Showing Posts For Dio.2394:

7/12 CD/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


After the way Ehmry treated us in the 13-week matchup, you have no right to complain about things like this. Grow up.

Had no idea you took it that way. Meh… we could’ve been a lot harder on you guys. Believe it or not, some of us didn’t hate you guys. Still don’t, actually. Glad to see you guys have apparently improved.

Really? No idea? “Take it that way”? Seriously, take a moment and ponder:

1) During our 13 week stint most of the comments coming out of your side were of the form “you are losing because you are bad, can’t wait to fight a real server cause we are awesome and you are beneath us”
2) Your folks have trolled every public and private match-up thread we have had since the end of the 13 weeks
3) ( I am told that) your forum’s thread for this match-up is titled “Ehmry bay VS Borlis kitten VS Crystal Desert”
4) Everything ever posted by Archer, Jinks, etc.

Have the common decency to admit that, for whatever reason, you folks have a very uncommon kitten for us. And please, don’t be surprised that most of us don’t care all that much for most of you.

7/5: Yak's Bend vs. Darkhaven vs. Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Another great night of tough fighting. This one is going to go down to the wire. Good job YB and DH.

7/5: Yak's Bend vs. Darkhaven vs. Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


You know, I never see “Good job defending/taking DH.” It’s always " you only kept/got that because of another server."
DH is doing a great job so far this week, and I think we deserve credit where credit is due. Just my humble opinion though, take it or leave it.

I think you should go back and re-read the thread, you have been getting that credit.

7/5: Yak's Bend vs. Darkhaven vs. Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


What does that mean DH is NSP? Care to elaborate?

He’s implying that DH’s score is a result of BP and YB ignoring us and doesn’t actually mean we’re competitive. Keep in mind that he’s also the one saying this thread doesn’t have enough drama.

I think the idea that (at least for the first 36 hours), YB and BP were concentrating mostly on each other is true. However, I wouldn’t take away from it that DH isn’t competitive.

NSP, with the exception of some camp flipping, pretty much stuck to its BL and corner of EB, wisely so because it was vastly outnumbered. DH is a different story. You aren’t vastly outnumbered and you are making a strong showing in both opposing BLs. So far this match seems to be three fairly equal servers slugging it out like crazy!

7/5: Yak's Bend vs. Darkhaven vs. Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


By far the best match up BP has experienced since I started wvw’ing. /salute to both YB and DH.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Well, admittedly its not on the roof, but we do have a en suit pool and spa built underneath the Lords Room of Shadaran Hills. You guys REALLY should try and check it out.

Whatever you do, don’t tell them about the Hot Chicks Room.

(edited by Dio.2394)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I think of it as college divisions. We might be doing ok in our division but would have no business going up against a Division I team because we are just a small New England liberal arts college with only about 3,000 students. Or something like that.

as long as you’re admitting that BP is a liberal arts college full of future starving artists and SBI students are actually studying something useful at tech university.

I guess that makes NSP some random high school team thats making us all look bad by not losing hard enough.

Don’t forget that using that analogy, BP and NSP are both are more attractive and getting laid more than SBI.

Not for long, BP pull out and log on every time we tag their keep.

Curses! Burned again by Very Very High Oscar Wilde


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Oh here is some proof that Borlis Savers have some spies in their guild as this screen shows the man clearly jumped off the cliff in our golem to hinder our small rush. Guess I need to tell my spies to start doing this to eh?

Does an SBI/NSP player paying for a second account on BP and joining your guild just to throw your golem off a cliff really seem more probable than some random just trying to troll you guys?

I have to agree. The simplest explanation is usually correct. Spies, no matter in what context, would seem to be a rare thing. However, you can’t swing a dead cat on the internet without hitting a dumb kitten.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I think of it as college divisions. We might be doing ok in our division but would have no business going up against a Division I team because we are just a small New England liberal arts college with only about 3,000 students. Or something like that.

as long as you’re admitting that BP is a liberal arts college full of future starving artists and SBI students are actually studying something useful at tech university.

I guess that makes NSP some random high school team thats making us all look bad by not losing hard enough.

Don’t forget that using that analogy, BP and NSP are both are more attractive and getting laid more than SBI.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Oh BP. BP….Can I call you Ebay Jr?

I just love how much you guys try to be like us. You’re almost like that annoying little brother that wants to join his big brother Ebay in everything we do.

