Showing Posts For General Health.9678:

Material Acquisition Balance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Sell something you have gathered excess of. Buy what you haven’t.
Trading post, working for you, when you need it.
It’s not essential that you get everything you need all by yourself which is just as well or guild halls would still be just a pile of propped together sticks.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Jumping Puzzle Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

It is possible that players are looking for ports because they hate jumping puzzles. With that being said, I would urge Anet to drop jps from the daily rotation. Please go back to the at launch policy on jps where they are there for those who like to do them but aren’t required gameplay.

If they hate them, why have they gone to them? There are other dailies to do.
They are not required gameplay, plenty of other dailies to do.

I love them but if there’s someone porting when I get there, I’ll take the port then do other stuff with that time I’ve saved. I actually like them being in rotation, nice reminder of things I probably haven’t done in a couple of years.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

What's with these gem rates?...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

it’s been a nightmare to get that many as I have a busy real life. Even when I manage to get online, I usually just stay to chat with a few friends as I afk a lot or just do the dailies.

It seems like you don’t get actually do anything to get gold when you are online. That would be the start of your problem.

I don’t worry about what the rate is, there isn’t anything I can do to influence it. I can either do something in-game that makes me more gold per hour and play more hours or just save up a bit longer for something. Or you know, I can look at what I need gems for and 99% of the time, you don’t need that item anyway. Yet another glider skin? Yet another outfit?

If I really did need that glider skin and hadn’t played long enough or hard enough and maybe it was a limited time offer.. I’d just buy it with real money. YMMV.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Need help with lvl 80 world map content

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

The trek to Cursed Shore is pretty long across some fairly hostile maps. Once you are there (if your goal was temple armour), there’s a further journey to the temples and then the group event to open the temple has to take place or to have taken place. You can certainly solo there but I’d take some speed boost and stealth if you can and make sure you know where the WP’s are so you make sure you hit them. I don’t think there are timers for the temple events, might be wrong. You will need to hang around if they aren’t open and if you want to help open them you will need a group.

Southsun is full of karka. If you plan on soloing round then I’d advise going when the Karka Queen event is on. More chance of surviving if there are other people around. It is easy to get to, there’s an asura gate in Lion’s Arch.

Ugh Dry Top. You can go there if you want. I don’t. Maybe it’s fun.

Silverwastes is incredibly popular as a farming map. There are tons of guides on how to do it “properly” or you can just run round the outposts having inefficient fun, hacking mordrem to bits. Be aware that’s it a series of events so you don’t miss out on anything, use the LFG tool to find a populated map until you get the hang of it. Again, more people should mean less deaths for you, more deaths for mobs.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

A Man walks into a Bar ........

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Taxi’s are not the solution – Taxi maps only tend to be advertised towards the end of the meta cycle and so fill very quickly and it’s pot luck as to whether you get ‘map full’ or not.

This just isn’t true. Taxis are started as soon as people start arriving for the meta. Unfortunately the LFG isn’t geared up for taxis and will allow you advertise an event that is already full. But such is life. Your option is to get there earlier or start a new map with new people and your own taxis. If you don’t have a commander tag, get one, they are player magnets.

When maps are advertised earlier and you join X in whatever map it is, most of the time I find that the squad I have joined is spread out over god knows how many map instances and as there is no way of identifying who is in what map, more frustration ensues.

Also not true. Most people will be one instance. You either join them or you are in a different one. The aim is to get into that one instance with those guys. You have no idea who is spread out where, you just know they are not on your map. So. Find the commander tag, right click on them and join them and only them. That’s the trick. Join the commander. Chances are ALL the other people are already there and the map is full. You should have gotten there earlier like they did. Chances are if you can get in the commander map all the other squad members will be there. Some might not be. If the world is full they’ll drop off the squad once they give up trying to get in or the commander will kick them once they get confirmation the world is full.

A combined total of over 40,000 views and nearly 1,000 replies and ALL of them are indirectly related to the fact that Megaservers are not working and need fixing as a matter of absolute priority.

