Why use Gliders if we have Waypoints in HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
Why use Gliders if we have Waypoints in HoT?
Because you’ve created your own preconception that they’re supposed to be a bizarre form of mount.
More likely they’re used to reach certain places when traveling, like gliding across a chasm or safely down a cliff. They’ve even said that there will be some sort of updrafts that you can use your glider on to reach higher places.
Anyone who’s old enough to’ve played the first couple Spyro games on the PS1 will probably have a fair idea of how it works.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
Basically, they do want to fix it, but no one actually is.
Lol, this thread is basically what I was kittening about earlier today. I read a few posts about people claiming with complete determination that each class was getting one specialization and no new weapons and I just thought to myself…these things were casually mentioned over at PAX? How on earth could anyone actually know without any official statements, oh right – they don’t.
I’ll wait until the official announcements, but I’m 100% certain I won’t be disappointed. Even if it is smaller than expected, they’re delivering what I’ve been asking for a year now.
Ironically, those two things you just mentioned are objective facts that were already stated by ANet themselves.
Where? It was casually mentioned at PAX and they’ve made no official announcements. You’re a bullkitten artist.
Kitten, my bad. I thought I was talking to a person.
Lol, this thread is basically what I was kittening about earlier today. I read a few posts about people claiming with complete determination that each class was getting one specialization and no new weapons and I just thought to myself…these things were casually mentioned over at PAX? How on earth could anyone actually know without any official statements, oh right – they don’t.
I’ll wait until the official announcements, but I’m 100% certain I won’t be disappointed. Even if it is smaller than expected, they’re delivering what I’ve been asking for a year now.
Ironically, those two things you just mentioned are objective facts that were already stated by ANet themselves.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Grimwolf.7163
The Revenant specialization might be more magic focused and very Ritualist-esque. Probably won’t get stationary spirits, since that’s the Ranger’s thing.
On that note though, the Druid could VERY easily have a stronger focus on spirits.
An Assassin specialization is also possible, and even likely, for the Thief at some point.
Dervish definitely won’t be a thing though, since the Revenant basically IS a Dervish, just with spirits instead of gods.
A Guardian is practically a Paragon already as well.
Something I always wanted in GW1 was an effective melee-focused Ritualist, and I was always trying to get that to work. So I’m VERY excited. I loved the hell out of the Dervish as well, so double win for me.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
This expansion is practically mandatory if one doesn’t want to feel left behind.
Said of every expansion that has ever existed.
Welcome to video games.
Basically, once you unlock the Druid (or any other specialization), you will have a whole new set of skills, traits and weapon(s?) available to you. You can go full bore Druid with all new stuff or you can mix and match. You will be able to play druid but put ranger skills in util slots or vice versa; putting druid util skills on your bar while you play ranger.
This will make for a TON of new build possibilities and should shake things up quit a bit. 8 new specializations (with full sets of new skills, traits and weapons), 1 new class + it’s specialization = 10 new “classes”(considering traits and skills, that’s the best way to describe it atm). That is a ton to balance into the game and there will definitely be some skills/ traits SUPER op at the start and some really lacking. Nerf/ balances should come quit frequently at first; to try to fix the issues.
So in a way, the new specializations are not only a whole new separate thing, but can just be an extension in the sense of getting all new skills available for each class to use.
Best example: Current beast master ranger with LB/ GS (full utils lined with spirits). Once he unlocks druid, he can switch out one of his spirits for a new druid skill on his bar; or go full Druid and place a spirit util on his bar.
Information is still a little vague and scattered, but from what I’ve read, this seems to me how it works;
Let’s take the Ranger as our example again.
When you switch to Druid, your class mechanic (IE; Pet) is replaced. It may just use the pet in a different way, you may not have a pet at all, who knows.
It also replaces the trait line associated with the mechanic (IE; Beastmastery).
It very likely also replaces the particular skill group most associated with the mechanic and trait line (in this case, Shouts).