You guys must’ve miss Rekz forum warriors so much you guys go off and hire LOST to come to BP and do the same thing. A+ for efforts, but they’re still no Rekz.

Then you guys go on page long tirades about hacking and glitching and blaming entire servers, arguing pointlessly back and forth. Reminds me of our old matchup threads with Maguuma lol. B- for efforts, but you must tryharder.

Oh and SBI and NSP, when BP brags about their open field “skill”, don’t mind them. They are a little too eager after getting beat up by us for weeks on end and they just want to try out some tricks they finally learned after all that time. B+ for efforts BP, but you’ve still got a long way to go, grasshoppers.

:]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] smiley faces to show that I’m not super serious and it’s all in jest. And our matchup thread was pretty slow this week : |

Thank you for the update on how teeny tiny your junk is.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Honestly bp 6 of you can’t kill my lil charr engi? Are your roamers just bad or am I just missing the decent ones

Obviously you have fought all of us and we are all terrible. Go buy yourself a new outfit to celebrate!


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I snip for space.

Nah, people don’t think everyone in SBI is an exploiter. But I wouldn’t rule out the idea that SBI has intentionally done this a time or two. Why? In most cases where you see this it’s one or two people no matter which server it happens to. But… in a few cases there have been 5, 10, 15 people glitching in and not 1 at a time over a long period of time but all at once or in a matter of a few seconds. In those cases I suspect that it was intentional.

The couple times it’s happened to me, I think around 5 people glitched in within about 15 seconds. If I remember right, 2-3 were on teamspeak and were right confused about what happened. I can understand when things look fishy, but please be careful about passing judgment.

Funny thing about this: the second time it happened (the first time I was in a golem and got stuck in the wall), I forgot what side of the map we were on and it took me a few seconds longer to find a ramp up out of the keep. It may have looked like my random, swervy, zig-zaggy running was in the general direction of the lord and other NPCs, but really I was spinning my camera around trying to figure out where to go. It was kind of scary :/

kitten , too slow on delete of original post. It got to thinking that hell, maybe if the group outside has 80, getting 10 in at once might be unintentional.

I wish they would just fix it and the zoom hacking bugs so we could all get back to whining about numbers and PvD.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


People on our side have been saying that we are unusually light. People have blamed it on: BURN not being there for reset (but they weren’t last week either), the 4th of July week (but that affects SBI too) and people being demoralized or wanting to throw the match.

Not true, BURN and GOAT moved on the 28th and had a large presence at reset and through the week regardless of the vitriol and abuse some of them sustained for staying. (letting people die and the refusing to res them and calling them traitors are some of the things BP do to thier own, abuse in map chat and other instances were reported to me, non repping was allowed that week because of that issue).

Borlis lost about 75 hardcore WvW players from BURN and probably 30 from GOAT plus a few more semi hardcore players like myself. I am sorry to say but that cannot be replaced easily, especially as most of them were outside of US primetime and guarded the keeps and towers while most US timezone players slept or worked.

Good luck with the fight BP.

I stand corrected, I knew GOAT was still here at last reset but I thought that the lion’s share of BURN had actually left earlier than that.

I am sorry to hear that people mistreated some of the general BURN population in your last days. Your leadership handled the exit poorly in hindsight. Still, I think most people don’t have a bad opinion of BURN, especially the general membership.

Good luck on the new server.

Edit: Hmmm, seems I don’t stand corrected. Rivan posted on the 19th that BURN were now mostly on Maguuma, so they would have missed last week’s reset. The remainder of BURN and GOAT being missing may be part of it, but I still think the biggest difference is SBI’s growth in numbers.

(edited by Dio.2394)


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Due to the amount of accusations flying about between SBI and BP, I will decree a solution. Clearly, we need to petition to have ANET remove entry into all towers and structures for the remainder of the week, AND temporary removal of all doors/gates in Stonemist. Then we can happily play (kick the kitten) out of each other for the remainder of the week.

Anyone who needs to exploit to get more points in a meaningless score is, well, pathetic. REGARDLESS of server. Seriously though, lock all towers pls anet 0;>

I honestly believe the people truly taking advantage of it are a very small minority (and not exclusive to one server) but since BP has been losing the recent match up, a few of their forum posters are using it as an excuse. Fortunately even that group of people is a minority and as we’ve seen there are BP players on here with common sense and good sportsmanship not looking for some excuse.

I thought BP was loosing because they were throwing this match.

