Showing Posts For General Health.9678:

Did HoT ruin GW2?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

The only reason people even went to Orr outside of map completion or Obi shards was because of Anet’s amazing ability to keep the player base poor which soon ended when people discovered that world bosses and CoF could make them more gold with less effort.

Well that’s very negative.
People went because the story took them there or because they wanted temple armour or they’d heard it was good teaming and good drops. Tons of positives. Whilst there you found it was hard to solo but the events lend themselves to the zerg. I used to drop in around level 60 with terrible gear and just level to 80 and get exotics. Still fun to do, still a decent population in Orr too, I go back to gather ori and ancient wood and truffles fairly regularly and still love joining in an Ooze/Giant/Mel zerg.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Leather farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I don’t need leather at the moment for anything I’m doing / making.
I don’t need ecto for the same reasons.
Or mystic coins or whatever.
These threads always come about when some guy says “I need this. I need it now. It’s hard to get. And pricey on the TP. I feel I must make a post”
Bit of a trope it seems.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

[Suggestion] Surface water should have skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Certainly a great hero of Tyria can do something while on the surface.

Dodge. Apparently. Which I didn’t know.
Would be a bigger deal if there were more places it happens. Could be made less of a big deal by moving the mobs around in Orr (the only place this has ever really bothered me) or fixing the lack of skills apart from dodge when on the surface.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Match me with players without HoT.

in PvP

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Just buy HoT?
Honestly there may be many reasons why you can’t / won’t but is that not an option?

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

[Suggestion] World Map Completion Accountwide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

No it wouldn’t be fine. Gifts of exploration are obtained from world completion and required for legendaries. If the world complete was character wide you couldn’t make more than 2 legendaries.

If it’s really boring, don’t do it.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Tangled Depths: Where is the Minotaur?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Wow, thanks so much for telling me that my concerns are not actually a problem and that I shouldn’t run stupidly while trying to avoid being killed. Very helpful.

I have offered to help in-game by taking you (or anyone) around this or other maps. I know a couple of other people in this thread also have that as a standing offer.

There isn’t the need for the hostility born of frustration, we will happily help you. You can (I did first few times) run blindly round into every single dead end and every vet until I finally hit champions I couldn’t run past. I quite enjoyed it however and I know that isn’t how many people want to play.

There is a really simple route from start to end of TD. It doesn’t get you to that hard to reach adventure or take you the sneaky way to that HP you need but it does get you through TD and opens up a huge chunk of the map in the process.

And really you shouldn’t run stupidly whilst trying to avoid getting killed as that doesn’t work in TD. gw2.mmorpglife maps were/are my absolute go-to alongside If those don’t work for you let one or more of us show you around. Can’t make you love TD but can take the pain out of it.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Why can't Non-HoT users Decorate their Halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Seems like you / anet should change the permissions based on whether someone owns hot or not, if they don’t then they should not be allowed to remove decorations.

Seems set up weird if this is how it works.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Tangled Depths: Where is the Minotaur?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

And you gave a vague answer about “run down the middle and turn left” or whatever. That isn’t exactly helpful in the huge maze of TD.

TD is a maze but there is a simple path from the entrance that runs right through it ignoring the rest of the maze to the bottom. Sure it’s lined with chak but we can all run faster than centaurs and chak aren’t that scary.

I didn’t feel a detailed description on the forums of how to navigate TD would be much use, there are videos and maps and mapchat to help with that. I’m also more than happy to help anyone round HoT maps (or anywhere else). I play on US servers at UK times.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Auric Bassin and LFG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

When you join a normal single map squad to do something you may join the wrong map and have to right click on someones name to join them in their map.

This is the same only there are many squads on many maps.
When you join, right click on someone to join let’s say Squad 2.
Now move your icon down to Squad 2.
You should see squad 1 – bunch of white icons
Your Squad – all green players
squad 3 – bunch of white icons

If squad 2 or map 2 sucks for any reason OR if it’s totally awesome and wins whatever it’s doing and you have no further use for it and want to be in squad 3s map, right click on someone in squad 3 and if everyone is playing by the same rules you will end up in map 3. Move your icon to squad 3.