The new weapon added also may or may not replace an existing weapon. Since the idea is to swap stuff out rather than outright add stuff in, my bet is on it doing this.
So for example, the Staff could replace something like the longbow.
There’s a huge difference between being capable of doing that, and that being the entire intended goal of the system.
I’ve wanted a giant chainsaw kit since the first holloween event.
I’d also like a rocket launcher and/or minigun kit.
A “turret” skill that places a large shield with massive health you can hide behind to block projectiles. The activation skill could give it reflect.
Basically as a whole, I’d like a lot of big, heavy military-esque machinery.
you can switch specializations out of combat, so basically limiting your gameplay is not possible. what they do is they give you an additional alternative to react on special circumstances. a specialization will not be a subclass, its an addition to play your existing class.
I’m pretty sure you came up with that conclusion completely on your own. You shouldn’t state it as a fact.
That actually runs counter to other things they’ve said.
It’s been said outright that the specializations are their answer to the dual-classes from GW1. They simply took the same basic goal in a less open route so it would be easier to balance.Swapping specialisations out of combat was confirmed in multiple interviews with developers since the announcement.
“Becoming a Druid won’t be a permanent decision, as players will be able to change to and from their specializations any time they are outside of combat, similar to how players can currently change skills and traits.” http://www.zam.com/story.html?story=35650&storypage=2
That’s the newest one I found but it was also stated in other news articles.
to switch it anytime out of combat is not a conclusion its a official statement in an interview.
That’s not the part I was talking about.
He explicitly claimed they were not meant to be a subclass to add extra customization, but rather a niche tool you swap into under specific circumstances.
Like a Thief taking Smoke Screen against a heavily ranged boss.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
Exactly. Ritualists were already a thing for hundreds of years in the game.
They created an unnecessary problem by claiming the class was something wholly new to the world.
I think they’ve basically said “to hell” with trying to maintain any kind of timeline continuity in the personal story.
It already presents all kinds of problems with the living story.
Although… this presents a problem with both the personal story and the living story so far…
They’re seriously making a mess of the continuity.
to switch it anytime out of combat is not a conclusion its a official statement in an interview.
That’s not the part I was talking about.
you can switch specializations out of combat, so basically limiting your gameplay is not possible. what they do is they give you an additional alternative to react on special circumstances. a specialization will not be a subclass, its an addition to play your existing class.
I’m pretty sure you came up with that conclusion completely on your own. You shouldn’t state it as a fact.
That actually runs counter to other things they’ve said.
It’s been said outright that the specializations are their answer to the dual-classes from GW1. They simply took the same basic goal in a less open route so it would be easier to balance.
I think it was said that the specializations get new profession mechanics (IE: Toolbelt is replaced).
With the different colored lights on those drone things, I definitely think they’re the new mechanic. Really curious what they do. Maybe you activate it to make it chase someone down and explode, and it just comes back later when the recharge is up. Each drone applying a different effect to targets.
Also, I can’t believe they were actually able to make the engie hammer attacks place a rocket on the back when attacking. That is amazing as hell.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
The masteries will be only in the new maps if I read it right, or maybe some of the masteries will be restricted there, but yeah, it is still more horizontal progression.
Literally the only mastery I’ve read is supposed to be restricted to the new zone is Gliding, and that’s only because it would allow you to break the game by reaching places you were never meant to in the original zones.
Masteries as a whole are game-wide. They’ve likened them to the PvE form of the WvW abilities we have now.
Wow, what’s the point in these specializations if there’s only one per profession?
It definitely sounds like it’s one per class to begin with and they’ll use that format to give players new skills and utilities via the specialisation system instead of randomly throwing new skills in. So in time they’ll add new specialisations so players get more skills and traits.
Via that article linked : “Each of the professions will be getting one of these Specializations and this also is a framework that we’ll use to grow the professions in the future. This will be the way we add more skills, traits, and abilities to the game moving forward. That’s how we’re growing our existing professions.”