So that’s 39000 views where people don’t think it’s an issue and of those 1,000 replies how many are saying it’s fine, doesn’t need fixing, use the taxi / lfg / get there earlier.

Also.. man walks into bar, finds it empty. Man is overjoyed because who wants to go to a “popular” bar where you can’t order a drink? Mans friends come to join him when he invites them. Maybe he buys them a round to get the party started.

It’s Friday, mans friends go to bar. Man messes about at home, finally about 11 o’clock, after happy hour is over and after a great band has started to play or the best sports has come on the large TV, man decides to go out after all. Bouncers say the pub is full and due to health and safety, fire regulations etc. it’s one in, one out. “But my friends are in there!!” says the man. “Your friends are welcome to come out and go with you to a different bar” say the bouncers. But they don’t because they’ve enjoyed cheap drinks during happy hour and have good seats watching the band / football etc.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

A Man walks into a Bar ........

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

The solution is fairly simple
All they need to do is
The server simply
simple handshake

Clearly it isn’t any of those things or it would have been implemented already.
It isn’t possible for the server to look at every player and drop them in a full map. Because it’s already full. If you end up in a less than full map or not the one you wanted, taxi in using the LFG tool. If the one you want to get into is already full you need to learn to get there a bit earlier or stay on the map the megaserver drops you on because chances are it’s also going to drop a load more players onto your map as all their taxis fail too. Ergo you will end up on a full map no matter what you do, just not the one you were originally trying to get into.

You can also keep trying to get in. I’ve got into many maps that claimed the world was full by ignoring the message and continuing to try to join that map. At some point there isn’t any point in keep trying as the event will be underway and you’ll miss out on too much of it but until it actually starts, it’s worth trying a few times and if you can’t get on, start the event on the map you are actually on, put your own commander tag up if you have one and start your own taxis. If you don’t have a commander tag, consider getting one, it almost guarantees people will join your event.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

What has gw2 learned?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Legendaries postponed indefinetely, knowing that those were promised as part of HoT and some players are striving for this particular part of game.

Anet know their own metrics, I suspect not enough people are interested to justify the cost of producing them. Same reason you stopped needing wvw for gift of exploration.

Raids and exclusivity of legendary armor only to them is hit in the guts for some players, and that is only 1st collection as we don’t know what will be next.

Raids aren’t exclusive. There are many clearing/training guilds you could join and if you really wanted legendary armour you’d already be doing this with a guild or guilds.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Auric Basin Loot "Exploit" [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

On the one hand you have anet’s design team, the balance team, the testing team.
On the other hand you have a couple of people on the forums who think it can’t possibly be meant to work like this.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I know my problem is a personal L2P issue.

Which is why I’d say watch a video.
Don’t say “i can’t watch videos because…”
“I don’t learn that way..”
Just watch a video.
Dulfy has videos of her solo running round all the HoT maps. You don’t need to see her hands, just her routes. You’ll also get an idea of what to skip and what to fight. Don’t watch it and expect to remember it, the maps can be done in chunks – often top left, middle left, bottom left and then the same on the right. Watch the video, do the route, open the map up, get the HPs and MPs, poi’s and vistas and WPs. You haven’t had to L2P at any point here.

For things like raids.. yeah that can be confusing, powers going off everywhere, auras, you’ve no idea what food is keeping people alive where you’d die. It gives you an idea of what to do, it doesn’t play for you but it doesn’t need to. You get the gist of something and you can then try it out. So if you need to dodge, dodge, fire on a raid boss.. go practice that on a frog. Get your keys sorted. Then go do the high stakes content. For PvE however you are over-egging it. You can run past most things solo and if you need to take down something you can’t do solo, well that’s what other players are for. Fighting in a group will help you for when you want or need to solo it later.

My main issues are not knowing the tells for the big attacks and not having movement and combat down.

