Showing Posts For Donari.5237:

Close but No Sale. [Outfit]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’m still on the fence with the new outfit. The face doesn’t bother me as much as the gigantic froth of impracticality involved in the shoulders. Otoh I loooove the dragon logo hip drape and iirc from previewing with dyes the dye channels seem to make sense on this one. If only outfits included a shoulder and gloves visibility toggle along with the helmet one (and even better, allowed using any armor head piece with the outfit).

As to the tonics→dyeable outfits, yes please BUT put better pants on than jodhpurs with riding boots. I want my hoodie with slacks and flat-soled boots back so much. It’s in the lineup in (and the post just below that has one more mix-match outfit I was fond of).

Compare that to the tonic choices of mix and match by ANet … (I’ll grant that part of it is likely there weren’t really any pants choices other than jodhpurs and cargo shorts/hot pants other than in cultural armor that couldn’t go on all races. Even so … it seems likely at this point that they’d have to redo the art to make outfit entries for the tonics, so if they’re going to do that as they should be going to do then they could go for better garment blends).

Dear ANet, re: PoF Spec Unlocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


There is another option go out in the open world and complete hero challenges in core and hot.
Save them up and you will have about 257 extra ones to pump into your new spec.

I never liked the layout of HoT zones so i have only depended no the HP in verdant brink to get them for the elite spec.. I’m not fond of all the verticality in the maps.. =/ and i’m not looking forward to the HP in AB and DS… I just wish getting Hero Points were easier..

Core tyria HP no problem but HoT not so much :<

Right now there are frequent HP trains running. I don’t know when they tend to start (at dawn in VB maybe? Or when a commander feels like it?) but I’ve run along with several that have had very helpful mesmer commanders who ran everyone along paths that got them to the HP without needing more than the basic mobility masteries (updrafts, mushrooms, wallows, exalted markings) and were very patient with stragglers.

Check LFG>Open World>HoTMapOfYourChoice to spot the squads. You may not always get in at the beginning, and if you don’t have the wp’s you may need a tele to friend or two so as to get to where the commander is, but once in the group you’ll have a big zerg protecting you and beating up the challenge HPs. All you have to do is stick to the commander like glue unless there is a “stay here” order and tag things enough to get credit.

Please Increase Bank Tab Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


If they ever make it possible to convert one-use unlocked skins to transmutation charges, I’ll get several bank tabs free. I paid cash for almost all those skins, so I resent losing the cash value of the charges. If it was five charges I’d be “meh whatever” but it’s closer to 100 charges worth.

Meanwhile I sit on a maxed bank that is almost completely full, and -was- full before Linsey’s wondrous storage mats changes.

So yeah, I’d like more bank tabs. I’d like them to be nameable. But I’d get so much space just by letting skins that are effectively merely transmutation charges get moved to the wallet charges count that I’d no longer need more tabs. I sure hope that’s a QoL they’ve been working on on the sly for PoF.

is the 4000 gems worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


One note, OP, as to getting the gems to buy gem store items. This week there are going to be some very good sales on useful items (see the news blogs) BUT you do not get those 4K gems for 72+ hours after you purchase (this is to prevent fraud tied to gold laundering, they don’t want stolen credit cards used to purchase gems that turn into gold and get dispersed before the account is banned). You’re already going to miss the deals on shared slots, unbreakable tools, and bag slots (to name the most useful).

However if you submit a ticket to Support after you make the PoF Ultimate purchase (if you do), saying you’ve paid for the gems and are just waiting for them and you would like to spend x gems on y sale items, odds are they will make it possible to get the discounted gem price once your gems arrive.

Exuberant Dye Kit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Well, I guess the bundle will be back some time. I won’t get the outfit or glider yet (if at all). I have to weigh it against this week’s sales, after all.

If the kit returns and is sold separately, cool (or if it’s in my 5 5th bday presents coming up in a few days). If not, I don’t really need mini Aurene Squire, not sure I need the glider, and the outfit shoulders are … big.

Thanks for the answers, all, I can now make more informed buy/no-buy decisions!