The classes have far too few skills as-is for them to start making future skills mutually exclusive AND further tied to weapon choice.
And many of them are already heavily tied to traits. They’re making a hell of a mess.
I’d like to know how much customization the new guild halls will have, and what kind of functions they can serve.
I hope they’ll be at least as strong as they were in GW1 in those regards, but I’m not expecting much.
Considering how the “home instance” has turned out, in spite of their continuing support of it with nodes and what not.
No, that very clearly just means that the hammer is not a kit. I don’t think most people even though that in the first place.
I put a lot of thought into it, and I think I’ve thought of a solid solution.
The main problems are that it lacks defense, sustainability and utility.
The reasons for this being that it depends too much on Unload as the sole source of offense, and Unload is too much of a resource hog for this role.
If they buff non-Unload abilities enough to be viable alternatives, it makes D/P and/or P/D overpowered.
If they buff Unload enough to make the set viable single-handedly, it exacerbates the existing problem and makes it a ridiculous one-trick pony spam-fest.So here’s my idea.
First increase the cast time on Unload, then add a secondary activation to it (a la Shadow Return and such). The increased duration of Unload is important for several reasons.
It will weaken it enough to help balance the addition of the secondary activation.
Draw out activations of Unload, both to reduce down-time spent on condition-based auto-attacks, and reduce the reliance on Initiative traits without making them overpowered.
And finally, to prevent it from allowing too much burst potential with the secondary, and make it that much easier to trigger the secondary (since it would be available while Unload is active).The secondary could be called something like Reload. It stops the Unload mid-cast, triggers a small evade window during the early portion of the cast, and restores a couple Initiative.
The cast time of Reload would be sizable, and only give back the Initiative when it completes. Something like a 1 second cast with a 1/2 second evade at the start.
This would give a bit of much needed defense (particularly while using Unload, which currently jams up defense and utility further by locking out other abilities), and gives back some Initiative to help with stringing in non-Unload attacks more frequently.
It would also make Unload spamming for offense significantly less boring and more involved.However that’d require quite an amount of coding involved.
IMO adding endurance when shots hit your target would be an acceptable lazy way of boosting p/p’s survivability.That’s basically one free evade if you hit all 8 shots.
Not any harder than when they introduced the secondary activation for Flanking Strike.
I put a lot of thought into it, and I think I’ve thought of a solid solution.
The main problems are that it lacks defense, sustainability and utility.
The reasons for this being that it depends too much on Unload as the sole source of offense, and Unload is too much of a resource hog for this role.
If they buff non-Unload abilities enough to be viable alternatives, it makes D/P and/or P/D overpowered.
If they buff Unload enough to make the set viable single-handedly, it exacerbates the existing problem and makes it a ridiculous one-trick pony spam-fest.
So here’s my idea.
First increase the cast time on Unload, then add a secondary activation to it (a la Shadow Return and such). The increased duration of Unload is important for several reasons.
It will weaken it enough to help balance the addition of the secondary activation.
Draw out activations of Unload, both to reduce down-time spent on condition-based auto-attacks, and reduce the reliance on Initiative traits without making them overpowered.
And finally, to prevent it from allowing too much burst potential with the secondary, and make it that much easier to trigger the secondary (since it would be available while Unload is active).
The secondary could be called something like Reload. It stops the Unload mid-cast, triggers a small evade window during the early portion of the cast, and restores a couple Initiative.
The cast time of Reload would be sizable, and only give back the Initiative when it completes. Something like a 1 second cast with a 1/2 second evade at the start.
This would give a bit of much needed defense (particularly while using Unload, which currently jams up defense and utility further by locking out other abilities), and gives back some Initiative to help with stringing in non-Unload attacks more frequently.
