It may be fun to play but I do not see it getting a raid spot.
Which does make me sad I like ranged classes would love to play condi renegade if it could keep up.
So I feel like I’m forced into a Scourge or Deadeye this expansion.
We’ll see, but I do believe the new spec could be a great party dps booster due to two different skills renegade brings to the table.
1. Razorclaw’s rage:
“Summon Centurion Has Razorclaw from the mists to enhance the attacks of your allies. This bleeding can only be inflicted once per interval.”
The interval is 1 second each and can be pulsed 10 times. Place this summon on 5 other players and you’d be seeing 50+ stacks of bleeds easy.
2. Soulcleave’s Summit:
“Summon Lieutenant Ofela Soulcleave to grant your allies strikes incredible bloodthirt, inflicting damage and restoring health. Lieutenant Soulcleave can only empower players.”
The life sipon scales with power, so maybe some vipers gear or viper/ berserker combo will equal to some where around 700+ more damage for the renegade. This is channeled, so it can only last as long as the renegade has energy.
If energy costs get brought down, renegade could be a welcome addition to a raid group, especially since these are unique buffs other classes don’t have. But I could be wrong.
When you finally unlock herald spec use this:
Otherwise, use whatever you want.
Hard to tell just yet since the expansion isn’t out. Needs more play time. I however found a lot more success playing a rev power spec in solo content. The high mobility and high burst damage fits my play style very well.
I’ve got 2000 plus hours on just Rev alone. Rev is my main class right now and I love it. I carry very hard in groups/ duo/ solo, and have almost perfected the play style.
One thing I like a lot is the very strong burst damage of the class and its very strong mobility. I mainly stick to using a power rev build utilizing shrio and herald. These two legends allow me to have a very aggressive play style where I can focus more on staying in the fight rather than retreating if I get too low.
I’ve found after lots of play time I deal very high damage as a rev in almost all encounters with almost no down time. All while being able to block, cc, blind, break stun, interrupt and dodge. If played at its highest level; Rev is a remarkable class in both pvp and pve. Although in pve I like to test myself by soloing group content or duoing them with a friend. PVP however is a different story. My advice; if you’re not playing Rev at its highest level, don’t play Rev in pvp. And if you are playing it at the highest level, then you should already know why this is true. At least in the current meta.
WvW is where Rev shines the most. In small groups or solo Rev has the full freedom to experiment with different builds and runes. Before they were taken out of Spvp, runes of durability were the go to runes for Rev and made them really powerful. These runes are fully useful in WvW. Their high damage weapons skills are also for the most part unnerfed in WvW compared to spvp, which means they have a better time at dealing very high damage while still surviving very well. In a zerg, Rev is meta. There hammer damage is insane high, and their aoe resistance buffs and boon uptime is amazing.
(edited by Dragon.8762)
No, I think the game is optimized really well but its far from truly ideal or perfect.
WvW can be extremely laggy when zergs start bumping into each other. Skill lag, movement lag, extremely high ping going to the 3k-5k range. Stuff like that needs to be looked into.
One of my friends also complains that whenever shes doing story instances, they sometimes kick her out usually at the very end. I’ve also experienced this but it rarely happens ever happens.
My cpu also tends to overheat when I play GW2. I have a Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor and it only gets really hot when I play gw2. No other game does this to my cpu. Its gotten so bad that my quick fix solution is to point a large fan at it, which I don’t think is healthy long term.
I don’t mind this system that much. A lot of other games do something simular, like identifying loot in destiny and Diablo 3. But I don’t like the fact that in order to identify, I need to complete a heart and talk to an Npc and it cost money per identify.
If they get rid of the heart requirement, lower the cost per salvage, and separate the loot by rarity, I think the system would be a much more welcomed change.
Just fix the WvW lag. Thats the only thing I care about.
Voice communication was asked many times, by strong competitive teams, and by PvE and WvW guilds. It was a very interesting idea, but I don’t think it matters anymore:
1. there is no content for Path of Fire, reducing PvP community even further, making voice communication redundant.
2. Voice communication would only increase costs, because of bandwidth requirements, server requirements, design requirements.
I will stop playing PvP. There is a PvE expansion coming, and 2 days ago (in latest patch) they already nuked down PvP builds in preparation for PoF. Path of Fire will not have any PvP content, so that you can understand the official thinking of how important it is.
Although you may be right about no new content for pvp coming out in terms of POF, I wouldn’t count it out just yet. Theres proof in the gw2 dat file (datamined) that there are a few unreleased spvp maps. Hopefully they come out either along side the new living story releases or in another spvp/wvw content update.
I like the mastery system. Its better than having to rep farm like in most MMOs. It has a lot of variety to it, in terms of different ways to get points and freedom in terms of how I can go about getting exp. It also challenges me to a decent extent to do content I normally wouldn’t do often like the adventures.
As a completist, I find it very fitting because it pushes me to engage in a lot of the content. I will always welcome more.
Could provide a 2v2 or other game mode as a side option during off season. But have the que disabled during the actual season.
Just keep introducing new game modes as custom arenas and test to see if players like it as another option. Anything “new” will always bring in some kind of life.
I’ve given myself a long term goal of finishing all of the legendary collections to get the pres. So far I’ve gotten 6 of them. Its going to keep me busy for a long time.
