If you can’t keep up with the rotations or the truer purpose of the metabattle build, then of course its not going to appear that helpful or useful. My advice; join a HOT join server in the pvp lobby and ask for 1v1s. Say that your new and wanting to learn how to pvp better. If you get beaten, ask the player how he/she beat you or how you could possibly counter them back.
You pretty much wanna get into as many 1v1s as you can. Read all the descriptions of your skills and figure out your own rotation and how to use them in different situations. Don’t just spam buttons. For brand new players, I’d always highly suggest go PVE first so you can learn the game aswell as learn how to use your class —>WvW so you can get into some large scale group fights with other players —>Spvp for a more of a challenging pvp scenario.
Is there a way to test to see if I have a bad power supply? I tested the cpu and ram and got no errors.
I looked more into the issue, some people mentioned its a CPU power issue or something. I usually have my pc connected into a power strip, but now I have it connected directly into an outlet. Gonna test and see if that makes a difference. It could just be that my power strip is bad and isn’t distributing power well between the different things that I connect to it.
Nah, I still got a blue screen after installing GW2 on the terabyte. I’m starting to think this is a hardware error now, but I can’t confirm it.
I agree with the op to an extent. Don’t split the cooldowns or change the skill functionality, just split the effective numbers of the trait or the skill. This way, people can still play the same builds but it’s just going to be either more powerful or less powerful between each game mode.
I tried all of those fixes, and nothing worked. The only thing I can think of is; I’ve installed GW2 on my terabyte hard drive.
I have two hard drives; a solid state and a terabyte. I normally install GW2 on my solid state. So I’m gonna test to see if I get the error again. (GW2 was the only game installed on my solid state.)
So every once in a while I keep getting this blue screen error:
It only occurs when I play guild wars 2. I never have this problem playing any other games. I don’t run the game on super high settings, and I am not overclocking my computer.
I ran a Chkdsk and no problems were found.
I ran a windows memory diagnostic and it found no issues.
I updated my Bios and it still happens.
I checked my computer for updates, and its completely up to date.
I even re-installed windows 10 twice.
And yet, I still encounter this error only when I play guild wars 2. I’m currently using the 64bit version on windows 10.
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
RAM: 16.0GB
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Am I missing something here? Is anyone else having this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I’ve been playing since the very first closed beta and think the game is still all around soild, especially if your comparing it to other current titles. Most of the people who call the game stale have either been playing for a very long time or have played a great deal of MMOs and find the current MMO standard boring. Or just straight up don’t know what they are talking about.
Guild wars 2 has always been going places, and still has a lot going for it. The game still needs to fill up the entire world map and provide us with the two missing continents as seen in guild wars 1.
Previously, the game really felt like the devs had all these ideas they wanted the game to have, but we’re not sure on how they should tackle all of their issues. Lots of redesigns, additions, removeal, etc. But now I believe they have found their footing and have a much better idea on how they want to progress their game.
Everything is getting touched, but we are still in the improvement stage. Once the improvements have been made, we should expect to see alot more content.
An article claiming Anet was once in the preparation stage to release GW2 for consoles:
An article claiming why GW2 can’t release on console:
A forum post from a dev confirming they have no plans to move to console:
It looks like a lot of people are misunderstanding the pvp poll, and they most likely missed Joshs (pvp dev) response on the forums of what they are doing.
Season 5 is a test season to see if solo/duo would work if they added it into the game. Its not here to stay, unless people really like it. Most likely season 6 will go as normal while they gather data to see if pvp improves. Teams can still play together in season 5, but they’ll have to go unranked to do that. What could make this a lot better is; having a ranked que for only solo/duo and another que for teams. But thats not gonna happen, because the population isn’t big enough to support that unless people are willing to wait in really long que times.
If Anet ever adds anything to a dungeon, it would most likely be an extra path. Similar to the Aetherblade path they added some years back. I doubt we will see any new dungeons any time soon.
If Anet does add a new dungeon, it would need to come with a bunch of extra stuff to be on par with the rest of the dungeons. Such as new armor sets for all armor professions, all new weapon skins, another token currency, a story mode with 3-4 different paths, etc.
I’ll admit, I’m actually one of those people that have a lot of leather but I’m currently just stock piling them up. But I’m only doing this for personal use.
Let me be CLEAR; “I personally agree with having it separate”, but I’m going to play devils advocate here just to make sure people also have this in mind when they start rooting for this change.
