Not all community was succesfully kittenized
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
Not to mention the fact that the gem store exists to support the game and new content creation, but they completely abandoned the living story and large updates in favor of the expansion. So we’re basically paying for it twice.
They’ve managed to continue with gem store updates in spite of it though. <_<
because traps are so useful on the classes that have access to them, really looking forward.
It’s definitely not the Ranger, so I’m really hoping for the Thief. The idea of playing an ambushing sniper that lays traps around for people that get close is just beautiful.
If you think traps are useless on Ranger you’ve been doing it very, very wrong.
I never said they were useless. I just doubt the Druid is a trap specialization.
because traps are so useful on the classes that have access to them, really looking forward.
It’s definitely not the Ranger, so I’m really hoping for the Thief. The idea of playing an ambushing sniper that lays traps around for people that get close is just beautiful.
If you can swap in and out at will (like normal kits), this is probably worth taking, maybe even OP. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.
Sounds like they might be taking the suggestion I’ve made a bunch of times before, which would be to let you swap in and out of it at will, but give each attack elite-level recharges.
Which would be amazing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
I know many things so far have been rewarded retroactively as a progress for Vets, but can you not do this with Masteries system? Let everyone start from scratch.
Reason I say this is because everyone complains that they don’t have much to do and if many of us (including myself) get enough points to unlock all the Masteries we won’t get to experience the progression like someone who’s new would. Thanks.
Are you serious? You realize this would break all existing characters.
Even if it were just a small always-open bag embedded in the UI so you could click the items whenever, that’d still be awesome I think.
I’d really love it if we could get an optional “skill” bar upon which we could place several inventory items, and set custom keybinds to. That way you could keybind toys and foods and such for easy activation.
The inherent problem lies in the fact that you have to save it until you’re about to die. It gets no proactive usage, and by the time it even has a chance to see proper use, things are already pretty bad.
I think a solid way to solve this would be to give it a half-second or so activation, a duration of maybe 3-4 seconds, and give it an extremely small cooldown (like 15 seconds). Reduce the heal power proportionately as well, of course.
This would allow you to use it when you’re not just about to die, and still have a chance of it being off cooldown by the time you are. It leaves you to give real consideration as to how bad you need the heal now, and how likely you are to die before the cooldown is up.
As it is, using it if you’re not about to die is nothing more than a trap, and as such it may as well be passive.
That’s actually another nice idea. Make it function like a Signet and auto-trigger on lethal damage with a proportionately increased cooldown to match the increased heal, thus preventing the person from constantly and passively dodging death.
Like a 3x heal plus condition removal with a 45 second cooldown instead of 15.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
The excuse of “low priority” went out the window after the first year. It means at this point that new ideas perpetually supplant this one, which means that nothing will literally ever be done about it, unless something drastic changes.
I think that’s something we have to create ourselves. The only way something will ever be done is if players can force their hand with some sort of protests.
Like every Engineer showing up at a specific high-traffic place at a specific time and screwing around with grenades and flamethrowers, broadcasting it all over social media. Just as an example.
Anyone remember the Karka event in Lion’s Arch?
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
Oh God, did not even consider that. Thief with rifle means you can use Predator on one set, and dual Incinerator as the other. That would be AMAZING.
Ignoring disdain anyone might have for the instrument’s sound, it would still make an awesome looking weapon skin, right?
Personally, I’d go through the legendary crafting process just to get it as a hammer.
is this legit? afraid of clicking the link
Yeah…. What the hell is “”?
Is there any other convention in the near future where there will be GW2? Cuz i’m totally thinking of showing up with an hobosack on my back. And a commander tag. Green. (Seriously we need some more colors xD)
Easy costume, too. Show up with a potato sack filled with empty soda cans fastened to your back with rope, and tell everyone it’s Engineer cosplay.
If they say it looks stupid, tell them the replica Spinal Blades are hidden by the pack, and throw a can at them.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
Then all the more reason, so I can swing my righteous bass into the face of haters
Bonus if it makes sounds when it connects.
I understand people complaining about it not sounding like a real bass, but I don’t think it’s annoying.