Naw, I think that came from one post.

People on our side have been saying that we are unusually light. People have blamed it on: BURN not being there for reset (but they weren’t last week either), the 4th of July week (but that affects SBI too) and people being demoralized or wanting to throw the match.

Nobody is throwing the match. The less hard core may be demoralized by lack of instant win, I don’t know. The core of BP is trying really hard this week. I think the big difference is BP stirred up SBI and you folks have really gotten the numbers out this week. Usually hitting your BL is enough to draw pressure away from eternal, but so far you folks seem to be able to send sizable numbers to any map without leaving another map short handed. Good job rallying the troops.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Due to the amount of accusations flying about between SBI and BP, I will decree a solution. Clearly, we need to petition to have ANET remove entry into all towers and structures for the remainder of the week, AND temporary removal of all doors/gates in Stonemist. Then we can happily play (kick the kitten) out of each other for the remainder of the week.

Anyone who needs to exploit to get more points in a meaningless score is, well, pathetic. REGARDLESS of server. Seriously though, lock all towers pls anet 0;>

Bannok – I would also like to add an additional request to that petition. Can we request that ANET drop a merchant for every BP zerg we dispatch?? I’m bustin my balls hawlin all this kitten to the vendors…

Yes, drop one on the field and one at your spawn point so we with both have access to them. :P

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.

BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.

I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.

Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.

SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination

Nice fish tale you got there.

It is not the numbers that is out problem on the numbers/coverage game. We know we have numbers it is coverage. Also our numbers are can be a bit inflated at times as a lot of them come from PvE. What I want to know is what happened to BP’s numbers. They seem a bit dwindling lately. It is almost as if you are spreading yourself too thin. Did you have a WvW guild leave you too?

Coordination we also have. It requires coordination to do a sneak attack after all.

It’s odd that you call it a fish tale and then confirm the point of the fish tale in the next two sentences.

I call it a fish tale because you leave out the bad parts of your story. All chest thump no meat.

Not my story, but I was there for part of it. To me the description wasn’t so much about us beating you every time as it was about how many folks you were fielding at once and how difficult it was to deal with it. It was a frantic night at times.

If you are disappointed it was not a blow by blow description of every fight I can’t help you there. He did mention you took two major objectives. I wasn’t there for the whole thing, I’d assume that you managed to put up some good battles and wiped us a few times, but while I was there (around 8:30-11pm-ish), though there were some good battles, the main group wasn’t wiped once.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.

BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.

I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.

Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.

SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination

If you have not already guessed, these numbers are all completely fabricated. He genuinely has no idea for the pulse of the server. He leads a skill less zerg around by the nose running over 25 and calling it 50. My mesmer saved his golems the other night after his zerg was obliterated by even numbers. Goodbye Justice, enjoy your delusions.

PLOK! is the sound a poo makes when it hits the side of the bowl instead of the water.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


wow..tonight SBI has had 50-70 people in SBI BL 50-70 in BPBL, a full que in eternal, and 20-30 people in ARBL for 4 hours.

BP has had 30 in BPBL, 30 in eternal, 10 in ARBL, 10 in SBI BL. Aside from that we have had a group of 50-60 that we have been map hopping, we have saved keeps in all BL’s back and forth and swapping maps every 10 mins to quickly whipe without even having time to sweep a keep, leaving the commander on the map to sweep and lock the door.

I have gotten 1k kills so far in 4 hours, we have wiped a zerg of 50+ AT LEAST 15 times tonight, and most of the people following are similar kills. We have lost garrison and hills to sneak attack 6 omegas + 50 people, we had scouts but we didnt have time to run so they were lost, an hour apart from eachother.

Its amazing what we have held with the numbers that SBI has across all maps, i dont understand where the numbers are coming from.

SBI has more numbers then you guys think, you just lack coordination

Nice fish tale you got there.

It is not the numbers that is out problem on the numbers/coverage game. We know we have numbers it is coverage. Also our numbers are can be a bit inflated at times as a lot of them come from PvE. What I want to know is what happened to BP’s numbers. They seem a bit dwindling lately. It is almost as if you are spreading yourself too thin. Did you have a WvW guild leave you too?

Coordination we also have. It requires coordination to do a sneak attack after all.