One of pvps biggest problems is lack of new players or having existing players becoming more interested in pvp. If you separate balance between the two modes, it’ll give pve players or new players to the game another reason not to enter. Why? because not only do they have to learn the pvp game mode and all of its jargon, they also have to learn a whole new class balance with their choose profession. Your going to hear even more talk of people saying, “oh this class is great in pve, but is terrible in pvp,” which will make it even harder for new players or existing to settle on a class they want to main.
However, I doubt the balance team would ever completely change a class so much that it would require relearning it, if everything was completely separate. I’d assume only a few skills would get the “PVP only” tag next to it. The rest, remaining the same.
It doesn’t have to be that way. ANet can do a lot to balance both modes better and separately by just changing coefficients and CDs around between the game mods. That means you might have to adjust your rotations but that’s it (and really you should be doing that anyway, a PvE rotation isn’t that good in PvP).
No, I agree. If Anet decides to balance PVE and PVP separately, I don’t think they will change much. I’d assume the devs would also have this logic in mind when conducting the balance in the first place (I hope) I think once the new elite speculations come out we’ll be able to much clearly see if the balance will be more separate. But not after a few months of everyone testing everything out.
Let me be CLEAR; “I personally agree with having it separate”, but I’m going to play devils advocate here just to make sure people also have this in mind when they start rooting for this change.
One of pvps biggest problems is lack of new players or having existing players becoming more interested in pvp. If you separate balance between the two modes, it’ll give pve players or new players to the game another reason not to enter. Why? because not only do they have to learn the pvp game mode and all of its jargon, they also have to learn a whole new class balance with their choose profession. Your going to hear even more talk of people saying, “oh this class is great in pve, but is terrible in pvp,” which will make it even harder for new players or existing to settle on a class they want to main.
However, I doubt the balance team would ever completely change a class so much that it would require relearning it, if everything was completely separate. I’d assume only a few skills would get the “PVP only” tag next to it. The rest, remaining the same.
Schools back, more maps, and a lot more other games are out. If your a true gamer, you should never be afraid to admit that you play other games. If I’m not playing GW2, I’m most likely playing a shooter.
I also second having Tami’s game being an extra survival mode adventure. GW1 has something simiular, but you can do it with a guild.
As for the map, it wasn’t hard at all. The blue orb that clears out the lava was very obvious to me after walking over it the first time. The monkey boss does a lot of damage, but can be easily kited. I did it on my Rev, melee only power build, and just avoided him when he grew larger. Kept attacking when he went back to normal size.
Another thing to keep in mind about this instance is that, its supposed to be like, a virtual reality area. Which is pretty much the same thing as SAB, which is also a virtual reality area. Moto created SAB, where as the Rata Novans also created there own (Tami’s game) but never finished it. Tami tried to get it to work, but couldn’t do it so she called in Moto to fix it since hes an expert on such things. Tami left the room for a small bit to let Moto work on it, and while she was gone, Moto added the 8bit monkey in as a joke. Its all explained in the in-game dialog.
The Anet devs added that in there for a few different reasons, but one of them was also to acknowledge that Moto is in deed a real person, and that SAB actually has some lore behide it, and isn’t just some random thing in the world that used to exist. (Until the next April fools)
I like the update a lot, but would it be possible to turn the holodeck into a survival mini game?
I remember GW1 used to have survival dungeon instances with leaderboard support, displaying how long Guilds would last in the instance before they were all wiped. Would it be possible to turn this holodeck into something similar, just like one of the many adventures in the HOT maps?
(edited by Dragon.8762)
So I was browsing though some old Guild Wars 2 posts until I found this one:
I had completely forgotten this even existed and got to wondering why hasn’t there barely been any mention of these apps? Does Anet still approve of these add ons? Do they still approve of the creation of more add ons? Add ons can be found here:
And what ever happened to the developers of these add ons? I looked through some of the reviews and noticed most people saying they need to be updated. Have the developers just abandoned these apps?
Personally, I think these are pretty cool, and I wouldn’t mind more people creating additional add ons for gw2.
There called “Elite” speculations, which means its supposed to be the best in slot spec. When new elite speculations are added into the game, you will be forced to pick only one of them and adapt to the changed play styles.
My assumption is, Anet created the elite specs to deal with the much more difficult content in PVE, before they focused on PVP. Thats why at first you didn’t see a lot of skills with a PVP only version. However, Grouch has confirmed there will be more separation of PVE and PVP via the skills. There was a post where he said in the past it wasn’t entirely possible to do this.
Grouch says:
“Developed some tech that makes skill-splitting more feasible than it was previously.”