The new bass guitar is the greatest thing ever conceived. So great in fact, that… well…
Can we get a new hammer skin matching the guitar? XD
I’d die happy if I could use that thing as a weapon as well. Especially on my engineer.
They did it with the permanent Airship Pass because;
A – It devalues the temporary pass, and-
B – The Airship is overpriced garbage, and wouldn’t sell remotely well without putting hardcore pressure on people.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
It is relevant. Racials are useless for a very good reason. Meaning any new ones would also have to be useless.
And adding new abilities that aren’t meant to actually be used would be a bit ridiculous.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
There’s no point.
Racials are deliberately garbage, and have no right to even be in the game at this point. They probably realize that, so they just don’t care about giving racials to Revenants. And they really shouldn’t.
What kind of mind even concocts the idea in the first place to waste resources adding something to the game that you don’t intend for anyone to actually use.
Those things are just pure, un-diluted insanity.
If I were to give them credit, my best guess is that they’re a relic from before they realized what a problem they would pose for balance. Rather than delete them, they left them in purely for flavor/RP while nerfing them down to functional uselessness.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
I don’t know. What should the “Break Bar” be called? I wonder…
Well, From what i’m reading on this topic, Your saying i should just reroll becuase theif aren’t getting better?
Thieves have gotten nerfed, sometimes quite heavily, in every patch since release.
If they’re too weak for you right now, don’t hold out. It’ll only continue downhill from here.
I nearly quit at one point because I got sick of being the dev team’s punching bag.
It isn’t even a question of viability at that point; it’s knowing that everyone literally is out to get you. Even the people who made the freakin’ game.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
I’m just returning from a haitus, and I gotta ask…does last refuge still self-kill thieves?
You know what I’m speaking of – the trait in Shadow Arts that procs blinding powder when your health reaches 25%. And when it comes unexpectedly, you’re stuck in self-inflicted reveal debuff because yay! Meant to CnD for stealth and got revealed instead.
Did they ever change this?
It’s there, and worse yet, they botched the real Blinding Powder to now insta-trigger reveal by not stopping you from auto-attacking when you activate it.
It’d be nice if acrobatics had a grandmaster trait.
The stability change might make the new one pretty crazy, if it gets a fair duration with 1 charge.
Pretty limited as to what is actually fun to play as well, what with half our utilities being basically passive.
Venoms are seriously just what should have been the Thief’s version of Signets, with passive attack applications tacked on.
And then a disproportionate number of traits are dedicated to both Venoms and Signets.
Hindsight and all that though, I guess.
You could also just play the game, and know how it works.
Who cares about the random knee-jerk fools who can’t be kitten d to read details and also happen to despise any possible notion of dedicated tanking?
Maybe next we should cater to koalas who, if they were capable of playing the game or communicating discontent, would be greatly offended by the game’s lack of koala representation.
I think an ideal way to handle it would be to have a smaller number of legends (like 4-5), with at least 8 skills per legend that can be chosen freely (1 heal, 1 elite, 6 utility).
So you basically swap between two utility builds.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
Neither of you are right.
No I’m pretty sure Bruno is right.
If it does work like that though then Revenants would have no real build options at all beyond weapon and legend. Your bar would literally just be weapon on the left and legend on the right. It defeats the entire point of having slotted skills.
Admittedly it would make Revs incredibly easy to balance in comparison to the other professions… maybe that could be why. :/
I think it does work that way, though it’d be inconceivably stupid.
Really? Taunt? What’s with you dev’s? Its not WoW, not L2, its game with unique experience, where we don’t need tank/healer/damage dealer trinity.
If I could downrate a post, this is where I would.
Curious if other professions might get a resource in the future. Would be cool.
Actually, there are skills you can use when stunned. Such as FT number 5. At that time, I really liked the EG/FT with rocket boots combo plus the kit refinement. So every time I armed one of those kits, an AoE condition cleanse, and either AoE damage, or heal.
(what was the original kit refinement effect for med kit? I forget. Anyone remember?)
I think it created a weak AoE burst of damage. 100% random and arbitrary because they just couldn’t think of what to do with it.