It’s odd that you call it a fish tale and then confirm the point of the fish tale in the next two sentences.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

I don’t know what you heard, but there was only weeping that one time Noodica pulled me off NW tower when I was so close to my last Vista. I prefer to think of it as my eyes were sweating…

Heads will asplode and small woodland creatures will scurry about in confusion.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Careful or we’ll send Warmaster Gibbon to treb your citadel again.

I would say please do. Unlike some servers/players I actually expect to be attacked by the enemy regardless of my level, location, good looks, etc.

There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


How can BP thump their chest for 2 weeks then expect people to show courtesy and respect to all its players?

Don’t attack our leveled up players. Please let them get to their destination or your just mean.

Don’t attack us in the JP because it will make us mad, and it’s just mean.

I’ve seen players honor both these things out of respect, but I can’t say many do it for BP. Guess if you respect those around you, they may show some back.

Careful or we’ll send Warmaster Gibbon to treb your citadel again.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Explain the following in a complete sentence.

You don’t have a widescreen monitor.

I like that in Spanish your name translates into Sir Bad.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


BP definitely has the trolling down. I’m not saying they could compete with Maguuma but they’re getting there.

ps – LOL at night capping brag…but hey, you got some people to respond, kudos!

We just capped your bay at 3 PM Server time. Not sure what the point is here.

Playing a video game at 3pm on a summer weekend doesn’t really have a point…but by all means, enjoy the bay.

Perhaps you could provide us with a time window when you consider legitimate if you are beaten given that 10pm on Friday and 3pm on Sat are apparently SBI down times, perhaps 7:18-7:27 on Wed would work or does that conflict with Zumba class?

Can’t say what I was doing at 10pm on Friday (probably just finishing dinner to be honest) but I do know that around 11pm we were wiping the floor with you guys (repeatedly) in EB and ticking 300…

So the folks on SBI that are claiming everyone had gone to bed and you were outmanned are full of it then?

We do, in fact, go to bed here on SBI. It usually happens when we’re tired of picking up loot bags. After NA primetime it’s not uncommon to have the outmanned buff here on SBI. Since I play during NA primetime I don’t have to deal with that circumstance very often.

However, I doubt anyone has said we were outmanned in EB during NA primetime. I don’t doubt for a second that we were outmanned on any other map at any time of the day, that’s just the way it goes around here.

By the way, do you have to have a giant stick up your kitten to play on BP or is that just a suggestion?

Two things:
1) People were complaining earlier in this thread that 10pm-midnight on Friday night was too late for you guys. Doesn’t really matter if it was in EB or not. If we are in your home BL and you cry that we took some objective (hills, bay, w/e) because it was too late and you were outmanned, but you have a decent number in said BL and a ginormous amount of people in EB, then the problem is not that it is too late and BP night caps, the problem is you can’t get people to move from EB to defend your BL.

2) There is no size requirement on the stick, but you do have to know how to move it properly.

Also, I apologize for the length of the last sentence in point 1), I am apparently channeling John Stuart Mill.

Were people complaining about 10pm? Because the screenshots I was seeing had 4am on them. And if that’s 10pm server time, I’d like to know what the weather is like in Greenland. Do they even have summers?

Ya I think that someone was having issues with their time conversions. The time in question was not so much friday but Saturday @ 1 AM server time.

Speaking of which, that was when Bay went down. Plenty of SBI there defending. And, while you can’t see it, you had another 20 on the walls and there was a wave of SBI respawns incoming from the north as well. (Our respawn wave, which you can see, got in before yours could overwhelm us.) After this battle, your numbers started dropping off and we had an increasingly free hand with the rest of your BL and eventually EB.

This is what people were talking about when they said we broke your morale. It’s actually understandable. Staying up late is much easier when things are going your way and that applies to SBI, BP, AR, everyone. Everyone has witnessed the aftermath of a long battle that didn’t go their way and suddenly it’s past everyone’s bedtime.

It was getting late. I don’t know how many we would have had log if we had lost, just as I don’t know how many SBI would have decided to stay if they had won. But, I can make an educated guess that if things had gone they other way BP would have lost more people to the time and SBI would have lost less people to the time.


(edited by Dio.2394)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I am offended, often and easily, I believe a suspension is in hand for Maladon.5760 .
Lets put aside our differences and get this troll off the forums!

You are a true leader Bannok! I have changed my mind, burn the witch!


Sorry about the whole burn the witch thing. I just got caught up in the energy of the mob and lost my head.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I am offended, often and easily, I believe a suspension is in hand for Maladon.5760 .
Lets put aside our differences and get this troll off the forums!