(4 kids in the house and full time job as a software dev)
As a suggestion to buff rev, could shield number 4 “envoy of exuberance” also get the ability to remove 2 conditions so I can have a reason to run sword sword/ sword shield?
I got to plat 3 just playing rev last season in pvp. Was it easy? Hell no. I honestly I think would have had an easier time playing warrior or guardian. But I played it simply because I enjoyed the class. I also still use rev to do most of all content. Haven’t done raids in a while tho.
Where they are most useful? Honestly, WvW zergs. Mainly for their ability to pile on group resistance, and hammer dps when your not getting focused still does a lot of damage.
Don’t quit on it completely just yet. Wait for future balance patches or next expansion. Some of the other classes have also gone through this phase where they are completely useless in some content, but they were buffed and now viable almost everywhere.
Show gameplay and I’ll approve.
Is Rev + Thief a good duo combo? I haven’t tried that one yet.
I’d say you should only play rev if you’re a very good rev player. Otherwise, play something else. Rev in the right hands are still very powerful in team fights.
Dear nothelseth,
What do I do as a rev. Kappa
Oh yeah, I’m in plat.
I think they said they would release updates as soon as they are sure it’s ready. And I guess so far, they ain’t ready yet.
I hear you on the going back and development process. Yes it will take time to implement. But so will anything else they choose to add into the game. It also depends on how they could possibly go about it. Such as adding in an optional challenge mote simiular to what you find already in fractals. Harder difficulty should always equal to better rewards, and better rewards are the reasons why people may decide to head back.
To clarify, I had only mentioned leaderboards be a feature for endless mode and have it only be Guild based. And yes, leaderboards are something I believe many people would appreciate seeing. Theres already a few examples of game types being played with competition in mind that don’t even have leaderboards but if they did it would be better. Such as the EU GVG tournaments, the speed running community, and the recent raid tournament that was hosted by Mighty Teapot on Twitch. I’m not saying Anet should work on that however. Just endless mode. I would like to see more incentive to push further, even if it is all for the prestige.
As for the exploits, thats why things should always be tested before they are implemented. Same logic can be applied to everything, old and new.
But you still didn’t get it. The work to implement new stuff with a challenge mode is way easier than to work on old dungeons. So much has changed and they will never be able to open that box of pandora. Your first post is 4 years ago, if you have followed ongoing discussions about dungeons over the time you would know that’s impossible.
Also, you cannot compare leaderboards to the raid tournament or a GvG tournament and draw conclusions out of it. That simply doesn’t work. These things are completely different stuff.
Nah I do get it, however that shouldn’t stop the community or a community member from wanting a dungeon revamp or even warranting that it is impossible to revamp.
However, I would like some clarification from you. When you say “The work to implement new stuff with a challenge mode is way easier,” do you mean it is easier to create a brand new instance with all the related new instance features (map, lore, mobs, traps, etc) compared to just revamping dungeon enemy AI and rewards? If so, I somewhat agree. But then again I’m not a programmer.
As for my leaderboard comment, it was a somewhat off topic comment in relation to generating competition between guilds via leaderboards. The technology for it already exists if you look at current spvp and adventures. My point was, that leaderboards encourage people to keep going, and inspires new comers to try harder if they choose to seek it. A jab towards leaderboards, not towards hard mode dungeons or endless mode, even though I would like endless mode to come with leaderboards via guilds only.
Of course Endless Mode would be a new type of content, it’s just not free to add or maintain. And the resources that go into it are no longer available to other types of new content.
No one is saying it’s crazy to consider ways that devs could re-use existing content. I’m saying that I’d prefer other types of new content, especially given what I expect the relative costs/benefits to be.
Yep, sometimes I always feel MMORPG have the ago old problem of players getting bored of old content.
I believe the first MMORPG can be more sustainable if the company embraces player made content.
Lord Gaben always says that no matter how much devs put out content they can never out produce their own player base.
So far, I believe Eve online is the only game that embraces player because everything in the economy is powered by players. I wonder what Anet can do to build a community pve game.
One way you could go about something like this, is by implementing leaderboards. It’ll push people to keep going back to get better and promote competition. Look at the recent spvp update for example. For the people at the top, not only are they competing for the rewards (some of them don’t even care for it) but they are also competing to be as high as possible on the leaderboards for all to see.
actually no.
Leaderboards only attract a small portion of the community.
If anything, it will only encourage elitism. Raids have the same problem.
Thats why I suggested it only be for Guilds.
so experience is highly dependent on the type of guild you join.
I do not have enough experience/samples/forum qq/etc to remotely evaluate that statement.
The reason for this is, I don’t want it so people are kicked from pugs because they suck. That promotes elitism like many others have described. It would be better if guild members would come together to take on the challenges together. Since they are all apart of the same guild, it would be less likely people would be super salty to each other.
That and, people could also come together and form guilds around speed clearing. As of right now there are very few of them. (Snow Crows and QT to name a few) These guilds pretty much decide the pve meta and have taken it upon themselves to say they are the best pve guild in all of guild wars 2. Many others who’ve seen their videos, twitch streams, and website would also agree. I think it would be really cool if new guilds would form to take them off their top spot.