I feel you. I can move and shoot and dodge the attacks but often I just stand still and shoot and invariably will mistime my rooted attack so that I’m stood in the giant unmissable, easily dodgeable orange semicircle. And it doesn’t kill you and ruin your game. Once you realise it’s not the end of the world to get run over by a mordrem dinosaur guy or flattened by a hammer wielding mordrem.. you will get blase about it. Not something to encourage if you want to pvp but you know.. pve.. you don’t have to get good, just survive to repeat your mistakes another day.

I am better than when I first started playing GW2. I’m actually better at keeping an eye on my health than I was when I started.

I can’t believe how bad I was when I started.. especially in dungeons because I’m very much a walk into combat and press 1 type of person and the game doesn’t encourage that in melee without good gear which I definitely didn’t have. I think not only did I get better but so did other people. Speed clearing dungeons is proof of that.

My main issue in combat oriented games is suddenly dying because I didn’t heal myself because I didn’t realize I was almost dead. Hence the clerics gear set up at the beginning. I now die for reasons other than not knowing I was almost dead.

I’d still suggest going berserker because your dps is so high, chances are that the mob is dead quicker and a dead mob isn’t doing you any damage unless it has a dot. If you go something tanky then you can stand there for ten minutes hitting the mob and every time you wave your sword or focus or whatever is a chance the mob gets a lucky crit in and kills you. The only good mob is a dead mob. Plus it does wonders for your self-confidence knowing you can play at that level.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

What has gw2 learned?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Double the gemstore sales, playable quaggans means quaggan racial outfits. Quaggan in a tux as city clothes would be mega cute. Maybe surfboards to get around.. fish based backpacks, “I can swim faster than a dolphin!”, underwater dance emotes. And the ultimate farmable item.. unlimited tonics to turn your quaggan into a human/norn/charr/sylvari/cat/ogre/ etc etc..

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

A Man walks into a Bar ........

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Lol – Are you seriously trying to say that Anet is incapable of re-writing a complex algorithm in 6+ months?

They have not said that re-coding is complicated, what they have said is

You were the one who said it was down to rewriting an algorithm.

Taxi’ing to events is not a fine player led solution, it is last resort fix devised by players to overcome a system that is not fit for purpose

Well it’s up to you. You can take the awesome taxi to the event (that you probably couldn’t be bothered getting to early) or you can see it as a system that isn’t fit for purpose. When in fact it’s fitting its purpose exactly.. getting players onto a specific map to do an event.

No. And you know why? Because Dragons Stand isn’t dead. You (not you personally obviously) may end up on a dead map. Solution.. taxi. Or you know, get there early.. but we’ll go with taxi.

I’ve posted a few times in that thread. The game is perfectly playable solo except for the bits that aren’t mean to be played solo. Which can be whatever your definition is for you but might not be the same for me. I’ve taken all my 9 80s round VB and am cycling them through AB then TD then DS. They’re all glass, I’ve enjoyed doing it on every one of them, using zergs for defence and fun and joining people doing HP’s. If you (again not you personally) can’t navigate the maps or kill the mobs then you’re doing it wrong. Really.

Pretty much a player problem this.
It goes “I tried to turn up a minute or two before the incredibly popular meta started and can’t get in”
Player problem. Get there early.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

What has gw2 learned?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Anet are the only people who know what their success criteria is. It’s probably box sales with an expected uptick in gemstore sales. But for all I know they have millions in the bank and their success criteria is how many times Tequatl gets killed at a weekend. Or how many badges of honor are spent a month.

Before HoT it was a barren content wasteland? LS1, LS2, Karka, Scarlet.. barren you say. And we have no metrics about active players or gemstore purchases. There’s probably way more casuals paying with real money for gemstore items at weekends than veterans as vets can use in-game currency conversion if they want gems. That’s certainly how I do it.

F2P will work fine on the next xpac too. New stuff always brings new people. Like milkshake to a yard. And the next xpac will hopefully see old and new F2P triallers convert. I certainly advise people to as soon as they realise they actually love the game. There’s so much more in the boxed version that it’s worth converting from F2P.