You are a true leader Bannok! I have changed my mind, burn the witch!

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


BP definitely has the trolling down. I’m not saying they could compete with Maguuma but they’re getting there.

ps – LOL at night capping brag…but hey, you got some people to respond, kudos!

We just capped your bay at 3 PM Server time. Not sure what the point is here.

Playing a video game at 3pm on a summer weekend doesn’t really have a point…but by all means, enjoy the bay.

Perhaps you could provide us with a time window when you consider legitimate if you are beaten given that 10pm on Friday and 3pm on Sat are apparently SBI down times, perhaps 7:18-7:27 on Wed would work or does that conflict with Zumba class?

If you are looking for a challenge that would make our entire server bow down and say we are not worthy try taking our EB keep while Bannok is on. I am sure he would love to tell you when he will be on so you can try.

Otherwise we can’t tell you a time because there is honestly no set time that our server is on in full force. We are a mostly PvE server after all.

Ok, fair enough I suppose. But, taking your keep while both sides have the map queued is still going to take awhile. So, if a couple hours pass and we have everything but the keep and are starving your supply and then Bannok logs, you can’t use Bannok logged as an excuse. Sound fair?

I say that all depends on If you get it to that point and how long after Bannok logs off you take the keep. The purpose of the challenge is for you to try to take when we are at the peak of our performance. Sadly I won’t be there myself.

Oh and you have to start at the time Bannok states. In addition to that none of that “AC zoom” business

Obviously I can’t speak for everyone who plays, but in general we are not really in the AC zoom business, that is ALS on AR. If we were we wouldn’t spend so much time wiping in order to clear siege before the final push to take the objective.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


^ soon to be deleted post. Infraction inc!

It’s been a few days since my last infraction, pretty sure I can take the hit

Dear forum mods,

Save the infraction. It was mild humor and offended no one.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


BP definitely has the trolling down. I’m not saying they could compete with Maguuma but they’re getting there.

ps – LOL at night capping brag…but hey, you got some people to respond, kudos!

We just capped your bay at 3 PM Server time. Not sure what the point is here.

Playing a video game at 3pm on a summer weekend doesn’t really have a point…but by all means, enjoy the bay.

Perhaps you could provide us with a time window when you consider legitimate if you are beaten given that 10pm on Friday and 3pm on Sat are apparently SBI down times, perhaps 7:18-7:27 on Wed would work or does that conflict with Zumba class?

Can’t say what I was doing at 10pm on Friday (probably just finishing dinner to be honest) but I do know that around 11pm we were wiping the floor with you guys (repeatedly) in EB and ticking 300…

So the folks on SBI that are claiming everyone had gone to bed and you were outmanned are full of it then?

We do, in fact, go to bed here on SBI. It usually happens when we’re tired of picking up loot bags. After NA primetime it’s not uncommon to have the outmanned buff here on SBI. Since I play during NA primetime I don’t have to deal with that circumstance very often.

However, I doubt anyone has said we were outmanned in EB during NA primetime. I don’t doubt for a second that we were outmanned on any other map at any time of the day, that’s just the way it goes around here.

By the way, do you have to have a giant stick up your kitten to play on BP or is that just a suggestion?

Two things:
1) People were complaining earlier in this thread that 10pm-midnight on Friday night was too late for you guys.

Not sure why anyone would complain at all, we were leading in PPT during that time.

I don’t either. We have found common ground!! <3 /hugs

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


BP definitely has the trolling down. I’m not saying they could compete with Maguuma but they’re getting there.

ps – LOL at night capping brag…but hey, you got some people to respond, kudos!

We just capped your bay at 3 PM Server time. Not sure what the point is here.

Playing a video game at 3pm on a summer weekend doesn’t really have a point…but by all means, enjoy the bay.

Perhaps you could provide us with a time window when you consider legitimate if you are beaten given that 10pm on Friday and 3pm on Sat are apparently SBI down times, perhaps 7:18-7:27 on Wed would work or does that conflict with Zumba class?

Can’t say what I was doing at 10pm on Friday (probably just finishing dinner to be honest) but I do know that around 11pm we were wiping the floor with you guys (repeatedly) in EB and ticking 300…

So the folks on SBI that are claiming everyone had gone to bed and you were outmanned are full of it then?