Exuberant Dye Kit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Oh drat, I was just looking for it myself to decide if I want the bundle or not. I based my earlier OP on the Gemstore sticky thread above. (And did not notice it detailed the dye contents, thanks Flesh!)

is the 4000 gems worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


You get the 4K gems if you buy the Ultimate edition of PoF, whether or not you buy HoT with it. I don’t know on physical copies, but if you can get a physical Ultimate then you should get gems. Presumably this will be the case no matter when you buy the Ultimate, I don’t think the gems are a pre-purchase benefit.

So your choices are standard, Deluxe, or Ultimate. Deluxe adds a number of digital goodies to the standard version. Ultimate gives you the exact same goodies plus 4K gems, for $25 more. 4K gems normally costs $50. So if you will eventually spend 25 bucks on gems anyway, and would buy the Deluxe version for the goodies, then the Ultimate is a bargain, essentially giving you 2K free gems.

If you would never spend cash on gems in any amount, then you may as well continue not spending cash on gems and just decide if the digital goodies are worth the extra money to you (they include a character slot, normally 10 bucks worth of gems, keep that in mind).

Do i have to purchase HoT before PoF?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Otoh any one individual player doesn’t need to be a Scribe or be able to claim a hall. They just need to be part of a guild that gets the hall, and then they can access it freely along with its services (I am assuming that unlike F2P a PoF owner will be allowed to use all guild services even if they don’t own HoT, even in HoT guild halls, or the hue and cry shall be huge).

Re gliders, I’m sure there won’t be any spots inaccessible without gliders, though no doubt gliders will help a ton. The expansion is designed to be playable sans HoT, so mounts will give the access rather than gliders.

The OP asked about story, however. As to that, it looks like the PoF story picks up where the HoT Living Story left off, building on the situations and using the characters we’ve traveled with for the last few years. So without HoT (and LS2 and 3), you’ll be a tad lost as to what’s going on unless you find videos or text summaries of the plot.

Catching up at this point might be difficult. There’s a certain minimum play time involved to get through the story. You can see all of LS2 without buying it if you get a friend to open and run the instances with you (you’ll miss out on some open world interactions). LS3 I -think- you have to own before you can go into the maps involved.

Anyway, no you don’t have to own HoT to play PoF, ANet’s made a big point of that. But HoT will offer you story access, masteries (of which gliding and core Tyria’s Pact Commander will be very nice to have), and HP you can stockpile towards PoF elites (assuming ANet doesn’t do something unexpected there). If you can afford the extra 20 bucks on your order, you’ll get a whole lot more that will be permanent to the account.

Scarlet's Era & special items. Is this right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I fought through that war and I’m absolutely fine with this new way for others to get some nifty skins.

After all, despite my daily hours in the fight, I never got a jetpack. I never got enough mats for the ascended colored spinal blades. And now I have a jetpack and I have the blue spinal blades I wanted from the first time I saw them, using gems I got with my PoF prepurchase (and some gold, I was happy to nab the power cores I needed when the price dropped to something reasonable and save my tickets for non-TP items). I know I was there before, I don’t need to boast to others. The thing I got from being in the Scarlet fight that no one new can get? The memories and experience. Those will last a lot longer than the pixels, as long as my mind remains intact anyway /crosses fingers

The “I was there” items that count are the thank-you rewards for being in at launch, for being a paying player before F2P came out — things designated from the start as meant to denote player presence. RNG drops from game play that had a limited window of opportunity, meh, I’d rather everyone could get at them.

Exuberant Dye Kit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Apparently one of these comes in this week’s “Champion” package but the wiki doesn’t have an entry for it. Anyone know what dyes are available in it? And whether they are RNG or player’s choice?

Is there going to be another beta weekend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I don’t know that we can determine the probability. All we know is that right now they have not said there will be another one. They did pop extra surprise ones both for original beta and for HoT beta (I know for sure they did in vanilla, I’m less sure on HoT but my memory is the third HoT weekend was announced as a surprise addition with the additional news they hadn’t wiped our second weekend beta alts).

So I wouldn’t plan my weekends around the possibility, but perhaps there will be one more if ANet needs more data.

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Several of the new elites (Holosmith, Weaver, Mirage) feel like there is going to be quite a learning curve to use effectively. This is probably a good thing, but Holosmith in particular felt like too many moving pieces to track and Mirage felt too clunky; even after reading through the skills and using them at length against golems I had no feel for flow. Scourge takes a lot of precision spread out ground targeting, it seems, difficult for me given I mouse move so it’s move or target. This is in a bare few minutes of trying it, though, and I’ll admit it took me months of Chronomancer to internalize dropping the F5 -before- using up long CD items.

