Tarnished Coast
Tarnished Coast
Seriously people, GW2 is a great game. It’s complex, interesting, constantly evolving.. and there’s more to do at any time than you could possibly get bored with.
I don’t understand why people are so negative all the time. Sure, give constructive feedback, but accept what is there and work with it instead of finding every tiny thing to complain about. Sure glad I don’t work for Anet and have to listen to the constant disparaging of my work.
I remember Commodore 64. Gaming has come such a long way, it’s really, truly amazing. The graphics and artwork are incredible now.
That we can even afford a computer and play a game such as this automatically puts us among the top richest people in the world. How about some gratitude and perspective?
Count your blessings in life and stop the QQ.
I’m not sure I understand the point of this post, even with the TL;DR.
Up front, I really enjoy playing GW2. However, ANet has a bunch of problems that deserve to be highlighted. Examples – no public test realm (thus we get patches that aren’t tested and filled with bugs), ANet Devs who don’t understand the classes they’re working on, bugs that have been highlighted and acknowledged since launch that still exist, and the list goes on.
For the rest of the post… Commodore 64? Grateful that I can afford a computer? Not sure how that applies to pointing out ANet’s shortfalls, dude.
Tarnished Coast
Dazzling Glamours
Is Blind on cast enough considering the cooldown on Glamours? I personally think no.
Dazzling Glamours should pulse Blind like Wells. Maybe not every second but one Blind on cast is extremly underhwelming.
While I completely agree with your assessment here, that initial AOE blind at the right time (right when zergs first clash, for example) can turn the tide of a zerg fight. When that initial hammer train all misses their hammerstuns and then looks dumbfounded… it’s a nice feeling. xD
Tarnished Coast
Imbued Diversion – “Diversion hits multiple targets.” The F3 Shatter is called “Diversion”. Yep, that’s what it does now.
Edit – only F1 and F2 shatters are AOE. F3 and F4 are not.
Feel free to read the descriptions of the shatters.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Dhampyr.2104)
No no no. You don’t share shatter skills. The f4 is the only source of distortion that works with masterful reflection is what i meant. However the GM trait in illusions (imbued diversion) allows you to share any source of distortion with up to 5 players in a 360 radius
Wait, what? They’re changing something about Imbued Diversion? That’s not what it does now – now, it makes your interrupt shatter (F3) hit 5 targets instead of 1 (so you can interrupt as an AOE with F3 shatter), but that’s all it does.
I think I must have missed something, I think I need to do some research. LOL
Tarnished Coast
TL;DR up front – PPT doesn’t matter.
A brief history…
Playerbase: “This is terrible, ANet! We’re sick of the same matchups! We need variety, new matchups, YES!”
ANet randomizes matchups
Playerbase: “This is terrible, ANet! We have blowouts every week! We need to have servers that are competitive with each other in the matchups!”
ANet reduces the randomization, resulting in more stable matchups
Playerbase: “This is terrible, ANet! We’re sick of the same matchups! We need variety, new matchups, YES!”
Rinse. Repeat, ad nauseum.
I couldn’t be stuffed with finding my post from well over a year ago stating that the problem here isn’t ANet. It’s us, the playerbase – we’re fickle, and we can’t figure out what we want. Out of 24 NA and 27 EU servers, there are inevitably going to be some bad matchups, but most of them appear to be doing OK, actually.
PPT means nothing, really. Right now this second, SoR is ticking at +155, and they’re probably the most outmatched server in NA at the moment – which means that even on SoR there are folks that are flipping real estate, and probably having fun doing it.
The only NA tier where a server is consistently ticking at 300+ for the entire week is T3 – the rest of the tiers seem to be doing OK, with obvious dead spots in their coverages at various times.
Winning the PPT game doesn’t matter, having fun does, and while the system definitely isn’t perfect, it’s not doing a bad job imo.
Tarnished Coast
Gah, stupid mouse… can’t believe it clicked on this thread and then I actually read the OP.
On topic to avoid an infraction… leave ’em where they are imo. ANet has tons of more important things to worry about.