It would also make Unload spamming for offense significantly less boring and more involved.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
Hey all,
The dev team has been tracking the concern about the Engineer backpacks for quite a while. They understand our players’ point of view, and this is something that a few different team members have discussed for a possible remedy. They’ve batted around a few ideas about how to fix this problem, including some of those mentioned in this thread. (Thanks for all the suggestions – they’re very helpful!)
For example, one designer thought that with new art, we might be able to display the kits on the weapon holsters on the right or left hip, so players could tell what kits are in use while allowing the Engineer to display a sweet back-piece, too. Another suggested that perhaps Gem Store items could simply override the kits, so if you owned a Quaggan Backpack, your character displayed a Quaggan Backpack. (Please note: This doesn’t mean to say that either of these ideas will be the one that is settled upon. I just offered examples so you could see that thoughts and possible solutions definitely have been discussed.)
Ultimately, enabling any correction will involve members of several different teams (design, art, programming) and those teams members currently are engaged in other prioritized projects. But as you can see, the team wants to address this situation in the future and we’re grateful for your patience while the team selects the implements the right fix for the issue.
I love the idea of having an item holstered on the hip. My favorite idea so far.
Unfortunate though that after over two years they still have no timeline on when they can even START working on it.
That basically means at this point that they WANT to work on it, but probably never will.
3 seconds of protection on reveal is incredibly OP, especially if there’s no ICD.
Being revealed by getting knocked out of Refuge is fine. There are fairly established play and counterplay mechanics to Shadow Refuge.
I think the better solution would be to give opponents the ability to see stealth targets instead of revealing the targets themselves.
This is what I always mention when posting on revealed threads, it would solve the problem when reveal is just an iWin button for the opponent while actually allowing them to see a thief. Even with longer durations, those skills would be fine.
I really like that idea; change Revealed to still allow stealthing, but instead cause you to remain visible while stealthed.
I’ve taken to simply not using kits anymore.
I’m personally using a Gadgets build right now. Besides, I’d have a hard time living without Throw Mine and Rocket Boots.
Way too much fun.
Kitten Kits.
You’ll play your Wiley Coyote, and you’ll like it!
Still not interested?
Use offer code FUGLY when you call to receive the ability to transform YOURSELF into a giant hobosack, and be worn around the ruins of Lion’s Arch by an actual hobo!
“Live” as a god, knowing that you will outlast the universe itself!
I think they set it too far apart from land combat. Engineer kits are a perfect example of how it should have been handled for everyone; use all the same weapons and skills whether on land or water, but simply tweak the skills where necessary (like how grenades become enemy-targeted rather than ground-targeted).
Day 693
I woke today to see that this ridiculous pack was still inexplicably affixed to my back…
I fear by now that it will never leave me. Sometimes when I rest I think I can feel it, gripping my spine and burrowing deep inside my skull.
Laughing… laughing inside my head.
Dear God, madness take me and free me from the torment of thought and knowing. Knowing that this THING is HERE. It wants something from me, but I know not what.
Is it my soul? Is this THING trying to STEAL my SOUL?!
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
They already had an extremely similar system in GW1 called Polymock. Don’t know why they seem to have no interest in adding something like that in GW2.
Aside from a few basic issues, Polymock was awesome.
1) You used Polymock pieces instead of minis. It was a lost opportunity to not integrate them and add more value to minis, and the selection of Polymock pieces was very small and limiting as well.
2) Crappy rewards. There was no real incentive to do it except just for the hell of it. And with such limited pieces (plus the ability to only play against NPCs), you quickly saw everything there was to really see in it and got bored.
3) You could only play it in specific places, and only against NPCs. It was tedious to go out of your way to find a place, and doing that sort of game against NPCs was pretty dull. You couldn’t show off your pieces, you couldn’t see other people’s pieces, and NPCs are idiots; there was not even at the very least any great challenge or sense of accomplishment.
I tried in the warrior forum and got a fairly detailed post but the writer made it seem extremely subpar, I would love to make an archer that isnt reliant on a pet(*so not a ranger) are there any builds that focus on the shortbow for wvw that function well in a group environment?