I think the Monkey King was just added as part of the last Chinese New Year, because the Monkey King is a figure in some piece of Chinese folklore.
Would it be too hard to activate the glider while hitting your jump button twice versus what’s been shown?
That is exactly how it works. You can see right in the video that it says “Press Space” to activate the glider.
They just added in the delay deliberately, so that you actually have to be falling to glide, and not just bunny hopping everywhere you go.
The F is necessary, because you can only use them with the proper Mastery.
Even ignoring what difficulty there may or may not be in working out the mechanics, it’d be illogical to need a trained skill to achieve something that seems automatic.
They talked a lot about all the stuff we already know about masteries, almost as just a kind of fluff to fill space in the video.
They did show off a lot of gliding, and spent like 10 minutes jumping on the same mushroom.
Some new stuff I caught in the video though;
gliding is performed by just pressing jump a second time any time you’re in the air. I think you press jump a third time to drop out of the glider.
You can activate and deactivate the glider freely mid-air, and the endurance seems to recover over time. So you don’t have to really worry about running out of endurance and falling straight to your death.
The separate “biomes” they mentioned, like the ground and canopy levels of the jungle, actually are distinct zones unfortunately. If you drop out of the canopy, you get an auto-death like pits in platformer games.
There are a bunch of different kinds of mushrooms activated by masteries, not just jumping ones. There’s ones for stuff like speed boosts and healing as well. Apparently you can use ones like the healing to run over and heal yourself in a fight, helping to pull the environment into combat more.
Big wind-up attacks from enemies you’re supposed to dodge place a big glowing marker on the ground that both makes it obvious the attack is coming, and shows you where it’ll hit.
Enemies can dodge sometimes, just like the player.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
I wasn’t suggesting that Initiative might go away. I was saying that I hope the mechanic that replaces Steal directly involves itself with Initiative. Possibly by allowing some way to recover it.
More likely though, it’ll probably just make you step away from an enemy in melee range, instead of toward them. Much like the Ranger pet, there’s too many traits related to Steal spread through all the trait trees.
Unless they plan to replace those traits and keep them organized in Trickery, which would be great.
I once made a D/D venom build which probably leveraged all stats from it about as well as any build can. Did reasonably well.
Lots of Might stacking, great combination of both direct and condition damage, and lots of self healing from Leeching Venoms. Ridiculous team support too from sharing super-buffed Venoms with everyone.
I ditched the build though mostly because Venoms are the dullest thing ever conceived, and I had one on literally every skill slot. Even Signets are more interesting and well designed.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
So based on the trailer, we know at least that it’s getting a rifle. So it’s very likely a Gunslinger. (This, I’ve read, was actually a class early in development but was later scrapped. Some concept art of it can be found)
I’m really excited about the rifle, but also very interested in potential improvements it can provide for P/P.
I’m also very interested in what the replacement to Steal might be. I’m hoping for some sort of active Initiative management to give that system a bit more depth.
Looking forward to more stuff like this on my Thief :P
P.S. – We need bigger pistol skins.
One thing I demand for the expansion:
make a sheet of how all skills / traits / sigils / runes (from all classes) are intended to work.
delete the scripts for all skills / traits / sigils / runes
fire the guy who wrote them in the first place
give the sheet for how things should work to someone who is competent
patch the new codetyvm.
It’s practically impossible for code to not be botched in some obscure way at first. The key is to fix it after, when you find out it’s broken.
ANet has never really been on the ball with that second step.
The Kodan medium chest armor for example? The color assignments are completely screwed, causing parts to not line up with each other (the straps flip color half way around the waist, for example).
Since release, I’ve reported that like three times. I’ve started at least one forum thread, I sent them an email, and I’ve even included screenshots in all of these.
I’m a 3D artist myself, and unless they have some seriously convoluted set-up it’s literally like a 10 minute job for one person to fix this, but they just don’t give a crap.
I went through a similar fiasco in GW1 in which one of the ranger jackets had a huge hole in the side. I reported it back in the beta, and I don’t think they ever did fix it.
Not code, I know. But the point is, they just don’t place a high priority on fixing stuff. And with how easily code can break, it becomes a serious issue in that area.