Tarnished Coast
“OK, guys, we have 28 people… they have 1, 2, 3, wait that thief just stealthed, I think I counted him twice, 3, 4, 5, quit moving so I can count dangit, 6, 7, 8, hold on, that one just died, 7, 8, oh they’re hard rezzing, 10, 11….”
Just seems silly to me. See a group of folks, dive and and kill as many of ’em as you can. Heck with counting.
Tarnished Coast
This would also lead into (my opinion) into more border swapping blobs. They go to enemy border, blob through it capping everything and go to the other enemy border afterwards. And when the home server has taken back the objectives they come back for new loot and points. Jumping between the two borders to maintain double scoring compared to the two others who struggle taking back their own border.
This. While I think the idea would affect the coverage wars, I think you’d just see karma train after karma train, even moreso than it is now. The last thing I’d want to do is encourage more of that garbage.
Tarnished Coast
It is 5th post about GS i see in last few days. If you like aggressive play and power build then GS Sword/pistol or GS Sword/sword are your only choice. Try to run after someone with scepter or staff. Staff Scepter/torch cond build works only against aggressive idiots. When i see staff scepter/torch mesmers i laugh at them and run away.
I agree with OP we have huge issue with GS DPS depending on distance. Every war or guard when see you with GS immediately goes to close combat and stays on top of you. GS 1 mediocre GS 3 useless but i don’t see better option.If you cant chase someone using a scepter or a torch, you’re doing it wrong.
Um, what? How do you chase right using a scepter/torch? You’ve got nothing to slow/stun/whatever to catch up, and they just /laugh and run away (since everything except maybe necro is faster than us). Or am I missing something?
See, you put in scepter/torch, where’as I said a scepter or a torch. While it’s still possible, I personally wouldn’t favor the two of them together.
All chasing is is a combination of mobility, cc, and sustained dps. Scepter and torch can both be used in a build to that end.
Der me, apparently reading is hard for me. IMO, though, neither scepter nor torch (or scepter and torch, or scepter or torch, or w/e lol) should be mentioned in the same sentence as chasing, as neither offers anything to assist in that endeavor.
Why is Scepter/Torch the only valid weapon set to pair with a staff all of a sudden?
Sc/T isn’t the only valid weapon set to pair with staff, not sure where that came from. However, there is good synergy between Sc/T and staff in a condi build – you just can’t chase anything down for the most part.
Tarnished Coast
Er, yes. That’s why I’m reading this thread in the first place. xD
Tarnished Coast
This thread is about SoR. Not entirely sure how this DH/SF debate got started, but how ’bout you guys start a new thread?
Or you could go back to RPing.
I’m RP’ing someone who doesn’t care about DH or SF.
Tarnished Coast
This thread is about SoR. Not entirely sure how this DH/SF debate got started, but how ’bout you guys start a new thread?
Tarnished Coast
Only a few CDS i know I still see in WvW now and have transfered to TC, like Aurust, Kayku, Raes, Crom, Faal and Fudge. I wonder what happened to the majority i saw on the vids.
LOL Did I read that right? Aurust on TC? That’s kinda funny. xD
Tarnished Coast
It is 5th post about GS i see in last few days. If you like aggressive play and power build then GS Sword/pistol or GS Sword/sword are your only choice. Try to run after someone with scepter or staff. Staff Scepter/torch cond build works only against aggressive idiots. When i see staff scepter/torch mesmers i laugh at them and run away.
I agree with OP we have huge issue with GS DPS depending on distance. Every war or guard when see you with GS immediately goes to close combat and stays on top of you. GS 1 mediocre GS 3 useless but i don’t see better option.If you cant chase someone using a scepter or a torch, you’re doing it wrong.
Um, what? How do you chase right using a scepter/torch? You’ve got nothing to slow/stun/whatever to catch up, and they just /laugh and run away (since everything except maybe necro is faster than us). Or am I missing something?
Tarnished Coast
If I’d start the game right now, I’d agree, but right now – no never!!
This. While that change might be a QoL change for someone new, it certainly wouldn’t be for me (and anyone else who has played for any length of time at all) – I’m used to the skills where they’re at and definitely wouldn’t want to learn new positions for the weapon skills.