The question is how long will players play a game mode like your “endless” idea or hardmode dungeons.
As for dungeons, they are old, that’s the problem. People will play it once or twice and then realize it’s the same old stuff they ran a gazillion times – most of their time due to gold reward not because of fun – and stop running it afterwards.
I also think you underestimate the difficulty to get back to dungeon development. They are just not able to. Some of the old content (LS1, dungeons and more…) is a mess in terms of programming, they rly f_cked that up back in the days and the effort to go into detail is too high and expensive.
I guess you believe that it’s just: “Hey, let’s go back to dungeons and revamp them like we did with other content.”, and here I repeat that they weren’t even able to fix the simplest bugs years ago. Then, how on earth would they be able to revamp them?
That’s why they moved their 5-men-priority to fractals.Edit:
Leaderboards are not wanted by a huge majority and how do you prevent people from using exploits in PvE to get to the top placings if you have so many bugs and exploit possibilities in dungeons? Even in fractals and raids you can easily exploit several things.
Have a look into the smartphone app gaming business. Cheaters everywhere and top placings are achieved via exploits and shenanigans.
I hear you on the going back and development process. Yes it will take time to implement. But so will anything else they choose to add into the game. It also depends on how they could possibly go about it. Such as adding in an optional challenge mote simiular to what you find already in fractals. Harder difficulty should always equal to better rewards, and better rewards are the reasons why people may decide to head back.
To clarify, I had only mentioned leaderboards be a feature for endless mode and have it only be Guild based. And yes, leaderboards are something I believe many people would appreciate seeing. Theres already a few examples of game types being played with competition in mind that don’t even have leaderboards but if they did it would be better. Such as the EU GVG tournaments, the speed running community, and the recent raid tournament that was hosted by Mighty Teapot on Twitch. I’m not saying Anet should work on that however. Just endless mode. I would like to see more incentive to push further, even if it is all for the prestige.
As for the exploits, thats why things should always be tested before they are implemented. Same logic can be applied to everything, old and new.
Of course Endless Mode would be a new type of content, it’s just not free to add or maintain. And the resources that go into it are no longer available to other types of new content.
No one is saying it’s crazy to consider ways that devs could re-use existing content. I’m saying that I’d prefer other types of new content, especially given what I expect the relative costs/benefits to be.
Yep, sometimes I always feel MMORPG have the ago old problem of players getting bored of old content.
I believe the first MMORPG can be more sustainable if the company embraces player made content.
Lord Gaben always says that no matter how much devs put out content they can never out produce their own player base.
So far, I believe Eve online is the only game that embraces player because everything in the economy is powered by players. I wonder what Anet can do to build a community pve game.
One way you could go about something like this, is by implementing leaderboards. It’ll push people to keep going back to get better and promote competition. Look at the recent spvp update for example. For the people at the top, not only are they competing for the rewards (some of them don’t even care for it) but they are also competing to be as high as possible on the leaderboards for all to see.
actually no.
Leaderboards only attract a small portion of the community.
If anything, it will only encourage elitism. Raids have the same problem.
Thats why I suggested it only be for Guilds.
Of course Endless Mode would be a new type of content, it’s just not free to add or maintain. And the resources that go into it are no longer available to other types of new content.
No one is saying it’s crazy to consider ways that devs could re-use existing content. I’m saying that I’d prefer other types of new content, especially given what I expect the relative costs/benefits to be.
Yep, sometimes I always feel MMORPG have the ago old problem of players getting bored of old content.
I believe the first MMORPG can be more sustainable if the company embraces player made content.
Lord Gaben always says that no matter how much devs put out content they can never out produce their own player base.
So far, I believe Eve online is the only game that embraces player because everything in the economy is powered by players. I wonder what Anet can do to build a community pve game.
One way you could go about something like this, is by implementing leaderboards. It’ll push people to keep going back to get better and promote competition. Look at the recent spvp update for example. For the people at the top, not only are they competing for the rewards (some of them don’t even care for it) but they are also competing to be as high as possible on the leaderboards for all to see.
We’d be waiting a lot longer for new content if ANet had to stop to work on hardmode dungeons. The “endless mob” challenge is, on the surface, a lot easier to set up, but even that would require managing the levels and rewards. I’d far prefer to see newer content, rather than a rehash of older content.
One could say, endless mode with Guild leaderboard support is already new content. And its content that can exist forever because of the rising difficulty and competition to be the best guild with the highest points. Same can be said if they added a new map; which would take longer to implement, possibly have more bugs, and would have to have continued individual reason to keep going back.
Of course, we all know Anet will continue to add new maps. Where as with the endless mode, you already have a base to build upon (Taimi’s Game) Not much lore needs to be introduced. It would take a lot less work, and still be considered new content.
As for the hard mode dungeons, this isn’t anything new. Many MMO’s have harder modes of their past content while also introducing better rewards. It gives a reason to replay and diversify what you do in-game. And besides, its not a crazy idea to see the Devs re-touch old content. Anet has already done this many times in the past, and so has almost all other MMO’s.
Of course Endless Mode would be a new type of content, it’s just not free to add or maintain. And the resources that go into it are no longer available to other types of new content.
No one is saying it’s crazy to consider ways that devs could re-use existing content. I’m saying that I’d prefer other types of new content, especially given what I expect the relative costs/benefits to be.