The main issue was being confined to PvP — no, I did not go anywhere that other players could beat me up, I don’t normally PvP or WvW so I knew I would get zero feel for the effectiveness and flow of each elite when in panic mode or dead. The HoT betas very nicely let us try out elites both in sections of Verdant Brink and in the main world.

I’m ok with this, it was nice to get a preliminary feel for the mechanics so I could focus on which alts to gobble up HP on first, but it only held my interest for the Friday hours it took to make each elite once, study its skills, pick gear, and attack golems and NPCs.

One happy side note: I made nine elites, gave eight of them one word names that sounded lore appropriate and I would willingly use permanently, including one or two I’d used in the HoT beta, and the ninth I used a two word name I’d used in HoT beta for a human revenant. Not one name was taken. Pshaw to those that think there are no names left for them, pshaw I say!

cant teleport to a freind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Do you own the Bitterfrost living story chapter? Have you been there on at least one alt? These may be prerequisites for using the tele to get there.

Put an npc to rez when Dragon's Stand resets

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


Or, play Engi and use before you go down. The field will revive you as the cutscene plays. Then when the map resets, you’ll be alive and can do whatever.

Elementalist Mist Form works too, if you time the downed skill right so you’re still in Mist when the map resets.

Reaper (or regular Necro) can trait Death Shroud to auto-pop on a killing blow. Works like a charm on the DS reset. I try to rez some folks at the entry death spot but there is that wp so very close … had one person yell at me once for running off before everyone was up because they thought they’d end up in a different map if they wp’d and lose out on the organized run. Wasn’t much I could do, I was commanding North that run and really did need to get my butt to the starting point for the lane.

Soulbeast is useless. RIP Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I still am happy with what I saw of Soulbeast (as a super casual Ranger player) but I’ll agree with some critiques in this thread that yeah, the utilities at first glance seem ineffective. I only fired them off when I remembered to and didn’t see much result; I was focused on weapons/beast skills.

Then again I was up against unresisting golems and single NPC AIs, so I wasn’t seeing much situational need for the stances.

Mini Heart of Thorns Review

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’ll comment on your Dragons Stand impression: When HoT launched, DS failed a lot, and could easily be a waste of your 2 hours (plus you had like 10 minutes to frantically loot all the pods you could find when there was a success).

Now if you follow the instructions posted frequently in forums and guides on how to join an active DS run (short form: get there early, join a taxi squad, go through reset in that squad, make sure you’re in the commander’s map, then split off to join your preferred lane squad) and then follow the commander’s lead and instructions, you’re pretty much guaranteed success and you get to experience a truly epic meta chain.

I advise trying the North lane your first time, it’s pretty much the simplest one to lead or follow. Attack marked targets, and until you have the Itzel Poison Mastery don’t do the events that involve going into poison fields such as saving mushrooms.

As to the Hero Points, once you have updrafts and bouncing mushrooms (and ideally have gotten as far as Advanced Gliding), it’s not very hard to find 25 HoT HPs you can get to solo or else check in Map and spot others doing the fighting ones. There are a lot of shortcuts to get around the maps, too (Exalted Markings and Nuhoch Wallows will also be helpful for your mobility). I started at almost no HP on my new Ranger I made to be my Soulbeast in PoF, found an HP run led by a commander mesmer who made sure to go a route that everyone could follow or get ported through, and a few hours later I had a ton of wps open and 411 HP. That may be what you call “significant assistance,” to be sure, but it also is routine enough that you needn’t feel you’re imposing on anyone.

Go forth and enjoy!

More beta weekends?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


They did surprise us with extra weekends in original beta (well, they were stress tests without the fun weekend closing event, but hey we got to roam Tyria some more). And I’m pretty sure the HoT beta weekends got one extra one that didn’t delete our previously made beta characters so we could keep on using those (of course they were still deleted before live launch).