Tarnished Coast
Wait, I’m confused… we’re supposed to wait until the game is unplayable and broken before we speak up?
My nonsense-o-meter just pegged.
Your statement’s ludicrous level of hyperbole is bad enough but Nonsense-o-meter? I’m just going to sigh heavily and move on.
The ludicrous-ness of the statement was intentional, working as intended.
But even if we take out the normal stress that comes with the job, we’re still faced with quite a dilemma. If you were in charge quality control and this is how your clientele reacted, would you be motivated to fix bugs?
If my paycheck relied on said clientele being happy with my product (and, therefore, continuing to cough up money), then yep, I would be motivated to fix them.
Glad you clarified your statement (less snarky more critical). I agree with that. What I took from your original statement was “if it isn’t game breaking, don’t worry about it.” I think we can both agree that’s just plain silly.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Dhampyr.2104)
In this case, I’m more disappointed in you guys than Arenanet. Yes, they let a bug slip but it’s no where near game-crashing. From the amount of whine going on in this thread, you’d swear that it is.
Wait, I’m confused… we’re supposed to wait until the game is unplayable and broken before we speak up?
My nonsense-o-meter just pegged.
Tarnished Coast
How do you trait/build your mesmer for zerg content?
Personally, I run Greatsword/Staff with a 20/20/20/0/10.
This gives me shortened cooldowns on our best ranged AoE (staff 5 and GS 4)What do you guys do?
I use Bunda’s GS/Staff Zerg Bomber build – very similar to yours (20/10/20/0/20), but even better CD’s for your AOE skills (better CD’s on iZerker, Mirror Blade with double traited GS), along with the extra bounce from staff autos and mirror blade. You definitely won’t be running with the front line with this build, but as far as periph/counter-periph goes, the build works fantastic imo.
Tarnished Coast
It’s ultimately not a good build because the amount of investment you put in just to get stealth and condi removal from Torch (neither of which is particularly great) just conflicts too much with Shatter builds. Not to mention, iMage is absolutely godawful.
Hmmmm… well, the investment is just one trait (Domination Adept traiting the torch, and that trait slot isn’t really critical to a shatter build anyway), and while I agree completely that iMage is bad, phantasm damage isn’t really a priority in a shatter build. I don’t think that I would run torch in a shatter build, but that would be my personal preference rather than it not being a good build.
Tarnished Coast
They’re still debating whether the miniskirt is worth the cookies.
Tarnished Coast
I went out for a couple hours, I’ve come home, and still no official response. A fix is what should have been done, but a simple reply is a small first step guys.
Tarnished Coast
Thanks for the clarification, Ansau.
Any chance you could post your build as well? Would love to compare. Cheers!
Tarnished Coast
I don’t think your roles are the best. I’d say there’s backline utility/support mesmer, and frontline DPS mesmer. You deal much more DPS with Mind Wrack, Blurred Frenzy, The Prestige and sword autoattacks than with GS/Staff from backline.
Our range DPS is quite bad. Only iZerker and Mirror Blade are good ranged options. Staff has general bad DPS and with GS autoattack you need to be out of the battle to do decent damage, so you lost the support.About the build, I find that running both GS/Staff is not the best, the sword offers so much in zergs for not taking it. Also, Staff is a slow and bulky weapon for zergs. Long CD’s, slow autoattack and useless phantasm. It’s good for begginers, but I always prefer GS Sword/X for any zerg build.
Then, shatters are the best choice for DPS, and I find IP mandatory. The rest is up to you, but note that Chaos line is more oriented to duels.
Hmmmmm… I’d disagree with quite a bit here, unless I’m missing something. “Frontline” and “DPS” probably don’t belong in the same sentence when discussing mesmer, unless you’re running PVT or something like that (at which point the “DPS” part goes away). Even with a traited blurred frenzy, with any sort of DPS gear setup, you’re likely to melt if you try staying with the frontline. Maybe you’re talking about in and out tactics or something? If that’s the case, I wouldn’t use the term “frontline” to describe it. ;-)
Also, from my experience, shatters in a zerg are pretty hit and miss – they tend to get melted from incidental AOE and die before shattering as often as not. That’s why I’m a GS fan when it comes to zerg running – both the phantasm and the mirror blade clone spawn right next to their target, so an immediate shatter is much more likely to hit. Plus, that AOE iZerker cripple is godly when hitting another group.