That is an unknown, to suggest Anet can not produce new types of content during Guild Wars 2’s life span. It is also an unknown if time spent on creating such content would diminish continued content thats already in the game. One being a re-touch and the other, a new mode.
These suggestions doesn’t need to happen now. Most game devs prioritize for a month before moving on to something else, depending. I just think investing time into long term repeatable content will be better for the game compared to only focusing on content many people will play for a few weeks and then stop. (Living story) Not saying they should stop living story to work on this, but possibly adding something simiular in a expansion.
I refer back to Guild Wars 1’s challenge Missions:
Even WoW has such modes that are kinda simiular: Proving Grounds (Bronze, silver, gold, and endless trials with leaderboard support) As well as a challenge mode for dungeons with leaderboard support.
We’d be waiting a lot longer for new content if ANet had to stop to work on hardmode dungeons. The “endless mob” challenge is, on the surface, a lot easier to set up, but even that would require managing the levels and rewards. I’d far prefer to see newer content, rather than a rehash of older content.
One could say, endless mode with Guild leaderboard support is already new content. And its content that can exist forever because of the rising difficulty and competition to be the best guild with the highest points. Same can be said if they added a new map; which would take longer to implement, possibly have more bugs, and would have to have continued individual reason to keep going back.
Of course, we all know Anet will continue to add new maps. Where as with the endless mode, you already have a base to build upon (Taimi’s Game) Not much lore needs to be introduced. It would take a lot less work, and still be considered new content.
As for the hard mode dungeons, this isn’t anything new. Many MMO’s have harder modes of their past content while also introducing better rewards. It gives a reason to replay and diversify what you do in-game. And besides, its not a crazy idea to see the Devs re-touch old content. Anet has already done this many times in the past, and so has almost all other MMO’s.
I’ve mentioned this before on a few other threads in the past, but it seemed to never catch on. No one really gave enough input. So I’ve decided to write it up as its own thread.
Of course, it never catches on. When players tend to write about hard mode, they tend to write it in an abstract way. Many times, there is not description of the mob itself. Basically, no substance to argue against. Guess what. High health mobs, High damage, Enrage Timers, High armor etc are also consider a challenge. Majority of the player base hates it because it limits build choices.
I want interesting mobs. I do not care about of the difficulty of the mob itself when the mob itself is engaging it. I wanted Anet to expose their ai system to allow players to tinker with it. These days, players added content is future of games.
So you think Anet should first consider making AI more advanced? In my post, yes I didn’t go into how mobs should react or how they should change because of the increased difficulty. My take would be the same take, that was implemented in Guild wars 1.
1. Higher attributes
2. Move and attack more often
3. Responds more quickly to aoe
4. Less likely to ball around a single target if there are more targets
5. More likely to kite
6. Have more skills available to them that were not there before.
7. Possible higher mob countMost of the stuff you point out is already implemented. I am starting to believe that Anet default just suck.
I guess I fail to realize Anet has already implemented the vast majority of what I wanted. I guess Aegis and passive blocks does break the ai.
From the looks of it, all we need to do is tinker with the values.
Yes, Anet is doing this. I’ve noticed slightly better AI in the expansion and in fractals. But the current AI in dungeons remain untouched besides breakbars on bosses.
1. Some of the T4 fractals are already set as a “stepping stone” for raids. I don’t think it would bring more people into raiding than nowadays with those fracs we have.
2. There is no dungeon dev team and I also think that the know-how of the old dungeon has been lost (dungeon dev team left years ago) or at least it is not worth to spend any ressources into dungeons if you have a look onto the cost-value ratio.
You need to keep in mind that the dungeons are full of bugs and they weren’t even able to fix a handful of them when the dungeon community asked for it and wrote every bug down properly. All that happened almost 2 years ago. Even if we want to have it, it would be nearly impossible to achieve by them.
Therefore dungeons are a relic of old times and they still have their spot. Let them rest in peace.3. It would also slow down new content in terms of new fractals and raids because they are lacking people. That is nothing anybody wants. I’d rather have new challenging content than an overhaul of stuff I ran dozens of times.
I wouldn’t necessarily say never to a dungeon retouch. But I’m also not disagreeing with you here, on the point that its just not gonna be a priority for the devs anymore, or maybe for now. (New legendary weapons) However, its not impossible, and could be something added at some point in the future.
I’ve mentioned this before on a few other threads in the past, but it seemed to never catch on. No one really gave enough input. So I’ve decided to write it up as its own thread.
Of course, it never catches on. When players tend to write about hard mode, they tend to write it in an abstract way. Many times, there is not description of the mob itself. Basically, no substance to argue against. Guess what. High health mobs, High damage, Enrage Timers, High armor etc are also consider a challenge. Majority of the player base hates it because it limits build choices.
I want interesting mobs. I do not care about of the difficulty of the mob itself when the mob itself is engaging it. I wanted Anet to expose their ai system to allow players to tinker with it. These days, players added content is future of games.
So you think Anet should first consider making AI more advanced? In my post, yes I didn’t go into how mobs should react or how they should change because of the increased difficulty. My take would be the same take, that was implemented in Guild wars 1.