There is often a rule about moving to a lobby (squad 1) when you’re done with your map before moving to a new map. Some people enforce it, some people don’t even have a lobby. So figure it out as you go along but please make sure you are in the squad that goes with that map. The clue will be if your squad is all green icons, you’re in that map with them.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Tangled Depths: Where is the Minotaur?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I love people who answer a post about how some players are having difficulty with a subject and the response is “it was easy for me”. Great for you. I’m not sure what your point is tho – the OP said it wasn’t easy for his friends, you calling him a liar? You saying there’s something wrong with his friends cause it was easy for you?

Whoa.. really? Everyone has the same option of turning left and running in a straight line at a marker. I’m not calling people out for hating TD, there are a lot of people who don’t like it. I’m just saying you can hang a left and run down the middle.. whether you come to that conclusion easily or the hard way or indeed never doesn’t change the fact that you can do this.

I happen to agree with the OP. I hate TD with a passion. Spend as little time there as possible. I’m glad it’s “easy” for some people. Maybe they enjoy a “tangled” path or maybe they think or see things differently than those of us having trouble. But its like people who enjoy / are good at math. People who don’t enjoy it or aren’t good at it aren’t inferior or have something wrong with them.

You aren’t alone in that sentiment but it’s a weird analogy. I hated maths at school until I got a good teacher then I passed the exam in it. I still don’t love math, I would be terrible figuring out fermats second to last therorem let along his actual last one but if someone said to me “look it’s complicated, just remember this formula and write down these things in order to pass your exam” I wouldn’t be all hostile and stuff..

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Limited Black Lion Key Pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

900 gems gets you the pack.
Pack is 10 keys and 2 scraps

5 keys are 450 gems so 10 keys would be 900 gems
So no cheaper for 10 keys but you get 2 scraps as a bonus.
As you need 10 scraps to make a ticket you’d need 8 of those 10 keys to drop a scrap.
Which not only isn’t good odds but not really something I want to wish for.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

IRL activities generating in-game rewards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

P.S. A bit off topic: I’m so unplugged from pop culture that I didn’t know Pokemon Go even existed until this thread… and it still doesn’t interest me, lol.

I’m slightly horrified by Pokemon Go Outdoors. There’s a world of danger out there that isn’t mitigated by walking around staring at the pavement through your phone. Gotta catch that pokemon in that moving traffic? Gotta catch that pokemon over by those big lads? Gotta catch that pokemon on that weird old guys private propery?

Needs to be a worried parent version – Pokemon Go Nowhere, Stay In Your Room.

Back on topic.. neverwinter had something I vaguely remember, you could do something on the main website that had something to do with the game? Like I say.. vague memories..

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

My experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I dont know if i’m just set in the typical mmo style, but i’m really tired of not feeling rewarded from leveling, gearing and Dungeons.

Well you’ve not got to level 80 yet so you haven’t fully been rewarded because you haven’t finished levelling.
80 gets you access to the old 80 areas (Cursed Shore), the 2 “other” areas (Dry Top, Silverwastes) and of course HoT. All those are (imo) much more fun than the lowbie areas. I wouldn’t rush there expecting to be fulfilled or anything, if you’re not enjoying GW2 then this is kinda more of the same.. but still.. I do find myself having a lot of fun at this level.

Gearing. Not something to worry about until you are 80 and then you pretty much just go exotic → ascended → legendary. There aren’t that many suggested pve builds if you want to play at the optimal meta level, you want a set of dps or condi gear. As you level you get a lot of terrible gear drop and honestly that shouldn’t bother you. Levelling is just something you do, your gear at that stage is just something you have rather than playing naked and punching stuff. Unless you’re a Norn in which case carry on. If you want to be a bit more optimal, check out the rare gear for your level but mostly you’ll outlevel it in a few hours so I would not worry until you are 80 about gear.

Dungeons. These to me are something you do at 80. When geared. And I’m not just saying this because it’s better to speed run everything and 80 exotic or higher beserker teams run things faster. In every game I’ve played, when I’ve tried dungeoning at the level for that dungeon.. it has been pretty terrible. Outlevelling and outclassing a dungeon however.. that’s where it becomes fun.