So if the devs feel it will help them to toss players into more demo/beta time, they may do a flash announcement and open it up again. I guess if your character select screen has the new background later this/next month that’ll be a sign you can do more demo

What will I do at lvl 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


On that last bit — yes, new slots are normally $10 worth of gems but they are on a substantial discount TODAY ONLY (ending at 9 am Pacific tomorrow most likely) so if you know yourself to be an altoholic and can afford it you may wish to preemptively collect more slots, to at least get to a total of nine so you can make one of each profession.

[PoF] New Elite Specs & core traits: Logic?!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I think it’s short for “process” as in a computer operation that processes from another, and has gotten linguistically changed from a soft c to a hard c.

Why did you pre-purchase Path of Fire?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I knew I’d be buying it anyway, I knew I’d be buying gems anyway, so I went with Ultimate as soon as it was announced (well, once I could get them to take my money, there were some bugs with ordering).

I enjoy the game a lot and play it a lot every week so yeah, I’ll pay for the parts that need paying for as long as I’m still playing. Even though I’m retired, I haven’t yet hit a financial crunch severe enough to prevent this sort of expense.

Are Transmutation Charges used on a Demo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I guarantee that anything you spend on a demo character does not vanish from your live characters. As to transmutes in particular, I started with over 300, spent down to the high 200s on my various elites tests, and still had over 300 on my non-demo alts.

Conversely, any charges you gain during the weekend on your live alts after making your first demo will not show up for your demo. The demo characters get a snapshot of the bank as it existed right before you made the first demo.

Test the elites in style, it’s safe

Anniversary Guild wars Gem Shop

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


There’s still another week or two to go. Check the blog for next week’s sales (should be out on Tuesday) to see what’s on offer.

None of us can answer this since we only know what ANet has said in the blogs.

achievement icons over utility bar

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Oh, I don’t think Art Critic showed for me either. I just cued up a Dulfy guide and ran around before leaving the finished instance beating up any statues I’d missed on my way in. Once the last statue was rubble, the achieve proc’d.

(Some achieves I want to figure out for myself. This wasn’t one of them).

[PoF Elite Demo] No Access to PvE Zones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Nikal, give it a try. I also don’t PvP or WvW (though I have in the past, it’s just not my cup of tea) but I found it quite fun to carefully go through all the skills and traits and figure out how they worked together, select stats I liked (want all Viper? Whee! It’s just a few right clicks away!), and go test rotations and such while in a fight that couldn’t hurt me against foes that couldn’t die (golem cluster near big boss golem, very handy) so I had plenty of time to read what my skills did while using them before trotting up the hill to attack sample NPC professions.

Other players were being very nice about taking turns attacking the NPCs, too, letting people solo them to get a feel for the elites.

It’s very worth doing. Will you fully learn the elites? No, but you might figure out which ones interest you the most so you can focus on getting HP on those alts before Sept 22.

Shatterer Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


A few days ago I was rummaging around for more AP, saw that Shatterer was starting inside 10 minutes, hopped over there, and checked LFG. There was a squad advertising Bash the Dragon and I found myself in a super organized run. Got my 20th Bash with them along with a few more lightning dodges, bar breaks, and minion kills towards the meta achieve. I don’t think it was a TTS run.

So give it a go a little before Shatterer’s spawn, check LFG, and you may find yourself very pleased.

Elite Spec Beta Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


My first impressions, just as to the “feel” of the Elites rather than finding things to improve like Boogiepop did, in the order I tested them. For most of them I swapped around weapons and traits (and sometimes stats and runes) to suit my personal taste before beating up golems and NPCs:

Holosmith — A lot of moving parts to keep track of. Utilities are laying down fields while the weapons are doing their things and F5 has to be used at the right time to toggle heating on and off (when off I seemed to retain heat for a very long time before any cooling began, so either that was a bug or I’m supposed to push up the heat and then take advantage of all the > 50% heat boosts for a good long while). I’ll certainly give it a try on one of my Engies but I don’t know if I’ll stick with it.

Firebrand — I liked this one. It has some complexity thanks to the three different skill bars granted by active tomes, but each is thematically linked enough to grasp relatively quickly. The ammunition system on the mantras means getting to use them relatively often. I wish my two guardians were at all bookish in RP because I do want to try using this rather than DH for a while.

Spellbreaker — Squishy! This was my only test alt to die to the Warrior NPC. I probably need to build it much better. That said, I think it will work with either of my Warriors in terms of their themes, and I like the F2 shield.