And it’s $40-$50 depending on deals. That isn’t a lot of money to get all excited or upset over. If you have it and love the game, convert. I suspect a lot of people wont but it’s not because of HoT, it’s because they play casually. Probably play a few things casually. Gets expensive buying them all. With the right xpac tho… who knows, playable Quaggans or Tengu could see millions of boxes shifted.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

A Man walks into a Bar ........

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Lol – Are you seriously trying to say that Anet is incapable of re-writing a complex algorithm in 6+ months?

Anet have said it’s complicated. Players saying “lol I bet it’s not that hard” is pointless, we don’t have access to their resources or code.

Creating multiple maps with a max capacity of 4 or 5 people, because 50 of their friends may or may not joint them is an utterly ludicrous approach.

Well it has worked fine for years. Taxi’ing to events is a fine, player-led solution. And you know we should be more grateful to all those people who shelled out hundreds of gold for their commander tags, who take the time to learn the events and organise the map they are in, who set up taxis so that others (including a lot of really lazy people who can’t just turn up on time to something) can do the events. Or, alternatively, this is an utterly ludicrous setup that clearly never works for anyone.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

I need a recommendation :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Depends what you like doing but if your focus was going to be on HoT I’d suggest boosting a necro and then turning it into a reaper. So very faceroll melty fun.

Or guardian turned into a dragonhunter so you can get some range from the bow if you aren’t big on full on melee 24/7.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

boost to 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Necro is awesome at 80 turned into a Reaper
Mesmer is awesome at 80 turned into a Chronomancer or left as a mesmer
Guardian is awesome at 80 as a Dragonhunter or a Guardian

If you are mostly solo PvE, I’d actually level a warrior with the boost. Incredibly dull to level but awesome once you’re geared out properly with banners and some decent traits.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Pact Crowbars

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I have probably 150 sat in a shared inventory slot after moving them off individual toons. As all 9 of my 80s have map completion in VB, it’s pretty easy to end up with an excess.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

it seems to me, that most of those, who like hot, dont like core tyria
why did you slug through gameplay, that you hate?
according to you, they didnt have any challenging end game, so what was the point?

When the game came out there was only core Tyria. Over the next three years people played it, completed it and then did it all over again because that’s all there was.
Now there’s something different and new and people are saying they prefer it to the old, now boring maps and content. That doesn’t mean they hated it back then, just that when comparing the two things, the new maps and new content are better.

There wasn’t any challenging end game. Still isn’t. There was Orr and farming for gold and karma. Now there’s 4 new meta’s to farm plus Silverwastes. Asking what’s the point of anything in an MMO is missing the point of games. They’re meant to be fun, not have a point.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Life After Mastery - Return of Spirit Shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

That response wasn’t smart butt.
It was a simple statement of facts.

If you aren’t enjoying the game and there’s a video or a wiki or a fellow player who can help you enjoy it more then it’s your choice to be miserable.

Personally I found spending five minutes watching someone do that thing I am stuck on saved me hours of trying and failing to figure it out for myself. Seeing it done, and often done well, saves me frustration.

But it’s not how everyone chooses to play.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I’d actually argue against Metabattle – it has specialized, high-end builds that require you to know how to use them, most of them oriented to Instanced Group Play (How can I support my team of 4-9 others?), PvP (How can I kill other players while taking and holding points?), or WvW (Again – Killing players)

Not sure what you’re arguing against, you’re just listing types of specialised gameplay, metabattle excels at providing builds for that. Obviously you wouldn’t pick the ones you just mentioned if you wanted to PvE.

It’s better to start with a build you can tweak than from scratch if you really don’t know what you’re doing. I usually grab a Fractal or Raid build for PvE as general dungeon builds were always good for general PvE.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Life After Mastery - Return of Spirit Shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

We really are in an entitled era it seems.

Its not about entitlement, its about still having a feeling of progression even if its a false one.

That seems entirely pointless, you’re just lying to yourself.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

My experience is the opposite of yours. No-one playing? What timezone/map are you referring to when you say this.
Also you’re aware that megaserver can drop you in empty maps and you can just use the LFG tool to get to a more populated map most of the time, right?