Tarnished Coast
Actually, just to add on – confusion builds tend to bad in WvW too. That’s not saying they’re impossible to win with, but there are a number of builds (Blackwater, Osi’s power PU build, regular shatter, etc) that will likely work better.
Tarnished Coast
Would definitely agree with Ross’ first post – ditch mirror images. Your crit chance/condi dmg isn’t really high enough to where the clone bleeds will be a significant factor, and you’re not rolling with a shatter build. Sig of Illusions can also be swapped imo – the extra health is negligible in WvW, and you have the clone death trait anyway (so you’ll probably be killing the clones, looks like?). Still, the extra HP for phantasms might be ok. However, personally, I’d run Decoy and the cleansing mantra in the place of both of those (helps with your condi problem too).
Also, you only have one phantasm that does damage (the iMage is really bleah for damage). Bottom line, I think either a full on condition Blackwater PU build or a PU phantasm build (dropping the torch for another offhand that has a better damage dealing phantasm like sword or pistol) would work better, depending on if you want more stealth or more damage. Both of those would likely require a gear/trait rework, though.
Tarnished Coast
Thanks for the feedback guys, there were some good points brought up here. This is why we wanted to discuss these future changes so that we had time to adjust to your feedback.
We’ll be discussing this change more internally. Most likely we will make some adjustments or look at other options such as replacing clones not triggering Debilitating Dissipation so it does not impact mesmer play as much which wasn’t our intent.
Over here:
Hmmmm… This still sounds like a nerf to me. I mean, if you replace a clone with DE but don’t trigger Debilitating Dissipation, you’re getting all the bad things that DE does (i.e. replace a phantasm if you have three out) without triggering the clone death. It actually sounds worse than getting no clone at all. Am I missing something?
Tarnished Coast
* Is Healing power usefull as it is for rangers ? I was theory crafting with Settler’s equip and it seems pretty good for a bunker condi build ( I’ve not tested it yet )
- Healing power is a bad stat for Mesmers. Just about the only thing it affects well is Regen, so it’d only be “useful” in a full support zerg build (not roaming). Even then I put quotes on “useful” – there are much better stats to chase. (and if you want to ask “which stats”, really anything other than healing power is better – take your pick. LOL)
* It looks like regen is almost permanent ( is it enough ? )
- With the Inspiration trait (Phants give you regen), it’s relatively easy to have permanent regen.
* The trait Illusionary membrane grants protection every 15 sec which is preatty good combined with PU
- Yes. (LOL didn’t look like a question)
* Mirror or Ether feast ? mirror grants less healing, roughly – 60 heal per second without illusions, but with Mender’s purity I can remove 2 conditions + reflect projectiles every 15 seconds instead of 20.
- You hit the nail on the head – basically, this is going to come down to your preference really. I’ve seen folks swear by both (I don’t use Mirror, so I’m in the “Ether Feast” camp LOL).
* is Phantasmal disenchanter viable for stripping boons from enemys ( like stability ) and also as a condi removal ?
- Again, I’ve seen quite a few swear by the iDisenchanter. However, for me, I don’t really trust ANet’s AI – I’d rather control my condi removal. I generally use the mantra and mender’s purity, condis aren’t much of an issue usually.
Welcome to the crew, and enjoy playing your Mesmer!
Tarnished Coast
Personally, I like Traveler’s – you can have the added speed in combat as well without putting your heal on CD. Just keep in mind that (obviously) Traveler’s gives 25%, Centaur 33%, so there is that to consider as well.
Tarnished Coast
So much drama… jeeze… ppl gettin’ serious up in this thread. I would just drop it or send each other whispers since you have each others ign’s already.
Yeah, you should drop it – I mean, ANet might delete our matchup threads or something.
