Not long ago it was stated they were taking a look at bunker ele.
Unfortunately along with that they are also taking a look at AoE’s and attempting to balance them… So ele will be hit hard but I have to ask What exactly is really wrong with ele? A friend of mine doing more tPvP than me (haven’t done TPvP since November) claims its how fast they can regen in water.
If this is the case rangers regen is almost on par if not better, countered really only by thief and maybe 100b (which isn’t hard to get out of)
So why is ele potentially getting the nerf bat and rangers not?
(This is all assuming I was not mislead by my friends words.)
Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience
I didnt know that the witness was testifying your honour :P
I personally want the player catapult …. Load em in and shoot them over the walls.
I would love it if catapults had an extra ability to load players into.
Yes, if you are Chuck Norris
What would be a world with suitable PvE and WvW balance?
One thing I would like to add is that JQ consists of significant number of experienced and friendly ex-VE Forum members/ DAoC players/ Warhammer /WoW and several other mmporgs.
JQ has stacked Oceanics? LOL! Explain that to me when we are out manned on 3/4 maps. I should know since I’m in 1 of 2 Oceanic guilds.
SoS will forever have the superior numbers during that time zone with it being the main Oceanic server. Plus they have guilds like MERC that seem to suck up Oceanic recruits like a vacuum.
I can attest to that. And I Play Asia/Pacific timezones. There is significant disparity at times.
Being new to JQ personally so far my experience has been awesome. The coordination between teams, forum community, hell even a welcoming committee with cookies! I’m glad that my teams full analysis of all prospective servers and vote came down to joining JQ. What won me over was the personal approach that was taken toward myself. Plus, I’ve gotten to bridge the gap between servers in the past with JQ having fought them soo much. The queue times are close to non-existent even with the new transfers that have come in, I think it actually gives time to be relaxed and actually get some in game content done and not feel like WvW is another job. In any case I’d recommend JQ.
Now i know who is jed. Followed yer a few times
I’m not a member of JQ, but I’ve got a lot of respect for them. We fought them for the longest of any server they’ve fought against, and I have a lot of good friends in a lot of the guilds listed in the OP that have proven themselves time and again as worthy adversaries and legitimate players. If I weren’t so loyal to SBI, despite our hard times, I’d probably have come and joined one of them. While it makes me sad to see so many once-SBI guilds on that list, I am glad that they’re in a place where they can feel competitive and like they’re constantly on the cutting edge of competitive WvW. That said, I think JQ is great, and I hope that they stay T1 for a very, very long time to come.
Excellent fights in the last few days. Loved the behind the enemy line Mesmer ports.
Fiery greatsword
—> Pro:
Taking a supply camp/ Fighting a 60 man zerg/
Tremendous increase in pow/
Ally can use/
Awesome DPS on keep doors/
ou can still switch attunement to water/
You can still heal/
AOE damage plus PBAOE damage.
You can drop sword anytime/
Con —> Not many VS the rest of our junk Elite skills
Tornado—>No discussion needed
If you are serious about WvW then Asura female small. If you arent then anything else is fine, even char.
P/V/T mixed with P/PRE/T
I would be really happy if they gave us slots for a second weapon, even though we could only make the change when out of combat. It’s kinda of a pain to always have to press H and change weapons, sometimes on the run.
I agree on this but disagree with other users wanting to switch during combat.
Doing great this week JQ! Lets keep this momentum up!
Aye. And with the top guilds from other worlds coming into JQ, it has been hell fun.
Why not just copy Daoc RvRvR sytem onto Gw2 WvWvW ?
There are also a few of us in JQ
Most of the daoc players went to JQ. Also, a number of DAOC employees are now working for Anet.
I play mostly during the Asian/Pacific time zone. I have been in JQ since beta.Im now in EMP
We have decent coverage during non-prime time and even though the kitten and the Chinese dont speak english, they can still communicate and we work as a team.
We have a public TS channel as well.
Most of the JQ players are experienced MMO players with a significant number from DAOC. We play well but we dont behave like leet pricks to other JQ players. (Except for my /laugh at most of my opponents i kill)
Playing in JQ will teach you how to play GW2 with skill. Take a look at BG. They are chicken feed for us. SOS, well they have massive numbers.
And yes we dont cheat. Infact cheaters are reported, always.
There is alot of world pride in JQ, and thats what i love most.
“We’ll introduce a system of prestige and advancement specifically designed for WvW. This will give players a progression path where they earn new WvW-only abilities and bonuses, and with them gain prestige and visible titles/recognition.”
OK, What About WvW (Or WuvWuh)?
Many of the features, expanded reward systems, and potentially even live event storylines described above will also play a part in World vs. World in 2013. We also have other specific features that we’re focusing on developing for our WvW community that we want to make sure you’re aware of.
Polishing the existing WvW experience to ensure it shines in every way possible is a major goal for us which requires addressing major areas we know need a lot of attention. We’ve been working on two of these projects for a while now, and both have proven far more complicated to solve than we’d hoped, but we’re getting really close and have made tremendous progress.
Firstly, we’ll be adding paid server transfers, with time limitations and WvW restrictions, and guestingability, which allows players to visit friends on other servers in every part of the game except for WvW. To encourage players to stick with a single server for WvW and fight for the pride of that server, server changes will incur a fee and have time limitations. Second, we’ll make improvements to culling. We recently ran small tests on Live to help us move towards eliminating as much culling from WvW as possible. The results have been promising, and we have a number of additional culling features in development. If all goes well, our hope is 2013 is the year culling ceases to exist, or is as minimal as possible in the WvW experience.