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

You know you can just run past them, right?

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

What has gw2 learned?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I’m fascinated by what time you play that nobody is doing an AB run.
Seems to me that such a timezone should be targeted by one of the big, global guilds.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

It’s interesting that several of the “too difficult” threads answer the problem by suggesting that players ally with large groups in order to do the content successfully. That’s really not the answer

erm.. it’s totally the answer.
Solo until you can’t then get help.
As everyone has different solo success it works by being an on-demand method of getting the help YOU need when YOU need it.

As to fun.. well that’s subjective but if you’re making it more difficult for yourself by not getting the help you need when you need it.. you’re just making it less fun for yourself.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

What has gw2 learned?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I play a game on my own schedule

And how is that working out for you?
If you want to create an excuse then that’s up to you. I guarantee you could, in the timeslot you have, be doing DS if you use the tools provided. Timer and LFG, job done.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

The problem is a video won’t show the why of the failure.

I believe videos are the way to go here. You don’t have to make your own, just watch someone else’s. I’m too old to let myself be frustrated because I didn’t see someone else doing it first to get an idea of what I’m meant to do. This has saved me from several of the “adventures”, I took one look at someone doing them and was like.. naaah.. I’m not even going to bother attempting to do that.

Some of us are just not that good at the game. I look at builds and the rotations just go right over my head.

This is true. For various reasons. But what are rotations? My toons have that gathering tool that spins you around whilst gathering.. those? I jest.. I jest..
Get on metabattle and get a build. Then we can talk. Ready? Press 1. Sometimes 2. Often not 4. Because it’s PvE, walking into range, killing mob, aggroing the next mob and turning around and running away are all the rotation you need.

I can’t get movement and combat at the same time down, so there goes kiting if I’m alone.

My wife can just about move and steer – movement controls and mouse. I haven’t tried to get her to shoot anything yet. She is currently parked in Rata Sum at a bank and last time I stood over her to get her to move from one side of the room to the other, she laughed hysterically for about five minutes. I have no idea why, moving isn’t that funny. She then spent five minutes seeing how far away from her pet and mini she could get before they’d follow her. What can I say.. I didn’t marry her for her gaming skills.
Most mobs can be shot stationary from range. Most mobs can be chopped to bits stationary. They’re not that smrt. Alternatively the other take away from this is stop doing it alone. Or if you have to do it alone AND can’t walk and move, play a ranger and let your pet tank.

I could very likely L2P may way out of my issues. But the frustration that it would cause would remove all of the fun from the game for me

You 100% could. Some of them anyway. I play with arrow keys on my left hand, mouse for pointing with and firing in my right. If you can’t do this or anything resembling this kind of movement and have to essentially walk OR fire because of a really good reason (you only have one hand for instance) then I don’t think you can really learn from anything I could show you, you need specialist devices. Otherwise learning to run and gun is something you can learn and should learn for any game, not just this one. Some stuff you can’t learn imho but movement and firing is just keybinding and practice as long as you have functional limbs. Practice outside of HoT first. Don’t learn to fight in HoT cos smokescales, frogs, arrowheads, raptors.. they’ll all kill you whilst you’re learning.

I haven’t really played much in HoT maps so I can’t really say if they are too hard. My frustration level required for me to rage quit is not that high.

They are and they aren’t. If you can jump and move, you can glide. If you can run and gun, you can either shoot stuff or run past stuff. If you can figure out the basics of the new maps then they’re a lot of fun. Watch videos of each map. Watch them in chunks because the maps can be done in sections. Don’t have to memorise a 40 minute run. But those 40 minute runs… they’re being done by kids with glass cannon builds, you don’t have to fight your way round the map unless you want to.

Find a zerg. You don’t have to join the squad or party or even talk to anyone. Soloing with people is an excellent way to add some defence to your playtime and will give you loot and event completion rewards that you wouldn’t have got otherwise. Look for people in LFG to see where the zerg is. Once on a map, look in chat for people doing something you want to do, hero and mastery points are always best done in groups, even when marked as solo.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

(edited by General Health.9678)

What has gw2 learned?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I am with you on this, especially point 2 and 4, whenever i hop into a dragon stand it is 20 or 30 mins waiting, totally dead map. 2 hours meta event + 30 mins waiting, i wonder how a normal adult with a job and a family able to spare so much time to play.