Tarnished Coast
The people accusing FA of tanking seemed to be trolling rather than being serious. Lol, calm down.
Wise post. ;-)
Tarnished Coast
I find it kinda weird that TC cares not only about their own PPT but they care about ours??? really strange indeed. I’ll let you in on a FA secret, we don’t give a kitten about PPT, we just want fights. Is that so difficult to comprehend? We are nothing like TC nor do we want to be.
Of course you just want fights – silver league ones where you can overwhelm the smaller servers. ;-)
Tarnished Coast
Wow, SBI is about to overtake FA in the rankings. Must be time for the season 2 dash down to silver league?
Tarnished Coast
Run to the next tower, cap it, spam /laugh until Mesmer arrives. Repeat.
This. PU mesmers are almost completely irrelevant unless you make them relevant by fighting them. ;-)
Tarnished Coast
NOPE CERN pub central at TC WK very very sad. Entire queue inside of a single keep and they won’t push out and play with 30-40 Mag. Spam building siege ftw I guess.
Glass cannons die quick to siege. So many bags thanks dude!
I doubt that. You tried to push us on bridge, on the inner walls, outer walls, outside your S gate, inside SW camp, and NN camp at least 3-4 times each. Every time save the last inner walls push when we bailed we wiped at least half of your zerg before the rest ran and hid.
Sorry kid, TC got farmed hard.
Wait, I’m confused. Your first post complained about TC not pushing out, your second talks of multiple TC pushes. Can you clarify what you’re whining about pls?
Tarnished Coast
I fail to understand how you come up with 1260 hps passive.
Regen: 150 hps
Ether Signet: 1000/3 seconds : 333 hps
Blood sigil: 450/4 seconds: 120 hps
Omnomberry Ghost: 325/2 seconds: 175 hpsAll that gets me about 750 hps, with generous estimates I might add. A far cry from your stated value of 1260.
I think he might be including the Restorative Mantras heal with MoP spam? Doing nothing but that would add right around the missing 500 hps, although that’s assuming that you’re doing absolutely nothing but spamming MoP.
Edit – that also isn’t “passive” healing. So nvm. LOL
Tarnished Coast
Awesome on it being bugged!
Just to be clear, IC and a traited weapon are (and have been) working as intended, and they DO stack. The CD on the tooltip is incorrect, and has been wrong for a long time. Example:
Untraited / no IC pistol – 20 sec CD for iDuelist
Either IC OR pistol trait – 16 sec CD
Both – 12 sec CD
Tarnished Coast
-snip for really bad post-
Proofreading is your friend. And it would make my eyes bleed less when I read your posts.
Edit and on topic – Grats to FA. You deserved this week’s win. Also thanks to SoS, as always you guys brought great fights.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Dhampyr.2104)
You know, since they’re shutting down this section, we should see how many times we can get them to close the thread between now and then. You know, Maguuma-style.
Tarnished Coast
oh no tc’s gonna lose this week, you guys are clearly the only server that participates in the holidays.
Kind of a random thing to say. Sounds like you don’t like us very much; I thought EP left TC on good terms because of queue times.
It’s a forum version of Tourette’s.
Tarnished Coast
We didn’t burn ourselves out, we had a temporarily higher population at a period prior to living story where there was less content and therefore more inclination to participate in WvW.
re matchup threads rip reddit
“Content releases/holidays/college exams/insert random RL excuse here” affect all of the servers. I’m not so sure that was the reason for FA’s surge before – because the other servers would have been benefiting as well, nullifying that surge. I’m definitely more inclined to lean toward the “burn out” theory previously mentioned, because the FA crash definitely happened.
Either way, doesn’t really matter – the whole reason I was happy to see kittenain was for exactly this – great fights, good competition, and fun matchup threads (BOOOOOO for matchup threads going away).
Edit – LOL @ the kitten filter kittening “FA” and “again”. Should read “happy to see FA……… again was for exactly this…” Le sigh.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Dhampyr.2104)
Disappointing indeed.
My main concern is how certain folks (Furiousbeard, Pickle, the entire Maguuma server) will ever recover from this.