Deadeye — Wow, much damage. I had to have someone tell me where to look for my Malice stacks, and I’m iffy about being rooted in a fight until remembering to hit 5 (though at least one can dodge while kneeling). I’m not sure it’ll be handy for solo work but with a friend to occupy mobs’ attention it could be devastating. I was sad that the shadow orb teleport was affected by “No Valid Path to Target” after the Guild Chat demo made it look like it could cross slopes and gaps.

Mirage — I shouldn’t have made an Asura for this, I couldn’t see what my clones were doing in the middle of all the other players. The skills didn’t seem to flow intuitively together, either, so I found myself rather randomly doing things. I’m game to give it a try in open PvE but I think it’ll have a steep learning curve for me. It’s another one with a lot of moving parts to track.

Soulbeast — A lot more fun than I expected based on the Guild Chat (where it looked much less flashy than the other elites) and on player predictions and comments. I tested with the three new PoF pets and felt nice and strong in fights with golems and NPCs. I’m glad I have a Ranger with over 400 HP ready for launch because I think I might finally enjoy the profession.

Scourge — Tons of ground targeting means I may not be effective with this. I mouse move, so I use snap-to-target to set ground targets, which won’t work with the shades needing to be spread out. Also, barrier is a short lived enough thing that it takes some twitch reflexes to know when to pop skills that grant it. Reaper may remain my fave for bone-simple tankiness. But a lot of my issues are with having to learn new shroud mechanics. Once I’ve done that Scourge may work very well.

Renegade — I’m not a very good Rev player so my feedback is of limited use but Kalla feels like an excellent addition to the Legends and the shortbow has a lot of fun stuff involved with it. I won’t mind giving up Glint to get this one. Though the warband utilities seem a little limited given they are stationary where placed (more ground targeting needed) and don’t last very long. This is a contrast to Glint’s utilities staying ’til canceled though drawing down your energy, so resource management will be different.

Weaver — saved the most complex for last! I really like it, though it helped that fighting golems meant I could take as long as I liked to review skills as I attacked. I do think the Hero Panel weapon skills list needs to show ALL the 3 skills — I thought it did and then realized it wasn’t showing any combo 3 skills for sword, and some of those are really useful. I only tested with sword/dagger and I can see this is probably the highest skill bar of all the new Elites to use effectively and well. I’m gonna try, though, I’ve always loved Thief’s conditional 3 skill. I had to figure out how the double attunes cycle but that part became intuitive nice and fast (even got the elite skill to Perfect Weave first time I tried).

Overall I am very pleased with Weaver, Firebrand, and Soulbeast, rather pleased with Deadeye and Renegade, and unsure if I’ll be any good at Spellbreaker, Mirage, Holosmith, and Scourge. First impressions only, of course, it could all change once in open PvE with more practice under my belt.

Soulbeast is useless. RIP Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Granted I’m hardly a Ranger main, I barely touch mine. But I did try out Soulbeast in the PvP lobby against golems and NPCs and I enjoyed it. (I only tested the three new pets, I admit). It seems a lot simpler to use than many other elites while still offering new flexibility. I put it towards the top of the list on my initial impressions after trying all nine new elites.

No connection since shortly after demo launch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Donari.5237


It appears this is happening again. I tested 7 elites earlier today then took a food break. Now I’m back and trying to make a Renegade and once the name is picked I get the 42:22:4:1276:101 error., “unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time.”

edit: Soon as I posted this I clicked Next one last time and it worked. So there’s that.

achievement icons over utility bar

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


If you’re not bugged then two possibilities occur to me: 1) You got the achieves without noticing it so you are done with that chapter. 2) You have switched to an alt that hasn’t done that chapter yet (if in LS2).

char. names used for the demo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Oh, I know it’s only in PvP/WvW but I was hoping to have already made an alt to test an elite with since I spent a good while creating her and sorting out the armor No reason she couldn’t have been moved over there, hey? But then, it might be more annoying to have to delete before making, for those who used both demo slots. There’s something to be said for a clean slate. And who knows, maybe full Viper isn’t the right thing to toss on a Scourge.


in Lore

Posted by: Donari.5237


anyone get pics of the djinn from the beta weekend?