You’d be best off just trying to build the Ranger to be less reliant on the pet. You can even get ones which don’t attract much attention, like a Raven or Hawk.
haha all this discussion on whether dodge jumping has its own animation or not.
By jumping the character elevates on the Y-axis, while the characters 3D model enters a specific animation, combining it with dodge just makes the dodge animation override the jumping animation not creating a new animation.
Macroing dodge and jump on the same button is not permitted, this covers everything.
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/account/Policy-3rd-Party-Programs-Multi-Boxing-Macros/firstWouldn’t it be the Z axis, being height/depth, in 3D?
Some engines use Z as up, some use Y as up. Y is actually more common.
It depends on whether you perceive the screen to be the axis surface, or the ground.
If it’s the screen, then Y would be up. If the ground, then Z would be up.
I think Y is more common in games because of a holdover from the original 2D ones, where it was easier to perceive the game in the same manner that you would a flat drawing, and Z essentially did not even exist.
Z-up only makes sense in 3D games which heavily utilize every axis, like Guild Wars 2.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
So, after QQ-ing about a cnd thief for the longest time, I decided to roll one.
I, of course went cnd to be as annoying as possible ,and holy crap it is so fun!
I love basically not trying at all, and all I have to really do is get behind the person….which is extremely easy (especially with noobs), because once you go stealth they run around, and you just get behind them and backstab, and back you go to being invisible. rinse and repeat.
I love it, I can’t believe I didn’t roll a thief when I first got the game.
The only thing that sucks is that in PvE, I have to use either my ranger, or warrior, or elementalist, or mesmer, or necro, or my engineer. But for annoying people by roaming in WvW, this is the best thing ever.
I cant believe I didn’t roll this earlier for all these easy badges! I sometimes ask myself if I’m cheating, but then I realize that I’m not because, honestly how can I be? This is allowed!!!
Yay stealth and yay backstab!!!
Yeah, man. And this one time I was in WvW and tried doing the Konami Code, turned into Santa Clause and started sicking immortal reindeer on everybody. I killed the whole map, won the game, and got a trip to the Arenanet office as a reward where they paid me $1000,000.
Where else did I see it? Every single time I try it and get the timing slightly wrong.
It looks exactly like the regular dodge.Jump-dodge looks nothing like a regular dodge and everyone can see that with their own eyes. I seriously hope we don’t have to upload video’s for this
Already done, man;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npXqSGeDlY0The animation is exactly the same.
I am sorry, but to my eyes even the Asura animations are different.
I have human and norn characters, the dodge is basically a roll at ground level for them, with the the dodge-jump they reach character height.If you’re talking about how they rise off the ground, that isn’t an animation. They’re just doing the regular dodge roll while lifting into the air from the jump.
With a separate animation. Everything has predefined animations, the game doesn’t magically combine two animations into one.
You clearly said that they had taken the effort to create a unique animation for it, which was your argument for why it was all intentional. But that isn’t the case.
Oh, did you reverse-engineer the code of client and server to determine that that isn’t the case? Dodge-jump over a fence and see how you don’t get rubber-banded. If this was an animation glitch, the server would happily put you back against the fence as if you were lagging. It is intentional.
Developers had no idea about possibility to combine jump and dodge until players started doing it. It wasn’t intended, same as fiery exploit sword 3 and 4 in corners. They messed up there and trying to fix the outburst by supporting it as intended game mechanic. So saying “its encouraged by developers” is a bit funny.
It’s listed as a ‘pro-tip’ in an official Guildwars2.com publication, how is that not ‘encouraged by developers’?
Well, not only do I have eyeballs, but I also work on games, so I think I have a better idea of how they function in general.
The animation does not lift them off the ground. Two animations are not being combined. It is not a unique animation just because it has vertical movement.
Like I said, the character jumps, starts moving vertically, then the jump animation is REPLACED by the dodge animation while you are still in the air.