We do, in fact, go to bed here on SBI. It usually happens when we’re tired of picking up loot bags. After NA primetime it’s not uncommon to have the outmanned buff here on SBI. Since I play during NA primetime I don’t have to deal with that circumstance very often.

However, I doubt anyone has said we were outmanned in EB during NA primetime. I don’t doubt for a second that we were outmanned on any other map at any time of the day, that’s just the way it goes around here.

By the way, do you have to have a giant stick up your kitten to play on BP or is that just a suggestion?

Two things:
1) People were complaining earlier in this thread that 10pm-midnight on Friday night was too late for you guys. Doesn’t really matter if it was in EB or not. If we are in your home BL and you cry that we took some objective (hills, bay, w/e) because it was too late and you were outmanned, but you have a decent number in said BL and a ginormous amount of people in EB, then the problem is not that it is too late and BP night caps, the problem is you can’t get people to move from EB to defend your BL.

2) There is no size requirement on the stick, but you do have to know how to move it properly.

Also, I apologize for the length of the last sentence in point 1), I am apparently channeling John Stuart Mill.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


BP definitely has the trolling down. I’m not saying they could compete with Maguuma but they’re getting there.

ps – LOL at night capping brag…but hey, you got some people to respond, kudos!

We just capped your bay at 3 PM Server time. Not sure what the point is here.

Playing a video game at 3pm on a summer weekend doesn’t really have a point…but by all means, enjoy the bay.

Perhaps you could provide us with a time window when you consider legitimate if you are beaten given that 10pm on Friday and 3pm on Sat are apparently SBI down times, perhaps 7:18-7:27 on Wed would work or does that conflict with Zumba class?

If you are looking for a challenge that would make our entire server bow down and say we are not worthy try taking our EB keep while Bannok is on. I am sure he would love to tell you when he will be on so you can try.

Otherwise we can’t tell you a time because there is honestly no set time that our server is on in full force. We are a mostly PvE server after all.

Ok, fair enough I suppose. But, taking your keep while both sides have the map queued is still going to take awhile. So, if a couple hours pass and we have everything but the keep and are starving your supply and then Bannok logs, you can’t use Bannok logged as an excuse. Sound fair?

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


hey, you don’t see the mentally challenged making movies and TV show hits.

You’ve obviously never watched Fox News

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


BP definitely has the trolling down. I’m not saying they could compete with Maguuma but they’re getting there.

ps – LOL at night capping brag…but hey, you got some people to respond, kudos!

We just capped your bay at 3 PM Server time. Not sure what the point is here.

Playing a video game at 3pm on a summer weekend doesn’t really have a point…but by all means, enjoy the bay.

Perhaps you could provide us with a time window when you consider legitimate if you are beaten given that 10pm on Friday and 3pm on Sat are apparently SBI down times, perhaps 7:18-7:27 on Wed would work or does that conflict with Zumba class?

Can’t say what I was doing at 10pm on Friday (probably just finishing dinner to be honest) but I do know that around 11pm we were wiping the floor with you guys (repeatedly) in EB and ticking 300…

So the folks on SBI that are claiming everyone had gone to bed and you were outmanned are full of it then?

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


What’s going on??

/scratches head

Are you bragging? I see 10 dead BP, and I stopped counting SBI at 20+

I see a borlis pass garrison reset during prime time.

and I see an SBI bay reset at primetime as well as a rather one sided fight in BP Hills /shrug both SBI bay and BP garry have been flipped back so uhmmm yeah.. how about them Dodgers?

Oh the Dodgers still suck.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


How bout the boob touching?

I am pretty sure we are going to need pics to verify this, lots and lots and lots of pics.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


BP definitely has the trolling down. I’m not saying they could compete with Maguuma but they’re getting there.

ps – LOL at night capping brag…but hey, you got some people to respond, kudos!

We just capped your bay at 3 PM Server time. Not sure what the point is here.

Playing a video game at 3pm on a summer weekend doesn’t really have a point…but by all means, enjoy the bay.

Perhaps you could provide us with a time window when you consider legitimate if you are beaten given that 10pm on Friday and 3pm on Sat are apparently SBI down times, perhaps 7:18-7:27 on Wed would work or does that conflict with Zumba class?

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


All I was trying to say is that you did not win by tactics you won simply because you stayed up later. That is all a lot of us SBIers are trying say. This may also answer part of the coverage question.