1. Higher attributes
2. Move and attack more often
3. Responds more quickly to aoe
4. Less likely to ball around a single target if there are more targets
5. More likely to kite
6. Have more skills available to them that were not there before.
7. Possible higher mob count
(edited by Dragon.8762)
I’ve mentioned this before on a few other threads in the past, but it seemed to never catch on. No one really gave enough input. So I’ve decided to write it up as its own thread.
The suggestions for these two new game modes would promote replayability in pve. The underlining purpose would be to promote challenging gameplay while we wait for more content to be produced. Both suggestions are features Guild Wars 1 currently have. But could obviously be explored and expanded upon in Guild Wars 2.
Hard mode dungeons:
So this is something I’ll admit I’m a little surprised still isn’t in the game. Dungeons used to be very difficult content when the game was still young. But now a days, they have become trivial instances that people can easily solo or complete in a group in a few minutes if sped run. People still put up LFG for dungeons but, no where near as much as it used to be. Many people have gained the assumption that dungeons are forgotten content, and I am also inclined to agree.
In many other MMO’s to make such things still relevant they have a harder mode of their same dungeons players can reply to complete, along with increased rewards. I think Guild Wars 2 could greatly benefit from this.
1) It’ll promote more 5 man content outside of fractals.
2) Since it doesn’t require ascended gear, anyone can group up and do it. However team play will be a requirement.
3) Since the content will be more difficult, it’ll encourage different styles of play. (support, healing, cc, etc)
4) It could be a great way to get more people into raiding. If they can complete dungeons in hard mode, they should no problems translating that skill into raiding.
5) A new title for completing all the dungeons in hard mode. I can’t think of one so I’ll leave that up to someone else to come up with. “Supreme Dungeon Master”?
6) Increased rewards with the addition of ascended material drops.
I wanna see other peoples suggestions to this.
Endless mode:
So this is something I think could be a lot more easier to implement into the game. I’m willing to hear reasons why it may not as well. So a few months back we got the living story content update episode 2 Rising Flames. While playing the living story portion, we meet up with Taimi who introduces the virtual reality pad that has the player character fighting against waves of fake destroyers. I wanna see this turned into its own game mode.
The story could be: The commander (us) wants to train to become a more experienced fighter. So wave after wave of enemies (from all over Tyria) are sent on us to see how long the player can survival in the virtual reality enviroment. The more waves you complete, the harder it becomes, and the better the rewards. Every ten levels introduces a new boss to defeat. Players can group up and try to survive as long as possible. This mode should also have leaderboard support, but for Guilds only. Guild Wars 1 had a very similar feature to this; called “Challenge Missions.”
1) Its a friendly Pve way of promoting Guild competition because of the leaderboards. As well as giving more reasons for Guilds to group up together.
2) Promotes diverse play (Waves will get harder and harder)
3) A great way to test ones skill, as well as team skill
4) If the game continues to introduce more power creep, this game mode would benefit the most from it, because it’ll allow players to survive or push even longer.
5) I think introducing an exclusive armor skin and titles would promote more people to try it out. Achievements as well.
6) Because this is endless with increasing difficulty, it will always be the hardest content in the game. It’ll be great for players or guilds to prove they have or are highly skilled players.
Another option to this would be to allow players to continue off of a wave they might have failed on, depending on the 10th of the number. Meaning, if they wipe on wave 17, they can continue off of wave 10. Still debating if each wave should be random or not.
Let me know what you guys think. Should Anet dedicate some man power into creating this? Or should they just focus on their current game modes?
(edited by Dragon.8762)
This thread is so funny!
I played pvp since release. We actually HAD a pvp tutorial way back then. Of course you could only access it once! Never again! You were shipped to the small island south of HOTM and went through an event with an NPC talking….and…centaurs….and capture points…..I can’t even remember it was so long ago. I don’t what happened to it. I think the tutorial is either account-bound or ANet took it out later on.
I remember that place too. I don’t know why Anet made that area inaccessible.
A video of some sort that points out the major factors in decision makering, such as looking at who’s dead to see whether it’s ok to decap far or not, or looking at the mini map to see where people are and where you need to rotate to, would help a lot.
I like this. I think it would go along way if Anet or maybe some pros would come out with a spvp tutorial video on how to properly pvp for new players. The video could be locked to the top of the forums and have a link to the video or videos explaining everything.
So when people are having trouble with pvp or have any questions, they could just reply to the thread with the video. I think that could go a really long way with helping new players and old players alike.
Instead of waiting for anet to bring in a tutorial for spvp why not offer to teach people how to properly pvp? Maybe even make a guild out of it
I have, but only with friends. I don’t have the time or patience to teach random people pvp all the time. I’d rather be playing the game.
Most pvp games have a system where you’d go up against computer controlled players while having a team of real people on your side or bots so they can learn to play. Not saying spvp should have bots or w/e noooo, but just another instance where people can just fight and learn the game mode.
Ha, I was actually just about to write up a thread like this.
Yes, Spvp needs a proper basic tutorial. Or some sort of system that teaches players how to play. Every single time I hear people talk about spvp on discord or team speak, every single time I watch a twitch stream, every single time I go into the heart of mists, I see people complaining about how bad other people are. To the point where it just becomes blind ignorance coming from both the player complaining and the person whose being complained upon.