Is this also how you watch TV? Sit in front of it for 20 or 30 minutes waiting for your favourite program to come on then sit in front of it with the “channel off air” message for two hours?
No? Well you’re doing DS wrong. Use the LFG tool and look at a timersite to find out when is the best time to be on this map if you want to do the meta. I randomly checked LFG when I toon hopped last night, ran mid for the first time, got a bunch of mastery points, poi’s and vistas and we successfully finished off the dragon in under an hour.

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Gold farming?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

You won’t get gold nodes in any of those places.

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L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

To add to that, I did VB with limited gliding. Finding your way around can be hard going, you learn the map as you go. You can glide to here, bounce from here, this chopper leads to this boss, the jumping puzzle is up that away, the hero points and mastery points are waaaay over there in the middle near the bottom.

And then I have done VB with unlimited gliding. And a total game changer. I glide from completely different places now to get to say Doomteeth, or Patriarch during the day. A whole new experience due to mastery progression.

Plus it has meant I actually played the maps, did the events. I didn’t just run through to get the MPs and claim I’d won the game. I actually did the content, lots and lots of it. When I didn’t want to do any more, more gliding was the goal that encouraged me to do a bit more each time I was there.

You are right however that it’s not the difficulty that needs nerfing. You could take all the mobs out of HoT, VB would still be hard. That might be a case of tough because it is what it is. Watch the videos of people soloing their way round it and follow what they do. Do it once, never have to do it again.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

still one of the most unpopular maps

incredibly popular farming maps.

nerf the rewards, and you would see how popular they really are

I think we’ve seen how really popular they are. You said they were unpopular so are you now disagreeing with yourself?

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Quality of life please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

What about people who use crafting to level up?
You wouldn’t be able to do that more than once per profession under this proposal.

No idea why you have “useless characters”, get a metabattle build and play them or park them at node farms and don’t play them.

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NCsoft's Earnings Report 1Q16

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I love HoT but if they released a bunch of maps to open up core Tyria further I’d be all over those as well. I know everyone would love a new race, if you could play a whole map as a Quaggan or Tengu, people would buy that in a heartbeat.
Keep existing currencies, stop inventing more, help stabilise some parts of the market.
Use GW1 lore, don’t need to spend resources thinking up new stuff.
I could see us getting a new continent that would keep everyone happy for the usual amount of time – about a week for the first wave of people through to 12 months for the average player.

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Stuck on World Completion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Contested waypoints still count, there was that one in LA that was contested forever, didn’t stop people getting map complete in LA.

WP is above ground.

Don’t remember that one being contested, maybe try swapping maps. Log out to the character select screen and choose to guest on a different world. Because of megaservers you may just end up on the same map.. but it’s worth a couple of tries.

Suspect, however, that if you’re stood on it that it’s not this WP that you’re missing.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

New TTS Trend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

You could say the same about any event map they advertised on then.
TTS advertised when the defend Arah event was on.
You might see it more in HoT maps because the meta happens on a shorter timer than Arah.
I’d imagine they are only advertising because they don’t have enough members online at that given time, nobody is going to promote an already full event after all.
If everyone is in HoT maps then you’d pretty much have to advertise your event in those maps to get players as core Tyria is empty. Plus it’s a guaranteed way to get level 80s and also a high chance they’ll be pretty good/well geared 80s.

If I was planning on doing TT and was involved in the meta for a bit on another map, I’d always have been planning on leaving, maybe I’d leave a bit earlier if reminded.

One solution might be to go do the TTS event then return to the meta in HoT, that’s probably what all the other players do.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
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New TTS Trend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Not sure what you mean but advertising “TTS is running a….” <insert event here> in maps is surely done when that event is on. They can’t make Triple Trouble wait just because Tarir is under attack.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I am an experienced casual player. 13K APs, 950 WVW rank, Closer to the Stars, done dungeons, raids, crafted ascended gear etc, etc.