Would you call it a unique animation if pressing jump part-way through a dodge launched you in the air while still rolling? They’d have to create a “unique animation” for every single frame of the dodge that you could press jump during.
Where else did I see it? Every single time I try it and get the timing slightly wrong.
It looks exactly like the regular dodge.Jump-dodge looks nothing like a regular dodge and everyone can see that with their own eyes. I seriously hope we don’t have to upload video’s for this
Already done, man;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npXqSGeDlY0The animation is exactly the same.
I am sorry, but to my eyes even the Asura animations are different.
I have human and norn characters, the dodge is basically a roll at ground level for them, with the the dodge-jump they reach character height.
If you’re talking about how they rise off the ground, that isn’t an animation. They’re just doing the regular dodge roll while lifting into the air from the jump.
You clearly said that they had taken the effort to create a unique animation for it, which was your argument for why it was all intentional. But that isn’t the case.
It’s replacing the normal jump animation with that of the dodge, while maintaining the vertical movement from having jumped.
its a single condition skill in a power weapon set, sure it’d be great if it was the p/d dual skill, but not as the d/d skill.
It’s not a power-only set, nor should it be. It’s designed to be a flexible set like many other weapons across all professions. You people and your inability to not think in false dichotomies really amuse me.
And your ability to ignore facts or logic and spin everything in your favor really annoys me.
Yeah, I get annoyed when someone proves me wrong, too. It’s okay.
You realize that statement is EXACTLY the kinda crap I was just talking about in that quote?
You can’t argue by ignoring reality and pretending everything works how you want it to.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
Where else did I see it? Every single time I try it and get the timing slightly wrong.
It looks exactly like the regular dodge.Jump-dodge looks nothing like a regular dodge and everyone can see that with their own eyes. I seriously hope we don’t have to upload video’s for this
Already done, man;
The animation is exactly the same.
its a single condition skill in a power weapon set, sure it’d be great if it was the p/d dual skill, but not as the d/d skill.
It’s not a power-only set, nor should it be. It’s designed to be a flexible set like many other weapons across all professions. You people and your inability to not think in false dichotomies really amuse me.
And your ability to ignore facts or logic and spin everything in your favor really annoys me.
Where else did I see it? Every single time I try it and get the timing slightly wrong.
It looks exactly like the regular dodge.
It’s definitely not a unique animation. It doesn’t seem to serve a real purpose either, unless you travel slightly further than a normal jump.
Evidence: Anet should have reworked it to fit the players preferences and added another source of bleed in another set of weapon (Why not in Pistol/Pistol ? the set actually have a poor #3)
I think this is the source of the problem. the players may have one idea of what things should be but if it doesn’t line up with a-nets intentions then the players are wrong. Not the skill. Otherwise, they’d also have to give into player desire to play a hard trinity.
The skill is only wrong if it doesn’t line up with a-nets intentions. Since their intentions are clearly not to make the daggers a pure power set then it is working as intended.
The Ranger’s greatsword was clearly intended by ANet to be a condition set, because the #2 applied Bleeding.
…Oh wait.
Your response doesn’t actually address what I typed. So……… yeah.
Your response implies that I said there can never be a hybrid build with any class ever.
No, my response implies that Ranger Greatsword was originally in exactly the same place D/D is with a single attack stacking Bleeds, and a while back they fixed it to apply Vulnerability instead.
Therefore, one stupid attack applying Bleeding does not mean they intended for the set to leverage Condition Damage or be any sort of hybrid; it means they’re just idiots.
Evidence: Anet should have reworked it to fit the players preferences and added another source of bleed in another set of weapon (Why not in Pistol/Pistol ? the set actually have a poor #3)
I think this is the source of the problem. the players may have one idea of what things should be but if it doesn’t line up with a-nets intentions then the players are wrong. Not the skill. Otherwise, they’d also have to give into player desire to play a hard trinity.
The skill is only wrong if it doesn’t line up with a-nets intentions. Since their intentions are clearly not to make the daggers a pure power set then it is working as intended.