We’re adding new features as well. We’ll introduce a system of prestige and advancement specifically designed for WvW. This will give players a progression path where they earn new WvW-only abilities and bonuses, and with them gain prestige and visible titles/recognition. Also, we’ll add a new motivation to the WvW domain that goes beyond the overall weekly score to give more short term reasons to be winning in WvW as well. We’ll discuss all these features in more detail as we get closer to release!
Read the full thing here
Whatever they do. I hope they realise its make or break for a lot of people.
Agree,. If they can pull this of, GW2 will become a classic winner. Best thing for them is to bring in changes bit by bit. Create more incentives to go do WvW like personal titles.
Anet needs to realise that their diamond is WvWvW & PvE and not s/tPvP
This is all i could find.
An excerpt from the interview :
“It’s worth noting, while they said we’re not working on new versions of the home maps currently, they didn’t say anything about new maps in general…..
Also I’ll throw out that the work our WvW guys are doing on culling and progression systems are extremely large, these are feature systems unto themselves. For example a lot of the culling work requires re-building almost entirely the way our game compiles, loads, and handles assets in general. For many companies, this task could literally years, we’re trying to pull it off in a matter of months, these guys are rock stars.
I know some of you got the impression there isn’t much development going on here, but I was to clarify you couldn’t be more wrong. There is a boat load of very serious WvW being done, much of it they discussed in this interview. Major features require many month long projects, our hope is you’ll start seeing the major fruits of those labors starting in our February update…You’ll hear more details from our WvW team once stuff gets closer to finalized and tested, but we think you’re going to be thrilled with the stuff that’s coming. As an old DAoC fan, I’m freaking stoked about what these guys are doing.”
Guardian is the best. Followed by warrior. And 3rd place goes to mesmer
I know u guys cant reveal too much but some bread crumbs would be nice
The more important question is " Who is going to replace BG in 2 weeks time"
You see significant results at 23/41/70/92 %
Dear Anet,
I play a Dagger & Dagger Elementalist. I have a fully exotic gear. Thieves need a nerf in the stealth zone. Not being able to fight my enemy for 15 seconds is not fair. Other than that, I win 1 in 3 fights against a thief, solo now. It used to be a win 1 in 4 times. Perhaps you could also decrease Backstab damage.
The main 3 tips for defeating dnd
1) Use dodge,roll. Dont let ele bait u into his close range and aoe damage spells.
2) Use more range damage where possible. Dont stand around like an idiot.
3) Look at Tip no.1
BTW the video you posted, at 3:10 he gets destroyed by a kiting mesmer. Doesn’t even deal damage. Rangers can do this too.
The ele in the video fights like a noob.
Theres no fixed rule.
I do tell mates that you should have atleast 18k hp 25%crit, boon duration, bloodlust,800pt + tuff.
If you like to PvE maybe staff. If you want to excel in WvW, go DnD
Yes hit 3 in Air in DnD during thief encounter. The faster you are with that the greater are your chances to counter burst damage.
Static single target over a period of 20sec with 0% crit and 0% chance to crit we found Fire in DnD and staff to be the highest with snf offering the least in all 4 lines
Asuran babies come from my credit card….. everytime i buy jems, a baby is born. Now you have your answer. /Facepalm
I think Ranc posted in the wrong forum. Can the mod shift this to planetside 2 please?
Thieves are OPed. We all get it. Anet gets it. Players get it. Heck they should just rename the thief section to something like “the terminator”
This game has no monthly subscriptions. So when you pay peanuts, you get monkeys, they said.
Good video for someone who has never played a mmorpg before.
Use omnomberry + maintenance oil. Stack em. Yes they can both be used.
Another tip, if you see two thieves , run
fixed after reset
Oh, a ‘red’ post. So when’s the next balance patch again?
Probably with Wintersday.
Sweet, christmas for ele’s come early , hooray!
Im nearly as tall as a short female human, Or was this always the design?
Anet has plans to first re-incorporate back Player dyes followed by player names. Just give them time or wait for ESOL
Can we make a list please of all the official TS public servers. So far we have 2. Please add to the list.
EU servers
US servers
Jade quarry
Jadequarry already has its own official public JQ TS server and is solely for JQ and hosts over 400 players during peak
The official JQ website is
Nothing wrong with spell. It is working as intended.
For glass canon you will need atleast 30 in water, 20 in air or you will be wasting your time.
Glass canon also needs you to stack precision. Get pies.
You will also need to master ele burst combos and learn not to get upset if you die alot.
I’d say less water more fire/arcane for glass cannon. Anyway, I ran around with 30/20/0/020. If you don’t care for blasting staff and bit longer boons and better attunement recharge then I’d go with 10 arcane.
I currently run —>
25 air
30 water
15 arcane
Future spec is full pow/vit/tuff from my current glass canon with
10 Air
30 Water
30 Arcane
For glass canon you will need atleast 30 in water, 20 in air or you will be wasting your time.
Glass canon also needs you to stack precision. Get pies.
You will also need to master ele burst combos and learn not to get upset if you die alot.
What is sPVP? :P
Hey guys,
The way this profession is played, I’m always switching attunement and doing a lot of moving and dodging. Doing this lets me use the elementalist skillset to maximum benefit.
The problem I run into is that I bind my movement keys, abilities keys (1,2,3,4) and attunement keys (F1,F2,F3,F4) to the default settings.
This is quite a bit of work and requires a bunch of dexterity (which isn’t my strong suit).
How do you guys get around this? Or are you all much more dextrous than me? I use a standard two button mouse BTW.
Assuming you use WASD, Bind F1 to Q, F2 to E, F3 to Middle Mouse, F4 to side mouse button.
Add stun to your utility hot bar.
So how it works is ,
RTL to far away target, upon exit, spam stun/immobilise
Assuming LS is down
Useless in WvW small man
Useful in WvW small man
Useful in WvW zerg
Best 2v1 or 1v1 WvW spec