Minutes to kill?? My thief can take down an 80 mob in Orr in a few seconds.
Are we even playing the same game? Are you using traits? Are you gearing for damage or support? Well?
Tarnished Coast (US) here. Always find people in all zones… most people very friendly, impromptu grouping is pretty common, made a lot if friends.
Are you dodging, mitigating damage, usign your CC abilities to buy you time?
As a thief, I entered Kessex at 13, and whilst it was challenging – I didn’t die an astronomical amount of times.
The area is called Wizard’s Fief. The town is called Garenhoff.
Heart events give you multiple things to do to complete them. Also, sticking to a single facet of the heart event can make it go slower, whilst other things make it go faster.
I suspect the “Tengu” home-state will become a new zone in an expansion, and I suspect the Wizard’s Castle in Garenhoff will become an instance. At least, I hope so.
So you want to selflessly help others but are upset you don’t get rewarded for it?
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when people do things they want rewards.
Ah, you must be of the new generation who constantly wants rewarding and doesn’t do things just for the fun of them.
Why all the hostility?
I think it is because that few posters know how to put their point forward in a coherent and non-biased manner. Conversely, those who see nothing wrong are unable to do the same.
I think we can all take something away from this. Stop posting things with titles such as “X IS KITTENING BROKEN”, and instead say something like “I believe there is an issue with X, here’s my findings”.
There’s very little coherent thought on both sides.
… the Quidditch instructor from Hogwarts:
Cannot unsee.
I’m not blaming Arenanet for a lack of players, I’m blaming them for designing leveling content that requires a group
You’re blaming them for designing group content in an MMO?
That is laughable.
Am I the only one who enjoyed being under-level after I had completed a zone, and got a real challenge out of the next one, and phat XP?
They’re obligated to do it, but don’t, why? I don’t know, it’s their own fault that we lost it with their rollbacks.
I know it sucks and all, but I do not believe they’re obligated to do anything.
You’re more right than you know.
For the forums are there for a usually vocal minority, who post threads as “fact” when they mean “opinion”, and and crap-storm starts.
I read mostly for amusement, evidently.
Hit “H” on your keyboard, and go to the “PVP” tab of your hero dialog.
You’ll be given an option to “Go the mists”. From there, you can go to Lion’s arch. Once there, look for the pink swirly icons and you can go and port to any races’ home town. From there it’ll be a simple run to get to any starting area
“Maybe I should throw you in the Mystic Forge and see if I get an upgrade”.
Oh kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten….
When you have completed all 33 explorable paths, you can come back here and say you’re hardcore.
Did you read my post? I didn’t say I was hardcore, I said I was a completionist. I was mearly pointing out that different people have different definations of what is hardcore and what is casual.
I did read your post:
I wish companys would just consider the hardcore players you know the type of players that go to game conventions , make youtube videos, spend hours playing these games and try to be the best they can be in any game they play.
There is more of us than you might think ^
Relevant portions highlighted
EDIT: My fault, well sort of – I was replying to the OP.
When you have completed all 33 explorable paths, you can come back here and say you’re hardcore.
Whilst your point about contested waypoints is valid when you get to Orr, I really don’t see the issue. MMOs are supposed to be about a grind, one way or another. They are supposed to be long-lasting. You are supposed to work to get something. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Now ArenaNet did say they were eliminating the grind and so some extent they did – the levelling to 80 is a non-issue.
My advice, really, is just to enjoy the game. At no point do I feel a grind, I do a variety of activities.
I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think you understand the combination of PR and development.
It is far better to say “As soon as we fix it”, than give an ETA that may not be met. Whilst it would be nice to say “It’ll be fixed by tomorrow!” this is not always the case. And if they gave you that hope, and it wasn’t fixed, you would be here with another thread, the moment it wasn’t.
Far better to let them find the problem and give an ETA when they are sure, than to give false hope.
I think world-wide chat is probably a step backwards, given the usual quality of /map within towns (though of course, one could always turn it off). I’ve seen most adverts for Guilds to be in towns, especially Lion’s Arch. Perhaps you can hang there for a while?
Whilst it is an unlikely change, the OP’s friend obviously has a legitimate ailment. Whilst I can’t get behind the idea itself, I can’t believe the tone of the above responses. Instantly on the attack, in the most juvenile way.
No wonder people say the community is bad here.
Bad for stating the obvious, that a game can’t cater to all phobias, health problems, etc?
I’d personally like them to add an option to be able to change the color of the enemy AOE circles since I’m a bit colorblind, but I’ll adapt as usual.
Not bad necessarily for stating the obvious, but there are ways in civilized society to conduct oneself. “/facepalm” and “Go and play another game” are pretty antagonistic responses and don’t add to it. How hard is it to go “This would create confusion with a part of people fighting different models, not to mention strange loot drops.”. And that’s just one item.
That said, your concern seems infinitely more fixable, being able to alter the colour of enemy AoE circles as it doesn’t affect anyone else in the slightest really. You just need to mentally convert when a party member says “Watch out for the red circles”, you actually look out for “yellow”
Whilst it is an unlikely change, the OP’s friend obviously has a legitimate ailment. Whilst I can’t get behind the idea itself, I can’t believe the tone of the above responses. Instantly on the attack, in the most juvenile way.