Actually no. We just won more easily as it got later. BTW, 10pm-midnight on a Sat. night is not exactly 3am on a Wed.

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


When you know you are better in the open field you don’t have to have multiple people from you’re server post about it repeatedly. Trying to prove it to themselves and everyone else.

Its like BP has never tasted a points victory and when they do they go running around screaming like a bunch of kids, who don’t understand how you act and treat you’re opponents on the field is just as important.

Maybe the Gravy that posted this should read the Gravy that has posted previously in this thread and shake a disappointed finger at them.

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Yeah, I just don’t know how exciting it all is. Drop siege, man it, call in overwhelming numbers when you’re going to lose. Pretty straightforward. Again though, it resulted in some very exciting action in game, so thankyou for that

If you aren’t prepared to dig in, scout, escort yaks and basically sacrifice the karma train, then you will not win the week.

Although you’re correct, this hills defense was not a good example of it. You were going to lose it anyway. The appropriate response would have been ‘if you can’t call in 2x enemy numbers, then you will lose the keep’. How did you end up losing it btw? I was in bed asleep.

Outmanned vs. 20 SBI with 7 golems. AR was attacking our bay at the same time, so no response force available. Good job taking it back. We definitely were making an extra effort to hold it as lack of defense is one of our weaknesses we have been trying to work on this week.

Edit: ha, ha, the filter on this forum is funny. I wrote hitting with the word was in front of it, with a space and it ended up as wakittening.

(edited by Dio.2394)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


People asked about the different levels of zoom in the game, and what they look like for various reasons. So I uploaded 2 screen shots.

One higher zoom, and one regular.

The game is much more beautiful with higher zoom. I couldn’t stand playing that way though. The depth blur from it makes my head pound like crazy. This does apply to wvw though, for example placing an ac targeting area.

Can you get the higher zoom without hacking? For example, if you play on 3 monitors, do you get that level of zoom by default?

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


But every time I am on EB, i think wow BP has so many, go to SBI BL. Another 20-30 there. Go to BP BL. Another 20 there. Either that or awesome communication which I think to be the case as well.

It’s a little of both. I think we have more people than either SBI or AR, but not as many as it probably appears. Half the nights I play I end up spending significant amounts of time on all 4 maps. We move around so much some nights and I can’t remember whose Bay we took, what keep we lost or which zerg we wiped or were wiped by.

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I’m also beginning to think the 3 colors now don’t mean anything. Its not the server ranks that decide the color. It seems rather random. You get grouped with 2 other servers and then the game decides which color you are randomly?

I think you are correct. The first week of the new system AR, BP and EBay ended up together and although EBay was clearly ranked higher, BP was green.

"Connection errors detected. Retrying "

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dio.2394


Yep, just started getting this.

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Good fights tonight SBI. You put a lot of pressure on BPBL.

31/5 - EB - BP - AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Anyway, I’m glad you are experiencing again the taste of losing to coverage.

Honestly, so are we. I would take this matchup over the previous any day.

I am still yearning for that yaks/cd/eb matchup though.

But would you take this match up for 3 months and be happy because of all the learning opportunities you were getting?


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Hmmm… I see no one wants to talk about the kitten-whooping [Mend] & HoD gave BP & DR @ Stonemist last night.

Not only did we get in while it was under enemy control, we got past you & the Lord’s room to the 2nd floor and proceeded to farm you mercilessly for hours.
I believe you have been formally introduced to [Mend] now.

Was tasty. Ty for the badges & the WvW level

Commander Flappy had a dream, and we Menders like to make sure his dreams come true!

Hmm, I don’t know about BP being there for hours as we only made one real push on it in the 3 hours I was there, but perhaps DR was. Before BP hit SM we thought HOD and DR were trading the keep for points because it was switching hands so often.

When we did get there, it was quite the fight with AC’s up on the dome by the vista. If we hadn’t gotten the respawns together to come back in while we were fighting and dying up top we would have never taken the place. It was a great fight trying to deal with ACs above, below and to the side of us. I am sure the AC operators were surrounded by bags. You folks did a great job.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Listen to this man. BP picked up so many tricks and strategies from Ehmry Bay during our long slog with them. Last night we were using everything we had learned. This your chance to see those same tricks and in turn use em on someone else.

Tricks? You mean like bring a 25-man to fight a 12-man and when they’re losing, have another 25-man flank that 12-man? Yeah, good tricks. How about this, come out on your own and let me gang bang you with 3 friends and then you can “learn tricks” too.