“It’s important to understand that changes will still need to be global, but we’ll definitely have a bit more flexibility moving forward.”
I’d like to hope that when new elite specs are added into the game, it only gives players another way to play a class rather than add power creep. But, like I said before, the original power creep most likely came from the aftermath of harder PVE content.
Post source:
Or they could just download the game and play for free like normal.
I can deal with the hearts, but I still like large scale meta events more. Once i’ve completed all the achievements and explored the entire place, there won’t be much reason to ever revisit that map unless I’m looking to make a bunch of quick karma or get those unbound magic gathering tools.
At least with a large scale boss like the bloodstone map, it’ll give me more of a reason to go back once all the content is done. However I do respect Anet for trying them again, even though many people in the past viewed them as boring.
Is there any MMO out right now with a solo friendly raid mode? I mean think about it. It’s supposed to be completed with a group of people not one or two players. Otherwise it’s not even a raid.
Besides that, there isn’t that much story in the raids. Most of it is just reading notes. You can pretty much get a full recap of the raids from squad leader Bennett in the bloodstone fen map. He not only voice acts the story of the raids, but he also shows a cinematic about them.
(edited by Dragon.8762)
This post is so bad it’s actually making me cringe and face palm in real life.
I don’t even group when I wanna do dungeons. I duo or solo most of them.
TBH, “Zerging” is something the community decides to do. Its not like Anet intends everything. Its just what the players within that game mode have decided to collectively do. The same thing a large group of players can do, a even smaller group can do as well.
I did make a suggestion a while back about having players spread out more and having them travel to places they normally wouldn’t, which would encourage more small group fighting but it was quickly shot down by people who didn’t even read my full post.
WvW needs more exclusive rewards yes. I believe Anet are already “hopefully” working on a legendary WvW back-piece as we speak.
My suggestion was to have some sort of daily repeatable quest board where once taken; smaller groups or solo players must travel to specific areas on the map (Some away from keeps and castles) where they must activate a NPC who appears and they have to kill it. Once it appears and they kill it, they will receive a chest and more xp towards their reward tracks. However, people from other servers will also have the same bounty. So it’ll be like people would encounter each other off the beaten path where they are forced to fight over the NPC. Which will encourage more fights. NPC locations will be random everytime.
IDK if its a good idea or not. But, it will give players a lot more direction on where they should go or do. Especially if they wanna get new players in there. Having more direction on what you should do, would help out the game mode a lot in my opinion. But! It must be lite direction.
I’ll tell you what I agree with, on your post:
Yes, I think Dungeons could use a hard mode version of its self. Better rewards, but offer a much more challenging experience. I would also like this to extend this to living story seasons. Offering a much more difficult version of the same content would encourage more group play and give players looking for another challenge something to do. But, I don’t think it should be locked only for HOT, considering Dungeons were around before HOT came out.
I agree WvW should have “more” exclusive rewards. Such as its own legendary back piece. But tbh, I think Anet is already secretly working on this. I mean, it makes sense that they would, considering SPVP and PVE both have exclusive ones. Theres already an armor set only exclusive to WvW but it could use more. And if your planning on creating a legendary weapon, you have to go to WvW anyways to get a gift of battle.
I agree, Spvp needs more game modes. Conquest is okay, but having other stuff to do besides capturing spots on the map would be better. Anets first dip into this was courtyard. But was taken out because a lot of people hated that deathmatch map. There was also Stronghold, which didn’t turn out the way that they hoped. To a point where, people barely ever talk about it as if it doesn’t exist. I encourage Anet to continue to experiment but at the same time adding more variety would be a lot better. It appears a larger cry for straight up death matches are on the raise. Id say lets have a 2v2 or 3v3 supported arena. Or another map with another objective game mode.
Everything else ya said, I think is very subjective and really depends on how you look at it.
To be fair, many WvW only players or Pvp only players don’t like the pve aspect they have to go through in order to obtain the legendary themselves. So the dislike is pretty much a circle.
As for the gift of battle only being in WvW, I’m in-different about such a change. I mean, I just got another one yesterday and it only took like 6-5 hours of total game time over the course of a few days. WvW boosters work fine, along side the dailies. Plus it was fun. I think this change gives a good reason to venture forth into WvW in the first place.
If another way is created to obtain the gift of battle, I can easily see even less people going in there. And besides, isn’t the purpose of getting the best weapon in the game supposed to be, you know….difficult? In truth tho, its really not. Just takes some time.
