invite <poster.number>, /join <poster.numbers>

And when you are done with commanding (or playing) you delete your post.

E.g. should I command in EotM, I should make a post:
EU-red, 80, 11:40 CEST
And if you are looking for a better filled red team in EU you could use
/invite Dayra.7406 (If I am solo) or /join Dayra.7405 (If I am in a party) to join my party and transfer to my instance.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

AC's redundant after patch?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


The LoS restriction is fore sure NOT head of user target been hit.

It is somewhere between your head and camera position to the point on which you click but as ACs have a large AOE (even larger with mastery) it hits a lot of places you cannot see.

This is good for you, hiding on stairs and still be able to shoot, but also good for an attacking AC. You have to experiment a bit to find a good place for a defending AC.

Be also aware that there are also skills like Ele-scepter 2 or necro death shroud 2 that can hit you without any LoS restriction.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Make many small matches scored individually

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


I’m sorry but YOU are the one wanting to get rid of a system a lot of players like and have liked for over 2 years, and destroy it to replace it with another variation of battlegrounds, not me.

  • A lot of former players liked it so much that they are now somewhere else.
  • A lot of players like it so much that matches like it so much that never ever a match is decided on Monday morning, such that they would never have the idea to think about “hm! what should I do the rest of the week.”
  • A lot of players liked it so much, that they never complained about coverage
  • A lot of players liked it so much to get crushed by imbalanced man power, that they prefer not the less imbalanced EotM-train.
  • A lot of players liked it so much to spend hours in WvW to do nothing then PVD, simply because they do not find each other for a fight.
  • A lot of players liked it so much that they have to stack on 6 of 51 server to get some action.
  • A lot of players liked the game mode as it is so much that most maps on most servers are most of the time empty.
  • A lot of player like it so much that they never make thread like ( no I did not posted there, I prefer constructive critics)

Leave it as it is and none will be outside T1 soon. Or try to save it by keeping as much as possible, and still provide all player the possibility to play.

In my view the idea o; WvW is nice, but it had a mayor design flaw from the beginning: it cannot scale with the number of people that want to play it. Leading to queues at one time and empty maps PvD by a handful people at other times. While the queues are gone now, the emptiness increased, such that every match now is only decided by best PvD strategies and fight are bad for the score.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Manual intervention may be required for S3

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……

the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.

Only 1 league would make sense: It could help imploded servers to fall fast, or massively stacked ones to grow fast, I.e. It would help Glicko to overcome wrong tier/league borders. And it will probably not really be a difference if the blow out match will be 100 vs 20 and 1000 vs 500 or 1000 vs 20 and 100 vs 500

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Make many small matches scored individually

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


So you would like to keep the

  • 24/7 EB+BL

Why not, as long as it is not the only match to choose from.

Would be interesting to hear who would like to have which match(es) as his/her favoured choice

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


@Filovirus: You promised to read my posts as less as ANet, so keep silent And learn a bit calculation, if you do not keep your promises, neither does 24*7 nor 16*7 not even 8*7 fit into “totaling at most 2 days”.

Edit: A now I got it, you only promised to not read it, but not to not commenting it unread. I see.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Make many small matches scored individually

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Looks like you are commenting before reading more than the first sentence.

Here is a short summary for you:

  • No map is smaller than before. massiveness of PvP will be equal
  • Every map is available 24/7 for every player on every server as it is today

It is just:

  • By scoring everything individually and then summing up at the end, instead of summing up at the beginning, each server can pick his favored game-configuration and has a change of winning a (or several) focused aspect-match(es).
  • Resulting from individual scoring and match-making, you will fight more balanced battles all around the clock.
Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


imo they could have made BL battles end at night and just leave EB 24/7. I’ve been on nightshifts as much as daytime and even in T1 it ain’t exactly full on war with the amount of players on at the time. Some action, a lot of PvD, Scouting and Refreshing kitten.

have a look at

isn’t that just complicating a simpler solution? I love the fact that we can play at night and 24/7 but realistically the night coverage isn’t filling 3 BLs and EB on most servers.

If you look through T1-glasses yes. If you look through lower-tier glasses probably not.
E.g. FoW may be competitive in 8/7 EB prime, but it hardly will be competitive in 24/7 EB + 16/7 BLs.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Make many small matches scored individually

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Yeah I know and commented it already:

When you say: ANet will never fix WvW, I believe you.

When you say: WvW cannot be fixed, I strongly disagree.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


imo they could have made BL battles end at night and just leave EB 24/7. I’ve been on nightshifts as much as daytime and even in T1 it ain’t exactly full on war with the amount of players on at the time. Some action, a lot of PvD, Scouting and Refreshing kitten.

have a look at

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


.- Any possible solution would require massive calculations (remember every second people join and leave maps). Technically is just not possible to do even in a single matchup, now count 9 EU, 7 NA and I don’t know how much chinese matchups.