The Ranger’s greatsword was clearly intended by ANet to be a condition set, because the #2 applied Bleeding.
…Oh wait.
In order to make it a proper hybrid, one main thing they’d have to do is remove the need for a single offensive stat without overpowering it, because no one can reasonably stack them all.
One solution would be to add auto-crits to certain attacks to devalue Precision.
Another solution would be to have certain attacks apply more conditions on a crit so Condition Damage out-paces Ferocity.
One perfect addition would be to replace the Vulnerability on Cloak and Dagger with Torment, since Cloak and Dagger is only used on D/D and P/D, another condition set.
Altering Heartseeker or Backstab is more complicated, since they’re also used on D/P which is pure direct damage.
Heartseeker might be fine as is, since it’s used for spiking down a weakened enemy or closing a gap.
Backstab is actually fairly weak, and was made so in order to accommodate the bull-kitten ridiculous damage-stacking builds that rely on taking someone down before they can react. As such, it would be perfect to tack condition damage onto, since that would not facilitate spikes and it could use more power for balanced builds.
It could be made to apply several stacks of Bleed when it critically hits.
On the other hand, an infinitely simpler solution would be to just make it pure direct damage and replace the bleeds on Death Blossom with something useful.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
“Log in”
If you read instead of overreacting…
No, you both can’t understand context and took a single word too literally, at the expense of the entire paragraph.
I know all you have to do is log in. The point is, if you miss the event you can’t go back to it. So why have the journal?
If you’ve logged in then you’ve very likely played it anyway. The typical Living Story update can be seen in its entirety after 1-2 hours. After that you’re just grinding out enemies or mini games for rewards.So many people have been saying, “I wanted to play such and such update of season 1 but I was too busy to play for more than like 5 minutes in the last two weeks”. This is for them and it’s a very welcome addition. I am going on vacation on the 28th until the 16th of next month. I will have to pay gems and am 100% absolutely stoked that I will get to play this as opposed to Season One where I would have missed out entirely. That is who the Journal is for.
And what if you can’t log in AT ALL? What if you go on vacation, travel for work/friends/family, take a break from the game, are a new player completely, too busy with other things in general?
Why arbitrarily bar someone from it in that situation?
“Log in”
If you read instead of overreacting…
No, you both can’t understand context and took a single word too literally, at the expense of the entire paragraph.
I know all you have to do is log in. I’m not brain damaged, I wrote that fact down myself. Twice.
The point is, if you miss the event you can’t go back to it. So why have the journal?
If you’ve logged in then you’ve very likely played it anyway. The typical Living Story update can be seen in its entirety after 1-2 hours. After that you’re just grinding out enemies or mini games for rewards.
“Log in on July 1 to experience the start of Living World Season 2 and unlock the story content permanently in your Journal!”
So does this mean that we have to actually play the living story updates to be able to play them AGAIN later on with the journal?
That is insanely stupid. I thought the purpose of the journal was to allow people to see updates they previously missed. Why would you spend so much resources just to let people go back and see something they’ve ALREADY SEEN?
The predator is too tiny and narrow to be an awesome Engineer rifle. I’d love to see something big and bad-kitten, more like the Guild Sharp Shooter.
It only takes ONE utility slot to “make up” for not having a second weapon with skills.
But you CAN’T make up for the lack of sigils (at least not “in kind”)
You… You realize you can just take non-swap sigils, right?
Okay, first of all, stealth has plenty of counters. Particularly with basically any AoE attack in the game. Even your auto-attack works relatively well if you know what you’re doing.
Second, Thieves do not have absurd CC, in fact they barely have any; just a couple 45 second recharge venoms, one of which is a garbage elite skill.
If there’s one good thing about the state of Thieves in this game, it’s this; it proves the hypothesis that MOST people complaining about OP classes in games (at least this one) are just bad players.
(edited by Grimwolf.7163)
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