I am not at all worried about OP’s concern.
He’s right that there will be power creep (new weapons, traits), but there won’t be enough new content (we’ll be lucky to get 4 new maps) to invalidate old content, based on sheer numbers alone.
So anet will realize this and tweak downscaling or use living story to tweak DE’s and done.
Downscaling has been an issue since release, and they haven’t fixed it yet.
God. Yes.
There’s no justification for it to have been around for this long.
They want to add new skins for kits that don’t cover your back instead of simply disabling them, but if that means you never actually do anything about it then it’s not even a matter of handling it the way you want to or not. Doing SOMETHING is a hell of a lot more important than doing it exactly the way you want.
They haven’t even started working on their ideal fix yet.
If you don’t fix something because you want to do it in some perfect way, but the perfect way is so time consuming that you can’t be kittened to actually even do it, then that is just the most ridiculous kind of incompetence.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
This concerns me a bit as well, now that you mention it. Power Creep was one of the more significant problems in GW1, so they have a long-proven record of handling it poorly.
Some of the reworked profession primary attributes in particular inexplicably had the full-on God Mode switch flipped on them, making some professions blatantly stronger than others (some were so freakin’ strong they had to tack on a “PvE-only” restriction).
Hey there everyone. My name is Zumi and I main a Mesmer. I’ve been playing this game for a long time now, and aside from my Guardian that I leveled when the game first launched, I’ve spent 99.99% of my time playing nothing but my Mesmer.
With that said, I’ve had an itch for a long time to level an alt and mix things up a bit, and as of a few days ago, I FINALLY got around to it and I now have a level 80 Engineer! So, as someone who has been playing one class forever and never really played with an alt, here are my questions:
1. Holy cow this profession is confusing. I know the Mesmer like the back of my hand, but I feel like I’m trying to read a new language when I play this guy. Any advice on builds/activities to ease myself in so I can figure out what playstyle I like on the engineer?
2. What gear would you recommend for a new engi like myself? I bought a full rare set of Berserker and crafted a few exotics, but I’m thinking about making a set of Celestial, since Engi’s seem to benefit from every stat. Thoughts?
3. Bomb Kit – Everyone raves about this kit, but it seems so darn clunky to me. The long delay between skill use and it’s effect is annoying, and seems like it would make it useless in PvP/WvW (although I guess I could be convinced to use it in PvE).
4. Flamethrower – Now this seems like a fun kit. Is a juggernaut/flamethrower build viable in PvE?
5. For those of you with alts, what do you usually do once they hit 80? Just get them full exotic and then….do whatever you normally do on your main? It feels like a silly question, but I hit 80 on him the other day and thought to myself, “Sweet! Now what?”
Actually playing it up to 80 instead of boosting it straight up may have helped you XD
For the first time I’ve made the ultra babe. I just need to get her 3D printed.
Wait, is that a thing? Do you pay someone to recreate the model from scratch, or is there some way to access it in the game files?
You can already enter into a 1v1 PvP match with someone.
And you can enter the mists from anywhere.
Why would you want to bind dodge to a modifier key?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
That discusses the Steam Survey from 3 years ago. At the time only ~30% of users had 32-bit systems.
That’s the only link I could find to the survey from last year, but the 32-bit systems they actually list have dropped by well over half from 3 years ago.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
Like 2.5 years ago? I’ve seen statistics that say otherwise. The large majority of people have been on 64-bit for some time now.
I think right now the percent of people on 32-bit is in the single digits.
They were Steam surveys, I’m trying to find them.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
The reverse is true as well; plenty of times on my Thief I’ve shadow-stepped immediately after getting downed because I pressed Heartseeker a couple times immediately before going down.
So pressing Net Shot or something a few times in a row before getting downed might cause you to grapple someone.
As long as they’re melee, if you’re forcing them to carefully circle around all your mines (which you can run straight through), then you’re still getting a big advantage off them. Fighting in an open area doesn’t seem like it’d be that bad.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
Most people were already running 64-bit operating systems when the game came out. They probably have some reason to deliberately avoid it.
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