GW2 might not be for you. Aion wasn’t for me. I never logged into wow or rift for instance. We’re all different. I love levelling in GW2, I have one of everything and all crafting professions maxed. I love dungeons and fractals and HoT. It’s fine to hate all those things. I know I’m not alone in offering these services but if you are in-game at the same time as me I’d be more than happy to see if some of my joy can rub off on you by duoing or grouping with you for content or explanation. Just shout at me in-game and I’ll come play with you if I’m free.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Limited Black Lion Key Pack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I don’t see any such limitation on the in-game descriptions.
Also not seeing a real incentive to buy it, at 900 gems is what you’d pay for that number of keys but you now get 2 free ticket scraps. Meh. I’ll wait til they discount keys again

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Are Builds Broken?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

@ General Health Sorry, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. Instead of answering this guy’s question, you just confused him by spitting random opinions at him and avoiding his actual questions. I’d rather you didn’t respond to any future questions in the manner that you answered this one.

How do you know I confused him? That seems a bit weird.
And thanks for your advice but I’m going to choose not to take it. Hope that’s ok.

1. Yes, a lot of builds are broken – and by broken, I mean they just don’t work well enough to be viable. Builds that, logically, should be viable are not. This is coming from an experienced GW1 player that made builds of his own for years.

Coming from someone with tons of builds from many games over the years, the builds here might be sub-optimal when compared to the meta (so primarily power and condi) but they are still viable, you can make one and run a dungeon. You probably won’t be doing it solo or in any great time but I’ve done dungeons with pugs in green gear and we still beat the content.

There are plenty of people here making their own builds rather than getting the metabattle (or similar) build that you’re just insulting. Berserker is the optimal dps build for reasons but those other guys are just as good team mates no matter what they mixed and matched.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Are Builds Broken?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

So I’m just wondering are the build/skills broken?

No they aren’t.

When (and even before) GW2 came out, I remember the hype about how the skills are so varied, and traits are so different that you can play GW2 any way that you want.

And it turned out that wasn’t that great a thing. When evaluated, the 600 different permutations had 300 really bad one and several thousand people had rolled those, giving them not only just a sub-optimal experience but a really, really bad one.

However, you can’t play anyway that you want.
There are some builds that just don’t work. Some traits and skills that are, quite frankly pointless.

Under the new system there aren’t builds that “just don’t work”. If they didn’t work you wouldn’t be able to create them, log in as them and play the game on them. Have you got any examples of what you mean and in which game type?

There are even some players, where all I see is the metabuild running everywhere.

And? Not sure what your point is. Players using meta builds? Surely this is a good thing? Only some players but you see them everywhere? Are you talking about guildies?

unless you run the metabuild, you don’t seem to be able to keep up, to participate as much, and be as effective.

Keep up with whom? You may not do as much damage with a non-meta build or not heal as much but you should be able to keep up by pressing the forward button. Participation is on the 1 button and effectivenes.. well that’s the definition of the meta build. The most effective one. So this is a tautology.

That to me, sounds broken

Well no, to me you sound confused about what the meta is and why it is. I can log in with my meta build and play the game. It’s working.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Why not reuse old content during droughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

SAB had to be recoded if you watched the interviews, to support engine changes. That’s why it didn’t come back sooner.

I didn’t and I’m sure that’s the case. It shouldn’t be the dev team working on the core game doing this is all. It can be hard for a dev team to hand over to cmo/pmo and it’s only worth it if you plan on re-releasing old content. May be the case they’re not interested and SAB was a one-off but it would be a shame if that were the case.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

After level 80, whats next?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Getting to 80 really isn’t a goal, it’s just what happens whilst you’re doing everything else in the game.
First thing to do is to gear up, if you’re happy with the boosted gear then you can do the second thing which is.. whatever you want. Probably HoT for elite spec so start the HoT story.
Definitely agree with joining a guild, it can be bewildering otherwise.
If you’re doing HoT and on US servers at UK times I’d be happy to show you around. Other time zones are covered by other people, ask/look around.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Please explain auto-target logic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

It’s been like this since launch – Priority is given to the nearest Moa or other non hostile creature in a 3 map radius.