I even had a random guy whisper me saying, “Many bad games today.” “Many idiot teams.” I think its gotten to a point where saddly most people would agree. I personally don’t like to insult people or call people names unless its truly warranted. So I don’t think putting down players who make mistakes will ever be a solution. They need to be taught, and from there; learn and get better skill wise.
I think another instance needs to be brought into the heart of the mists teaching players about boons and conditions. Map rotations, and the different things that make each map unique. Players should be encouraged to try out other classes or know what other classes can do so they know how to handle them. Other new players can join in the map and face each other with no consequences of match lost or MMR etc.
I’ll just copy and paste what I wrote in another Rev Doom thread after actual play time:
“Played a few matches with Rev, its still really good. Time to kill, honestly was just slightly reduced. Staff 5 eh, I never used it for damage anyways. Mainly used it for cc on people trying to res downed team mates, stopping a stomp from happening, or another evade.
A full staff 5 burst takes around 20% of the enemies health if fully connected. Combined with weapon swap hyro sigil burst and equilibrium just from one legend swap still deals a ton of damage, and accomplished within the matter of 2 seconds." The damage is still quite high.
Played a few matches with Rev, its still really good. Time to kill, honestly was just slightly reduced. Staff 5 eh, I never used it for damage anyways. Mainly used it for cc on people trying to res downed team mates, stopping a stomp from happening, or another evade.
A full staff 5 burst takes around 20% of the enemies health if fully connected. Combined with weapon swap hyro sigil burst and equilibrium just from one legend swap still deals a ton of damage, and accomplished within the matter of 2 seconds.
Allot of people wanted a 1 vs 1 duel mode for a long long time. Anet refuses to implement it. This is not the first op calling for dueling, and it is an example of how Gw2 does not listen to the community. This is the most frequent post I see for game modes that hasn’t been implemented since beta. The devs decision not to listen to the pvp player base has grown so toxic I left for BDO.
This is the same case for pretty much every game, especially for MMO’s. When you’ve got people screaming for a million different things, some things bad, some things good, and other things more complicated then you think in order to implement. 1v1s is complicated right now especially with the current balance.
Plus, I find it ironic that your caption says “Lets make gw2 great again.” And yet you’d rather play BDO for pvp even though that pvp is even worse with potion heal spamming, even worse balance, weird pvp karma system, and gear dependency.
No; because if you balance the game via 1v1 everyone will spec into some sort of tanky build and take forever to kill. Like take an engi vs a menders Druid matchup for example, that’ll be boring as all hell, especially if they are of equal skill. It would be better to have a 2v2 or 3v3.
If your gonna have a 1v1, it’ll be more fun and interesting if once you get a match, all your skills, weapons, and traits are random. Or if you are only allowed to spec in a certain why which is also random each time.
I agree, I see this happen all the time. It usually leads to people burning out of the game really fast due to the fact that they have no idea what to do or want to aim for once they reach lvl 80.
I had a friend who only wanted to pvp because he heard pvp gives you “tomes of knowledge” which he heard could level you up from 1 to 80 the “fastest.” He barely ever played gw2, but usually pvped in most of the other MMO’s he played in the past. To help him get prepared we went into an empty hot join map. I told him about conditions and boons, told him about the importance of dodge and how he could go about countering different classes. I even held his hand in making a build he could play around with. He was so unbelievably confused about even the most basic of functions. When I told him hes better off just playing the game regularly from lvl 1 to 80 so he could have a better time understanding the game, he agreed and never played again lol.
This whole rush mentality is different in this game, because if you rush you will fail not because of your gear, but because of your skill. I did a few unranked matches with a friend the other day and we faced off against some people who were so faceroll easy. We could tell they had very little understanding of how to actually play. I think Anet really needs to provide a better more obvious tutorial for players without making them look dumb for both WvW and spvp. As well as teach people about boons and conditions. Because people are still getting daze and stun confused with immobilization.
To answer your questions, first try out and pick a class you like. —>Do map completion and try to unlock as much of the map as you can. —>Find and join a guild with people willing to answer your questions and help you out.
Dungeons are not necessarily dead content. Plenty of people want to do them. Its just that a little while ago, the gold gain from doing dungeons was reduced, but its gotten better now. If you find your self on a map with a dungeon I’d suggest putting up a LFG while you map complete the area. Dungeons are good for making some money, achievements, titles, fun, and tokens which can be later exchanged for lvl 80 armor and weapons depending on which dungeon you do. You can also salvage the armor for etcos and other loot you can sell for even more money or keep for yourself for crafting.
I would avoid raids until you’ve spoken with someone who knows it really well and can help guide you on how to properly gear yourself for it. I’d also highly suggest joining a guild that is willing to do training runs/ watching videos on youtube on how to do them. At first, they will push you to react and fight in ways you may not be used too during your time map completing. It will be much more difficult, and too many deaths because you couldn’t play property will leave others with a sore taste in their mouths.
Fractals will be difficult to understand at first. Higher tier fractals will require this item called AR or agony resistance. Without AR, you will die instantly. Have a guild member explain this better to you once you join one. If your not sure on what to do next, just look at your achievements tab. There will be 100s of different things to do.