Tarnished Coast
@Furajir – sorry, was giving you the name of the build so you could look it up if you want. Didn’t mean to come across as a smartypants. ;-)
@Krispera – quit being so sensitive.
Tarnished Coast
Blackwater. That is all.
(Good build, it’s called “Blackwater” – causes immense QQ on forums. – or are you trolling? LOL)
Tarnished Coast
I have no respect for Condition PU mesmsers with signet.
I don’t play a PU mesmer at all. So pleeeeeease respect meeeeee?
(Just in case you didn’t get it, that’s sarcasm. Couldn’t care less who you respect.)
Tarnished Coast
It doesn’t get boring, really – it’s like taking turns stabbing each other with a fork, kinda like when you were a kid with your brothers. I mean, you all played the fork stabbing game too, right?
Tarnished Coast
@insanemaniac: Historical nerfs and examples of punishment builds….like the entire mesmer class in GW1?
The very class itself was designed around punishment. That concept has been brought to GW2 in several ways. It is a basic tenet of the class’ playstyle and abilities, and it will not be removed, no matter how much you complain about it.
why do you assume im complaining about it when all im doing is identifying broken gameplay?
its not op, it has clear shortcomings and strength cases, even within the situations where its gameplay is problematic. for example, all you have to do is leave the area that the mesmer says “mine”. then he cant kill you. i know this. i can counter these mesmers. i can kill yaks, even cap sentries, while one of these flies is trying to keep up with me.
but that doesnt mean punishment is good gameplay in overly large doses. it produces passive play, which isnt what killing your enemy should be about. the people that actually enjoy it are just sadists or masochists.
go to fight nights. pu mesmers get no re’s after a couple duels. they end up relogging on another toon.
I’m thinking your definition of “fun” and mine are different, and that’s perfectly fine. However, as soon as you start saying that your way is the only “unbroken” way, it comes across as narrow minded. If a certain method of play is fun for someone (in this case, PU mesmer and quite a few people enjoy the punishment playstyle), just because it doesn’t meet your definition of fun, it’s broken? Pshaw.
Tarnished Coast
Quick question. Has anyone seen any PRO tags from TC? Been looking for them after they transferred from IoJ.
What’s the full guild name? Pretty sure I’ve seen a couple of guilds with the PRO tag.
there s a diference for other servers siege is optional in the case of TC ACs and Ballistas are main and offhand weapons lol
Pretty sure your “tryhard” meter is pegged, my friend.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Dhampyr.2104)
Fun night running yaks from N Camp on TCBL! FA’s [WS] guild group – you guys were persistent. Great fights all night long!
Agreed reset night fights at TC N camp was never ending glad you enjoyed our blood lust for those tc yaks. It’s pretty common knowledge that TC will defend the hell out of whatever is their main camp on map, so it’s always a great place to find outnumbered fights. I remember hitting a mez every time we tried to hit that east yak so your persistence is to be praised too you defended them till someone died
Also shout out to YOHO. There is some irony that the best havoc group on TC is ex/IOJ/FA, but i was glad to fight some really skilled, strong builds you guys brought to the table. Never got a real good even fight you mugged us with some friendlies we mugged you when we found you guys alone, but overall great fights hope to find you guys again sometime this week. TC still tower hugs way more than any server we’ve fought, but this weekend was packed with fights so thanks for coming out and bringing it those that did.
Haha, that mez was likely me, there were a couple of us escorting/trying to escort both east and west – of course, you guys were hitting both sides as well, so we kept bumping heads. Had one epic fight that lasted from right before NE tower all the way to garrison, constant skirmishing and trying to keep that kitten yak alive… LOL Great fun, and thanks for the showing. You guys rock.
Tarnished Coast
Something I haven’t seen in this thread is to use a typical thief tactic against them - don’t be afraid to disengage from the fight and reset if you think it’s going poorly, particularly if you have a number of skills on CD. Pretty frustrating for a thief to fight you for a few minutes, feel that they’ve got the upper hand, and then... *poof* you’ve thief’ed them. xD
Tarnished Coast