Minions of Jormag in front of me or that one moa behind a rock.. guess I’m killing that moa again..

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Sell me on a solo PvE/WvW profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

If you’re running HoT metas you can take what you want in which case if you want a mesmer, make one. Make 3 illusions, point them at a mob, explode them. Fun!
Plus some other stuff but mostly just splodey fun!

I’d add a vote for Reaper. Rise, Well of blindness, reaper form, chill out whilst the rest of the zerg catches up with you.

Find myself mostly playing my Guardian however. Berserker stats with a bow, ogre runes, speed boost, sigil of extra power and a couple of traps. And if all that isn’t enough you can switch to greatsword and chop things to bits. All very gratuitous.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Precursors -- Craft or Buy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

It’s annoying if you’re rushing.
If you’re making your legendary weapon in a legendary amount of time – so we’re talking a minimum of months to a year for most people – then the time gating isn’t an issue.
Most people talk about crafting a legendary in the space of a few days and get hung up on the cost of one of the mats. Let’s say leather. If you were making it over the course of a year you’d easily get the leather you needed in that time.
If 1280 gold is too much for you in one go then craft it over time, otherwise I’d just buy it and spend my time doing something else.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Tangled Depths: Where is the Minotaur?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Actually it took me a couple of minutes max to figure out something like Donari did. Your solutions will probably never be implemented (not saying they aren’t good suggestions) and given how simple the solution provided by Donari is, you can see why they wouldn’t be.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Not understanding whats going on in Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I’m a terrible tour guide but I will portal you up from the floor when you fall to your death after I accidentally forget you only have basic mastery and can’t make the glides like I can..

Also playing on US servers but at UK times if that helps.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Why not reuse old content during droughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Actual scripts need to be at the very least tested against the current engine and then may need to be tweaked (and thus tested again). Those development hours have to come from somewhere so to do something like that would mean that other development would suffer.

It shouldn’t. What you are talking about wouldn’t be done by the dev team. Change management, agile working, testing.. it’s a whole separate process. Actually completely irrelevant if anet don’t work this way but from a content re-use point of view it would be useful if they started working this way. Look at SAB, content can be reused. May not be what anet want, may not be how original content was coded, may just not be worth it to them but it shouldn’t hold up other content in development.

I’m totally in two minds. I am with you on the drought meaning I’m catching up on tons of stuff that I never got round to doing, I did a lot of LS2 achievements, feel like I’m making actual HoT progress with things like adventures and collections and I’m still managing to get in some dungeons and fractals and so on.

On the other hand IF standalone content like the festivals could be rolled out on a year round schedule so there was an Easter event, a Xmas event, a Summer event.. whatever.. then I’d be fine with that. Would give me a chance to catch up on things I’d started there and not finished. Or I could totally ignore the event and just carry on working on HoT collections.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Living world delayed because of raids?

in Living World

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Yes I understand we were told that, but considering the history of Arenanet not fully being honest, do you truly believe that?

So you just want to ignore what anet have said and come up with your own conspiracy theory? Have fun with that.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

What do you do for fun in game?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Currently working my way through the specialization weapons collections, just have 2 to go. Alongside that I’m almost done with plated/machined weapons, just a case of collecting more map currency. And when I’ve done that.. there’s some backpack collections things I want to do and so this weekend was mostly spent running AB, TD and DS metas with a brief foray into VB for flax farming and some events. The events are all so different that it’s fun to bounce between them, I don’t feel like I’ve just spent hours doing the same thing over and over even tho I actually have been doing just that..

I’ve not collected all the weapons/armour from every dungeon so that’s still on my radar, fractals remain fun, guild missions are a blast..

Yep.. still finding fun stuff to do.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

This is a joke right? maybe a bad troll?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

The plural of the first is ALSO “staff” in most uses, though "staffs"is applicable.

According to bigger pedants than I it should be staff and staffs just like team and teams.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

I just beat the story.....(spoilers!!)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

When we killed zhaitan it was fun and everyone celebrated.