Warriors and revs are both viable. However, warriors are in higher demand compared to rev’s due to the fact that they boost party wide dps alot. Some groups even run with two warriors to ensure everyone is getting the dps increase since buffs only effect 5 people at once.
For the characters that matter the most to me, I’ve named them after my real life family.
Gw1 was good for the niche crowd it catered too because of the expansions. It introduced more skills and different modes of play that gave the game much more variety. That, and the fact that you can have a secondary profession. But, almost half of all those skills were useless or just didn’t work well with certain professions.
There was pve only skills (you can only have 3 on your build at a time) that were extremely op. Almost all current gw1 builds use these skills, and you can only get them if you had the expansions. There was also a lot of balancing issues in pvp. Like when touch rangers became a thing or when guilds started running with IWAY warriors in gvg. Gw2 as it stands now is just way easier to balance and appeals to a broader audience.
In short, gw2 can get there too. It just needs to introduce more elite speculations that change up the class enough to be worth specing into, while also not completely disregarding the previous ones like what they did with pre-HOT builds. From a pvp perspective, it really needs more modes besides conquest and stronghold, needs a bit of a redesign.
I always felt like gw2 was already kinda doing this. Adding more and more progressively challenging content that pushed player skill slightly. But if Anet is gonna add more difficult content, I wouldn’t be surprised if they also added more power creep through future elite specializations.
Gw1 had raid like content. The underworld, Fissure of Woe, Ruins of the tomb of the Primeval Kings, The Deep! So I feel like gw2 is within its place to also have that.
I’ve soloed many dungeons including fractals in pure dps gear. If your getting one shotted then it’s a learn to play issue.
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dragon.8762
Do wing 3, escort mission. It’s super easy, then boom, you got the mastery needed to max it out.
Warrior and rev
To be honest, if you don’t have the expansion by now your either not playing gw2 or your a new player still trying to play as much of the f2p as possible before you get to the expansion content. That, and there hasn’t been a whole lot in the gem store to warrant consistent purchase from every player. If there was, I bet you people will start calling for pay to win.
As for the raids, just stop. I personally do them like 2 times a week and I enjoy them. I’ve got three different guilds asking for me to join them on raids just because I’ve proven I can do them. I did nothing special. Even went into a few completely blind, asked what I was supposed to do, and then I just did it.
I think alot of the playerbase has forgotten that Anet has been promising to add in challenging group content for months. They even mentioned it when they first introduced they were even creating HOT, right in front of a huge crowd of people including on twitch. To even say “oh thats all they’re working on” just sounds really pessimistic.
As much as I would like this change, whats stopping me from being able to gather the same nodes over and over again by switching districts on just one character? And then switching to my other characters and do the same thing over and over again? I feel as though something like that could easily be exploited and prices for things like iron and wood, would tank unless the system gets restrictions on when you have the option to change.
A list of things, in no particular order:
1. Complete the personal story on all of the characters you want to complete it on.
2. Map complete the entire current world
3. Complete Living Story 2
4. Complete Living Story 3
5. Complete Heart of throns story line
6. Complete all dungeon paths and get the dungeon master title
7. Keep completing Fractal dailies until you achieve 150 Agony resistance and are able to defeat the level 100 fractal.
8. Get Legendary Fractal backpiece
9. Complete every precursor journey for each weapon you either want to have or sell
10. Get legendary weapons for each of your characters, or a full set of legendary weapons for your main character.
11. Craft full set of ascended gear for your characters or just main
12. Craft ascended weapons
13. Complete all the Raid Wings
14. Achievement Point hunt
15. Get all crafting professions done and get the master crafter title
16. Get a full set of envoy armor (The first precursor to legendary armor until more is released)
17. Create your own guild and complete guild missions (wvw,pvp, or pve) so you can get enough favor to have your own guild bank for 50 extra storage. (You can continue to do this so you can get even more storage slots)
18. Capture and build up your own guild hall
19. Get high scores in adventure mini games
20. Complete all mini games (Keg brawl, crab toss, sanctum sprint, southsun survival, belcher’s bluff. Or start up a random costume brawl in a populated area)