That’s already calculated, or what do you think how a map decides that it is full and further people have to be queued. Each map knows exactly how many people of which team are on it. And hey counter++ or counter— whenever someone enter/leaves a map is one of the cheapest things to compute.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

commander leaderboard plz

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


How about:
score points of conquered objectives * people in squad/people in conquerzone
+ score points of defended objectives * people in squad/people with successful defense event
+ enemies killed by squad members / people in squad

Many squad member is good and achieving stuff with fewer people is good
Having the commander on but no one in your squad brings you nearly nothing.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Make many small matches scored individually

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Here is another possible way out of the imbalance and coverage problem

Each server can send a team (each player decides what he want to play) to each of (just as an example, any timeslice-map combination would be possible for a match):

  • 24/7 Ethernal Battlefield match
  • 8/7 Ethernal Battlefield evening match
  • 8/7 Borderlands night match
  • 16/7 Borderlands day-evening match
  • 8/7 EotM nigth match
  • 8/7 EotM day match
  • 8/7 EotM evening match

In this example it is a total of 7 matches available for everyone on every server. Drop the EotM overflow, EotM got it’s own time-slice matches.
The opponents in each match are determined individually and each match has it’s own leaderboard and Glicko.

However, not every server community has to choose to play all!
When you don’t have the coverage to play 24/7 or not the manpower
to play many of them, focus on a few where you are competitive and let the others empty.

If you want many fights, stay with your match-choice, if you prefer PvD over fights change your match-selection often. Stale repetitions of matches are not a problem anymore as well: just change your match-portfolio a bit.

You can assign matches for karma-train/twink-leveling or you can assign matches as your servers commander training ground. GvGs will have more choices, as there are several different matches running every week. You can talk to your opponents and assign a zerg match and a roaming match.

For the kings of manpower and coverage in WvW there can be a combined leaderboard (sum of all individual Glicko-Scores).

An “classical WVW” leaderboard would also be possible: Sum up “24/7 Ethernal Battlefield match”, “8/7 Borderlands night match” and “16/7 Borderlands day-evening match”.

Make different seasons (with all server of Na/EU) in different matches at different times, in principle there could always be a season in one of the matches, but normal play in the others.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

EotM maps instead of BL's for one season

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Edge of the Mists IS KILLING WvW …..
Edge of the Mists should be closed when the 4 WvWvW maps arent full….

If there is ANY server without queue on all 4 maps, It is closed FOR ALL, would be fair, and can be seen as balancing factor.

However this would mean it will always be closed to everyone.

If you just do that rule server by server, you enforce further concentration of players on the top servers as these will be the only ones that can ever access EotM.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Practical implications, WvW is a lag fest anyway at times and this would only make it worse. So position servers in geographic locations that would be able to handle this better. i.e. Not all stuffed in a vast Texas data centre.

There are solutions to this problem that Anet like to see it as a feature. The ultimate remedy will be people getting fed up and dropping WvW participation entirely.

Not necessarily I would say. The computers that execute these matches could be around the world, i.e.

  • 0-8 UTC the matches are hosted on computers in the US (where all NA matches are currently)
  • 8-16 UTC the matches are hosted on computers in China or Korea or Singapore or Australia or … (likely the Chinese do not get the allowance to play together with us.)
  • 16-24 UTC the matches are hosted on computers in Germany (where all EU matches are currently)

This way the majority will always have a good connection. It only needs a short break at 8, 16 and 0 where the matches are transmitted from one server to the next.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


but that really isnt an option for me,im playing on my server since the release of gw2 and obviously know lots of people here with whom i play with on a daily base in WvW/Pvp,i dont have my mind set on ever going to transfer off this server,its my home if you know what i mean.

Take your whole server and move as a group, build a colony with own TS, and show them that they still have a coverage problem, that can decide NA-T1.

Maybe that wakes up ANet and you get a free transfer back plus some CDI about it

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Balance Proposal - Heroes

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


One word: rallybot

You will need them if, they are all lvl 82 archers and scouts and use some swarm tactic like: in one salve they use blind and knock back each on a different target and in the next salve focus 10-15 on one.

The player commanding them, will have a lot to do with stomping

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Matchup Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Transfer prices based on the population ANet is using are

  • 66% based on totally inactive player rotting In the cellar of your server since month or years.
  • 30% based on the server PvE population that has to choose a server, but hates to enter WvW and only does for map-completion and achievement/season reward hunting.
  • 4% active WvW player which are the only reason why these server still exist and transfers are made.
Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Still it is a solution to all balance and coverage problems.

The great attractivity of the solution of course is: it does not need anything from ANet. People can implement it, even if ANet continue it’s 2 years ignorance of the problem. And as it is the only solution people can implement on their own, it is already incrementally implemented by players on a day by day base, 10 today, another 100 the next day …
When will an EU-server community like FSP or Gandara decide to go for NA-T1? 1000-2000 people having their day-crew supporting OCX and their prime-time dominating NA-day, would easily determine the T1 victory.

A third plus EotM teams will be as fixed as WvW teams, such that EotM can start to use the WvW teamspeak.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


The best advice if you want to avoid night capping is to transfer to a T1 NA server.