Not my recollection of it at all..
I’d agree that the personal story was a bit abrupt if I wasn’t having so much fun with the rest of the expansion. Absolutely love the Dragon’s Stand meta.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

A fix for the huge mapping problem

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

A few thousand visits? Not really. A few metas will open up most of any map. If you want to explore outside that then head to dulfy and mmorpg life for maps and YouTube for videos on how to get around.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

"Our next destination may surprise you."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

They don’t seem desperate for cash. I’m still playing what i want, sorry if you aren’t, what are you not able to do?

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Do you ever feel guilty?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I sometimes start them with no intention of helping them.
A drake ate my friend
A large drake is attacking our camp
Sure.. You just run that way and I’ll go this opposite way..

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

2-3 months between LS3 Chapters

in Living World

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

if it’s every 2-3 months I wont keep up if there’s too much content. some of that repeat for mastery point stuff was quite intense.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Auric Basin Loot "Exploit" [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

The price of ecto continues to rise so the worth of my rares from any source, but in this case AB means my economy (rare/salvage/ecto/profit) is doing quite nicely.
To me it’s just a side effect of needing a bunch of aurillium for collection items but I’m not going to argue with being rewarded with cash whilst having fun obtaining my items. In a game where apparently everything is too hard why would you nerf the overtly fun bit..

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Mastery point madness

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I also want to add, its not even remotely fun to have to watch videos on another screen in order to know how to lvl up. Like.. why is that a thing? It should not be a thing.

Films release trailers, I often watch those to find out what the film might be like. In work I often do video courses on new software or features in existing software. Not making excuses for some adventures “needing” videos or how to get across a map “needing” a video because I don’t think they do. I’m happy to explore and find things out. If you’re not then the videos are there to help you, if you choose not to use them it’s like not using the forward key and arguing you should be able to get around with just the three other movement keys.
And why make this about videos? When I was studying at school we had coursebooks, why should I have to have those? Nothing remotely fun about reading about rivers and hills in a book! Or those Shakespeare in a nutshell type books, reading critical assessment of a play I have to write an essay on isn’t remotely fun.
Shakespeare should have written better!

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I would love drone race to be taken to the next level. However I fear it would become a cross with ley line run or sanctum run or fungus amongst us and involve bouncing your vehicle from branch to branch with each jump taking place over a massive canyon where you’d fall to your death constantly.
Or at least I’d fall to my death constantly.. however a version of carmageddon or a more interesting scalextric style track racer would work for me.
Sometimes if I’m near an adventure I’ll head over and do it but it’s pretty unusual you are just passing one or that there’s not a bunch of mobs there as well.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Elite Specialization cost too high

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Now that HoT zones are for the most part empty outside of primetime hours

What hours do you consider primetime? Also are you aware that there are timers so you can see when the meta is on? It’s easy to get to a map late and end up in an empty version of it whilst there are 200 people mowing down Mordrem in a different instance to you.
Have a look at for a handy HoT timer and try to turn up a bit early for the start of a meta. Ten minutes is not unreasonable.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Elite Specialization cost too high

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

force people into tedious content.

And there we have it.
You just don’t want to do something for that reward. This is fair enough, there’s plenty of things I don’t want to do like the legendary quests. I don’t expect to get a legendary at the end of not doing it however.
If you just don’t want to walk up to something and commune at it, just say. I can see how that would be tedious to some and if they gave us hearts to feed some cows at or some turnips to dig up, that would be much better content.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Election year should have election storylines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

It’s referendum time in the UK, the question being asked is whether to #remain in the EU or #leave the EU. I can’t really see a storyline where the humans think about leaving the Pact just because a major political event is happening in one country.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Is GW2 dying? Just a question, no hate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

On both guild roster and WvW

Unless you joined a guild that plays specifically in your time zone, it could be dead a lot of the time because you play in a weird timezone to them. I have found this myself playing on US servers from the UK, I joined a guild because I was playing late night, when I switched to earlier I found I couldn’t play with them. Solution is to find a guild that IS on when you are.

If you only play wvw you are playing a subset of people anyway. Again I’ve found this when going to get badges of honour last time, if I got on too early I was alone, two or three people would turn up later and then shortly after that we’d be outnumbered.. I don’t think there is a solution to that apart from stop turning up at the wrong times. Best way to do that is find the guild that plays at your time or look at a server move to one that is popular in your timezone.