21. Complete all current event achievements
22. Get a full set of ascended trinkets and rings
23. Get and unlock your full mastery track (Currently the max is 170)
24. Map out and go on a massive gathering tour (This is a great way to make money)
25. Complete all jumping puzzles
26. Play gw1 for all of the hall of monument titles, weapons, mini pets, and armor for your gw2 characters.
27. Learn to speed run dungeons and fractals either solo or with a friend and time yourselves to get a better time. (There is a speed running community in this game)
28. World vs world pvp and help your server win more points
29. Map complete all world vs world maps
30. Achievement hunt in world vs world
31. Try your best to get to legendary rank in spvp
32. Craft legendary spvp wings
33. Achievement hunt in spvp
34. Unlock and finish every reward track in spvp
35. Unlock and finish every reward track in World vs World
36. Get every class to lvl 80
37. Complete all collection ascended quests
38. Open up your own private spvp arena and challenge people to 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3s
39. World boss train (Defeat every world boss in the game)
40. Complete dailies
41. Role play
Those are 41 different things I can think of. Might be more, but yeah lots to do, but only if you want to do them. Personally I think thats alot of content to aim for as a new or semi new player.
(edited by Dragon.8762)
Well, if you like the game so far and want to continue it buy HOT. Lots more to do after completing the base game.
There hasn’t been much of a reason to buy anything in the gem store besides a few glider skins or transmutation stones. Even most f2p players try to go as long as possible without having to pay for anything.
At this point, if you don’t have the expansion you’re either f2p, or your still on the fence about buying it and haven’t given it much thought.
Installing the game on an SSD should help a bit.
Either play something else until new content comes out for gw2 or try something challenging, like solo fractals or soloing dungeons while timing yourself.
There’s a fair number of people who speed run paths all the time, trying to beat each other’s times. You can make a video of your best time and post it on the forums for all to see.
I do know alot of people have gone so far as to create an additional class they already have, just so they can save time switching the gear and traits. So this change would be great.
Your exaggerating. Guards got a buff and warriors are fine. Infact, warriors are pretty much great in all content. Guards as well. Most of the nerfs were “pvp only” changes, which is something I’m hoping Anet will continue seperating.
As for these “meta” builds, they become meta because people have tested them for hours to days and most of the community have agreed that these setups and builds are the most optimal to get a specific kind of content done. But that doesn’t mean its the end all be all setup you have to run or else.
Look at them and only look at them to give you an idea of what you could run with if you have no idea on how you should trait yourself. And besides, even if you do completly copy a meta build and you are unable to perform what its asking you to do then its pointless to even follow it. You just gotta get better at playing your class.
Well there are two things to consider and take into account, at least future wise.
1. With the recent patch we are seeing a few abilities become separated between a pvp version and a pve version. In my eyes, I think this is a step in the right direction. Gw1 did this and I hope gw2 will also continue this.
2. A lot of people are saying the bigger root cause is because of the elite spec’s. Now, Anet has said before that new elite spec’s will be introduced to the classes as well as another weapon. When this happens, it will give all of the current classes a bit more diversely of play and will most likely change the meta. Depending on what that looks like, we can better judge if pvp will ever improve or get worst.
Anet may be, be making alot of mistakes now, but it’s best to make mistakes and learn from them so you know how to step forward, change, and improve. I highly recommend everyone to continue to give them constructive criticism that makes sense. And hopefully they will listen.
I 100% agree. I don’t know the people who update the wiki, but thank you for all of your hard work and information. Keep up the fantastic job guys.
Personally I found the adventures to be pretty cool and unique. I aimed to at least get gold on each one I came across, but only once. As soon as I got gold on one, I never did it again.
(edited by Dragon.8762)
As a person who raids and has 170 mastery, I agree that the requirement to raid in order to max out and get spirit shards should be separate.
However, I will always continue to be a strong advocate for raids and future raids. They are really well done in this game and they put what you’ve learned throughout the entire game to the test while also introducing some new interesting mechanics.
In the long future, like with pretty much every game, the difficultly with raids now will fade with increased power creep, new elite speculations, more people getting used to them/ mastering them, and more/ newer ways to gain gear even though its already easy as is.
As it stands now, you either have to kill the first raid boss in wing 1, finish the bandit event in wing 2, or finish the first event in wing 3 to unlock the raid mastery. The easiest being the first event in wing 3. Its not that hard to do, but i guess thats just me…ugh.
Like what “Just a flesh wound” said, unless you’ve got a suggestion or a question; this post is kinda meaningless. I can understand that you may not like the game anymore and thats fine.
Its apparently really difficult to find someone in this game that doesn’t have a problem doing all content without developing a huge misconception about the inter details of why things are the way that they are. People always get mad at things they don’t fully understand.
As one of the many who’ve maxed out all masteries, I can wholeheartedly agree that having more ways to max them out is a very good thing. Not everbody can stomach doing all the adventure masteries.