Sorry. I fought it twice but upon checking my screenshots I was apparently too busy dealing with it, Forged, and Hydras to remember to take screenshots.

It’s a Hero Point, though, so it will be easily found at any time one wishes.

Aetherblade Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I bought it this year, don’t remember exactly when. Other than Anet currently posting a schedule for the anniversary sales, we never know. Hopefully it will be offered for you during the anniversary, so keep watching.

There is a utility that will notify you when things appear in the gem shop. Google it, or wait for some nice soul who actually uses it to come along and provide a link.

That nice soul is Astral Projections who puts it at the top of each page of the sticky thread.

Holosmith Demo Weekend Feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: Donari.5237


It starts tomorrow. When you see Demo slots available to create in Character Select, it’s live.

char. names used for the demo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Oh hmm, I guess that means we didn’t get to keep our previous demo alts to tweak with the new elites. Oh well, I’ll just have to spend the time again designing a face I like, selecting gear, transmuting … fashion matters! And I’d have to do it eventually anyway, testing 9 elites with 2 slots will mean plenty of rerolling

Glad you got to keep your name, though.

Dragon Stand empty?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


You don’t even need a timer. Find out when it is just once. Is it half past an odd hour or half past an even hour? Whichever it is in your time zone, it will be like that for a very long time, until there is a time change like Daylight Savings. Is it up at 1:30 for you? Then every day it will be up at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, etc. If you ever forget when it’s up, check a timer any time you like during the day, then you’ll know it’s every two hours from the next scheduled time.

ANET revert back SW change

in Guardian

Posted by: Donari.5237


SW? Silverwastes?

Oh, Spirit Weapons.

You may want to post this in the Guardian forums.

Test weekend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


i am waiting on eastern time zone which might e an 1 1/2 away that’s 3 pm eastern or 12 pm pacfic? maybe around daily reset on wvw at 10 pm? just hoping it starts soon not sure what i want to test out hehe

Eastern will be noon when Pacific is 9 am. The US East Coast and West Coast are always three hours apart, they do Daylight Savings in sync with each other. Arizona is the odd one out since it never swaps times so in the summer it’s three hours behind the east and in winter it’s two hours behind. (I grew up on both coasts and have family on both plus in AZ, so knowing the time difference has mattered. Also when I was a kid TV shows aired in “Eastern, Central, and Mountain” times which indoctrinated me as to the order of the time zones).

Guild Chat on -Thursday- Aug 17

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Ahah! I think I may have missed that because I routinely just skim down to Friday when the article comes out to check “Guild Chat y/n?” And I didn’t see it under Friday.

Ok! 40+ minutes to go! /eager

Armor type skins for every class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


okay so here is a short version of what he tries to say…

transmog system should work in a way that you can use any armor type heavy/Light/medium SKINS on any armor type…

you can Transmog your Light armor set on your Ele/necro to one of the heavy armor skins….

Yes, that is it. But to be more clear, I meant whole armor types. Do not mistake it for mixing all armor types at once on one character. For example, it’s just allowing a heavy class to (after paying with trans charges) allow it to use skins of different armour type (but you could still mix different skins of that armour type). So you can have an elementalist in heavy armour, a battle mage. Perhaps a guardian in light armour, more of a cleric. It all comes down to our creativity.

There does need to be some answer to how you do the changeover, though. Others have replied suggesting a custom outfit maker, which certainly is one way — it would have to be a separate preview window that defaults you to no armor, maybe. Though the current preview window’s default is to strip you except for the previewed item outside your current weight, so perhaps build on that?

Because if you have any of one weight on, you can’t display other weights. They can’t mix without funky results. So the transition gets tricky.

Guild Chat on -Thursday- Aug 17

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


It would probably help to have a link to their channel, since there isn’t one in the news blog (another reason I’m worried this wasn’t an accurate post — though I do see a few folks chatting in the channel now). Here you go:

Hero point cost of new Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Well, supposedly there is a live stream about the elites in 50 minutes. If they take any questions in Twitch chat, this seems like a good one to ask. Their usual Twitch channel is

Test weekend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


It might not be readily apparent when it begins. I was in game last Friday before 9 am Pacific waiting for the “new build available” yellow text when a guildie said on Discord it was live. She had noticed she could create a Demo character.