There is still the chance you won’t get a decent wvw population in your timezone because rng timezone.. but at the same time you may find a new guild helps a lot.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

[Suggestion] Adventure rewards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

This is just another “i need something” thread which provides a method that the OP has to get those things.
If you need more mystic coins, get them from the TP like everyone else or save up the free ones you get until you have enough.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Is GW2 dying? Just a question, no hate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

The lack of content is killing the game. The only content that has come since November are raids, a large percentage of the player base just don’t do them. And are getting mad that Anet seem to be moving away from the core design philosophy of ‘Play your way’.

I’m intrigued by how a lack of something can kill something else.
Like.. lack of oxygen – you’d suffocate
Lack of gravity – you’d drift to burn up in the atmosphere. Unless gravity creates that in which case you’d float off into space where lack of oxygen would kill you. Unless you imploded or exploded first. Or managed to survive all that and fell into a star. Or hit a rock.
Lack of food – starve to death.
Lack of water – dehydrate to death.
Lack of things to do – bored to death.
Lack of medical care – sick to death.

What kind of death are we talking here?

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

adventures need a nerf

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

They already nerfed them once. And I still can’t get gold on most of them.

The ones I couldn’t get silver in pre-nerf, I still can’t get silver on. Some I could get silver on I can now get gold – salvage pit, beetle feast (get someone to clear the way for you), drone race. Not all the nerfs were equal because the adventures aren’t equal.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

We hear reasons they can’t do things yet constantly see a steady stream of gem store items ready to go.

My local dairy farmer has a stream of milk yet it takes years to grow new cows.
Once you’ve got a mesh it’s a lot easier to throw some textures on it than it is to create something from scratch. If that mesh is popular – like the glider, you’re going to have one guy make ten designs for you. Getting a whole new outfit designed with all the relevant meetings and discussions.. takes longer. Getting a whole new legendary collection up and running takes longer still.

And in the meantime you want to make money and you have these ten glider skins some guy made for you last week.. of course they’re going to appear on the gem store.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

the word ‘but’ is a conjugation, and separating the statements joined by the word undermines the statement as a whole.

Well it’s not.. it’s a conjunction and I’m not sure why you’d want to undermine your whole statement but carry on.
You don’t understand why they can’t make more legendaries when they can clearly make more gemstore items?
One takes a long time, one doesn’t. One costs them lots of money and one makes them lots of money.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Difficulty in the Heart of Magumma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

No, if they introduce new mechanics to teach people how to play, in core, through LS3 or some other method.. the core player will just complain and the meta player will zerg and stack. So you’ll just annoy the core player.

“I had to learn to dodge in HoT” – I learned to dodge in core. If you didn’t, you learn to dodge in HoT. We’re not talking learning to fly a spaceship here or anything, just a few situational keypresses.

Is core too easy? For me, sure. For others HoT is too hard. Swings and roundabouts, we can co-exist without ruining each others game.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Elite Specialization cost too high

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Grind and farm points? What are you on about.. you literally walk up to most of them, commune and get 10 points for doing so.

Platformer? Again what are you talking about. Have you a) been in the hot maps or b) ever played a platformer?

As for “play as you want” – claiming experience and skill points is fine isn’t play as you want unless HoT also is. If you wanted 10 level 80s you were absolutely doing the same content over and over again.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Gem prices have doubled in price.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Gold/Gem conversions are very much important to Anet

And yet they’ve not changed anything. So it would seem not.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

You can’t take every single one of my statements out of context

I didn’t.. they’re all literally right next to each other in the same post you made.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Pride Capes to fight Injustice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

Nicely put EW.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: General Health.9678

General Health.9678

I refuse to believe that anyone actually believes this statement.


Sure a legendary does indeed require more effort than a gemstore skin to create…. there is no disputing that.

So which one is it..

…but saying the effort is much higher is an awfully generous statement.

I take it you have no idea how much work those two things take. One is months of putting together a concept, mocking up art, fixing clipping, deciding on the quest, the mats, the lore…
The other is reskinning an existing glider mesh.

Blame Abaddon, he loves your tears.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!