PVP and WvW are much bigger, especially when it comes to skill. The pvp balance right now is actually pretty good. Some classes can counter others, but its no where near impossible. At the end of the day its all about skill. In WvW, gear matters more, but not so much. A person with decent gear can still wipe the floor with someone who has high end gear, by just simply out playing the other. Your in-game skill will kinda determine how much fun you may have in pvp. Because if you suck, or can’t understand why you died or failed your team, your gonna have a bad time.
Use this link to come up with your own setup as well as get a full read up of each classes abilities, sigils, and runes:
Use this link to check out what is the current meta with each class. Just remember that, just because these builds are considered meta, it does not mean they are the end all be all. Use it as a guide to help you come up with your own build. Because, if you are unable to perform at the expected level the build is describing, then it is pointless to follow:
Use your free lvl 80 boost to help you try out a class, but don’t use it. Nor do I recommend rushing the game. So many people rush and end up in situations where they are unsure on what to do next.
Gw2 is a game of goals. Getting decent gear isn’t difficult. Its min-maxing that usually will cost you a lot of time and gold, but it is not required for you to enjoy the entire experience which is why a lot of people usually call GW2 a causal game.
However funny enough, if your talking about this game from a PVP perspective and in some cases high end PVE; a causal player who doesn’t fully understand the capabilities of his/her chosen class including an understanding of the “meta,” will get left be hide. And I’m not just talking about gear, I’m talking about Skill.
I swear, one of the number one problems I see and hear from PVP players are; “Why do I have these scrub teammates on my team who clearly have no idea what they are doing?” “How can X class lose to Z class? Its such an easy matchup!” “Its a 3v1 and they all lost? How can my team members be so useless?” I like to think the reason why its like this for “the most part” is not totally because the match making may not be the best, but also its people who rush the game and don’t take the time to learn it.
Rev is perfectly fine in high level fractals. I play with full berserks gear and have no problems staying alive. In fact I sometimes carry the group when everyone else is dead and I am the only one still alive. Rev has a lot of ways to deal damage and still stay alive while stay remaining in melee combat.
I suppose some people enjoy competing, and that is great for WvW, PvP, but turning PvE into a competition would seriously compromise my enjoyment of this game. I enjoy PvE because it fosters cooperative play. If people really like to compete, why aren’t they doing the competitive game modes?
I like collections, crafting, doing metas in large squads, dungeons and fractals. We have enough problem with people being fearful of PUGS because of meeting up with your average jerk, adding competition to this would only make that vibe worse.
In my suggestion I said this feature should only be a guild feature. Meaning the only way you will ever be apart of the leaderboards is to join a guild. Once the fractal, raid, “hard mode only” dungeon, and endless dungeon is over, it will grade the performance of the group and display them on the leaderboards.
The endless mode dungeon was a feature gw1 had. It had its own leaderboard system, and it was based on Guilds or at least, which guild was being represented. So there won’t be any fear from Pugs, unless your all apart of the same guild.
1. Leaderboards for Raids and fractals. (This will make PVE a bit more competitive in terms of wanting to achieve a better score for each run, against other guilds. And yes, this should be a Guild only feature to encourage people to join/ create Guilds for their selected purpose)
2. Endless mode dungeons where mobs will get harder and harder the more you progress along with leaderboards (“Taimi’s game” is perfect for this since its VR. Barely any story needs to fit in with this, besides the commander “wanting to train his/her skills against a variety of enemies for as long as possible.”) Different difficulties can be implemented via a terminal. Rewards are only rewarded after defeating a boss once each round is over.
3. An in-game encyclopedia describing all allies, enemies, monsters, npcs, places, etc all in one book players must collect. Once a player encounters something, its written down in the book. This will make more people interested in the lore as well as give them something else to do.
4. Give activity mini games a leaderboard system and new achievements to encourage more people to do them. Add a queuing system so people can play keg brawl, crab toss, and the other competitive mini games whenever they want. Give these mini games mastery points, titles, and possibly exclusive gear.
5. Give Dungeons a hard mode. This can be a great way to get more people interested in raiding, or a least help train them better in terms of skill/ gear for raiding. Leaderboards for hard mode dungeons.
1. A WvW only legendary backpiece armor
2. More WvW only skins.
3. A proper WvW tutorial for new players
4. The return of WvW tournaments and achievements
1. Another map game mode that isn’t just “capture and hold” included into the map rotation.
2: A supported 2v2 or 3v3 arena
3. Better leaderboards to help highlight players who’ve out done themselves in the sPVP scene.
4. A pvp tutorial that explains spvp to new players
5. A better matchmaking system that doesn’t put new players with really good players and vice versa unless its unranked.
6. Supported Guild vs Guild in Guild halls. All this needs is a leaderboard system to high light that the Guild in the lead, is the best Guild NA or EU pvp wise.
I like your ideas apart from number 4. can we stop locking points behind achievements. plenty of people do not want to grind out achievements to “progress”. filling the XP bar should be all that’s needed. I hate “adventures” and the Mini games. So I don’t want to have to do things I don’t want to do, to progress. if we have to have points, then there should be enough in the open world to max everything. if you want to get them quickly with out having to do all the needed tracks first, sure, have them lock behind some achievements, but not most of them.