So it just got turned on at some point and the way to know was to spot the Demo character slot on the character selection screen. It may well be that way tomorrow.

Linguistic Drift?

in Lore

Posted by: Donari.5237


I found it somewhat disappointing that the Elonians sound just like any Krytan, other than tossing “Ahai” around as a greeting. It may have been safer and easier to do it that way (no accusations of stereotyping, no VA cheesiness with accents) but it really detracts from the feeling of going to a place that’s been isolated from us, and us from it, for centuries.

Granted we’ve just seen the entry city and it may be more cosmopolitan. But shouldn’t there be a little more sense of the strange and different in conversational communication? Even the Zephyrites sounded a little bit different, perhaps just in having a calm and measured delivery.

I welcome any canon-based “spin” that can reconcile this for me

Guild Chat on -Thursday- Aug 17

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Reminder, this is today. It could have been a typo. Certainly ANet hasn’t mentioned the Guild Chat anywhere else I’ve seen. But assuming the posted schedule is accurate, the live stream with discussion of the new elites starts a little over two hours from now.

[Request] Make the Jetpack a glider skin!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


All have been asked for in but you may wish to go ask again there just to reinforce the requesting.

The Santa Charr Thread Update for 2017

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I still regret being too busy to follow up with a screenshot-with-Santa-Charr opportunity but you remain on my Friends list so I can feel happy when I see your name.

Best of luck with the new job. I look forward to whatever you do for the Wintersday Spirit, even if it’s just checking in to wish us well before you collapse

[Feedback]Path of Fire Preview - August 11 - 13

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Holy KITTEN! I understand the fiery dragon sword skin, ( an elite reward for playing gw1, ) is going to be made easily available in gw2!

That makes me pretty angry. I spent a good deal of time , energy and money ( buying the gw1 franchise,) to earn that and other rewards.

ANET needs to respect boundaries better, whether it be in terms of profession mechanics or elite rewards.

If you understand this from the datamine, stand easy. That’s probably a bundle for a story instance, not something easily available in the open world. It doesn’t preview properly equipped, and in the trailer we see an image of the sword stuck in the ground in the Mists while Rytlock’s voice over suggests he’ll be giving us info at last. Maybe we’ll play as Rytlock like we did as Caithe in her flashbacks.

The Reddit comments on the datamine discuss all that.

Suggestion: Quality of Life UX improvement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


1 — You may be right, but I’d rather not have too many pop ups between me and what I’m fighting. I’d like to see a visual on what you are suggesting.

2 — There is an inventory number, upper left of the inventory panel. I don’t think it can be set to open slots, though, so it’s Used/Total. Some mental math is needed for those that don’t keep the top of their inventory clear so they can see what’s open.

3 — You mean on the left tab before you click on it? Once you are in the category, any unfinished achieves sort to the top. I do like the idea of indicating all complete, though.

4 — Been asked time and time again over the years. I think ANet doesn’t want to add UI clutter but yes, a thousand times yes, I don’t use consumables needed during combat because I just can’t deal with covering my screen with inventory to get at them.

5 — Agreed. Especially since it likes to track things I am highly unlikely to work on, like WvW Slayer.

Flute harvesting tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Oh huh. I’ll have to re-equip them. I gave up on using them as being too slow and clunky (and the tunes started bothering me). But I really do like the animation.

Why are hungry cats getting so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


The point is to mimic real life. Owning a cat can be very expensive.

This is true. You give them tuna-flavored kibbles, and they soon want kitty tuna in a can. From kitty tuna, they move to real-people tuna, and soon you’re purchasing hand-made sushi from the most expensive restaurant in Bellevue.

(The above was intended to bring a smile to knowing cat owners, not to reduce the serious nature of the concerns expressed in this thread.)

More on topic: As a player, I know there are a few cats I won’t have, but I don’t mind — there are plenty that I can acquire, and I love the way they enliven my home instance!

Careful there — amusing note though it is, in RL cats get so addicted to tuna they refuse everything else and will starve to death rather than eat non-tuna, but too much pure tuna is actually very bad for them.

As to cat collection, ee, did not know about Simon. Once I realized I would not get SAB cat my completionism fell away. I should try out the various new fractals, I haven’t even seen them yet.