Anyone with a list of achievements isn’t casual.

I personally find HOT uninviting as a solo PVE player

What does being a solo PVE player have to do with anything?

I find myself now checking in, hitting the daily and getting out.

This is something you’ve always been able to do. Sounds like you are tired of GW2 as a whole, not HoT.

I really don’t know why people log in for the dailies. I have a massive Steam library, I can’t imagine logging into all my games, doing something, logging out and then writing up my lack of achievement on all those games forums.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

(edited by General Health.9678)

It's May 15th 2016

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

TA A is run all the time now because you get a guaranteed weapon drop from it.

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Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

You’d be better off selling whilst the price is high then buying when the bubble bursts for lower. Hoarding doesn’t make you any money.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
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L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Play in Orr. The difficulty jumped when you reached that map. you also saw it in Silverwastes. There was a progression from a map like Queensdale to a map like Tangled Depths. It just wasn’t a forced, linear path.

Yeah Orr at launch was hell. It made HoT look like a walk in the park. The silverwastes was hard the first time you walked in there. Not too bad, but a nice little challenge.

and how did that work out?
they had to nerf it twice, and its still one of the most unpopular maps

You’re just trolling yourself now, Cursed Shore and Silverwastes are incredibly popular farming maps.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

There are books on parenting, DJ’ing, DIY, car maintenance. They are there to make your life easier. You can give birth without one, people have been giving birth long before we figured out how to write. You can bet I bought a bunch of them when I had my kids tho.

You say you’d rather do anything than watch a video. I understand that. They help. Don’t want the help, don’t complain. I am not aiming this at you by any means but kids live on twitch and youtube. Look at how many watched *woodenpotatoes or angry jim or nike for commentary and matches. Players DO know about videos and online help, the last couple of generations are digital natives and if you’re older than that then you’re the parent or uncle of one so there are no excuses for not knowing about online help.

*I have no idea who those people are, I’m semi-guessing those were their names from all the threads that mention watching them (people complaining watch videos)

We should NOT be catering to people who are so casual they essentially don’t play the game.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Watching a video to learn a raid is one thing. Watching a video to walk around…I never needed to do that in Guild Wars 2.

No it’s the same thing. You can’t do something, you watch a video. Doesn’t matter what it is you can’t do. There is no “well that is harder than this other thing”. It’s something you can’t do and there’s a video you can watch.

GW2 would be a much more boring place if the map designs hadn’t gone and done something different. It’s harder than core Tyria but it’s not that hard. I’m in the process of taking all my toons through HoT, they’ve all done VB, that feels really familiar now, half are done with AB, I probably don’t need to watch the video again when I take the next one round. Quarter are done with TD, I will probably watch the video guide again for the next one just to be more efficient with the next run. TD I’ve not mapped yet, just followed zergs.

I’m watching videos because I didn’t know the zones to start off with and I’m taking 9 zerk toons (one of each profession) round. As they get glassier.. I need to remind myself what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. Until the point I know enough.

This is the same with dungeons, raids, a new class, pvp, wvw.. anything new.

Same with builds. “I don’t know how to make this rev”.. there’s a build site. You can’t claim “I never needed a build site in GW2”.. because it’s just a tool.. use it or don’t.

There are guides to chef, weaponsmith etc. They didn’t exist when I started and I still managed to max them all out. Didn’t “need” them. Don’t “need” the HoT videos either. It’s not about need, it’s about using the tools that are there. The level 10 key farm? You can bet I referred back to that guide every time. Was never about “need”, was about making my playing experience better for me.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

(edited by General Health.9678)

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Might be misremembering but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen videos (probably Dulfy.. but if not then just YouTube Tangled Depths) of TD being done in a single run in about 40 minutes.
The path through a maze isn’t that difficult when you’ve got a video guide.