Mini games are just that, mini games. Side objectives that are never a requirement. They already have achievements and titles, but they barely ever see any play. They are not required for anything outside of achievements and titles. I am not talking about Adventures. These mini games have been here since the start of GW2. I’ve played these mini games in the past and found them a lot of fun. Mainly because they were competitive. People don’t play them because they either don’t want too, don’t care, or don’t even know they exist.
I feel no way or the other if Anet continues to no longer support them, but it will be a shame if they continue to go to waste considering I personally find them interesting and fun.
1. Leaderboards for Raids and fractals. (This will make PVE a bit more competitive in terms of wanting to achieve a better score for each run, against other guilds. And yes, this should be a Guild only feature to encourage people to join/ create Guilds for their selected purpose)
2. Endless mode dungeons where mobs will get harder and harder the more you progress along with leaderboards (“Taimi’s game” is perfect for this since its VR. Barely any story needs to fit in with this, besides the commander “wanting to train his/her skills against a variety of enemies for as long as possible.”) Different difficulties can be implemented via a terminal. Rewards are only rewarded after defeating a boss once each round is over.
3. An in-game encyclopedia describing all allies, enemies, monsters, npcs, places, etc all in one book players must collect. Once a player encounters something, its written down in the book. This will make more people interested in the lore as well as give them something else to do.
4. Give activity mini games a leaderboard system and new achievements to encourage more people to do them. Add a queuing system so people can play keg brawl, crab toss, and the other competitive mini games whenever they want. Give these mini games mastery points, titles, and possibly exclusive gear.
5. Give Dungeons a hard mode. This can be a great way to get more people interested in raiding, or a least help train them better in terms of skill/ gear for raiding. Leaderboards for hard mode dungeons.
1. A WvW only legendary backpiece armor
2. More WvW only skins.
3. A proper WvW tutorial for new players
4. The return of WvW tournaments and achievements
1. Another map game mode that isn’t just “capture and hold” included into the map rotation.
2: A supported 2v2 or 3v3 arena
3. Better leaderboards to help highlight players who’ve out done themselves in the sPVP scene.
4. A pvp tutorial that explains spvp to new players
5. A better matchmaking system that doesn’t put new players with really good players and vice versa unless its unranked.
6. Supported Guild vs Guild in Guild halls. All this needs is a leaderboard system to high light that the Guild in the lead, is the best Guild NA or EU pvp wise.
Its a maintenance patch. Every MMO or non MMO usually gets one. If it included anything other than maintenance the Devs would let us know.
So you’re telling me Anet’s promoted streamer was….bad ?
Hold the presses and color me not shocked in the slightest.
ANet promoted this guy? You have a link to show that?
That’s what im gathering from reading the thread. Could be a misunderstanding, either way there’s plenty of bad streamers some promoted, some not.
I saw nothing where it was implied in this thread that ANet promoted this streamer.
Anet didn’t promote this guy. He simply heard some vague things about GW2 and wanted to check it out. Hence why he referred the Reaper specialization as being “the dark necro type.” He played the game for 1 hour and 31 minutes, got frustrated and left to play Dark Souls 2 for the remaining 3 hours.
I’m sorry but, stuff like this triggers me. GW2 is a great game. If you just jump and skip ahead all the way to the end and still expect to do well without understanding the game and figuring out why things are the way that they are….please. I bet almost half of the people watching his stream took what he did and said as truth and followed him like sheep.
For the people that tried to give him actual decent advice, I feel for you. But at the same time, its wasted. Because most big streamers NEVER READ CHAT. What he should have done was, get 1 or 2 people on discord or team speak who are really knowledgeable about the game and have them show him around the game. Explaining things when he had a question. But at the same time letting him know that GW2 is far more skill based then gear based. He needs to know what the hell his class actually does if hes gonna ever have a chance.
Most people I see who auto level say, “Oh I’ll just boost to lvl 80 and read out my skills and learn that way.” When in reality, they don’t read anything and just enter HOT not knowing why or the fact that you have to go through a story instance to get into it. They don’t read any of the menus or understand the mastery system and want their hands held with boring questing when the whole purpose is to explore, map complete, events, and story. Its honestly not hard at alllllllll to understand this. And its amazing how many people just don’t get it. Especially these so called “MMO vets” who’ve been playing MMO’s all their lives.
GW2 is different, but at the same time not soo different. I’m sorry, stuff like that just makes me rage so I avoid it.
I like both, but like fractals better. With fractals, you can do a lot more with them far more then you could ever do with dungeons. Its also evident that adding a new dungeon would take longer to create then adding a new fractal.
I’ve duoed a lot of fractals on my Rev with my friend using her Mesmer. With both of us having lots of evades and higher then normal boon duration we’ve always been able to pull off some pretty intense success. But having mastery over your class also helps. I’ve got 1,703 hours playing only Rev. These many hours have taught me to push the class towards its limits.
I’d say any class combo can do it, honestly. You gotta play your class really well, and know how the fights.
1. Bring back the WvW tournaments and new achievements.
2. Add a WvW only legendary backpiece
3. Add more WvW only armor
4. Improve WvW match making
5. Add WvW masteries
6 (Optional) Add a number that clearly shows how many allies you have on your server only when you enter WvW.