No wonder people say the community is bad here.
I love this idea, I highly support it.
Uhm, unless you mean something else, that is already there?
Firstly, I will say I am a heavy windows user, and light Linux user. I heartily support and +1 this… Even better if a single purchase means we can have a Windows/Max/Linux client, giving us complete freedom to play on whatever OS we choose at any one time.
So what is your suggestion? Just make it “more fun”? How? What steps would you take? It’s fine to critique a zone, but this is a suggestion forum and you’ve not provided any insight in to what you might do to make it better, or balance it in your opinion.
What PopeUrban said. If you got keylogged, then they’d simply have the password to the bank, as you did. So you’d just be creating an extra step for yourself and not protecting yourself.
Yeah, I’d like a 5th “Goodbye Cruel World” option. /signed
When sending lots of mats to someone from my inventory, the “shade” that the item’s icon goes is negligible to the original hue, sometimes making it difficult to see what is being mailed and what isn’t. Can we get something that makes them 50% darker so it’s obvious?
Also, would like to send more items per mail if possible!
Please be clear on this… WvW maps and or SPvP maps count towards the 100% world completion?
WvW does, yup. Think sPvP is similar to dungeons and doesn’t count. (Feel free to correct me if I am wrong).
You’re right and actually it’s easy to tell. When you get a PoI that matters, you’ll get XP and clearly see the visual. In dungeons it pops up without XP, it’s just a PoI that provides nothing.
I’ll let you know on August 25th, 2013.
Rolls? Don’t tell me what buff-food I have to bring to the dungeon..!!
Exactly. And they’d not be aware of it. They’d continue farming for absolutely no reason. One could also restrict mail from this server to prevent the gold ever leaving it.
EDIT: I’d actually amend this to say that mail sent WITHIN this bot-server (if one bot mails another), it is successful. Any mail that is destined out of the server to a real player, is “sent successfully”, but silently destroyed.
(edited by Fiennes.9568)
Firstly, what you do is create a new server on it’s own. To any particular person logging in it will show up as whatever server they used to be on. You don’t send the botter any emails, or any messages that they have been moved to this server, so they’d be none the wiser.
The trading post on this server is local to that server only. E.g, there will only be bots selling to bots.
The good part about this is that for a while, bot-companies wouldn’t know that they can no longer sell or trade to real players. Everyone else on that server is also a bot.
Periodically, you could gather some chat logs from other servers and have them “speak” in map.
I know this would be a bit of work, but the idea of botters grinding away for nothing in a game seems oddly appealing.
It’s quite hard to get this message unless
to talk
like this.
Personally it never bothered me as by 14, I was in Kessex hills… I enjoyed the challenge of mobs that were higher level than I was.
God forbid you might just play the game for the fun of it.
Around 320 hours.
They have brought the game down for maintenance.
Before I could accept my map completion rewards for Fireheart rise; maintainence
Posted by: Fiennes.9568
Not sure if your rewards will be in tact. That said, server maintenance is pasted over your screen well in advance. That’s the time to stop doing anything important and head on over to Lion’s Arch to /dance * until the lights go out.
Get some crafting boosters and do some crafting… easy way to get this – unless of course you’re level 80 in which case a few events in Orr will do it.
Also, you should be reported just for the use of the word “pl0x”.
I don’t believe that you have completed Arrah in Explorable mode. I think you’re trolling,
The nerf to repeated “farming” runs is in the 17th September patch notes.
Tin-foil hat, much?
100% Map completion is exactly that, 100% map completion.
Those of you who hate PvP, remember there are PvP players who dislike PvE and will have to do a MAJOR amount more than you, to get the 100% map completion.
It’s not that you’re unimaginative. To a lesser or greater extent, your avatar is an extension of you and so if you don’t feel right looking “non-human”, that isn’t a lack of imagination it’s just what you prefer.
That’s a bit bizarre, because I found headshot to be absolutely effective, and it did stop his special moves, most of the time.
I’m interested in the comment above, by Humorless.1573 (it won’t let me quote), on the fact that D/D is useless in WvW.
I heartily disagree. Up close and personal, I can seriously burn people down. Admittedly, it is best to start ranged, and when backup comes, it is best to draw back – but honestly, I’ve done some serious damage with D/D and the right use of dodging and utility skills.
In sPvP, it is even more effective. But then you generally don’t need to worry about 30 people bearing down on you, wanting to wear your blood on their face
No offense to your guys’ tastes and all, but most people aren’t happy with the skill.
[Citation Needed]
If the skill doesn’t warrant the situation it is useless and tbh this happens a lot with this ability. Rather than the randomness of MOBs choosing our skill, it would make a lot more sense utility-wise to allow us to customize our skillset.
Useless? Pretty much whatever you get will be useful, and if you trait correctly, steal can be used to refill your initiative.
Just sayin…
This has never, ever been a good way to end a post.