You are really proposing that the best solution to this problem it’s that all people from the 51 server should stack on 3 of them and let ANet shutdown the other 48?

Admittedly it’s better to have queue for 24/7 – sometimes a few dozens sometime a few thousands – than the current situation, but is this really the best solution?

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Nightcapping,ever gonna be taken care of ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


“Night time” for you is daytime for someone else.

But this is rarely the case in EU, except Baruch is really full of Spanish speaking american’s, a thing they always gainsaid.

In any case:

Have 695 objective points for the handful people in night as well as for the thousand people in the evening is a game-design error.

Objective points should be proportional to number of players playing.


Separate them via time-sliced matches

It is not that I want them hinder to play. It is just that

the permanent attack on the fun of the majority by a minority must be ended

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

SoS imploding?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


SoS is a fairly dead server now.. It’s 4th over-all but the gap between 3 and 4 should be reflected as 400 glicko.. not 60.

Oh oh, rank 4 and dead?
That would mean 21 of 24 servers dead in NA?
Looks like we are very lucky to have language specific server in EU as this seem to hinder concentration a bit.

Probably it would be a good idea to remove the top 3 server such that the people have to redistribute again.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Profession/build for newbie WvWer?

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


If you are new and want to be useful, the first thing is: join the Zerg, the server voice-chat and stay alive! (If you die you rally enemies that tagged you, and you can do 0 damage). You are already very useful if you just carry supplies and use them to build the siege the commander places!

Till you gathered experience how to stay alive, I would recommend you a staff well-necro (highest survivability with death shroud and epidemic well used and high range) or staff/hammer guardian (high survivability, shorter range).

In both cases soldier exo should be fine (armor and weapon in the citadel of you WvW-homelands for 1- gold and 100-200 Badges of Honor each, trinkets and back for 42k karma each at the temple of Grenth in Orr). Do NOT put expensive runes or sigils into equipment bought for badges/karma, you will not get them out. Crest of Soldier and/or Spahir-Jewels will do.

The more experience you get the more you can trade defense for more offense.

WEXP should go into 0) 1 pt only Siege Master and Repair Master 1) max Siege Bunker 2) max Defense against Guards 3) max Guard Killer and then into the sieg weapons you like most. After the first or second siege weapon skills consider Siege Might to max their damage.

I would NOT recommend you roaming in the beginning (you will have some bad roaming experiences when you try to reach your zerg) . First get a picture what is going on. Only exeption: you are in a roaming guild and do so with a handful experienced friends (but then you would not ask here I guess). Then you must ask them what build you should use and how you should use it. They will have strong suggestions how a build should be and cooperate with them.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Matchup Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


I agree with psizone. A complete reset of WvW. And a restart with fewer team where only people that play WvW are counted and where imbalance is hard-limited is probably the best.

The only alternative I see is a reducing of match capacity: half teams, half map capacity in prime time (200 ppl max instead of 400) and a quarter in off-time (100 instead of 400). Then more man-power isn’t an advantage, but just more people in queue as in the beginning of WvW-

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Need Help/Tips: WvW Map Completion

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Yes I am ignorant of NA-Bronze, that’s why I only placed a bet. I play in EU gold. Even there it mostly works (garrison and EB keep will be rather impossible, and I would use catas at bay/hill to avoid the guards) in the early morning. You just have the risk of being overrolled from time to time by some 30+ group.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Need Help/Tips: WvW Map Completion

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


You are in T6, I bet there aren’t many people playing in T6 at night nor in the early morning.

Get 5 people (at best who knows more about WvW than you) and 2 golem per map meet at 3am and get all you need. And as everyone is sleeping it will be only PvE (or PvDoor)

Maybe you can even do it alone, you don’t have to cap the keeps/towers to get the poi’s and vista’s.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

EotM maps instead of BL's for one season

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


1) Fear, push and pull are a strong weapons in EotM. You have to look for a Necro around the next corner at some places. But this concerns mostly “Schleichwege” (approx. sneak routes), the main pathways are fear-secured. But what’s wrong with that? “Troll builds” add to build variety and thats a good thing. And I always enjoy, if a well timed and placed fear-wall send 20 “brainless zerglings” (sometimes incl. me) back to spawn.

2) You may get a position war at choke points with many sieges on both sides (happened from time to time in EotM), but whats wrong with that? Just send out a coordinated group to go around using the Schleichwege to fall in their back. Or you blow the bridge and go elsewhere (haha, I love the bridge-war scene in ). I think repairing bridges is a bit to cheap and fast compared to blowing bridges.

3) WvW is totally imbalanced, No man-power balance, no coverage balance, more blow-out matches then close matches. Why should the maps be balanced? They rotate that’s fair enough. An imbalanced map can in fact be used to counter the man-power imbalance.

Add: What I really miss is a “prepared-bridge-trap”: if 20+ people are at the same time on a prepared bridge (sum all sides incl NPCs) it collapses and sends these 20+ to spawn.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)