I haven’t laughed that hard in a very long time. I wanted to thank you for that comment because that’s exactly how I feel.

You’ve got some talent BP, it’s just buried underneath your massive zergs. It’s hard to identify what tricks you’ve learned, when its just steamrolling.

There’s probably more going on between your commanders and in your VOIP’s, less pugs. More coordinated guilds. Just can’t see it passed the sea of red.

When match-ups are as disproportional population-wise as this, it is difficult to judge the skill of either the winners or the losers because the population advantage affects the outcome much more than any strategy or tactic employed.

I feel for you. When EBay would go on and on about their skill it drove me nuts because their having skill or not wasn’t a factor since they outnumbered us 2-1 plus on every map. I do think BP learned a great deal being out-numbered for 13 weeks, but it doesn’t really matter in the current match up.

Try not to let it get you down. Hopefully it won’t be like this every week.

31/5 - EB - BP - AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


So i have to say i have discovered BP doing some interesting zerg stuff in Eternal lately. I love how you guys are starting to portal bomb. But piece of advise, you use it to much because when we see you pull back in a group we know its coming. Also don’t port next to a cliff because i will just lay a few mark right on top of you and send you off said cliff. This isn’t a troll just trying to be helpful because it was a ton of good fights and was kinda DOH worthy when you wiped our siege this way. (this was happening last night outside of SM by that bridge)

Thanks for taking the time to post useful feedback. A couple of reasons for seeing the portal bombs so much.
1) It’s been working and is fun. This really goes to your comment that it is becoming predictable and you are spot on that we are a bit like a kid with a new toy at the moment.
2) A lot of people have leveled mesmer alts in the past couple weeks and this weekend there was an effort by a few commanders to portal bomb simply to give people practice and confidence.

This weekend was a lot of fun for me. I killed a lot of stuff and got killed a lot too, but no matter which end of the killing I was on the fights were very fun!

31/5 - EB - BP - AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


It’ll be nice once we don’t have to fight AR/BP anymore… simply because you’ve neither learned nor implemented adaptive strategies over the last 6 weeks.

It’s one thing to say “population imbalances” made for crappy gameplay, but even the small roaming groups are just bad.

6 weeks… zero improvement on any front…

I mean, srsly?

Instead, what’s happened is larger tower hugging zergs afraid to come out even when there’s equal numbers.

Imagine an arm held up at a 45 degree angle.
Imagine the fingers and thumb curled in slightly.
Imagine the fist going up and down at the wrist.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR - 25/05/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


Is it weird that I often confuse the word infracted with infarcted? Please don’t get infarcted!

I do this too. I love saying infarcted even more than infracted (who knew that was even possible!) which is horrible since I don’t want anyone to be infarcted

(Although, occasionally, when I am weak, I want Archer to think he is infarcted and thus come face to face with his own mortality and life choices. I know, I am a bad person.)

BTW, I got my infracted prediction deleted (not infracted mind you) because it referred to an already deleted post, but the thing is, I took the bits out of my post that caused the already deleted post to be deleted. Attention to detail saves lives, all I’m sayin.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR - 25/05/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


I take comfort in knowing that for many of the forum trolls, if I met them in real life, it would be as they cleared my table or took my keys to park my car so why begrudge a little electronic gloating.

personally, i find that to be a pretty disgusting attitude to go through life with, thinking that you are somehow better than the person waiting your table or parking your car; so much so that you would deign to “allow” them to be forum warriors.

honestly, nothing is the most correct in that if we were all just kittening around having drinks together at the bar, likely none or at least very few of us would trash talk so much. most of you guys actually seem to be pretty cool folks. that being said, this thread is a lot more entertaining after the forum warriors got to it. i was a bit worried for a second. 2 pages without trolling and all the kitten ba-ya stuff was getting boring.

Oh, but you misunderstand. Busing and waiting tables is a fine job, in your teens and early tweenties. I was actually paid minimum wage when I was 16 to have my arm up a horse’s bottom for 45 minutes on the way to a vet trying to untwist a colicy bowl. No tips btw.

My point is that most of the people that are really heated about all this are young and haven’t actually accomplished much that is real in life so being LEET beans in an MMO is “important”. There are exceptions, some young people accomplish amazing things very early and some older people never accomplish anything at all, but I am speaking of the norm and am confident I am correct.