It’s not really about completing the map though. It’s about when you’re in one place and someone says there’s an event up, and even though you can clearly see the commander tag, you can’t figure out how to get to it.

The map is in sections. If there’s an event going on, it’s happening in or around a waypoint. Rata Novus events take place in Rata Novus for instance. Once you’ve followed the video and opened the map it’s simple to get to the waypoint where the event is happening.

And the same thing can be said in core Tyria maps. I’ve been on many an Orr map, especially now people have insta-80s and they ask how to get to Grenth. In Silverwastes and Dry Top people are always asking how to get somewhere.

Familiarity plays a large part in getting round any map. HoT maps require a bit more work but in my opinion that’s what the videos are for, they’re a tool players can use to help themselves out.

If they can’t be bothered and I’m only partly judging people who don’t want to help themselves then when the shout goes up that the Skelk is up, ask in mapchat, “how do I get to that” and someone will say “Great Tree, go down and round” or whatever. If you can’t watch a video and can’t follow the in-map instructions then HoT isn’t the only place you’re having trouble with.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Might be misremembering but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen videos (probably Dulfy.. but if not then just YouTube Tangled Depths) of TD being done in a single run in about 40 minutes.
The path through a maze isn’t that difficult when you’ve got a video guide.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Suggestion - Rich Plant & Wood Nodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Leather nodes are what we really need. Rich or otherwise.

The Wealthy Centaur Enclave.
Could even be an event that drops more than the average amount of leather.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

DirectX 11/12 request [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Dev: It can’t be done
Forum Person : pages and pages of how I feel I know better than you.


Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I have to group do I?
Who with?

Well some basic assumptions. You are playing during core time and we’re talking about HoT maps.

Ok so not all the HoT maps are the same. If you want DS you will find it on a timer with people running it at core times and not at others. Use a timer site and the LFG tool. Turn up a few minutes early, be prepared to hop maps. VB on the other hand is like SW, pretty much always groups running round it.

For the last week or so, I have been on dead map after dead map, taking rally points solo because there is nobody around or have players just run past me.

This can happen. You can change that. Use the LFG tool, follow those players to wherever they’re going (sounds like it’s somewhere better than where you are).

I have accepted that some content I will never do, due to lack of skill or the group content I have no interest in and mastery 75 is where i’ll stay for now.

Me too. There’s stuff I’m not that interested in. Raiding, “legendary” Legendary journeys. However I’ve never let a lack of skill stop me doing anything. May surprise you that people will group with you just to help you out. And after that they’re fine to go back to what they’re doing. I had a guy do Zephyr’s Ascent for me the other week and that’s horrible and really really out of anyone’s way at this stage. HoT content is prime so if you need MPs, ask in the new shiny LFG menu or mapchat or w/e.

Open world maps should be just that, open world.

Not sure why you think they aren’t.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Easy Central Tyria Mastery Points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

There’s online guides/suggestions on how to get the sw ones to spawn / where they spawn etc.
I’d use dulfy for the badges collections, great video guides, map etc.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

I hate HOT but want to enjoy it

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Is HOT a gear based zone?
How many people are playing in HOT with green gear or less and enjoying it?

Feels like a weird question. If you are level 80 and have got to HoT you should have rare or higher gear just from your story and doing world bosses. You should have some exotics from login rewards. You should have used your login laurels to buy ascended trinkets. If you got the level 80 boost you have a full set of level 80 exotics to use on a character.

I’d be surprised if anyone downgraded the gear they’d been given at this point to run round in greens. It’s possible to avoid most fights so you could run round HoT naked if you wanted but it’s slightly mad, any splash damage would ruin your progress round the maps.

However that doesn’t mean someone isn’t doing just that and actually enjoying the sneaky stealthing or frantic running or honing their dodging skills.

So never say never, tl;dr there may be someone doing this and loving it.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

DirectX 11/12 request [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

would you not say.

I would not.
1) giant wall of text
2) complete rubbish
3) see 1)

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

HoT Jungle frustrations...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Get more health?

With all those things then what you are saying doesn’t happen. That’s how it’s fun/exciting.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!